Displaying publications 241 - 260 of 559 in total

  1. Ling LS, Sidi H, Lope RAR, Das S, Baharudin A
    Curr Drug Targets, 2018 May 11.
    PMID: 29749310 DOI: 10.2174/1389450119666180511161420
    Transgender is a complex state of bio-psycho-social dimension of human sexuality. It encompasses cognitive-emotional-behavior component that makes the person unique in his or her sexual expression. Transgender tend to use cross sex hormone in order to eradicate their secondary sexual characteristics and to facilitate the shift to their experienced gender. The common masculinising sex hormone use, i.e. Female to Male Treatment Options (FMTO) is testosterone and for feminising hormone i.e. Male to Female Treatment Options (MFTO) is a combination of estrogen with anti-androgen, respectively. Cross sex hormone, i.e. FMTO, or MFTO has biological and psychological influences on the transgender individuals. Nevertheless, cross sex hormone may also poses a range of side effect profiles, varies from the biological to psychosocial impact. The psychological impact can be paramount until it causes severe mental-health problems and even suicide. Numerous ranges of bio-psycho-social influence of cross-sex hormone were highlighted in this review as fundamental core knowledge in the art to know practice when dealing with the treatment options. In psychiatry, the change in the biological appearance may have great influence in the transgender individual, especially in the context of psychosocial and cultural perspective.
  2. Roslan NS, Jaafar NRN, Sidi H, Baharudin N, Kumar J, Das S, et al.
    Curr Drug Targets, 2019;20(2):146-157.
    PMID: 28641524 DOI: 10.2174/1389450118666170622090337
    Sexual desire includes complex motivation and drive. In the context of biological and cognitive- emotive state art of science, it is often a neglected field in medicine. In regard to the treatment, study on women's sexual function received less attention compared to the men's sexuality. In the past, this endeavor was relatively not well disseminated in the scientific community. Recently, there was a revolutionized surge of drug targets available to treat women with low sexual desire. It is timely to review the relevant biological approach, especially in the context of pharmacotherapy to understand this interesting clinical entity which was modulated by numerous interactive psychosocial inter-play and factors. The complex inter-play between numerous dimensional factors lends insights to understand the neural mechanism, i.e. the rewards centre pathway and its interaction with external psychosocialstimulus, e.g. relationship or other meaningful life events. The function of hormones, e.g. oxytocin or testosterone regulation was described. The role of neurotransmitters as reflected by the introduction of a molecule of flibenserin, a full agonist of the 5-HT1A and partial agonist of the D4 to treat premenopausal women with low sexual desire was deliberated. Based on this fundamental scientific core knowledge, we suggest an outline on know-how of introduction for sex therapy (i.e. "inner-self" and "outer-self") where the role of partner is narrated. Then, we also highlighted on the use of pharmacological agent as an adjunct scope of therapy, i.e. phosphodiasterase-5 (PDE-5) inhibitors and hormonal treatment in helping the patient with low sexual desire.
  3. Mohamed RMP, Kumar J, Yap E, Mohamed IN, Sidi H, Adam RL, et al.
    Curr Drug Targets, 2019;20(2):158-165.
    PMID: 28641520 DOI: 10.2174/1389450118666170622092824
    Memories associated with substance use disorders, or substance-associated cues increase the likelihood of craving and relapse during abstinence. There is a growing consensus that manipulation of synaptic plasticity may reduce the strength of substance abuse-related memories. On the biological front, there are new insights that suggest memories associated with substance use disorder may follow unique neurobiological pathways that render them more accessible to pharmacological intervention. In parallel to this, research in neurochemistry has identified several potential candidate molecules that could influence the formation and maintenance of long-term memory. Drugs that target these molecules (blebbistatin, isradipine and zeta inhibitory peptide) have shown promise at the preclinical stage. In this review, we shall provide an overview of the evolving understanding on the biochemical mechanisms involved in memory formation and expound on the premise that substance use disorder is a learning disorder.
