Displaying publications 1 - 20 of 73 in total

  1. Bradley DA, Essa RZ, Peh SC, Teow SY, Chew MT, Zubair HT, et al.
    Appl Radiat Isot, 2023 Aug;198:110875.
    PMID: 37257265 DOI: 10.1016/j.apradiso.2023.110875
    Review is provided of a number of low-dose, low dose rate situations that in study require advances in the development of dosimetric facilities. Using a clinical linac set up to provide doses down to the few mGy level, the performance of a real-time radioluminescence system has then been illustrated, accommodating pulsed as well as continuous dose delivery. The system gate times provide for tracking of the pattern of dose delivery, allowing detailed account of dose and dose-rate variations. The system has been tested in both x-ray and electron mode dose delivery.
    Matched MeSH terms: Radiotherapy Dosage
  2. Banjade DP, Ng BS, Zakir M, Tajuddin AA, Shukri A
    Br J Radiol, 2002 Oct;75(898):812-8.
    PMID: 12381690
    A study of dose mapping techniques to investigate the dose distribution throughout a planned target volume (PTV) in a humanoid breast phantom exposed to a 6 MV photon beam similar to that of treatment conditions is described. For tangential breast irradiation using a 6 MV accelerator beam, the dose is mapped at various locations within the PTV using thermoluminescent dosemeters (TLDs) and radiographic films. An average size perspex breast phantom with the ability to hold the dosemeters was made. TLDs were exposed after packing them in various locations in a particular slice, as planned by the treatment planning system (TPS). To map the dose relative to the isocenter, films were exposed after tightly packing them in between phantom slices, parallel to the central axis of the beam. The dose received at every location was compared with the given dose as generated by the TPS. The mapped dose in each location in the isocentric slice from superficial to deep region was found to be in close agreement with the TPS generated dose to within +/-2%. Doses at greater depths and distant medial and lateral ends, however, were found to be lower by as much as 9.4% at some points. The mapped dose towards the superior region and closest inferior region from the isocenter was found to agree with those for TPS. Conversely, results for the farthest inferior region were found to be significantly different with a variance as much as 17.4% at some points, which is believed to be owing to the variation in size and shape of the contour. Results obtained from films confirmed this, showing similar trends in dose mapping. Considering the importance of accurate doses in radiotherapy, evaluating dose distribution using this technique and tool was found to be useful. This provides the opportunity to choose a technique and plan to provide optimum dose delivery for radiotherapy to the breast.
    Matched MeSH terms: Radiotherapy Dosage*
  3. Bradley DA, Ng KH, Aziz YB
    Int J Rad Appl Instrum A, 1988;39(5):439-40.
    PMID: 2840420
    The utility of a phantom material, based on SMR(L) [Standard Malaysian Rubber] grade natural rubber and a formulation used for the proprietary rubber phantom-material, Temex, has been examined for the 1-MeV photon-Measurement has also been performed with 60-keV photons using the radionuclide 241Am. At photon-therapy energy levels the measured response, when compared with tabulated central-axis percentage depth doses for the defined measuring conditions, produces everywhere (in the range 1-19 cm depth) better than 2% deviation. The favourable measured response characteristics combined with the ease of processing and casting the phantom material provide the basis for useful radiotherapy machine calibration and anthropomorphic dosimetry measurements. The measured mass-attenuation coefficient, at 60keV, of 0.204 cm2 g-1 (+/- 3%) is in close agreement with tabulated values for water (0.2055 cm2 g-1).
    Matched MeSH terms: Radiotherapy Dosage*
  4. Begum M, Rahman AKMM, Abdul-Rashid HA, Yusoff Z, Mat Nawi SN, Khandaker MU, et al.
    Appl Radiat Isot, 2021 Aug;174:109771.
