Displaying publications 1 - 20 of 107 in total

  1. Lehtimaki S, Allotey P, Schwalbe N
    Lancet, 2021 Jul 10;398(10295):115.
    PMID: 34181879 DOI: 10.1016/S0140-6736(21)01223-X
    Matched MeSH terms: Guideline Adherence*
  2. Yeoh PL, Hornetz K, Ahmad Shauki NI, Dahlui M
    PLoS One, 2015;10(8):e0135301.
    PMID: 26270471 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0135301
    Recent papers on monitoring of health services affirmed that while antenatal care (ANC) is an effective measure, quality is still a problem. Quality in maternal services "…involves providing a minimum level of care to all pregnant women…" Yet adherence to a minimum level of recommended ANC content appears to be unmet. Comprehensive review of ANC content rendered in environments with rapid changes in demographic, socio-economic, lifestyle and morbidity was sparse. Malaysia is such a country that has undergone these transitions with tremendous progress in health. However, recent progress in pregnancy outcomes is stagnating. This study aims to analyse adherence to recommended ANC; specifically, to examine the extent of adherence to recommended ANC content and to determine the factors influencing ANC content score.
    Matched MeSH terms: Guideline Adherence*
  3. Gopal CP, Ranga A, Joseph KL, Tangiisuran B
    Singapore Med J, 2015 Apr;56(4):217-23.
    PMID: 25532514 DOI: 10.11622/smedj.2014190
    Although heart failure (HF) management is available at primary and secondary care facilities in Malaysia, the optimisation of drug therapy is still suboptimal. Although pharmacists can help bridge the gap in optimising HF therapy, pharmacists in Malaysia currently do not manage and titrate HF pharmacotherapy. The aim of this study was to develop treatment algorithms and monitoring protocols for angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors, angiotensin receptor blockers, beta-blockers and spironolactone based on extensive literature review for validation and utilization by pharmacists involved in HF management.
    Matched MeSH terms: Guideline Adherence*
  4. Prepageran N, Wang de Y, Nair G, Maurer M
    Asia Pac Allergy, 2014 Jul;4(3):142-8.
    PMID: 25097849 DOI: 10.5415/apallergy.2014.4.3.142
    Allergic rhinitis and rhinosinusitis, common and debilitating conditions, should be managed in accordance with guideline recommendations. Guideline adherence shows regional differences. As of now, there is little data from Asia and none from Malaysia on the current treatment practices and unmet needs in the management of these conditions.
    Matched MeSH terms: Guideline Adherence
  5. Oh CK, Aniwan S, Piyachaturawat P, Wong Z, Soe T, Luvsandagva B, et al.
    Gut Liver, 2021 11 15;15(6):878-886.
    PMID: 33790055 DOI: 10.5009/gnl20166
    Background/Aims: As the number of colonoscopies and polypectomies performed continues to increase in many Asian countries, there is a great demand for surveillance colonoscopy. The aim of this study was to investigate the adherence to postpolypectomy surveillance guidelines among physicians in Asia.

    Methods: A survey study was performed in seven Asian countries. An email invitation with a link to the survey was sent to participants who were asked to complete the questionnaire consisting of eight clinical scenarios.

    Results: Of the 137 doctors invited, 123 (89.8%) provided valid responses. Approximately 50% of the participants adhered to the guidelines regardless of the risk of adenoma, except in the case of tubulovillous adenoma ≥10 mm combined with high-grade dysplasia, in which 35% of the participants adhered to the guidelines. The participants were stratified according to the number of colonoscopies performed: ≥20 colonoscopies per month (high volume group) and <20 colonoscopies per month (low volume group). Higher adherence to the postpolypectomy surveillance guidelines was evident in the high volume group (60%) than in the low volume group (25%). The reasons for nonadherence included concern of missed polyps (59%), the low cost of colonoscopy (26%), concern of incomplete resection (25%), and concern of medical liability (15%).

    Conclusions: A discrepancy between clinical practice and surveillance guidelines among physicians in Asia was found. Physicians in the low volume group frequently did not adhere to the guidelines, suggesting a need for continuing education and appropriate control. Concerns regarding the quality of colonoscopy and complete polypectomy were the main reasons for nonadherence.

