Displaying publications 261 - 280 of 1933 in total

  1. B. N. Mustafa, N. D. Rosli, N. S. Mohammed
    The purpose of this study is to determine and identify the relationship between transformational leadership and student engagement with the academic performance. Nowadays, the use of transformational leadership theory in higher education teaching attract researcher to develop more study on the topic. In this study we mostly investigate the relationship between the variables and the most influential dimension of the variables that affects the academic performance of students. Summary of the methodology is presented in this study which includes the sampling procedure, data collection processes and instrumentation jointly with data analysis procedures. A survey data were collected by using sample of 370 students of Management and Science University and the findings did not support that the transformational leadership and student engagement have significant relationship with academic performance. It indicates that transformational leadership and student engagement did not affect students in achieving higher grades to determine their academic performance. However, due to the presence of several limitations and the suggestions and recommendations were discussed.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  2. Heim E, Henderson C, Kohrt BA, Koschorke M, Milenova M, Thornicroft G
    Epidemiol Psychiatr Sci, 2019 Apr 01;29:e28.
    PMID: 30929650 DOI: 10.1017/S2045796019000167
    AIMS: This systematic review compiled evidence on interventions to reduce mental health-related stigma among medical and nursing students in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). Primary outcomes were stigmatising attitudes and discriminatory behaviours.

    METHODS: Data collection included two strategies. First, previous systematic reviews were searched for studies that met the inclusion criteria of the current review. Second, a new search was done, covering the time since the previous reviews, i.e. January 2013 to May 2017. Five search concepts were combined in order to capture relevant literature: stigma, mental health, intervention, professional students in medicine and nursing, and LMICs. A qualitative analysis of all included full texts was done with the software MAXQDA. Full texts were analysed with regard to the content of interventions, didactic methods, mental disorders, cultural adaptation, type of outcome measure and primary outcomes. Furthermore, a methodological quality assessment was undertaken.

    RESULTS: A total of nine studies from six countries (Brazil, China, Malaysia, Nigeria, Somaliland and Turkey) were included. All studies reported significant results in at least one outcome measure. However, from the available literature, it is difficult to draw conclusions on the most effective interventions. No meta-analysis could be calculated due to the large heterogeneity of intervention content, evaluation design and outcome measures. Studies with contact interventions (either face-to-face or video) demonstrated attitudinal change. There was a clear lack of studies focusing on discriminatory behaviours. Accordingly, training of specific communication and clinical skills was lacking in most studies, with the exception of one study that showed a positive effect of training interview skills on attitudes. Methods for cultural adaptation of interventions were rarely documented. The methodological quality of most studies was relatively low, with the exception of two studies.

    CONCLUSIONS: There is an increase in studies on anti-stigma interventions among professional students in LMICs. Some of these studies used contact interventions and showed positive effects. A stronger focus on clinical and communication skills and behaviour-related outcomes is needed in future studies.

    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Medical/psychology*; Students, Nursing/psychology*
  3. Ahmad MS, Radhi DSM, Rusle FF, Zul MF, Jalaluddin J, Baharuddin IH
    J Dent Educ, 2020 Nov;84(11):1219-1229.
    PMID: 32645212 DOI: 10.1002/jdd.12295
    OBJECTIVES: Preparing future dental school graduates to provide comprehensive patient care with empathy requires the completion of adequate training in such practice. This study was undertaken to investigate the effectiveness of the Photodentistry learning activity, which uses visual arts, in improving dental students' empathy and learning experience in comprehensive patient care.

    METHODS: All fourth-year undergraduate dental students (n = 69, response rate = 100%) participated in the Photodentistry learning activity developed by specialists from the areas of dentistry, arts, education, and psychology. A survey using the Toronto Empathy Questionnaire (TEQ) was conducted both pretest and posttest, followed by an open-ended written survey of their reflection towards the learning activity. Quantitative data were analyzed via paired t-test (P < 0.05), while qualitative data were analyzed using thematic analysis.

