Displaying publications 1 - 20 of 72 in total

  1. Takashima K, Yeoh GWJ, Chua HE, Ting PLM, Chong JY, Tan RKJ, et al.
    Sex Health, 2019 Nov;16(6):593-595.
    PMID: 31615617 DOI: 10.1071/SH18230
    Sexual practices among heterosexual men may differ between female sex workers (FSWs) and casual partners. We surveyed 203 heterosexual men and investigated the attributes associated with inconsistent condom use among them. Lower educational attainment was positively associated with inconsistent condom use with FSWs (adjusted prevalence ratio (aPR) 2.63; P = 0.018) and casual partners (aPR 1.55; P = 0.022), whereas early age of sexual debut (aPR 3.00; P = 0.012) and alcohol use during sex (aPR 7.95; P < 0.001) were positively associated with inconsistent condom use with FSWs. Socioecological factors may explain such differences.
    Matched MeSH terms: Sexual Partners*
  2. Campbell L, Tan RKJ, Uhlich M, Francis JM, Mark K, Miall N, et al.
    J Interpers Violence, 2023 Jun;38(11-12):7115-7142.
    PMID: 36703528 DOI: 10.1177/08862605221141865
    Intimate partner violence (IPV) causes substantial physical and psychological trauma. Restrictions introduced in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, including lockdowns and movement restrictions, may exacerbate IPV risk and reduce access to IPV support services. This cross-sectional study examines IPV during COVID-19 restrictions in 30 countries from the International Sexual HeAlth and REproductive Health (I-SHARE) study conducted from July 20th, 2020, to February, 15th, 2021. IPV was a primary outcome measure adapted from a World Health Organization multicountry survey. Mixed-effects modeling was used to determine IPV correlates among participants stratified by cohabitation status. The sample included 23,067 participants from 30 countries. A total of 1,070/15,336 (7.0%) participants stated that they experienced IPV during COVID-19 restrictions. A total of 1,486/15,336 (9.2%) participants stated that they had experienced either physical or sexual partner violence before the restrictions, which then decreased to 1,070 (7.0%) after the restrictions. In general, identifying as a sexual minority and experiencing greater economic vulnerability were associated with higher odds of experiencing IPV during COVID-19 restrictions, which were accentuated among participants who were living with their partners. Greater stringency of COVID-19 restrictions and living in urban or semi-urban areas were associated with lower odds of experiencing IPV in some settings. The I-SHARE data suggest a substantial burden of IPV during COVID-19 restrictions. However, the restrictions were correlated with reduced IPV in some settings. There is a need for investing in specific support systems for survivors of IPV during the implementation of restrictions designed to contain infectious disease outbreaks.
    Matched MeSH terms: Sexual Partners/psychology
  3. Chew PY, Choy CL, Sidi HB, Abdullah N, Che Roos NA, Salleh Sahimi HM, et al.
    J Sex Med, 2021 01;18(1):99-112.
    PMID: 33303390 DOI: 10.1016/j.jsxm.2020.10.001
    BACKGROUND: The field of study addressing the relationship between FSD and male sexual dysfunction (MSD) represents a pivotal worldwide health issue as interrelationship between FSD and MSD studies are still inconclusive.

    AIM: To review the interrelationship between FSD and MSD and to conclude whether there is a definitive risk of men developing sexual dysfunction when his partner is suffering from FSD.

    METHODS: The investigation was conducted following the standard practice for conducting and reporting the findings of systematic reviews and meta-analyses comprising of 4 electronic databases, that is, Embase, PsycInfo, Cochrane Library and Ovid (Medline) from inception to December 2019. Search strategies were developed based on relevant keywords with appropriate truncation and Boolean operators' approach. The quality of studies was employed using the McMaster Critical Review Form for Quantitative Studies and were assessed by independent reviewers. The levels of evidence of the included studies were also determined.

    OUTCOMES: MSD who had been exposed to FSD.

    RESULTS: From more than 8,000 studies searched, 26 studies were finally included, and most included studies have reasonable quality. Meta-analysis found a significant sexual dysfunction in men who are partnered with women with FSD. It found a consistent correlation between FDS and sexual dysfunction in men with a significant 3-fold increase in MSD who are partnered with women with FSD (odds ratio = 3.011, 95% confidence interval: 1.856-4.885, P = sexual function pertaining to both partners and encompassing several dimensions and needing an interdisciplinary approach.

    STRENGTH & LIMITATIONS: This review exhaustively examines data search from vast electronic databases and as the comparison of studies is extracted from English journal publications, not all regions worldwide are represented.