    PMID: 34048992 DOI: 10.1016/j.apradiso.2021.109771
    Present study concerns the key thermoluminescence (TL) properties of photonic crystal fibres (PCFs), seeking development of alternatively structured TL materials that are able to offer a advantages over existing passive dosimeters. In terms of their internal structure and light guiding properties the PCFs, collapsed and structured, differ significantly from that of conventional optical fibres. To investigate the dosimetric parameters of the PCFs use was made of a linear accelerator producing a 6 MV photon beam, delivering doses ranging from 0.5 Gy to 8 Gy. The parameters studied included TL response, linearity index, glow curves, relative sensitivity and TL signal fading, the results being compared against those obtained using TLD-100 chips. At 4 Gy photon dose the Ge-doped collapsed PCFs were found to provide a response 27 × that of structured PCF, also giving a TL yield similar to that of standard TLD-100 chips. Over post-irradiation periods of 15 and 30 days collapsed PCF TL signal fading were 8% and 17% respectively, with corresponding values of 37% and 64% for the structured PCF. Trapping parameters including the order of kinetics (b), activation energy (E) and frequency factor (s-1) were assessed with Chen's peak shape method. Lifetime of trapping centre was found to be (2.36 E+03) s and (9.03 E +01) s regarding the collapsed and structured PCF respectively with 6 Gy of photon beam. For the Ge-doped collapsed PCF, the high TL yield, sensitivity and low fading provide the basis of a highly promising system of TLD for radiotherapy applications.
    Matched MeSH terms: Radiotherapy Dosage*
  5. Mustafa IS, Kamari HM, Yusoff WM, Aziz SA, Rahman AA
    Int J Mol Sci, 2013;14(2):3201-14.
    PMID: 23380963 DOI: 10.3390/ijms14023201
    Spectrophotometric studies of lead borotellurite glasses were carried out before and after gamma irradiation exposure. The increasing peak on the TeO(4) bi-pyramidal arrangement and TeO(3+1) (or distorted TeO(4)) is due to augmentation of irradiation dose which is attributed to an increase in degree of disorder of the amorphous phase. The structures of lead tellurate contain Pb(3)TeO(6) consisting of TeO(3) trigonal pyramid connected by PbO(4) tetragonal forming a three-dimensional network. The decrease of glass rigidity is due to irradiation process which is supported by the XRD diffractograms results. The decreasing values of absorption edge indicate that red shift effect occur after irradiation processes. A shift in the optical absorption edge attributed to an increase of the conjugation length. The values of optical band gap, E(opt) were calculated and found to be dependent on the glass composition and radiation exposure. Generally, an increase and decrease in Urbach's energy can be considered as being due to an increase in defects within glass network.
    Matched MeSH terms: Radiotherapy Dosage
  6. Loh ZH, Mohamad S, Gan BC, Zakaria Z, Mohamad I
    Med J Malaysia, 2023 Mar;78(2):197-201.
    PMID: 36988530
    INTRODUCTION: Nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) is among the most common malignancy in Malaysia. Radiationinduced hypothyroidism has been reported in other countries. However, in Malaysia, no studies were ever done to determine the effect of radiation on hypothyroidism. The objective of this study is to evaluate the practice of taking thyroid function test (TFT) and determine hypothyroidism post-radiation in patients with NPC.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: A retrospective study on the symptoms and results of TFT according to the dosage of intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) given to patients with NPC. Data were traced and analysed.

    RESULTS: A total of 78 patients were identified. All patients received IMRT with 33-35 fractions of radiotherapy (RT) with total dosage of 66-70 Gray given. Not all patients had their thyroid function status measured routinely. Twelve patients did have symptoms of hypothyroidism. TFT were obtained in this group but the results were normal. No correlation was found between RT and hypothyroidism.

    CONCLUSION: There was no correlation between IMRT and the development of hypothyroidism. A prospective study with better control of inclusion and exclusion criteria, and longer follow-up period with TFT, is needed to demonstrate the consistency of these findings.

    Matched MeSH terms: Radiotherapy Dosage
  7. Mat Nawi SN, Abdul Sani SF, Khandaker MU, Ung NM, Almugren KS, Alkallas FH, et al.
    PLoS One, 2020;15(7):e0235053.
    PMID: 32673337 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0235053
    Study has been made of the thermoluminescence yield of various novel tailor-made silica fibres, 6 and 8 mol % Ge-doped, with four differing outer dimensions, comprised of flat and cylindrical shapes, subjected to electron irradiation. Main thermoluminescence dosimetric characteristics have been investigated, including the glow curve, dose response, energy dependence, minimum detectable dose, effective atomic number, linearity of index and sensitivity of the fibres. The studies have also established the uncertainties involved as well as the stability of response in terms of fading effect, reproducibility and annealing. In addition, dose-rate dependence was accounted for as this has the potential to be a significant factor in radiotherapy applications. The 6 and 8 mol % fibres have been found to provide highly linear dose response within the range 1 to 4 Gy, the smallest size flat fibre, 6 mol% Ge-doped, showing the greatest response by a factor of 1.1 with respect to the highly popular LiF phosphor-based medium TLD100. All of the fibres also showed excellent reproducibility with a standard deviation of < 2% and < 4% for 6 and 8 mol % Ge-doped fibres respectively. For fading evaluation, the smallest 6 mol% Ge-doped dimension flat fibre, i.e., 85 × 270 μm displayed the lowest signal loss within 120 days post-irradiation, at around 26.9% also showing a response superior to that of all of the other fibres. Moreover, all the fibres and TLD-100 chips showed independence with respect to electron irradiation energy and dose-rate. Compared with the 8 mol% Ge-doped optical fibres, the 6 mol% Ge-doped flat optical fibres have been demonstrated to possess more desirable performance features for passive dosimetry, serving as a suitable alternative to TLD-100 for medical irradiation treatment applications.
