Browse publications by year: 2012

  1. Samna Shaik Ahmad Yusoff, Azimon Abdul Aziz, Suzanna Mohamed Isa
    Kesatuan Ekonomi ASEAN (AEC) merupakan realisasi matlamat akhir integrasi ekonomi yang diasaskan pada pemusatan keinginan negaranegara ASEAN untuk meluaskan intergrasi ekonomi melalui inisiatif baru dan sedia ada dalam kerangka masa yang telah ditetapkan. Dalam merealisasikan salah satu tindakan AEC yang telah dikenal pasti iaitu memperkasakan perlindungan pengguna ASEAN, pengharmonian undang-undang kontrak pengguna dilihat sebagai salah satu agenda penting ASEAN. Dengan berobjektifkan pengharmonian undang-undang kontrak ASEAN yang mengkhusus kepada penggunaan terma tidak adil dalam pasaran pengguna seterusnya mencadangkan ASEAN Model Law on Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts, makalah ini mengadoptasi metodologi analisis kandungan berteraskan literatur undang-undang primer dan sekunder. Mengguna pakai undang-undang kes dan perundangan di enam negara ASEAN terpilih iaitu Malaysia, Singapura, Indonesia, Thailand, Filipina dan Brunei, penyelidikan ini mendapati wujud persamaan dalam mekanisme yang digunakan di negara-negara ASEAN ini dalam menangani permasalahan penggunaan terma tidak adil dalam kontrak pengguna. Namun walaupun perundangan dilihat sebagai mekanisme yang mampu menangani permasalahan ini, wujud perbezaan pendekatan dalam perundangan yang diadaptasi oleh negara-negara ASEAN tersebut. Penggunaan perundangan berorientasikan perlindungan pengguna bagi mengawal penggunaan terma tidak adil dalam kontrak pengguna jelas kelihatan di Malaysia, Singapura, Indonesia, Thailand dan Filipina. Penggunaan perundangan kontrak yang mengkhusus kepada terma tidak adil sebagai instrumen kawalan pula kelihatan di Singapura, Thailand dan Brunei. Dalam aspek ini, keunikan Singapura dan Thailand yang menangani permasalahan terma tidak adil dalam kontrak pengguna dengan mengadakan perlindungan melalui dua jenis perundangan yang berbeza menampakkan korpus perlindungan pengguna yang lebih mapan. Pendekatan yang berbeza yang diamalkan di beberapa negara ASEAN terpilih ini memperlihatkan satu korpus perlindungan pengguna yang unik dalam aspek kontrak pengguna tidak adil.
    MeSH terms: Brunei; Indonesia; Malaysia; Methylglycosides; Publications; Thailand
  2. Mohd Azlan Abdul Majid, Mariam Setapa, Noorita Mohammad
    Tujuan kertas kerja ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan, kesan ekonomi semasa dan faktor pencemaran terhadap modal, perbelanjaan terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi terutamanya kepada Malaysia dan dibandingkan dengan negara seperti Jepun, Singapura dan Zimbabwe. Persoalan utama adalah sama ada modal dan perbelanjaan dapat berterusan menyumbangkan kepada pertumbuhan ekonomi ataupun tidak. Untuk mengkaji perhubungan, kami gunakan Test Unit Root (TUR); Augmented Dickey-Fuller Method (ADF), Phillip-Perron Test (PP) dan Kwiatkowski-Phillip-Schmidt-Shin (KPSS), Test Johansen Cointegration (TJC), diikuti Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) dan akhir sekali Test Granger Causality (TGC). Tujuan pengujian ini adalah untuk mengukur perhubungan, kestabilan dan kesahihan model. Kedua, untuk mengkaji kesan impak ekonomi kami gunakan Impulse Respond dan ujian Variance Decomposition yang menyelidik kesan berapa banyak dan berapa panjang model bertindakbalas kepada kesan Kegawatan Ekonomi Asia pada 1997 dan Kesan Serangan Pengganas di Amerika Syarikat pada September 2011. Ketiga kami juga megukur kesan perbelanjaan isi rumah dan kerajaan terhadap alam persekitaran. Kertas kerja ini mendapati, ia menyokong idea modal penjana pertumbuhan tetapi natijah perbelanjaan penjana pertumbuhan adalah berbeda mengikut tahap pertumbuhan. Di mana Malaysia dan Singapura menyokong sepenuhnya tetapi Jepun dan Zimbabwe hanya