Displaying publications 181 - 200 of 3717 in total

  1. Zahari, N.M., Ismail, R., Bunyarit, S.S., Shafiei, Z., Al Rawenduzy, K.C.M.A.
    Malaysian Dental Journal, 2007;28(1):45-50.
    Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans is considered a major pathogen in periodontal disease. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of A. actinomycetemcomitans from 46 subjects aged 20-24 years old of who were all periodontally healthy Malays.
    Matched MeSH terms: Prevalence
  2. Tan, Y.F., Haresh, K.K., Chai, L.C., Ghazali, F.M., Son, R.
    The prevalence of Campylobacter spp. in retailed sushi were examined using the techniques of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in combination with most probable number (MPN) to quantify the bacteria in 150 samples obtained from three supermarkets. The average prevalence of Campylobacter spp. in retailed sushi was 26.6% with 32%, 16% and 32% from supermarket I, II and III, respectively. Campylobacter jejuni was found to be the predominant species in retailed sushi with 82.49% of all Campylobacter spp. positive samples. Campylobacter coli was not detected in all samples. The maximum MPN number of Campylobacter spp. in retailed sushi purchased from supermarket I, II and III ranged from 3.6-11.0 MPN/g, 9.4->1100 MPN/g and 27-1100 MPN/g, respectively. The isolation of C. jejuni from a variety of ready-to-eat retail sushi may indicate that these products can act as possible vehicles for the dissemination of food-borne campylobacteriosis.
    Matched MeSH terms: Prevalence
  3. Hany Mohamed Aly Ahmed, Deepti Saini
    Archives of Orofacial Sciences, 2012;7(2):101-106.
    Sufficient knowledge on the root and root canal anatomy is essential for practicing root canal treatment. The mesiobuccal roots of maxillary molar teeth present an endodontic challenge due to their wide variability and complexity of their internal morphological landmarks. A review on the literature indicates that the prevalence of a third mesiobuccal root canal in the mesiobuccal root of maxillary molar teeth may reach 9%, and the root canal configuration usually is type XV (3-2). These reported data reveal the importance of absolute awareness for this anatomical aberration that requires special attention from dental practitioners while commencing root canal treatment in maxillary molar teeth. Hence, this article aims to report and describe the management of a maxillary first molar tooth with three mesiobuccal root canals, but with an unusual configuration.
    Matched MeSH terms: Prevalence
  4. Nik Madihah Nik Azis, Khamiza Zainol Abidin
    The practice of quack dentistry worldwide is a challenge to the profession of dentistry as it undermines the trust of the general public and places the patients at unnecessary risks through their illegal practices. Although the ratio of patients to dentists is rapidly decreasing in Malaysia due to the increased output of qualified dentists from both local and foreign institutions, quack dentistry is still practiced in many areas. This report intends to highlight a popular treatment prescribed by these quack dentists which is removable partial dentures that is fixed to the adjacent teeth by cold cure acrylic. We also aim to discuss the design of the denture and the means employed to remove this ’fixed partial denture’. It is hoped that this case report will highlight the prevalence of the practice of quack dentistry especially in geographical area of this case report and allow the authorities to devise means to stop this illegal practice.
    Matched MeSH terms: Prevalence
  5. Nik Hussien, N.N., Majid, Z.A., Mutalib, K.A., Abdullah, F., Abang, A., Wan, M.N.
    Ann Dent, 1999;6(1):-.
