Displaying publications 221 - 240 of 574 in total

  1. Mhareb MHA, Alajerami YSM, Alqahtani M, Alshahri F, Saleh N, Alonizan N, et al.
    Luminescence, 2020 Jun;35(4):525-533.
    PMID: 31883298 DOI: 10.1002/bio.3761
    Lithium borate (LB) glasses doped with dysprosium oxide (Dy2 O3 ) have been prepared by utilizing the conventional melt-quench technique. The prepared glass samples were exposed to 60 Co to check their dosimetric features and kinetic parameters. These features involve glow curves, annealing, fading, reproducibility, minimum detectable dose (MDD), and effective atomic number (Zeff ). Kinetic parameters including the frequency factors and activation energy were also determined using three methods (glow curve analysis, initial rise, and peak shape method) and were thoroughly interpreted. In addition, the incorporation of Dy impurities into LB enhanced the thermoluminescence sensitivity ~170 times. The glow from LB:Dy appeared as a single prominent peak at 190°C. The best annealing proceeding was obtained at 300°C for 30 min. Signal stability was reported for a period of 1 and 3 months with a reduction of 26% and 31%, respectively. The proposed glass samples showed promising dosimeter properties that can be recommended for personal radiation monitoring.
  2. El-Sadawy HA, Ramadan MY, Abdel Megeed KN, Ali HH, El Sattar SA, Elakabawy LM
    Trop Biomed, 2020 Jun 01;37(2):288-302.
    PMID: 33612799
    The sand fly Phlebotomus papatasi is an important disease-bearing vector. Five entomopathogenic nematodes (EPNs) - Steinernema carpocapsae DD136, Steinernema sp. (SII), S. carpocapsae all, S. abbasi, and Heterorhabditis bacteriophora HP88 - were applied as biocontrol agents against the late third instar larvae of P. papatasi. In addition, the effect of toxin complexes (TCs) of Xenorhabdus nematophila and Photorhabdus luminescens laumondii bacteria was evaluated. Results revealed that S. carpocapsae DD136 was the most virulent species followed by Steinernema sp. (SII) and S. carpocapsae all where LC50 were 472, 565, 962 IJs/ml, respectively. Also, the crude TCs were slightly more active and toxic than their fractionated protein. Histopathological examination of infected larvae with H. bacteriophora HP88 showed negative effect on their midgut cells. In conclusion, EPNs with their symbiotic bacteria are more effective as biocontrol agents than the crude or fractionated TCs against sand fly larvae.
  3. Wakid MH, Toulah FH, Mahjoub HA, Alsulami MN, Hikal WM
    Trop Biomed, 2020 Dec 01;37(4):1008-1017.
    PMID: 33612753 DOI: 10.47665/tb.37.4.1008
    Giardiasis is the major water-borne diarrheal disease present worldwide caused by the common intestinal parasite, Giardia duodenalis. This work aims to investigate the effect of G. duodenalis infection pathogenicity in immunosuppressed animals through histopathological examination. A total of 45 BALB/c mice were divided into four groups; G1 (negative control), G2 (healthy animals exposed to Giardia); G3 (immunosuppressed animals exposed to Giardia), and G4 (non-exposed immunosuppressed animals). Our study revealed that G3 was the most affected group with an infection rate of 100%. The animals showed general weakness, soft stool, and high death rate with severe histopathological changes in the duodenum and mild degenerative changes in hepatic tissues. In G2, the maximal lesions in both duodenum and liver were on the 11th day. We spotted damage in the villi, edema in the central core, and submucosa, in addition to increased cellular infiltration with inflammation in lamina propria. The presence of the parasites within the villi and the lumen was clear. Most of the hepatocytes revealed hydropic and fatty changes, also dilated congested central veins and edema were observed. G3 changes were more intense than G2 with massive Giardia trophozoites between the intestinal villi, lumen, and extensive fatty liver degeneration. Immune suppression plays a significant role in the severity of injury with the Giardia parasites in duodenum and liver cells.
  4. Hossen MS, Ali MY, Jahurul MHA, Abdel-Daim MM, Gan SH, Khalil MI
    Pharmacol Rep, 2017 Dec;69(6):1194-1205.
