Displaying publications 3041 - 3060 of 10157 in total

  1. Ahmad Saat, Zaini Hamzah, Zaharidah Abu Bakar, Zuraidah A. Munir, Siti Mariam Sumari, Misbah Hassan
    A study was carried out to determine short term diurnal radon concentration at five locations in Malaysia. Two locations (KG & AP) are former tin mining areas that has been converted to housing area and training centre respectively, one a relatively new city (SA), that was formerly a rubber and oil palm plantation area, one older cities (KB) and one housing complex by the sea (LP). The study was carried out in 2005, 2006 and 2007 using a diffused-junction photodiode sensor continuous radon monitor. The monitor is recognized by the USEPA. In each location, measurements were carried out on at least ten sites. Former tin mining areas of KG and AP shows up to seven times higher indoor average than the average in the other three locations. However the indoor average in all locations is still below the action level of 4 pCiL-1. For outdoor, the former tin mining areas average concentration was higher than the global average of 0.4 pCiL-1. For the twenty four hours temporal variation the trend indicated that former tin mining areas concentration are always higher, and at time up to six fold higher. The hourly variation of all locations follows an identical trend of high concentration during early to late morning and drop in the afternoon till evening. The outdoor twenty four hour temporal average of former tin mining areas is consistently higher than the outdoor global average of 0.4 pCiL-1. The strong correlation between indoor and outdoor concentration at AP, indicates that indoor radon might originates from outdoor environment. The study was also extended to estimate the effective dose (mSvyr-1) of Rn-222 to the public.
  2. Nioo, Siew Yew, Zaharuddin Ahmad, Masni Mohd Ali, Che Abd Rahim Mohamed
    Analyses activities of 226 Ra and 228 Ra were conducted at ten stations of Pulau Redang, Malaysia. Dissolved radium isotopes such as 226 Ra and 228 Ra had shown enrichment at coastal area stations. Meanwhile, activities of both nuclides in the suspended particle matters were slightly in equilibrium with the activity ratio ranging from 0.88 – 1.86. The calculated distribution coefficient values (Kd) of 226 Ra and 228 Ra were in the range of 0.78 x 10 5 L g -1 to 5.56 x 10 5 L g -1 and 0.21 x 10 5 L g -1 to 1.86 x 10 5 L g -1 , respectively, indicate that most of the radium nuclides in the study area are strongly absorbed into the particulate phases. Therefore, low concentrations of suspended particles matter in the water column (< 10 mg L -1 ) have insignificant effects on the Kd values.
  3. Mohd Fazli Zakaria, Lanyau, Tonny, Mohamad Fauzi Saad, Ahmad Razali Ismail
    Ageing management is one of the important safety factors to be implemented proactively throughout the lifetime of a research reactor. In order to continue the safe operation of a research reactor from the reactor safety standpoint, a systematic and methodical approach should be taken. In practice, ageing management programme is accomplished by integrating the existing programmes including maintenance, periodic testing and inspection and periodic safety reviews. Such approach will be a good platform for the reactor operation
    and maintenance group to utilize data from existing maintenance programme to be incorporate into the ageing maintenance system. This paper will describe the ageing management programme for Reactor TRIGA PUSPATI (RTP).
  4. Saidon Amri, Aris Fazil Ujang, Mohd Rozilee Wazir Norjali Wazir, Ahmad Naim Ismail
    Movement Health & Exercise, 2012;1(1):75-92.