    Matched MeSH terms: Radiotherapy Dosage*
  8. Sofian Ibrahim, Chantara Thevy Ratnam, Chai, Chee Keong, Noor Hasni M. Ali, Mohd Noorwadi Mat Lazim, Khairiah Badri
    Peroxide pre-vulcanized natural rubber latex prepared by using gamma irradiation technique is an alternative over the conventionally prepared peroxide pre-vulcanized that used activator to promote the peroxide decomposition in natural rubber latex. Through this technique the problems aroused by some activators such as tends to darken the natural rubber latex film during the drying process can also be overcome. For this preliminary study, data obtained from crosslink density and mechanical measurements were used to evaluate the effectiveness of gamma irradiation in the vulcanization process. Increasing the quantity of tert-butyl hydroperoxide (t-BHPO) from 0.1 pphr to 0.3 pphr while the irradiation dose maintain at 12 kGy has successfully delivered peroxide vulcanized natural rubber latex films with average tensile strength, modulus @ 500% and modulus @ 700% around 15.33, 1.01 and 3.42 MPa, respectively. The effective pre-vulcanization irradiation dose with respect to maximum crosslinking density (85.8 %) was observed on film prepared at 0.1 pphr t-BHPO.
    Matched MeSH terms: Radiotherapy Dosage
  9. Tabbakh F, Hosmane NS, Tajudin SM, Ghorashi AH, Morshedian N
    Sci Rep, 2022 Oct 18;12(1):17404.
    PMID: 36258012 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-022-22429-0
    There are two major problems in proton therapy. (1) In comparison with the gamma-ray therapy, proton therapy has only ~ 10% greater biological effectiveness, and (2) the risk of the secondary neutrons in proton therapy is another unsolved problem. In this report, the increase of biological effectiveness in proton therapy has been evaluated with better performance than 11B in the presence of two proposed nanomaterials of 157GdF4 and 157Gd doped carbon with the thermal neutron reduction due to the presence of 157Gd isotope. The present study is based on the microanalysis calculations using GEANT4 Monte Carlo tool and GEANT4-DNA package for the strand breaks measurement. It was found that the proposed method will increase the effectiveness corresponding to the alpha particles by more than 100% and also, potentially will decrease the thermal neutrons fluence, significantly. Also, in this work, a discussion is presented on a significant contribution of the secondary alpha particles in total effectiveness in proton therapy.
    Matched MeSH terms: Radiotherapy Dosage
  10. Azhar T, Kamada T, Lopez F, Harun R, Nor I, Lim A
    Med J Malaysia, 1991 Jun;46(2):123-8.
    PMID: 1839415
    One hundred patients with carcinoma of the cervix stages 1B to 4A were treated with intracavitary high dose rate radiation using a linear cobalt source. All cases have received external beam pelvic irradiation to 4500cGy mid plane in twenty fractions over four weeks. The results in terms of patient compliance and convenience were good while acute and late morbidities were comparable to standard Manchester technique of low dose rate intracavitary therapy as practised in the Institute of Radiotherapy and Oncology General Hospital Kuala Lumpur. The four year actuarial survival rate is 76% for stage II and 48% for stage III. All three stage IV patients died within 1 year. Four out of seven stage I patients are alive (minimum follow-up 18 months, longest 43 months). One died of systemic spread at 33 months while one is lost to follow up.
