Displaying publications 321 - 340 of 503 in total

  1. Sena Abdullah Abdul Jabbar Al-Qalah, Hasanain Faisal Ghazi, Zaleha Md.Isa, Norimah A. Karim
    An increase in physical activity is a key component for effective weight loss. It helps to control weight loss by using excess calories as well as boosting metabolism and lowering insulin levels. Physical activity also helps prevent many chronic diseases and improve the overall human health. The objective of this study was to assess weight loss practice using physical activity strategies among working women in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. A total of 639 adult Malaysian working women were screened and 120 respondents were identified based on their experience of losing at least 10% of their highest lifetime body weight, which is a criterion for successful weight-loss. Self-administered questionnaire was used to collect information from 120 successful weight loss respondents. Physical activity was measured by using International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) short version. Results showed that 35.8% of women had low physical activity level; slightly above than one third of women (38.3%) had moderate activity level, while 25.8% women had high physical activity level.The most common physical activity monitoring strategies implemented were exercise at least 30 minutes per day (22.5%) and incorporate physical activity into daily life (21.7%). A total of 70.8% women regained weight after significant weight loss. A total of 40.0% who regained weight as compared to 25.7% of those who did not regain weight were physically inactive (p=0.138). There was no statistically significant different in daily sitting time between the two groups (p=0.627). As a conclusion, government working women in Kuala Lumpur have low to moderate physical activity levels. Majority women regained weight after significant weight loss. Common strategies to lose weight are exercise at least 30 minutes per day and incorporate physical activity into daily life. More education and promotion regarding the importance of physical activity should be done to all community members especially to the government working women.
    Matched MeSH terms: Government
  2. Nabukeera, M., Boerhannoeddin, A., Raja Noriza, R.A.
    JUMMEC, 2015;18(1):1-6.
    The Pabon Lasso Model is one of the most important and suitable techniques applied in evaluating the performance of hospitals. The visual representation standardizes the comparative accomplishments of hospitals which information is used by planners in effort to improve productivity of the health care system by use of three pointers namely: (i) Average Length of Stay (ALS); (ii) Bed Occupancy Rate (BOR); (iii) Bed Turnover (BTO). The purpose of this study is to evaluate performance of wards in health centers affiliated to Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA) and Ministry of Health (MOH) during the financial year 2012-2013 constructed on Pabon Lasso Model. Data for the nine health centers and two referral hospitals was taken by the nursing sisters who were in charge. To ensure accuracy, a weekly standard report was submitted to head office and the data included: a list of wards, number of beds, admissions, deaths, discharges and inpatient days. For all government health centers and hospitals, overall, the average indicators ALS=3.63 days, BTO= 74.0 times per year and BOR=49.3% were obtained. Based on the Pabon Lasso graph, two wards are in Zone 3, two wards in Zone 4, one ward in Zone 2 and five wards in Zone 1. The performance of health centers and hospitals in Kampala were somehow poor. This represented unacceptable levels of technical deficiency.
    Matched MeSH terms: Government
  3. Rahman, M., Ahmad, S.A., Karim, J., Azhar, A., Rafidah, D.
    Participation and adherence to the law and cultivation of anti-tobacco culture became the important issues for reducing the tobacco use prevalence in the community. Measuring the perception of tobacco policy indirectly measures the acceptability of the law. This study aims to determine the perception of students on anti-tobacco policy in terms of tobacco free school environment and factors that support or deter them. A two-stage cluster samplingtechnique was used for selection of schools with probability proportional to enrolment size followed by stratified random sampling of government and private schools. Data were collected from 6563 secondary school students using
    structured questionnaire. Analysis showed that 66.2% of the female students and 33.8% of the male student have strong supportive attitude towards tobacco free school environment. Logistic regression analysis revealed that class grade IX and above, father’s occupation as service, family size less than 6, higher economic status, non smoker, non exposure to second hand smoking in the house and discussion of dangers of smoking appeared to have important influencing factors for tobacco free school environment (p
    Matched MeSH terms: Government
  4. Lily Zakiah, M.D., Saimy, I., Maimunah, A.
