Citation: National Health Morbidity Survey 2011. Kuala Lumpur: Institute for Public Health, Ministry of Health, Malaysia, 2011
Study name: National Health and Morbidity Survey (NHMS-2011)
Volume I: Methodology and General Findings.
Volume II: Non-Communicable Diseases
Volume III: Healthcare Demand and Out-of-pocket Health Expenditure
Citation: National Health Morbidity Survey 2017: Adolescent Mental Health Survey. Kuala Lumpur: Institute for Public Health, Ministry of Health, Malaysia, 2017
Study name: National Health and Morbidity Survey (NHMS-2017)
Citation: National Health Morbidity Survey 2016: Maternal Child Health Survey. Kuala Lumpur: Institute for Public Health, Ministry of Health, Malaysia, 2016
Study name: National Health and Morbidity Survey (NHMS-2016)
Volume I.
Volume II.
Knee osteoarthritis (KOA) is a major cause of disability and significantly reduce quality of life (QOL). There is limited information about knee associated problems and functional mobility among Malaysian adults with KOA. The aim of our study was to examine knee associated problems and functional mobility among this population. Forty-five (45) adults with KOA with mean age of 65.02 ± 8.083 were recruited from Hospital Canselor Tuanku Muhriz, UKM. Knee associated problems and functional mobility were measured using Knee injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Scores (KOOS) and Timed-Up and Go (TUG) test respectively. The mean score and standard deviation for TUG test was 11.44 ± 2.69 seconds. Median scores (with interquartile ranges [IQR]) for the KOOS subscale domains were; Symptoms: 80.56, (69.44 to 91.67); Pain: 71.43 (50 to 78.57); Functional Activities of Daily Living: 82.3 (67.65 to 86.76); Sports and Recreation Function: 30 (20 to 60); and Knee-Related Quality of Life: 50 (25 to 75). Generally, participants’ TUG test performance showed that time taken to complete the test was higher than the reference values (7.14 to 8.43 seconds) identified among Malaysian community dwelling older adults with low to high risk of falls. The KOOS scores in adults with KOA in our study is similar to previous reports with Sport and Recreation Function and QOL domains been the most affected. It is important to improve functional mobility and balance in order to decrease falls risk and optimise sport and recreation function and QOL among adults with KOA.
Study site: Pusat Perubatan Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (PPUKM), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Studies on the organisational citizenship behaviour (OCB) is still new in Malaysia, especially among teachers. The importance of OCB in an organisation has been proven to improve individual performance and productivity. Meanwhile, personality plays an important role in influencing OCB. Therefore, this study will identify whether a teacher's personality influences OCB. This quantitative study was carried out by collecting data from a questionnaire distributed to 287 people that consists of teachers from SBT (High Performance Schools) and daily schools in primary schools around Putrajaya. The Big Five Inventory Instrument by John and Srivastava (1999) is used to measure the five-factor personality and the measurement scale of Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) by Podsakoff et al. (1990) to measure OCB. Data was analysed by multiple regression using Statistical Package for Social Science version 23. The results showed that neuroticism, agreeableness and openness influenced OCB among teachers as a whole. The impact of this study can help the MOE identify the characteristics of the candidate teachers who match the OCB required in the selection and placement of teachers. The MOE can also devise self-awareness intervention modules to maintain and improve OCB among teachers. Future studies need to examine the influence of personality upon the more specific OCBs so that the performance of teachers is always maintained at its peak.
The Semantan Formation which is Middle to Upper Triassic age, comprises a rapidly alternating sequence of carbonaceous shale, siltstone and rhyolite tuff with a few lenses of chert, conglomerate and recrystallised limestone. The shale and tuff make up the bulk of the sequence. Jaafar Ahmad (1976) was introduced the formation name of the rock sequence in Karak-Temerloh area, but the similar sequence (in term of lithology, paleontology and structural pattern) found in the other areas were given different names. After an extensive study, the following formations or part of them, may be include in the Semantan Formation; Raub Series (Scrivenor 1911); Calcareous Formation (Richardson 1939); Calcareous Series (Richardson 1947); Younger arenaceous Series (Alexander 1956); Raub Group (Alexander 1959); Jengka Pass Formation (Ichikawa et al. 1966); Kerdau Formation (Burton 1973a); part of Jelai Formation (Burton 1973a); Gemas Formation (Lum 1977); Jurong Formation (Burton 1973a); Pahang Volcanic Series (Hutchison 1973c).