    RESULTS: There was a significant increase in both students' total mean empathy score and the individual scores for 8 (out of 16) items of the TEQ after the learning activity. Students stated that they had an improved understanding of managing patients in a comprehensive manner (e.g., managing medically compromised patients, performing treatment planning, communication with patients who have special health care needs). Students also reported the development of skills (e.g., observation, critical thinking) and positive attitudes (e.g., empathy, responsibility) towards patients.

    CONCLUSION: Photodentistry is an effective learning approach for improving dental students' empathy and learning experience in comprehensive patient care.

    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  4. Kaviza, M.
    The purpose of this study is to examine the level of readiness amongstudents in terms of knowledge,
    skills and attitudes in using historical resources as history teaching and learning materials in secondary
    schools. The design of this study is a quantitative research that uses survey method involving a total of
    521 form four students from secondary schools using simple random sampling technique. The
    questionnaire are used in this study which has been verified by the content expert dan has a good
    realiability value. The data were analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics such as MONOVA
    and Correlation Pearson using "IBM SPSS Statistics”version 24.The findings of this study indicate that
    the level of readiness amongsecondary history students in terms of knowledge, skills and attitudes in
    using historical resources as teaching and learning materials are at moderate level. Beside that, school
    location influences the level of readiness and there a relationship between levels of readiness with
    school location among students.Implication of this study can help history teachers know the level of their student knowledge, skills and attitudes toward using historical sources before carrying out in their
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  5. Segaran R., Ryan, Rancel Ronquilo
    Over the last few years, Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) as part of its global marketing initiative opened its doors to international students to take up elective as well full time programmes. In September 2017, 36 nursing students from a university in China completed a 12-week elective /mobility programme in UMS.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Nursing
  6. Hairie Aiery, Nur Izzati M. T, Ivyta D., Farah Ezora Shafine A. B., Sukhbeer K. Darsin Singh, R. Segaran
    The theory-practice gap is arguably the most important issue in nursing today, given that it challenges the concept of research-based practice, which is the basis of nursing as a profession. Majority of the student nurses shared their views that some of the practical procedures that they learned during their theory sessions were different from what was practised in the wards which caused some worries among the students that it may affect their performance during their Obstructive Structured Clinical Examination.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Nursing
  7. Wan Mardyatul Miza Wan Tahir, Akma Hidayu Dol @ Abdul Wahid, Amariah Hanum Hussin, Ja’izah Abdul Jabar
    Learning accounting for non accounting major students is constantly considered challengin g. Therefore, the objective of the study is to identify the relationship between the learning style adopted by non accounting students in learning accounting course and the impact on their course performance. The Kolb’s learning style survey model that was re designed by Honey and Mumford in 1986 was adopted to recognise the learning style preferred by students. The students’ academic performance in accounting course was obtained from their scores in major assessment methods including assignment, test, quiz, an d final examination result, which represented their final grade. Further, this paper identified other factors affecting students’ academic performance. The result indicated that students who adopted the Pragmatist and Theorist learning styles were more exc ellent in their academic performance in accounting course, while those who adopted the Activist learning style were poorer in their academic result. Accordingly, accounting course does not only involve number, data, and calculation but requires fact fin din g and applying critical thinking, areas in which the Activist learning style lacks. Other factors found that educators who conducted the lecture were recognised as important contributors towards the students’ achievement in accounting course. Neverthele ss, students with a higher level of anxiety performed better academically as compared to those with low anxiety. In conclusion, to succeed in accounting course, students should not rely merely on one style in the learning process.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  8. Sheila Michael, Abdul Said Ambotang
    This concept paper aims to discuss the relationship between co-curricular management with student involvement in secondary school. Student involvement in co-curricular activities can shape the overall personality of the students. This can be highlighted through excellent co-curricular management. Cocurricular managers play a key role in the success of the engagement. Student engagement excellence is closely related to co-curricular management. The higher co-curricular management effectiveness is, the greater impact it has on student engagement. The implementation of management is based on the objectives and capabilities of the students to enhance the knowledge, skills and values learned. Therefore, co-curricular management is related to student involvement in co-curricular activities.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Pharmacy
  9. Pang,Nicholas Tze Ping, Koh,Eugene Boon Yau, Sandi James, Mohd Amiruddin Mohd Kassim
    Borneo Epidemiology Journal, 2020;1(2):157-162.
    Background and Objective: Biostatistics and epidemiology have been integral subjects in any postgraduate courses, including medical specialties Master programs. Both are widely accepted as among the difficult and confusing subjects, which worsen by lack of adequate exposure and often, time constraints. Hence, peer-led learning approach was proposed as a viable option to the traditional lecturer-driven learning style
    Method: The peer-led approach intends to promote targeted learning and conceptual understanding, instead of widely sweeping learning, which is rather directionless and could cause information overload
    Discussion: Students were divided into two groups, namely humanities-inclined group and science inclined group. Different pedagogical methods to address the different groups were discussed.
    Conclusion: This approach helps to make the learning more palatable, boosting knowledge retention and fostering camaraderie spirit among colleagues
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  10. Siddiqui FS, Nerali JT, Telang LA
    J Educ Health Promot, 2021;10:105.
    PMID: 34084852 DOI: 10.4103/jehp.jehp_758_20
    BACKGROUND: Stress and low psychological well-being among students in higher education impact their academic performance. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between SOC, SDLR, and academic performance in year 3, 4, and 5 undergraduate dental students.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: Two hundred and ten students completed a validated questionnaire on SOC and SDLR. The percentage of marks obtained by these students in their year-end examination was used as their academic performance. The SOC scores were further divided into three hierarchical clusters using cluster analysis. The data were analyzed to determine the difference in the SDLR scores and academic performance among the three clusters. Furthermore, the relationship between SOC scores, SDLR scores, and academic performance was assessed.

