Displaying publications 281 - 300 of 458 in total

  1. Aniza, I., Syed Mohamed Al Junid, Sharifa Ezat
    Employee motivation affects productivity and need to be channeled towards the accomplishment of organizational goals. A cross sectional study was conducted among Public Health Specialists (PHS) in the Ministry of Health Malaysia to study their motivation level and the factors influencing this. The respondents were from the Association of Public Health Specialists of Malaysia working in the Ministry of Health. Quantitative Technique self-administered questionnaires were used in this study and the questionnaires were mailed to the respondents. The response rate for this study was 72.3%. In measuring the motivation level, five (5) aspects were studied. The social aspect, self -achievement aspect and autonomy aspect were found to be the main aspects that motivated the respondents. With regard to motivation level, 55.8 % respondents had low motivation level. In order to improve the motivation level among PHS, the aspect of self actualization and autonomy required serious attention. In the future, PHS are expected to play a major role in controlling, promoting, preventing, maintaining, restoring and solving problems in order to enhance the health of the Malaysian population.
    Matched MeSH terms: Motivation
  2. Farid Yusof, Suzaily Wahab
    Data from the Malaysian National Drugs Agency December 2013 Report, showed that among 7864 drug users, 632 were abusing Amphetamine Type Stimulant. Rates of admission due to Methamphetamine abuse in pregnancy are higher compared with men and non- pregnant lady in the United States.1 A number of issues may complicate the management of pregnant women who abused methamphetamine such as the low motivation for them to come forward voluntarily for treatment, the high rates of fetal and maternal complications due to methamphetamine abuse,2,3 and the inavailabiliy of effective treatment for methamphetamine dependence.
    Matched MeSH terms: Motivation
  3. Sinniah, D., Rajeswari, B., Koh, S., George, J., Sundari, J., Sosapillai, J.N., et al.
    To verify the actual immunisation coverage in Kuala Lumpur, City Hall Health Department and the Malaysian Paediatric Association (NGO ) carried out a survey. The survey revealed that the immunisation coverage determined at the child's first birthday for BCG was 95%, DPT 3 94%, OPV 3 94%, and measles = 27% (59% at 2 years). These figures correspond closer to City Hall's estimated coverage rather than the rates projected by the Ministry of Health. The main reasons for immunisation failure were, child ill 31.8% (not brought = 20.1%, brought but not given vaccine 11.7%), lack of information 28.6%, lack of motivation 9.1%, mother too busy 9.1%. Measles immunisation coverage at 1 year was low because of wrong information on schedules. Tetanus toxoid immunisation coverage of pregnant women was low. Only 27% of children were protected against neonatal tetanus although 97% of pregnant women received antenatal care and 50% had attended other health facilities as well during pregnancy. Private medical practitioners were responsible for more than 40% of all immunisations but were not submitting returns to the Health Department. Recommendations to improve immunisation coverage include education and motivation of the public and also doctors and health personnel on prevention of missed opportunities, contraindictions to immunisation and correct schedules. (Copied from article).
    Matched MeSH terms: Motivation
  4. Nur Diyanah Mohd Yussof, Mohd Rahizam Abdul Rahim
    The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of 100% feedback frequencies, 65% of feedback frequencies and bandwidth feedback on overhand throwing skill among children and motivation of the children during practices. 60 of female students from range of aged 10 to 11 years old are participated in this study (age: M=10.53 years/SD=.503, weight: M=29.11/SD3.08, height=126.68/3.04). All participants practiced 60 trials of overhand throwing accuracy task and the motivation of the participant had been measured by using Intrinsic Motivation Inventory Questionnaire (IMI) (r=0.59). Participants were randomly assigned into three group 100% feedback, 65% feedback and bandwidth feedback groups. Learning was inferred from the performance on the delayed (24-hour) retention. To analyze the data, we use mixed-between ANOVA for practice phases, One Way ANOVA for retention test and correlation analysis to measure the relationship between feedback frequencies and motivation. There was no significant result between group (F (2, 57) =.286, p= .752) during practices, there is a significant difference on retention test phase (p
