Displaying publications 201 - 220 of 274 in total

  1. Rosmilah Misnan, Nurul Izzah Abdul Rahman, Zailatul Hani Mohd Yadzir, Noormalin Abdullah, Mohd Faizal Bakhtiar, Shahnaz Murad
    Crab meat is widely consumed in several countries around the world. However, when consumed, crab meat are frequent cause of allergic reactions throughout the world. Scylla serrata is among the most common mud crab in Malaysia. In a previous study two major allergens of mud crab at 36 and 41 kDa was identified. Thus, the aim of this study is to further identify these major allergens by a proteomic approach. Protein extract was prepared and resolved by 2-dimensional electrophoresis (2-DE). Immunoblotting was then performed using reactive sera from patients with crab allergy. Major allergenic spots were then excised from the 2-DE gel and analysed by mass spectrometry. The 2-DE profile of the extract revealed approximately >100 protein spots between pH of 4.00 to 8.00. Mass spectrometry analysis has identified the 36 and 41 kDa proteins as tropomyosin and arginine kinase, respectively. Our findings indicated that tropomyosin and arginine kinase play a major role in allergic reaction to mud crab meat among local patients with crab meat allergy, and should be included in diagnostics and therapeutic strategies of this allergy.
    Matched MeSH terms: Food Hypersensitivity
  2. Chua EW, Ng PY
    Front Pharmacol, 2016;7:156.
    PMID: 27378921 DOI: 10.3389/fphar.2016.00156
    The launch of the MinION Access Program has caused much activity within the scientific community. MinION represents a keenly anticipated, novel addition to the current melange of commercial sequencers. Driven by the nanopore sequencing mechanism that requires minimal sample manipulation, the device is capable of generating long sequence reads in sizes (up to or exceeding 50 kb) that surpass those of all other platforms. One notable advantage of this feature is that long-range haplotypes can be more accurately resolved; such advantage is particularly pertinent to the genotyping of complex loci such as genes encoding the human leukocyte antigens, which are pivotal determinants of drug hypersensitivity. With this timely, albeit brief, review, we set out to examine the applications on which MinION has been tested thus far, the bioinformatics workflow tailored to the unique characteristics of its extended sequence reads, the device's potential utility in the detection of genetic markers for drug hypersensitivity, and how it may eventually evolve to become fit for diagnostic purposes in the clinical setting.
    Matched MeSH terms: Drug Hypersensitivity
  3. Yap TW, Leow AH, Azmi AN, Callahan DL, Perez-Perez GI, Loke MF, et al.
    Front Microbiol, 2017;8:536.
    PMID: 28424674 DOI: 10.3389/fmicb.2017.00536
    Background:Helicobacter pylori colonizes the gastric mucosa of more than half of the world's population. There is increasing evidence H. pylori protects against the development of obesity and childhood asthma/allergies in which the development of these diseases coincide with transient dysbiosis. However, the mechanism underlying the association of H. pylori eradication with human metabolic and immunological disorders is not well-established. In this study, we aimed to investigate the local and systemic effects of H. pylori eradication through untargeted fecal lipidomics and plasma metabolomics approaches by liquid chromatography mass spectrometry (LC-MS). Results: Our study revealed that eradication of H. pylori eradication (i.e., loss of H. pylori and/or H. pylori eradication therapy) changed many global metabolite/lipid features, with the majority being down-regulated. Our findings primarily show that H. pylori eradication affects the host energy and lipid metabolism which may eventually lead to the development of metabolic disorders. Conclusion: These predictive metabolic signatures of metabolic and immunological disorders following H. pylori eradication can provide insights into dynamic local and systemic metabolism related to H. pylori eradication in modulating human health.
    Matched MeSH terms: Hypersensitivity
  4. Goh, E.H., Christopher, C.K.H., Praveen, S., Zulkifli, M.Z.
    Management of pain plays an important role during prostate biopsy. Various types of management of pain plays an important role during prostate biopsy. Various types of anaesthetic methods have been used. The present study aimed to compare the efficacy and complication rate between periprostatic lidocaine infiltration and transrectal lidocaine gel in transrectal ultrasound guided prostate biopsy. All prostate biopsy patients were included except those with lidocaine, allergy, haemorrhagic diathesis, anticoagulation therapy, the inability to rate a visual analogue scale and inability to obtain consent. They were randomized into two groups. Group 1 received 20ml 2% transrectal lidocaine gel. Group 2 received 5ml 1% lidocaine infiltration for each periprostatic nerve block with 