    The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between anthropometric and motor performance and to determine the contribution of combined anthropometric dimensions on motor performance. A total of 225 male (n = 138) and female (n = 87) Malaysian university athletes aged
    between 18 and 28 years (M = 22.1, SD = 1.8) from 18 different team related sports and individual sports participated in this study. The subjects underwent anthropometric measurements (height, weight, BMI,% body fat, waist-hip ratio) and motor performance tests (grip strength - GS, back
    strength - BS, 7 level sit-up - SU7, 10m sprint - S10, 30m sprint - S30, sit and reach - SR, trunk extension test - TE, SEMO agility test - SEMO, vertical jump - VJ, standing long jump - SLJ, reaction time (audio) - RTa, reaction time (visual) - RTv, bleep test - Bleep, leg strength - LS, stork test– ST, and push-ups - PU). Descriptive analysis showed that anthropometric and performance difference between sports reflected the needs and requirements of the sports. Multivariate Analysis of Covariance (MANCOVA) and multiple regression analysis showed that height, weight, BMI, % body fat, waist-hip ratio contributed positively or negatively on specific components of motor performance. Among male athletes, all anthropometric were found to be a significant contributor to strength, vertical jump, cardiovascular endurance, while among females, only % body fat and WHR contributed significantly to abdominal strength, vertical jump and trunk extension. Findings of the study suggested that anthropometric characteristics that contributed to motor performance should provide a scientific rationale in selecting and training of athletes.
  5. Norhafizan Ahmad, Zahari Taha, Tuan Mohammad Yusoff Shah Tuan Ya, Iskandar Hasanuddin
    The takraw ball is a very unique interwoven ball used in the action game of sepak takraw. The traditional takraw ball is manufactured by conventionally weaving split rattan strips into a spherical basket. Modern takraw balls are manufactured by forming strips of plastics materials into interwoven hoop. These interwoven hoops form 12 pentagon holes and 30 intersections. The purpose of this study is to construct a finite-element (FE) model of a takraw ball in particular for normal impact simulation on flat surfaces under low speed conditions. Two FE models were developed to observe the dynamic behavior including impact forces, contact time, coefficient of restitution and deformation of the ball. The first model consists of a single solid hollow ball with 12 pentagon holes and the second model consists of six center strips and 12 side edge strips of
    extrusion hoops to form 12 pentagon holes and 270 cross-sections. The models were also compared with results of experimental impact tests whereby the ball was impacted normal to a rigid plate at three different heights. The ball is described in the FE model as a linear elastic material.
    It was found that the FE analysis solution of the ball model was found to be reasonably close with the experimental results. However further improvement need to be done by taking into consideration the nonlinearity of the takraw ball under large deformation as well as at high impact velocity.
  6. Ahmad Faisal Ismail, Aifaa Ghazali, Afiza Fatihah Abdullah, Muhamad Sharifuddin Mat Daud
    Traumatic dental injuries (TDI) refer to injury to the teeth and/or peridontium and
    perioral soft tissues. To date, very few dental trauma studies conducted in the university setting,
    thus the aim of this research is to provide an epidemiological data of TDI cases among patients
    attending Kulliyyah of Dentistry (KOD), IIUM Kuantan Campus. (Copied from article).
  7. Hemabarathy Bharatham, Zariyantey Abdul Hamid, Muhammad Fikri Musa, Nurnadiah Ahmad, Enoch Kumar Perimal
    Calcium carbonate (CaCO3
    ) plays a crucial role in influencing the growth of osteoblast. This study was conducted
    to compare the performance of alginate/cockle shell powder nanobiocomposite (nCP) bone scaffold developed from
    naturally occurring CaCO3 with alginate/calcium carbonate (CC) bone scaffold developed using synthetic CaCO3. The
    study compares the performance of the scaffold in supporting the growth of osteoblast through in vitro evaluations as
    well as initial biocompatibility observations through in vivo methods. Both scaffolds were developed using the mixture
    of 40% alginate solution with either 60% of nano cockle shell powder or synthetic CaCO3 to obtain a three dimensional
    scaffold structure. In vitro evaluation on calcium release and ALP enzyme activity was conducted on both scaffolds seeded
    with osteoblast on day’s three, five and seven using commercial kits. In vivo observations using histological methods
    were further conducted by implanting osteoblast seeded scaffold subcutaneously at the dorsum of 8 albino mice for 21
    days. Findings from in vitro studies showed a significant increase (p < 0.05) in the release of calcium and ALP enzyme
    activity in nCP scaffolds on day seven compared to days three and five of CC scaffold. Histological observations using
    H&E and von Kossa staining showed infiltration and proliferation of osteoblast on both scaffolds as well as early stage
    bone tissue formation. Formation of new blood vessels within the scaffolds was also observed in nCP scaffold. Both the
    developed scaffolds were noted to support osteoblast growth and new tissue formation with better potentials displayed by
    nCP scaffolds comparatively. This study shows that naturally occurring CaCO3 obtained from cockle shells in the form
    of nano powder has good potentials to be used as a biomaterial for bone tissue engineering applications.