    Matched MeSH terms: Guideline Adherence
  6. Song CV, Yip CH, Mohd Taib NA, See MH, Teoh LY, Monninkhof EM, et al.
    JCO Glob Oncol, 2022 Mar;8:e2100314.
    PMID: 35245099 DOI: 10.1200/GO.21.00314
    PURPOSE: Addressing unwarranted clinical variation in oncology practices is expected to lead to improved cancer outcomes. Particularly, the application and impact of treatment guidelines on breast cancer outcomes are poorly studied in resource-limited settings. We measured adherence to a set of locally developed adjuvant treatment guidelines in a middle-income setting. Importantly, the impact of guidelines adherence on survival following breast cancer was determined.

    METHODS: Data of 3,100 Malaysian women with nonmetastatic breast cancer diagnosed between 2010 and 2017 were analyzed. Adherence to the Malaysian Clinical Practice Guidelines for Management of Breast Cancer second Edition was measured. Outcomes comprised overall survival and event-free survival.

    RESULTS: Guideline adherence for chemotherapy, radiotherapy, hormonal therapy, and targeted therapy were 61.7%, 79.2%, 85.1%, and 26.2%, respectively. Older age was generally associated with lower adherence to guidelines. Compared with patients who were treated according to treatment guidelines, overall survival and event-free survival were substantially lower in patients who were not treated accordingly; hazard ratios for all-cause mortality were 1.69 (95% CI, 1.29 to 2.22), 2.59 (95% CI, 1.76 to 3.81), 3.08 (95% CI, 1.94 to 4.88), and 4.48 (95% CI, 1.98 to 10.13) for chemotherapy, radiotherapy, hormone therapy, and targeted therapy, respectively. Study inferences remain unchanged following sensitivity analyses.

    CONCLUSION: Our study findings appear to suggest that adherence to treatment guidelines that have been adapted for resource-limited settings may still provide effective guidance in improving breast cancer outcomes.

    Matched MeSH terms: Guideline Adherence
  7. Al-Ashwal FY, Sulaiman SAS, Sheikh Ghadzi SM, Kubas MA, Halboup A
    PLoS One, 2023;18(1):e0280432.
    PMID: 36662695 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0280432
    BACKGROUND: Millions of individuals worldwide use statins, and their significant impact on cardiovascular disease (CVD) has been well-established. However, a lack of knowledge about the up-to-date guideline recommendations regarding statin therapy is a common barrier to implementation in clinical practice. Therefore, the present study aimed to assess the current clinical knowledge about statin therapy and its monitoring parameters. Also, we evaluated the barriers to cholesterol management guideline implementation in Yemen.

    METHODS: This observational cross-sectional study was conducted over four months, from June/2021 to September/2021, in Sana'a, Yemen. A validated questionnaire was distributed face-to-face to 650 participants (350 physicians and 300 pharmacists). Physicians and pharmacists from governmental and private hospitals and those working in private clinics or community pharmacies were included in the study.

    RESULTS: A total of 496 participants filled out the survey, with 22 being excluded due to incomplete data. So, the study has an overall response rate of 72.9% (474). The majority of pharmacists (81.8%) and physicians (78.7%) could not identify the patient group that needed ASCVD risk assessment before statin therapy initiation. Although a significant proportion of respondents knew of the fact that high-intensity statins are recommended for patients with ASCVD (65.4%) and primary hypercholesterolemia (58.4%), the majority of physicians and pharmacists could not identify the high (61.6% and 66.7.3%, respectively) and moderate statin-intensity doses (72.2% and 68.6%, respectively). Only 21.9% of all respondents knew that atorvastatin and rosuvastatin can be administered at any time of the day. Similarly, a low overall rate of respondents (19.6%) knew that atorvastatin does not need dose adjustment in chronic kidney diseases, with a statistically significant difference in knowledge between physicians and pharmacists (12.5% vs. 25.6%, p <0.001, respectively). Notably, only 39.2% of participants were aware that statins are not safe to use during breastfeeding. Around half of respondents (52.3%) correctly identify the duration (4 to 12 weeks) at which LD-C measuring is recommended after therapy initiation or dose change. The lowest knowledge scores for respondents were related to statin-drug interactions. Age, experience, degree, and previous guideline exposure were all significantly associated with the knowledge scores (p <0.05). The four most perceived barriers to implementing cholesterol management guidelines were no audit on adherence to the guidelines in the workplace (73.4%), insufficient resources to adequately implement and follow up on the guideline's recommendations (73.6%), patient's financial status (75.7%), and lack of familiarity about the guideline's latest recommendations (63.3%).