menyokong separa sahaja. Apabila kami mengukur impak kesan ekonomi pula, di dapati pada negara Zimbabwe tiada kesan antara krisis pada tahun 1997 ataupun pada 2001. Tetapi impak pada negara seperti Jepun, Malaysia dan Singapura pula berhadapan dalam posisi tidak baik pada krisis tahun 1997 tetapi keadaan yang baik pula pada krisis tahun 2001. Akhir sekali kami juga bangunkan theori pencemaran dimana untuk negara Zimbabwe ke semua pembolehubah seperti Perbelanjaan isi rumah (HC), Perbelanjaan Kerajaan (GC) dan Modal Tetap Kasar (GFC) tidak mempengaruhi pencemaran iaitu Karbon Dioksida (CO2). Tetapi natijah untuk negara Malaysia dan Singapura pula hanya HC mencipta CO2, tidak untuk GC dan GFC. Dan pengakhiran sekali Negara Jepun pula semua pembolehubah seperti GC,HC dan GFC mencipta pencemaran. Kesimpulannya krisis yang berlaku pada negara Amerika Syarikat pada tahun 2001 memberi kesan terus pada Negara Amerika tetapi tidak pada negara seperti Malaysia, Jepun dan Singapura, walhal negara-negara ini menadapat lambakan di dalam pasaran modal akibat perubahan ketidaktentuan dalam ekonomi Amerika seterusnya meningkatkan secara langsung Keluaran Dalam Negara Kasar (GDP). Walaubagaimanapun negara Zimbabwe tidak mempunyai kesan langsung sama ada sebelum atupun selepas masalah krisis ekonomi ini. Apabila kertas kerja ini mengkaji daripada sudut pembangunan lestari didapati Negara Zimbabwe seperti HC dan GC tidaklah mencemar seperti negara Malaysia dan Singapura yang menunjukkan HC punca pencemaran dan bukannya GC yang mungkin disebabkan skala ekonominya yang lebih kecil. Untuk negara Jepun pula disebabkan negara ini mempunyai skala ekonomi yang lebih besar HC dan GC adalah agen kepada pencemaran. Implikasinya model ini sepatutnya diambil kira dalam pembuat keputusan terutamanya untuk meninkatkan pertumbuhan ekonomi.
    MeSH terms: Animals; Asia; Genetic Vectors; Guanosine Diphosphate; Lepidoptera; Malaysia; Tooth Root; Zimbabwe
  3. Ong, Eng Tek, Wong, Yew Tuang, Sopia Md Yassin, Sadiah Baharom, Asmayati Yahya, Zahid Md Said
    This study aimed to develop and validate an inventory that measures the whole range of basic and integrated science process skills as stipulated in the Malaysian science curricula and that is suitable for Malaysian lower secondary school students. The validated inventory was subsequently utilised to determine the differential acquisition of science process skills by gender, location, and ethnicity. In the instrument development phase which involves item generation and field testing, a reliable 60-item Malaysian-Based Basic and Integrated Science Process Skills Inventory (MB-BISPSI) that has a KR-20 reliability of 0.88, difficulty indices of items that range between 0.25-0.75 and discrimination indices which are above 0.4 was produced. In the main causal-comparative study using a sample of 1021 Form 2 students (548 girls and 473 boys) from seven (four rural and three interior) out of the eight secondary schools in Kapit Division, Sarawak, the findings indicate that the students achieved a mastery level which fell short of the two-third benchmark (e.g., 66.7%) for the overall science process skills, basic and integrated science process skills, and also for each of the 12 science process skills. Additionally, it was found that, while female students generally achieved a markedly higher mean percentage score in the overall Science Process Skills than did the male students, such phenomenon was only observed amongst the Kenyah ethnicity. There were no significant differences in science process skills acquisition between rural and interior students. Implications for a more thoughtful inculcation of science process skills are proffered alongside recommendations for future research using a more nationally representative sample to examine the validity of such generalisation.
