Displaying publications 1 - 20 of 180 in total

  1. Ting HY, Ting IPL, Lo SC, Loh TP
    Pathology, 2022 Dec;54(7):959-962.
    PMID: 35527046 DOI: 10.1016/j.pathol.2022.01.012
    Matched MeSH terms: Immunoglobulin M
  2. Tan DSK
    Med J Malaysia, 1983 Mar;38(1):15-8.
    PMID: 6633327
    The IgM-globulin levels were determined for 5,167 cord-sera of apparently normal infants and 281 sera of defective infants aged 4 months and younger. The significant level for IgM-globulin in neonates was found to be 20 mgm/dl (2 SD above mean of the normal) above which the level was regarded as abnormally raised. Significant levels of IgM-globulin were found in 0.2% (11/5, 167) ofnormal neonates and in 40.6% (114/281) of defective infants which is more than 200 times the normal value. Combining the normal and abnormal rates, an overall figure of 23 intrauterine infections per 1,000 live births were obtained for Malaysia. The advantages and disadvantages of the use of serum IgM-globulin elevations for the diagnosis of intrauterine infections were discussed.
    Matched MeSH terms: Immunoglobulin M/analysis*
  3. Yusof AB, Selvanesan S, Norizah I, Zuridah H, Kumarasamy V, Mariam M, et al.
    Med J Malaysia, 2006 Aug;61(3):296-301.
    PMID: 17240579 MyJurnal
    An outbreak of rubella occurred amongst 303 newly recruited residential Form IV students in a military vocational training school in Malaysia. Of the 303 Form IV students, 77 gave a history of acute illness. Rubella specific IgM was detected in the sera of 46.5% (141/303) whereas rubella specific IgG was detected in 100% of all Form IV students. Sixty five students with no clinical history of acute illness during the outbreak period had detectable rubella IgM in their sera and rubella specific IgM was detected in the sera of all symptomatic students except one. Maculopapular rash was the commonest presenting clinical feature among students with acute rubella infection in this outbreak (97.4%) followed by fever (88.2%). The duration of rash ranged from one to nine days with a mean of 4.6 days. Of the 65 students that had both fever and rash, 56 (85.2%) students had maculopapular skin eruption on the same day as the date of onset of fever, six (9.2%) developed the rash a day after the onset of fever and three (4.6%) had the rash after two days of fever. The duration of fever ranged from one to eight days with a mean of 3.5 days. The duration of conjunctivitis ranged from one to four days with a mean of 2.3 days, and all those who developed conjunctivitis had mild eye-discharge without photophobia. The duration of arthralgia ranged from one to three days with a mean of 2.1 days. The commonest type of joints affected was knee joints (66.7%, 12/18), followed by elbow and shoulder joints (27.8%, 5/18) and wrist joints (5.6%, 1/18). A good clinical history of the temporal relationship between the occurrence of rash and fever during the outbreak could easily differentiate rubella illness from that of measles.
    Matched MeSH terms: Immunoglobulin M/blood
  4. Yadav M, Shah FH
    Lancet, 1973 Aug 25;2(7826):450-1.
    PMID: 4124938
    Matched MeSH terms: Immunoglobulin M/analysis
  5. Yadav M, Shah FH
    Med J Malaysia, 1979 Mar;33(3):247-51.
    PMID: 522730
    Matched MeSH terms: Immunoglobulin M/analysis*
  6. Yadav M, Shah FH
    Trop Geogr Med, 1977 Sep;29(3):245-50.
    PMID: 595130
    Serum levels were determined in urban Chinese, Malays and Indians and in the forest-residing Orang Asli of age group 11 to 50. There was no difference in the IgM levels in the Chinese, Indians and Malays, but the serum IgG was elevated (p less than 0.05) in the Malays and the serum IgA level (p less than 0.01) in the Indians, when compared to the other two races. In contrast to the three other races there was a significant elevation of all three immunoglobulins in the Orang Asli. The mean immunoglobulin levels of the urban Malaysians are comparable to those reported for Caucasians residing in temperate countries. However, in the Orang Asli, the immunoglobulin levels were higher than observed for populations of the temperate regions but are comparable to the levels reported for several other populations of the tropical regions. Females had higher IgM levels than males in the Chinese, Indian and Malays but in the Orang Asli there was no sex difference in the immunoglobulin levels.