    Several studies had shown that the problem of plate waste in hospitals ranged from 17% to 67%. This study aimed to determine the extent of plate waste in a district government hospital, the type of food item wasted and the factors contributing to food waste. A oross»sectional study was conducted in a district hospital, involving four third class wards. A total of 300 patients were included in the study. A plate waste was dehned as the proportion of edible portion of food served that was discarded by patients. The serving size was established by weighing each food item served over breakfast, lunch and dinner on a seven·day rotation menu, using the procedure recommended by the National Food Service Management, During the study period, the left over from each patient’s plate was weighed for all meals. The plate waste for each patient was determined by dividing the total weight of the left over with the average serving weight for the same serving in the same ward. Each patient was also given a self-administered questionnaire to obtain information on reasons or not consuming the ood items served. The overall mean ercentage plate waste of all food served in the four wards was 42.6%. Plate wastage occurred most at dinner (53.2%) and least at breakfast (31 .3%). Vegetables were the most wasted food items. Females wasted significantly higher than males for all meals. Food taste, portion size, appetite and staff service efficiency were factors found signihcantly contributing to plate waste. With almost half of the food served was wasted, hospital management need to direct more attention towards addressing the problem of plate waste since it has both nutritional and cost implications.
    Matched MeSH terms: Government
  5. Erna Faryza, Mohd Suleiman Murad, Syamsul Anwar
    The computer is well known as one of the important tools in the office that gives a lot of benefits but silently leads to musculoskeletal pain. There are many different kinds of musculoskeletal complaints pain but the most common seen among computer users in developed countries is the complaint of arm, neck and shoulder (CANS). Despite this, definite factors that can be associated with the prevalence of CANS have not been established. This study was conducted to identify the prevalence and factors associated with work-related complaints of arm, neck and shoulder (CANS) among office workers in Selangor and Kuala Lumpur. A survey study design was conducted where 110 (n=110) office workers were recruited from around the Selangor and Kuala Lumpur area for 5 months periods. Participants were required to answer the Maastricht Upper Extremity Questionnaire (MUEQ) and the Level of Ergonomic Knowledge Questionnaire. The study showed the highest percentage of CANS reported was at neck region (53.6% of participants), followed by shoulders with 53.0%. The majority of participants have low level of computer ergonomic awareness where only 19.09% (n=21) from government sector and 10% (n=11) office workers from private sector reported knowledge of ergonomics. Majority of the participants did not have the know-how in implementing correct computer ergonomics. However there was a weak association (r=
    Matched MeSH terms: Government
  6. Yelumalai, S., Jones, C., Coward, K.
    JUMMEC, 2013;16(2):1-6.
    Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) is a suite of laboratory techniques designed to rescue infertile phenotypes. While ART has led to the birth of 5 million ART babies worldwide, success rates rarely exceed 40%. One potential factor for this could be iatrogenic (‘clinician-induced’) damage to critical sperm proteins, such as phospholipase C zeta (PLCζ) and protamine, which are fundamental for oocyte activation and sperm DNA integrity, respectively. This report describes how we have begun to investigate the adverse effects of ART techniques upon these key sperm proteins. We also describe the pathway taken by Miss Suseela Yelumalai to acquire a scholarship from the Malaysian Government and her postgraduate experience at the University of Oxford. We introduce the facilities and learning opportunities available at the Institute of Reproductive Sciences (IRS) which houses Dr Kevin Coward’s research laboratory, and finally, highlight the potential for collaborative development between the Universities of Oxford and Malaya.
    Matched MeSH terms: Government
  7. Khairuddin Sulaiman, Norhayati Mahyuddin
    The construction industry is an important industry in the Malaysian’s economy. Much has been said about the quality of the product as well as the image of the industry due to the small percentage of local workers on site. The industry’s welfare and safety record is not at all encouraging. To stop the rot, the government has taken important and significant steps by the establishment of the Malaysian Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) and the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). These efforts have shown some significant positive improvement in the perception and action of those involved in the industry but we are still far from the standard shown in other developed countries in terms of site safety. This paper is to discuss the roles and responsibilities of the key players in the industry be it the clients, consultants or contractors. The focus is on the ‘upstream’ activities i.e. the pre-construction stage, rather than the ‘downstream’ i.e. the construction phase of a project.
