Displaying publications 241 - 260 of 568 in total

  1. Fahisham Taib, Suhailah Badruddin, Mohd Anas Che Nik, Ariffin Nasir, Ramiza Ramza Ramli
    Cellulitis in human following leech bite is rae, many of the case reports were associated with the use of medical leech. We report the first documented case of cellulitis following the bite of land leech (Haemodipsa species), known locally as 'pacat', in a 2 month-old-baby. The baby developed fever but subsided following an antibiotic cover. The baby had uneventful stay in the hospital and the cellulitis was successfully treated following a week cource of Cloxacillin.
    Matched MeSH terms: Fever
  2. Leung AKC, Leong KF, Lam JM
    Case Rep Pediatr, 2019;2019:3156736.
    PMID: 30944748 DOI: 10.1155/2019/3156736
    Kawasaki disease is characterized by fever for ≥ five days, bilateral bulbar conjunctival injection without exudate, polymorphous rash changes in the extremities, oral mucosal changes, and cervical lymphadenopathy. We report a 20-month-old boy with Kawasaki disease who had onychomadesis affecting the fingernails and toenails bilaterally. To our knowledge, there were three reported cases of onychomadesis associated with Kawasaki disease, to which we add another one. We suggest keeping in mind the possibility of onychomadesis as a nail sequela of Kawasaki disease.
    Matched MeSH terms: Fever
  3. Jahan F
    Malays Fam Physician, 2021 Mar 25;16(1):15-17.
    PMID: 33948138 DOI: 10.51866/rv0001
    The current outbreak of COVID-19, originating from the city of Wuhan in China and ultimately involving over 200 countries, is now a global concern. Evidence indicates that COVID-19 spread to humans from wild animals, causing severe respiratory tract infections in humans; the typical symptoms of COVID include cough, high-grade fever, sore throat, and difficulty in breathing. The infection spreads from human to human via droplets. Therefore, social or physical distancing can reduce spread within communities. Asymptomatic spread can also occur during family gatherings or in the workplace; thus, we must enforce physical distancing as much as possible to reduce the spread of cases.
    Matched MeSH terms: Fever
  4. Islam Shishir MR, Taip FS, Aziz NA, Talib RA, Hossain Sarker MS
    Food Sci Biotechnol, 2016;25(2):461-468.
    PMID: 30263292 DOI: 10.1007/s10068-016-0064-0
    The optimization of pink guava was executed using central composite face-centred design to optimize the spray drying parameters of inlet temperature, maltodextrin concentration (MDC) and feed flow (FF). The experimental results were significantly (p<0.01) fitted into second-order polynomial models to describe and predict the response quality in terms of the final moisture, particle size and lycopene with R2 of 0.9749, 0.9616, and 0.9505, respectively. The final moisture content significantly (p<0.01) decreased with increasing inlet temperature and MDC, whereas the particle size increased. In contrast, the lycopene content significantly (p<0.01) decreased with the higher temperature and increased with increasing MDC. However, according to multiple response optimization, the optimum conditions of 150°C inlet temperature, 17.12% (w/v) MDC and 350 mL/h FF-predicted 3.10% moisture content, 11.23 μm particle size and 58.71 mg/100 g lycopene content. The experimental observation satisfied the predicted model within the acceptable range of the responses.
    Matched MeSH terms: Fever
  5. Piyasena TBH, Setoh YX, Hobson-Peters J, Prow NA, Bielefeldt-Ohmann H, Khromykh AA, et al.
    Vector Borne Zoonotic Dis, 2017 12;17(12):825-835.