    Matched MeSH terms: Immunoglobulin A*; Immunoglobulin G*; Immunoglobulin M*
  7. Mohamed S, May Amelia TS, Abdullah Amirul AA, Abdul Wahid ME, Bhubalan K
    Biologicals, 2021 Jun;71:51-54.
    PMID: 33858743 DOI: 10.1016/j.biologicals.2021.03.002
    A natural biodegradable polymer, polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA), was adjuvanted with a vaccine seed to observe the biomaterial's ability in enhancing an immune response in rats. The adjuvant potential of PHA was tested using the whole-killed Pasteurella multocida B:2 (PMB2) vaccine in Sprague Dawley (SD) rats to detect changes in serum immunoglobulin G (IgG) and immunoglobulin M (IgM) responses. A common PHA, poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) [P(3HB)], from Bacillus megaterium UMTKB-1 was constructed into microparticles using the solvent evaporation method. Twelve SD rats were divided into four treatment groups: 1) non-treatment as negative control, 2) P(3HB) adjuvant, 3) PMB2 vaccine, and 4) adjuvanted-P(3HB)/PMB2 vaccine groups, which were intramuscularly vaccinated twice. Immunoglobulins IgG and IgM levels were used as markers of the immune response induced by the adjuvanted-P(3HB)/PMB2 vaccine and analysed over an eight-week study period. The group vaccinated specifically with adjuvanted-P(3HB)/PMB2 vaccine had higher concentrations of immunoglobulins compared to other treatment groups, hence demonstrating the potential of the adjuvant to enhance immune response. Findings showed a need to delay the delivery of the second booster dose to determine the appropriate regime for the adjuvanted-P(3HB)/PMB2 vaccine.
    Matched MeSH terms: Immunoglobulin M/blood
  8. Ismail NA, Kampan N, Mahdy ZA, Jamil MA, Razi ZR
    PMID: 17121293
    This was a retrospective study of patients with dengue infection in pregnancy from year 2000 till 2004. Data were analyzed by looking at the presentation, complications of patient and fetus, and pregnancy outcomes. There was a total of 16 cases with an increasing trend (0.12% in 2003 vs 0.25% in 2004). The mean age of patients was 30.19+/-6.85 years. Fifty percent of patients were multiparae and in their third trimester. The average gestation was 24.44 weeks with 7.5 days being the average duration of ward admission. Tourniquet test was positive in 62.5% of patients. Dengue serology IgM was positive in 50% whereas dengue serology IgG were positive in 68.8% of patients. There were three cases of maternal death. One patient presented as missed abortion. Preterm deliveries happened in 50.0% of the women. There were 4 premature babies, one in-utero fetal death, and two fetuses which suffered acute fetal distress. Three babies required intensive care. One unrelated fetal anomaly resulted in early neonatal death.
    Matched MeSH terms: Immunoglobulin M/blood
  9. Sivapatham G, Gong NC, Pang T
    Twenty-one patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) were investigated for various immunological parameters, both humoral and cellular. IgG concentration was 1673+/-266 mg/dl, IgM 259+/-108 mg/dl and IgA 302 +/-7 mg/dl. Enumeration of T lymphocytes in peripheral blood revealed a value of 66% with a B cell count of 10%. Additionally, IgG levels, in 5 selected patients, appeared to fall to normal levels in the course of treatament with D-penicillamine. The significance of these findings are discussed.
    Matched MeSH terms: Immunoglobulin M
  10. Poddar, S., Hati, A.K., Pal, D., Bhattacharya, N., Mukim, Y.
    JUMMEC, 2018;21(2):10-14.