    CONCLUSION: This meta-analysis and systematic review found an association between sexual dysfunction in men partnered with women with FSD, especially in the domains of erectile and ejaculatory function. Chew PY, Choy CL, Sidi Hb,et al. The Association Between Female Sexual Dysfunction and Sexual Dysfunction intheMale Partner: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. J Sex Med 2021;18:99-112.

    Matched MeSH terms: Sexual Partners
  4. Sorokowski P, Kowal M, Sternberg RJ, Aavik T, Akello G, Alhabahba MM, et al.
    Sci Rep, 2023 Jan 14;13(1):773.
    PMID: 36641519 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-022-26663-4
    Recent cross-cultural and neuro-hormonal investigations have suggested that love is a near universal phenomenon that has a biological background. Therefore, the remaining important question is not whether love exists worldwide but which cultural, social, or environmental factors influence experiences and expressions of love. In the present study, we explored whether countries' modernization indexes are related to love experiences measured by three subscales (passion, intimacy, commitment) of the Triangular Love Scale. Analyzing data from 9474 individuals from 45 countries, we tested for relationships with country-level predictors, namely, modernization proxies (i.e., Human Development Index, World Modernization Index, Gender Inequality Index), collectivism, and average annual temperatures. We found that mean levels of love (especially intimacy) were higher in countries with higher modernization proxies, collectivism, and average annual temperatures. In conclusion, our results grant some support to the hypothesis that modernization processes might influence love experiences.
    Matched MeSH terms: Sexual Partners
  5. Thomas AG, Jonason PK, Blackburn JD, Kennair LEO, Lowe R, Malouff J, et al.
    J Pers, 2020 06;88(3):606-620.
    PMID: 31494937 DOI: 10.1111/jopy.12514
    OBJECTIVE: Mate choice involves trading-off several preferences. Research on this process tends to examine mate preference prioritization in homogenous samples using a small number of traits and thus provide little insight into whether prioritization patterns reflect a universal human nature. This study examined whether prioritization patterns, and their accompanying sex differences, are consistent across Eastern and Western cultures.

    METHOD: In the largest test of the mate preference priority model to date, we asked an international sample of participants (N = 2,477) to design an ideal long-term partner by allocating mate dollars to eight traits using three budgets. Unlike previous versions of the task, we included traits known to vary in importance by culture (e.g., religiosity and chastity).

    RESULTS: Under low budget conditions, Eastern and Western participants differed in their mate dollar allocation for almost every trait (average d = 0.42), indicating that culture influences prioritization. Despite these differences, traits fundamental for the reproductive success of each sex in the ancestral environment were prioritized by both Eastern and Western participants.

    CONCLUSION: The tendency to prioritize reproductively fundamental traits is present in both Eastern and Western cultures. The psychological mechanisms responsible for this process produce similar prioritization patterns despite cross-cultural variation.

    Matched MeSH terms: Sexual Partners*
  6. Stewart-Williams S, Butler CA, Thomas AG
    J Sex Res, 2016 11 02;54(9):1097-1105.
    PMID: 27805420 DOI: 10.1080/00224499.2016.1232690
    The aim of this study was to explore how people's sexual history affects their attractiveness. Using an Internet survey, 188 participants rated their willingness to engage in a relationship with a hypothetical individual with a specified number of past sexual partners, ranging from 0 to 60+. The effect of past partner number was very large. Average willingness ratings initially rose as past partner number rose, but then fell dramatically. For short-term relationships, men were more willing than women to get involved (although the difference was not large). For long-term relationships, in contrast, there was virtually no sex difference. Thus, contrary to the idea that male promiscuity is tolerated but female promiscuity is not, both sexes expressed equal reluctance to get involved with someone with an overly extensive sexual history. Finally, participants with an unrestricted sociosexual orientation (high SO participants) were more tolerant than low SO participants of prospective mates with higher numbers of past sexual partners but were also less tolerant of prospective mates with low numbers of past sexual partners.
    Matched MeSH terms: Sexual Partners/psychology*
  7. Chan CH, Tiwari A, Fong DY, Ho PC
    Int J Nurs Stud, 2010 Jul;47(7):918-25.
    PMID: 20303490 DOI: 10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2010.01.003
    BACKGROUND: Post-traumatic stress disorder is one of the most prevalent mental health sequelae of intimate partner violence, and as a result, it has been extensively documented in Western literature. However, whether abused women from non-Western cultures experience similar post-traumatic responses to intimate partner violence is less documented.