    MeSH terms: Achievement; Curriculum; Female; Humans; Malaysia; Male; Research; Science; Students; Reproducibility of Results; Benchmarking
  4. Subramaniam, Selva Ranee, Raja Suzana Raja Kasim, Ramlee Ismail
    The pursuit for higher degrees is accelerating in the country. With mushrooming foreign and local graduates from non-university and university status institutions, it is critical to explore the types of qualification awarded and the existing platform for recognition and accreditation purposes. The objectives of this study are: (i) to gather information with regard to current policies and practices pertaining to recognition and accreditation systems of the higher education sector, with specific reference to Malaysia and china (ii) to review the existing policy between accreditation and recognition agencies/providers and (iii) to recommend best practices, guidelines and strategies for practical implementation in Malaysia. The methodology pursuit in Malaysia and china involved inspection of documents and purposive interviews. The research was implemented from May 2009 to november 2009. The results of the research revealed that though the worldview of mutual recognition agreement is to liberalise the education sector, the authentic situations prevailing in the country requires the purposive liberalization of the education sector, with periodic reviews for its appropriateness and relevance for the needs of the country (provisional and conditional), thereby ensuring regulatory, review and quality sustainability. The customized regulatory framework would be a prerequisite (conditional), with due attention be given to either implicit or explicit conditions in the recognition of academic degrees. In deliberating the mutual recognition agreement with jurisdiction including those which are more educationally advanced, selective emerging 'niche' areas and/or supportive (conditional) have been proposed. Finally, to strengthen the existing regulatory frame work, innovative provision in this legal framework is recommended.
    MeSH terms: Accreditation; Agaricales; Attention; China; Malaysia; Research; Universities; Internationality
  5. Fadzilah Siraji, Yong Zulina Zubairi, Abdul Razak Saleh, Rohana Jani, Md. Yusoff Abu Bakar, Md. Radzi Johari
    Learning Strategy and Study Inventory (LASSI) merupakan suatu instrumen laporan kendiri yang digunakan untuk menilai strategi pembelajaran berdasarkan model umum pembelajaran kognitif dan model strategik pembelajaran. untuk mendapatkan maklumat tentang strategi pembelajaran pelajar Perubatan dan Pergigian di Institusi Pengajian Tinggi Awam (IPTA) dan Swasta (IPTS). Instrumen yang telah dibangunkan oleh LASSI diadaptasi dan digunapakai. Tiga komponen utama yang diukur dalam LASSI iaitu KEMAHuAn, KEMAHIrAn dan PErATurAn KEnDIrI. Populasi kajian merangkumi pelajar lepasan STPM dan Matrikulasi dari IPTA dan IPTS yang mengikuti program Perubatan serta Pergigian atau program Perubatan sahaja. Secara keseluruhannya, persepsi pelajar menunjukkan keperihatinan pelajar untuk mempelajari maklumat baru, sikap dan minat terhadap bidang yang dipelajari dan disiplin diri amat rendah berbanding pelajar di negara maju. Perbandingan skor pelajar IPTA dan IPTS menunjukkan terdapat perbezaan bagi faktor Kebimbangan, Pemprosesan Maklumat dan Strategi Pengujianan. Perbandingan skor pelajar lepasan Matrikulasi dan STPM pula menunjukkan tiada perbezaan signifikan bagi hampir semua skor bagi faktor LASSI kecuali Mat Bantu Pembelajaran dan Pengujian Kendiri. Perbandingan skor pelajar Perubatan dan Pergigian pula menunjukkan strategi pembelajaran bagi kedua dua kumpulan pelajar yang mengikuti bidang kritikal tersebut adalah sama dengan tiada sebarang perbezaan yang signifikan dalam sebarang faktor LASSI. Dapatan kajian juga menunjukkan bahawa keseluruhan pelajar yang mengikuti program kritikal mempunyai strategi pembelajaran yang kurang baik. Sehubungan itu pihak pengurusan perlu mengambil inisiatif untuk membantu pelajar dalam memperkemaskan strategi pembelajaran mereka. Strategi pembelajaran yang kurang efektif akan mengundang kesan sampingan yang tidak sihat seperti kemurungan atau stress di kalangan pelajar.