    Purpose: The object of this study was to identify patients with diagnosed dengue infection, who were positive
    for both dengue-specific NS1 antigen and IgM antibody.
    Method: From January 2013 to December 2016, in Central Kolkata in West Bengal in India, patients with
    symptoms of dengue infection, were sent to the laboratory by the physicians for confirmatory diagnosis of
    dengue infection. A total of 4762 patients were seen, and serum samples tested and distributed into seven
    panels, according to the investigations requested. 1436 patients were tested positive.
    Results: 1053 cases were tested for both NS1 and Ig M antibody, 835 for dengue-specific NS1 antigen, IgM and
    IgG antibodies and 218 for NS1 dengue-specific antigen and IgM antibody. Of these, dengue was confirmed in
    34.3 %, with 16.6% positive for both NS1 antigen and IgM antibody. Eleven were diagnosed, with late dengue
    infection, thirty-nine with late primary infections and ten with late secondary dengue infection.
    Conclusions: Many of the patients were reactive for both NS1 antigen and IgM antibody, and they required
    proper attention and strict vigilance with effective monitoring and treatment, not of early dengue infection,
    but of late dengue infection. Unless the serological tests for Ig M and IgG antibodies, and the dengue specific
    viral antigen NS1 are performed simultaneously, these types of cases would not all be detected.
    Matched MeSH terms: Immunoglobulin M
  11. Senin A, Noordin NM, Sani JAM, Mahat D, Donadel M, Scobie HM, et al.
    PLoS One, 2024;19(3):e0298730.
    PMID: 38483868 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0298730
    INTRODUCTION: A lateral flow rapid diagnostic test (RDT) enables detection of measles specific immunoglobulin M (IgM) antibody in serum, capillary blood, and oral fluid with accuracy consistent with enzyme immunoassay (EIA). The objectives of the study were: 1) to assess measles RDT inter-reader agreement between two clinic staff; 2) to assess the sensitivity and specificity of the measles RDT relative to standard surveillance testing in a low transmission setting; 3) to evaluate the knowledge, attitudes, and practices of staff in clinics using the RDT; and 4) to assess the impact of RDT testing on the measles public health response in Malaysia.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: The clinic-based prospective evaluation included all suspected measles cases captured by routine measles surveillance at 34 purposely selected clinics in 15 health districts in Malaysia between September 2019 and June 2020, following day-long regional trainings on RDT use. Following informed consent, four specimens were collected from each suspected case, including those routinely collected for standard surveillance [serum for EIA and throat swabs for quantitative reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR)] together with capillary blood and oral fluid tested with RDTs during the study. RDT impact was evaluated by comparing the rapidity of measles public health response between the pre-RDT implementation (December 2018 to August 2019) and RDT implementation periods (September 2019 to June 2020). To assess knowledge, attitudes, and practices of RDT use, staff involved in the public health management of measles at the selected sites were surveyed.

    RESULTS: Among the 436 suspect cases, agreement of direct visual readings of measles RDT devices between two health clinic staff was 99% for capillary blood (k = 0.94) and 97% for oral fluid (k = 0.90) specimens. Of the total, 45 (10%) were positive by measles IgM EIA (n = 44, including five also positive by RT-qPCR) or RT-qPCR only (n = 1), and 38 were positive by RDT (using either capillary blood or oral fluid). Using measles IgM EIA or RT-qPCR as reference, RDT sensitivity using capillary blood was 43% (95% CI: 30%-58%) and specificity was 98% (95% CI: 96%-99%); using oral fluid, sensitivity (26%, 95% CI: 15%-40%) and specificity (97%, 95% CI: 94%-98%) were lower. Nine months after training, RDT knowledge was high among staff involved with the public health management of measles (average quiz score of 80%) and was highest among those who received formal training (88%), followed by those trained during supervisory visits (83%). During the RDT implementation period, the number of days from case confirmation until initiation of public response decreased by about 5 days.