    The prevalence of developmental defects of enamel was assessed in 4805 16-year-old schoolchildren in fluoridated and non-fluoridated areas in Malaysia. In this sample, the mouth prevalence was 56.0%; tooth prevalence was 21.8%. There were significant differences between children in fluoridated and non-fluoridated areas, urban and rural areas as well as between the ethnic groups. However, there was no significant gender difference. Prevalences were lower than those reported in most other Asiancountries. However, direct comparisons could not be madedue to differences in indices and methodology used.
    Matched MeSH terms: Prevalence
  6. Zain, R.B.
    Ann Dent, 1999;6(1):-.
    The most prevalent oral mucosal lesions are aphthous ulcerations commonly referred to as canker sores. The clinical characteristic of oral recurrent aphthous ulceration/stomatitis(ORAS) is well defined and can be partly described as an oval or rounded ulcer covered by a grey-white or yellowish fibrinous exudate and surrounded by an erythematous halo. There is intense or moderate pain and the ulcers heal in about 10 - 14 days for the more common type and more than 2 weeks for the severe type. Recurrence of the ulcers occurs at intervals within a year or over several years. Variations of ORAS described above have made studies on aetiology and treatment difficult to interpret due to differing descriptions of differing diseases with similar clinical signs and symptoms and possibly differing aetiologies. A classification that was considered useful as a working model for ORAS was formulated in 1978. While the classification of ORAS had been widely accepted since 1978, the cause for ORAS is still unknown and its aetiology in general remains unclear. However, its immunopathogenesis is now becoming more clearly defined.
    Matched MeSH terms: Prevalence
  7. Ong, Siew Tin, Chong, Huat Siar
    Ann Dent, 1995;2(1):-.
    This paper represents a study of35casesofodontogenic keratocyst (OKC) diagnosed in a Malaysian population. The clinical, radiological and histopathological features, treatment modalities and recurrence of this lesion were analysed. There was a higher prevalence rate among Malaysian Chinese (51.42 percent), while the Malays and Indians accounted for22.86 percent and 25.72 percent respectively. The male to female ratio was 16 : 19.Age at presentation ranged from nine to 71 year,with about 70percent occurring between ages ten to 39 years. A total of40cysts were analysed. Of these, 67.5 percent occurred in the mandible and 32.5 percent in the maxilla. About 88percent of OKC presented as unilocular radiolucencies and 42.0 percent were associated with unerupted or impacted teeth. Histologically, the parakeratinized OKC was the predominant variant found (75.8 percent). The majority of caseswere treated by enucleation (85 percent), and a recurrence rate of20percent was recorded.
    Matched MeSH terms: Prevalence
  8. Mani, Shani Ann
    The use of fluoride as a preventive measure for dental caries has been established more than 50 years ago. The recommendations for fluoride use has been modified over the years due to factors like decreased prevalence of caries, increased prevalence of dental fluorosis and the widespread availability of fluoride in various forms to the community. In recent years, the role of evidence-based recommendations has come to the forefront, in an attempt to ensure the most favorable treatment for the individual. This review has attempted to appraise the most recent evidence- based recommendations for different fluoride modalities put forth by various organizations worldwide, in order to appreciate the current status of fluoride in the early 21st century.
    Matched MeSH terms: Prevalence
  9. Ab Malik N, Abdul Razak F, Mohamad Yatim S, Lam OLT, Jin L, Li LSW, et al.
    J Evid Based Dent Pract, 2018 06;18(2):99-109.
    PMID: 29747810 DOI: 10.1016/j.jebdp.2017.08.002
    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the presence of oral opportunistic pathogens among stroke survivors, both before and after oral health care interventions.