    OBJECTIVES: The objectives of this paper were (1) to review the literature for information about post-traumatic stress disorder among Chinese women survivors of intimate partner violence; (2) to provide a synthesis of the literature on post-traumatic stress disorder among abused Chinese women; and (3) to identify implications for practice and to suggest directions for research relating to post-traumatic stress disorder among abused Chinese women.

    DESIGN: A systematic review of the literature.

    DATA SOURCES: Following a systematic search for relevant literature in computerized databases and manual searches of English and Chinese language publications, five papers reporting on four studies conducted in China, Taiwan, Malaysia, and the United States were included in the review.

    REVIEW METHODS: Abstracts meeting the inclusion criteria were reviewed independently by two of the authors and any discrepancies were resolved by discussion. Full papers for selected abstracts were then retrieved and assessed independently by the same reviewers.

    RESULTS: The present literature review revealed a paucity of information relating to post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms or diagnoses in abused Chinese women. Nevertheless, a link between post-traumatic stress disorder and intimate partner violence was demonstrated by the reviewed papers.

    CONCLUSIONS: Caution should be exercised when making comparison of the findings across the four studies because of the inherent methodological differences. Also, as the assessment tools have not been validated for culture-bound interpretation of trauma and symptom manifestation, comparisons of findings for Chinese women to women in Western literature should be undertaken with due consideration. Implications for practice and recommendations for future research are discussed.