    Matched MeSH terms: Motivation
  5. Sara, R.R., Ismail, M.M., Kamarulzaman, N.H., Mohamed, Z.A.
    Aquaculture businesses in Malaysia require careful and comprehensive financial analysis to be successful. Comprehensive financial analysis has three key components, namely financial position, profitability and liquidity/cash flow. This research focuses on using pro forma income statements to analyze financial positions and to evaluate the effect of government incentives on sustainability of Malaysian aquaculture farms. This paper is divided into two sections; the first section discusses and provides the finding and comparability of the financial analysis on freshwater and brackish water producers. In the first section, the discussion was based on financial viability criteria, namely net present value (NPV), internal rate of return (IRR) and benefit cost ratio (BCR)) for base study. The evaluation process was carried out using four different phases; base study and government incentives simulations, Pioneer Status (PS), Investment Tax Allowance (ITA), and Accelerated Capital Allowance (ACA) for effectiveness of government incentives and roles in increase of profitability and production. The results showed that in all brackish water farms, NPV after the ACA incentive showed a higher and positive value comparable to individual PS and ITA. The effect of Government Incentive on Penaeus vannamei and Grouper showed that IRR and NPV on ACA (based on PS) is 2% and 9%, respectively higher than ACA (based on ITA). Meanwhile, in Barramundi farming ACA (based on ITA) was 8% higher than ACA (based on PS). The results on freshwater showed that ACA (based on ITA) on Tilapia and Catfish was 8% and 6% higher than ACA (based on PS). This paper concludes that the aquaculture operators should choose to accept PS with ACA on Penaeus vannamei and Grouper and choose ACA based on ITA on Barramundi, Tilapia and Catfish in order to maximize private profitability.
    Matched MeSH terms: Motivation
  6. Teo CH, Ng CJ, White A
    PLoS One, 2017;12(1):e0169435.
    PMID: 28060953 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0169435
    There is a lack of mobile app which aims to improve health screening uptake developed for men. As part of the study to develop an effective mobile app to increase health screening uptake in men, we conducted a needs assessment to find out what do men want from a health screening mobile app. In-depth interviews and focus group discussions were conducted with 31 men from a banking institution in Kuala Lumpur. The participants were purposely sampled according to their job position, age, ethnicity and screening status. The recruitment was stopped once data saturation was achieved. The audio-recorded interviews were transcribed verbatim and analyzed using thematic approach. Three themes emerged from the analysis and they were: content, feature and dissemination. In terms of the content, men wanted the app to provide information regarding health screening and functions that can assess their health; which must be personalized to them and are trustable. The app must have user-friendly features in terms of information delivery, ease of use, attention allocation and social connectivity. For dissemination, men proposed that advertisements, recommendations by health professionals, providing incentive and integrating the app as into existing systems may help to increase the dissemination of the app. This study identified important factors that need to be considered when developing a mobile app to improve health screening uptake. Future studies on mobile app development should elicit users' preference and need in terms of its content, features and dissemination strategies to improve the acceptability and the chance of successful implementation.
    Matched MeSH terms: Motivation
  7. S. Sulaiha S.A., Wee, Yun Ling, Lie, Joo Chin, Eow, Wei-Liang, Muhamad Faiz, S., Chien, Noris Fook Tan
    Background: Nosocomial infection is among the leading problem in many major hospitals resulting in soaring cost expenditure in managing its affect.Hand washing practice is a crucial preventive way to contain such mischief but many ignored its importance. This is perhaps due to lack of appropriate role modeling from senior practitioners.
    Subjects and methods: Our study examined the prevalence of hand washing practice among medical students from year 3 to 5 and compared it to their knowledge and level of awareness on its importance in clinical practice. 142 students were randomly observed during their clinical work in the wards on this practice and questionnaires were later distributed to 268 students from all semesters on their knowledge on the technique and awareness on its importance.
    Results: Out of 142, almost 80% washed their hands but only 41.6% performed effective hand washing. In contrary, 80 to 90% showed good level of knowledge and awareness as well as perception about its importance in clinical practice.
    Conclusions: The contradictory findings between the actual practice of hand washing and knowledge as well as awareness suggest that enforcement on the practice is necessary. This requires motivation and cooperation from all health alliances and higher authority in the health system. Remedial measures are much needed in order to contain high incidence of nosocomial infection in our local practice.