    PMID: 29083957 DOI: 10.1089/vbz.2017.2172
    In Australia, infection of horses with the West Nile virus (WNV) or Murray Valley encephalitis virus (MVEV) occasionally results in severe neurological disease that cannot be clinically differentiated. Confirmatory serological tests to detect antibody specific for MVEV or WNV in horses are often hampered by cross-reactive antibodies induced to conserved epitopes on the envelope (E) protein. This study utilized bacterially expressed recombinant antigens derived from domain III of the E protein (rE-DIII) of MVEV and WNV, respectively, to determine whether these subunit antigens provided specific diagnostic markers of infection with these two viruses. When a panel of 130 serum samples, from horses with known flavivirus infection status, was tested in enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) using rE-DIII antigens, a differential diagnosis of MVEV or WNV was achieved for most samples. Time-point samples from horses exposed to flavivirus infection during the 2011 outbreak of equine encephalitis in south-eastern Australia also indicated that the rE-DIII antigens were capable of detecting and differentiating MVEV and WNV infection in convalescent sera with similar sensitivity and specificity to virus neutralization tests and blocking ELISAs. Overall, these results indicate that the rE-DIII is a suitable antigen for use in rapid immunoassays for confirming MVEV and WNV infections in horses in the Australian context and warrant further assessment on sensitive, high-throughput serological platforms such as multiplex immune assays.
    Matched MeSH terms: West Nile Fever/diagnosis; West Nile Fever/veterinary*; West Nile Fever/virology
  6. Mohd Zulhilmi Aqil Muhamad, Noor Hafhizah Abd Rahim
    Expert system is a system that emulates experts to aid in decision making. This system can be applied in various categories such as diagnosis, prediction, interpretation, and others. Expert System to Diagnose Dengue Fever is a web-based system which is integrated with prolog language in order to provide rules for dengue fever detection. The aims of this research are to study dengue fever symptoms and other illnesses related to the fever, to design an inference engine, and to build an expert system. The challenges faced while developing this expert system were the complexity of prolog codes and their integration with the web development. In this system, rules were developed by prolog language which define dengue fever and accuracy based on input from the user. This system is expected to aid users in self-detecting early symptoms of dengue fever before seeing the doctors.
    Matched MeSH terms: Fever
  7. Moreno-Legorreta M, Tozar-Zamora I, Serrano-Pinto V
    Trop Biomed, 2020 Sep 01;37(3):722-729.
    PMID: 33612785 DOI: 10.47665/tb.37.3.722
    Chikungunya virus infection had not been reported by the National Secretary of Health of the State of Baja California Sur, Mexico before 2015, and until now, no information of the disease has been published. Thus, the objective of this study was to assess the tendency that the disease has shown since its introduction. The total number of cases in the state was analyzed, and the incidence rate of infection was evaluated in the general population, age groups, and gender. From 2015-2019, the year with the highest number of reported cases was 2016 with 210 cases, but no cases were reported from 2018-2019. The gender with the highest number of cases was female. The most affected age group was adults 45-64 years of age.
    Matched MeSH terms: Chikungunya Fever
  8. Riana, K.A.H., Azahadi, O., Rohani, I., Zainol Ariffin, P., Maznieda, M., Siti Zubaidah, A.
    Journal of Health Management, 2012;10(1):41-51.
    Purpose - An outbreak of food poisoning had occurred in Health Institute A on 1st June 2010 which involved twenty four staffs. Six of them were hospitalized and eighteen received outpatient treatment. A case control study was done to describe the epidemiological characteristics of the outbreak and to determine the source of infection.
    Design/methodology/approach - Food samples, rectal swab from cases, environmental and hand swab from the food handlers were also taken and sent for microbiological analysis.
    Finding- The outbreak was explosive, and the prominent clinical features were abdominal pain (62.2%), fever (51.4%), and diarrhea (56.8%). The onset time was between 9-24 hours and the median incubation period was at 15 hours. The possible source of the outbreak was durian gravy (OR= 14.00,95%CI: 2.72-92.55, p<0.001, food attack rate: 100%) and rotijala (OR= 6.69, 95%CI: LB5-24.23, p<0.001, food attack rate: 95%), The microbiological investigation revealed that various microorganisms including Salmonella spp, The food was supplied by the same food supplier from Caterer B since 2006 and the assessment of the kitchen showed that the cleanliness rate was only 54,3% with positive results of Coliform in all utensils and areas investigated in the kitchen.