Formasi Semantan merupakan jujukan batuan sedimen yang berusia Trias Tengah - Akhir di Jalur Tengah Semenanjung Malaysia. Jujukan ini terdiri daripada selang lapis batuan syal berkarbon, batu lodak, dan batu pasir yang kebanyakannya bertuf, serta terdapat kekanta konglomerat, batu kapur dan rijang dalam selang lapis ini. Syal adalah unit yang paling dominan dalam formasi ini. Jaafar Ahmad (1976) menamakan jujukan ini untuk kawasan Karak - Temerloh, tetapi jujukan yang serupa (dari segi litologi, paleontologi dan gaya struktur) juga ditemui di kawasan lain, tetapi dipanggil dengan nama lain. Dari hasil kajian menyeluruh yang telah dijalankan, didapati nama-nama unit batuan berikut atau sebahagian daripadanya mungkin merupakan penamaan yang serupa untuk Formasi Semantan, iaitu Siri Raub (Scrivenor 1911), Formasi Berkapur (Richardson 1939), Siri Berkapur (Richardson 1947), Siri Arenit Muda (Alexander 1958), sebahagian Kumpulan Raub (Alexander 1959), Formasi Jengka Pass (Ichikawa et al. 1966), Formasi Kerdau (Burton 1973a), sebahagian Formasi Jelai (Burton 1973a), Formasi Gemas (Lum 1977), Formasi Jurong (Burton 1973a) dan Siri Volkano Pahang (Hutchison 1973).
This paper analyzes the asymmetric long memory volatility dependency of the interday prices of Composite Index (CI) at Bursa Malaysia by using GARCH family models. The GARCH type models are used with the assumption that the innovations series follow either one of the following distributions: Gaussian, Student -t and skewed Student -t. The stock returns' long memory dependency is determined using the Hurst parameter. The long memory and asymmetric volatility are modelled by fractionally integrated GARCH models. It is found that the asymmetric and long memory GARCH models with skewed student-t distribution give better predictive ability on the volatility of the Kuala Lumpur Composite Index (KLCI).
Kajian ini bertujuan untuk memetakan kes kemortalan bayi mengikut daerah di Semenanjung Malaysia bagi tahun 1991 hingga 2000. Penganggaran risiko relatif berdasarkan kaedah Bayes empirik telah digunakan dalam kajian ini. Tiga kaedah penganggaran parameter dihuraikan iaitu kaedah momen, kaedah kebolehjadian maksimum dan kaedah penganggaran gabungan momen dan kebolehjadian maksimum. Keteguhan anggaran parameter yang diperoleh diuji menggunakan kaedah Bootstrap. Hasil kajian mendapati jurang antara kawasan berisiko rendah dengan kawasan berisiko tinggi adalah lebih besar pada awal dekad 2000 berbanding pada awal dekad 1990-an walaupun pada dasarnya kadar mortaliti bayi secara keseluruhannya adalah semakin berkurangan pada peringkat nasional. Kawasan pantai timur Semenanjung Malaysia masih pada takuk yang sama iaitu masih berada dalam kategori berisiko tinggi sepanjang tempoh yang dikaji. Seterusnya, gambaran terdapatnya tompokan risiko juga turut terpapar dalam peta yang dihasilkan. Berdasarkan kaedah Bootstrap, parameter-parameter yang dianggarkan dalam kajian ini adalah teguh.
Sejumlah 51 takson pteridofit yang tergolong dalam 30 genus dan 18 famili telah direkodkan di Hutan Simpan Angsi, Negeri Sembilan. Ini termasuk lapan spesies lokofit dalam dua genus dan dua famili. Jumlah ini merangkumi lapan peratus daripada 647 spesies yang telah dilaporkan di Semenanjung Malaysia. Famili terbesar yang direkodkan terdiri daripada Selaginellaceae dan Pteridaceae masing-masing dengan tujuh spesies diikuti oleh Polypodiaceae (enam spesies) dan Tectariaceae (empat spesies). Paku-pakis terestrial merupakan yang paling banyak direkodkan iaitu 60% daripada keseluruhan takson yang didapati diikuti dengan paku pakis epifit (24%) dan paku pakis batuan (16%).