    CONCLUSION: The measles IgM RDT shows >95% inter-reader agreement, high retention of RDT knowledge, and a more rapid public health response. However, despite ≥95% RDT specificity using capillary blood or oral fluid, RDT sensitivity was <45%. Higher-powered studies using highly specific IgM assays and systematic RT-qPCR for case confirmation are needed to establish the role of RDT in measles elimination settings.

    Matched MeSH terms: Immunoglobulin M
  12. Loong SK, Abd-Majid MA, Teoh BT, Cheh MJ, Khor CS, Chao CC, et al.
    Am J Trop Med Hyg, 2022 Aug 17;107(2):397-400.
    PMID: 35895409 DOI: 10.4269/ajtmh.20-0656
    In recent years, the number of leptospirosis cases, including the number of deaths, has exponentially increased in Malaysia. From June 2016 to February 2018, blood samples of 321 febrile patients with the presumptive diagnosis of dengue-like illness were examined for possible exposure to Leptospira. Two hundred fifty-five blood samples were tested as negative for dengue. Seminested polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and IgM ELISA for leptospirosis were performed. From the samples, an overall prevalence for leptospirosis based on PCR of 4.7% (12/255) was obtained. Eighteen percent (46/255) were positive for anti-Leptospira IgM antibodies. The genome sequences of six of 12 Leptospira PCR-positive samples showed > 97.0% similarity to Leptospira interrogans. One patient's sample consisted of Leptospira and chikungunya virus, suggesting a coinfection. Findings from the study suggest that leptospirosis is prevalent among dengue-negative febrile patients in Malaysia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Immunoglobulin M
  13. Roberts-Thomson PJ, Shepherd K, Bradley J, Boey ML
    Rheumatol Int, 1990;10(3):95-8.
    PMID: 2392640
    Low molecular weight IgM (LMW IgM) is the monomeric subunit of the naturally occurring pentameric IgM. It is not seen in health but has been previously observed in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) particularly in those patients with active disease and may reflect an adverse prognostic finding. We have therefore studied the presence of LMW IgM in 33 Chinese or Malay SLE patients (Singapore) and 21 Caucasian patients (Adelaide). LMW IgM was measured using filtration chromatography or by a sensitive immunoblotting technique. LMW IgM was observed in all patients in the Adelaide group and in 32 patients in the Singapore group with slightly greater quantities being seen in the Adelaide group. LMW IgM constituted up to 15.3% of the total IgM and was frequently associated with the presence of other low molecular weight IgM oligomers. In both groups LMW IgM correlated significantly with the total IgM levels (P less than 0.01). In a more detailed study in the Singapore group LMW IgM also correlated significantly with the IgM anticardiolipin levels (P = 0.02) but not with IgG anticardiolipin or with IgG or IgM anti-DNA levels or with rheumatoid factor. Patients with more extensive organ involvement had higher levels of LMW IgM but not at a significant level. We conclude that circulating LMW IgM occurs almost universally in SLE, is closely related to the total IgM levels and appears independent of ethnic background. The significance of LMW IgM in this disorder is unclear.
    Matched MeSH terms: Immunoglobulin M/analysis; Immunoglobulin M/genetics; Immunoglobulin M/immunology*; Immunoglobulin M/physiology
  14. Kerishnan JP, Gopinath SC, Kai SB, Tang TH, Ng HL, Rahman ZA, et al.
    Int J Med Sci, 2016;13(6):424-31.