  4. Deang KT, Sidi H, Zakaria H, Adam RL, Das S, Hatta NH, et al.
    Curr Drug Targets, 2019;20(2):210-219.
    PMID: 28494748 DOI: 10.2174/1389450118666170511145628
    Attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD), a hyperactivity disorder prevalent among children may continue as an adulthood attention deficit. To date, treating an individual with an adult ADHD may be an arduous task as it involves numerous challenges, which include a need for high index of suspicion to diagnose this medical condition. Many psychiatric disorders masquerade as ADHD and delay the necessary assessment and proper treatment for this debilitating medical disorder. Adult ADHD is often misdiagnosed (or under diagnosed) due to the fact that this medical condition is being masked by the patients' high level of intellectual achievement. As the ADHD in adult persists, it may end-up with impairment in the personal-social-occupational function in which the management becomes a great challenge. The treatment of ADHD can be optimized by using various drugs targets agents like norepinephrine-dopamine reuptake inhibitor (NDRI), with or without psycho stimulants like methylphenidate, which is marketed as Ritalin. Bupropion, an NDRI has a novel effect on ADHD as the molecule exerts its effects by modulating the reward-pleasure mesolimbic dopaminergic system and at the same time regulates the elevating mood dimension of the noradrenergic neurotransmission. The role of Bupropion in the neural and psychopharmacological perspective treatment of ADHD was deliberated. The present review highlights the novel effects of Bupropion in ADHD treatment, together with the help of other successful bio-psycho-social measures. This may be of immense benefit to the psychiatrists for treating their patients.
  5. Samad FDA, Sidi H, Kumar J, Das S, Midin M, Hatta NH
    Curr Drug Targets, 2019;20(2):201-209.
    PMID: 28675999 DOI: 10.2174/1389450118666170704142708
    Human being is not spared from a broad-ranged emotional state, including being jealous. Jealousy has both affective-cognitive and behavioural-evaluative dimension where the person perceives, or experiences a real threat on a valued relationship. As this complex emotion becomes irrational and not amenable to reason, it later transforms into a dangerously 'green-eyed monster'. This perilous situation which is viewed as pathological jealousy is a form of delusion, which is maintained by a fixed and false reasoning in an originally entrusted intimate relationship. Pathological jealousy is equally prevailing among both gender, and with a greater ubiquity among the geriatric population. The role of dopamine hyperactivity in the fronto-parietal-temporal region was implicated, with the anatomical mapping of the ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC), cingulate gyrus (CG), and amygdala involvement in the context of the disease's neurobiology. The etiology of pathological jealousy includes major psychiatric disorders, i.e. delusional disorder, schizophrenia, mood disorder, organic brain syndrome, and among others, the drug-induced psychosis. The role of relationship issues and psychodynamic perspective, i.e. psychological conflicts with dependence on a romantic partner, and low self-esteem are involved. Pathological jealousy inherits high-risk forensic psychiatry entanglement, which may warrant intensive intervention, including hospital admission and antipsychotic treatment. Treatment options include an early recognition, managing underlying neuropsychiatric disorders, psycho education, cognitive psychotherapy, and choosing an effective psychopharmacological agent. The management strategy may also resort to a geographical intervention, i.e. separation between both persons to complement the biological treatment.
  6. Koon CS, Sidi H, Kumar J, Xi OW, Das S, Hatta MH, et al.
    Curr Drug Targets, 2018;19(12):1366-1377.