    CONCLUSION: Physicians and pharmacists had suboptimal clinical knowledge regarding statin therapy, dose intensities, drug-drug interaction, contraindications, and monitoring parameters. Therefore, physicians' and pharmacists' educational interventions regarding the up-to-date recommendation about statins are recommended.

    Matched MeSH terms: Guideline Adherence
  8. Abdulameer SA, Sahib MN, Aziz NA, Hassan Y, Alrazzaq HA, Ismail O
    PMID: 22346346 DOI: 10.2147/PPA.S27223
    Prescribing pattern surveys are one of the pharmacoepidemiological techniques that provide an unbiased picture of prescribing habits. Prescription surveys permit the identification of suboptimal prescribing patterns for further evaluation. The aims of this study were to determine the prescribing trend, adherence of the prescribers to the guideline, and the impact of drug expenditure on drug utilization at the cardiac clinic of Penang Hospital, Malaysia. This was a cross-sectional study. Demographic data of the patients, diagnoses and the drugs prescribed were recorded. The average drug acquisition costs (ADAC) were calculated for each antihypertensive drug class on a daily and annual basis. Adherence to the guideline was calculated as a percentage of the total number of patients. A total of 313 individuals fulfilled the inclusion criteria. The average age of the study population was 59.30 ± 10.35 years. The mean number of drugs per prescription in the study was 2.09 ± 0.78. There were no significant differences in the demographic data. Antihypertensive drugs were used in monotherapy and polytherapy in 20.8% and 79.2% of the patients, respectively. Adherence to the guideline regarding prescription occurred in 85.30% of the patients. The lowest priced drug class was diuretics and the highest was angiotensin-receptor blockers. In conclusion, the total adherence to the guideline was good; the adherence percentage only slightly decreased with a co-existing comorbidity (such as diabetes mellitus). The use of thiazide diuretics was encouraged because they are well tolerated and inexpensive, and perindopril was still prescribed for diabetic patients since it is relatively cheap (generic drug) and its daily dosage is beneficial.

    Study site: cardiac clinic of Penang Hospital, Malaysia
    Matched MeSH terms: Guideline Adherence*
  9. Lee YF, Merican H, Nallusamy R, Ong LM, Mohamed Nazir P, Hamzah HB, et al.
    Am J Infect Control, 2016 06 01;44(6):e95-7.
    PMID: 26897697 DOI: 10.1016/j.ajic.2015.12.031
    Hand hygiene auditing is mandatory for all Malaysian public hospitals; nonetheless, the burden of auditing is impacting the support and sustainability of the program. We report an alternative method to routinely measure hand hygiene compliance with the aim to test whether alcohol-based handrub purchase data could be used as a proxy for usage because human auditing has decreased validity and reliability inherent in the methodology.
    Matched MeSH terms: Guideline Adherence/utilization*
  10. Khoo TH, Cardosa MS, Inbasegaran K
    Med J Malaysia, 1999 Mar;54(1):72-8.
    PMID: 10972008
    The Malaysian Society of Anaesthesiologists published a document entitled "Recommendations for Standards of Monitoring during Anaesthesia and Recovery" in 1993. This paper examines the results of two surveys, carried out in 1995 and 1996 respectively; to determine compliance with published Monitoring Standards in Malaysian public and private hospitals. In the private sector, compliance with the recommended standards during anaesthesia varied greatly. Of the 28 government hospitals surveyed in 1996, compliance with monitoring standards during anaesthesia was almost 100%. Standards in recovery areas were less than ideal. The majority of anaesthesiologists thought that the current recommended standards were adequate.
    Matched MeSH terms: Guideline Adherence*
  11. Schumpe BM, Van Lissa CJ, Bélanger JJ, Ruggeri K, Mierau J, Nisa CF, et al.
    Sci Rep, 2022 Mar 09;12(1):3824.
    PMID: 35264597 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-021-04703-9
    The present paper examines longitudinally how subjective perceptions about COVID-19, one's community, and the government predict adherence to public health measures to reduce the spread of the virus. Using an international survey (N = 3040), we test how infection risk perception, trust in the governmental response and communications about COVID-19, conspiracy beliefs, social norms on distancing, tightness of culture, and community punishment predict various containment-related attitudes and behavior. Autoregressive analyses indicate that, at the personal level, personal hygiene behavior was predicted by personal infection risk perception. At social level, social distancing behaviors such as abstaining from face-to-face contact were predicted by perceived social norms. Support for behavioral mandates was predicted by confidence in the government and cultural tightness, whereas support for anti-lockdown protests was predicted by (lower) perceived clarity of communication about the virus. Results are discussed in light of policy implications and creating effective interventions.
    Matched MeSH terms: Guideline Adherence*
  12. Hao Y, Zhou X, Razman R, Peng S, Ahmad NS
    BMC Public Health, 2024 Aug 30;24(1):2357.
    PMID: 39215263 DOI: 10.1186/s12889-024-19842-7
    BACKGROUND: Compliance with the 24-Hour Movement Guidelines (24-HMG: physical activity (PA), screen time (ST), and sleep) has been associated with numerous beneficial health outcomes among children and adolescents. However, there is a lack of consensus on the overall compliance with the 24-HMG specifically among children and adolescents with disabilities. Therefore, this systematic review and meta-analysis aimed to examine the extent to which children and adolescents with disabilities adhere to the 24-HMG globally.