The breeding activities of the Dwarf Toad, Ingerophrynus parvus were observed under natural conditions at Sungai Junjong, Kulim, Kedah, Peninsular Malaysia for a period of 12 months. Breeding parameters, such as calling activities, amplecant pairs, eggs deposition and presence of tadpoles were examined every week in each month. Pearson correlation was used to analyse the relationship between rainfall and each breeding parameter. The results showed positive relationships between rainfall and calling activities (r=0.74), between rainfall and amplexus activities (r=0.52), and between rainfall and spawning activities (0.81).
Reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation-plus (REDD+) is considered as an important mitigation strategy against global warming. However, the implementation of REDD+ can adversely affect local people who have been practicing shifting cultivation for generations. We analyzed Landsat-5 Thematic Mapper images of 1990 and 2009 to quantifying deforestation and forest degradation at Lubuk Antu District, a typical rural area of Sarawak, Malaysia. The results showed significant loss of intact forest at 0.9% per year, which was substantially higher than the rate of Sarawak. There were increases of oil palm and rubber areas but degraded forest, the second largest land cover type, had increased considerably. The local people were mostly shifting cultivators, who indicated readiness of accepting the REDD+ mechanism if they were given compensation. We estimated the monthly willingness to accept (WTA) at RM462, which can be considered as the opportunity cost of foregoing their existing shifting cultivation. The monthly WTA was well correlated with their monthly household expenses. Instead of cash payment, rubber cultivation scheme was the most preferred form of compensation.
Temporal changes of Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera (EPT) communities were investigated at the study area of Gunung Pulai Recreational Forest, Johor, Malaysia. Taxa diversity were also studied to determine the seasonality impact on certain benthic communities. Sampling of aquatic insects were carried out from November 2012 to July 2013 using rectangular dip net. As a result, more EPT were found during the dry season (1533 individuals) compared to wet season (321 individuals). Concomitantly, higher diversity was also recorded in the dry season. Among these three investigated orders, Trichoptera represented the most diverse community with three families recorded, followed by Plecoptera (2 families) and Ephemeroptera (1 family). Caddisfly family Hydropsychidae were found to be abundant in the study area. Therefore, seasonality impact on EPT assemblage at Gunung Pulai Recreational Forest is extremely evident.
The aim of this paper was to identify the determinants that influence vehicle theft by applying a negative binomial regression model. The identification of these determinants is very important to policy-makers, car-makers and car owners, as they can be used to establish practical steps for preventing or at least limiting vehicle thefts. In addition, this paper also proposed a crime mapping application that allows us to identify the most risky areas for vehicle theft. The results from this study can be utilized by local authorities as well as management of internal resource planning of insurance companies in planning effective strategies to reduce vehicle theft. Indirectly, this paper has built ingenuity by combining information obtained from the database of Jabatan Perangkaan Malaysia and insurance companies to pioneer the development of location map of vehicle theft in Malaysia.
Floods are known to be commonly occurring natural disasters in most part of the world. In 2014, the
east coast of Peninsular Malaysia was affected by the worst flood ever recorded in history. The worst
flood affected area were Kelantan, Terengganu and Pahang. The 2014 flood caused physical and
monetary losses amounting nearly millions of dollars. Among the worst hit infrastructures in 2014 flood
disaster were hospitals. This has led to the realization of hospital disaster preparedness and management
is important which needs to be closely monitored and addressed. This paper investigates the disaster
preparedness level of selected hospitals affected by flood disasters in Kelantan. Guided interviews with
the flood-affected hospital disaster committees were carried out and summarized in a summary table to
give a clear picture of the level of hospital disaster preparedness during the 2014 flood disaster. The
results show that despite the existence of disaster action plan and protocols there is no standard disaster
preparedness model being used by hospitals.
This study was carried out to determine the influence of LMX towards the SCB worker dimension in a national automotive company in Malaysia. There were 360 respondents from the automotive company involved in this study. Data collected from respondents were analysed using descriptive (demographic frequencies) and inferential statistics (correlation and regression analysis). The results showed that one of the four independent variables has a positive influence on SCB. In terms of the demographic factors, none of the variables (age, gender and period of service) made any significant difference on LMX and SCB, except the position category. Further suggestions regarding LMX and SCB are discussed based on the findings.