    PMID: 28215172 DOI: 10.2174/1389450118666170215164747
    Erectile function (EF) is a prerequisite for satisfactory sexual intercourse (SI) and central to male sexual functioning. Satisfactory SI eventually initiates orgasm - a biopsychophysiological state of euphoria - leading to a sense of bliss, enjoyment and positive mental well being. For a psychiatrist, treating ED is self-propelled to harmonize these pleasurable experiences alongside with encouragement of physical wellness and sensuality. Hence, the role of PDE-5i is pivotal in this context and constitutes a therapeutic challenge. PDE-5i work via the dopaminergic-oxytocin-nitric oxide pathway by increasing the availability of endothelial's guanosine monophosphate (GMP), immediately causing relaxation of the penile smooth muscle and an erection. The PDE-5i, like sildenafil, vardenafil and tadalafil, are effective in the treatment of ED with some benefits/ flexibilities and disadvantages compared to other treatment modalities. Prescribed PDE-5i exclusively improve EF, fostering male's self-confidence and self-esteem. Treatment failures are associated with factors such as absent (or insufficient) sexual stimulation, psychosexual conflicts and the co-existence of medical disorders. Managing ED requires dealing with underlying medical diseases, addressing other co-morbid sexual dysfunctions like premature ejaculation (PE), and educating the patient on healthy life-styles. Furthermore, by dealing with interpersonal dynamics within the couple and embracing adequate lifestyles (managing stress and revising one's sexual scripts), PDE-5i treatment benefits may be enhanced. In this review, we propose a holistic conceptual framework approach for psychiatric management of patients with ED.
  7. Asiff M, Sidi H, Masiran R, Kumar J, Das S, Hatta NH, et al.
    Curr Drug Targets, 2018;19(12):1391-1401.
    PMID: 28325146 DOI: 10.2174/1389450118666170321144931
    Hypersexuality refers to abnormally increased or extreme involvement in any sexual activity. It is clinically challenging, presents trans-diagnostically and there is extensive medical literature addressing the nosology, pathogenesis and neuropsychiatric aspects in this clinical syndrome. Classification includes deviant behaviours, diagnosable entities related to impulsivity, and obsessional phenomena. Some clinicians view an increase in sexual desire as 'normal' i.e. psychodynamic theorists consider it as egodefensive at times alleviating unconscious anxiety rooted in intrapsychic conflicts. We highlight hypersexuality as multi-dimensional involving an increase in sexual activity that is associated with distress and functional impairment. The aetiology of hypersexuality is multi-factorial with differential diagnoses that include major psychiatric disorders (e.g. bipolar disorder), adverse effects of treatments (e.g. levodopatreatment), substance-induced disorders (e.g. amphetamine substance use), neuropathological disorders (e.g. frontal lobe syndrome), among others. Numerous neurotransmitters are implicated in its pathogenesis, with dopamine and noradrenaline playing a crucial role in the neural reward pathways and emotionally- regulated limbic system neural circuits. The management of hypersexuality is determined by the principle of de causa effectu evanescent, if the causes are treated, the effect may disappear. We aim to review the role of pharmacological agents causing hypersexuality and centrally acting agents treating the associated underlying medical conditions. Bio-psycho-social determinants are pivotal in embracing the understanding and guiding management of this complex and multi-determined clinical syndrome.
  8. Chigurupati S, Vijayabalan S, Selvarajan KK, Aldubayan M, Alhowail A, Mani V, et al.
    Curr Pharm Biotechnol, 2020;21(5):384-389.
    PMID: 31657678 DOI: 10.2174/1389201020666191028105325
    BACKGROUND: Endophytic bacteria produce various bioactive secondary metabolites, which benefit human health. Tamarindus indica L. is well known for its medicinal value in human health care. Several studies have reported on its biological effects from various parts of T. indica, but only a few studies have been devoted to examining the biological activity of endophytes of T. indica.