    METHOD: Quantitative studies published in English until May 2023 were sought by searching seven electronic databases: Web of Science, PubMed, SPORTDiscus, CINAHL, MEDLINE, Scopus, Psychology and Behavioural Sciences Collection. This review included studies that identified participants as individuals with disabilities and reported the overall (non) compliance with the 24-HMG among children and adolescents with disabilities.

    RESULTS: A total of 13 studies, involving 21,101 individuals (65.95% males), aged 6 to 21 years from 9 countries, were included in the analysis. In general, 7% (95%CI: 0.05-0.09, p 

    Matched MeSH terms: Guideline Adherence/statistics & numerical data
  13. Koo HC, Poh BK, Lee ST, Chong KH, Bragt MC, Abd Talib R, et al.
    Asia Pac J Public Health, 2016 07;28(5 Suppl):8S-20S.
    PMID: 27073200 DOI: 10.1177/1010539516641504
    A large body of epidemiological data has demonstrated that diet quality follows a sociodemographic gradient. Little is known, however, about food group intake patterns among Malaysian children. This study aimed to assess consumption pattern of 7 food groups, including cereals/grains, legumes, fruits, vegetables, fish, meat/poultry, and milk/dairy products, among children 7 to 12 years of age. A total of 1773 children who participated in SEANUTS Malaysia and who completed the Food Frequency Questionnaire were included in this study. A greater proportion of children aged 10 to 12 years have an inadequate intake of cereals/grains, meat/poultry, legumes, and milk/dairy products compared with children 7 to 9 years old. With the exception of meat/poultry, food consumption of Malaysian children did not meet Malaysian Dietary Guidelines recommendations for the other 6 food groups, irrespective of sociodemographic backgrounds. Efforts are needed to promote healthy and balanced dietary habits, particularly for foods that fall short of recommended intake level.
    Matched MeSH terms: Guideline Adherence/statistics & numerical data*
  14. McEvoy JW, Jennings C, Kotseva K, De Bacquer D, De Backer G, Erlund I, et al.
    Eur Heart J, 2024 Oct 14;45(39):4184-4196.
    PMID: 39212219 DOI: 10.1093/eurheartj/ehae558
    BACKGROUND AND AIMS: INTERASPIRE is an international study of coronary heart disease (CHD) patients, designed to measure if guideline standards for secondary prevention and cardiac rehabilitation are being achieved in a timely manner.

    METHODS: Between 2020 and 2023, adults hospitalized in the preceding 6-24 months with incident or recurrent CHD were sampled in 14 countries from all 6 World Health Organization regions and invited for a standardized interview and examination. Direct age and sex standardization was used for country-level prevalence estimation.

