Displaying publications 1 - 20 of 400 in total

  1. Philip A
    Japan Med Assoc J, 2015 Dec;58(4):180-4.
    PMID: 27081606
    Matched MeSH terms: Food Safety*
  2. Veera Pandiyan Kaliani Sundram, V.G.R. Chandran Govindaraju, Nagatheesan V. Marimuthu
    A road safety audit is a formal examination of an existing or future road or traffic project, or any project that interacts with road users, in which independent, qualified examiners look at the projects crash potential and safety performance. The objectives of road safety audit are to identify potential safety risks for road users and to ensure that measures to eliminate or reduce the risks are fully considered. Road safety audit works in two ways to ensure that safety is improved, namely by removing preventable crash producing elements at the design stage and by mitigating the effects of any remaining risks by the inclusion of suitable crash-reducing elements. The present paper focuses on providing a preliminary or basic understanding of the Road safety Audit. Later the discussion is preceded further to the important elements and the various stages in the Road Safety Audit. Finally, the conclusion focuses briefly on the implementation of the Road Safety Audit, which can only be successful if the members of the Audit Team possess sufficient specialized professional knowledge and other virtues.
    Matched MeSH terms: Safety
  3. Hannan MA, Hussain A, Samad SA
    Sensors (Basel), 2010;10(2):1141-53.
    PMID: 22205861 DOI: 10.3390/s100201141
    This paper deals with the interface-relevant activity of a vehicle integrated intelligent safety system (ISS) that includes an airbag deployment decision system (ADDS) and a tire pressure monitoring system (TPMS). A program is developed in LabWindows/CVI, using C for prototype implementation. The prototype is primarily concerned with the interconnection between hardware objects such as a load cell, web camera, accelerometer, TPM tire module and receiver module, DAQ card, CPU card and a touch screen. Several safety subsystems, including image processing, weight sensing and crash detection systems, are integrated, and their outputs are combined to yield intelligent decisions regarding airbag deployment. The integrated safety system also monitors tire pressure and temperature. Testing and experimentation with this ISS suggests that the system is unique, robust, intelligent, and appropriate for in-vehicle applications.
    Matched MeSH terms: Safety*
  4. McLeod M, Francis K
    Contemp Nurse, 2007 7 12;25(1-2):104-13.
    PMID: 17622994
    This paper explores the use of pseudonyms in a historical study that weaves oral testimony throughout the narrative. The research was undertaken to unveil the experiences of Australian Army nurses in Malaya's Communist insurgency (1948-1960). Thirty-three women from the Royal Australian Army Nursing Corps served in this conflict termed the Malayan Emergency, but only four nurses could be located for this study. After almost fifty years of silence the female nursing voice emerged as the informants spoke at interview of their unique personal and military experiences in Malaya. It is acknowledged that assigning the nurse informants pseudonyms, as opposed to using their names, constitutes a significant deviation from the established traditions of oral history. However, it is argued that the use of pseudonyms provided an opportunity for candid disclosure by the nurses on a range of topics whilst keeping the informants safe from adverse public or military scrutiny.
    Matched MeSH terms: Safety*
  5. Sellappans R, Chua SS, Tajuddin NA, Lai PSM
    Australas Med J, 2013;6(1):60-3.
    PMID: 23423150 DOI: 10.4066/AMJ.2013.1643
    Medication error has been identified as a major factor affecting patient safety. Many innovative efforts such as Computerised Physician Order Entry (CPOE), a Pharmacy Information System, automated dispensing machines and Point of Administration Systems have been carried out with the aim of improving medication safety. However, areas remain that require urgent attention. One main area will be the lack of continuity of care due to the breakdown of communication between multiple healthcare providers. Solutions may include consideration of "health smart cards" that carry vital patient medical information in the form of a "credit card" or use of the Malaysian identification card. However, costs and technical aspects associated with the implementation of this health smart card will be a significant barrier. Security and confidentiality, on the other hand, are expected to be of primary concern to patients. Challenges associated with the implementation of a health smart card might include physician buy-in for use in his or her everyday practice. Training and technical support should also be available to ensure the smooth implementation of this system. Despite these challenges, implementation of a health smart card moves us closer to seamless care in our country, thereby increasing the productivity and quality of healthcare.
    Matched MeSH terms: Patient Safety*
  6. Nordin FNM, Aziz A, Zakaria Z, Wan Mohamed Radzi CWJ
    J Cosmet Dermatol, 2021 Apr;20(4):1050-1060.
    PMID: 32854162 DOI: 10.1111/jocd.13691
    BACKGROUND: Skin-whitening products are in the high trend of demand for skin beautifying and lightening. Sources of ingredients for cosmetics could be natural, semi-synthetic, and synthetic that may affect the halal status of a product. The lack of scientific evidence on the safety and risks of such ingredients is a major concern to many consumers.