23-gauge spinal needle. After three minutes, prostate biopsy was performed with an 18 gauge 7-inch spring-loaded biopsy gun. Six biopsies were taken for each lobe. Pain during probe insertion, biopsy and immediately after the procedure was assessed using the Visual Analogue Scale. Any complication immediately after procedure, one day or after one week, was recorded. Mean pain score was lower after periprostatic lidocaine infiltration compared to transrectal lidocaine gel (3.1 + 1.9 versus 4.9 + 2.4, p = 0.027). There was no statistically significant difference in the complication rate. Transrectal ultrasound prostate biopsy using periprostatic lidocaine infiltration provides better anaesthesia as compared to the transrectal lidocaine gel application with no significant difference in complication. Thus, the use of periprostatic lidocaine infiltration in TRUS guided prostate biopsy is recommended.
    Matched MeSH terms: Hypersensitivity
  5. Gholami M, Behkami S, Zain SM, Bakirdere S
    Sci Rep, 2016 11 17;6:37186.
    PMID: 27853264 DOI: 10.1038/srep37186
    The objective of this work is to prepare a cost-effective, low reagent consumption and high performance polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) vessel that is capable to work in domestic microwave for digesting food and environmental samples. The designed vessel has a relatively thicker wall compared to that of commercial vessels. In this design, eight vessels are placed in an acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) holder to keep them safe and stable. This vessel needs only 2.0 mL of HNO3 and 1.0 mL H2O2 to digest 100 mg of biological sample. The performance of this design is then evaluated with an ICP-MS instrument in the analysis of the several NIST standard reference material of milk 1849a, rice flour 1568b, spinach leave 1570a and Peach Leaves 1547 in a domestic microwave oven with inverter technology. Outstanding agreement to (SRM) values are observed by using the suggested power to time microwave program, which simulates the reflux action occurring in this closed vessel. Taking into account the high cost of commercial microwave vessels and the volume of chemicals needed for various experiments (8-10 mL), this simple vessel is cost effective and suitable for digesting food and environmental samples.
    Matched MeSH terms: Food Hypersensitivity
  6. Abdullah H
    Introduction: Febuxostat is a non-purine-selective oral xanthine oxidase inhibitor drug, and is an alternative to Allopurinol to lower serum uric acid in gout patients. It is probably more effective than Allopurinol, however, its use is limited because of its cost and availability. Allopurinol has been the mainstay treatment for gout for about 50 years. However, its use has been associated with allergic reactions especially in patients with renal impairment.The objective of this study was to describe HTAA Rheumatology Unit experiences with Febuxostat in the management of gout.
    Materials and method: Case records belonging to 6 patients who had been started on Febuxostat between January 2012 and January 2017 were analysed.
    Results: The majority of patients on Febuxostat were males (83.3%) as well as Malays (83.3%). About 66.7% of patients had already developed mild to moderate chronic kidney disease (GFR between 30-89 mL/min) due to multifactorial causes by the time they were started on Febuxostat. Also 33% of patients had mild liver impairment (ALT & AST < 1.5 ULN) due to fatty liver prior to Febuxostat. All patients had been started on Febuxostat due to allergic reactions to Allopurinol. All patients were on Febuxostat 40 mg once a day. Following Febuxostat, a significant decrease in the uric acid levels much closer to the target level i.e. less than 360 µmol/L were achieved in all patients. Only 1 patient (16.7%) developed a side effect i.e. ALT > 1.5 ULN while the rest tolerated the drug very well.
    Conclusion: Although the number of patients analysed was small, Febuxostat was shown to be very effective and safe for use in patients with gout even with concomitant mild to moderate renal impairment. Serum uric acid levels reduced significantly while on the lowest dose of 40 mg once a day.
    Matched MeSH terms: Hypersensitivity
  7. Widodo, Pristiwanto B, Rifa'i M, Mustafa I, Huyop FZ
    Ann Med Surg (Lond), 2018 Nov;35:55-58.
    PMID: 30294429 DOI: 10.1016/j.amsu.2018.09.014
    Background: Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is closely associated with the high incidence of nasopharyngeal carcinoma in worldwide. Vaccination is one strategy with the potential to prevent the occurrence of EBV-associated cancers, but a suitable vaccine is yet to be licensed. Much vaccine development research focuses on the GP350/220 protein of EBV as it contains an immunogenic epitope at residues 147-165, which efficiently stimulates IgG production in vitro. We examined the ability of this epitope (EBVepitope) to induce IgG production in mice.