    PMID: 29128800 DOI: 10.1016/j.pharep.2017.07.002
    Honey contains many active constituents and antioxidants such as polyphenols. Polyphenols are phytochemicals, a generic term for the several thousand plant-based molecules with antioxidant properties. Many in vitro studies in human cell cultures as well as many animal studies confirm the protective effect of polyphenols on a number of diseases such as cardiovascular diseases (CVD), diabetes, cancer, neurodegenerative diseases, pulmonary diseases, liver diseases and so on. Nevertheless, it is challenging to identify the specific biological mechanism underlying individual polyphenols and to determine how polyphenols impact human health. To date, several studies have attempted to elucidate the molecular pathway for specific polyphenols acting against particular diseases. In this review, we report on the various polyphenols present in different types of honey according to their classification, source, and specific functions and discuss several of the honey polyphenols with the most therapeutic potential to exert an effect on the various pathologies of some major diseases including CVD, diabetes, cancer, and neurodegenerative diseases.
  5. Sucinda EF, Abdul Majid MS, Ridzuan MJM, Cheng EM, Alshahrani HA, Mamat N
    Int J Biol Macromol, 2021 Sep 30;187:43-53.
    PMID: 34271052 DOI: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2021.07.069
    A packaging material that is environment-friendly with excellent mechanical and physicochemical properties, biodegradable and ultraviolet (UV) protection and thermal stability was prepared to reduce plastic waste. Six different concentrations of Pennisetum purpureum/Napier cellulose nanowhiskers (NWCs) (i.e. 0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, and 3.0 wt%) were used to reinforce polylactic acid (PLA) by a solvent casting method. The resulting bionanocomposite film samples were characterised in terms of their morphology, chemical structure, crystallinity, thermal degradation and stability, light transmittance, water absorption, biodegradability, and physical and mechanical properties. Field-emission scanning electron microscopy showed the excellent dispersion of NWC in the PLA matrix occurred with NWC concentrations of 0.5-1.5 wt%. All the bionanocomposite film samples exhibited good thermal stability at approximately 343-359 °C. The highest water absorption was 1.94%. The lowest transparency at λ800 was 16.16% for the PLA/3.0% NWC bionanocomposite film, which also has the lowest UVA and UVB transmittance of 7.49% and 4.02%, respectively, making it suitable for packaging materials. The PLA/1.0% NWC film exhibited the highest crystallinity of 50.09% and high tensile strength and tensile modulus of 21.22 MPa and 11.35 MPa, respectively.
  6. Lau SF, Wolschrijn CF, Siebelt M, Vernooij JC, Voorhout G, Hazewinkel HA
    Vet J, 2013 Oct;198(1):116-21.
    PMID: 23846028 DOI: 10.1016/j.tvjl.2013.05.038
    The aetiopathogenesis of medial coronoid disease (MCD) remains obscure, despite its high prevalence. The role of changes to subchondral bone or articular cartilage is much debated. Although there is evidence of micro-damage to subchondral bone, it is not known whether this is a cause or a consequence of MCD, nor is it known whether articular cartilage is modified in the early stages of the disease. The aim of the present study was to use equilibrium partitioning of an ionic contrast agent with micro-computed tomography (microCT) to investigate changes to both the articular cartilage and the subchondral bone of the medial coronoid processes (MCP) of growing Labrador retrievers at an early stage of the disease and at different bodyweights. Of 14 purpose-bred Labrador retrievers (15-27 weeks), six were diagnosed with bilateral MCD and one was diagnosed with unilateral MCD on the basis of microCT studies. The mean X-ray attenuation of articular cartilage was significantly higher in dogs with MCD than in dogs without MCD (P<0.01). In all dogs, the mean X-ray attenuation of articular cartilage was significantly higher at the lateral (P<0.001) than at the proximal aspect of the MCP, indicating decreased glycosaminoglycan content. Changes in parameters of subchondral bone micro-architecture, namely the ratio of bone volume to tissue volume (BV/TV), bone surface density (BS/TV), bone surface to volume ratio (BS/BV), trabecular thickness (Tb.Th; mm), size of marrow cavities described by trabecular spacing (Tb.Sp; mm), and structural model index (SMI), differed significantly by litter (P<0.05) due to the difference in age and weight, but not by the presence/absence of MCD (P>0.05), indicating that subchondral bone density is not affected in early MCD. This study demonstrated that cartilage matrix and not subchondral bone density is affected in the early stages of MCD.