    OBJECTIVE: This review paper aimed to shed light on the skin-whitening ingredients and their issues related to safety, health risk, and halal status.

    METHODOLOGY: Based on the reviews scientific publications published from January 2015 to July 2020 using Web of Science and Scopus engines.

    FINDINGS: Based on the review, most of the common ingredients in the skin-whitening products are originated from plants, animals, microbes, and heavy metals. Health risk of the ingredients was evaluated based on the usage, chronic or acute adverse effect, frequency of incidence, and the hazardous chemical contents of a halal cosmetics. The halal status of the ingredients was investigated based on the sources of origin, safety evaluation, and associated health risk of the ingredients.

    ORIGINALITY: This review shows that ingredients play a vital role in the halal status decision-making of a cosmetic product. Therefore, the categories of Halal-Safe, Haram-Prohibited, and Critical-Need further evaluation were suggested to integrate the sources of ingredients with safety.

    Matched MeSH terms: Consumer Product Safety*
  7. Morimatsu Y, Nishikiori H, Okahara Y, Kojima Y, Kinoshita S, Mori M, et al.
    Sangyo Eiseigaku Zasshi, 2020 07 25;62(4):165-167.
    PMID: 31983700 DOI: 10.1539/sangyoeisei.2019-021-W
    Matched MeSH terms: Safety*
  8. Kim ARJ, Chew KS, Ngian HU
    Med J Malaysia, 2024 Nov;79(6):800-802.
    PMID: 39614801
    In a dynamic healthcare environment, patient safety is crucial. A "Conscious Actions Reduce Errors" (C.A.R.E) approach is needed to safeguard safety and reduce medical errors. The dual process theory highlights two thinking modes: intuitive (fast, automatic) and analytical (slow, deliberate). Intuitive thinking, though quick and often effective, can lead to cognitive biases like anchoring and availability heuristics. A C.A.R.E approach incorporating tools like the TWED checklist (Threat, What if I'm wrong? What else?, Evidence, Dispositional factors) and Shisa Kanko (Japanese method of pointing and calling) can help to improve decision-making and action precision in clinical settings.
    Matched MeSH terms: Patient Safety*
  9. Ayob A, Awadh AI, Jafri J, Jamshed S, Ahmad HM, Hadi H
    J Pharm Bioallied Sci, 2016 Jul-Sep;8(3):229-34.
    PMID: 27413352 DOI: 10.4103/0975-7406.174232
    Variety of cosmetic products was used in our daily life, yet the amount and types of the cosmetic products used by the consumers were varied, which may be due to the different perspectives held by each of the consumers.
    Matched MeSH terms: Consumer Product Safety
  10. Asmalia Che Ahmad, Normazlina Mohamed Zi, Ismail Bahari, Azizah Jaafar
    Safety Intervention Need Analysis System (SINAS) is a web-based safety management program that aspires the identification for the need of construction safety intervention. It can be accessed through the website www.sinas.org. This first phase of SINAS project development only focus on safe design intervention. SINAS was created to provide assistance for safety practitioners in identifying the need of safe design intervention. This was put forward through the investigations of construction accidents that relate to design. The SINAS process of need analysis are carved up to six steps i.e. user information, accident details, accident evaluation, result of the need analysis, construction design intervention and safety intervention need analysis report. At the end of the process, Safety Intervention Need Analysis Report will be generated. This report is an essential document to proof the need of safe design intervention. Additionally, SINAS also offers recommendations for construction designers and professionals on suitable safe design intervention to prevent construction accidents and minimises construction risks.
    Matched MeSH terms: Safety Management
  11. Mohd Fazli Zakaria, Lanyau, Tonny, Mohamad Fauzi Saad, Ahmad Razali Ismail
    Ageing management is one of the important safety factors to be implemented proactively throughout the lifetime of a research reactor. In order to continue the safe operation of a research reactor from the reactor safety standpoint, a systematic and methodical approach should be taken. In practice, ageing management programme is accomplished by integrating the existing programmes including maintenance, periodic testing and inspection and periodic safety reviews. Such approach will be a good platform for the reactor operation
    and maintenance group to utilize data from existing maintenance programme to be incorporate into the ageing maintenance system. This paper will describe the ageing management programme for Reactor TRIGA PUSPATI (RTP).
    Matched MeSH terms: Safety
  12. Mortell M
    Br J Nurs, 2019 Nov 14;28(20):1292-1298.
    PMID: 31714835 DOI: 10.12968/bjon.2019.28.20.1292
    This article employs a paediatric case study, involving a 3-year-old child who had an anaphylactic reaction that occurred as a result of the multidisciplinary team's failure to identify and acknowledge the patient's documented 'known allergy' status. It examines and reconsiders the ongoing healthcare dilemma of medication errors and recommends that known allergy status should be considered the second medication administration 'right' before the prescribing, transcribing, dispensing and administration of any drug. Identifying and documenting drug allergy status is particularly important when caring for paediatric patients, because they cannot speak for themselves and must rely on their parents, guardians or health professionals as patient advocates. The literature states that medication errors can be prevented by employing a 'rights of medication administration' format, whether that be the familiar '5 rights' or a more detailed list. However, none of these formats specify known allergy status as a distinct 'right'. The medication safety literature is also found wanting in respect of the known allergy status of the patient. When health professionals employ a medication administration rights format prior to prescribing, transcribing, dispensing or administering a medication, the 'known allergy status' of the patient should be a transparent inclusion.