    Matched MeSH terms: Motivation
  8. Vikram, M., Joseph, Leonard H., Kamaria, K.
    Emphysematous pyelonephritis is a form of infection of the kidney. Chest physiotherapy was executed on a 15-year-old girl who had complications such as secretion retention and pleural effusion following percutaneous pigtail nephrostomy in addition to oxygen therapy and medical management to promote respiratory functions. The processes to increase chest wall mobility includes particular passive stretching and mobilization. Chest mobility exercises composed of an intercostal stretch on a determined intercostal space using index fingers, thoracic rotation and anterior compression with stretching in sitting position to improve respiratory functions. These exercises were suggested to the patient as a regular daily treatment along with low-level incentive spirometry breathing exercises. Following 9th sessions of treatment patient demonstrated satisfactory improvement by means of increasing in chest expansion and reduction in dyspnea level without using supplemental oxygen. The results expressed a substantial clinical improvement in reduction of dyspnea level and improvement in chest expansion
    Matched MeSH terms: Motivation
  9. Naznin, M., Pakeer-Oothuman, Nasuruddin, B.A., Abdul-Wahab, J.
    Background: The Medical Faculty of the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) runs an undergraduate medical programme which is a combination of the traditional and the newer trends of medical curriculum. The IIUM curriculum in Phase I (Years 1, 2: preclinical) is integrated organ system based, with lectures being the main method of curriculum delivery and also incorporating problem-based learning (PBL) as one of the teaching-learning approaches. Methods: The aim of this study is to examine the effectiveness of PBL teaching-learning method in IIUM in achieving the aims of the medical school as viewed by the students. A total of 287 students from Phase I and Phase II (Year 3: clinical) participated in this study at the end of academic session 2006/2007. The questionnaires distributed consisted of 33 items with four different aspects of PBL being evaluated namely; i) PBL objectives, ii) assessment of performance of the facilitators, iii) assessment of the PBL packages and iv) preferred teaching-learning approach. Results: An average of 86.4 % of students agreed that PBL sessions achieved its aims of preparing students for professional training in the clinical years. Also approximately 80% of students felt that the facilitators fulfilled their roles as PBL tutors. Students were generally satisfied with the PBL packages prepared. However about 50% of Year 2 students did not look forward to PBL sessions and only about 20% of preclinical students wanted more PBL sessions to be scheduled. This latter finding differed as 60% of the clinical (Year 3) students wanted more PBL sessions to be implemented. A significant proportion of the students also believed that they needed some prior information about the PBL case in question in order to generate lively exchange of ideas in the first sessions. Preclinical students preferred lectured-based approach as compared to PBL in contrast to the clinical (Year 3) students of whom 57% (62) preferred the PBL teaching-learning approach. Nearly 80% of the Year 3 students found the exposure to PBL sessions during their preclinical years beneficial during the clinical year. Discussion: Although our findings supported the effectiveness of PBL as one of the teaching-learning approaches (as perceived by our students) there are a few areas of concern. These include believing that a prior knowledge of the topic in question is needed to generate a lively discussion; the group not being motivated; the group members confining themselves to individual assignments only; PBL not being supportive of on-going self- assessment; the consequence of a facilitator being too dominant; and cases constructed do not reflect real clinical scenarios. Despite agreeing to its effectiveness preclinical students still preferred lecture-based approach to the PBL as they are more confident with the knowledge as obtained through the former learning modality. Conclusion: PBL is an effective learning strategy and it contributes to the teaching-learning process of IIUM undergraduate preclinical medical programme which implements a non-Problem Based Curriculum. We are of the opinion that a combination of lecture sessions and PBL best suit the IIUM medical students.
    Matched MeSH terms: Motivation
  10. Lua, P.L., Talib, N.S., Selamat, N.W.
    Study on motivational readiness for change is crucial to promote understanding of behavioural change among Methadone Maintenance Tretment (MMT) patients. A widely used method recently is via Stages of Change and Treatment Eagerness Scale for drug abusers (SOCRATES-8D). The aims of this study were to; 1) determine the general level of readiness for change, 2) assess differences in terms of readiness to change (RtC) based on socio-demography and clinical characteristics and 3) compare RtC with different health-related quality of life (HRQOL) levels. Methods: A convenient sample of MMT volunteers from Terengganu, Malaysia was enrolled. The SOCRATES-8D was administered (3 subscales; Likert-type responses 1-5; higher score, better RtC). Data was analysed using SPSS 15, employing descriptive statistics and non-parametric tests for score comparisons. Results: The mean age of 55 Malay respondents was 37.0 years, male (98.2%), = lower secondary qualification (65.5%) and addiction period > 15 years (52.7%). Generally the Recognition level was "low", Ambivalence and Taking Steps were moderately-rated. Most of them within unsatisfactory levels of RtC. Abusers with < 20 months treatment were significantly "more ready" for behavioural changes (p0.05). Conclusion: Findings demonstrated that patients were rather ready to adopt positive behavioural changes regardless of their sociodemographic backgrounds. Thus continuous efforts and psychosocial support from various authorities should be geared towards enhanced readiness as part of ensuring the success of MMT programme in the future.