    METHODS: A multicenter randomized clinical trial was conducted on hospitalized stroke survivors. Those in the control group were given standard care of oral hygiene (a manual toothbrush and toothpaste), whereas those in the test group were given intense care of oral hygiene (a powered toothbrush and 1% chlorhexidine oral gel). Oral clinical assessments were carried out, and microbiological samples were collected, using concentrated oral rinse samples at 3 time points: baseline, 3 months, and 6 months.

    RESULTS: The prevalence of oral yeast was significantly reduced in the test group at 6 months (P < .05), but no significant difference was observed over time. A significant reduction was observed in the prevalence of Staphylococcus aureus (P < .01) and aerobic and facultative gram-negative bacilli over time (P < .05), but there were no significant differences noted between groups at 6 months. Candida albicans and Klebsiella pneumoniae were the prominent pathogens determined throughout the trial. Kluyvera strains have also been isolated from this cohort.

    CONCLUSION: Oral hygiene intervention using a powered tooth brush and 1% chlorhexidine oral gel was effective in reducing the prevalence of oral opportunistic pathogens.

    Matched MeSH terms: Prevalence
  10. Mohamed Zini SH, Nordin N
    Introduction: The objectives of this study were to determine the prevalence and the pattern of hypodontia among orthodontic patients in Klinik Pergigian Jalan Sultan Mahmud, Kuala Terengganu.
    Materials and Methods: This was a retrospective study where 351 orthodontic patients records (comprises of 104 males and 247 females), were reviewed. The records were evaluated by a trained dental officer between October 2016 and June 2017. The Chi-square and Fisher's Exact Tests were carried out for statistical analysis.
    Results: The prevalence of hypodontia was 10.8%. Thirty-eight (38) patients were found to have at least a single missing tooth. A significant difference was found between males and females having hypodontia (p = 0.048). No significant difference was found for hypodontia patients by races (p = 0.829). The maxillary lateral incisor was the most frequently missing tooth followed by mandibular second premolar and mandibular lateral incisor. Hypodontia cases observed, tended to be more likely occurred in the upper left arch compared to the lower arch. The majority of hypodontia patients had a single missing tooth, but rarely more than 3 missing teeth. Hypodontia patients had mainly Class III malocclusion, however no statistically significant difference was found (p = 0.081).
    Conclusion(s): The prevalence of hypodontia of this study was within the range of what is being reported in the literature and showed gender significant. In this sample, hypodontia mainly involved maxillary lateral incisors; more prevalent in the upper arch; and mostly observed in patients with Class III malocclusion. Early detection and accurate diagnosis are essential. Therefore, alternative treatment modalities can be well planned under multidisciplinary team approach in restoring the aesthetic and function.
    KEYWORDS: referral letter
    Matched MeSH terms: Prevalence
  11. Chern, Pei Ern, Nor Ainy Mahyudin, Hazrina Ghazali, Norkhaizura Mahmud @ Ab Rashid
    Diabetes mellitus has a high prevalence in Malaysia and is expected to rise in the future due to lifestyle changes. Thus, consumers are turning to alternative methods in the prevention and cure of the disease. The Momordica charantia has been studied for its anti-diabetic activity both in vitro and in vivo and is shown to be effective in inhibiting glucose absorption. Therefore, the MC is used as a main ingredient in the development of health beverages to offer alternatives for patients or the health conscious. The microbial quality of the product is examined to ensure the safety of the product and to find methods to enhance its shelf life.
    Matched MeSH terms: Prevalence
  12. Kadir, Z. A., Mohammad, R., Othman, N.
    Purpose of this study to be conducted is to identify the risk factor of low back pain amongst port crane operator and to improve the health management program in the company. The objectives of this study are to evaluate the major group of port crane operator that having low back pain problem, to analyse the risk factors that associated to low back pain problem (WBV, Awkward prolonged sitting and shift work-psychological) , individual characteristics (sport activity or hobby), to analyse the associated rate operator’s absence from work (medical leave) and low back pain problem and to propose the basic ergonomic assessment checklist for management to investigate health incident cases and fit-to-work (ergonomics) screening checklist for new recruitment. A survey research design through the distribution of the questionnaire and interview & field observation will