  8. Firdaus Kamarulzaman, Ahmad Rohi Ghazali, Kai, Li Lim, Julenah Ag Nuddin, Aishah Adam
    Quassia borneensis has been traditionally used as antihypertensive agent without any scientific literature on its mechanism
    of action. The objective of this study was to evaluate the antiinflammatory, antioxidant and antiproliferation properties of
    Q. borneensis extracts. The hexane, chloroform and aqueous extracts of root and bark of Q. borneensis were subjected to
    nitric oxide (NO) inhibition assay in LPS-stimulated RAW 264.7 cells. Expression of inducible NO synthase (iNOS) protein
    level was analyzed by Western blot. The antioxidant and antiproliferative activities of the extracts on HL-60 cells were
    determined using Ferric Reducing Antioxidant Power (FRAP) and MTT assays, respectively. The chloroform extract of
    Q. borneensis root obtained by soxhlet method (CSR) significantly inhibited 97.64 ± 0.96% of NO production (p < 0.001)
    and suppressed iNOS expression (p < 0.05) at the highest concentration of 1.0 µg/ml. The chloroform extract of bark
    obtained by maceration (CMB) exhibited the highest antioxidant capacity in the absence and presence of HL-60 cells,
    where the FRAP value were 125.45 ± 9.10 µM FeSO4
    O and 181.55 ± 3.45 µM FeSO4
    O, respectively. The greatest
    inhibition of HL-60 cell proliferation was exhibited by the chloroform extract of bark obtained by soxhlet method (CSB)
    with the IC50 of 5.0 µg/ml. The findings suggested that the chloroform extracts of Q. borneensis possess antiinflammatory,
    antioxidant and antiproliferative activities.
  9. Bulan Abdullah, Muhammad Hafizuddin Jumadin, Muhammad Hussain Ismail, Siti Khadijah Alias, Samsiah Ahmad
    Powder carburising compound used for pack carburizing has limited potential in producing thicker case depth. Paste carburizing has proved to be an option to replace powder in conventional pack carburizing as it requires less time and temperature to diffuse carbon atoms, and thereby produce greater case depth. The correlation between case depth and mechanical properties using paste carburising is the objective of this paper where the relationship between case depth with mechanical and tribological properties using powder, paste 1:1 and paste 3:1 compounds at 1000°C for 9 hours are studied. Samples were subjected to microhardness tests, tensile tests and wear tests. Results showed paste 1:1 compound produced the highest case depth (>0.5 mm), allowing us to greater tensile strength, 6.61% and high wear resistance, 49%.
  10. Subapriya Suppiah, Fathinul Fikri Ahmad Saad, Nur Hafizah Mohad Azmi, Abdul Jalil Nordin
    Introduction: Specific mutations in the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) characterize a subgroup of nonsmall
    cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients that may be highly responsive to receptor inhibitor therapy. 18F-FDG PET/CT
    scans can map the glucose metabolism and treatment response of NSCLC. Therefore, we aimed to assess the pattern
    of metabolic response and outcome of inoperable NSCLC treated with epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR)
    inhibitors, using 18F-FDG PET/CT scan. Methods: A retrospective study of inoperable NSCLC patients on EGFR
    inhibitor treatment that were referred for wholebody18F-FDG PET/CT scans was conducted based on cases scanned
    from January 2011 to June 2014. Comparison was made among serial attenuation-corrected fused PET/CT images for
    all study patients throughout the course of their treatment. Comparison based on PERCIST criteria was categorized
    into 4 levels ie. complete response (CMR), partial response (PMR), stable disease (SMD), progressive metabolic
    disease (PMD). Results: Overall, there were 5 patients identified, mean age: 57.4 years old +/- 2.9 years; The median
    survival time from initiation of EGFR inhibitor treatment to death was 17 months. Two patients showed initial partial
    metabolic response (PMR), two had progressive metabolic disease (PMD) and one had complete metabolic response
    (CMR) after the initiation of treatment. The patient with initial CMR had relapse and PMD 5 months later. Majority of
    patients eventually succumbed to their illness. Conclusions: Wholebody18F-FDG PET/CT is able to assess metabolic
    treatment response of NSCLC towards EGFR inhibitor treatment.