    Matched MeSH terms: Sexual Partners*
  8. Chatrchyan S, Khachatryan V, Sirunyan AM, Tumasyan A, Adam W, Bergauer T, et al.
    Phys Rev Lett, 2014 Apr 25;112(16):161802.
    PMID: 24815637
    Results are presented of a search for a "natural" supersymmetry scenario with gauge mediated symmetry breaking. It is assumed that only the supersymmetric partners of the top quark (the top squark) and the Higgs boson (Higgsino) are accessible. Events are examined in which there are two photons forming a Higgs boson candidate, and at least two b-quark jets. In 19.7  fb-1 of proton-proton collision data at s=8  TeV, recorded in the CMS experiment, no evidence of a signal is found and lower limits at the 95% confidence level are set, excluding the top squark mass below 360 to 410 GeV, depending on the Higgsino mass.
    Matched MeSH terms: Sexual Partners
  9. Abigail, Dan-mallam Yakubu, Dulzalani Eden, Awang Ideris
    Negotiation is a crucial tool for resolving a dispute. The outcome of every negotiation relies heavily on
    the negotiation strategies of the parties involved, the exchange of information and their characters
    during the negotiation process. Considering distributive approach, the negotiators are more interested
    in the maximization of personal achievements as they are not concern in collective or joint success with
    their partners. One of the key requirements for the integrative strategy is cooperation between the
    negotiators while distributive strategy is purely for a competitive approach. These two types of
    strategies distributive and integrative are in relation to the behavior and attitudes negotiators normally
    display in a negotiation table: cooperative and competitive. The reason why negotiators commonly
    used cooperative and competitive strategies are mentioned in this paper, distributive and integrative
    strategies are also summarized. Follow by possible solution of overcoming the negotiation challenges
    is discussed.
    Matched MeSH terms: Sexual Partners
  10. Samoh N, Peerawaranun P, Jonas KJ, Lim SH, Wickersham JA, Guadamuz TE
    Sex Transm Dis, 2020 Aug 24.
    PMID: 32842048 DOI: 10.1097/OLQ.0000000000001271
    An online assessment among -social media-using YMSM found that 87% were willing to use HIV self-testing with online supervision (HIVSTOS). Correlates included never tested, having higher numbers of sexual partners and seeking partners online. HIVSTOS may be appropriate for YMSM who have high risks and may not access venue-based settings.
    Matched MeSH terms: Sexual Partners
  11. Schilthuizen M
    Trends Ecol Evol, 2005 Nov;20(11):581-4.
    PMID: 16701439
    Love darts are hard 'needles' that many snails and slugs use to pierce their partner during mating. In a few species, darts have been shown to play a role in sperm competition. Two new papers, by Davison et al., and Koene and Schulenburg, might further pique researchers' interest, because they show how the full potential of darts can be tapped for studies of sexual selection in hermaphrodites.
    Matched MeSH terms: Sexual Partners
  12. Desgrees-du-Lou A, Pannetier J, Ravalihasy A, Le Guen M, Gosselin A, Panjo H, et al.
    AIDS, 2016 Feb 20;30(4):645-56.
    PMID: 26558722 DOI: 10.1097/QAD.0000000000000957
    In Europe, sub-Saharan African migrants are a key population for HIV infection. We analyse how social hardships during settlement in France shape sexual partnerships and HIV risk.
    Matched MeSH terms: Sexual Partners
  13. Kowal M, Sorokowski P, Dinić BM, Pisanski K, Gjoneska B, Frederick DA, et al.
    Arch Sex Behav, 2024 Feb;53(2):839-857.
    PMID: 37884798 DOI: 10.1007/s10508-023-02702-7
    Love is a phenomenon that occurs across the world and affects many aspects of human life, including the choice of, and process of bonding with, a romantic partner. Thus, developing a reliable and valid measure of love experiences is crucial. One of the most popular tools to quantify love is Sternberg's 45-item Triangular Love Scale (TLS-45), which measures three love components: intimacy, passion, and commitment. However, our literature review reveals that most studies (64%) use a broad variety of shortened versions of the TLS-45. Here, aiming to achieve scientific consensus and improve the reliability, comparability, and generalizability of results across studies, we developed a short version of the scale-the TLS-15-comprised of 15 items with 5-point, rather than 9-point, response scales. In Study 1 (N = 7,332), we re-analyzed secondary data from a large-scale multinational study that validated the original TLS-45 to establish whether the scale could be truncated. In Study 2 (N = 307), we provided evidence for the three-factor structure of the TLS-15 and its reliability. Study 3 (N = 413) confirmed convergent validity and test-retest stability of the TLS-15. Study 4 (N = 60,311) presented a large-scale validation across 37 linguistic versions of the TLS-15 on a cross-cultural sample spanning every continent of the globe. The overall results provide support for the reliability, validity, and cross-cultural invariance of the TLS-15, which can be used as a measure of love components-either separately or jointly as a three-factor measure.
    Matched MeSH terms: Sexual Partners
  14. Goh PH, Luginbuehl T, Swami V
    Arch Sex Behav, 2024 Apr;53(4):1473-1486.
    PMID: 38321341 DOI: 10.1007/s10508-024-02810-y
    Past findings on the association between negative body image and sexual health behaviors have been mixed and mostly derived from Western samples. The aim of the current study was to examine associations between indices of negative body image and sexual health practices that reduce the risk of disease transmission in emerging adults, and whether these associations are moderated by gender. Using an online survey, a convenience sample of 584 Malaysian adults aged 18-30 years (230 men, 354 women) completed measures of satisfaction with overall appearance, body size dissatisfaction, weight satisfaction, height satisfaction, and genital image evaluation. They also reported if they ever had partnered sex, condomless sex, and been screened for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), as well as their lifetime number of penetrative sex partners. Hierarchical logistic and ordinal regression analyses indicated that more positive genital image evaluation, but not the other body image indices, was significantly associated with having had partnered sex and fewer lifetime penetrative sex partners. None of the body image indices were significantly associated with condomless sex. All associations were consistent across men and women. For HIV testing, a significant interaction between genital image evaluation and gender emerged. However, this was reduced to non-significance after controlling for the number of penetrative sex partners. Overall, our findings underline the importance of promoting improved genital image in interventions aimed at increasing positive sexual health behaviors.
    Matched MeSH terms: Sexual Partners
  15. Toller Erausquin J, Tan RKJ, Uhlich M, Francis JM, Kumar N, Campbell L, et al.
    Clin Infect Dis, 2022 Aug 24;75(1):e991-e999.
    PMID: 35136960 DOI: 10.1093/cid/ciac102
    BACKGROUND: There is limited evidence to date about changes to sexual and reproductive health (SRH) during the initial wave of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). To address this gap, our team organized a multicountry, cross-sectional online survey as part of a global consortium.

    METHODS: Consortium research teams conducted online surveys in 30 countries. Sampling methods included convenience, online panels, and population-representative. Primary outcomes included sexual behaviors, partner violence, and SRH service use, and we compared 3 months prior to and during policy measures to mitigate COVID-19. We conducted meta-analyses for primary outcomes and graded the certainty of the evidence.

    RESULTS: Among 4546 respondents with casual partners, condom use stayed the same for 3374 (74.4%), and 640 (14.1%) reported a decline. Fewer respondents reported physical or sexual partner violence during COVID-19 measures (1063 of 15 144, 7.0%) compared to before COVID-19 measures (1469 of 15 887, 9.3%). COVID-19 measures impeded access to condoms (933 of 10 790, 8.7%), contraceptives (610 of 8175, 7.5%), and human immunodeficiency virus/sexually transmitted infection (HIV/STI) testing (750 of 1965, 30.7%). Pooled estimates from meta-analysis indicate that during COVID-19 measures, 32.3% (95% confidence interval [CI], 23.9%-42.1%) of people needing HIV/STI testing had hindered access, 4.4% (95% CI, 3.4%-5.4%) experienced partner violence, and 5.8% (95% CI, 5.4%-8.2%) decreased casual partner condom use (moderate certainty of evidence for each outcome). Meta-analysis findings were robust in sensitivity analyses that examined country income level, sample size, and sampling strategy.