    Matched MeSH terms: Radiotherapy Dosage
  11. Selambakkan, Sarala, Khomsaton Abu Bakar, Jamaliah Shariff, Suhairi Alimon
    This paper studies about water obtained from fish pond of fisheries research centre. Usual water
    quality parameters such as pH, COD, Turbidity and Ammonia content were analyzed before and
    after irradiation. Electron beam irradiation was used to irradiate the water with the dose 100 kGy,
    200 kGy and 300 kGy. Only high dose was applied on this water as only a limited amount of
    samples was supplied. All the parameters indicated a slight increase after irradiation except for the
    ammonia content, which showed a gradual decrease as irradiation dose increases. Sample
    condition was changed before irradiation in order to obtain more effective results in the following
    batch. The water sample from fisheries was diluted with distilled water to the ratio of 1:1.This was
    followed with irradiation at 100 kGy, 200 kGy and 300 kGy. The results still showed an increase in
    all parameters after irradiation except for ammonia content. For the following irradiation batch,
    the pH of the sample was adjusted to pH 4 and pH 8 before irradiation. For this sample the
    irradiation dose selected was only 100 kGy. A higher value of ammonia was observed for the
    sample with pH 4 after irradiation. Other parameters were almost the same as the first two batches
    Matched MeSH terms: Radiotherapy Dosage
  12. Chai CK, Md. Soot Ahmad, Wan Manshol W. Zin
    Electron beam vulcanization of natural rubber latex has been developed as an alternative to the conventional sulphur vulcanization method. This study aimed at determining the effect of electron beam dose, beam current and centrifugation to the tensile properties of field natural rubber latex. Irradiation dose and beam current ranged from 50 to 300 kGy and 1 to 15 mA respectively. The determination of tensile properties were done on cast film prepared from irradiated field latex before and after centrifugation. It was found that tensile properties increased with radiation dose but decreased with beam current. Rubber films made from centrifuged irradiated field latex were softer and showed higher tensile strength.
    Matched MeSH terms: Radiotherapy Dosage
  13. Hizam DA, Jong WL, Zin HM, Ng KH, Ung NM
    Med Dosim, 2021 04 08;46(3):310-317.
    PMID: 33838998 DOI: 10.1016/j.meddos.2021.03.003
    Intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) treatment planning for head and neck cancer is challenging and complex due to many organs at risk (OAR) in this region. The experience and skills of planners may result in substantial variability of treatment plan quality. This study assessed the performance of IMRT planning in Malaysia and observed plan quality variation among participating centers. The computed tomography dataset containing contoured target volumes and OAR was provided to participating centers. This is to control variations in contouring the target volumes and OARs by oncologists. The planner at each center was instructed to complete the treatment plan based on clinical practice with a given prescription, and the plan was analyzed against the planning goals provided. The quality of completed treatment plans was analyzed using the plan quality index (PQI), in which a score of 0 indicated that all dose objectives and constraints were achieved. A total of 23 plans were received from all participating centers comprising 14 VMAT, 7 IMRT, and 2 tomotherapy plans. The PQI indexes of these plans ranged from 0 to 0.65, indicating a wide variation of plan quality nationwide. Results also reported 5 out of 21 plans achieved all dose objectives and constraints showing more professional training is needed for planners in Malaysia. Understanding of treatment planning system and computational physics could also help in improving the quality of treatment plans for IMRT delivery.
    Matched MeSH terms: Radiotherapy Dosage
  14. Aminordin Sabri AH, Mohamad Tajudin S, Abdul Aziz MZ, Furuta T
    Radiol Phys Technol, 2023 Mar;16(1):109-117.
    PMID: 36729272 DOI: 10.1007/s12194-023-00703-8
    In a brachytherapy room irradiated with an Iridium-192 (192Ir) source, the spatial distributions of photon dose rates were measured and calculated for the dose distribution both inside and outside the room. The spatial distributions were measured using a thermoluminescent dosimeter (LiF-100) on the surfaces of the concrete walls and barriers of the irradiation room. The calculations were performed using the particle and heavy ion transport code system (PHITS) by considering the detailed model of the brachytherapy room and the radiation source used in the measurements. The measured and calculated doses exhibited a similar distribution pattern within and outside the brachytherapy room. To reduce the edge effect at the entrance door, the addition of a 3-mm thick lead layer on the surface of the concrete wall on the left doorstop is recommended. For the 60Co source, with the existing walls and lead door thickness, the dose at the control console and in front of the entrance maze increased by a factor of approximately 60.
    Matched MeSH terms: Radiotherapy Dosage
  15. Ab Shukor NS, Abdullah R, Abdul Aziz MZ, Samson DO, Musarudin M
    Appl Radiat Isot, 2023 Jun;196:110751.
