Displaying publications 181 - 200 of 7039 in total

  1. Muhammad Danial Che Ramli, Hasif Adli Zakariah, Ezzad Ghuzlan, Hussin Muhammad
    Depressive disorder is a prevalent psychiatric disorder, which affects 21% of the world population. Study revealed that by 2020, depressive disorder will be the top disability disease in the world. The treatment involving drugs can impose a various side effects including cardiac toxicity, hypopieasia, sexual dysfunstion, body weight gain, and sleep disorder. During the last decade, there is a growing interest on the use of natural products for mental disorders treatment. In this study, Pogostemon cablin benth was use to examine its antidepressant activity. Antidepressant activity of aqueous extract of Pogostemon cablin benth (AEPCB) on rat n = 6 was investigated by using Forced swimming test, Tail suspension test and rotarod apparatus test models. Fluoxetine was used as reference standards. AEPCB at the dose of 2000 mg has no toxic to rat orally. It has been observed from the study that AEPCB at higher concentration from 250 mg, 500 mg, and 750 mg showed significant (p
  2. Nurcahyo R, Zulfadlillah, Habiburrahman M
    Heliyon, 2021 Jan;7(1):e05537.
    PMID: 33506119 DOI: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2020.e05537
    Previous research has emphasized the need to further investigate the impact of ISO 9001 on company performance in the manufacturing sector of developing countries. Indonesia is one of those developing countries where the implementation of ISO 9001 is yet to be adequately researched. The Indonesian automotive manufacturing industry is still unable to compete with Malaysia and Thailand even though many companies have implemented ISO 9001. This study aimed to examine the relationship between ISO 9001 and operational (productivity, customer satisfaction, and product quality) and business (sales growth, profit rate, and market share) performance of Indonesian automotive component manufacturing industries. It also aimed to identify major obstacles in the effective implementation of ISO 9001. Multiple linear regression analyses about operational and business performance were employed for this purpose. The sample size comprised 50 automotive component manufacturing industries located in the Jakarta, Bogor, Tangerang, and Bekasi region of Indonesia. The study demonstrates that the implementation of the ISO 9001:2015 quality management system has a significant positive impact on the operational performance as well as the business performance. Additionally, the operational performance has a significant positive impact on the business performance. This study also reveals the major obstacles in the effective implementation of ISO 9001 in the manufacturing industry, which include a lack of qualified personnel, inadequate training, employee resistance, and lack of commitment among top-level management executives. It offers clear implications for managers who focus on elements that will enhance the effectiveness of ISO 9001 implementation by choosing the correct strategies, allocating sufficient resources, and improving their firm's performance. The novelty of this study lies in filling the existing research gap, which involves a detailed examination of the relationship between the implementation of ISO 9001 and the company's performance, particularly in manufacturing industries of developing countries.
  3. Muhammad Abdulkadir, Ruslan Rainis, Alshammari Eissa Zaidan, Murtala Uba Muhammad, Yamuna A Kani
    In the state effort reduce the number of maternal death, a free child and maternal healthcare programme were introduced called Successful delivery. This main aim of this research is to evaluate if women registered with the programme had a better chance of accessing the services in the state. A crosssectional quantitative study involving household interviews of all women of the reproductive age group (15–49 years) residing in Jigawa state from February to April 2019. Logistic regression analysis at 95% confidence interval was used to determine the independent associations between the scheme and use of antenatal care, hospital delivery and postnatal care services. Successful delivery program influenced the antenatal care visit as women registered with the schemes are more likely to have maximum of six visit 39.5 times than those who did not and also more likely to have four visit 2.6 times than those without scheme. Hospital delivery is also attached to the scheme as women registered with the scheme is 5.3 times likely to deliver at hospital when compared to those with not. Successful delivery program influence antenatal care visit and hospital base delivery. Nevertheless many of the pregnant women after delivery did not attend postnatal care.