    CONCLUSIONS: Open science methods are feasible to organize research studies as part of emergency responses. The initial COVID-19 wave impacted SRH behaviors and access to services across diverse global settings.

    Matched MeSH terms: Sexual Partners
  16. Walter KV, Conroy-Beam D, Buss DM, Asao K, Sorokowska A, Sorokowski P, et al.
    Proc Biol Sci, 2021 Jul 28;288(1955):20211115.
    PMID: 34284630 DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2021.1115
    A wide range of literature connects sex ratio and mating behaviours in non-human animals. However, research examining sex ratio and human mating is limited in scope. Prior work has examined the relationship between sex ratio and desire for short-term, uncommitted mating as well as outcomes such as marriage and divorce rates. Less empirical attention has been directed towards the relationship between sex ratio and mate preferences, despite the importance of mate preferences in the human mating literature. To address this gap, we examined sex ratio's relationship to the variation in preferences for attractiveness, resources, kindness, intelligence and health in a long-term mate across 45 countries (n = 14 487). We predicted that mate preferences would vary according to relative power of choice on the mating market, with increased power derived from having relatively few competitors and numerous potential mates. We found that each sex tended to report more demanding preferences for attractiveness and resources where the opposite sex was abundant, compared to where the opposite sex was scarce. This pattern dovetails with those found for mating strategies in humans and mate preferences across species, highlighting the importance of sex ratio for understanding variation in human mate preferences.
    Matched MeSH terms: Sexual Partners
  17. Yeoh SH, Razali R, Sidi H, Razi ZR, Midin M, Nik Jaafar NR, et al.
    Compr Psychiatry, 2014 Jan;55 Suppl 1:S1-6.
    PMID: 23116967 DOI: 10.1016/j.comppsych.2012.09.002
    The study aimed to measure the relationship of sexual functioning between male and female partners, who sought infertility treatment in a university hospital setting in Malaysia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Sexual Partners/psychology*
  18. Musa R, Ramli R, Yazmie AW, Khadijah MB, Hayati MY, Midin M, et al.
    Compr Psychiatry, 2014 Jan;55 Suppl 1:S65-9.
    PMID: 23433218 DOI: 10.1016/j.comppsych.2013.01.001
    Studies from Western countries have observed that couples undergoing infertility treatment suffer various physical and psychological difficulties at a higher frequency than the comparable general population. These relate to treatment challenges and other psychosocial stressors, often influenced by coping style, personality factors and available support systems. There is paucity of studies in non-Western populations.
    Matched MeSH terms: Sexual Partners/psychology*
  19. Colombini M, Mayhew S, Ali SH, Shuib R, Watts C
    BMC Health Serv Res, 2013;13:65.
    PMID: 23419141 DOI: 10.1186/1472-6963-13-65
    This study explores the views and attitudes of health providers in Malaysia towards intimate partner violence (IPV) and abused women and considers whether and how their views affect the provision or quality of services. The impact of provider attitudes on the provision of services for women experiencing violence is particularly important to understand since there is a need to ensure that these women are not re-victimised by the health sector, but are treated sensitively.
    Matched MeSH terms: Sexual Partners*
  20. Conroy-Beam D, Buss DM, Asao K, Sorokowska A, Sorokowski P, Aavik T, et al.
    Sci Rep, 2019 11 15;9(1):16885.
    PMID: 31729413 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-019-52748-8
    Humans express a wide array of ideal mate preferences. Around the world, people desire romantic partners who are intelligent, healthy, kind, physically attractive, wealthy, and more. In order for these ideal preferences to guide the choice of actual romantic partners, human mating psychology must possess a means to integrate information across these many preference dimensions into summaries of the overall mate value of their potential mates. Here we explore the computational design of this mate preference integration process using a large sample of n = 14,487 people from 45 countries around the world. We combine this large cross-cultural sample with agent-based models to compare eight hypothesized models of human mating markets. Across cultures, people higher in mate value appear to experience greater power of choice on the mating market in that they set higher ideal standards, better fulfill their preferences in choice, and pair with higher mate value partners. Furthermore, we find that this cross-culturally universal pattern of mate choice is most consistent with a Euclidean model of mate preference integration.
    Matched MeSH terms: Sexual Partners/psychology*
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