BACKGROUND: The inability to achieve work-life balance is one of the major reasons for the declining retention rate among nurses. Job demands and job control are two major work domain factors that can have a significant influence on the work-life balance of nurses.
METHOD: The study measured the job demands, job control and work-life balance of 2040 nurses in eight private hospitals in Taiwan in 2013.
RESULTS: Job demands and job control significantly predicted all the dimensions of work-life balance. Job demands increased the level of work-life imbalance among nurses. While job control showed positive effects on work/personal life enhancement, it was found to increase both work interference with personal life and personal life interference with work.
CONCLUSION: Reducing the level of job demands (particularly for psychological demands) between family and career development and maintaining a proper level of job control are essential to the work-life balance of nurses.
IMPLICATIONS FOR NURSING MANAGEMENT: Flexible work practices and team-based management could be considered by nursing management to lessen job demand pressure and to facilitate job engagement and participation among nurses, thus promoting a better balance between work and personal life.
METHODS: The study involves conducting a global survey to fitness coaches, sports scientists, analysts, and physicians with experience in load monitoring within football. The research adheres to the principles of the Helsinki Declaration and complies with General Data Protection Regulation standards, with ethical approvals obtained from multiple Ethics Committees across various countries, including Tunisia. A consortium of professionals collaboratively crafted the survey instrument, dividing it into seven sections, each addressing specific aspects of workload monitoring in football. Survey reliability will undergo evaluation in a pilot study utilizing Cronbach's alpha and intraclass correlation coefficient. To ensure inclusivity, the survey will be translated into multiple languages, facilitating participation from diverse regions. As such, survey distribution will consider online platforms (such as social media) and email invitations, with a specific focus on engaging football clubs, federations, and professional networks. The targeted sample size will remain at 385 participants. Statistical analysis planning encompasses descriptive examination, exploration of variable relationships, hypothesis testing, and qualitative analyses of participant feedback and recommendations regarding load monitoring practices.
EXPECTED RESULTS: Expected outcomes include i) A comprehensive global overview of training and match load monitoring practices in football, ii) The identification of emerging trends, an improved understanding of training optimization processes, and iii) The development of practical recommendations to enhance player well-being and performance.
CONCLUSION: This study will contribute to the ongoing development of knowledge in the field of football workload monitoring.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted to evaluate the perceptions of nurses (n = 45) and students (n = 6) when performing patient transfers from bed to wheelchair and vice versa using the NEAR-1 compared to an existing floor lift, walking belt, and manual transfer. Participants filled out surveys evaluating the perceived task demands and usability of the NEAR-1, as well as open-ended interviews.
RESULTS: The use of the NEAR-1 significantly reduced the mean of all NASA-TLX constructs (p workload, followed by the existing floor lift (26.1 ± 11.6), a robotic-assisted transfer device (28.3 ± 6.8) and mechanical floor lift (31.5 ± 9.3). The participants recorded a usability score of 76.86, indicating positive perceptions of the nurses towards the technology.
CONCLUSIONS: Overall, the NEAR-1 has the potential to reduce the physical stresses on nurses and decrease the likelihood of work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs). The NEAR-1 may represent a promising new intervention for transferring patients that is capable of minimizing the nurses' perceived workload in clinical and non-clinical settings.
METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted online using Google Forms™. Sociodemographic as well as work and workplace data were collected. The Job Demand Inventory, Physicians' Lack of Professional Autonomy, and Health Professions Stress Inventory questionnaires were used to assess the job demand score, job autonomy score, and the level of work-related stress, respectively. Multiple linear regression was performed to determine the significant factors associated with higher work-related stress.
RESULTS: A total of 301 PCDs participated in this study with the majority being female (76.1%), Malay (67.8%), married (73.1%), medical officers (68.8%), and worked in urban (70.4%) and public primary care clinics (83%). The mean (SD) score for work-related stress was 62.8 (18.4), (score range 0-120). PCDs who had any degree of worry about being alienated by friends and relatives because of close contact with COVID-19 patients had higher work-related stress levels compared to PCDs who did not have any worry [rarely (b = 10.23, 95% CI:5.57, 14.89), sometimes (b = 10.41, 95% CI:5.68, 15.13), often (b = 10.12, 95% CI:4.16, 16.08), and always (b = 14.65, 95% CI:7.43, 21.89)]. The other significant factor was higher job demand scores (b = 1.13, 95% CI:0.91, 1.35). In contrast, PCDs who always received support from supervisors at their workplace were found to have lower work-related stress levels compared to those who did not receive any support (b=-5.65, 95% CI:-10.38, -0.93).
CONCLUSIONS: The level of work-related stress among Malaysian PCDs during the COVID-19 pandemic was higher compared to American PCDs and Malaysian physicians before the pandemic but lower compared to Australian emergency physicians during the pandemic. Urgent measures to address the above-mentioned associated factors should be implemented as another pandemic may be just around the corner.
Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out at the Kubang Kerian Nursing College, Kelantan which involved 346 respondents using simple random sampling method. The inclusion criteria were year one, two and three of nursing students who have clinical posting and voluntarily joining the study. Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) and Brief COPE inventory were utilised in the data collection. Higher mean score indicates higher degree of stress.
Results: Clinical assignments and workload were the main stressor (mean = 3.19, SD = 1.09). Religion approach was the most coping strategy applied (mean = 3.30, SD = 0.71). Pearson's correlation coefficient test found that six domains of stressors during clinical practices (taking care of patients; clinical educators/instructors and ward staff; clinical assignments and workload; peers and nursing students from other college; lack of professional knowledge and skills and clinical environment) were statistically significant correlation with coping strategies, where P-value < 0.05.
Conclusion: Clinical assignment was the main stressor among nursing students; therefore, successful activities should be promoted to help them in managing clinical assignment and enhancing knowledge in religion.