Displaying publications 1 - 20 of 94 in total

  1. Aishvarya S, Maniam T, Sidi H, Oei TP
    Compr Psychiatry, 2014 Jan;55 Suppl 1:S95-100.
    PMID: 23433220 DOI: 10.1016/j.comppsych.2013.01.005
    The aim of this paper was to review the literature on suicide ideation and intent in Malaysia. PsyINFO, PubMed, Medline databases from 1845 to 2012 and detailed manual search of local official reports from Ministry of Health, Malaysian Psychiatric Association and unpublished dissertations from 3 local universities providing postgraduate psychiatric training, were included in the current review. A total of 13 studies on suicide ideation and intent in Malaysia were found and reviewed. The review showed that research on suicide ideation and intent in Malaysia was fragmented and limited, at best. Approximately 50% of existing research on suicide ideation and intent simply focused on sociodemographic data. Fifty-four percent of the data were obtained from hospitals. No study has been conducted on treatment and interventions for suicide ideation and intent. None of the studies used validated suicide scales. The impact of culture was rarely considered. It was clear from the review that for researchers, clinicians and public health policy makers to gain a better understanding of suicide behavior especially suicide ideation and intent in Malaysia, more systematic and empirically stringent methodologies and research frameworks need to be used.
    Matched MeSH terms: Suicidal Ideation*
  2. Kalman JL, Yoshida T, Andlauer TFM, Schulte EC, Adorjan K, Alda M, et al.
    Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci, 2022 Dec;272(8):1611-1620.
    PMID: 35146571 DOI: 10.1007/s00406-021-01366-5
    Personality traits influence risk for suicidal behavior. We examined phenotype- and genotype-level associations between the Big Five personality traits and suicidal ideation and attempt in major depressive, bipolar and schizoaffective disorder, and schizophrenia patients (N = 3012) using fixed- and random-effects inverse variance-weighted meta-analyses. Suicidal ideations were more likely to be reported by patients with higher neuroticism and lower extraversion phenotypic scores, but showed no significant association with polygenic load for these personality traits. Our findings provide new insights into the association between personality and suicidal behavior across mental illnesses and suggest that the genetic component of personality traits is unlikely to have strong causal effects on suicidal behavior.
    Matched MeSH terms: Suicidal Ideation*
  3. Nordin N, Zainol Z, Mohd Noor MH, Chan LF
    Artif Intell Med, 2022 10;132:102395.
    PMID: 36207078 DOI: 10.1016/j.artmed.2022.102395
    BACKGROUND: Early detection and prediction of suicidal behaviour are key factors in suicide control. In conjunction with recent advances in the field of artificial intelligence, there is increasing research into how machine learning can assist in the detection, prediction and treatment of suicidal behaviour. Therefore, this study aims to provide a comprehensive review of the literature exploring machine learning techniques in the study of suicidal behaviour prediction.

    METHODS: A search of four databases was conducted: Web of Science, PubMed, Dimensions, and Scopus for research papers dated between January 2016 and September 2021. The search keywords are 'data mining', 'machine learning' in combination with 'suicidal behaviour', 'suicide', 'suicide attempt', 'suicidal ideation', 'suicide plan' and 'self-harm'. The studies that used machine learning techniques were synthesized according to the countries of the articles, sample description, sample size, classification tasks, number of features used to develop the models, types of machine learning techniques, and evaluation of performance metrics.

    RESULTS: Thirty-five empirical articles met the criteria to be included in the current review. We provide a general overview of machine learning techniques, examine the feature categories, describe methodological challenges, and suggest areas for improvement and research directions. Ensemble prediction models have been shown to be more accurate and useful than single prediction models.

    CONCLUSIONS: Machine learning has great potential for improving estimates of future suicidal behaviour and monitoring changes in risk over time. Further research can address important challenges and potential opportunities that may contribute to significant advances in suicide prediction.

    Matched MeSH terms: Suicidal Ideation*
  4. Lyndon N, Azman H, Che Rose RA, Mat Jali MF
    Clin Interv Aging, 2021;16:1379-1392.
    PMID: 34290500 DOI: 10.2147/CIA.S310405
    BACKGROUND: Globally, suicide is regarded as an immoral behavior and can be considered a criminal act in some societies. Sociological narrative views suicide not only as a result of mental illness suffered by the individuals but may also be caused by the social environment and other risk factors.