    RESULTS: The SDLR scores significantly increased from the low SOC cluster to the high SOC cluster (P = 0.026). However, there was no significant change in academic performance. A positive relationship was found between the SOC and the academic performance (R = +0.025; P > 0.05). The SDLR had a significant positive relationship with both SOC and academic performance (R = +0.27; P < 0.001).

    CONCLUSION: Although SOC may not have a direct influence on academic performance, SDLR can play an intermediary role. Early identification and timely intervention in students with a weak SOC and low SDLR can have a beneficial influence on their academic life.

    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Dental
  11. Sadiman S, Islamiyati I, Poddar S
    Enferm Clin, 2020 06;30 Suppl 5:115-118.
    PMID: 32713547 DOI: 10.1016/j.enfcli.2019.11.035
    The purpose of this study is to determine whether there are differences in hemoglobin levels before and after consuming ambon bananas in students of Prodi Kebidanan Metro. The specific purpose of this study was to determine hemoglobin levels before consuming ambon bananas, hemoglobin levels after consuming ambon bananas and the differences in hemoglobin levels before and after consuming ambon bananas in female students at Prodi Kebidanan Metro. This research is an intervention research with quasi experiment design with The One Group Pretest - posttest design. The population in this study were students in the first and second grade in Prodi Kebidanan Metro who lived in the dormitory as many as 149 female students. A sample of 49 people will take a portion of the population using simple random sampling technique. Data analysis used dependent sample t tests to test the mean increase in Hb levels before and after consuming ambon bananas. The results showed an average Hb level before consuming bananas at 12.51g/dl and an the average hb level after consuming bananas was 12.89g/dl, so the average increase in Hb levels was 0.39g/dl. The results of the analysis using the t-test dependent test obtained p value=0.000, which means that there are significant differences in Hb levels of students before and after consuming ambon banana.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  12. Siti Rohaidah Ahmad, Nurhafizah Moziyana Mohd Yusof, Siti Hajar Zainal Rashid, Abdul Ghapor Hussin
    Assessment of instructors by students is needed for assessing the teaching quality of a lecturer towards achieving the objectives of a course. This paper aims to examine the techniques used in sentiment analysis for assessing the effectiveness of a lecturer’s or a teacher’s teaching style in the learning process at a university or school. In addition, the effectiveness of sentiment analysis techniques in assisting the teaching evaluation process is also discussed. The challenges for assessing the quality of teaching of National Defence University of Malaysia (UPNM) lecturers are also discussed in this paper. The sentiment analysis technology is capable of analysing views or opinions on a matter, regardless of whether they are positive or negative. Data from the sentiment analysis can be used by specific parties or anyone else to rectify any weakness or to improve any aspect that the user commented on. The purpose of this study is not to find the weakness of the lecturer, but rather the results of this assessment process can be useful to the management for rectifying weaknesses and for improving the teaching process.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  13. Chen AH, Aziz A
    Clin Exp Optom, 2002 12 17;82(5):182-186.
    PMID: 12482277
    BACKGROUND: The purposes of this study are to determine the viewing distance with minimum heterophoria and its relationship with refractive error and the resting position of accommodation. METHODS: The heterophoria and the accommodation responses of 36 optometry students (25 emmetropes and 11 myopes) were tested. Heterophoria was measured with the Free-Space Heterophoria Card at five different viewing distances (25 cm, 33 cm, 50 cm, 100 cm and 300 cm). The dioptric viewing distance with minimum heterophoria for each individual was estimated from the graph, where heterophoria in prism dioptres was plotted against viewing distance in centimetres. The Canon R-1 autore-fractor was used to determine the accommodation response at six different viewing distances (25 cm, 33 cm, 50 cm, 100 cm, 300 cm and 600 cm). The resting position of accommodation for each individual was estimated from the graph where the accommodative stimulus in dioptres was plotted against the accommodative response in dioptres. RESULTS: The dioptric viewing distance with minimum heterophoria ranges from 0.003 D to 0.65 D in emmetropes and ranges from 0.03 D to 2.36 D in myopes. There is no difference in the dioptric viewing distance with minimum heterophoria between myopes and emmetropes. Our results show a possible but not significant correlation between the dioptric viewing distance with minimum heterophoria and the resting position of accommodation. CONCLUSIONS: The viewing distance with minimum heterophoria is not affected by refractive error (stable early-onset myopia) and is poorly correlated with the resting position of accommodation.