  7. Hasiah AH, Elsheikh HA, Abdullah AS, Khairi HM, Rajion MA
    Vet J, 2000 Nov;160(3):267-72.
    PMID: 11061964
    The effect of phenobarbitone against signal grass (Brachiaria decumbens) toxicity was studied in 26 male crossbred sheep. Grazing on signal grass significantly decreased the concentration of cytochrome P-450 and the activity of drug metabolizing enzymes, viz. aminopyrine-N-demethylase, aniline-4-hydroxylase, UDP- glucuronyltransferase and glutathione-S-transferase in liver and kidneys of affected sheep.Oral administration of phenobarbitone (30 mg/kg body weight) for five consecutive days before grazing on B. decumbens pasture, and thereafter, for three consecutive days every two weeks, resulted in significant increases in hepatic and renal activities of drug-metabolizing enzymes. The induction of drug metabolizing activity in sheep grazing on signal grass group was found to be lower than in animals given phenobarbitone alone. Induction by phenobarbitone provided a degree of protection against the toxic effects of B. decumbens as indicated by the delay in the appearance of signs of toxicity. Furthermore, these were much milder compared to those in the sheep not treated with phenobarbitone. The present study suggests that phenobarbitone-type cytochrome P-450 isoenzyme-induction may increase resistance against signal grass (B. decumbens) toxicity in sheep.
  8. Hakim ML, Alam T, Soliman MS, Sahar NM, Baharuddin MH, Almalki SHA, et al.
    Sci Rep, 2022 Jan 10;12(1):479.
    PMID: 35013437 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-021-04236-1
    Metamaterial absorber (MMA) is now attracting significant interest due to its attractive applications, such as thermal detection, sound absorption, detection for explosive, military radar, wavelength detector, underwater sound absorption, and various sensor applications that are the vital part of the internet of things. This article proposes a modified square split ring resonator MMA for Ku-band sensing application, where the metamaterial structure is designed on FR-4 substrate material with a dielectric constant of 4.3 and loss tangent of 0.025. Perfect absorption is realized at 14.62 GHz and 16.30 GHz frequency bands, where peak absorption is about 99.99% for both frequency bands. The proposed structure shows 70% of the average absorption bandwidth of 420 MHz (14.42-14.84 GHz) and 480 MHz (16.06-16.54 GHz). The metamaterial property of the proposed structure is investigated for transverse electromagnetic mode (TEM) and achieved negative permittivity, permeability, and refractive index property for each absorption frequency band at 0°, 45°, and 90° polarization angles. Interference theory is also investigated to verify the absorption properties. Moreover, the permittivity sensor application is investigated to verify the sensor performance of the proposed structure. Finally, a comparison with recent works is performed, which shows that the proposed MMA can be a good candidate for Ku-band perfect absorber and sensing applications.
  9. Lam SE, Noor NM, Bradley DA, Mahmud R, Pawanchek M, Abdul Rashid HA
    Biomed Phys Eng Express, 2020 Nov 05;6(6).