    PURPOSE: The objective of this study is to examine the social risk factors that drive older people to have suicidal feelings or tendencies and the extent to which these factors arise from the changes that occur in their social environment as a result of the process of modernization and industrialization.

    METHODS: This study employed the phenomenological approach through qualitative data collection technique. A total of 20 informants comprising 10 males and 10 females of Malay, Chinese and Indian ethnicity were selected for the study using purposive sampling technique. In-depth interviews were conducted with the informants. Data were transcribed and subsequently analyzed thematically using the NVivo 11 software.

    RESULTS: The findings revealed five conditions that led older people toward suicidal intentions. These include social and cultural changes, lack of social support, conflict in religious belief, influence of economic uncertainty and socio-economic status, and depression as a result of the changes in their social environment.

    CONCLUSION: The implication of this research is that these factors affect older people directly as they struggle to adapt and respond to the major changes that occur in the social structure of the society they live in, stemming from the process of modernization and industrialization. Efforts to enact better policies and services for older people need to be addressed especially in developing countries based on assessment of their needs, weaknesses, strengths, and capabilities by incorporating elements of the worldview of the older people based on their experiences of daily lives.

    Matched MeSH terms: Suicidal Ideation*
  5. Tan ST, Sherina MS, Rampal L, Normala I
    Med J Malaysia, 2015 Feb;70(1):1-5.
    PMID: 26032521 MyJurnal
    BACKGROUND: Undergraduate medical students have been the most distressed group among the student population. Depression and anxiety have been found to be more prevalent in this group of students compared to others.

    OBJECTIVE: This study was conducted to determine the prevalence and predictors of suicidality among undergraduate medical students in a public university.

    METHODS: This was an analytical cross-sectional study, conducted in a public university in Selangor, Malaysia. Data were collected using self-administered questionnaires from January to February 2013, and analysed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences Software (version 21).

    RESULTS: Out of 625 undergraduate medical students, 537 (85.9%) participated in the study. The prevalence of the suicidality among undergraduate medical students was 7.0%. The significant predictors of suicidality based on multiple logistic regression were the respondent's lifetime suicide attempts (Adjusted Odds Ratio, AOR 10.4, 95% CI 2.7 to 40.9); depression (AOR 5.9, 95% CI 1.5 to 23.0); breaking off a steady love relationship (AOR 5.4, 95% CI 1.3 to 22.4); hopelessness (AOR 4.9, 95% CI 1.1 to 21.6); and something valued being lost or stolen (AOR 4.4, 95% CI 1.2 to 15.9).

    CONCLUSION: These findings indicate that mental health care services should be strengthened at university level. The results show a need for an intervention programme to reduce suicidality among the undergraduate medical students.
    Matched MeSH terms: Suicidal Ideation*
  6. Huen JMY, Zhang J, Osman A, Lew B, Yip PSF
    J Affect Disord, 2021 02 15;281:1-8.
    PMID: 33278765 DOI: 10.1016/j.jad.2020.11.069
    BACKGROUND: The 40-item Psychological Strain Scales (PSS) was developed to measure four dimensions of psychological strains based on the Strain Theory of Suicide. Although the PSS has been increasingly used in recent years, the dimensionality and scoring of the PSS remained to be thoroughly examined using the Item Response Theory (IRT) approach.

    METHODS: Data came from a large sample of 11,412 Chinese undergraduate students. A bifactor-IRT model, specifying one general strain factor and four specific strains factors, was examined for fit to the sample data. A detailed item analysis, with analysis of the differential item functioning (DIF) of the items across gender, was undertaken to evaluate the dimensionality of the PSS. The associations among the PSS scale scores with scores on the concurrent measures, assessing psychache and suicidal behaviors, were examined.

    RESULTS: IRT-derived specific bifactor indices showed that the PSS was unidimensional, and thus the PSS total scores should be reported. Unidimensional subset of 5 items identified (Item 9, Item 12, Item 14, Item 16, and Item 20), using bifactor-IRT modeling and incremental validation, were selected to construct a potential short form of the PSS (PSS-SF). The PSS-SF scale scores demonstrated strong psychometric properties and associations with scores on the concurrent measures assessing relevant constructs.