    Conclusion- In conclusion, the most probable causative organism based on signs and symptoms, epidemiological analysis and microbiological results was Salmonella spp. from contaminated food seryed during the ceremony. Education on food safety and food hygiene especially personal hygiene and hand washing should be emphasized continuously for prevention of future outbreak,
    Matched MeSH terms: Fever
  9. Ruhil Amal, A., Malina, O., Ngah Zasmy, U., Wan Omar, A., Norhafizah, M., Rukman, A.H.
    Preventive fogging is defined as space spraying of insecticide against mosquitoes in order to prevent outbreak of mosquito borne infection. Despite provision of various preventive andcontrol activities against dengue and chikungunya infection by Ministry of Health Guideline, the detail on preventive fogging has not yet specified. However, this has been adopted by certain institutions as part of the routine strategies against dengue outbreak. A study on preventive fogging was conducted in one of the hostels in Universiti Putra Malaysia. The research was done for 16 weeks in which one routine fogging activity was done at the mid period of study. The main objectives of this study were to determine the effectiveness of preventive fogging activities against Aedes mosquitoes and to identify the distribution and abundance of Aedes mosquitoes in the area. Method: The fogging activity was carried out by the management staff as part of their preventive measures in the student hostels. Ovitrap was used as an indicator to monitor the impact of fogging activity and its continuous surveillance was monitored weekly. The ovitraps were placed indoors and outdoors. Species identification was carried out in the laboratory. The SPSS program was used to analyse the statistical data on the effectiveness of fogging activity. Larval count (indoors and outdoors) and ovitrap index (OI) readings were identified as ovitrap surveillance data for statistical analysis. Results: The results showed that Aedes albopictus was the only species of the genus Aedes found in this hostel. The area had been highly infested by Ae. Albopictus as indicated by high Ovitrap Index ranging between 48.33% to 90.00%. The mean (SD) of Ovitrap Index was reduced from 71.67% (12.73%) (before the preventive fogging), to 69.42% (14.40%) (after the fogging). Overall reduction in mosquito and larval density was also observed between pre and post fogging activity in this study. Conclusion: The implementation of preventive fogging has favourably reduced the dengue vector population up to 5 weeks after the introduction of preventive fogging. However, sole dependency on preventive fogging may lead to insecticide resistance. Revisiting the policy on preventive fogging; and identifying it as an additional tool for preventing dengue infection in higher learning institutions are recommended.
    Matched MeSH terms: Chikungunya Fever
  10. Joseph Sahaya Anand, T., Sivarao, Ganesh Kumar, K.
    Ni3A1 is an intermetallic compound which has unique property with temperature. Annealing is done at temperature 300, 500, and 700°C for 1 hour and analyzed with X-ray Diffraction (XRD) and Energy Dispersive X-ray (EDX) analysis for their crystallographic nature. EDX confirmed the composition of Ni3A1 with exact stoichiometry, whereas the XRD confirmed the crystallographic nature of the material. The mechanical properties by hardness results showed that Ni3A1 has highest Vickers hardness value of 554 HV when it is non-heat treated. Its hardness drops as it undergoes annealing process. Corrosion analysis by tafel test shows that its polarization resistance may increase up to 4145 W cm2 when annealed at high temperature. These results show that Ni3A1 is a promising material to be considered as an alternative automotive body.
    Matched MeSH terms: Fever
  11. R. Abd-Shukor, W.Y. Lim
    ASM Science Journal, 2013;7(1):18-22.
    The electron-phonon coupling constant of the copper oxide-based high temperature superconductors in the van Hove scenario was calculated using three known models and by employing various acoustic data. Three expressions for the transition temperature from the models were used to calculate the constants. All three models assumed a logarithmic singularity in the density of states near the Fermi surface. The calculated electron-phonon coupling constant ranged from 0.06 to 0.28. The constants increased with the transition temperature indicating a strong correlation between electron-phonon coupling and superconductivity in these materials. These values were smaller than the values estimated for the conventional three-dimensional BCS theory. The results were compared with previous reports on direct measurements of electron-phonon coupling constants in the copper oxide based superconductors.