  11. Nur Eliana Ahmad Tarmizi, Periasamy, Chenthilnathan, Singh, Avatar Singh Mohan, Irfan Mohamad
    Archives of Orofacial Sciences, 2017;12(2):114-117.

    Foreign bodies (FB) are most often lodged in the upper digestive tract and amongst the common encounter in outpatient clinic. In most instances, the ingested FB passes uneventfully through the gastrointestinal tract without any harm but in certain cases, it can migrate extraluminally and lead to serious complication. Long standing migrated FB can cause devastating complications like neck abscess and injuries to the major blood vessels. In the present case, a wooden toothpick had migrated to the soft tissue of the neck. A careful and detailed history with clinical-radiographic investigation helped to locate the ingested FB and aided in its successful removal.

    Study site: Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, Hospital Taiping, Perak, Malaysia
  12. Mohd Safwani Affan Alli Awang Talip, Ahmad Shuhud Irfani Zakaria, Sockalingam, S. Nagarajan M.P.
    Archives of Orofacial Sciences, 2017;12(2):95-104.
    The present study compared and evaluated the shear bond strength (SBS) of two types of glass
    ionomer cement (GIC), Riva Self Cure HVTM (SDI Ltd., Victoria, Australia) and GC Fuji IX GP EXTRATM (GC
    America Inc., Alsip, USA) with and without the use of Riva Bond LCTM (SDI Ltd., Victoria, Australia), a lighted
    cured resin-modified glass ionomer cement (RMGIC) universal adhesive. Sixty extracted sound premolars with
    prepared exposure of the dentine on the occlusal surface were randomly assigned into four groups according to
    the tested restorative materials. Shear bond strength (SBS) tests were performed by using the Shimadzu
    Universal Testing Machine at a crosshead speed of 0.5 mm/minute, and the values obtained were statistically
    analysed using one-way ANOVA and Tukey tests. The inter-group comparison showed statistically significant
    differences in the SBS values between all the test groups (p < 0.001). A stereomicroscope was used to assess
    the modes of failure. Adhesive failures were predominant in adhesive groups (>80%) compared to higher
    cohesive failures found in the non-adhesive groups (>86%). A Spearman's rho correlation test performed to
    determine the association between SBS values and mode of failures had indicated positive correlations between
    the adhesive failure and SBS values in the adhesive groups (rs=0.86, p
  13. Myint, Than, Zin, Thant, Htay, Kyaw, Min, Kyaw, Zainal Arifin Mustapha, Ahmad Faris Abdullah
    Assessment method of medical students by conducting examination is to identify the quality and quantity of their academic performance. Essay paper is one of the most common assessment tools in the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Universiti Malaysia Sabah. Double marking is a means by which academic staff attempts to produce fair results for the students. Eighty eight medical students sat for three sets of Essay Papers of Professional I examination in March 2012. The double marking on the essay papers was done by two lecturers of each clinical department concerned for each discipline. Inter-examiner agreement and its effect on the reliability of the final score for the students were calculated by using Kappa statistics and Intra-class Correlation Coefficient (ICC). Reliability coefficient of the scores were also calculated for the different disciplines. In Part A essay paper, Cohan’s Kappa was 0.48 (p
  14. Hani Hafeeza Halim, Mohd Sabri Pak Dek, Azizah Abdul Hamid, Ahmad Haniff Jaafar
    Among athletes, endurance is one of the key elements to victory. In addition to
    training, athletes normally used supplement to prevent fatigue during the event. With
    prolonged and intense activity, our body started to experience decrease in muscle
    performance due to several factors such as oxidative stress, dehydration and
    accumulation of lactic acid in the body fluids. The free radicals generated during
    intense exercise will expose the cells to oxidative damages. In the event of
    dehydration, there will be significant losses of water and functional electrolytes during
    intense exercise which affected the body fluid balance. Fatigue will also occur during
    reduced oxygen in aerobic metabolism which later caused accumulation of lactic acid
    in the muscle. This will change the pH balance toward more acidic and caused the
    muscles to lose contractile efficiency. In addition, fatigue can also be studied using rats
    as model organism. Results from this activity can be useful to analyse cellular
    metabolism and physiology effects of the tested rats toward physical exercise.