  4. Muhammad Afiqsyah Mohd Ramli, Muhammad Arif Nasir, Dina Syamilah Zaid,, Hartini Adenan
    Penginapan merupakan perkara yang perlu ada dalam aktivti pelancogan. Salah satu contohnya adalah ‘Homestay’. Program ‘homestay’ dikenali sebagai pelanconngan yang berasaskan komuniti dan berpotensi untuk berkembang dan membangunkan masyarakat desa selain pelancong dapat merasai pengalaman semuajadi dan cara hidup mereka. Oleh itu, kepada pengusaha ‘homestay’ mereka perlu memepertingkatkan lagi kualiti perkhidmatan untuk menarik minat pelancong dari dalam dan luar negera untuk datang semula. Melalui artikel ini akan membicangkan kajian terhadap faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kepuasan pelanggan terhadap kualti perkhidmatan ‘homestay’ di Melaka yang tertumpu kepada ‘Homestay Seri Tanjung’.
  5. Yahya N, Zakariah MH
    J Nanosci Nanotechnol, 2012 Oct;12(10):8147-52.
    PMID: 23421192
    Electromagnetic (EM) waves transmitted by Horizontal Electric Dipole (HED) source to detect contrasts in subsurface resistivity termed Seabed Logging (SBL) is now an established method for hydrocarbon exploration. However, currently used EM wave detectors for SBL have several challenges including the sensitivity and its bulk size. This work exploits the benefit of superconductor technology in developing a magnetometer termed Superconducting Quantum Interference Device (SQUID) which can potentially be used for SBL. A SQUID magnetometer was fabricated using hexagon shape-niobium wire with YBa2Cu37O, (YBCO) as a barrier. The YBa2Cu37O, samples were synthesized by sol-gel method and were sintered using a furnace and conventional microwave oven. The YBCO gel was dried at 120 degrees C in air for 72 hours. It was then ground and divided into 12 parts. Four samples were sintered at 750 degrees C, 850 degrees C, 900 degrees C, and 950 degrees C for 12 hours in a furnace to find the optimum temperature. The other eight samples were sintered in a microwave with 1100 Watt (W) with a different sintering time, 5, 15, 45 minutes, 1 hour, 1 hour 15 minutes, 1 hour 30 minutes, 1 hour 45 minutes and 2 hours. A DEWAR container was designed and fabricated using fiberglass material. It was filled with liquid nitrogen (LN2) to ensure the superconducting state of the magnetometer. XRD results showed that the optimum sintering temperature for the formation of orthorhombic Y-123 phase was at 950 degrees C with the crystallite size of 67 nm. The morphology results from Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy (FESEM) showed that the grains had formed a rod shape with an average diameter of 60 nm. The fabricated SQUID magnetometer was able to show an increment of approximately 249% in the intensity of the EM waves when the source receiver offset was one meter apart.
  6. Zakaria M, Rajpar MN
    Trop Life Sci Res, 2010 Dec;21(2):7-26.
    PMID: 24575196
    A comparison study was conducted to determine the bird species composition, relative abundance, species diversity and feeding guilds based on point count (PC) and mist netting (MN) at the Paya Indah Wetland Reserve (PIWR), Peninsular Malaysia. A total of 13872 bird observations belonging to 100 species and 38 families were recorded using the PC method over 15 consecutive months, and a total of 1478 bird individuals belonging to 65 species and 33 families were captured using the MN method over 1260 netting hours. The results showed that Treron vernans (1723 observations; 12.42%) was the most abundant bird species using the PC method, whereas Pycnonotus goiavier (378 individuals; 25.64%) was the most abundant bird species using the MN method. The Ardeidae (9 species; 23.68%) was the most dominant family using the PC method, but the Rallidae (6 species; 18.18%) was the most dominant family using the MN method. The PC method produced higher species diversity (Shannon's N1 = 31.22) and richness (Margalef's R1 = 10.42) than MN, whereas the MN method produced higher species evenness (McIntosh's E = 0.86) than the PC method. Frugivore/insectivore comprised of bulbuls, orioles, pigeons and starlings was the most dominant feeding guild in both methods (PC = 27.81% and MN = 32.88%). In contrast, carnivore was the rarest feeding guild in both methods (i.e. PC = 0.17% and MN = 0.20%). These findings indicate that the PC method is more efficient and produces better results than the MN method.
  7. S Rashid Ali MR
    Respirol Case Rep, 2021 Oct;9(10):e0840.