    Matched MeSH terms: Fever
  12. Nor Azimi, K., Mohd Kamil, H., Aiani, O., Kamilan, D.
    An investigation was undertaken 0f a malaria outbreak in Felda Neram 1 in the district of Kemaman,
    Terengganu. Thirty-eight malaria cases of Plasmodium falciparum with one death were reported from that locality. The outbreak peaked between the epidemiological week of 42 and 44. A total of 2300 persons were surveyed with population coverage of 90%. Overall Slide Positive Rate was 1.5%. Out of 38 cases, 19 were Malays and the rest were Indonesian workers. Seventy-nine percent (30/38) had a history of fever within nine weeks prior to the survey. Thirty persons were found to be febrile on the.date of the survey of which 42% (14/30) were smears positive. Blood smears showed 65.7% (25/38) had an asexual parasitemia and 34.2% (13/38) cases were gametocytaemic. The males0”emales ratio was 1:7. Younger age groups were more ajfected. All patients were given radical malaria treatment. F orty-three percent (16/38) had a second course of radical treatment. The outbreak was caused by the re-entry of an Indonesian worker with malaria to the locality. Factors such as delayed detection and notyication and inadequate surveillance were instrumental for the outbreak.
    Matched MeSH terms: Fever
  13. Jamal Hisham Hashim, Ruzita Shariff, Dayang Aminah Ali, Mohd Hasni Jaafar, Mazlin Mokhtar
    Indicators, whether referred to as ecological, biological or environmental, help us in assessing environmental conditions. Hypothetically, joint influences are predicted of the parameters associated with the number of water-borne, food-borne and vector-borne cases in study areas. Regression analysis of the dependent variables in water—borne diseases such as Cholera, Typhoid, Dysentery and Hepatitis indicated that the total coly°orm, fecal colform, residual chlorine, mean monthly rainfall and temperature influence almost hay of the cases in the 3 District of Serernban. Thus, coordinated monitoring of physical, chemical and biological parameters is needed to continue to build databases and to develop models integrating environnrental and social conditions, consequences and costs.
    Matched MeSH terms: Typhoid Fever
  14. Ahmad, S., Azura, L., Duski, S., Aziz, M.Y.
    Malays Orthop J, 2009;3(1):88-90.
    A 53-year-old Malay man was admitted with intestinal obstruction, fever and lower limb weakness. Initial clinical impression was myelitis causing paralytic ilues and paraperesis. Blood culture showed Burkholderia pseudomallei infection and subsequent MRI showed paravertebral abscess. This case highlights a rare manifestation of melioidosis involving the spine and difficulties in establishing the diagnosis.

    Matched MeSH terms: Fever
  15. Ahmed, QU, Radhiyah I, Siti Zaiton MS
    Leaves of Thottea dependens have been used as folk medicine in Malaysia for the treatment of
    several conditions involving pain and inflammation with accompanying pyrexia. However, there is no scientific
    evidence for its effectiveness to treat fever. Hence, the purpose of this study was to evaluate the anti-pyretic
    activity of methanol (MeOH) and aqueous (Aq) extracts of T. dependens leaves in albino mice (ICR strain).
    Matched MeSH terms: Fever
  16. Wan Mansor, W.H., Hamizah, M.S., Wan Sulaili, W.S., Jeriah, I., Che Nok @ Nawi, I., Noraini, I., et al.
    On March 17, 2003 the Kelantan Health Department was notihed about a possible typhoid outbreak following a wedding party. An investigation was carried out to identiy the source and recommend control measures. Active case detection, yield investigation and case»control study were conducted. Cases were symptomatic attendees with a stool or blood culture positive for Salmonella
    typhii. Each control had a negative culture and denied symptoms. Of the more than 1 OOO guests, 477 experienced fever; 152 met the case definition. The party hostess was found to be an Salmonelb typhii carrier. Syrup prepared with untreated well water was identified as the most likely source for this outbreak, with an odds ratio 14.0 (95% C1: 2.9, 104.1). This was a common source
    outbreak of typhoid. We recommend that all food handlers at large parties be screened for typhoid and other foodborne diseases and samples of higherisk foods should be kept for few days after each event in case they are needed for testing.