    LIMITATIONS: This study used cross-sectional data from a non-clinical sample of Chinese undergraduate students.

    CONCLUSIONS: The PSS-SF should be considered as a unidimensional instrument with potential in enhancing our understanding and measurement of psychological strains with reduced response burden.

    Matched MeSH terms: Suicidal Ideation*
  7. Eskin M, Baydar N, El-Nayal M, Asad N, Noor IM, Rezaeian M, et al.
    Soc Sci Med, 2020 11;265:113390.
    PMID: 33007656 DOI: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2020.113390
    OBJECTIVE: The study investigated the associations of religiosity, religious coping and suicide acceptance to suicide ideation and attempts in 7427 young adults affiliating with Islam from 11 Muslim countries.

    METHOD: A self-administered questionnaire was used to collect the data. We used F and χ2 tests and correlation analyses to report descriptive statistics. Multi-group path models with (i) a zero-inflated Poisson distribution and, (ii) a Binomial distribution were used to model the number of occurrences of suicidal ideation, and occurrence of a suicide attempt, respectively.

    RESULTS: Religiosity was negatively associated with acceptability of suicide, but it was positively related to punishment after death across the 11 countries. Religiosity was negatively associated with ever experiencing suicidal ideation, both directly and indirectly through its association with attitudes towards suicide, especially the belief in acceptability of suicide. Neither positive nor negative religious coping were related to suicidal ideation. However, religiosity was negatively related to suicide attempts among those who experienced suicidal ideation at least once. This association was mediated through the belief in acceptability of suicide and religious coping. Negative religious coping was positively associated with suicide attempts probably because it weakened the protective effects of religiosity.

    CONCLUSIONS: Findings from this study suggest that the effects of religiosity in the suicidal process operate through attitudes towards suicide. We therefore conclude that clinical assessment as well as research in suicidology may benefit from paying due attention to attitudes towards suicide.

    Matched MeSH terms: Suicidal Ideation*
  8. Nordin N, Zainol Z, Mohd Noor MH, Lai Fong C
    Health Informatics J, 2021 3 23;27(1):1460458221989395.
    PMID: 33745355 DOI: 10.1177/1460458221989395
    Current suicide risk assessments for predicting suicide attempts are time consuming, of low predictive value and have inadequate reliability. This paper aims to develop a predictive model for suicide attempts among patients with depression using machine learning algorithms as well as presents a comparative study on single predictive models with ensemble predictive models for differentiating depressed patients with suicide attempts from non-suicide attempters. We applied and trained eight different machine learning algorithms using a dataset that consists of 75 patients diagnosed with a depressive disorder. A recursive feature elimination was used to reduce the features via three-fold cross validation. An ensemble predictive models outperformed the single predictive models. Voting and bagging revealed the highest accuracy of 92% compared to other machine learning algorithms. Our findings indicate that history of suicide attempt, religion, race, suicide ideation and severity of clinical depression are useful factors for prediction of suicide attempts.
    Matched MeSH terms: Suicidal Ideation*
  9. Eskin M, Baydar N, Harlak H, Hamdan M, Mechri A, Isayeva U, et al.
    J Affect Disord, 2021 11 01;294:366-374.
    PMID: 34315098 DOI: 10.1016/j.jad.2021.07.050
    BACKGROUND: Research on suicidality in low to middle-income countries is scarce. We addressed this issue by investigating suicidality in a cross-national college student samples from 11 predominantly low to middle-income majority Muslim countries.

    METHODS: The sample consisted of 7427 college students (56% female) who reported to be affiliated with Islam. Data on self-construal, social support, negative life-events, acceptability of suicide, suicidal ideation, and suicide attempts were collected with self-administered questionnaires.

    RESULTS: Acceptability of suicide and the experience of negative life-events were positively, and perceived social support was negatively associated with suicidal ideation. Interdependent self-construal was negatively related to the acceptability of suicide and positively associated with perceived social support, implying a negative indirect effect on suicidal ideation although its direct effect was positive. The number of negative life-events was the strongest positive predictor of ever attempting suicide. The interdependent self-construal moderated the association of negative life-events with suicide attempts.

    LIMITATIONS: Cross-sectional and self-report nature of the study were its major limitations. Participants may have suppressed their responses about suicide because of religious and legal reasons.