    PMID: 34504712 DOI: 10.1002/rcr2.840
    Spontaneous pneumomediastinum (SPM) and pneumothorax (PTX) have been described as rare complications of COVID-19 pneumonia. We present a case of COVID-19 pneumonia which was complicated by SPM on Day 13 of admission with progression to spontaneous PTX 2 days later which necessitated intercostal chest drainage. It was complicated by prolonged air leak (PAL) for the next 9 days despite being on continued low-dose suction and another additional larger bore intercostal drain inserted. Surgical pleurodesis was not an option in view of anaesthesia and operative risk expected in COVID-19. In view of this, autologous blood pleurodesis (ABP) to address the alveolar pleural leak was opted. ABP has been previously used for PAL in cases of non-COVID-19-related intractable spontaneous PTX. The air leak ceased with subsequent lung re-expansion, with good clinical and radiological improvement. He was discharged well after resolution of PTX which required intercostal drain for a total of 15 days.
  8. Zahiruddin Othman, Muhammad Najib Muhammad Alwi, Kamarul Imran Musa, Muhammad Najib Muhammad Alwi, Ruzita Jamaluddin
    ASEAN Journal of Psychiatry, 2009;10(1):54-74.
    Objective: Many studies have emphasized the significance of verbal memory for the functional outcome in schizophrenia. A preserved capability to encode and recall verbal information is essential for the long-term efficacy of psychoeducational programs and other
    psychological intervention to ensure the successful transfer of newly acquired skills or knowledge into everyday life. Aims of this study aimed to validate the MVALT among schizophrenia patients in HUSM. Methods: The subjects were 15 schizophrenia patients
    conveniently selected from the patients that attended follow up at the psychiatry clinic in HUSM or inpatients who have been admitted during the study period and 15 healthy control subjects as a comparison. Reliability and validity of the MVAVLT were analyzed. Results: The validation study showed that the Malay version Auditory Verbal Learning Test (MVAVLT) had a good validity (factor analysis 0.66 to 0.98) and test-retest reliability (pearson correlation ranged from 0.24 to 0.84) and has been shown to be sensitive in
    discriminating between normal and schizophrenia patients. In line with the previous research, the schizophrenia patients performed significantly worse than healthy control in all indexes measured in MVAVLT. Conclusion: The screening of deficits in verbal learning
    and memory among the schizophrenia patients is important, for early detection and treatment since it can be helpful for clinicians and psychologists in their counseling sessions. Subsequently, it helps patients to reduce such cognitive difficulties and their impact by using specific rehabilitation with the usage of newer antipsychotic agents.
  9. Rafidah Bahari, Muhammad N Mohamad Alwi, Muhammad R Ahmad, Ismail Mohd Saiboon
    ASEAN Journal of Psychiatry, 2015;16(2):203-211.
    There are a number of validated questionnaires available for the screening of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), and the PTSD Checklist for Civilians is one of them. However, none was translated into the Malay Language and validated for use in the Malaysian population. The aim of this study is to translate and validate the Malay PTSD Checklist for Civilians (MPCL-C). Methods: The PCL-C was translated into the Malay Language and back-translated. The reliability and validity of the MPCL-C were then determined by administering them to those who presented at the emergency department for motor vehicle accident at least one month before. Results: The MPCL-C has good face and content validity. In terms of reliability, it is also good, with Chronbach’s alpha values of 0.90, 0.77, 0.75 and 0.74 for the full scale, re-experiencing, avoidance and arousal domains respectively. Conclusions: The MPCL-C is a valid and reliable instrument to screen for PTSD in motor vehicle accident victims for the studied population.
  10. Bulan Abdullah, Muhammad Hafizuddin Jumadin, Muhammad Hussain Ismail, Siti Khadijah Alias, Samsiah Ahmad
    Powder carburising compound used for pack carburizing has limited potential in producing thicker case depth. Paste carburizing has proved to be an option to replace powder in conventional pack carburizing as it requires less time and temperature to diffuse carbon atoms, and thereby produce greater case depth. The correlation between case depth and mechanical properties using paste carburising is the objective of this paper where the relationship between case depth with mechanical and tribological properties using powder, paste 1:1 and paste 3:1 compounds at 1000°C for 9 hours are studied. Samples were subjected to microhardness tests, tensile tests and wear tests. Results showed paste 1:1 compound produced the highest case depth (>0.5 mm), allowing us to greater tensile strength, 6.61% and high wear resistance, 49%.