    Therefore, this review aims to discuss the causes of fatigue through oxidative stress,
    dehydration and lactic acid accumulation. In addition, the effectiveness of using rats as
    a model system in measuring fatigue is also included in illustrating examples on fatigue
    assessment in vivo.
  15. D’Souza, Urban John Arnold, Prabhu, Harish, Atiqah Chew Abdullah, Ahmad Faris Abdullah
    A 40 year old, Muslim patient was brought to the clinic for his chronic 20-year long problem alcohol drinking habits. He was treated in the nursing home and was further directed to the in house rehabilitation centre. Psychotherapists after counselling sessions after a detailed behaviour analysis arrived at cognitive behaviour therapy combined with electric shock aversion therapy after consent from the patient. Seven sessions of therapy, relieved the alcohol craving habit. Patient’s insight and preparedness to lead an alcohol free family life was the major positive behavioural asset. Electric shock therapy with psycho-education and counselling found to benefit long term alcohol problem behaviour.
  16. Shahrol Mohamaddan, Chai Siew Fu, Ahmad Hata Rasit, Siti Zawiah Md Dawal, Keith Case
    Congenital talipes equinovarus (CTEV) or clubfoot is a complex deformity of the foot that is characterised by four main deformities; forefoot cavus and adductus, hindfoot varus and ankle equinus. Currently, the Ponseti method is the most general and recognized treatment with a high success rate of over 90%. The treatment involves gentle manipulation and serial casting. However, the casting method could create complications for the patients such as soft-tissue damage and inconvenience in following the treatment schedule especially for those living far away from hospital. The aim of this research is to develop an adjustable corrective device for clubfoot treatment based on the techniques in the Ponseti method and at the same time attempt to eliminate the side-effects. The prototype consists of six adjustable movements from six different mechanisms to correct the four deformities. The prototype was developed using 3D printing method and the main material used is polylactic acid (PLA), rubber, aluminium and cotton fabric with sponge. The total weight of the prototype is around 300 g.
  17. Esam Taha Yassen, Anas Arram, Masri Ayob, Mohd Zakree Ahmad Nazri
    Police patrol routing problem (PPRP) attracts researchers’ attention especially on artifitial inteligence. The challenge here is that a limited number of patrols cover a wide range of area that includes several hotspots. In this study, a new model for PPRP is proposed simulating the Solomon’s benchmark for vehicle routing problem with time windows. This model can solve this problem by maximising the coverage of hotspots with frequencies of high priority locations while ensuring the feasibility of routes. Two constructive greedy heuristics are developed to generate the initial solution of the PPRP: highest priority greedy heuristic (HPGH) and nearest neighbour greedy heuristic (NNGH). Experimental results show that the simulated Solomon’s benchmark is suitable to represent PPRP. In addition, results illustrate that NNGH is more efficient to construct feasible solution than HPGH.
  18. Muhd Azhar Zainol, Azli Abd Razak, Nor Merlisa Ali, Qi, Jie Kwong, Sheikh Ahmad Zaki
    Pedestrian level in the urban area is an important area where most of pedestrians’ activities occur at this
    level. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to investigate effects of various building layouts on mean
    wind speed ratio at the pedestrian level. The mean wind speed ratio at the pedestrian level was analysed
    in order to determine whether the building layouts configured within this research are able to enhance
    outdoor ventilation and ensure good pedestrian comfort level. The simulation model consists of two main
    areas which are the upstream area and downstream area with a setback distance, d. The building layouts
    at upstream area are arranged in staggered arrangements (ST) or square arrangements (SQ), while the
    downstream areas are in a fixed staggered arrangement (ST). Packing density in both areas is 25% with
    three setback distances which are 3H, 5H and 7H. Based on the results, the mean wind speed ratio at the
    pedestrian level in a downstream area with longer setback distance will provide a higher mean speed ratio,
    and the influence of upstream building arrangements on the mean wind speed ratio of the downstream
    area decreases as the setback distance increases. Hence, the mean wind speed ratio of downstream area
    depends on the setback distance between the upstream and downstream areas.