    MeSH terms: Intestinal Atresia; Learning; Personality Inventory
  6. Rahim Aman, Muhammad. Nur Latif
    Kajian ini untuk menunjukkan bahawa penentuan tanah air umat Melayu perlu dilihat dalam perspektif pendekatan atau teori yang baru, yakni teori 'The New Malay Homeland'. Ahli Linguistik sejarah pada abad ke-20 dan pada abad ini, iaitu pada abad ke-21 banyak telah melakukan kajian untuk membuktikan bahawa sebenarnya umat Melayu bukan bermigrasi daripada Yunan, sebaliknya daripada Taiwan dan kemudiannya menjadikan Borneo sebagai tanah air kedua umat Melayu. Untuk menjitukan lagi teori ini, maka kajian rekonstruksi dan klasifikasi bahasa Iban di Sarawak dilakukan agar maklumat-maklumat fosil linguistik yang wujud dalam bahasa Iban pada peringkat purbanya dapat membuktikan dan memperkukuhkan hujah bahawa teori di atas adalah benar. Dua kaedah kajian diaplikasi dalam penelitian ini, iaitu kaedah kepustakaan dan kaedah lapangan. Kaedah kajian kepustakaan lebih melihat kepada aspek pembacaan untuk mendapatkan maklumat berkaitan bidang kajian. Kajian-kajian awal ke atas bahasa Iban sejak abad ke-18 sehinga abad ke-21 telah diselidiki. Maklumat berkaitan bidang ilmu linguistik bandingan juga telah dibaca secara seksama. Berkaitan kaedah kajian lapangan, metode semak dan metode cakap dengan pengaplikasian teknik-teknik khas telah dilakukan. Berdasarkan lokasi kajian, tujuh varian bahasa Iban telah diteliti, yakni varian Iban Sri Aman (SA), Betong (BTG), Sarikei (SKEI), Sibu (SBU), Kapit (KPT), Bintulu (BTL) dan Limbang (LMBG) . Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahawa bahasa Iban Purba Sarawak (IPS) memiliki enam fonem vokal *a, *a, *i, *u, *e, *o; tiga diftong *-uy, *-ay, *-aw dan sembilan belas konsonan, iaitu *p, *b, *t, *d, *k, *g, */, *s, *h, *1, *r, *m, *n, *0, *N, *dZ, *tS, *w, dan *y. Beberapa inovasi fonologi juga diperoleh apabila perbandingan dilakukan antara IPS dengan Bahasa Melayik Purba (BMP), iaitu i) BMP *h > IPS */; ii) BMP *-d > IPS *zero, iii) BMP *-g > IPS *zero, iv), dan BMP *r, *1 > IPS *r. Pada tahap morfologi wujud inovasi dan retensi antara IPS dan BMP, iaitu BMP *ni/di > IPS *ba/ dan morfem BMP *{une (N)}, *{be(R)} dan *ite(R)1 diretensi sepenuhnya dalam IPS. Berdasarkan dapatan daripada kajian ini membuktikan bahawa terdapat ikatan rapat antara BMP dengan IPS dapatan ini juga membuktikan bahawa Borneo adalah tanah air kedua umat Melayu setelah umat ini bermigrasi keluar daripada Taiwan.
    MeSH terms: Agar; Amantadine; Ataxia Telangiectasia; Borneo; Malaysia; Taiwan; Bone Morphogenetic Proteins
  7. Sanib Said
    Sejarah awal negara Malaysia yang terdapat dalam pensejarahan Asia Tenggara telah menjadi sumber rujukan di peringkat sekolah dan juga universiti. Periode dari 100EU hingga 1400EU lazimnya mengandungi naratif ringkas mengenai kerajaan tua. Semenanjung Tanah Melayu mewarisi negeri-kerajaan tua Kataha (Kedah), Langkasuka, Panpan, Chihtu dan Baruas yang telah lama terdapat dalam buku sejarah. Bagaimanapun Sarawak kini tidak mewaris apa-apa sedangkan pesisir pantai Borneo di sebelah barat, selatan dan timur terdapat banyak negeri-kerajaan tua seperti Sambas, Mempawah, Pontianak, Landak, Sukadana, Sampit, Banjarmasin, Kutei, Pasri, Bolongan dan Brunei. Terdapat kekosongan dari segi masa dan ruang dalam pensejarahan negeri Sarawak kini. Kajian yang lebih teliti terhadap beberapa sumber primer peribumi di Arkipelago Melayu seperti Silsilah Raja-Raja Brunei dan karya Jawa, Nagarakertagama, telah membongkar beberapa toponim seperti Sarawak, Samarahan, Saribas, Kalaka dan Malanau yang kini merupakan pusat pentadbiran negeri itu. Sumber primer peribumi telah menyatakan bahawa toponim ini adalah negeri yang pernah menjadi jajahan takluk Majapahit selepas itu di bawah Brunei pula. Karangan ini tuba memaparkan naratif ringkas seperti pendekatan yang terdapat dalam pensejarahan Asia Tenggara dan Semenanjung Malaysia. Akhirnya karangan ini mencadangkan negeri kerajaan awal yang diwarisi oleh negeri Sarawak sekarang dinobatkan ke dalam buku sejarah kurikulum sejarah Negara.