    PMID: 35042836 DOI: 10.1088/2057-1976/abc2a4
    This work investigates the suitability of locally fabricated 6 mol% Ge-doped optical fibres as dosimeters for small-field output ratio measurements. Two fabrications of fibre, cylindrical (CF) and flat (FF) fibres, were used to measure doses in small photon fields, from 4 to 15 mm. The findings were compared to those of commercial Ge-doped fibre (COMM), EBT3 film and an IBA CC01 ionization chamber. Irradiations were carried out using a 6 MV SRS photon beam operating at a dose rate of 1000 cGy min-1, delivering a dose of 16 Gy. To minimise the possibility of the fibres failing to be exposed to the intended dose in small fields, the fibres were accommodated in a custom-made Perspex phantom. For the 4 mm cone the CF and FF measured output ratios were found to be smaller than obtained with EBT3 film by 32% and 13% respectively. Conversely, while for the 6 to 15 mm cone fields the FF output ratios were consistently greater than those obtained using EBT3 film, the CF output ratios differed from those of EBT3 film by at most 3.2%, at 6 mm, otherwise essentially agreeing with EBT3 values at the other field sizes. For the 4 to 7.5 mm cones, all output ratios obtained from Ge-doped optical fibre measurements were greater than those of IBA CC01 ionization chamber. The measured FF and CF output ratios for the 7.5 to 15 mm cones agreed with published MC estimates to within 15% and 13%, respectively. Down to 6 mm cone field, present measurements point to the potential of CF as a small-field dosimeter, its use recommended to be complemented by the use of EBT3 film for small-field dosimetry.
  10. Kazem HA, Yousif JH, Chaichan MT, Al-Waeli AHA, Sopian K
    Heliyon, 2022 Jan;8(1):e08803.
    PMID: 35128098 DOI: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2022.e08803
    This paper evaluated a 1.4 kW grid-connected photovoltaic system (GCPV) using two neural network models based on experimental data for one year. The novelty of this study is to propose and compare full recurrent neural network (FRNN), and principal component analysis (PCA) models based on entire year experimental data, considering limited research conducted to predict GCPV behaviour using the two methods. The system data was collected for 12 months secondly and hourly data with 50400 samples daily. The GCPV evaluates using specific yield, energy cost, capacity factor, payback period, current, voltage, power, and efficiency. The predicted GCPV current and power using FRNN and PCA were evaluated and compared with measured values to validate results. However, the results indicated that FRNN is better in simulating the experimental results curve compared with PCA. The measured and predicted data are compared and evaluated. It is found that the GCPV is suitable and promising for the study area in terms of technical and economic evaluation with a 3.24-4.82 kWh/kWp-day yield, 21.7% capacity factor, 0.045 USD/kWh cost of energy, and 11.17 years payback period.
  11. Fonseka HA, Ameruddin AS, Caroff P, Tedeschi D, De Luca M, Mura F, et al.
    Nanoscale, 2017 Sep 21;9(36):13554-13562.
    PMID: 28872181 DOI: 10.1039/c7nr04598k
    The usability and tunability of the essential InP-InGaAs material combination in nanowire-based quantum wells (QWs) are assessed. The wurtzite phase core-multi-shell InP-InGaAs-InP nanowire QWs are characterised using cross-section transmission electron microscopy and photoluminescence measurements. The InP-InGaAs direct interface is found to be sharp while the InGaAs-InP inverted interface is more diffused, in agreement with their planar counterpart. Bright emission is observed from the single nanowires containing the QWs at room temperature, with no emission from the InP core or outer barrier. The tunability of the QW emission wavelength in the 1.3-1.55 μm communication wavelength range is demonstrated by varying the QW thickness and in the 1.3 μm range by varying the composition. The experiments are supported by simulation of the emission wavelength of the wurtzite phase InP-InGaAs QWs in the thickness range considered. The radial heterostructure is further extended to design multiple QWs with bright emission, therefore establishing the capability of this material system for nanowire based optical devices for communication applications.
  12. Alamoodi AH, Albahri OS, Zaidan AA, Alsattar HA, Zaidan BB, Albahri AS
    Neural Comput Appl, 2023;35(8):6185-6196.
    PMID: 36415285 DOI: 10.1007/s00521-022-07998-5
    This research proposes a novel mobile health-based hospital selection framework for remote patients with multi-chronic diseases based on wearable body medical sensors that use the Internet of Things. The proposed framework uses two powerful multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) methods, namely fuzzy-weighted zero-inconsistency and fuzzy decision by opinion score method for criteria weighting and hospital ranking. The development of both methods is based on a Q-rung orthopair fuzzy environment to address the uncertainty issues associated with the case study in this research. The other MCDM issues of multiple criteria, various levels of significance and data variation are also addressed. The proposed framework comprises two main phases, namely identification and development. The first phase discusses the telemedicine architecture selected, patient dataset used and decision matrix integrated. The development phase discusses criteria weighting by q-ROFWZIC and hospital ranking by q-ROFDOSM and their sub-associated processes. Weighting results by q-ROFWZIC indicate that the time of arrival criterion is the most significant across all experimental scenarios with (0.1837, 0.183, 0.230, 0.276, 0.335) for (q = 1, 3, 5, 7, 10), respectively. Ranking results indicate that Hospital (H-4) is the best-ranked hospital in all experimental scenarios. Both methods were evaluated based on systematic ranking and sensitivity analysis, thereby confirming the validity of the proposed framework.