    Methods: The antibody binding pattern of the epitope was analyzed using bioinformatics tools. The IgG production in mice were examined by FACS Calibur™ Flow cytometer.

    Results: The epitope bound the 72A1 monoclonal antibody at the same site as GP350/220 protein, indicating that the epitope should stimulate B cells to produce antibody. Moreover, in vivo administration of EBVepitope successfully induced IgG expression from B cells, compared with controls. Further investigation indicated that the relative number of B cells expressing IgE in EBVepitope-treated mice was lower than controls.

    Conclusions: Our data suggest that this EBV GP350 epitope is able to induce IgG expression in vivo without causing allergic reactions, and represents a potential EBV vaccine candidate.

    Matched MeSH terms: Hypersensitivity
  8. Abdullah D, Syed Mohamed AMF, Cheen Liew AK
    J Conserv Dent, 2019 3 2;22(1):102-106.
    PMID: 30820092 DOI: 10.4103/JCD.JCD_113_18
    Although corticosteroid provides many clinical benefits, it may cause a range of side effects. A 47-year-old female patient presented with a complaint of pain from her teeth, triggered upon taking cold, hot, and sweet food and drink. From her medical history, she was previously diagnosed with ulcerative colitis. She consequently developed pyoderma gangrenosum, and high-dose prednisolone was administered to treat this condition (prednisolone 30 mg bd for 4 months followed by tapering dose 5 mg/week). She claimed the pain started at the end of steroid therapy. The pain mimicked symptoms of dentine hypersensitivity, but without the presence of the clinical signs associated with hypersensitivity, suggesting that the pain was steroid induced. Patients in this condition will find that their dietary choices will be limited and effective oral hygiene be impeded. Reassurance and advising patients to maintain oral hygiene are the most appropriate treatment as this condition would eventually wear off with time.
    Matched MeSH terms: Hypersensitivity
  9. Siti Mardhiana Mohamad, Sharifah Azdiana Tuan Din, Hasmah Hussin
    There are only few cases of Eosinophilic Collitis(EC) have been reported worldwide. The mechanism and aetiology of EC are still unclear. We describe a 35 years old man presented with chief complaints of gastrointestinal symptoms. In blood examination, his total IgE and specific IgE to house dust mites were very high. Colonoscopy was done and histological examination from biopsy specimens reported infiltration of lymphoplasmacytic cells and eosinophils, compatible with Eosinophilic colitis. The patient was treated with antihistamine and short course of antibiotics. He was been advised to avoid house dust mites. He was then remained asymptomatic. Our report suggests house dust mites allergy as the causes of EC. Combination of antihistamine, antibiotics and avoidance of house dust mites are helpful in treating EC in this particular case.
    Matched MeSH terms: Drug Hypersensitivity
  10. Karim MR, Hossain MM, Khan MNN, Zain MFM, Jamil M, Lai FC
    Materials (Basel), 2014 Dec 05;7(12):7809-7827.
    PMID: 28788277 DOI: 10.3390/ma7127809
    Recently, as a supplement of cement, the utilization of pozzolanic materials in cement and concrete manufacturing has increased significantly. This study investigates the scope to use pozzolanic wastes (slag, palm oil fuel ash and rice husk ash) as an alkali activated binder (AAB) that can be used as an alternative to cement. To activate these materials, sodium hydroxide solution was used at 1.0, 2.5 and 5.0 molar concentration added into the mortar, separately. The required solution was used to maintain the flow of mortar at 110% ± 5%. The consistency and setting time of the AAB-paste were determined. Mortar was tested for its flow, compressive strength, porosity, water absorption and thermal resistance (heating at 700 °C) and investigated by scanning electron microscopy. The experimental results reveal that AAB-mortar exhibits less flow than that of ordinary Portland cement (OPC). Surprisingly, AAB-mortars (with 2.5 molar solution) achieved a compressive strength of 34.3 MPa at 28 days, while OPC shows that of 43.9 MPa under the same conditions. Although water absorption and porosity of the AAB-mortar are slightly high, it shows excellent thermal resistance compared to OPC. Therefore, based on the test results, it can be concluded that in the presence of a chemical activator, the aforementioned pozzolans can be used as an alternative material for cement.
    Matched MeSH terms: Food Hypersensitivity
  11. Syafiuddin A, Salmiati S, Hadibarata T, Kueh ABH, Salim MR, Zaini MAA
    Sci Rep, 2018 01 17;8(1):986.
    PMID: 29343711 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-018-19375-1