    Matched MeSH terms: Government
  8. Muhammad Chanchal Azad, Raihana Musawwir
    Galactorrhoea is non-lactational milk production and it may or may not be associated with prolactinemia1. It causes embarrassment and distress to a schizophrenic patient, especially, if the patient is male. One study in Germany reported that incidence and prevalence of galactorrhoea in schizophrenia are 14% and 19%, respectively2. Although galactorrhoea is not rare in schizophrenic patients, managing and understanding the a etiology can be problematic. In psychiatric patients, antipsychotics can be a cause but other causes need to be ruled out. Galactorrhoea also needs to be differentiated from pathologic nipple discharge which can be due to breast tumours. Usually, galactorrhoea is bilateral, multiductal, and milky, but discharge can be yellow, green or brown3. This case report describes a 32-year old patient with schizophrenia who visited a government psychiatric hospital in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia. This report highlights the clinical challenges to determine the aetiology of galactorrhoea and to manage it in schizophrenics. It raises the following clinical questions: Why a psychiatric patient develops galactorrhoea? How a schizophrenic patient presents with galactorrhoea? What hormonal imbalances are associated with this psychiatric disorder? How should a doctor handle a schizophrenic patient complaining of galactorrhoea? What is the danger of having galactorrhoea in a male?
    Matched MeSH terms: Government
  9. Faisal, M., Moniruddin, C., Alauddin, A.B.M.C.
    JUMMEC, 2017;20(2):1-7.
    Tuberculosis (TB) is a major public health problem worldwide. It is estimated that 2 billion people, a third of
    the world population, have TB infection, but are not down with the disease. Globally, incident cases of TB
    showed a rising trend, with a 6.6 million reported in 1990, 8.3 million in 2000, 9.24 million in 2004, and an
    estimated 9.27 million incident cases in 2007. The aim of this study was to evaluate the treatment outcome of
    TB patients in Nigeria in the state of Jigawa. A cross sectional retrospective study was conducted to evaluate the
    treatment outcome in directly observed treatment with a short course for tuberculosis (TB DOTS) in facilities
    in the state between the years 2010 to 2014. The study population were all the patients with TB, who had
    access to DOTS therapy. Data were collected from the various local governmental areas for tuberculosis control
    (LGA TB) register. The LGA TB control registers contained basic information of the patients, and a statistical
    software SPSS-V22.0 was used to analyse the data. A total of 963 TB patients were studied. More than half
    (57.4%) of the patients were male, and nearly three- fourths (71.2%) of the patients accessed care from urban
    local government areas in the state. The greater majority (96.3%) of the cases had pulmonary tuberculosis
    (PTB). Among the patients, more than two-fifths (45%) were cured, and a little over one-fifth (20.6%) of them
    were HIV positive. This study revealed that the treatment success rate (TSR) in the Jigawa State of Nigeria
    was higher than the overall TSR of Nigeria, and the defaulter rate in this state was lower than the Nigerian
    average. The aim of this study was to evaluate the treatment outcome of TB patients in Nigeria in the state
    of Jigawa. A cross sectional retrospective study was conducted to evaluate the treatment outcome in directly
    observed treatment with a short course for tuberculosis (TB DOTS) in facilities in the state between the years
    2010 to 2014. The study population were all the patients with TB, who had access to DOTS therapy. Data were
    collected from the various local governmental areas for tuberculosis control (LGA TB) register. The LGA TB
    control registers contained basic information of the patients, and a statistical software SPSS-V22.0 was used
    to analyse the data. A total of 963 TB patients were studied. More than half (57.4%) of the patients were
    male, and nearly three- fourths (71.2%) of the patients accessed care from urban local government areas in
    the state. The greater majority (96.3%) of the cases had pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB). Among the patients,
    more than two-fifths (45%) were cured, and a little over one-fifth (20.6%) of them were HIV positive. This study
    revealed that the treatment success rate (TSR) in the Jigawa State of Nigeria was higher than the overall TSR
    of Nigeria, and the defaulter rate in this state was lower than the Nigerian average.
    Matched MeSH terms: Local Government
  10. Siti Nur Illiani, J., Azlina, D., Sanisah, S., Ramli, M., Nik Noor Fatnoon, N.A.
    Background of Study: Patients with thyroid disorders were found to have
    continued to experience symptoms of depression despite the great of treatment has
    been given to the patient to balance the thyroid hormones. Objective: The aim of
    this study is to determine the level of depression symptoms among various types
    of thyroid disorders patients.