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  14. Siti Sabariah, B., Zalilah, M.S., Norlijah, O., Normah, H., Maznah, I., Laily, P., et al.
    Malays J Nutr, 2006;12(1):33-44.
    The objective of this paper is to report on the reliability and validity of a knowledge, attitude and practice instrument used among young primary school children. The instrument was developed as an evaluation tool in the HELIC study and consisted of 23 knowledge, 11 attitude and 10 practice items. A total of 335 Year 2 students from 4 randomly selected primary schools in Selangor and Wilayah Persekutuan participated in the HELIC study. Students were divided into small groups and an enumerator verbally administered the instrument to each group. Reliability for each construct (knowledge, attitude and practice) was estimated as item to total score correlation and internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha). Construct validity was determined through factor analysis and Pearson correlation. Results indicated that 3 attitude and 3 practice items did not correlate significantly to the total score (p>0.05). However, the deletion of these items did not significantly alter the Cronbach's alpha coefficients. Internal consistency was good for knowledge (a=0.68) but low for attitude (a=0.37) and practice (a=0.36) constructs. Based on factor analysis, 5 factor-solutions emerged for knowledge and 4 factor solutions for attitude and practice. Sufficient variance was obtained for the factors in knowledge (51.7%), attitude (51.2% and practice (51.0%). There were also significant positive correlations among the constructs ( ~ 4 . 0 1 ) . In conclusion, the instrument was valid and reliable, especially for the knowledge construct. Further improvements, particularly on the attitude and practice constructs, are needed in order for the instrument to be an effective assessment or evaluation tool in various settings.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  15. Babiker A, Faye I
    Comput Intell Neurosci, 2021;2021:6617462.
    PMID: 33564299 DOI: 10.1155/2021/6617462
    Situational interest (SI) is one of the promising states that can improve student's learning and increase the acquired knowledge. Electroencephalogram- (EEG-) based detection of SI could assist in understanding SI neuroscientific causes that, as a result, could explain the SI role in student's learning. In this study, 26 participants were selected based on questionnaires to participate in the mathematics classroom experiment. SI and personal interest (PI) questionnaires along with knowledge tests were undertaken to measure student's interest and knowledge levels. A hybrid method combining empirical mode decomposition (EMD) and wavelet transform was developed and employed for feature extraction. The proposed method showed significant difference using the multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) test and consistently outperformed other methods in the classification performance using weighted k-nearest neighbours (wkNN). The high classification accuracy of 85.7% with the sensitivity of 81.8% and specificity of 90% revealed that brain oscillation patterns of high SI students are somewhat different than students with low or no SI. In addition, the result suggests that the delta rhythm could have a significant effect on cognitive processing.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  16. Sahoo S
    Int J Appl Basic Med Res, 2016 Jul-Sep;6(3):166-9.
    PMID: 27563580 DOI: 10.4103/2229-516X.186959
    To know the individual's current level of readiness and to manage self-directed learning (SDL) not only help learners but also the instructors. The objectives of this study were to find SDL readiness among 4(th) year medical student and to analyze the effect of weekly assessment of SDL topics.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Medical