    The current status of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) in the water environment in Malaysia was examined and reported. For inspection, two rivers and two sewage treatment plants (STPs) were selected. Two activated carbons derived from oil palm (ACfOPS) and coconut (ACfCS) shells were proposed as the adsorbent to remove AgNPs. It was found that the concentrations of AgNPs in the rivers and STPs are in the ranges of 0.13 to 10.16 mg L-1 and 0.13 to 20.02 mg L-1, respectively, with the highest concentration measured in July. ACfOPS and ACfCS removed up to 99.6 and 99.9% of AgNPs, respectively, from the water. The interaction mechanism between AgNPs and the activated carbon surface employed in this work was mainly the electrostatic force interaction via binding Ag+ with O- presented in the activated carbon to form AgO. Fifteen kinetic models were compared statistically to describe the removal of AgNPs. It was found that the experimental adsorption data can be best described using the mixed 1,2-order model. Therefore, this model has the potential to be a candidate for a general model to describe AgNPs adsorption using numerous materials, its validation of which has been confirmed with other material data from previous works.
    Matched MeSH terms: Food Hypersensitivity
  12. Yin'e H, Shufang D, Bin W, Wei Q, Junling G, Ashraf MA
    Open Med (Wars), 2015;10(1):405-409.
    PMID: 28352727 DOI: 10.1515/med-2015-0070
    To use food-specific IgG antibody detection to explore its application in the allergy dermatoses. 181 patients were included from January 2014 to September 2014. Fourteen food-specific IgG antibodies were detected by ELISA. The positive rates of IgG antibody of the patient group and the healthy group were significantly different. The positive rates of IgG antibody of egg, milk, shrimp and crab took a large proportion in three groups of patients with three kinds of allergy dermatoses of urticaria, eczema and allergic dermatitis, the proportion of which was respectively 70.2%, 77.8% and 71.7%. There was mild and moderate intolerance of food in the allergic dermatitis group while there was no distribution difference of food intolerance in urticaria group and eczema group. Among urticaria and allergic dermatitis patients with positive antibody, the positive rate of children was significantly higher than that of adults while there was no significant difference between children and adults among eczema patients with positive antibody. Allergy dermatoses are closely related to food-specific IgG antibody and the allergy dermatoses patients have a high incidence rate of food intolerance; detecting IgG antibody in patients is of great significance for the diagnosis and treatment of allergy dermatoses.
    Matched MeSH terms: Egg Hypersensitivity
  13. Wan Nazaimoona WM, Osman A, Ng ML, Tan TT, Wu LL, Sakinah O, et al.
    Asia Pac J Clin Nutr, 1992 Dec;1(4):207-10.
    PMID: 24323236
    Insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I)and fasting growth hormone levels were measured in a group of 255 children (163 males and 92 females. age ranged 6-17 years) of varying pubertal development and body mass index (BMI); well-nourished (BMI> 18). mildly-malnourished (BMI = 15-18) and moderately-malnourished (BMI<15). In well-nourished children IGF-I levels increased significantly (P = 0.02) with pubertal development. where girls at Tanner 5 had significantly higher (p = 0.03) IGF-I levels than the boys. Whilst there was no change in fasting GH levels with nutritional status, IGF-I levels of prepubertal boys and girls decreased significantly with BMI (P<0.001 and P = 0.01 respectively). Hence. measurement of IGF-I levels is a sensitive biochemical index in the assessment of mild and moderate form of malnutrition in prepubertal children.
    Matched MeSH terms: Hypersensitivity
  14. Tan HT, Ellis JA, Koplin JJ, Martino D, Dang TD, Suaini N, et al.
    Pediatr Allergy Immunol, 2014 Oct;25(6):608-10.
    PMID: 24912553 DOI: 10.1111/pai.12245
    Matched MeSH terms: Food Hypersensitivity/genetics*
  15. Johar A, Lim DL, Arif SA, Hawarden D, Toit GD, Weinberg EG, et al.
    Pediatr Allergy Immunol, 2005 Mar;16(2):165-70.
    PMID: 15787875
    Spina bifida children have a high prevalence of latex allergy in studies reported from Europe and the USA. This study investigated the prevalence of latex allergy in a cohort of 24 spina bifida children at the Red Cross Children's Hospital from Cape Town, South Africa. The children were investigated using a detailed questionnaire, skin prick tests (ALK-Abello), ImmunoCap RASTs, Western blotting and ELISA, using the purified latex proteins Hev b1 and Hev b3 and whole latex preparation. A low overall prevalence of latex sensitization of 16.7% was found in the children. Children who were sensitive reacted to water insoluble to Hev b1 and Hev b3 proteins. The low prevalence of latex sensitization in the South African children may not be entirely explained by stringent latex avoidance. The children were from a low socioeconomic social status and 'hygiene' and other factors should be considered.
    Matched MeSH terms: Latex Hypersensitivity/epidemiology*
  16. Leung R, Ho P, Lam CW, Lai CK
    J Allergy Clin Immunol, 1997 May;99(5):594-9.
    PMID: 9155823
    BACKGROUND: Allergen sensitization is associated with asthma and allergic disease in children, but such a relationship has not been confirmed in Chinese populations.