    PMID: 36871495 DOI: 10.1016/j.apradiso.2023.110751
    The present study was conducted to elucidate the effects of hip prostheses in 192Ir HDR brachytherapy and determine dose uncertainties introduced by the treatment planning. A gynaecological phantom irradiated using Nucletron 192Ir microSelectron HDR source was modeled using MCNP5 code. Three hip materials considered in this study were water, bone, and metal prosthesis. According to the obtained results, a dose perturbation was observed within the medium with a higher atomic number, which reduced the dose to the nearby region.
    Matched MeSH terms: Radiotherapy Dosage
  16. Yap LM, Jamalludin Z, Ng AH, Ung NM
    Phys Eng Sci Med, 2023 Sep;46(3):1331-1340.
    PMID: 37470929 DOI: 10.1007/s13246-023-01303-x
    The survey is to assess the current state of adaptive radiation therapy (ART) for head and neck (H&N) cases among radiotherapy centers in Malaysia and to identify any implementation limitations. An online questionnaire was sent to all radiotherapy centers in Malaysia. The 24-question questionnaire consists of general information about the center, ART practices, and limitations faced in implementing ART. 28 out of 36 radiotherapy centers responded, resulting in an overall response rate of 78%. About 52% of the responding centers rescanned and replanned less than 5% of their H&N patients. The majority (88.9%) of the respondents reported the use Cone Beam Computed Tomography alone or in combination with other modalities to trigger the ART process. The main reasons cited for adopting ART were weight loss, changes in the immobilization fitting, and anatomical variation. The adaptation process typically occurred during week 3 or week 4 of treatment. More than half of the respondents require three days or more from re-simulation to starting a new treatment plan. Both target and organ at risk delineation on new planning CT relied heavily on manual delineation by physicians and physicists, respectively. All centers perform patient-specific quality assurance for their new adaptive plans. Two main limitations in implementing ART are "limited financial resources or equipment" and "limitation on technical knowledge". There is a need for a common consensus to standardize the practice of ART and address these limitations to improve the implementation of ART in Malaysia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Radiotherapy Dosage
  17. Chew MT, Daar E, Khandaker MU, Jones B, Nisbet A, Bradley DA
    Br J Radiol, 2021 Aug 01;94(1124):20201265.
    PMID: 34192471 DOI: 10.1259/bjr.20201265
    Infection, the invasion of pathogenic microorganisms and viruses, causes reactive inflammation mediated by endogenous signals, with influx of leucocytes with distinct properties and capable of mounting a cellular or antibody response. Different forms of inflammation may also occur in response to tumours, in allergy and autoimmune disorders. Pneumonia, respiratory tract infection and septic shock for instance can arise as serious complications of the Covid-19 virus. While radiotherapy has been most widely used to control malignant tumours, it has also been used for treatment of non-malignant diseases, including acute and chronic inflammation in situations where anti-inflammatory drugs may be ineffective or contraindicated. The present review examines the history and prospects for low-dose anti-inflammatory radiation treatments, the present interest largely being motivated by the increased incidence of pulmonary disease associated Covid-19 infections. Evidence in support of the suggested efficacy are covered, together with an appraisal of one of the number of potential convenient sources that could complement external beam arrangements.
    Matched MeSH terms: Radiotherapy Dosage
  18. Meyers SM, Winter JD, Obeidi Y, Chung P, Menard C, Warde P, et al.
    Med Dosim, 2023 11 18;49(2):150-158.
    PMID: 37985297 DOI: 10.1016/j.meddos.2023.10.008
    Postoperative prostate radiotherapy requires large planning target volume (PTV) margins to account for motion and deformation of the prostate bed. Adaptive radiation therapy (ART) can incorporate image-guidance data to personalize PTVs that maintain coverage while reducing toxicity. We present feasibility and dosimetry results of a prospective study of postprostatectomy ART. Twenty-one patients were treated with single-adaptation ART. Conventional treatments were delivered for fractions 1 to 6 and adapted plans for the remaining 27 fractions. Clinical target volumes (CTVs) and small bowel delineated on fraction 1 to 4 CBCT were used to generate adapted PTVs and planning organ-at-risk (OAR) volumes for adapted plans. PTV volume and OAR dose were compared between ART and conventional using Wilcoxon signed-rank tests. Weekly CBCT were used to assess the fraction of CTV covered by PTV, CTV D99, and small bowel D1cc. Clinical metrics were compared using a Student's t-test (p < 0.05 significant). Offline adaptive planning required 1.9 ± 0.4 days (mean ± SD). ART decreased mean adapted PTV volume 61 ± 37 cc and bladder wall D50 compared with conventional treatment (p < 0.01). The CTV was fully covered for 96% (97%) of fractions with ART (conventional). Reconstructing dose on weekly CBCT, a nonsignificant reduction in CTV D99 was observed with ART (94%) compared to conventional (96%). Reduced CTV D99 with ART was significantly correlated with large anterior-posterior rectal diameter on simulation CT. ART reduced the number of fractions exceeding our institution's small bowel D1c limit from 14% to 7%. This study has demonstrated the feasibility of offline ART for post-prostatectomy cancer. ART facilitates PTV volume reduction while maintaining reasonable CTV coverage and can reduce the dose to adjacent normal tissues.
