Methods: A total of 150 CKD patients and 64 non-CKD patients were enrolled. The type 2 diabetic patients in the recruited study participants were categorised based on their glycaemic control; poor glycaemic control (GC) with haemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) > 7% and good GC with HbA1c ≤ 7%. The levels or activities of GPx, SOD and sRAGE in plasma were measured. These biochemical parameters were analysed using Mann-WhitneyUtest and two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA).
Results: The activities of GPx and SOD as well as plasma level of sRAGE were not significantly different among the CKD patients with varying glycaemic control status. Irrespective of diabetes status and glycaemic control status, CKD patients also exhibited lower plasma SOD activities compared with non-CKD patients. Among the non-CKD patients, SOD activities were significantly higher in diabetic patients with good GC than diabetic patients with poor GC. Two-way ANOVA revealed that both CKD status and glycaemic control had an interaction effect on SOD activities in diabetic subjects with and without CKD. Follow-up analysis showed that SOD activities were significantly higher in non-CKD patients with good GC. There were no overall significant differences in GPx activities among the study participants. Furthermore, plasma sRAGE levels were higher in diabetic patients with CKD than those without CKD, regardless of glycaemic control status. There were no interaction effects between CKD status and glycaemic control status on GPx and sRAGE. Instead, CKD status showed significant main effects on these parameters, indicating significant differences between diabetic subjects with CKD and diabetic subjects without CKD.
Conclusion: Glycaemic control did not quantitatively alter GPx, SOD and sRAGE in diabetic CKD patients. Despite the advantages of good glycaemic control, a well-controlled diabetes in CKD did not modulate the activities of enzymatic antioxidants and sRAGE levels, therefore may not be the primary mechanism to handle oxidative stress.
METHODS: A retrospective review of burn cases in Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia from 2010 to 2015 was conducted. Cases of major burns among pediatric patients grafted using the Meek technique were examined.
RESULTS: Twelve patients were grafted using the Meek technique. Ten (91.7%) patients were male, whereas 2 (8.3%) were female. The average age of patients was 6 years (range, 2-11 years). The average total body surface area was 35.4% (range, 15%-75%). Most burn mechanisms were due to flame injury (66.7%) as compared with scalds injury (16.7%) and chemical injury (16.7%). There was no mortality. All patients were completely grafted with a good donor site scar. The average graft take rate was 82.3%, although 8 cases had positive tissue cultures from the Meek-grafted areas. The average follow-up duration was 3.6 years (range, 1.1-6.7 years). Only 1 case developed contracture over minor joint.
CONCLUSIONS: The Meek technique is useful when there is a paucity of donor site in the pediatric group. The graft take is good, contracture formation is low, and this technique is cost-effective.
Aim: The aim of this study was to identify the correlation between the recommendation which had been followed by two HD centers in different countries and the impact of that on the hepatitis C infection issue.
Methods: A cohort prospective and retrospective study was done in this research. The study included HD patients who were followed up for 9 months and who died in the last 5 years. Universal sampling was used to select the patients based on inclusion criteria.
Results: There was a significant relationship between HCV during the first checkup and HCV during the second checkup during the 9-month follow-up of HD patients in a HD center, Jakarta, Indonesia. The total number of patients who had hepatitis C during the first and second checkups was also different in this HD center.
Conclusion: Besides providing special HD rooms and machines for HD patients with hepatitis C, minimizing blood transfusion to the patients on HD is also important to reduce the chance for the patients to acquire hepatitis C and to increase the percentage of survival.
PATIENTS AND METHODS: A total of 11 cases of malignant phyllodes were retrospectively reviewed between Nov 2014 and Oct 2017.
RESULTS: The median age was 45 years old (31- 61 years). The median pathological tumor size was 10.5cm (2-28cm). 6 patients (55%) were premenopausal. 7 patients (64%) were treated eventually with mastectomy and 4 (36%) were treated with breast conserving surgery. 4 (36%) patients had Axillary Clearance done while axillary sampling was done in 2 patient. The remainder 5 (45%) required axillary clearance at a later op. 6 (55%) patients received postoperative radiotherapy. After a median follow up period of 11 months (range 4-33 months), 8 developed local recurrence. The overall 2 year survival rate was 18%.
CONCLUSION: Malignant Phyllodes tumors are rare tumors that occur in fairly young women, when compared with the adenocarcinoma of the breast. They tend to grow to reach large with absence of nodal metastasis. Ultimately surgery is the mainstay of management but with postoperative radiotherapy it can decrease the local recurrence rates in certain presentations however recurrence rate is high and overall survival rates are poor.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: A retrospective follow-up study on patients with clinically confirmed stress urodynamic incontinence and urodynamic stress incontinence who had undergone MiniArc or Monarc surgery. Data regarding preoperative evaluation, intraoperative complications and post-operative follow-ups were collated. Main outcome is to determine the change in position of the sling through measurement of the x- and y-axis at rest and during Valsalva maneuver using the 3D introital ultrasound.
RESULTS: A total of 138 patients were evaluated, 82 belonged to Monarc and 56 to MiniArc. At 3years, objective and subjective cure rates for MiniArc and Monarc were comparable (88%, 91%; p>0.05; 83%, 89%, p>0.05 respectively). Ultrasonographic changes between MiniArc and Monarc from 6 months to 3 years, showed MiniArc to exhibit significant movement in both x- [3.0 ±0.4 mm vs. 2.2 ±0.3 mm (p = 0.02) at rest; 2.6 ±0.3 mm vs. 1.6 ±0.3 mm (p<0.001) during valsalva] and y-axis [3.5 ±0.5 mm vs. 2.0 ±0.3 mm (p<0.001) at rest; 3.3 ±0.5 mm vs. 2.9 ±0.3 mm (p = 0.037) during Valsalva]. The mobility of MiniArc was significantly more than Monarc from rest to Valsalva (1.1 ±0.4 mm vs. 0.3 ±0.3 mm, p = 0.001). Tightness of the sling assessed from the major and minor axis of the urethral core had no significant difference in both groups at rest and during Valsalva. Urethral kinking percentage and the location of the sling did not yield statistical difference.
CONCLUSION: Maintenance of continence rates of mid-urethral slings depends on the compressive effect of the sling on the urethra, urethral kinking, and sling fixation. From 6months to 3 years, MiniArc changed its position in both x- and y-axis over time, which the authors attribute to loosening of the anchoring mechanism since no clinical relevance could be sought.