Landfill has become an underlying source of surface and groundwater pollution if not efficiently managed, due to the risk of leachate infiltration into to land and aquifers. The generated leachate is considered a serious environmental threat for the public health, because of the toxic and recalcitrant nature of its constituents. Thus, it must be collected and appropriately treated before being discharged into the environment. At present, there is no single unit process available for proper leachate treatment as conventional wastewater treatment processes cannot achieve a satisfactory level for degrading toxic substances present. Therefore, there is a growing interest in examination of different leachate treatment processes for maximum operational flexibility. Based on leachate characteristics, discharge requirements, technical possibilities, regulatory requirements and financial considerations, several techniques have been applied for its degradation, presenting varying degrees of efficiency. Therefore, this article presents a comprehensive review of existing research articles on the pros and cons of various leachate degradation methods. In line with environmental sustainability, the article stressed on the application and efficiency of sequencing batch reactor (SBR) system treating landfill leachate due to its operational flexibility, resistance to shock loads and high biomass retention. Contributions of integrated leachate treatment technologies with SBR were also discussed. The article further analyzed the effect of different adopted materials, processes, strategies and configurations on leachate treatment. Environmental and operational parameters that affect SBR system were critically discussed. It is believed that information contained in this review will increase readers fundamental knowledge, guide future researchers and be incorporated into future works on experimentally-based SBR studies for leachate treatment.
Background and Objective: Countries all over the world respect the election process as one of the fundamental steps in forming a government. However, the exponential spread of COVID-19 has been deeply alarming, with a high number of positive cases and total deaths, forcing World Health Organization to declare it as a pandemic on 11thMarch 2020. During these unprecedented events, governments have had a tough decision to balance between the constitutional obligation to hold an election and the safety of the people. As such, electoral commissions have implemented numerous approaches to allow election to proceed in a safe and controlled setting during the pandemic.
Methods: The preventative measures and standard operating procedures in the Sabah state of Malaysia, NewZealand and the United States elections are discussed, as well as COVID-19 post-election situation in respective countries. Innovative approaches and election flexibilities shall be considered to allow voting in the safest way possible, following the new normal.
Discussion:Nevertheless, countries need to evaluate its strength of public health response when deciding to hold elections due to potential devastating outbreaks following elections despite measures taken.
Conclusion: The election is a fundamental process in a democracy. Countries are required to be flexible and innovative in their approach to hold a safe election. Nevertheless, it may be prudent for countries with fewer resources and poor pandemic control to postpone election as a rise in cases will be catastrophic, putting many lives at risk.
Introduction: Isolation and border control measures, with home quarantine measures, are essential to stem the spread of the newly emergent novel Covid-19. Such measures are doomed to fail if reliant on traditional isolation methods, which entail small numbers of overworked healthcare staff screening and surveilling large numbers of well individuals who are potential false positives. Innovative method employed by Hospital UMS to overcome these logistics difficulties. Methods: A total of 440 returning China students to UMS were planned for home quarantine measures for 14 days. In the intervening 14 days, groups of ten quarantined individuals were assigned to 1 Manda- rin-speaking medical student liaison officer (LO). LOs performed assessment toolkit for 14 consecutive days virtually via WhatsApp and WeChat and reported back to NCOV central command if any symptoms ensued. Results: 45 China students have been put on home quarantine. Two (2) students with symptoms were monitored virtually till resolution of symptoms. Also, five (5) students with uncontactable phone numbers required tracking down, using var- ious methods eg: retrieval from close contacts through wide-bore virtual search. No cases so far have been positive for NCOV or have required referral to tertiary hospitals. Qualitatively, such methods are a vital public health inter- vention, as task shifting happens to semi-professionals. Hospital UMS first trial of two cherished founding principles: community-based rather than healthcare-facility center healthcare delivery, and judicious use of digital health com- munications, applications, and rudimentary telemedicine. Conclusion: Student-led virtual telemedicine and digital health delivery has potential in public health crises like NCOV, freeing frontline healthcare staff to devote energies to their specialties of screening and treatment. Integration of video and biometrics to incorporate true telemedicine, allowing individuals to be “hospitalized” in a community setting in situations of low risk.