  13. Harun WHAW, Zulaila CON, Fahim A, Allah NUM
    J Taibah Univ Med Sci, 2023 Oct;18(5):967-975.
    PMID: 36866244 DOI: 10.1016/j.jtumed.2023.02.004
    OBJECTIVES: Dimorphic transformation from yeast cells to hyphae is considered one of the major virulence factors of candidal species. The development of antifungal resistance against several candida diseases has led researchers to find plant derived alternatives. We aimed to determine the effect of hydroxychavicol (HC), Amphotericin B (AMB), and their combination (HC + AMB) on the transition and germination of oral Candida species.

    METHODS: The antifungal susceptibility of hydroxychavicol (HC) and Amphotericin B (AMB) separately and in a mixture (HC + AMB) against Candida albicans ATCC 14053, Candida parapsilosis ATCC 22019, Candida tropicalis ATCC 13803, and Candida dubliniensis ATCC MYA-2975 was determined by broth microdilution technique. Minimal Inhibitory Concentration was calculated based on the CLSI protocols. The MIC50, fractional inhibitory concentration (FIC) index, and IC50 were also determined. The IC50 values were used as the treatment concentration of HC, AMB, and HC + AMB to study the effect of antifungal inhibition on yeast hypha transition (gemination). The germ tube formation percentage of candida species was calculated at several intervals using a colorimetric assay.

    RESULTS: The MIC50 range of HC alone against Candida species was between 120-240 µg per mL while that of AMB was between 2-8 µg per mL, respectively. The combination of HC + AMB at 1:1 and 2:1 demonstrated the strongest synergistic activity against C. albicans with an FIC index of 0.07. Moreover, within the first hour of treatment, the total percentage of germinating cells was significantly reduced by 79% (p < 0.05).

    CONCLUSION: The combination of HC + AMB displayed synergism and inhibited C. albicans hyphal growth. HC + AMB combination slowed the germination process and exhibited consistent prolonged effect up to 3 h post-treatment. The results of this study will pave the way for potential in vivo studies.

  14. Ngow HA, Wan Khairina WM, Teh LK, Lee WL, Harun R, Ismail R, et al.
    Singapore Med J, 2009 May;50(5):490-3.
    PMID: 19495518
    Genetic polymorphisms of CYP2C9 among different populations in different geographical regions could be different. CYP2C9 has been reported to be the enzyme responsible for the metabolism of many drugs, including warfarin and other drugs with a narrow therapeutic index. Realising the importance of inter-individual differences in the genetic profile in determining the outcome of a drug therapy, this study was conducted to explore the types and frequencies of CYP2C9 alleles in healthy and warfarin-treated Malays and Chinese, the two major ethnic groups in Malaysia. We aimed to evaluate the prevalence of the types and frequencies of common CYP2C9 alleles (*1, *2, *3 and *4) among the healthy unrelated individuals and diseased patients prescribed with warfarin.
  15. Kumarasamy V, Chua SK, Hassan Z, Wahab AH, Chem YK, Mohamad M, et al.
    Singapore Med J, 2007 Jul;48(7):669-73.
    PMID: 17609831
    INTRODUCTION: The aim of this report is to establish an accurate diagnosis of acute dengue virus infection early, in order to provide timely information for the management of patients and early public health control of dengue outbreak.
    METHODS: 224 serum samples from patients with a clinical diagnosis of acute dengue infection, which were subsequently confirmed by laboratory tests, were used to evaluate the performance of a commercially-available dengue NS1 antigen-capture ELISA kit.