    OBJECTIVES: The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of allergen sensitization and family history of atopy on asthma and allergic disease in Chinese schoolchildren from three southeast Asian populations.

    METHODS: Written questionnaires on respiratory and allergic symptoms were completed by parents of children of secondary-school age (age range 12 to 18 years) in Hong Kong (n = 1062), Kota Kinabalu in eastern Malaysia (n = 409), and San Bu in southern China (n = 737). A subsample of school-children underwent skin prick testing to common inhalant allergens (Hong Kong 471 children, Kota Kinabalu 321, San Bu 647).

    RESULTS: The prevalence of asthma and allergic disease in schoolchildren was highest in Hong Kong, intermediate in Kota Kinabalu, and lowest in San Bu. However, the overall rate of atopic sensitization was similar in the three populations (49% to 63%). House dust mite and cockroach were the two most common allergens causing sensitization and these gave rise to more than 95% of the positive skin test results in all three populations. By regression analysis, mite allergy was associated with rhinitis and asthma in all three populations, and a family history of asthma, rhinitis, or eczema was strongly associated with respective symptoms in the subjects. After adjusting for age, sex, atopic status, and family history of allergic disease, the place of residence remained a significant independent factor for asthma (odds ratio [OR] = 1.0 for Hong Kong, 0.57 for Kota Kinabalu, 0.15 for San Bu, p < 0.001), rhinitis (OR = 1.0 for Hong Kong, 0.59 for Kota Kinabalu, 0.15 for San Bu, p < 0.001), or eczema (OR = 1.0 for Hong Kong, 0.35 for Kota Kinabalu, 1.01 for San Bu, p < 0.001).