  17. Nurdeen Deuraseh
    It has often been assumed that the translation of Greek medical books into Arabic was the main determinant in establishing Islamic medicine. This assumption must be put into proper perspective. Because, it is certainly true that the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) inspired love and passion for learning and called upon mankind to develop their faculties and intellects. His teaching on medicine indicates that no student of history of Islamic medicine can ignore the importance of the Prophet’s sayings and practices in this regard. This leads us to accept the fact that the principles of medicine in Islam, as a whole, are deeply rooted in the Qur’an and Ahadith of the Prophet (s.a.w), although this Islamic medicine itself came into being, especially during the Abbasid period, as a result of the integration by Muslims of several older traditions of medicine, most importantly Greek.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  18. Radhakrishnan, Ammu Kutty, Lee, Nagarajah, Young, Mei-Ling
    Background: Medical schools have long been concerned with establishing a suitable process of
    admission. The criteria used to select students have traditionally focussed on high academic achievement. Method: The International Medical University (IMU) accepts students from a wide range of pre-university entry qualifications for admission into the medical programme. The criteria for the various pre-university entry qualifications used by the IMU were agreed and accepted by the IMU Academic Council (AC), which consist of deans of the IMU’s partner medical schools (PMS). In this study, the various entry qualifications were first grouped into five categories based on the educational pedagogy. Then, this was aligned with the entry qualification data of all students who had been admitted into the IMU medical programme for the period of December 1993 to March 2000. During this period 1,281 students were enrolled into the IMU medical programme. The relationship between the five groups of pre-university entry qualifications and the students’ academic achievement in three end-ofsemester (EOS) examinations namely EOS 1, EOS 3, and EOS 5 were analysed. Results: Students with better grades in their preuniversity examinations showed better performance in their EOS examinations, regardless of the subjects that they took at the pre-university level. Cluster analysis revealed that students who came in with certain preuniversity qualifications generally performed poorly than the more conventional qualifications. However,
    after their first year in medical school, there were no significant differences in the clustering of the students. Conclusion: Students with better grades in their preuniversity examinations showed better performance in their EOS examinations, regardless of the science subjects that they took at the pre-university level.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  19. Easaw, Samuel, Toh, Peng Yeow, Li, Ching Lee, Wai, Sun Choo, Tow, Shung Tan, Amir Sharifuddin Mohd Khir, et al.
    Realising possible unmet needs of final year medical students we initiated a weekly informal face-toface discussion forum between them and the teaching faculty of the department of medicine. Various academic and non-academic topics, as dictated by the students, were discussed in 19 weekly sessions. Evaluation by the students was subsequently done by means of an on-line questionnaire after the final examinations. The aim of this study was to evaluate this forum, undertaken for the first time in our institution, by assessing student feedback. We conclude that although the number of attendees and responders were small, feedback was generally positive. This type of forum can be improved upon and serve as another portal for benefitting students.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Medical
  20. Chan, Lai Fong, Hatta Sidi, Suzaily Wahab
    The critical review paper is a component of the theory examination for postgraduate psychiatry in Malaysia. Majority of students find this paper difficult, thus this article is intended to help the students understand the critical review paper better. The paper discussed below aimed to determine the knowledge, attitude and practice towards sleep among medical students of International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM). Model answers were provided at the end of each question, as marked in italic font.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Medical
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