    Matched MeSH terms: Motivation
  11. Adlina, S., Narimah, A.H.H., Hakimi, Z.A., N Adilah, H., N Syuhada, Y.
    Employee satnfaction surveys can provide the information needed to improved levek of productivity, job and loyalty. Management can identify the factors of job issues and provide solutions to improve the working environment. A cross sectional descriptive study on employee satisfaction among a health care district office’s staff was conducted in Perak in March - April 2006. A total of 19 staff were randomly picked and interviewed in the data collection process. Almost all understand the objectives of the administration unit (94%) and were satisfied with the management leadership’s style (78%- l 00%) . Majority agreed that their relationship with immediate superior and within the group was harmonious and professional (89%) and they preferred an open problem solving method in handling conflict (72 %). The most common type of incentive rewarded by the administration to express gratitude to their staff was certificate (56%); bonus and medal (33%); and informal gesture (28%). Majority (83%) were also satisfied by the method used to disseminate the information in their units. Majority agreed that the working environment in the administration unit were conducive (72%), their ideas were equally considered during decision making sessions (89%) and training opportunities were similarly given to them by the management (72%). This study revealed that employee satisfaction was determined by several factors such as management leadership's style, opportunity to contribute skills and idea; reward and incentive; and conducive king environment.
    Matched MeSH terms: Motivation
  12. Aishah Knight, A.S.
    Cancer screening is an important part of any cancer control program and the success of any screening program is partly dependent on having large numbers of the high risk population availing themselves of the service. The purpose of this study was to assess the cancer screening behavior of fulbtime employed women staff of an institute of higher learning using the Health Belief Model (HBM) construct. The results showed that the rate of reported regular cancer screening behavior (Pap smear screening, breast self examination (BSE), clinical breast examination (CBE) and mammography screening) were low. The rates for regular screening were 42.5% (Pap smear), 20.9% (BSE), 15.5% (CBE) and 9.4% (mammography). There were differences in the dimensions of the HBM between the women who reported regular screening and those that did not. The perceived barriers", "perceived benefits” and “motivation” dimensions were different in Pap smear screening, whereas the "confidence” dimension was different in BSE. Recommendations were made for a health education program targeting both women and men to increase uptake of cancer screening services by women.
    Matched MeSH terms: Motivation
  13. De S, Nagandla K, Kanagasabai S
    Introduction: Just-in-Time Teaching (JiTT) is a novel method of teaching-learning used in various disciplines of science and humanities. It is a technique that scaffolds the students learning process by reducing the cognitive load which is the load related to the executive control of working memory. Just in time teaching underpins the concept that expertise in learning originates from the knowledge already stored in long term memory and with subsequent interaction between the learner and teacher motivates enhanced active learning and optimizes the intellectual performance.
    Objective: The objective of the study is to assess the acceptability of JiTT over traditional lecture teaching among the medical students.
    Method: In a cross sectional pilot study, three hundred thirty five students participated in a questionnaire based study that grades the various aspects of the traditional lecture series. After the implementation of JiTT method for a period of four months, three hundred two students completed the questionnaire, grading the same variables for JiTT. The analysis was done by using SPSS version 11 applying Paired t test and McNemar's Test.
    Result: The results of our study highlighted that JiTT technique was perceived superior to traditional teaching with statistically significant outcomes in the clarity of the topic (p=0.003,) duration of the session (p=0.002), knowledge gained and orientation for exams (p=0.044). The students perceived JiTT method as less monotonous (p=0.005) increasing their alertness during these sessions (p=0.002).
    Conclusion: We therefore propose that Just-in-Time Teaching method is a more interactive and acceptable teaching-learning tool shifting the nature of teaching to a more student-centric approach as perceived by the medical students. This is the first pioneer study on JiTT to be performed on undergraduate medical students so far.