    OBJECTIVES: In the present study, an endophyte was isolated from the leaves of T. indica and screened for its antimicrobial potential.

    METHODS: The selected endophyte was identified by 16s rRNA partial genome sequencing and investigated for their antimicrobial potency. The preliminary phytochemical tests were conducted for the affirmation of phytoconstituents in the endophytic crude ethyl acetate extract of T. indica (TIM) and total phenolic content was performed. The antimicrobial potential of TIM was evaluated against human pathogenic ATCC gram-positive and gram-negative bacterial strains.

    RESULTS: TIM exhibited an appreciable amount of gallic acid equivalent phenolic content (21.6 ± 0.04 mg GAE/g of crude extract). TIM showed the Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) at 250 μg/mL and Minimum Bactericidal Concentration (MBC) at 500 μg/mL among the selected human pathogenic ATCC strains. At MIC of 500 μg/mL, TIM displayed a significant zone of inhibition against P. aeruginosa and N. gonorrhoeae.

    CONCLUSION: The results from our study highlighted for the first time the antimicrobial potential of endophytic bacterial strain Bacillus velezensis in T. indica leaves and it could be further explored as a source of natural antimicrobial agents.

  9. Mohd Azmi NAS, Juliana N, Mohd Fahmi Teng NI, Azmani S, Das S, Effendy N
    PMID: 32204445 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph17062043
    The workers and employees in various institutions are subjected to different shifts and work schedules. The employees work not only at daytime but also during odd hours at night. The biological clock of an individual is often altered during night shifts. This affects the psychosocial well-being and circadian nutritional intake of the worker. Disturbance in circadian rhythm results in the development of metabolic disorders such as hypertension, dyslipidemia, dysglycemia, and abdominal obesity. In the present review, we discuss the nature of shift work, sleep/wake cycle of an individual, chrononutrition, dietary habits, and meal changes with regard to timing and frequency, related to shift work. We also discuss the relationship between nutritional intake and psychosocial well-being among shift workers. The review may be beneficial for prevention of metabolic disorders and maintaining sound psychological condition in shift workers.
  10. Samantaray MR, Mondal AK, Murugadoss G, Pitchaimuthu S, Das S, Bahru R, et al.
    Materials (Basel), 2020 Jun 19;13(12).
    PMID: 32575516 DOI: 10.3390/ma13122779
    This article provides an overview of the structural and physicochemical properties of stable carbon-based nanomaterials and their applications as counter electrodes (CEs) in dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs). The research community has long sought to harvest highly efficient third-generation DSSCs by developing carbon-based CEs, which are among the most important components of DSSCs. Since the initial introduction of DSSCs, Pt-based electrodes have been commonly used as CEs owing to their high-electrocatalytic activities, thus, accelerating the redox couple at the electrode/electrolyte interface to complete the circuit. However, Pt-based electrodes have several limitations due to their cost, abundance, complicated facility, and low corrosion resistance in a liquid electrolyte, which further restricts the large-area applications of DSSCs. Although carbon-based nanostructures showed the best potential to replace Pt-CE of DSSC, several new properties and characteristics of carbon-CE have been reported for future enhancements in this field. In this review, we discuss the detailed synthesis, properties, and performances of various carbonaceous materials proposed for DSSC-CE. These nano-carbon materials include carbon nanoparticles, activated carbon, carbon nanofibers, carbon nanotube, two-dimensional graphene, and hybrid carbon material composites. Among the CE materials currently available, carbon-carbon hybridized electrodes show the best performance efficiency (up to 10.05%) with a high fill factor (83%). Indeed, up to 8.23% improvements in cell efficiency may be achieved by a carbon-metal hybrid material under sun condition. This review then provides guidance on how to choose appropriate carbon nanomaterials to improve the performance of CEs used in DSSCs.
  11. Juliana N, Abu Yazit NA, Kadiman S, Muhammad Hafidz K, Azmani S, Mohd Fahmi Teng NI, et al.
    PLoS One, 2021;16(5):e0251157.
    PMID: 34038405 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0251157
    Cardiothoracic surgeries are life-saving procedures but often it results in various complications. Intraoperative cerebral oximetry monitoring used to detect regional cerebral oxygen saturation (rScO2) is a non-invasive method that provides prognostic importance in cardiac surgery. The main aim of the present study was to evaluate the association of intraoperative cerebral oxygen monitoring during cardiac surgery on postoperative complications. This was a case-controlled retrospective study conducted on adult patients, who underwent open-heart surgery in National Heart Institute, Malaysia. The case group comprised patients on protocolized cerebral oximetry monitoring. They were treated using a standardized algorithm to maintain rScO2 not lower than 20% of baseline rScO2. The control group comprised patients with matched demographic background, preoperative risk factors, and type of surgical procedures. Propensity score stratification was utilized to contend with selection bias. Retrospective analysis was performed on 240 patients (case group) while comparing it to 407 patients (control group). The non-availability of cerebral oximetry monitoring during surgery was the prominent predictor for all outcome of complications; stroke (OR: 7.66), renal failure needing dialysis (OR: 5.12) and mortality (OR: 20.51). Postoperative complications revealed that there were significant differences for risk of mortality (p<0.001, OR = 20.51), renal failure that required dialysis (p<0.001, OR = 5.12) and stroke (p <0.05, OR = 7.66). Protocolized cerebral oximetry monitoring during cardiothoracic surgeries was found to be associated with lower incidence of stroke, renal failure requiring dialysis and mortality rate.
  12. Das S, Kar A, Manna S, Mandal S, Mandal S, Das S, et al.
    Sci Rep, 2021 05 11;11(1):9946.
    PMID: 33976269 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-021-89295-0
    Artemisinin is the frontline fast-acting anti-malarial against P. falciparum. Emergence and spread of resistant parasite in eastern-India poses a threat to national malaria control programs. Therefore, the objective of our study is to evaluate the artesunate-sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine efficacy in Central India. 180 monoclonal P. falciparum-infected patients received standard ASSP therapy during August 2015-January 2017, soon after diagnosis and monitored over next 42-days. Artemisinin-resistance was assessed through in-vivo parasite clearance half-life (PC1/2), ex-vivo ring-stage survivability (RSA), and genome analysis of kelch13 and other candidate gene (pfcrt, pfmdr1, pfatpase 6, pfdhfr and pfdhps). Of 180 P. falciparum positive patients, 9.5% showed increased PC1/2 (> 5.5 h), among them eleven isolates (6.1%) showed reduced sensitivity to RSA. In 4.4% of cases, parasites were not cleared by 72 h and showed prolonged PC1/2(5.6 h) (P 
  13. Leonard JH, Choo CP, Manaf MR, Md Isa Z, Mohd Nordin NA, Das S
    Indian J Med Sci, 2009 Oct;63(10):445-54.
    PMID: 19901483
    BACKGROUND: There is a paucity of literature on validated outcome measurement tools for evaluation of neck pain and related disability in the Asian context.