    Matched MeSH terms: Safety Management/methods*; Patient Safety*
  13. Kang S, Ho TTT, Lee NJ
    Front Public Health, 2020;8:600216.
    PMID: 33511097 DOI: 10.3389/fpubh.2020.600216
    Patient safety is an important issue in health systems worldwide. A systematic review of previous studies on patient safety culture in Southeast Asian countries is necessary for South Korea's partnership with these countries, especially given South Korea's assistance in strengthening the health systems of these developing countries. Studies on patient safety culture in Southeast Asian countries, published in English and Thai languages, were retrieved from computerized databases using keywords through a manual search. Data extraction, quality assessment, and analyses were performed using several tools. The review included 21 studies conducted in Indonesia (n = 8), Thailand (n = 5), Malaysia (n = 3), Vietnam (n = 2), Singapore (n = 1), and the Philippines (n = 1). They were analyzed and categorized into 12 dimensions of safety culture, and differences in response rate or scores were identified compared to the mean of the dimensions. The heterogeneous of safety culture's situation among Southeast Asian countries, both in practice and in research, can be explained since patient safety policy and its application are not prioritized as much as they are in developed countries in the priority compared to the developed countries. However, Vietnam, Cambodia, Myanmar, and Laos are the priority countries for South Korea's official healthcare development assistance in the Southeast Asia region. Vietnam, for instance, is an economically transitioning country; therefore, consolidated patient safety improvement by inducing patient safety culture in the provincial and central health system as well as strengthening project formulation to contribute to health policy formation are needed for sustainable development of the partner countries' health systems. It is recommended that more evidence-based proactive project planning and implementation be conducted to integrate patient safety culture into the health systems of developing countries, toward health policy on patient safety and quality service for the attainment of sustainable development goals in South Korea's development cooperation.
    Matched MeSH terms: Safety Management*; Patient Safety*
  14. Shariff AM, Zaini D
    J Hazard Mater, 2010 Oct 15;182(1-3):394-402.
    PMID: 20633985 DOI: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2010.06.046
    Many major accidents due to toxic release in the past have caused many fatalities such as the tragedy of MIC release in Bhopal, India (1984). One of the approaches is to use inherently safer design technique that utilizes inherent safety principle to eliminate or minimize accidents rather than to control the hazard. This technique is best implemented in preliminary design stage where the consequence of toxic release can be evaluated and necessary design improvements can be implemented to eliminate or minimize the accidents to as low as reasonably practicable (ALARP) without resorting to costly protective system. However, currently there is no commercial tool available that has such capability. This paper reports on the preliminary findings on the development of a prototype tool for consequence analysis and design improvement via inherent safety principle by utilizing an integrated process design simulator with toxic release consequence analysis model. The consequence analysis based on the worst-case scenarios during process flowsheeting stage were conducted as case studies. The preliminary finding shows that toxic release consequences analysis tool (TORCAT) has capability to eliminate or minimize the potential toxic release accidents by adopting the inherent safety principle early in preliminary design stage.
    Matched MeSH terms: Safety Management*
  15. Naji GMA, Isha ASN, Mohyaldinn ME, Leka S, Saleem MS, Rahman SMNBSA, et al.
    PMID: 34444314 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph18168568
    We conceptualize that safety culture (SC) has a positive impact on employee's safety performance by reducing their psychosocial hazards. A higher level of safety culture environment reduces psychosocial hazards by improving employee's performance toward safety concerns. The purpose of this study was to evaluate how psychosocial hazard mediates the relationship between safety culture and safety performance. Data were collected from 380 production employees in three states of Malaysia from the upstream oil and gas sector. Structural equation modeling was implemented to test the suggested hypotheses. The proposed model was evaluated using structural equation modeling. A stratified sampling with a Likert 5-point scale was used to distribute the questionnaires. Furthermore, the proposed model was tested using the simulation of the structural equation and partial. According to our findings, all hypotheses were significant. A review of prior studies was used to select the items of the dimension for the data collection. Safety culture was assessed with psychosocial hazard to determine its direct and indirect impact on safety performance. Results suggest that to enhance safety performance (leading and lagging), psychosocial concerns in the workplace environments should be taken into consideration by employees. In addition, the findings showed that the psychosocial hazard fully mediates the relationship between safety culture and safety performance.
    Matched MeSH terms: Safety Management*
  16. Dhamanti I, Leggat S, Barraclough S, Liao HH, Abu Bakar N
    J Patient Saf, 2021 Jun 01;17(4):e299-e305.
    PMID: 32217924 DOI: 10.1097/PTS.0000000000000622
    OBJECTIVES: Incident reporting is one of the tools used to improve patient safety that has been widely used in health facilities in many countries. Incident reporting systems provide functionality to collect, analyze, and disseminate lessons learned to the wider community, whether at the hospital or national level. The aim of this study was to compare the patient safety incident reporting systems of Taiwan, Malaysia, and Indonesia to identify similarities, differences, and areas for improvement.