    PMID: 27279791 DOI: 10.7150/ijms.14475
    The association between human papillomavirus type 16 (HPV16) and oral cancer has been widely reported. However, detecting anti-HPV antibodies in patient sera to determine risk for oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) has not been well studied. In the present investigation, a total of 206 OSCC serum samples from the Malaysian Oral Cancer Database & Tissue Bank System, with 134 control serum samples, were analyzed by enzyme-linked immunosorbant assay (ELISA) to detect HPV16-specific IgG and IgM antibodies. In addition, nested PCR analysis using comprehensive consensus primers (PGMY09/11 and GP5(+)/6(+)) was used to confirm the presence of HPV. Furthermore, we have evaluated the association of various additional causal factors (e.g., smoking, alcohol consumption, and betel quid chewing) in HPV-infected OSCC patients. Statistical analysis of the Malaysian population indicated that OSCC was more prevalent in female Indian patients that practices betel quid chewing. ELISA revealed that HPV16 IgG, which demonstrates past exposure, could be detected in 197 (95.6%) OSCC patients and HPV16-specific IgM was found in a total of 42 (20.4%) OSCC patients, indicating current exposure. Taken together, our study suggest that HPV infection may play a significant role in OSCC (OR: 13.6; 95% CI: 3.89-47.51) and HPV16-specific IgG and IgM antibodies could represent a significant indicator of risk factors in OSCC patients.
    Matched MeSH terms: Immunoglobulin M/blood*; Immunoglobulin M/immunology
  15. Jama'ayah MZ, Heu JY, Norazah A
    Malays J Pathol, 2011 Jun;33(1):31-4.
    PMID: 21874749 MyJurnal
    Brucellosis is a zoonotic disease which can be transmitted by direct or indirect contact with infected animal or their products. It is an important public health problem but little is known on brucellosis in the Malaysian population. The aim of this study was to determine the presence of Brucella antibodies using commercial Brucella IgG and IgM ELISA kits (Vircell, SL, Barcelona Spain). A total of 184 sera from suspected patients were received from 16 hospitals in Malaysia over the years 2004 to 2009. Only 10 serum samples (5.4%) were positive for Brucella antibodies in which 5 showed the presence of both IgM and IgG. Most of the positive patients were occupationally involved with animals. This study suggests the seroprevalance of brucellosis among individuals who have contact with infected animals in Malaysia is low.
    Matched MeSH terms: Immunoglobulin M/analysis; Immunoglobulin M/blood
  16. Kit Lam S, Lan Ew C, Mitchell JL, Cuzzubbo AJ, Devine PL
    Clin Diagn Lab Immunol, 2000 Sep;7(5):850-2.
    PMID: 10973469
    A commercially available enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) (PanBio Dengue Screening ELISA) that utilized both immunoglobulin M (IgM) and IgG capture in the same microtiter well for the diagnosis of dengue infection was evaluated. Sensitivity in primary and secondary dengue was 95%, while specificity was 94%.
    Matched MeSH terms: Immunoglobulin M/blood*; Immunoglobulin M/immunology
  17. Alitheen N, McClure S, McCullagh P
    Immunol Cell Biol, 2007 Jul;85(5):391-3.
    PMID: 17515929
    The first stage in Peyer's patch development in the fetal lamb is characterized by the colonization of the rudimentary Peyer's patches by precursor cells expressing the IgM surface receptor. In the fetal lamb, the spleen has been implicated as the source of gene-rearranged IgM(+) B lymphocytes. This study was intended to quantitate IgM(+) lymphocytes in the spleen, lymph nodes and liver of fetal lambs at various gestational ages between 63 and 110 days using flow cytometry. Flow-cytometric analysis revealed that IgM(+) lymphocytes were rare in the liver being consistently less than 1% at every gestational age examined. IgM(+) lymphocytes were detected in the spleen (mean 9.18%) and prescapular lymph nodes (mean 11.89%) as early as 63 days. In both spleen and lymph nodes, the highest representation of IgM(+) lymphocytes occurred between 70 and 86 days gestation. The highest mean percentage of IgM(+) lymphocytes was observed in the spleen (22.63%) and lymph nodes (17.02%) at 75 days gestation. From 98 days onwards, B-lymphocyte density gradually decreased in both spleen and prescapular lymph nodes. This study indicates that substantial populations of IgM(+) lymphocytes were present in both the spleen and prescapular lymph nodes from 70 days gestation and implies that both of these locations could be potential sources for the normal colonization of the ileal Peyer's patches.