    AIM: The main aim of the present study was to design a new tool called neck pain functional limitation scale (NPFLS) for measuring disability related to neck pain and observe its reliability, concurrent validity and criterion validity.

    SETTING AND DESIGN: This study was performed at the institutional hospital.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 157 subjects (neck pain group) and 25 control subjects (control group) without neck pain were recruited for this study. NPFLS was framed as a new tool for this study, which consisted of 5 domains - pain intensity, activities of daily living, social activities, functional activities and psychological factors. Neck Bournemouth questionnaire (NBQ) was used as a gold standard to measure the concurrent validity and criterion validity of the NPFLS.

    STATISTICAL ANALYSIS: Criterion validity and concurrent validity between the neck Bournemouth questionnaire (NBQ) and NPFLS scores were tested statistically using Mann-Whitney U test and Spearman correlation test. The reliability was tested by examining the internal consistency to calculate the Cronbach's alpha value for each item in NPFLS.

    RESULTS: No significant difference between NPFLS and NBQ was observed using Mann-Whitney U Test, with P value greater than 0.05 (P= 0.557). Besides that, NPFLS had a high concurrent validity (r= 0.916) and good internal consistency with high Cronbach's alpha value of (r= 0.948), which demonstrated strong correlation between the items of NPFLS and NBQ.

    CONCLUSION: NPFLS demonstrated good reliability, high concurrent validity and criterion validity in this study. NPFLS can be used to assess neck pain and disability among patients with neck pain.

  14. Hamidah H, Santhna LP, Ruth Packiavathy RD, Suraya AM, Yap WC, Samsiah M, et al.
    Clin Ter, 2012 Nov;163(6):473-8.
    PMID: 23306740
    Diabetic foot ulcer is one of the major health problems that accounts for increased morbidity among the diabetic patients. Having good knowledge, good attitude and practice of managing the foot prevents the impending chronic co-morbidities of the disease.