    CONCLUSION: Sensitization to indoor allergens was a significant risk factor for asthma and allergic disease, and familial clustering of disease was common in the region. However, the marked difference in disease prevalence in the three southeast Asian populations of Chinese schoolchildren cannot be explained by atopic sensitization and family history alone, and the place of residence was an independent risk factor for asthma and allergies, which suggests an important environmental role in disease pathogenesis.

    Matched MeSH terms: Hypersensitivity/etiology*
  17. Lim HH, Domala Z, Joginder S, Lee SH, Lim CS, Abu Bakar CM
    Br J Ind Med, 1984 Nov;41(4):445-9.
    PMID: 6498108 DOI: 10.1136/oem.41.4.445
    A study was carried out to determine the health effects of rice husk dust in Malaysian rice millers. The study population consisted of 122 male Malay workers from three rice mills, with 42 controls of similar age, sex, ethnic group, and agricultural work background. Interviews using standardised questionnaires, physical examination, total and differential white cell counts, chest radiographs, and lung function tests were performed on each of the millers and the controls. Environmental dust monitoring was also carried out in the three rice mills. Clinical, haematological, and radiological findings suggest that a distinct clinical syndrome seems to be associated with exposure to rice husk dust. The manifestations of this "rice millers' syndrome" include acute and chronic irritant effects affecting the eyes, skin, and upper respiratory tract; allergic responses such as nasal catarrh, tightness of chest, asthma, and eosinophilia; and radiological opacities in the chest, probably representing early silicosis or extrinsic allergic alveolitis.
    Matched MeSH terms: Respiratory Hypersensitivity/etiology
  18. Hamilton RG, Adkinson NF
    J Allergy Clin Immunol, 1998 Sep;102(3):482-90.
    PMID: 9768592
    BACKGROUND: No characterized diagnostic natural rubber latex skin testing material is licensed for use in the United States.

    OBJECTIVE: We have conducted a multicenter clinical skin testing study to document the safety and diagnostic sensitivity and specificity of a candidate Hevea brasiliensis nonammoniated latex (NAL) extract. These data are intended to support the licensing of this reagent for the diagnosis of latex allergy in high-risk populations.

    METHODS: Three hundred twenty-four subjects (304 adults and 20 children) were classified by their clinical history as having latex allergy (LA group, 124 adults and 10 children) or having no latex allergy (NLA group, 180 adults and 10 children). All subjects provided blood samples and then received sequential puncture skin tests (PSTs) at 1, 100, or 1000 microg/mL protein with a bifurcated needle and NAL (Greer Laboratories) from Malaysian Hevea brasiliensis (clone 600) sap. A 2-stage glove provocation test was used to clarify latex allergy status of individuals with positive history/negative PST result and negative history/positive PST result mismatches.

    RESULTS: Twenty-four subjects (15%) originally designated as having LA on the basis of their initial clinical history were reclassified to the NLA group on the basis of a negative glove provocation test result. Of the 134 subjects with LA, 54 (40%) were highly sensitive to latex, with a positive PST result at 1 microg/mL NAL. The Greer NAL reagent produced a positive PST rate (sensitivity) of 95% and 99% in subjects with LA at 100 microg/mL and 1 mg/mL, respectively. The negative PST rate (specificity) in 190 subjects with a negative history with the NAL extract at 100 microg/mL and 1 mg/mL, was 100% and 96%, respectively. Immediately after the PST, mild systemic reactions (mainly pruritus) were recorded in 16.1 % of the adults in the LA group and 4.4% of the adults in the NLA group. No reactions required treatment with epinephrine. Only mild delayed reactions were observed in 9.6% (LA group) and 2.8% (NLA group) of subjects 24 to 48 hours after PST. Mean wheal and erythema diameters measured in the 10 children in the LA group with spina bifida at 100 microg/mL and 1 mg/mL were similar to those observed in the adults in the LA group, suggesting that children are not at increased risk for systemic reactions compared with adults.