    MeSH terms: Animals; Asia; Borneo; Brunei; Malaysia; Methylglycosides; Skates (Fish); Derris
  8. Mohd Jailani Mohd Nor, Rabiah Ahmad
    In Malaysia, all sectors are currently gearing themselves in supporting the initiatives of becoming a developed nation by the year 2020. The most important element in ensuring the success of this mission is to provide critical mass of knowledge workers to champion this cause. As such the Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia (MOHE) has established the National Higher Education Strategic Plan (NHESP), comprising seven thrusts which are very crucial in providing the much needed human capital and eco-system for this agenda. The essence of NHESP is also in line with other initiatives established by the government of Malaysia such as the National Key Results Area (NKRA) and the Government Transformation Plan (GTP). In fact MOHE has developed a systematic working model for the academia to play their role actively in driving the agenda of transforming Malaysia into a developed nation. The workforce required to spearhead the agenda for an innovation-led economy can be categorized into five different groups namely: Discoverers; Innovators; Inventors; Transformers; and Technopreneurs. It is very crucial for MOHE to develop and implement a comprehensive programme for producing a new breed of researchers that can contribute in translating government policies into a reality. This article presents the challenges and success stories in reforming the landscape of Research and Development in Malaysian universities and research institutions. The establishment of NHESP has made it possible for MOHE to systematically establish comprehensive guidelines for the management of research grants, standard for research conduct, instrument to measure research performance, and standardized reporting of research and innovation output. This new approach in the management of research at the ministry level has created positive ramifications for universities, research institutions, research management centres, and research leaders. During the first five-year cycle (2006-2010) of these research initiatives, and now into the second phase (2011-2015), positive results and outcomes have started to emerge. These results include increased in generation of articles on research findings published in reputable journals worldwide. Currently, Malaysia is recognized for achieving the world's fastest growth rate in number of journal publications. In addition, increased in number of postgraduate students, commercialization of R&D products and the establishment of Higher Institutions Centres of Excellence (HiCOE) contribute towards producing a new breed of great researchers in Malaysia. A continuing positive trend indicates that this phenomenal growth will be sustained for the next few years.
    MeSH terms: Academies and Institutes; Government; Humans; Malaysia; Religious Missions; Publications; Research; Research Personnel; Students; Universities; Developed Countries; Inventors
  9. Khomsaton Abu Bakar, Selambakkannu, Sarala, Jamaliah Sharif, Khairul Zaman Mohd Dahlan, Ming, Ting Teo, Natasha lsnin, et al.
    The combination of irradiation and biological technique was chosen to study COD, BOD5 and colour removal from textiles effluent in the presence of food industry wastewater. Two biological treatments, the first consisting a mix of non irradiated textile and food industry wastewater and the second a mix of irradiated textiles wastewater and food industry wastewater were operated in parallel. Reduction percentage of COD in textiles wastewater increased from 29.4% after radiation to 62.4% after further undergoing biological treatment. After irradiation, the BOD5 of textiles wastewater was reduced by 22.1%, but reverted to the original value of 36mg/1 after undergoing biological treatment. Colour had decreased from 899.5 ADMI to 379.3 ADM1 after irradiation and continued to decrease to 109.3 ADMI after passing through biological treatment.