    RESULTS: The dengue NS1 antigen-capture ELISA gave an overall sensitivity rate of 93.3 percent (209/224). The sensitivity rate was significantly higher in acute primary dengue (97.4 percent) than in acute secondary dengue (68.8 percent). In comparison, the virus isolation gave an overall positive isolation rate of 64.7 percent, with a positive rate of 70.8 percent and 28.1 percent, for acute primary dengue and acute secondary dengue, respectively. Molecular detection of dengue RNA by RT-PCR gave an overall positive detection rate of 63.4 percent, with a positive rate of 62.5 percent and 68.8 percent, for acute primary dengue and acute secondary dengue, respectively. Of the 224 acute serum samples from patients with laboratory-confirmed acute dengue infection, dengue IgM was detected in 88 specimens, comprising 68 acute primary dengue specimens and 20 acute secondary dengue specimens. NS1 antigen-capture ELISA kit gave an overall sensitivity rate of 88.6 percent in the presence of anti-dengue IgM and 96.3 percent in the absence of anti-dengue IgM.
    CONCLUSION: Of the 224 acute serum samples, the sample ages of 166 acute serum samples are known. The positive detection rate of dengue NS1 antigen-capture ELISA, on the whole, was higher than the other three established diagnostic test methods for laboratory diagnosis of acute dengue infection.
  16. Islam MR, Islam MT, Soliman MS, Baharuddin MH, Mat K, Moubark AM, et al.
    Sci Rep, 2021 Nov 05;11(1):21782.
    PMID: 34741089 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-021-01275-6
    In this research paper, an inverse double V loaded complementary square split ring resonator based double negative (DNG) metamaterial has been developed and examined numerically and experimentally. The electromagnetic (EM) properties of the proposed inverse double V-structure were calculated using computer simulation technology (CST-2019) and the finite integration technique (FIT). The designed metamaterial provides three resonance frequencies are 2.86, 5, and 8.30 GHz, covering S-, C-, and X-bands. The total size of the recommended unit cell is 8 [Formula: see text] 8 [Formula: see text] 1.524 mm3, and a high effective medium ratio (EMR) value of 13.11 was found from it. The - 10 dB bandwidths of this structure are 2.80 to 2.91, 4.76 to 5.17, and 8.05 to 8.42 GHz. The proposed structure's novelty is its small size, simple resonator structure, which provides double negative characteristics, high EMR, maximum coverage band, and required resonance frequencies. Wi-Fi network speeds are generally faster when frequencies in the 5 GHz band are used. Since the proposed structure provides a 5 GHz frequency band, hence the suggested metamaterial can be used in Wi-Fi for high bandwidth and high-speed applications. The marine radars operate in X-band, and weather radar works in S-band. Since the designed cell provides two more resonance frequencies, i.e., 2.86 GHz (S-band) and 8.30 GHz (X-band), the proposed metamaterial could be used in weather radar and marine radar. The design process and various parametric studies have been analyzed in this article. The equivalent circuit is authenticated using the advanced design system (ADS) software compared with CST simulated result. The surface current, E-field, and H-field distributions have also been analyzed. Different types of array structure, i.e., 1 [Formula: see text] 2, 2 [Formula: see text] 2, 3 [Formula: see text] 3, 4 [Formula: see text] 4, and 20 [Formula: see text] 25 is examined and validated by the measured result. The simulated and measured outcome is an excellent agreement for the inverse double V loaded CSSRR unit cell and array. We showed the overall performance of the suggested structure is better than the other structures mentioned in the paper. Since the recommended metamaterial unit cell size is small, provides desired resonance frequency, gives a large frequency band and high EMR value; hence the suggested metamaterial can be highly applicable for Radar and Wi-Fi.
  17. Islam MR, Islam MT, M MS, Bais B, Almalki SHA, Alsaif H, et al.
    Sci Rep, 2022 Apr 26;12(1):6792.