    This cross-sectional study was performed to assess the knowledge, attitude and practice on foot care among the newly diagnosed diabetic type 2 patients with low education and socio economic background. This study was conducted in one of the out patient clinics in a tertiary hospital. A set of questionnaire adopted from The Michigan Diabetes Research and Training Center (MDRTC), was used to assess 109 respondents based on their knowledge of diabetes mellitus, practice and attitude towards the condition and care of the feet.

    The overall finding on knowledge, practice and attitude had shown unsatisfactory result. There was no relationship between the knowledge, practice and attitude with care of the feet. Only 20 (18.3%) respondents had a high score on knowledge, 31 (28.4%) had practiced good habits and 5 (4.6%) showed positive attitude towards care of the feet. However, there was significant finding on the level of education and the knowledge of foot care (p=0.01);

    Strategies should be developed to overcome the longterm complications. As for the Muslim patients, ablution, the ritual practice of washing and cleaning both feet prior to the prayers may be a possible means of checking the feet for any diabetic foot complication.
  15. Bungau SG, Behl T, Singh A, Sehgal A, Singh S, Chigurupati S, et al.
    Nutrients, 2021 Sep 26;13(10).
    PMID: 34684377 DOI: 10.3390/nu13103376
    Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a progressive inflammatory disorder characterized by swollen joints, discomfort, tightness, bone degeneration and frailty. Genetic, agamogenetic and sex-specific variables, Prevotella, diet, oral health and gut microbiota imbalance are all likely causes of the onset or development of RA, perhaps the specific pathways remain unknown. Lactobacillus spp. probiotics are often utilized as relief or dietary supplements to treat bowel diseases, build a strong immune system and sustain the immune system. At present, the action mechanism of Lactobacillus spp. towards RA remains unknown. Therefore, researchers conclude the latest analysis to effectively comprehend the ultimate pathogenicity of rheumatoid arthritis, as well as the functions of probiotics, specifically Lactobacillus casei or Lactobacillus acidophilus, in the treatment of RA in therapeutic and diagnostic reports. RA is a chronic inflammation immunological illness wherein the gut microbiota is affected. Probiotics are organisms that can regulate gut microbiota, which may assist to relieve RA manifestations. Over the last two decades, there has been a surge in the use of probiotics. However, just a few research have considered the effect of probiotic administration on the treatment and prevention of arthritis. Randomized regulated experimental trials have shown that particular probiotics supplement has anti-inflammatory benefits, helps people with RA enhance daily activities and alleviates symptoms. As a result, utilizing probiotic microorganisms as therapeutics could be a potential possibility for arthritis treatment. This review highlights the known data on the therapeutic and preventative effects of probiotics in RA, as well as their interactions.
  16. Sha'ari N, Woon LS, Sidi H, Das S, Bousman CA, Mohamed Saini S
    Phytomedicine, 2021 Dec;93:153760.
    PMID: 34638031 DOI: 10.1016/j.phymed.2021.153760
    BACKGROUND: Female sexual dysfunction (FSD) includes female orgasmic disorder, female sexual interest or arousal disorder, and genito-pelvic pain or penetration disorder. FSD affects 40% of women worldwide, but it is understudied and likely undertreated. Natural products are frequently used by women to treat FSD, but scientific evidence of their efficacy is lacking.

    OBJECTIVE: This systematic review and meta-analysis focused on the study of the efficacy of natural products on FSD.

    STUDY DESIGN: Systematic review and meta-analysis of existing studies on natural products in the treatment of FSD.

    METHODS: The literature search included MEDLINE, EMBASE, PsycINFO, and the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trial databases for studies published from January 2000 to February 2020. The quality and the level of evidence of the studies were assessed. The association between natural products and FSD was summarized using standardized mean differences (SMD) with a 95% confidence interval (CI).