As evidence emerges showing alcohol's significant share of the global burden of disease, alcohol sales have flattened in the developed countries, but sales are rising in developing and post-communist countries. A three-year study sought to assess the growing impact of global alcohol transnationals in the developing and post-communist countries. Case studies in three countries--Malaysia, Zimbabwe, and Estonia--provide concrete examples of current global alcohol marketing policies and procedures. Recommendations stress the need for national and local governments, international bodies, non-governmental organizations, and the global alcohol companies to adopt specific measures designed to achieve improved monitoring of alcohol problems, greater public awareness of alcohol's impact, stronger and more effective regulation of the alcohol trade, and greater restraint on the part of the companies. Alcohol problems are too serious and too preventable for the world to be left thirsting for action.
Child sexual abuse is a public health issue that has been associated with a variety of negative health outcomes. Child sexual abusers constitute a heterogeneous population of individuals. This review lays out an overview of the current understanding of typologies and psychological profiles of child sexual abusers. Typologies of child sexual abusers in general and online child sexual abusers are reviewed to summarise the existing knowledge. Psychological traits including personality traits, cognitive distortion, empathy, and impulsivity are examined to provide a wider perspective of the psycho-criminogenic factors of child sexual abuse. Although past research on child sexual abusers has provided insights into the organisation and classification of different types of child sexual abusers, the classification of these typologies has drawn widespread criticisms. In this review, we discuss the challenges and limitations pertaining to the existing typologies and studies related to the psychological profile of child sexual abusers.
Vibrio parahaemolyticus is a causative agent of foodborne outbreaks associated with the consumption of raw or under-cooked seafood. This study aimed to quantify and detect the occurrence of V. parahaemolyticus in freshwater fish by performing Most Probable Number (MPN) method in combination with Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). In this study, a total of 20 red tilapia (Oreochromis sp.) were collected from nearby local wet markets. Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) assay targeting the toxR gene in V. parahaemolyticus was performed, with the expected DNA amplification size of 368 bp. MPN analysis showed that the estimated microbial load of V. parahaemolyticus were more than 1100 MPN/g. The result of the PCR assay confirmed the presence of V. parahaemolyticus in 90% of the isolates. This positive detection elucidated the presence of food-borne bacteria in freshwater fish from local wet-market which may affect not only the health of fish stocks but also raise public health concerns.
Dengue is emerging as major public health concern in northeast India and spreading with increased morbidity. Most cases were recorded in Guwahati metropolitan city of the state of Assam during post-monsoon months (September- December). These comprised all age groups of both sexes with significantly higher incidence of cases in adult males aged 26- 60 years.
A pilot study was conducted on 135 sixteen-year-old students from three rural schools in Kelantan to establish the prevalence of orofacial pain and discomfort. About 44% reported to have experienced some oro-facial pain in the preceding four weeks. About 27% of those with pain, still experienced the pain at the time of clinical examination but only 8% have consulted professional help. Most of the pain encountered were only mild or moderate in nature. Only 7% and 10% respectively, reported that the pain affected their sleep and concentration to study. The main cause was toothache and sensitivity. The prevalence of discomfort was 22%, the most common causes being recurrent oral ulcers and bleeding gums. The impacts of orofacial pain was mainly manifested at the personal level, and very few affecting social functioning. However, untreated decay and missing teeth were very low (mean DT 0.47, mean MT 0.27), while filled teeth (mean Ff 2.9) was the main component of the DMFf (mean 3.66, sd ± 2.6). Severe periodontal disease and the prevalence of traumatised teeth was not a major public health problem. The high prevalence of pain merit further research. Therefore a larger study involving other age-groups in other states is planned.