    Methods: A cross sectional study was carried out at
    one of the government hospital at central region of Peninsular Malaysia from
    August to October 2016. Patients were diagnosed as thyroid disorders, Malaysian
    citizen, above 18 years old and did not have any psychiatric disorders were
    included in this study.Depression Anxiety Stress Scale-42 (DASS-42) was
    selected to determine the severity of depression symptoms and interpreted as
    follow: less than 9-no depression, between 10 and 13-mild depression, between
    14-20-moderate depression, between 21 and 27- severe depression and more than
    28-extreme severe depression. Descriptive statistic was analysed by IBM
    Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 21.0.

    Results: About
    15% (23) out of 153 thyroid patients had varies degree of depression symptoms
    from mild to severe extremely depression. Patients who had hyperthyroid were
    found to have more depressed, followed by hypothyroid and thyroid cancer group.

    Conclusion: These findings would suggest that the depression score was higher in
    the patients who have hyperthyroid. A more detail and thorough study is
    recommended to be done, in order to confirm these findings.
    Matched MeSH terms: Government
  11. Bavanandan S, Ahmad G, Teo AH, Chen L, Liu FX
    Value Health Reg Issues, 2016 May;9:8-14.
    PMID: 27881266 DOI: 10.1016/j.vhri.2015.06.003
    OBJECTIVES: To investigate the 5-year health care budget impact of variable distribution of adult patients treated with peritoneal dialysis (PD) and in-center hemodialysis (ICHD) on government funding in Malaysia.

    METHODS: An Excel-based budget impact model was constructed to assess dialysis-associated costs when changing dialysis modalities between PD and ICHD. The model incorporates the current modality distribution and accounts for Malaysian government dialysis payments and erythropoiesis-stimulating agent costs. Epidemiological data including dialysis prevalence, incidence, mortality, and transplant rates from the Malaysian renal registry reports were used to estimate the dialysis patient population for the next 5 years. The baseline scenario assumed a stable distribution of PD (8%) and ICHD (92%) over 5 years. Alternative scenarios included the prevalence of PD increasing by 2.5%, 5.0%, and 7.5% or decreasing 1% yearly over 5 years. All four scenarios were accompanied with commensurate changes in ICHD.

    RESULTS: Under the current best available cost information, an increase in the prevalent PD population from 8% in 2014 to 18%, 28%, or 38% in 2018 is predicted to result in 5-year cumulative savings of Ringgit Malaysia (RM) 7.98 million, RM15.96 million, and RM23.93 million, respectively, for the Malaysian government. If the prevalent PD population were to decrease from 8% in 2014 to 4.0% by 2018, the total expenditure for dialysis treatments would increase by RM3.19 million over the next 5 years.

    CONCLUSIONS: Under the current cost information associated with PD and HD paid by the Malaysian government, increasing the proportion of patients on PD could potentially reduce dialysis-associated costs in Malaysia.

    Matched MeSH terms: Government
  12. Teh LC, Prema M, Choy MP, Letchuman GR
    Med J Malaysia, 2017 02;72(1):26-31.
    PMID: 28255136 MyJurnal
    INTRODUCTION: Specialists constitute a major 'driving force' and catalyst for growth of research in their speciality. A clearer understanding is required as to what motivates their participation in research as well as the barriers they faced. This research aims to study the attitudes, barriers and facilitators faced by specialists and to identify strategies to promote and sustain research activities in their hospitals.

    METHODOLOGY: A cross-sectional survey using selfadministered questionnaires was conducted among all specialists working in government specialist hospitals in the northern states of Malaysia.