    MeSH terms: Color; Food-Processing Industry; Radiation; Textiles; Food Industry; Waste Water
  10. Zal U’yun Wan Mahmood, Norfaizal Mohamed, Nita Salina Abu Bakar, Nur Hidaya Dmuliany Mohd Sidek
    Laboratory radiotracer experiment was performed to study the bioaccumulation of 109Cd and 134Cs in the Malaysian common fish White seabass (Lates calcarifer). The aim of this study was to compare the biokinetics of uptake these two contrasting radionuclides by White seabass in laboratory condition scale. Experiments were designed to determine the processes controlling uptake of both radionuclides following exposure via seawater. In this study, the curve shapes of the uptake kinetic of 109Cd and 134Cs in White seabass were slightly linear and gradually increased with increasing of exposure time but were not reach equilibrium in the period of the study of 21 days. This phenomenon can be concluded that radioelement concentrations of 109Cd and 134Cs; and exposure duration of this experiment may not adequately to reach steady-state condition for uptake kinetic of those radioelements in White seabass. Furthermore, this was indicated that the uptake rate of 109Cd was 1.79 times faster than 134Cs due to some factors may probably influenced the output of this experiment such as different element accumulation strategies, physiological, behavior of radioelements, etc.
    MeSH terms: Animals; Fishes; Perciformes; Radioisotopes; Seawater
  11. Shakinah Salleh, Affrida Abu Hassan, Shuhaimi Shamsudin, Yahya Awang, Ab. Kahar Sandrang, Abdullah, Thohirah Lee
    Chrysanthemum morfolium is an important temperate cut flower and potted plant for Malaysian local market and exporter. Considering chrysanthemum as a popular vegetatively propagated ornamental plant, induce mutations for breeding purposes are more beneficial. Several of physical mutagens have been used in mutation breeding including x-rays, gamma rays and ion beams. Gamma rays and ion beams are from two different linear energy transfer (LET) which are low and high, respectively. The objective of this study was to compare the effectiveness of acute gamma and ion beam irradiation in generating flower colour mutations on nodal explants of Chrysanthemum morifblium cv. Reagan Red'. The nodal explants were irradiated with acute gamma (0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110 and 120 Gy) and ion beam (0, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 5.0, 8.0, 10, 15, 20 and 30 Gy). The optimal dose for in vitro shoot regeneration using acute gamma was in the range of 10 to .15.0Gy and for ion beam was between 3.5 to 4.OGv. Relative biological effectiveness for ion beam was found 3.75 higher than the acute gamma. The regenerated plantlets were planted in the greenhouse at MARDI, Cameron Highland for morphological screening. The highest frequency of flower colour mutation for acute gamma was 77.8% whilst for ion beam were between 42.3 to 58.3%.
    MeSH terms: Breeding; Color; Gamma Rays; Mutagens; Mutation; Regeneration; Relative Biological Effectiveness; X-Rays; Linear Energy Transfer; Chrysanthemum; Flowers
  12. Noraishah Othmanl, Nor Pa' iza M. Hasani, Juhari Mohd Yusof, Roslan Yahya, Mohd Amirul Syafiq
    Flow measurement is a critical element for liquid resources monitoring for various applications in many industrial systems. The purposes of the study are to determine the flow rate of liquid system in flow rig using radiotracer techniques and to compare the result with that obtained by the conventional flow meters. The flow rig consists of 58.7m long and 20cm diameter pipeline that can accommodate about 0.296m3 of liquid. Tap water was used as liquid flow in pipeline and conventional flow meters were also installed at the flow rig. Radiotracer was injected as a sharp pulse into the inlet p.peline. The pulse was monitored at the inlet and various points along the outlet pipeline using collimated scintillation detector. The peak to peak and total count methods were applied for radiotracer techniques and showed the comparable results with conventional flow meter.
    MeSH terms: Heart Rate; Monitoring, Physiologic; Flowmeters; Bays
  13. Khairiah Yazid @ Khalid, Roslan Yahya, Nadira Kamarudini, Mohd. Zaid Abdullah, Mohd Ashhar Khalid, Abdul Aziz Mohamed
    Detection and analysis of resin is particularly significant since the commercial value of agarwood is related to the quantity of resins that are present. This article explores the potential of a scanning electron microscope in combination with new non-destructive 3D visualization technique, X-ray micro-computed tomography, as imaging tools to visualize micro-structure resin in agarwood. These techniques were used to compare two samples of agarwood chips: high grade and low grade. From the results, it can be concluded that a wood cell filled with resin deposit have a higher attenuation. It can be shown that the combination of scanning electron microscopy and micro-CT can offer high resolution images concerning the localization and structure of resin inside Agarwood. While the second allows the 3D investigation of internal structure of agarwood, the first technique can provide details 2D morphological information. These imaging techniques, although sophisticated can be used for standard development especially in grading of agarwoodlbr commercial activities.