    be used for research methodology. The population of this study consists of port crane operatorsRubber Tyred Gantry Operator (RTG). Questionnaire method used to collect all relevant information from correspondence. Interview also will be conducted to gain further details information. Data were analyzed with the usage of Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) to make the process of analysis easier. As result, firstly, the study shown that there are association of risk factor for working posture and years of exposure with Low back Pain. The null hypothesis was rejected and there is probability that these risk factors have influence the low back pain. It was also concluded that the null hypothesis was accepted which means there are no correlation of risk factors for heavy physical works, previous job experience, previous accident with low back pain problem. Thirdly, the study
    shown there are no correlation of rate operator’s absence from work (medical leave) with low back pain problem as the null hypothesis was accepted with p value <0.05
    Keywords: Port, Low Back Pain, Ergonomics, Occupational Safety & Health, Rubber tyre gantry, Back Pain
    Matched MeSH terms: Prevalence
  13. Shahriman Zainal Abidin, Rafeah Legino, Mohamad Hariri Abdullah, Nur Izyan Syazwani Ismail
    This paper discusses the three most prevalent elements of Islamic art that a r e embedded in modern furniture. This study is isolated from three design thinking approaches. A comparative study has been executed between three most apparent elements of Islamic art, which are arabesque, geometric and calligraphy. Those three types of design are applicable and relevant to modern furniture design nowadays. Therefore, the Islamic model was the paradigm in defining the furniture design character. The unstructured parameter within the appropriate method is a significant way of collecting the findings and usually used in the area of furniture design. The main results of this study are on how Islamic pattern is linked with the artistic design elements. The outcome of this investigation also contributes to a significant tendency in contemporary furniture design thinking solutions. Finally, this paper ends with discussions from three types of design thinking, which is the normative, reflective and hermeneutic design that collaborates with the current modern furniture design.
    Matched MeSH terms: Prevalence
  14. Wearn OR, Carbone C, Rowcliffe JM, Pfeifer M, Bernard H, Ewers RM
    J Anim Ecol, 2019 01;88(1):125-137.
    PMID: 30178485 DOI: 10.1111/1365-2656.12903
    The assembly of species communities at local scales is thought to be driven by environmental filtering, species interactions and spatial processes such as dispersal limitation. Little is known about how the relative balance of these drivers of community assembly changes along environmental gradients, especially man-made environmental gradients associated with land-use change. Using concurrent camera- and live-trapping, we investigated the local-scale assembly of mammal communities along a gradient of land-use intensity (old-growth forest, logged forest and oil palm plantations) in Borneo. We hypothesised that increasing land-use intensity would lead to an increasing dominance of environmental control over spatial processes in community assembly. Additionally, we hypothesised that competitive interactions among species might reduce in concert with declines in α-diversity (previously documented) along the land-use gradient. To test our first hypothesis, we partitioned community variance into the fractions explained by environmental and spatial variables. To test our second hypothesis, we used probabilistic models of expected species co-occurrence patterns, in particular focussing on the prevalence of spatial avoidance between species. Spatial avoidance might indicate competition, but might also be due to divergent habitat preferences. We found patterns that are consistent with a shift in the fundamental mechanics governing local community assembly. In support of our first hypothesis, the importance of spatial processes (dispersal limitation and fine-scale patterns of home-ranging) appeared to decrease from low to high intensity land-uses, whilst environmental control increased in importance (in particular due to fine-scale habitat structure). Support for our second hypothesis was weak: whilst we found that the prevalence of spatial avoidance decreased along the land-use gradient, in particular between congeneric species pairs most likely to be in competition, few instances of spatial avoidance were detected in any land-use, and most were likely due to divergent habitat preferences. The widespread changes in land-use occurring in the tropics might be altering not just the biodiversity found in landscapes, but also the fundamental mechanics governing the local assembly of communities. A better understanding of these mechanics, for a range of taxa, could underpin more effective conservation and management of threatened tropical landscapes.