There is no substantial difference in conducting research that is both ethical and responsive to the health needs in developing and developed nations. Differences are in financial constraints, technological expertise in identification and addressing needs, and in the perception of equal partnership of all stakeholders. There will be differences in emphasis of research but this is slowly blurred due to globalisation. Public health emergencies in developing countries need timely and effective global collaborative research to implement control strategies. Research needs should be based on predictive models with learning from past emergencies, technological advances, strategic critical appraisal of local and global health information, and dialogue with all stakeholders. Adequate funding will be challenging and resources from national, international and aid
foundations will be needed. Issues associated with such funding include deployment of international rapid response teams, collaborating researchers, transfer of technology, and intellectual property ownership. While all types of research ranging from basic, applied, clinical
studies, meta-analysis, and translational research are relevant, the relative importance and specific allocation of resources to these may differ. Is the choice related to responsiveness or based on researchers’ perception of their contributions to evidence-based practice and research? Ethical issues relating to vulnerable groups, risk distribution, quality issues, research integrity and oversight are just as important. Internationally funded
research including clinical trials must be sensitive to such issues to avoid allegations of exploitation. Thus the potential of utilisation and buy-in of research findings and recommendations must be considered.
It all started with a SSM research. SSM, which is an abbreviation for ‘Special Study Module’ is a unique module in the curriculum of the Medical Faculty National University of Malaysia (UKM), where each students were required to do a medical research in the field that we have interest in. Being interested in the field of public health, 3 of my friends and I did a research on the prevalence of tuberculosis in Cheras using the graphic informational system (GIS) to map each case of tuberculosis on the map of Kuala Lumpur. Our supervisor was Associate Professor Dr Shamsul Azhar, who is himself an expert on the field of GIS study and has been doing his PhD research using the same system in Niigata University, Japan for almost 4 years. During one of our SSM meetings, he mentions that the post-graduate students in UKM has done several visits to Niigata University and brought up the idea that maybe the undergraduate students like us could do the same. (Copied from article).
Menu labeling is an attempt to educate consumers about the nutrition value of the foods. The importance of using menu labeling has been highlighted in many studies in the past. Although public health programs are educating public on obesity but still this phenomenon is a serious problem in Malaysia. This study identified factors that influence intention to use menu labeling among fast food consumers in Malaysia. The research was conducted among 395 adults in Klang Valley. Respondents completed a self-administrative questionnaire which was adapted from previous studies. Results revealed that attitude, subjective norms and perceived behavioral control had statistically significant positive association with intention and each was significant predictors of intention to use menu labeling and together explained 41% of its variance. The most effective factor was attitude, followed by subjective norms and perceived behavioral control. The outcomes of this study suggested that nutritional knowledge of consumers does not have effect on consumer’s intention to use menu labeling; therefore nutritional knowledge of fast food consumers must be improved. Fast food restaurants have to put more effort on encouraging customers to use menu labeling by making the label more accessible and in a user friendly format.
A cross»sectional study using self administered questionnaires on sociodemographic and service factors influencing locum practice was undertaken among all Government medical officers in Negeri Sembilan and Malacca for 8 months from 2 7 April 1999 to 9. l January ZOOO. Universally chosen samples were made of 335 Government medical officers from both the 'Public Health Division' and ”Hospital Division' and from 154 who responded, only 147 samples were chosen and analysed in the study. Results revealed that locum were still being practised by 51 .9% of male Government medical officers, 41 .0% of Government medical ofhcers aged less than 30 years, 43.4% of Government medical officers who had served less than 5 years and 55.6% of Government medical officers who had earned nett income less than RM 1 000. Meanwhile, 80.9% of Government medical officers who had earned gross income more than RM 5 OOO did not practice locum during the study. Logistic Regression analysis then revealed that locum practice among Government medical ofhcers can positively be influenced by gender (male) , Malay ethnic, service duration of less than 5 years, practice in the 'Public Health Divisionl and nett income of less than RM 1 OOO (p
Breast cancer is the commonest cancer in women worldwide. This study examined the use of spatial analysis and mapping to visualise the disease distribution. The geographic units used were the states of Malaysia. Breast cancer data was obtained from the National Cancer Registry Report 2007 and the female population data was obtained from the Malaysian Census 2010. A spatial analysis was used to analyse the data by indirect standardisation of the underlying female population of each state. Sarawak has a high standardised incidence ratio (SIR) of 16.81 compared to all other states of the country where the highest SIR was only up to 2.15. However, the age-standardised rate (ASR) does not reflect so. SIR could provide a comprehensive evaluation of the disease for further research and public health intervention.