    Matched MeSH terms: Motivation
  14. Mary Beth, Mini Rani, Hong Lim, Pek, Pandi, Chitra Rathnia
    Interprofessional learning (IPL) promotes collaboration among healthcare professionals in providing quality healthcare. For the IPL to have a positive influence on inter-professional collaboration, opportunities must be made available for the healthcare students to learn together. Attitudinal factors have been identified as the major factor hindering the implementation of IPL. In Malaysia, little is known about attitudes of healthcare students towards IPL. Students from different health disciplines often have poor conception of each other’s roles as a member of the healthcare team. IPL increases this knowledge and gives students an understanding of the interpersonal skills needed for liaison and communication. Students from different disciplines who learn together develop interpersonal and teamwork skills, and gain knowledge of how other professionals work. IPL has been shown to create teams that work together better and improve patient experience. In general, IPL aims to improve patient safety, enhance patient satisfaction, and increase levels of innovation in patient care, and increase staff motivation, well-being and retention. There has been increasing emphasis on the important role that interprofessional education (IPE) must play in educating and developing present and future healthcare professionals. This review aims to examine how learning outcomes are articulated in the field of IPE and includes the benefits, importance, ethical concepts and application of IPL in nursing.
    Matched MeSH terms: Motivation
  15. Nadiah Diyana Tan Abdullah, Khor, Poy Hua, Mazanah Muhamad
    Movement Health & Exercise, 2013;2(1):47-52.
    The purpose of this study is to explore and understand the exercise maintenance in women with breast cancer survivors adopting Guolin Qigong using the Social Cognitive Theory related constructs. A qualitative approach using in-depth interviews were employed in this study. 22 participants of the Malaysia Guolin Qigong Association from five regions in Peninsular Malaysia were purposely selected to participate in this study. Data was collected through a series of audiotapes during the interview sessions. They were asked on how do they maintain in their Guolin Qigong exercise. Three themes related to the Social Cognitive Theory constructs emerged from the data collected. (i) Personal Factors; (ii) Environmental Factors and (iii) Tailored Program. The belief in Guolin Qigong or in an exercise program is crucial in helping one to maintain with the exercise program and this findings is consistent with literature that those responded favourably to an exercise will have greater positive attitudes to exercise maintenance. To keep these women maintain the exercise it is important that these women have friends who understand them better to share their experiences related to their disease. It has been suggested that connecting to other survivors contributes to the survivors' positive well-being and to deal with their everyday living. Lastly, the type of exercise should be tailored to the physical condition of these women to keep them sustain the exercise. This theory can be used by the health practitioners to develop more effective interventions for increasing exercise maintenance in sedentary cancer survivors by taking into special attention personal factors particularly one's beliefs and inner motivation. Having to embark and engage into an exercise program of their preferred choice will help one to maintain an exercise program.
    Matched MeSH terms: Motivation
  16. Foo CY, Lim HN, Mahdi MA, Wahid MH, Huang NM
    Sci Rep, 2018 May 09;8(1):7399.
    PMID: 29743664 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-018-25861-3
    Three-dimensional (3D) printing technology provides a novel approach to material fabrication for various applications because of its ability to create low-cost 3D printed platforms. In this study, a printable graphene-based conductive filament was employed to create a range of 3D printed electrodes (3DEs) using a commercial 3D printer. This printing technology provides a simplistic and low-cost approach, which eliminates the need for the ex-situ modification and post-treatment of the product. The conductive nature of the 3DEs provides numerous deposition platforms for electrochemical active nanomaterials such as graphene, polypyrrole, and cadmium sulfide, either through electrochemical or physical approaches. To provide proof-of-concept, these 3DEs were physiochemically and electrochemically evaluated and proficiently fabricated into a supercapacitor and photoelectrochemical sensor. The as-fabricated supercapacitor provided a good capacitance performance, with a specific capacitance of 98.37 Fg-1. In addition, these 3DEs were fabricated into a photoelectrochemical sensing platform. They had a photocurrent response that exceeded expectations (~724.1 μA) and a lower detection limit (0.05 μM) than an ITO/FTO glass electrode. By subsequently modifying the printing material and electrode architecture, this 3D printing approach could provide a facile and rapid manufacturing process for energy devices based on the conceptual design.
    Matched MeSH terms: Motivation
  17. Teh LC, Prema M, Choy MP, Letchuman GR
    Med J Malaysia, 2017 02;72(1):26-31.
    PMID: 28255136 MyJurnal
    INTRODUCTION: Specialists constitute a major 'driving force' and catalyst for growth of research in their speciality. A clearer understanding is required as to what motivates their participation in research as well as the barriers they faced. This research aims to study the attitudes, barriers and facilitators faced by specialists and to identify strategies to promote and sustain research activities in their hospitals.