  19. Awang, M.S., Abdul Razak, A.H., Che Ahmad, A., Mohd Rus, R.
    Introduction: The purpose of this study is to identify the incidence of clavicle fractures in newborn
    associated with fetal, maternal and process of deliveries in Kuantan General Hospital from June 2012 until
    January 2014. This study is to determine epidemiological data of clavicle fractures, maternal and baby risk
    factors associated with clavicle fractures of newborn and its’ outcome.

    Methods: This is a prospective
    study. 13 patients were identified to fulfill the inclusion criteria of the study. The data of
    sociodemographic, associated fetal and maternal risk factors and the outcomes were recorded using
    proforma. The statistical data analysis was done using SPSS 12.0.

    Results: Out of 20,257 live births at our
    centre during the study period, 13 infants were diagnosed to have clavicle fractures, giving an incidence of
    0.64 per 1000 live births. There were 5 (38.5%) left, 7 (53.8%) right and one (7.7%) bilateral fracture. All
    fractures located at the mid shaft of the clavicle and none have associated brachial plexus injuries. All
    infants were delivered through vaginal delivery (61.5%); five through assisted delivery (instrumental); 2
    (15.4%) forcep and 3 (23.1%) vacuum. Two of the babies developed shoulder dystocia. The average birth
    weight was 3371 grams (SD 0.269) and mean gestational age was 38.7 weeks (SD 1.16). Five of the mothers
    (38.5%) were primigravida and eight (61.5%) were multigravida in which,7 (53.8%)were healthy without
    other co-morbidty, 5 (38.5%) having gestational diabetis and one (7.7%) hypertension. The average maternal
    weight was 62.0 kg and height 1.58 metres with average BMI of 24.16 (3.29SD). All eventually had a
    complete recovery at 6 weeks with clinical and radiological evident of fracture union.

    Conclusions: In
    conclusion, all patients with clavicle fractures were found following vaginal delivery. There were no
    associations between neonatal clavicle fractures with maternal or baby risk factors. All fractures healed
    without any complications.
  20. Aws Hashim Al-Kadhim, Normaliza AB Malik, Azlan Jaafar, Zainul Ahmad Rajion
    Introduction: A few studies investigated the numerous potential endodontic uses of CBCT, including the
    examination of root canal morphology and presumed that CBCT was effective for the initial identification of
    such morphology; moreover CBCT is a reliable method for the detection of the MB2 canal when compared
    with the gold standard of physical sectioning of the specimen. The aim of this study was to identify the root
    and canal morphology of the maxillary first molars among Malaysians analysed by cone-beam computed
    tomography (CBCT) images.

    Materials and Methods: Maxillary first (n = 421) molars from Malaysian patients
    (n = 241) of Malay, Chinese and Indians inceptions were examined by two Endodontists using in vivo CBCT
    methods. The number and configuration of roots, the number of root canals, and the canal configuration
    according to Vertucci’s classification were determined.

    Results: Single roots were not found in maxillary
    first molars. The incidence of fused roots was 1.995% in the first molars between mesiobuccal and
    distobuccal roots. In (421) 3-rooted maxillary first molars, additional canals were found in 45.6% of the
    mesiobuccal (MB) roots and 0% of the distobuccal (DB) roots. Bilateral symmetry of the MB roots was found
    in 82.36% of the first molar. Only one tooth was found to have pulp stone inside the pulp chamber.

    Conclusions: The root and canal configuration of a Malaysian population showed different features from
    those of other populations. CBCT scans can enhance the understanding of root canal anatomy, with the
    potential of improving the outcome of endodontic treatment.
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