    Matched MeSH terms: Radiotherapy Dosage
  19. Leong WC, Manan HA, Hsien CCM, Wong YF, Yahya N
    Support Care Cancer, 2024 Jun 26;32(7):460.
    PMID: 38918218 DOI: 10.1007/s00520-024-08655-4
    INTRODUCTIONS: Radical radiotherapy (RT) is the cornerstone of Head and Neck (H&N) cancer treatment, but it often leads to fatigue due to irradiation of brain structures, impacting patient quality of life.

    OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to systematically investigate the dose correlates of fatigue after H&N RT in brain structures.

    METHODS: The systematic review included studies that examined the correlation between fatigue outcomes in H&N cancer patients undergoing RT at different time intervals and brain structures. PubMed, Scopus, and WOS databases were used in the systematic review. A methodological quality assessment of the included studies was conducted following the PRISMA guidelines. After RT, the cohort of H&N cancer patients was analyzed for dose correlations with brain structures and substructures, such as the posterior fossa, brainstem, cerebellum, pituitary gland, medulla, and basal ganglia.

    RESULT: Thirteen studies meeting the inclusion criteria were identified in the search. These studies evaluated the correlation between fatigue and RT dose following H&N RT. The RT dose ranged from 40 Gy to 70 Gy. Most of the studies indicated a correlation between the trajectory of fatigue and the dose effect, with higher levels of fatigue associated with increasing doses. Furthermore, five studies found that acute and late fatigue was associated with dose volume in specific brain structures, such as the brain stem, posterior fossa, cerebellum, pituitary gland, hippocampus, and basal ganglia.

    CONCLUSION: Fatigue in H&N RT patients is related to the radiation dose received in specific brain areas, particularly in the posterior fossa, brain stem, cerebellum, pituitary gland, medulla, and basal ganglia. Dose reduction in these areas may help alleviate fatigue. Monitoring fatigue in high-risk patients after radiation therapy could be beneficial, especially for those experiencing late fatigue.

    Matched MeSH terms: Radiotherapy Dosage
  20. Banjade DP, Shrestha SL, Shukri A, Tajuddin AA, Bhat M
    Australas Phys Eng Sci Med, 2002 Sep;25(3):110-8.
    PMID: 12416587
    This is a study using LiF:Mg;Ti thermoluminescent dosimeter (TLD) rods in phantoms to investigate the effect of lack of backscatter on exit dose. Comparing the measured dose with anticipated dose calculated using tissue maximum ratio (TMR) or percentage depth dose (PDD) gives rise to a correction factor. This correction factor may be applied to in-vivo dosimetry results to derive true dose to a point within the patient. Measurements in a specially designed humanoid breast phantom as well as patients undergoing radiotherapy treatment were also been done. TLDs with reproducibility of within +/- 3% (1 SD) are irradiated in a series of measurements for 6 and 10 MV photon beams from a medical linear accelerator. The measured exit doses for the different phantom thickness for 6 MV beams are found to be lowered by 10.9 to 14.0% compared to the dose derived from theoretical estimation (normalized dose at dmax). The same measurements for 10 MV beams are lowered by 9.0 to 13.5%. The variations of measured exit dose for different field sizes are found to be within 2.5%. The exit doses with added backscatter material from 2 mm up to 15 cm, shows gradual increase and the saturated values agreed within 1.5% with the expected results for both beams. The measured exit doses in humanoid breast phantom as well as in the clinical trial on patients undergoing radiotherapy also agreed with the predicted results based on phantom measurements. The authors' viewpoint is that this technique provides sufficient information to design exit surface bolus to restore build down effect in cases where part of the exit surface is being considered as a target volume. It indicates that the technique could be translated for in vivo dose measurements, which may be a conspicuous step of quality assurance in clinical practice.
    Matched MeSH terms: Radiotherapy Dosage*
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