    METHODOLOGY: A cross-sectional survey using selfadministered questionnaires was conducted among all specialists working in government specialist hospitals in the northern states of Malaysia.

    RESULTS: Out of 733 questionnaires distributed, 467 were returned giving a response rate of 63.7%. Ninety-nine percent of the respondents believed that research benefits patients while 93.3% think research helps in their professional development. However, 34.8% think that under their present working conditions, it is unlikely they will participate in research. The major barriers identified were lack of funds for research (81%); lack access to expertise, software or statistical analysis (78.4%); interference with daily work schedule (75.1%) and inconsistent manpower in their department (74.2%). There are three barriers with statistically significant difference between hospitals with CRC compared to hospitals without CRC; lack of funds, mentors and access to expertise, software or statistical analysis. The demographic factors, attitudes and barriers contributing to involvement in research also investigated. The main facilitators for the conduct of research are potential to benefit patients and potential for professional development.

    CONCLUSION: Taking note of the findings, the Ministry of Health can implement appropriate strategies to improve specialist participation in research.

    Matched MeSH terms: Motivation
  18. Sukhlecha A
    Indian J Med Ethics, 2016 Oct-Dec;1(4):264.
    PMID: 27731301
    Incentives, pay hikes and timely promotions enhance the job performance of an employee. In medical institutes, too, satisfied teachers would train students in a better way leading to better equipped doctors and ultimately, greater patient satisfaction. A study in Malaysia links high levels of satisfaction of employees with good salary, promotions, and incentives.
    Matched MeSH terms: Motivation
  19. Awang H, Mansor N
    Saf Health Work, 2018 Sep;9(3):347-351.
    PMID: 30370168 DOI: 10.1016/j.shaw.2017.11.001
    Background: The success of an injury intervention program can be measured by the proportion of successful return to work (RTW). This study examined factors of successful return to employment among workers suffering from work-related injuries.

    Methods: Data were obtained from the Social Security Organization, Malaysia database consisting of 10,049 RTW program participants in 2010-2014. The dependent variable was the RTW outcome which consisted of RTW with same employer, RTW with new employer or unsuccessful return. Multinomial logistic regression was performed to test the likelihood of successful return with same employer and new employer against unsuccessful return.

    Results: Overall, 65.3% of injured workers were successfully returned to employment, 52.8% to the same employer and 12.5% to new employer. Employer interest; motivation; age 30-49 years; intervention less than 9 months; occupational disease; injuries in the lower limbs, upper limbs, and general injuries; and working in the manufacturing, services, and electrical/electronics were associated with returning to work with the same employer against unsuccessful return. Male, employer interest, motivation, age 49 years or younger, intervention less than 6 months, occupational disease, injuries in the upper limbs and services sector of employment were associated with returning to new employer against unsuccessful return.

    Conclusion: There is a need to strengthen employer commitment for early and intensified intervention that will lead to improvement in the RTW outcome.

    Matched MeSH terms: Motivation
  20. Windy Anjilus, Roslee Talip
    Workers who experience job dissatisfaction tend to lose their joy and happiness in their work that leads to low motivation, performance, commitment and eventually results in leaving their job. This brings long term negative effects to the organization and provides opportunity for rivalry. Hence, a study on the practice of healthy and positive organizational climate need to be carried out to increase the level of the teachers' job satisfaction to enhance the performance of the organization. Recent studies in organizational climate which involve four dimensions namely collegial leadership, professional teacher behaviour, achievement press and institutional vulnerability portrays the potential in influencing the teachers' job satisfaction. This study delves into the influence of these four dimensions in organizational climate towards the teachers' job satisfaction in the aspects of promotion, pay, supervision, working procedures and co-workers. This study is based on the Organizational Climate Description Questionnaire (OCDQ) by Hoy, Smith and Sweetland (2002) to measure the organization climate and the combination of two instruments of questionnaire to measure job satisfaction which are Job Satisfaction Survey (JSS) by Spector (1985) and Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire (MSQ) by Weiss, Dais, England and Lofquist (1967). Quantitative analysis is done using IBM SPSS Statistics Version 24 towards 50 academic teachers in the Form Six centres. The findings show that organization climate in particular has a significant influence towards job satisfaction among the academic teachers in the Form Six Centres. The mean scores of job satisfaction and the organizational climate were at a moderate level, but job satisfaction based on teaching experience is at a high level, and there was no significant differences between gender.
    Matched MeSH terms: Motivation
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