    RESULTS: Overall, 4548 (21.1% female) CHD patients were interviewed a median of 1.05 (interquartile range .76-1.45) years after index hospitalization. Among all participants, 24.6% were obese (40.7% centrally). Only 38.6% achieved a blood pressure (BP) < 130/80 mmHg and 16.6% a LDL cholesterol (LDL-C) of <1.4 mmol/L. Of those smoking at hospitalization, 48% persisted at interview. Of those with known diabetes, 55.2% achieved glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c) of <7.0%. A further 9.8% had undetected diabetes and 26.9% impaired glucose tolerance. Females were less likely to achieve the targets: BP (females 36.8%, males 38.9%), LDL-C (females 12.0%, males 17.9%), and HbA1c in diabetes (females 47.7%, males 57.5%). Overall, just 9.0% (inter-country range 3.8%-20.0%) reported attending cardiac rehabilitation and 1.0% (inter-country range .0%-2.4%) achieved the study definition of optimal guideline adherence.

    CONCLUSIONS: INTERASPIRE demonstrates inadequate and heterogeneous international implementation of guideline standards for secondary prevention in the first year after CHD hospitalization, with geographic and sex disparity. Investment aimed at reducing between-country and between-individual variability in secondary prevention will promote equity in global efforts to reduce the burden of CHD.

    Matched MeSH terms: Guideline Adherence/statistics & numerical data
  15. Ramli AS, Miskan M, Ng K, Ambigga D, Nafiza M, Mazapuspavina M, et al.
    Malays Fam Physician, 2010;5(1):36-40.
    PMID: 25606184
    Large population surveys in Malaysia have consistently shown minimal improvement of blood pressure control rates over the last 10 years. Poor adherence to antihypertensive medication has been recognized as a major reason for poor control of hypertension. This study aimed to describe the prescribing pattern of antihypertensive agents in 2 public primary care clinics and assess its appropriateness in relation to current evidence and guidelines.
    Matched MeSH terms: Guideline Adherence
  16. Aftab RA, Khan AH, SYed Sulaiman SA, Ali I, Hassali A, Saleem F
    Turk J Med Sci, 2016 Nov 17;46(5):1300-1305.
    PMID: 27966326 DOI: 10.3906/sag-1405-45
    BACKGROUND/AIM: Multiple asthma guidelines have been developed to reduce asthma mortality, morbidity, and cost associated with asthma worldwide. In Malaysia, within this context, it is relatively unknown to what extent doctors adhere to the asthma guidelines. This study aimed to assess guideline adherence and calculate the cost of adhered and nonadhered prescriptions by medical doctors in a public tertiary health care facility.
    MATERIALS AND METHODS: A cross-sectional study was carried out at Hospital Pulau Pinang, Malaysia. One hundred and eighty patients, a total of 30 patients per doctor, were enrolled to assess guideline adherence. The patients were followed for a second visit to assess their lung function. The costs of adhered and nonadhered prescriptions were calculated.
    RESULTS: One hundred and forty-three patients (79%) received guideline (Global Initiative for Asthma 2011)-adhering pharmacotherapy. In the majority of patients (n = 133, 73.9%) asthma control was classified as partially controlled. There was no significant association observed between patient asthma control and patient demographics; however, there was a significant difference (P < 0.001) between lung function values from the first and second visits. The cost of adhered prescription was higher (70.1 Malaysian ringgit) than that of nonadhered prescription (13.74 Malaysian ringgit).
    CONCLUSION: Fair levels of guideline adherence were observed. Emphasis should be placed on identifying appropriate cost-effective medication regimens based on patient asthma control and constant feedback from patients.
    Study site: Respiratory clinic, Hospital Pulau Pinang, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia
    Matched MeSH terms: Guideline Adherence
  17. Al-Ashwal FY, Sulaiman SAS, Sheikh Ghadzi SM, Kubas MA, Halboup A
    PLoS One, 2022;17(5):e0269002.
    PMID: 35617266 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0269002
    BACKGROUND: Risk evaluation of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) remains the cornerstone of primary prevention. The cardiovascular risk assessment can guide the decision-making on various preventive measures such as initiating or deferring statin therapy. Thus, our study aimed to assess the physicians' knowledge, attitude, and practices regarding atherosclerotic cardiovascular diseases risk assessment. Also, we evaluated the physician-patient discussion and counseling practices before statin therapy initiation in concordance with recommendations from the latest clinical practice guideline.

    METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted between November 2020 and January 2021. A self-administered questionnaire was distributed to 350 physicians (GPs, residents, specialists, and consultants). Two trained pharmacists distributed the questionnaires in 5 major tertiary governmental hospitals and more than ten private hospitals. Also, private clinics were targeted so that we get a representative sample of physicians at different workplaces.