    RESULTS: A total of 536 studies were identified, with 20 of them meeting the criteria. According to this meta-analysis, Tribulus terrestris showed a significant positive effect in improving overall female sexual function (SMD = 1.12, 95% CI = 0.46 - 1.79, p = 0.001) and individual sexual arousal (SMD = 1.03, 95% CI = 0.22 - 1.84, p = 0.013), sexual desire (SMD = 1.08, 95% CI = 0.52 - 1.63, p ≤ 0.001) and sexual orgasm (SMD = 0.51, 95% CI = 0.02 - 1.00, p = 0.040) domains compared to placebo. Panax ginseng was found to be effective in treating sexual arousal (SMD = 0.54, 95% CI = 0.11 - 0.97, p = 0.014) and sexual desire (SMD = 0.59, 95% CI = 0.27 - 0.90, p < 0.001) compared to placebo. Meanwhile, other natural products reviewed in this study, such as Trifolium pretense, did not differ significantly from placebo in terms of improving FSD.

    CONCLUSION: Preliminary evidence suggests that Tribulus terrestris and Panax ginseng may be effective as alternative treatments for FSD in a clinical setting.

  17. Wan Masliza WD, Bajuri MY, Hassan MR, Naim NM, Shuhaila A, Das S
    Clin Ter, 2017 10 19;168(5):e283-e289.
    PMID: 29044348 DOI: 10.7417/T.2017.2021
    BACKGROUND: The placenta is a most interesting but unfortunately often ignored and misunderstood organ. Placental abnormalities, therefore, can be an "early warning system" for fetal problems. A complete prenatal sonographic examination of the placenta is an essential component as its abnormalities can have a direct effect on fetal or maternal outcomes, obstetrical management and future fertility.

    OBJECTIVE: To determine whether any association exists between the finding of an increased thickness of placenta, abnormal placenta shape, placental calcification, placental lake and abnormal cord insertion site at 20-22 and 30-32 weeks gestation with an increased risk of uteroplacental complications or a poor pregnancy outcome.

    METHODOLOGY: A real-time ultrasound was used at the time of detail scan (at 20-22 weeks gestation) and at 30-32 weeks gestation to look for placenta appearance, fetal growth and anomaly. The main outcome measures were risk of hypertension disease in pregnancy, fetal growth restriction and poor fetal outcomes such as low Apgar score and low cord pH.

    RESULT: The majority of the participants were Malay (77.9%). Abnormal placenta found at both gestations were placental lakes and thickness, and only one case had marginal cord insertion. Approximately 6% of the cases were confirmed placenta previa. No abnormal shape or abnormal calcification found at both gestations. About 10% patient developed hypertensive disease in pregnancy, 15% of the fetus was found to have growth restriction and another 16% have low umbilical cord pH. Majority of them delivered at term (90%) and via vaginal delivery (81%). There was no significance between presence of abnormal placental lake and thickness at both gestations with the maternal and fetal outcome.

    CONCLUSION: Presence of abnormal placental thickness and lakes at 30-32 weeks scan associated with maternal hypertensive disease, fetal growth restriction and low umbilical cord pH, however these were not statistically significant.