This study was conducted to examine the vulnerability of Malaysian children towards online sexual grooming by ascertaining the level of vulnerability and the relationships with social media profiles and demographical factors. To achieve the objectives of this study, a quantitative method using a cross-sectional research design with the aid of electronic questionnaire via Google Form was used to gather the data. A total of 205 Malaysian children from the age of 10 to 17 years old participated in this study with their parents’ consent. Based on the analyses of the items, it was found that each child was vulnerable towards sexual grooming at different levels. This study also found that the frequency of social media usage was directly correlated with online sexual grooming vulnerability (r = 0.14, p = 0.05) and age of the respondents (r = 0.20, p = 0.006). Children with more social media accounts were also found to be more vulnerable towards online sexual grooming compared to those with lower number of social media accounts (F (2, 191) = 7.30, p = 0.001). Findings also revealed that there was no significant difference on online sexual grooming vulnerability in terms of gender (t (191) = -0.39, p = 0.149). As a conclusion, this study provide in-depth exposure related to online sexual grooming vulnerability to public
This paper offers a technique to create a development index among districts. To determine the weight for each criterion in the index entropy theory was used. Two approaches for criteria normalization were also suggested. The data obtained from 1991 census conducted in Peninsular Malaysia were utilized as illustration.
Kertas ini mencadangkan teknik pembinaan indeks kemajuan daerah. Teori entropy digunakan untuk menentukan pemberat bagi kriteria yang digunakan dalam pembinaan indeks. Dua pendekatan menormalkan data turut dicadangkan. Contoh pembinaan indeks dikemukakan berdasarkan kemudahan asas yang terdapat di daerah-daerah di Semenanjung Malaysia seperti yang diperoleh berdasarkan banci tahun 1991.
Rakaman panggilan katak Borneo daripada genus Hylarana telah dijalankan di tujuh lokasi kajian di Sarawak, Malaysia. Sebanyak 12 individu daripada lima spesies katak Borneo telah berjaya dirakam dan dianalisis. Daripada 38 pembolehubah panggilan, hanya 27 daripadanya dapat menerangkan ciri-ciri panggilan daripada katak Hylarana Borneo. Saiz katak jantan mempengaruhi secara signifikan tenaga panggilan antara 90:50% amplitud puncak, tempoh nadi di antara 50%, nisbah tempoh panggilan untuk mencapai setengah modulasi frekuensi dan kadar ulangan not. Saiz katak Hylarana Borneo sedikit mempengaruhi frekuensi asas dan dominan panggilan. Di samping itu, taburan pembolehubah panggilan katak dan dendogram Euclid menyokong identiti taksonomi bagi setiap spesies katak Borneo Hylarana.
Kaedah momen merupakan salah satu teknik termudah dan sering digunakan dalam statistik hidrologi. Bagaimanapun, penganggar momen selalunya memberikan kualiti yang rendah dan tidak sebaik penganggar L-momen terutamanya untuk taburan dengan tiga parameter atau lebih. Pada masa kini, banyak kajian analisis frekuensi serantau dalam hidrologi menggunakan gambar rajah nisbah L-momen untuk memilih taburan yang sesuai bagi data hidrologi dan meteorologi. Kelebihan utama gambar rajah nisbah L-momen adalah pemilihan beberapa taburan yang sesuai boleh dilakukan menggunakan satu graf sahaja. Tujuan utama kertas ini untuk melihat kembali LQ-momen dan untuk membangunkan gambar rajah LQ-momen berdasarkan penganggar median. Menggunakan data aliran banjir dari 73 buah stesen dalam Semenanjung Malaysia, kami meninjau kesesuaian pelbagai model kebarangkalian menggunakan gambar rajah nisbah LQ-momen dan dibandingkan dengan gambar rajah nisbah L-momen. Hasil kajian menunjukkan gambar rajah nisbah LQ-momen secara umumnya memberikan keupayaan yang baik sebagaimana gambar rajah nisbah L-momen dalam memilih taburan frekuensi dan ini membuatkan ianya sesuai untuk dijadikan sebagai pilihan yang menarik untuk digunakan dalam analisis frekuensi banjir.