Dengue Fever is a major public health issue in Malaysia. This study aimed to assess knowledge, attitude and practice regarding dengue fever and effectiveness of health education programme among 204 students of Alam Shah Science School, Cheras/Kuala Lumpur. Study design was a cross sectional study followed by an interventional (pre-post) Study. The self-administered questionnaire included questions on sociodemographic factors, knowledge, attitude and practice regarding dengue fever. Majority of respondents were Malays (96.6%), monthly family income more than RM 3000 (64.6%) and lives in urban area (64.6%). There was no significant association between knowledge status and socio-demographic factors (p-value>0.05). Most of the respondents had good knowledge (63.2%) good attitudes (79.9%) regarding dengue fever. However, practices to prevent dengue was poor (74.0%). Only about one-fifth of the respondents (18.2%) believed that dengue fever is a flu-like illness. Knowledge score was significantly increased after health education programme (p value
Dengue and dengue hemorrhagic jiever are still a serious public health problem among people in developing countries. The study was conducted to assess the knowledge, attitude and practice among students in University Technology of MARA in Shah Alam Selangor, Malaysia, and to determine its association withprevious infection. A total of 218 students were selected randomly fom several residential colleges within the university main campus. They were interviewed for their perception of risk to dengue and their blood were taken for serological examination (Dengue IgG). It was found that 49.1% of students have had previous infection, however onlv 0.9% had history of symptomatic dengue infection. Males students originating fom urban areas were more at risk of being infected. The perception of risk to dengue was good among students but this factor is
unable to explain the magnitude of infection among them. Further study should look at the interaction between behaviour and environment among students who are sero negative.
Malaysia has good environmental laws to protect the outdoor environment and public health. However there are no laws governing indoor air quality (IAQ) and the knowledge among the public about its importance is also lacking. Environmental professionals think it is not a priority and this influences the policy decisions in the country. Therefore there is a need to create awareness by way of research, education and other promotional activities. What is much needed at this time is the establishment of standards for the conduct of risk assessment studies. To establish standards we need reliable data which can be used to develop appropriate guidelines for the purpose of mitigation and adaptation programmes. IAQ can have significant influence on health resulting in drop in productivity and economy of a country. It has been estimated that in the US, building related illnesses (BRI) symptoms have a relationship with decrease (3 to 5%) in work performance in an affected population resulting in an annual loss of US$60 billion in revenue. However, based on efficient management programmes they have also projected that the potential annual savings can be in the region of US$10 to 30 billion. This establishes that fact that good management programmes based on efficient guidelines is of economic value to a country and wellbeing of the population. The IMU has embarked on a research programme to collect the much-needed data for the framing of a good IAQ guideline for Malaysia.
Introduction : Diabetes mellitus is recognized as a major public health problem worldwide. The burden of diabetes to society are morbidity, mortality and extensive usage of health care services.
Methodology : This study aimed to determine the provider’s cost in treating diabetic foot patient per day in orthopaedic ward, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Centre (UKMMC) in year 2006. Result : A total of 54 patients fulfilled the inclusion and exclusion criteria, only 29 were eligible for analysis. The cost of health care providers derived from cost calculation on capital and recurrent costs. Results showed that the average cost for treating diabetic foot patient per day is RM 634.57. Recurrent costs contributed 75.3% of the total diabetic foot treatment and Intensive Care Unit costs was the biggest percentage (40.5%).
Discussion : The results were comparable with findings by Case-Mix Unit of UKMMC. Treatment cost of diabetic foot is substantial and therefore avoidance of this complication must be emphasized to all diabetic patients.
Obesity is a main public health problem predisposes many to the obesity-related health problems worldwide. Malaysia was ranked as sixth in Asia with high prevalence of obesity by the World Health Organisation in 2010. It is multifactorial origin and depends on many internal and external interactions; between human beings and the environment. In this review article, the focus will be on the example of chemical obesogens that present silently in the daily diet, pharmaceutical or industrial compounds that predispose people to obesity through altering and disrupting normal bodily metabolic processes