    Matched MeSH terms: Immunoglobulin M/analysis*; Immunoglobulin M/immunology
  18. Ambrose JH, Sekaran SD, Azizan A
    J Trop Med, 2017;2017:8072491.
    PMID: 28740517 DOI: 10.1155/2017/8072491
    BACKGROUND: The proper management of patients infected with dengue virus requires early detection. Here, real-time molecular assays have proven useful but have limitations, whereas ELISAs that detect antibodies are still favored but results are obtained too late to be of clinical value. The production of DENV NS1 peaks early during infection and its detection can combine the advantages of both diagnostic approaches.

    METHODS: This study compared assays currently used for detecting DENV infection at the Florida Department of Health including anti-DENV IgM and IgG ELISAs as well as qRT-PCR, against a commercially available DENV NS1 ELISA. These comparisons were made among a group of 21 human sera.

    RESULTS: Nine of 14 (64.3%) DENV qRT-PCR+ samples were also DENV NS1+. Interestingly, the 5 NS1- samples that were qRT-PCR+ were additionally IgM- and IgG+ suggesting a nonprimary infection. Compared to qRT-PCR, the NS1 assay had a sensitivity of 64.3%, specificity 100%, PPV of 100%, and NPV of 58.3%.

    CONCLUSIONS: The NS1 ELISA performed as expected in known DENV qRT-PCR+ samples; however negative NS1 results for qRT-PCR+ and IgG+ sera seemingly reduced the usefulness of the NS1 ELISA for nonprimary cases. We therefore conclude that diagnosis obtained via DENV NS1 ELISA deserves further investigation.

    Matched MeSH terms: Immunoglobulin M
  19. Sudipta Poddar, Amiya Kumar Hati
    Dengue is endemic in Kolkata, India. Outbreaks of dengue cases often occur regularly at short intervals. This
    retrospective seroepidemiological surveillance was conducted longitudinally. Dengue cases were diagnosed
    in the laboratories from suspected patients by dengue specific IgG, IgM antibodies and NS1 antigen, from
    suspected persons to investigate, analyze and categorize the cases who were actually suffering from dengue to
    diagnose a dengue patient in the laboratory practice along with the status of the patient related to the detection
    of disease and duration of primary and secondary infection for effective monitoring of the patient. Age and
    Sex of the dengue patients were determined. Detection of dengue in unsuspected fever cases in unfavorable
    transmission season was evaluated. The transmission of dengue infection in the non-transmission season is
    not remarkable and often remains submerged. Proper measure at this stage may prevent the epidemic
    outbreak in the transmission season. This sort of experience will help to enrich the effective control and case
    management of the menace.
    Matched MeSH terms: Immunoglobulin M
  20. Tan CS, Noni V, Melina WUHU, Abdorahman US, Bimbang JN, Malik NMA, et al.
    Sci Rep, 2022 09 19;12(1):15665.
    PMID: 36123431 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-022-19776-3
    Several vaccines have been fast-tracked through clinical trials to mitigate the progression of the SARS‑CoV‑2 pandemic. We analyzed sequential blood samples from 314 recipients of Comirnaty and CoronaVac in East Malaysia for the spike-binding IgG (IgG-S), nucleocapsid-binding IgG (IgG-N), spike-binding IgM (IgM-S) and serum vitamin D (VitD). A subset of samples was analyzed for the neutralizing antibodies (Ig-RBD). Results showed that IgG-S due to Comirnaty was significantly higher than CoronaVac. IgM-S was detected in 80.0% Comirnaty and 69.5% CoronaVac recipients, while IgG-N was detected in 58.1% CoronaVac but not in Comirnaty recipients. All IgG-S-positive vaccines possessed detectable Ig-RBD after the second dose but with a weak to moderate correlation. The serum VitD levels did not influence the antibody magnitude in both vaccines. In essence, SARS-CoV-2 vaccination is an IgG-S-dominant event, Comirnaty was more effective than CoronaVac in mounting IgG-S and Ig-RBD responses, independent of the patient's VitD level.
    Matched MeSH terms: Immunoglobulin M
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