    MeSH terms: Microscopy, Electron, Scanning; Resins, Plant; Wood; X-Rays; X-Ray Microtomography; Biological Processes; Physiological Processes
  14. Md Fakarudin Ab Rahman, Ismail Mustapha, Nor Pa’iza Mohd Hasan, Ibrahim, Pairu
    In industrial plants such as electricity generating, petroleum, chemical and petrochemical plants, pipelines are used extensively to transport liquid from one location to another. In radiation vulcanization of natural rubber latex (RVNRL) plants, pipelines are also used to transport latex to storage tank. During one of its maintenance activities, a pipeline intelligent gauge (PIG) that was used to monitor pipe integrity jammed inside the pipe causing interruption to its operation or loading activities. Sealed source technology was utilized to determine the location of jammed PIG in the pipeline. Fast neutrons from a 50 mCi Americium Beryllium (AmBe241), with energy range between 0.5 to11 MeV, were used for the study. Helium 3 (He3) detector was used to detect slow neutrons having a range of energy of 30 eV- 0.5 MeV. The investigation was carried out using neutron backscatter technique scanner. By adopting back-scattered technique, the location of jammed PIG in the pipeline has been successfully determined.
    MeSH terms: Americium; Beryllium; Electricity; Fast Neutrons; Helium; Latex; Maintenance; Neutrons; Petroleum; Radiation; Rubber
  15. Rasif Mohd Zain, Roslan Yahya, Mohamad Rabaie Shari, Airwan Affandi Mahmood, Mior Ahmad Khusaini Adnan
    Many times a year natural gas transmission and distribution companies need to make new connections to pipelines to expand or modify their existing system through hot tapping procedure. This procedure involves the installation of a new pipeline connection while the pipeline remains in service, flowing natural gas under pressure. The hot tap procedure includes attaching a branch connection and valve on the outside of an operating pipeline, and then cutting out the pipe-line wall within the branch and removing the wall section, which is called object of coupon through the valve. During the hot tapping process a critical problems occurred when a coupon fell into the mother pipeline. To overcome this problem, a gamma-ray absorption technique was chosen whereby a mapping technique will be done to detect the coupon position. The technique is non-destructive as it applies Co-60 (5mCi) as a radioisotope sealed source to emit gamma radiation and a NaI(Tl) scintillation as detector. The result provided a visible representation of density profile inside pipeline where the coupon location can be located. This paper provides the detail of the technique used and presents the result obtained.
    MeSH terms: Computer Systems; Gamma Rays; Iodides; Mothers; Pressure; Radioisotopes; Natural Gas
  16. Nor Mariah Adam, Rosli Darmawan
    One of the most prevailing issues in the operation of Nuclear Reactor is the safety of the system. Worldwide publicity on a few nuclear accidents as well as the notorious Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombing have always brought about public fear on anything related to nuclear. Most findings on the nuclear reactor accidents are closely related to the reactor cooling system. Thus, the understanding of the behaviour of reactor cooling system is very important to ensure the development and improvement on safety can be continuously done. Throughout the development of nuclear reactor technology, investigation and analysis on reactor safety have gone through several phases. In the early days, analytical and experimental methods were employed. For the last three decades ID system level codes were widely used. The continuous development of nuclear reactor technology has brought about more complex system and processes of nuclear reactor operation. More detailed dimensional simulation codes are needed to assess these new reactors. This paper discusses the development of 3D CFD usage in nuclear reactor safety analysis worldwide. A brief review on the usage of CFD at Malaysia's Reactor TRIGA PUSPATI is also presented.
    MeSH terms: Fear; Malaysia; Nuclear Reactors; Safety; Technology; Radioactive Hazard Release
  17. Muhamat Omar, Zalina Laili, Julia Abdul Karim, Zarina Masood, Nik Marzukee Nik Ibrahim, Mohd Abd Wahab Yusof
    A study to assess the concentration of radionuclides in spent resins of the PUSPATI TRIGA Mark II reactor coolant purification system has been carried out. Fresh spent resins collected and analysed in May 2010, after the changing of leaked heat exchanger in Sept. 2009 was found to contain 24Na, 122Sb, 51Cr, 124Sb, 58Co, 65Zn, 54Mn and 60Co. Old spent resins removed in 2001 and 2002 but analysed in 2010 indicated the presence of 60Co and 152Eu as radionuclides with half-lives of < 1 year might have already been decayed out. These results can be used to establish radionuclide inventory of the spent resins as part of radiation protection programme.