  11. Moniruzzaman M, Goto M
    PMID: 29744542 DOI: 10.1007/10_2018_64
    Ionic liquids (ILs), a potentially attractive "green," recyclable alternative to environmentally harmful volatile organic compounds, have been increasingly exploited as solvents and/or cosolvents and/or reagents in a wide range of applications, including pretreatment of lignocellulosic biomass for further processing. The enzymatic delignification of biomass to degrade lignin, a complex aromatic polymer, has received much attention as an environmentally friendly process for clean separation of biopolymers including cellulose and lignin. For this purpose, enzymes are generally isolated from naturally occurring fungi or genetically engineered fungi and used in an aqueous medium. However, enzymatic delignification has been found to be very slow in these conditions, sometimes taking several months for completion. In this chapter, we highlight an environmentally friendly and efficient approach for enzymatic delignification of lignocellulosic biomass using room temperature ionic liquids (ILs) as (co)solvents or/and pretreatment agents. The method comprises pretreatment of lignocellulosic biomass in IL-aqueous systems before enzymatic delignification, with the aim of overcoming the low delignification efficiency associated with low enzyme accessibility to the solid substrate and low substrate and product solubilities in aqueous systems. We believe the processes described here can play an important role in the conversion of lignocellulosic biomass-the most abundant renewable biomaterial in the world-to biomaterials, biopolymers, biofuels, bioplastics, and hydrocarbons. Graphical Abstract.
  12. Nubailah Abd. Hamid, Muhammad Akmal Ahmad Shazalli, Muhammad Hussain Ismail, Azmi Ibrahim
    NiTi is well known for its shape memory effect and super elasticity (SE), and is widely used in medical, dentistry and aerospace applications. For shape memory, NiTi has the ability to undergo deformation at certain temperature then recover to its original shape while SE occurs at narrow temperature range just above its transformation temperature. It shows that this material remembers its original shape and is elastic under stress. The application of nitinol as partial replacement in reinforced concrete beam for seismic resistant structures is popular due to it re-centring capability and distinctive properties. Using Shape Memory Alloy (SMA) in structures has its downsides. Hence, hybrid reinforced concrete beam with SMA was introduced to improve the structure’s ductility and energy dissipation. Hence, this research is aimed at distinguishing microstructure and mechanical properties of SMA and steel rebar. Not much is known about how SMA behaves when subjected to compression. Therefore, X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) was used to analyse if any secondary phase exists and Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) test was used to analyse the phase transformation. The results showed hybrid NiTi-steel rebar can address some deficiencies of NiTi and in terms of costs. On the other hand, combining them will result in super elastic recovery, displacement ductility and strength capacity for seismic resistant design.
  13. Muhammad Mujtaba Asad, Razali Hassan, Qadir Mehmood Soomro, Sherwani, F., Muhammad Aamir
    This study illustrates about the most hazardous and risky activities associated with well drilling operation at on and offshore
    oil and gas drilling sites by adopting exploratory research design (quantitative leading to qualitative). In this study researcher has
    targeted three oil and gas industries each from Malaysia, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan for the identification of associated hazards
    and nature of hazardous activities faced by drilling crew during well drilling operation. Eighty (80) drilling crew members have
    been randomly selected for answering the survey questionnaire. Likewise, nine (09) drilling health and safety officials have been
    conveniently selected based on their safety expertise in oil and gas drilling field for semi structured in-depth interview. For analyzing
    quantitative findings descriptive statistical methods has been used. While for qualitative section thematic analysis approach has
    been utilized. Based on the findings, respondents from Malaysian oil and gas industries reported starting drilling activity as highly
    hazardous at onshore well drilling, while handling drilling pipe has been considered more hazardous activity at offshore domain.