    CONCLUSIONS: A suggestive clinical history is necessary but not sufficient for a definitive diagnosis of IgE-dependent latex allergy. These data support the safety and diagnostic efficacy of the Greer NAL, skin test reagent at 100 micro/mL and 1 mg/mL for confirmatory PSTs.

    Matched MeSH terms: Latex Hypersensitivity/diagnosis*
  19. Ayakannu R, Abdullah NA, Radhakrishnan AK, Lechimi Raj V, Liam CK
    Hum Immunol, 2019 Sep;80(9):755-763.
    PMID: 31054782 DOI: 10.1016/j.humimm.2019.04.018
    Asthma is a complex disorder involving immunologic, environmental, genetic and other factors. Today, asthma is the most common disease encountered in clinical medicine in both children and adults worldwide. Asthma is characterized by increased responsiveness of the tracheobronchial tree resulting in chronic swelling and inflammation of the airways recognized to be controlled by the T-helper 2 (Th2) lymphocytes, which secrete cytokines to increase the production of IgE by B cells. There are many cytokines implicated in the development of the chronic inflammatory processes that are often observed in asthma. Ultimately, these cytokines cause the release of mediators such as histamine and leukotrienes (LT), which in turn promote airway remodeling, bronchial hyperresponsiveness and bronchoconstriction. The CD4+ T-lymphocytes from the airways of asthmatics express a panel of cytokines that represent the Th2 cells. The knowledge derived from numerous experimental and clinical studies have allowed physicians and scientists to understand the normal functions of these cytokines and their roles in the pathogenesis of asthma. The main focus of this review is to accentuate the relationship between various cytokines implicated in human asthma. However, some key findings from animal models will be highlighted to support the discoveries from clinical studies.
    Matched MeSH terms: Hypersensitivity/immunology
  20. Nur AS, Hamid F, Mohd Shahezwan AW, Mohd Zaki FS, Ahmad KI
    Med J Malaysia, 2020 05;75(3):216-220.
    PMID: 32467535
    INTRODUCTION: Snakebite is an important medical emergency. Antivenoms remain the only proven treatment for snake envenoming. However, the use of antivenom is associated with hypersensitivity reactions. The aims of this study were to determine the prevalence and types of hypersensitivity reactions and types and outcomes of pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatments for antivenom reactions among snakebite patients that received antivenoms.

    METHODS: This was a 4-year cross-sectional study of snakebite patients from January 2013 to December 2016 in Hospital Sultanah Nur Zahirah (HSNZ), Terengganu. Data was extracted from the Pharmacy Record on the usage of antivenom and patients of snakebites treated with antivenom were identified. Data of patients were then obtained from the electronic medical records.' Demographic details, clinical features and characteristics of antivenom reactions of patients were recorded in standardized data collection forms and analyzed using chi-square or Mann- Whitney U tests.

    RESULTS: Of the 44 patients who received antivenom, 24 (54.5%) developed hypersensitivity reaction. All patients developed reaction early. No patient developed delayed (serum-sickness) reaction. Of the 24 patients, 14 (58.3%) had moderate to severe hypersensitivity reaction and 9 (37.5%) patients had mild reactions. Only one (4.2%) patient presented with bradycardia.

    CONCLUSION: The prevalence of early hypersensitivity reaction to snake antivenom in HSNZ was relatively high. Healthcare providers should be aware of the appropriate method of preparing and administering antivenom, and the management for acute hypersensitivity reactions. This will optimize the management of snakebite and ensure patient safety.

    Matched MeSH terms: Hypersensitivity/epidemiology*
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