METHODS: A mixed-method research design will be employed, combining quantitative surveys and qualitative interviews. Stakeholder theory and policy change models will form the theoretical framework of the study. Participants from various stakeholder groups will be recruited using purposive sampling. Data collection will involve surveys and one-on-one semi-structured interviews. Descriptive statistics, inferential analysis and thematic analysis will be used to analyse the data. Integration of quantitative and qualitative data will be used to provide a comprehensive understanding of the data.
DISCUSSION: This study will shed light on factors influencing policy decisions related to dental education and workforce development in Malaysia. The findings will inform evidence-based decision-making, guide the enhancement of dental education programmes and improve the quality of oral healthcare services. Challenges related to participant recruitment and data collection should be considered, and the study's unique contribution to the existing body of knowledge in the Malaysian context will be discussed.
METHODS: Multistage sampling was used to recruit registered nurses from Hunan province in China. Registered nurses who identified themselves as experiencing adverse events from nine tertiary hospitals were included in this study. Participants were recruited to complete a survey on the second victim experience and support tool, the simplified coping style questionnaire, and the professional quality of life scale. The stress coping theory was used to develop the framework in this study. The structural equation modelling approach was used for conducting the mediating effects analysis via IBM SPSS Statistics 26.0 and Mplus 8.3.
RESULTS: In total, 67% (n = 899) of nurses reported a second victim experience during their careers. In a bivariate analysis, both second-victims experiences and coping styles were significantly associated with their professional quality of life. The results showed that the effects of second victim experiences on their professional quality of life were fully mediated by coping styles. A total of 10 significantly indirect pathways were estimated, ranging from -0.243 to 0.173.
CONCLUSIONS: Second-victim experiences are common among nurses in this study. Since the mediating effects of coping styles were clarified in this study, it is imperative to promote the perception of negative coping styles and encourage nurses to adopt more positive coping styles with adequate support systems.
RESULTS: Sequence data were obtained for both A. dorsata and H. itama. The raw sequence data for A. dorsata was 5 Mb, which was assembled into 5 contigs with a size of 6,098,728 bp, an N50 of 15,534, and a GC average of 57.42. Similarly, the raw sequence data for H. itama was 6.3 Mb, which was assembled into 11 contigs with a size of 7,642,048 bp, an N50 of 17,180, and a GC average of 55.38. In the honey sample of A. dorsata, we identified five different plant/pollen species, with only one of the five species exhibiting a relative abundance of less than 1%. For H. itama, we identified seven different plant/pollen species, with only three of the species exhibiting a relative abundance of less than 1%. All of the identified plant species were native to Peninsular Malaysia, especially the East Coast area of Terengganu.
DATA DESCRIPTION: Our data offers valuable insights into honey's geographical and botanical origin and authenticity. Metagenomic studies could help identify the plant species that honeybees forage and provide preliminary data for researchers studying the biological development of A. dorsata and H. itama. The identification of various flowers from the eDNA of honey that are known for their medicinal properties could aid in regional honey with accurate product origin labeling, which is crucial for guaranteeing product authenticity to consumers.
METHODS: We systematically searched five electronic databases (PubMed, CENTRAL, Embase, Global Health, and PsycINFO) from date of inception to September 30, 2022, for studies reporting on the effect of bebtelovimab in SARS-CoV-2 infection, using a combination of search terms around -bebtelovimab‖, -LY-CoV1404‖, -LY3853113‖, and -coronavirus infection‖. All citations were screened independently by two researchers. Data were extracted and thematically analyzed based on study design by adhering to the stipulated scoping review approaches.
RESULTS: Thirty-nine studies were included, thirty-four non-clinical studies were narratively synthesized, and five clinical studies were meta-analyzed. The non-clinical studies revealed bebtelovimab not only potently neutralized wide-type SARS-CoV-2 and existing variants of concern such as B.1.1.7 (Alpha), B.1.351 (Beta), P.1 (Gamma), and B.1.617.2 (Delta), but also retained appreciable activity against Omicron lineages, including BA.2.75, BA.4, BA.4.6, and BA.5. Unlike other monoclonal antibodies, bebtelovimab was able to bind to epitope of the SARS-CoV-2 S protein by exploiting loop mobility or by minimizing side-chain interactions. Pooled analysis from clinical studies depicted that the rates of hospitalization, ICU admission, and death were similar between bebtelovimab and other COVID-19 therapies. Bebtelovimab was associated with a low incidence of treatment-emergent adverse events.
CONCLUSION: Preclinical evidence suggests bebtelovimab be a potential treatment for COVID-19 amidst viral evolution. Bebtelovimab has comparable efficacy to other COVID-19 therapies without evident safety concerns.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s13205-023-03725-6.
AIM: To investigate the beneficial effects of fish oil consumption on the progression of insulin resistance and pancreatic islet dysfunction in a rat model of diabetes.
METHODS: Diabetic rats model (n = 30) were divided into five groups and received; 1) NS injection + NS oral (normal control); 2) NS injection + 3 g/kg fish oil (fish oil control); 3) streptozotocin (STZ) injection + NS oral [diabetes control (DC)]; 4) STZ injection + 1 g/kg fish oil (DFO1); and 5) STZ injection + 3 g/kg fish oil (DFO3). Fasting blood insulin was analyzed by commercial rat insulin enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay; meanwhile, the determination of insulin sensitivity was calculated by homeostatic model assessment of insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) and homeostatic model assessment of beta-cell function. A histological study was conducted on pancreas tissue using H and E staining.
RESULTS: Fish oil supplementation reduced hyperglycemia and ameliorated HOMA-IR in STZ-induced animal models indicating that fish oil supplementation improved insulin sensitivity. Furthermore, animals treated with fish oil at a dose of 3 g/kg (DFO3) showed an enhancement in pancreatic islets, which was displayed by less abnormal structures than DC animals. This could imply that the administration of fish oil, especially rich in bioactive omega-3 fatty acids effectively inhibits insulin resistance and restore islet of Langerhans alteration in rats injected with STZ.
CONCLUSION: Thus, the current study suggested that fish oil supplementation could support the treatment of diabetes but should not be considered as an alternative therapy.