    Matched MeSH terms: Typhoid Fever
  17. Teng CL, Wong CH
    Malays Fam Physician, 2013;8(3):26-27.
    PMID: 25883762 MyJurnal
    A 21-year old medical student consults the doctor for a fever that started 3 days ago. The fever was high grade and associated with generalised body aches. There was no gum bleeding. He mentioned that mosquito fogging was conducted in his neighbourhood recently.Physical examination revealed an alert conscious young man. Temperature (oral): 38.9 ͦ C, blood pressure 100/70 mmHg, pulse rate 90/min, good volume. Mild flushing was noted. No petechiae were seen in his legs. Tourniquet test was positive.
    Matched MeSH terms: Fever
  18. Cui YC, Wu Q, Teh SW, Peli A, Bu G, Qiu YS, et al.
    Microb Pathog, 2018 Sep;122:130-136.
    PMID: 29909241 DOI: 10.1016/j.micpath.2018.06.021
    The recent global resurgence of arthritogenic alphaviruses, including Ross River, chikungunya, and dengue, highlights an urgency for the development of therapeutic strategies. Currently, dengue represents the most rapidly transmitting mosquito-borne viral disease worldwide. By contracting bone breaking diseases, patients experience devastating clinical manifestations involving muscle pain and bone loss. The bone self-repair and regeneration mechanisms can be damaged by the presence of viruses and bacteria. The rapid establishment of dengue epidemic and the severity of bacterial and viral infections affecting the bone stress the urgent need of developing effective interventions. Herein, we review current knowledge on bone breaking infections, covering both bacterial and mosquito-borne viral ones. The mechanisms exploited by these diseases to significantly affect the bone, including interferences with self-repair and regeneration routes, were discussed. In the final section, challenges for future research aimed to treat and prevent bacterial and mosquito-borne bone-breaking infections have been outlined.
    Matched MeSH terms: Chikungunya Fever
  19. Milne JJC
    Med J Malaya, 1948;2:161-73.
    This is an interesting piece of Colonial history, compiled, one presumes, from official reports. It cannot satisfactorily be summarized. The author deals with his subject under various heads: hospitals, health legislation, dangerous infectious diseases, prevailing diseases, beriberi, fever and malaria, dysentery, and diarrhoea, influenza and enteric fever. In a table are given the numbers of cases of smallpox, cholera, plague, beriberi, dysentery, diarfhoea and fevers reported each year from 1890 to 1939. The only one of these to show steady reduction is beriberi, which began to decline from figures over 2,000 per annum before the 1914-18 war to 69-444 per annum from 1930 to 1939. Plague was never common and neither cholera nor smallpox was responsible for large numbers of cases. The author does not give any systematic accounts of the outstanding investigations made during the period, but rather quotes opinions expressed by Government servants, medical or lay, in their reports. Charles Wilcocks.
    Matched MeSH terms: Fever
  20. Shamsul Azhar Shah, Suzuki H, Mohd Rohaizat Hassan, Saito R, Nazarudin Safian, Shaharudin Idrus
    Sains Malaysiana, 2012;41:911-919.
    The determination of the high-risk area and clusters of typhoid cases is critical in typhoid control. The purpose of this study was to identify and describe the epidemiology and spatial distribution of typhoid in four selected districts in Kelantan using GIS (geographical information system). A total of 1215 (99%) of the cases were coordinated with GPS (global positioning system) and mapping was done using ArcGIS 9.2. Spatial analysis was performed to determine the cluster and high-risk area of typhoid. Results showed that typhoid incidence was not associated with race and sex. Most affected were from the age group of 5-14 followed by 15-24 year olds. Nine sub-districts were categorized as highly endemic. In addition typhoid has shown a significant tendency to cluster and a total of 22 hotspots were found in Kota Bharu, Bachok and Tumpat with a few sub districts identified as high risk for typhoid. No significant relationships between the treated water ratio and flood risk area were found with the cluster of cases. The cluster of typhoid cases in the endemic area did not appear to be related to environmental risk factors. Understanding the characteristics of these clusters would enable the prevention of typhoid disease in the future.
    Matched MeSH terms: Typhoid Fever
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