    Matched MeSH terms: Prevalence
  15. Mohd Zulkefli NA, Mohd Sidik S
    Asia Pac Fam Med, 2003;2(4):235-238.
    Background: Menopause is a condition that every woman faces in later life and can have many associated effects which might disrupt the quality of life.
    Aim: To determine both the prevalence of menopause and menopausal symptoms in a group of employed Malaysian women and to determine their sources of information regarding menopause.
    Methods: A cross sectional study was conducted among female teachers aged 35 and above in Seremban, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia between 1 June and 31 December 2000. A total of 550 self administered questionnaires were distributed to teachers selected through simple random sampling of selected schools.
    Results: The response rate was 78.9%. The prevalence of menopause was 21.9%. There was a high prevalence of skin dryness (44.2%), hot flushes (43.2%), fatigue (41.0%) and excessive sweating (34.7%) among the menopausal respondents and there was a significant difference between menopausal and non menopausal symptoms of respondents (p<0.05).
    Conclusion: The prevalence of menopause and each menopausal symptom are high in the present group of women. Improved health care programs about the menopause might help give women a better quality of life.
    Matched MeSH terms: Prevalence
  16. Abdullah MAH, Abdullah AT
    Abdullah MAH, Abdullah AT. Annual report of National Orthopaedic Registry Malaysia (NORM) Hip Fracture 2009. Kuala Lumpur: Clinical Research Centre, Kuala Lumpur; 2010
    Matched MeSH terms: Prevalence
  17. Lim WC, Hanachi P, Faraizah AK, Norhanim A, Yasmin A, Duraisamy G
    Objective: This study was done to identify blood donors with thalassaemia and iron deficiency. A cross sectional study was carried out at Pusat Darah Negara (PDN), Kuala Lumpur in November 2003.
    Methods: Full blood counts were done on 242 blood donors (166 males and 76 females) Hb analysis and serum ferritin assay were done for all the samples. The first time donors were used as controls.
    Results: Only 20 (8.3%) donors had MCV <80 fL and MCH <26pg. Six of the 25 donors with iron deficiency had a low MCV <80 fL) and low MCH <26 pg) but all the 8 (40%) donors with thalassaemia or HbE had a low MCV and MCH! The mean ferritin levels were found to be lower among regular blood donors (95.3 ug/L) compared to first time blood donors (116.6 ug/L) but this was not statistically significant. There were 25 donors who were iron deficient: one was a first time donor and 24 were regular donors - 12 (50%) had donated 3 times a year in the last two years. Iron deficiency was seen in 12 Malays, and 9 Chinese, and 4 Indians. 13.3% of the males (22 out of 166 donors) and 4% (3 of 76) of female donors were iron deficient. Thalassaemia and HbE were found in 8 donors. HbE trait was identified in 5 Malay donors. One Malay and 1 Chinese donor had beta-thalassaemia trait. Another Chinese had alpha (a^o) thalassaemia trait. Neither HbE nor thalassaemia were seen in the Indian donors.
    Conclusion: In this study thalassaemia and RbE were seen in 3.3% and iron deficiency in 10.3% of the 242 blood donors at PDN. Iron deficiency was present in 3.2% of the first time donors and 12.8% of the regular donors. Regular donors should have the serum ferritin done for their iron status and if their MCV and MCH are low, Hb analysis for thalassaemia or haemoglobinopathy.
    Keywords: Blood donors, serum ferritin, iron deficiency, haemoglobinopathy
    Matched MeSH terms: Prevalence
  18. ISBN: 978-983-3887-79-8
    Citation: Institute for Public Health (IPH) 2012. The National Health and Morbidity Survey: Malaysia Global School-based Student Health Survey 2012. Kuala Lumpur: Ministry of Health Malaysia.

    Study name: Global School-based Student Health Survey (GSHS); NHMS-2012

    Malaysia School-Based Nutrition Survey 2012

    State level reports:
    Kuala Lumpur
    Negeri Sembilan
    Pulau Pinang
    Sabah & Labuan

    Website for data: https://www.cdc.gov/gshs/index.htm
    Code book:
    Matched MeSH terms: Prevalence
  19. Yusof F, Md Ismail A.I.B., Ali N
    Sains Malaysiana, 2014;43:1045-1051.
    Hantavirus is a serious disease caused by rodents which can lead to mortality. Many efforts have been carried out by researchers to develop and analyze mathematical models of Hantavirus infection. In this paper, the Peixoto and Abramson (2006) biodiversity model is modified to include the effect of predators and study the prediction of the modified model. When rodent and predator populations are in competition, the predator populations have the effect of reducing the prevalence of infection. Predators may be used for control and reduces the number of competing species to stabilize the populations at a persistent equilibrium.
    Matched MeSH terms: Prevalence
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