    CONCLUSION: Remarkable similarities across 11 country samples emerged in the linkages between cultural and interpersonal factors with suicidality. Our findings highlight the value of a nuanced approach to suicidality, that can recognize the differences in the processes associated with suicidal ideation and suicide attempts, as well as the need to consider the interplay of a broad range of personal, interpersonal, and cultural influences.

    Matched MeSH terms: Suicidal Ideation*
  10. Nordin N, Zainol Z, Mohd Noor MH, Chan LF
    Asian J Psychiatr, 2023 Jan;79:103316.
    PMID: 36395702 DOI: 10.1016/j.ajp.2022.103316
    Machine learning approaches have been used to develop suicide attempt predictive models recently and have been shown to have a good performance. However, those proposed models have difficulty interpreting and understanding why an individual has suicidal attempts. To overcome this issue, the identification of features such as risk factors in predicting suicide attempts is important for clinicians to make decisions. Therefore, the aim of this study is to propose an explainable predictive model to predict and analyse the importance of features for suicide attempts. This model can also provide explanations to improve the clinical understanding of suicide attempts. Two complex ensemble learning models, namely Random Forest and Gradient Boosting with an explanatory model (SHapley Additive exPlanations (SHAP)) have been constructed. The models are used for predictive interpretation and understanding of the importance of the features. The experiment shows that both models with SHAP are able to interpret and understand the nature of an individual's predictions with suicide attempts. However, compared with Random Forest, the results show that Gradient Boosting with SHAP achieves higher accuracy and the analyses found that history of suicide attempts, suicidal ideation, and ethnicity as the main predictors for suicide attempts.
    Matched MeSH terms: Suicidal Ideation*
  11. Ooi MY, Rabbani M, Yahya AN, Siau CS
    Omega (Westport), 2023 Mar;86(4):1312-1328.
    PMID: 33844601 DOI: 10.1177/00302228211005864
    The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between religious orientation, coping strategies and suicidal behaviour among secondary school adolescents and college students. A total of 196 participants (73 adolescents and 123 adults college students) completed the online survey consisting of the Religious-Orientation Scale-Revised, Brief COPE and Suicidal Behaviours Questionnaire-Revised. Adolescents in secondary school had higher odds of suicidal thoughts and behaviour than college students (OR 4.40, 95% CI: 1.133, 17.094, p = 0.032). Individuals who employed an avoidant coping strategy had higher odds of suicidal thoughts and behaviour after adjusting for other relevant variables, which indicated that when a person engages in avoidant coping strategy, it is most likely that they have a higher odds of suicidal thoughts and behaviour (OR 1.118, 95% CI: 1.050, 1.189, p 
    Matched MeSH terms: Suicidal Ideation*
  12. Gewirtz-Meydan A, Koós M, Nagy L, Kraus SW, Demetrovics Z, Potenza MN, et al.
    Public Health, 2024 Apr;229:13-23.
    PMID: 38382177 DOI: 10.1016/j.puhe.2023.12.031
    OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to examine the psychometric properties of the P4 suicide screener in a multinational sample. The primary goal was to evaluate the reliability and validity of the scale and investigate its convergent validity by analyzing its correlation with depression, anxiety, and substance use.

    STUDY DESIGN: The study design is a cross-sectional self-report study conducted across 42 countries.

    METHODS: A cross-sectional, self-report study was conducted in 42 countries, with a total of 82,243 participants included in the final data set.

    RESULTS: The study provides an overview of suicide ideation rates across 42 countries and confirms the structural validity of the P4 screener. The findings indicated that sexual and gender minority individuals exhibited higher rates of suicidal ideation. The P4 screener showed adequate reliability, convergence, and discriminant validity, and a cutoff score of 1 is recommended to identify individuals at risk of suicidal behavior.

    CONCLUSIONS: The study supports the reliability and validity of the P4 suicide screener across 42 diverse countries, highlighting the importance of using a cross-cultural suicide risk assessment to standardize the identification of high-risk individuals and tailoring culturally sensitive suicide prevention strategies.