    Similarly, in the context of Saudi Arabia, respondents highlighted that the handling drilling pipes are cause of major injuries at onshore
    well drilling site. Whereas drilling fluid preparation and coring process is considered harmful at offshore sites. In contrast, participant
    from Pakistan indicated coring process as a highly hazardous activity at on and offshore well drilling operation. According to overall
    results based on the participant response, oil and gas well drilling operation at onshore domain is considered more hazardous
    at Pakistani oil and gas industry as compare to other targeted industries with mean range 3.42. While for offshore well drilling,
    Malaysian industry is recorded highly hazardous as compare to others leading with mean value 3.39 and related with chemical and
    safety hazards in well drilling activities.
  14. Usama M, Zakaria N
    PLoS One, 2017;12(1):e0168207.
    PMID: 28072850 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0168207
    Data compression and encryption are key components of commonly deployed platforms such as Hadoop. Numerous data compression and encryption tools are presently available on such platforms and the tools are characteristically applied in sequence, i.e., compression followed by encryption or encryption followed by compression. This paper focuses on the open-source Hadoop framework and proposes a data storage method that efficiently couples data compression with encryption. A simultaneous compression and encryption scheme is introduced that addresses an important implementation issue of source coding based on Tent Map and Piece-wise Linear Chaotic Map (PWLM), which is the infinite precision of real numbers that result from their long products. The approach proposed here solves the implementation issue by removing fractional components that are generated by the long products of real numbers. Moreover, it incorporates a stealth key that performs a cyclic shift in PWLM without compromising compression capabilities. In addition, the proposed approach implements a masking pseudorandom keystream that enhances encryption quality. The proposed algorithm demonstrated a congruent fit within the Hadoop framework, providing robust encryption security and compression.
  15. Mahmood H, Moniruzzaman M
    Biotechnol J, 2019 Dec;14(12):e1900072.
    PMID: 31677240 DOI: 10.1002/biot.201900072
    The evolution of petroleum-derived polymers is one of the crowning accomplishments of the past century. Although the significant economic gains from this industrial model of resource utilization are achieved, the environmental impacts are fatal. One of the principles of sustainable development is to replace such polymers with potential alternatives derived from renewable materials. Biopolymers derived from natural resources afford a new, versatile, environmentally benign feedstock that could exhibit closed-loop life cycles as part of a future material's industrial ecology. However, the solubility and processability of biopolymer materials provoke a serious bottleneck owing to their dense networks of inter - and intramolecular bondings and structural heterogeneity. Recently, ionic liquids (ILs) have emerged as promising green solvents and acquired augmented appreciation for their peerless power of biopolymer processing. Among the fourteen principle of green chemistry, the two key elements encourage the exploitation of renewable raw materials by using environmentally benign solvents that cover in dissolution of biopolymers using ILs. This mini review represents a brief overview of the comprehensive ILs assisted extraction and processing of various biopolymeric materials for value-added applications.
  16. Zia-ur-Rehman M, Sabir M, Shahjahan, Ahmed HR, Muhammad Rizwan, Ali S
    Sains Malaysiana, 2016;45:339-346.
    Among abiotic stresses, salinity is the main abiotic stress limiting crop growth and yield worldwide. Improving agri-food production in salt-prone areas is the key to meet the increasing food demands in near future. A greenhouse experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of different soil conditioners, gypsum (GYP), citric acid (CA), ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA) and polyvinyl alcohol (PVA), on growth and yield of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) grown in salinesodic soil. Gypsum was applied at a rate of 100% soil gypsum requirement while other amendments were applied each at a rate of 5 g kg-1 of soil. The results showed that EDTA treatment increased pH and electrical conductivity (ECe) of soil while pH significantly decreased when treated with citric acid. Soil sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) and exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP) decreased in all treatments following the order: CT > PVA > EDTA > CA > GYP. Addition of CA positively affected growth parameters as compared to other soil conditioners including plant height, number of tillers per plant, number of spikes per plant, plant dry weight and grain yield while EDTA negatively affected these parameters. Addition of CA also significantly increased photosynthetic rate, stomatal conductance, transpiration rate and chlorophyll contents while EDTA decreased these parameters. We conclude that increase in plant growth and yield with CA might be due to the effect of CA on soil properties which positively affected plant physiological parameters.