    PMID: 35474227 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-022-10729-4
    In this article, a novel shaped metamaterial sensor is presented for the recognition of various oils, fluids, and chemicals using microwave frequency. The performance of the designed sensor structure has been studied both theoretically and experimentally, and it works well. A new sample holder for convenient operation is created and located just behind the designed structure. The results of this study performed better than those of prior liquids sensing studies. Various designs were explored using the Genetic Algorithm (GA), and it is embedded in the Computer Simulation Technology (CST) microwave studio, to optimize the optimal dimensions of the resonator. The suggested metamaterial sensor has a good-quality factor and sensitivity in both frequency shifting and amplitude changing. The resonance frequency shifted to 100 MHz between olive and corn oils, 70 MHz between sunflower and palm oils, 80 MHz between clean and waste brake fluids, and 90 MHz between benzene and carbon-tetrachloride chemicals. The quality factor of the sensor is 135, sensitivity is 0.56, and the figure of merit is 76 which expresses its efficient performance. Furthermore, the proposed sensor can sensitively distinguish different liquids by using the frequency shifting property. The study was carried out in three stages: dielectric constant (DK) measurement with the N1500A dielectric measurement kit, simulation of the structure, and experimental test study with the vector network analyzer. Since the recommended sensor has high sensitivity, good quality factor, and excellent performance, hence it can be used in chemical, oil, and microfluidic industries for detecting various liquid samples.
  18. Syed A, Htwe O, Naicker MS, Rashid AHA, Yuliawiratman BS, Naicker AS
    Med J Malaysia, 2023 Sep;78(5):566-569.
    PMID: 37775480
    INTRODUCTION: The prevalence of cerebral palsy (CP) in Malaysia is estimated at 2.6 per 1000 live births which is comparable to that of Australian and European data with ranges of 2.3- 4.21,2. Surgical intervention for the improvement of gait function and mobility in CP is a common practice, however scarce literature of its outcomes is available in Southeast Asia. This paper aims to address and compare outcomes of surgical interventions in our centre with other countries.

    MATERIAL AND METHODS: Patients with Spastic CP with Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS) I-III that underwent lower limb surgical intervention in our centre from 2008-2018 were retrospectively reviewed for The Spinal Alignment and Range of Motion Measure ROM subscale (SAROMM) scores and Functional Mobility Scale (FMS) 18 months after surgery. Changes in SAROMM, FMS scores and minimal clinically important difference (MCID) were determined.

    RESULTS: 19 patients were included in the study with mean age of 12.58. All patients underwent muscle tendon procedures. Box plot analysis of SAROMM showed reduction of median scores at 6(26.3%) and 12(47.4%) months which plateaus at 18 months post-surgery. Repeated measure ANOVA analysis showed there was a statistically significant effect of time on SAROMM scores (p <0.001) with MCID of 13.4. Improvement of FMS scores was the most at 50m with 13 children (p < 0.05), one at 5m and five at 500m. None reported worsening of FMS scores at 18 months. There were no changes of GMFCS levels by the end of 18 months.

    CONCLUSION: Surgeries performed on GMFCS I-III patients with the aim of gait improvement translates into improved mobility with results comparable to other countries.

  19. Rabba JA, Suhaimi FM, Mat Jafri MZ, Jaafar HA, Osman ND
    Radiography (Lond), 2023 May;29(3):533-538.
    PMID: 36913788 DOI: 10.1016/j.radi.2023.02.028
    INTRODUCTION: The daily image quality assessment involves large datasets that consume a lot of time and effort. This study aims to evaluate a proposed automated calculator for image distortion analysis in 2-dimensional (2D) panoramic imaging mode for a dental cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) system in comparison with present manual calculations.

    METHODS: A ball phantom was scanned using panoramic mode of the Planmeca ProMax 3D Mid CBCT unit (Planmeca, Helsinki, Finland) with standard exposure settings used in clinical practice (60 kV, 2 mA, and maximum FOV). An automated calculator algorithm was developed in MATLAB platform. Two parameters associated with panoramic image distortion such as balls diameter and distance between middle and tenth balls were measured. These automated measurements were compared with manual measurement using the Planmeca Romexis and ImageJ software.

    RESULTS: The findings showed smaller deviation in distance difference measurements by proposed automated calculator (ranged 3.83 mm) as compared to manual measurements (ranged 5.00 for Romexis and 5.12 mm for ImageJ software). There was a significant difference (p 

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