    Matched MeSH terms: Suicidal Ideation*
  13. Zhang J, Lew B, Liu Y, Chistopolskaya K, Zhao S
    Omega (Westport), 2024 May;89(1):275-291.
    PMID: 35098786 DOI: 10.1177/00302228211072985
    BACKGROUND: There is a lack of religiosity studies in China especially in relation to mental health and suicidality. In this research, we focus our studies on medical workers of which some studies reported to have higher stress, and to pilot our studies in this adult age-group.

    DATA AND METHODOLOGY: Data were obtained by a questionnaire survey in a large public hospital in a big metropolitan city of China. The final sample consisted of 1012 respondents with 237 (23.4%) being male and 775 (76.6%) being female. The respondents were of three groups: (1) Believers (n = 34; 3.5%); (2) Non-Believers or Atheists (n = 547; 55.8%); and (3) Agnostics or Fence-Sitters (n = 400; 40.8%). Suicidality was measured by the NCS-Suicidality Scale, and standard measures were employed for other major variables.

    FINDINGS: In line with other recent studies in China, the religion rate among the urban adults remained low (3.5%). However, about 40.8% of the respondents chose "don't know" and could be fence-sitters on the issue of religious belief. Many of them are involved in various folk beliefs which may not be considered as religious. The religious believers were at higher risk of suicidality and depression than the atheists and the fence-sitters. However, the fence-sitters were higher than the believers and atheists on psychological strains, and they were higher on depression compared to the atheists.

    CONCLUSION: The religious believers and religious fence-sitters have higher psychopathologic risks and suicidal risk than the atheist group. Religion as of low prevalence in Chinese societies is a social value deviant from the norm and its practitioners are likely to be marginalized or stigmatized. The Strain Theory of Suicide is used for detailed explanations.