  17. Mohammad Hafizuddin Jumali, Mohd Riduan Mt Said, Ngoi YW, Muhammad Yahaya, Muhammad Mat Salleh
    Satu kajian bagi menentukan kesan suhu ke atas mikrostruktur dan kelakuan pengesanan tekanan seramik Na0.45Bi0.55TiO3 (NBT) sebagai bahan piezoelektrik bebas plumbum telah dilakukan. Seramik NBT disediakan secara tindak balas keadaan pepejal daripada campuran serbuk Na2CO3, Bi2O3 dan TiO2. Campuran serbuk disinter pada tiga suhu yang berlainan iaitu 1100°C, 1200°C dan 1300°C selama 12 jam. Selepas disinter, serbuk NBT dikisar dan dimampatkan menjadi pelet berdiameter 13 mm diikuti pemanasan selama 2 jam pada 700oC. Mikrostruktur dan morfologi sampel masing-masing dikaji dengan menggunakan XRD dan SEM. Sifat pengesanan tekanan NBT diuji dengan menggunakan kebuk tekanan pneumatik. Analisis pembelauan sinar-X menunjukkan semua sampel mengandungi lebih 70% NBT berstruktur rombohedral sebagai fasa utama dan bakinya merupakan fasa sekunder Bi2Ti2O7 (BTO). Kenaikan suhu sinteran didapati meningkatkan kandungan fasa NBT di dalam sampel. Mikrograf SEM menunjukkan saiz butiran dan ketumpatan sampel semakin meningkat dengan pertambahan suhu sinteran. Ujian sifat pengesanan tekanan menunjukkan kesemua sampel memberi sambutan apabila voltan pemula diberikan. Berdasarkan faktor ketumpatan, kestabilan dan kebolehulangan sifat pengesanan tekanan, seramik NBT yang disinter pada suhu 1200oC merupakan seramik yang terbaik dan berpotensi digunakan sebagai sensor tekanan.
  18. Chang FD, Burhanudin Yeop Majlis, Muhammad Mat Salleh, Muhammad Yahaya
    Sains Malaysiana, 2008;37:233-237.
    ZnO nanostructures were synthesized on Si and Si/SiO2 substrate by well established thermal-evaporation-deposition method which involves vapor-solid growth process for non–catalysts activated growth. Scanning electron micrograph shows difference type of ZnO nanostructures have been synthesized. Electrical I-V characterization was measured by using Al as electrode at room temperature. Schottky contacts were obtained for both contact of ZnO nanowires and Al. A symmetric metal-semiconductor-metal junction was obtained. A two-opposit-diode equivalent circuit was applied to explain this I-V characteristic.
  19. Abbas MA, Suppian R
    J Infect Dev Ctries, 2019 11 30;13(11):1057-1061.
    PMID: 32087079 DOI: 10.3855/jidc.11331
    INTRODUCTION: An earlier constructed recombinant BCG expressing the MSP-1C of Plasmodium falciparum, induced inflammatory responses leading to significant production of nitric oxide (NO) alongside higher expression of the enzyme inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) and significant production of the regulatory cytokine, IL-10, indicating significant immunomodulatory effects of the construct. The mechanism of these responses had not been established but is thought to involve toll-like receptor 4 (TLR-4).

    METHODOLOGY: The present study was carried out to determine the role of TLR-4 on eliciting the immunomodulatory effects of recombinant BCG expressing MSP-1C of Plasmodium falciparum leading to the production of NO and IL-10, as well as the expression of iNOS. Six groups of mice (n = 6 per group) were immunised thrice, three weeks apart with intraperitoneal phosphate buffered saline T80 (PBS-T80), BCG or rBCG in the presence or absence of a TLR-4 inhibitor; TAK-242, given one hour prior to each immunisation. Peritoneal macrophages were harvested from the mice and cultured for the determination of NO, iNOS and IL-10 via Griess assay, ELISA and Western blot respectively.

    RESULTS: The results showed significant inhibition of the production of NO and IL-10 and the expression of iNOS in all groups of mice in the presence of TAK-242.

    CONCLUSIONS: These results presented evidence of the role of TLR-4/rBCG attachment mechanism in modulating the production of NO and IL-10 and the expression of iNOS in response to our rBCG-based malaria vaccine candidate expressing MSP-1C of P. falciparum.

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