    RESULTS: A total of 270 physicians filled the questionnaire out of 350 physicians approached, with 14 being excluded due to high missing data, giving a final response rate of 73%. Participants had suboptimal knowledge and practices with a high positive attitude toward atherosclerotic cardiovascular diseases risk assessment. The knowledge and practices were higher among consultants, participants from the cardiology department, those with experience years of more than nine years, and those who reported following a specific guideline for cholesterol management or using a risk calculator in their practice. Notably, the risk assessment and counseling practices were lower among physicians who reported seeing more patients per day.

    CONCLUSION: Physicians had overall low knowledge, suboptimal practices, and a high positive attitude toward cardiovascular risk assessment. Therefore, physicians' training and continuing medical education regarding cholesterol management and primary prevention clinical practice guidelines are recommended. Also, the importance of adherence to clinical practice guidelines and their impact on clinical outcomes should be emphasized.

    Matched MeSH terms: Guideline Adherence
  18. Zheng M, Wang X, Latiff AHA, Shah A, Pham DL, Kim DY, et al.
    Asian Pac J Allergy Immunol, 2025 Mar;43(1):76-83.
    PMID: 36278781 DOI: 10.12932/AP-310322-1361
    BACKGROUND: Physicians' knowledge and practice which are consistent with evidence-based guidelines can improve allergic rhinitis (AR) patients' care. Compared with western countries, the available literature about Asian doctors' perceptions and clinical practices regarding Allergic Rhinitis and its Impacts on Asthma (ARIA) guidelines is limited.

    OBJECTIVE: To collect detailed information about the practical management patterns specific for AR patients and investigate compliance with ARIA in the clinical practice of Asian physicians and elucidate the possible inadequacy in the existing ARIA guidelines.

    METHODS: An e-mail with a structured questionnaire was sent to members of the Asia-Pacific Association of Allergy, Asthma and Clinical Immunology. The questionnaire consisted of doctors' characteristics, environment of medical practice, routine clinical practice following ARIA guidelines and patients' adherence to the prescription.

    RESULTS: Physicians from 14 countries and regions sent valid questionnaires back, 94.12% of whom were senior doctors with more than 10 years of experience. 88.24% of doctors diagnosed AR depending on the history combined with allergy tests. 82.35% of participants employed the classification criteria by ARIA. 94.12%, 88.24% and 41.8% of respondents recommended intranasal corticosteroids, oral antihistamines and leukotriene receptor antagonists as first-line medications. 5.88% treated perennial AR by intranasal corticosteroids alone. 11.76% of clinicians recommended no allergen immunotherapy (AIT) or biologics and 58.82% of interviewees reported AR patients occasionally or sometimes agreed with the recommendation of AIT.

    CONCLUSIONS: There was high compliance with ARIA guidelines in Asian senior physicians' actual notion and practice in the management of AR. New-generation ARIA guidelines are imperative for unmet needs.

    Matched MeSH terms: Guideline Adherence
  19. Yusuf I, Adam RU, Ahmad SA, Yee PL
    Lancet Infect Dis, 2014 Nov;14(11):1045-1046.
    PMID: 25282666 DOI: 10.1016/S1473-3099(14)70954-5
    Matched MeSH terms: Guideline Adherence*
  20. Loh LC, Wong PS
    Med J Malaysia, 2007 Aug;62(3):210-3.
    PMID: 18246909
    A self-answered, anonymously completed, nationwide questionnaire survey was conducted between June 2002 and May 2003 among Malaysian doctors through post and at medical meetings. Findings based on 116 government and 110 private doctors who satisfactorily completed the forms (effective respondent rate: 30.1%) showed that more than 70% of government and private doctors claimed familiarity with asthma CPGs but proportionately more private doctors considered them "unworkable" and were reluctant to adopt them in their practice setting, quoting cost as the primary reason. Between those who frequently adopted the CPGs and those who did not, there was an equally high proportion of inappropriate prescribing. Despite the shortcomings of such a survey, our findings suggest that medicinal cost and practitioner's prescribing practices are important in the acceptance and execution of asthma CPGs recommendations.
    Matched MeSH terms: Guideline Adherence*
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