    Matched MeSH terms: Suicidal Ideation*
  14. Chan Lai Fong, Nurashikin Ibrahim, Nur Ajjrina Abdul Rahman, Sara Bartlett, Amer Siddiq Amer Nordin, Yin, Ping Ng
    The media can be a double-edged sword in suicide prevention
    with the Werther and Papageno effect as risk and protective factors
    respectively. Objective: This article provides a brief overview of the impact
    of media suicide reporting on suicidal behaviour and suicide prevention.
    Results: In the Malaysian context, current practices of media suicide
    reporting, advocacy strategies for responsible media suicide reporting as
    well as challenges in stakeholder awareness and engagement are highlighted.
    A review of the literature suggested limited implementaton and adherence of
    media guidelines locally. Conclusions: Future research is warranted to
    establish the evidence base for effective strategies to improve stakeholder
    awareness, engagement and implementation of responsible media reporting
    of suicide.
    Matched MeSH terms: Suicidal Ideation
  15. Thompson, Holly Knox, Hasking, Penelope A.
    Self-injury is a significant predictor of future self-harm and suicide, and is associated with significant psychological morbidity. However, despite an
    apparent increase in prevalence, very little research on this behaviour has been conducted within Malaysia. This paper reviews the definitional issues
    pertinent to the study of self-injury including the need to adopt a consistent nomenclature for the behaviour, separate self-injury which occurs with and
    without suicidal intent, and to address role of culture in defining self-injurious behaviour. A review and critique of research exploring the prevalence, function, aetiology, and correlates of self-injury across both clinical and community samples is provided. Finally, in light of the current international knowledge regarding self-injurious behaviour, recommendations to guide future research in Malaysia are proposed.
    Matched MeSH terms: Suicidal Ideation
  16. Siau CS, Wee LH, Adnan TH, Yeoh SH, Perialathan K, Wahab S
    J Nurses Prof Dev, 2019 2 12;35(2):98-103.
    PMID: 30741918 DOI: 10.1097/NND.0000000000000520
    The aim of this study was to examine Malaysian nurses' attitudes toward suicide. Nurses from five hospitals participated in this study. Studying the attitudes of nurses toward suicidal patients and its application to nursing professional development practitioners is an important topic. Most nurses were agreeable to assuming responsibility and to be trained in suicide prevention. Suicide-related training should focus on improving the attitudes of nonpsychiatric nurses, those with no experience in caring for suicidal patients, and those with less nursing experience, all of whom reported more negative attitudes toward suicidal patients.
    Matched MeSH terms: Suicidal Ideation
  17. Lan Z, Pau K, Mohd Yusof H, Huang X
    Sci Rep, 2022 Oct 14;12(1):17238.
    PMID: 36241902 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-022-21377-z
    This study analyzed the factors influencing adolescents' non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI) behavior and their interrelationships, and established a total influencing factor model. Through a literature analysis and semi-structured interviews with 87 adolescents and 27 experts in Guangxi Province, China, 13 influencing factors were identified from six aspects: physiological factors, cognitive factors, emotional factors, social support factors, social environment, and NSSI behavior. A system of factors influencing adolescents' NSSI behavior and a model of the factors influencing the comprehensive antagonism multilevel explanatory structure were obtained using a combination of Decision-Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory technique and Total Adversarial Interpretive Structural Model. In descending order, NSSI, emotional state, self-efficacy, and self-cognition influenced adolescents' NSSI behavior. Social environment, exercise, and recreation had a greater impact on other factors, while NSSI, emotional regulation ability, and emotional state were greatly affected by other factors. Emotion regulation ability, self-cognition, self-efficacy, family support, school support, social support, and sleep were found to be the core factors influencing NSSI behavior of adolescents. These factors could be used to directly intervene in adolescent NSSI behavior. Timely treatment of adolescents' negative emotional states is directly conducive to preventing NSSI behavior and alleviating its severity.
    Matched MeSH terms: Suicidal Ideation
  18. Abdollahi A, Abu Talib M
    Death Stud, 2015;39(10):579-83.
    PMID: 25924082 DOI: 10.1080/07481187.2015.1013163
    To examine the moderating role of spirituality between hopelessness, spirituality, and suicidal ideation, 202 Iranian depressed adolescent inpatients completed measures of patient health, suicidal ideation, hopelessness, and core spiritual experience. Structural equation modelling indicated that depressed inpatients high in hopelessness, but also high in spirituality, had less suicidal ideation than others. These findings reinforce the importance of spirituality as a protective factor against hopelessness and suicidal ideation.
    Matched MeSH terms: Suicidal Ideation*
  19. Syed Elias SM, Makhtar A, Ahmad Tarmidi NH
    Enferm Clin, 2021 04;31 Suppl 2:S356-S360.
    PMID: 33849199 DOI: 10.1016/j.enfcli.2020.09.026
    This study aimed to determine the prevalence of suicidal ideation and the associated factors with suicidal ideation among older people. This was a cross-sectional study. The present study was carried out from March 2018 to May 2018. In total, 200 older people aged 60 years and over were recruited from a medical outpatient clinic in Malaysia. The older people completed a self-administered questionnaire on sociodemographic background, depression, and suicidal ideation. The data analysis involved descriptive and inferential analysis using IBM SPSS Statistics version 23.0. The prevalence rate of suicidal ideation was 3%. There were significant associations between ethnicity (p<0.00), marital status (p=0.008), depression (p<0.00) and suicidal ideation. Risk factors for suicidal ideation in older people are ethnicity, marital status, and depression. Future studies should focus on these factors in any intervention aimed to reduce suicidal ideation among older people in Malaysia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Suicidal Ideation*
  20. Cong CW, Ling WS, Fitriana M
    J Child Adolesc Ment Health, 2020 12 22;32(2-3):131-140.
    PMID: 33345736 DOI: 10.2989/17280583.2020.1848852
    Background and aim: Adolescent suicide has become a central issue around the world, including in Malaysia, which needs attention. The current study investigated the mediating effect of coping strategy in the association between family functioning and suicidal ideation among adolescents in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Method: A total of 852 school-attending adolescents aged 13-17 years were recruited by multistage cluster sampling. The relationships between all the study variables were analysed using Pearson's correlation. Moreover, the mediation model was tested using SPSS PROCESS macro, while sex differences in suicidal ideation were examined using independent samples t-test. Results: Results showed that family cohesion, family flexibility, and problem-focused coping negatively correlated with adolescents' suicidal ideation. Problem-focused coping also mediated the association between family flexibility and suicidal ideation. There was a significant difference in suicidal ideation for males and females. Conclusion: Family functioning and coping strategy are related to adolescents' suicidal ideation, while problem-focused coping plays a crucial role in the relationship between family flexibility and suicidal ideation.
    Matched MeSH terms: Suicidal Ideation*
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