    MeSH terms: Half-Life; Health Services; Hot Temperature; Personality Inventory; Radiation Protection; Radioisotopes
  18. Fatema Anuar, Mohammed Iqbal Shueb, Ruzitah Mohd Salleh, Nazaratul Ashifa Abdullah Salim, Julia Abdul Karim
    Mechanical properties of blended polyethylene (PE) containing the antioxidant Irganox 1010 and the UV-absorber Tinuvin 326 were studied for future use as radiation capsule material for the TRIGA Mark II research reactor. High density and low density polyethylene were blended with the additives and tested for elongation at break, impact strength and gel content, before and after irradiation inside the nuclear reactor. Characterization via FTIR as well as determination of crystallization and melt transition temperatures through DSC were also conducted. It was found that the addition of the antioxidant at different amounts (from 0 to 4 phr) had various effects on the properties of the blended PE, with 0 phr being the amount at which there was the biggest increase in elongation at break and impact strength, post-irradiation.
    MeSH terms: Antioxidants; Butylated Hydroxytoluene; Crystallization; Nuclear Reactors; Triazoles; Spectroscopy, Fourier Transform Infrared; Polyethylene; Transition Temperature
  19. Mei-Wo, Yii, Kamarozaman Ishak, Nooruzainah Abu Hassan, Maziah Mahmud, Khairul Nizam Razali
    Jurnal Sains Nuklear Malaysia, 2012;24(1):102-112.
    IAEA Soil-6 is a reference material with a certified value for 226Ra fall between 69.6 – 93.4 Bq/kg at 95% confidence level. This material has been used as a sample and performed repeat measurement weekly between years 2006 – 2009 using a same gamma spectrometry system. The activity concentration of this material is calculated automatically using the operational commercial software and compared with activity obtained from the manual calculation. Study found that only 76.9%, 64.1%, 56.3%, and 79.3% of the results from the software calculation lie within the confidence level for year 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009, respectively. However, u-score calculation revealed that 94.9 %, 89.7%, 79.2% and 84.9% data set have no significant bias (u < 2.58) for year 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009, respectively. On the other hand, all manual calculation data were found to be within the 95 % confidence level. Factors suspected to cause differences between these two approaches were discussed here. Manually peak search, marking and calculation still remains as the preferred option for calculating the gamma radionuclides activity unless limitations of the spectrum analysis software, as described in this paper can be resolved/improved upon.
    MeSH terms: Certification; Gamma Rays; Radioisotopes; Software; Soil; Spectrometry, Gamma; Spectrum Analysis
  20. Sakinah Ariffin, Azhar Mohamad, Ratnam, Wickneswari
    Jurnal Sains Nuklear Malaysia, 2012;24(1):91-101.
    Colour is one of the most important traits in orchids and has created great interest in breeding programmes. Gamma irradiation is an alternative way for generation of somaclonal variation for new flower colours. Phenotypic changes are usually observed during screening and selection of mutants. Understanding of targeted gene expression level and evaluation of the changes facilitate in the development of functional markers for selection of desired flower colour mutants. Four Dendrobium orchid sequences (NCBI accessions: AM490639, AY41319, FM209429 and DQ462460) were selected to design gene specific primers based on information for chalcone synthase (CHS) from NCBI database. Quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) was used to understand flower colour expression quantitatively derived from the CHS gene activities in different flower tissues (petal and sepal) from control Dendrobium Sonia (red purple), mutant DS 35-1/M (purple pink) and mutant DS 35-WhiteA. It was found that expression of CHS gene was highest in sepals of white flowers and lowest in both sepals and petals of purple pink flowers. Genomic DNA was amplified and PCR products were sequenced, aligned and compared. Sequence variations of CHS partial gene in Dendrobium Sonia mutants with different flower colour showed that two protein positions have been changed as compared to the control. These non-synonymous mutations may have contributed to the colour alterations in the white and purple pink mutants. This paper describes important procedures to quantify gene expression such as RNA isolation (quantity and quality), cDNA synthesis and primer design steps for CHS genes.
    MeSH terms: Silent Mutation; Acyltransferases; Base Sequence; Breeding; Color; RNA; DNA Primers; DNA, Complementary; Genomics; Dendrobium; Flowers; Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction
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