  18. Das S, Hamsi MA, Kamisah Y, Qodriyah HMS, Othman F, Emran A, et al.
    Pak J Pharm Sci, 2017 Sep;30(5):1609-1615.
    PMID: 29084680
    Consumption of corn oil for cooking purpose is gaining popularity. The present study examined the effect of heated corn oil on blood pressure and its possible mechanism in experimental rats. Thirty male Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly divided into 5 groups and were fed with the following diets, Group I was fed with basal diet only; whereas group II,III,IV and V were fed with basal diet fortified with 15% (w/w) either fresh, once-heated, five-times-heated or ten-times-heated corn oil, respectively for 16 weeks. Body weight, blood pressure were measured at baseline and weekly interval for 16 weeks. Inflammatory biomarkers which included soluble intracellular adhesion molecules (sICAM), soluble vascular adhesion molecules (sVCAM) and C reactive protein (CRP), were measured at baseline and the end of 16 weeks. The rats were sacrificed and thoracic aorta was taken for measurement of vascular reactivity. There was significant increase in the blood pressure in the groups fed with heated once, five-times (5HCO) and ten-times-heated corn oil (10-HCO) compared to the control. The increase in the blood pressure was associated with an increase in CRP, sICAM and sVCAM, reduction in vasodilatation response to acetylcholine and greater vasoconstriction response to phenylephrine. The results suggest that repeatedly heated corn oil causes elevation in blood pressure, vascular inflammation which impairs vascular reactivity thereby predisposing to hypertension. There is a need to educate people not to consume corn oil in a heated state.
  19. Amran AA, Zakaria Z, Othman F, Das S, Al-Mekhlafi HM, Raj S, et al.
    EXCLI J, 2012;11:274-83.
    PMID: 27366140
    Previous research has shown the beneficial effects of aqueous extract of Piper sarmentosum (P.s) on atherosclerosis. The first stage in atherosclerosis is the formation of foam cell. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of the methanol extract of P.s on fatty streaks by calculating neointimal foam cell infiltration in rabbits fed with high cholesterol diet. Thirty six male New Zealand white rabbits were divided equally into six groups: (i) C: control group fed normal rabbit chow; (ii) CH: cholesterol diet (1 % cholesterol); (iii) PM1: 1 % cholesterol with methanol extract of P.s (62.5 mg/kg); (iv) PM2: 1 % cholesterol with methanol extract of P.s (125 mg/kg); (v) PM3: 1 % cholesterol with methanol extract of P.s (250 mg/kg); (vi) SMV group fed 1 % cholesterol supplemented with Simvistatin drug (1.2 mg/kg). All animals were treated for 10 weeks. At the end of the treatment, the rabbits were fasted and sacrificed and the aortic tissues were collected for histological studies to measure the area of the neointimal foam cell infiltration using software. The thickening of intima ratio of atherosclerosis and morphological changes by scanning electron microscope were measured. The results showed that the atherosclerotic group had significantly bigger area of fatty streak compared to the control group. The area of fatty streak in the abdominal aorta was significantly reduced in the treatment groups which were similar with the SMV group. Similarly, there was a reduction in the number of foam cell in the treatment groups compared to the atherosclerotic group as seen under scanning microscope. In conclusion, histological study demonstrated that the methanol extract of the P.s could reduce the neointimal foam cell infiltration in the lumen of the aorta and the atherosclerotic lesion.
  20. Kamarudin TA, Othman F, Mohd Ramli ES, Md Isa N, Das S
    EXCLI J, 2012;11:226-36.
    PMID: 27366139
    Curcuma longa (turmeric) rhizomes contains curcumin, an active compound which possesses anti-inflammatory effects. Collagen-induced arthritis (CIA) is an accepted experimental animal model of rheumatoid arthritis. The present study aimed to observe the histological changes in the joints of experimental arthritic rats treated with curcumin. Twenty four male Sprague-Dawley (approximately 7 weeks-old) rats were randomly divided into four groups. Three groups were immunized with 150 µg collagen. All rats with established CIA, with arthritis scores exceeding 1, were orally treated with betamethasone (0.5 mg/ml/kg body weight), curcumin (110 mg/ml/kg body weight) or olive oil (1.0 ml/kg body weight) daily, for two weeks. One remaining group was kept as normal control. Treatment with 110 mg/ml/kg curcumin showed significant mean differences in the average white blood cell (WBC) count (p<0.05), cell infiltration, bone and cartilage erosion scores (p<0.05) compared to the olive oil treated group. Pannus formation scores showed that curcumin supplementation successfully suppressed the pannus formation process that occurred in the articular cartilage of the CIA joints. The mean difference for histological scores for the curcumin group was insignificant compared to the betamethasone treated group. It is concluded that supplementation of curcumin has protective effect on the histopathological and degenerative changes in the joints of CIA rats which was at par with betamethasone.
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