    METHODS: We searched the official Web sites and homepages of the responsible leading patient safety agencies of the three countries. We reviewed all publicly available guidelines, regulatory documents, government reports that included policies, guidelines, strategy papers, reports, evaluation programs, as well as scientific articles and gray literature related to the incident reporting system. We used the World Health Organization components of patient safety reporting system as the guidelines for comparison and analyzed the documents using descriptive comparative analysis.

    RESULTS: Taiwan had the most incidents reported, followed by Malaysia and Indonesia. Taiwan Patient Safety Reporting (TPR) and the Malaysian Reporting and Learning System had similar attributes and followed the World Health Organization components for incident reporting. We found differences between the Indonesian system and both of TPR and the Malaysian system. Indonesia did not have an external reporting deadline, analysis and learning were conducted at the national level, and there was a lack of transparency and public access to data and reports. All systems need to establish a clear and structured incident reporting evaluation framework if they are to be successful.

    CONCLUSIONS: Compared with TPR and Malaysian system, the Indonesian patient safety incident reporting system seemed to be ineffective because it failed to acquire adequate national incident reporting data and lacked transparency; these deficiencies inhibited learning at the national level. We suggest further research on the implementation at the hospital level to see how far national guidelines and policy have been implemented in each country.

    Matched MeSH terms: Patient Safety*
  17. Alhammad A, Yusof MM, Jambari DI
    Expert Rev Med Devices, 2024 Mar;21(3):217-229.
    PMID: 38318674 DOI: 10.1080/17434440.2024.2315024
    INTRODUCTION: Medical device (MD)-integrated (I) electronic medical record (EMR) (MDI-EMR) poses cyber threats that undermine patient safety, and thus, they require effective control mechanisms. We reviewed the related literature, including existing EMR and MD risk assessment approaches, to identify MDI-EMR comprehensive evaluation dimensions and measures.

    AREAS COVERED: We searched multiple databases, including PubMed, Web of Knowledge, Scopus, ACM, Embase, IEEE and Ingenta. We explored various evaluation aspects of MD and EMR to gain a better understanding of their complex integration. We reviewed numerous risk management and assessment frameworks related to MD and EMR security aspects and mitigation controls and then identified their common evaluation aspects. Our review indicated that previous evaluation frameworks assessed MD and EMR independently. To address this gap, we proposed an evaluation framework based on the sociotechnical dimensions of health information systems and risk assessment approaches for MDs to evaluate MDI-EMR integratively.

    EXPERT OPINION: The emergence of MDI-EMR cyber threats requires appropriate evaluation tools to ensure the safe development and application of MDI-EMR. Consequently, our proposed framework will continue to evolve through subsequent validations and refinements. This process aims to establish its applicability in informing stakeholders of the safety level and assessing its effectiveness in mitigating risks for future improvements.

    Matched MeSH terms: Patient Safety*
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