    RESULTS: Out of 733 questionnaires distributed, 467 were returned giving a response rate of 63.7%. Ninety-nine percent of the respondents believed that research benefits patients while 93.3% think research helps in their professional development. However, 34.8% think that under their present working conditions, it is unlikely they will participate in research. The major barriers identified were lack of funds for research (81%); lack access to expertise, software or statistical analysis (78.4%); interference with daily work schedule (75.1%) and inconsistent manpower in their department (74.2%). There are three barriers with statistically significant difference between hospitals with CRC compared to hospitals without CRC; lack of funds, mentors and access to expertise, software or statistical analysis. The demographic factors, attitudes and barriers contributing to involvement in research also investigated. The main facilitators for the conduct of research are potential to benefit patients and potential for professional development.

    CONCLUSION: Taking note of the findings, the Ministry of Health can implement appropriate strategies to improve specialist participation in research.

    Matched MeSH terms: Government
  13. Makmor, T, Raja Noriza, RA, NurulHuda, MS, Sook-Lu, Y, Soo-Kun, L, Kok-Peng, N, et al.
    JUMMEC, 2016;19(1):1-6.
    Living donation is an important source for organs transplantation in Malaysia. This study aims to investigate
    the Malaysian living donors’ follow-up attendance, their preferences on medical-institutional facilities, and
    the financial circumstances pertaining to the follow-up costs
    Materials and Methods:
    Primary data were collected through a survey of 80 living donors who made their donation at the University
    of Malaya Medical Center (UMMC) between 1991 and 2012.
    Out total of 178 donors, only 111 were reachable and 80 of them participated in the survey (72%). The findings
    revealed that most of the donors (71.2%) attend the follow-up regularly. Nevertheless, donors seem to neglect
    the importance of follow-up as they consider themselves healthy (28.9%) or consider the follow-up as being
    troublesome (28.9%). Most donors (67.5%) are not in favour of being treated as patients, but prefer to be
    monitored under donor registry (88.8%) and getting their health service in special clinics for donors (80%).
    The majority of the donors fund the follow-up costs themselves (32.4%), while 25% of the donors’ follow-up
    costs were funded by family members. Among those donors without income and those of low-income (84.8%
    of respondents), 60.3% believe that the follow-up costs should be borne by the government.
    Based on the findings, it is therefore suggested that the government provides all living donors with proper
    free health service through donor registry and donor clinics. Adequate care has to be given to the donors to
    pre-empt any unforeseen health complications due to the organ donation surgical procedures.
    Matched MeSH terms: Government
  14. Yahoo M, Othman J
    Sci Total Environ, 2017 Apr 15;584-585:234-243.
    PMID: 28152460 DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.01.164
    The impact of global warming has received much international attention in recent decades. To meet climate-change mitigation targets, environmental policy instruments have been designed to transform the way goods and services are produced as well as alter consumption patterns. The government of Malaysia is strongly committed to reducing CO2gas emissions as a proportion of GDP by 40% from 2005 levels by the year 2020. This study evaluates the economy-wide impacts of implementing two different types of CO2emission abatement policies in Malaysia using market-based (imposing a carbon tax) and command-and-control mechanism (sectoral emission standards). The policy simulations conducted involve the removal of the subsidy on petroleum products by the government. A carbon emission tax in conjunction with the revenue neutrality assumption is seen to be more effective than a command-and-control policy as it provides a double dividend. This is apparent as changes in consumption patterns lead to welfare enhancements while contributing to reductions in CO2emissions. The simulation results show that the production of renewable energies is stepped up when the imposition of carbon tax and removal of the subsidy is augmented by revenue recycling. This study provides an economy-wide assessment that compares two important tools for assisting environment policy makers evaluate carbon emission abatement initiatives in Malaysia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Government
  15. Aziz H, Hatah E, Makmor-Bakry M, Islahudin F, Ahmad Hamdi N, Mok Pok Wan I
    Malays Fam Physician, 2018;13(2):2-9.
    PMID: 30302177 MyJurnal
    Background: Limited efforts have been made to evaluate medication adherence among subsidized and self-paying patients.

    Objective: To investigate medication adherence among patients with and without medication subsidies and to identify factors that may influence patients' adherence to medication. Setting: Government healthcare institutions in Kuala Lumpur, Selangor, and Negeri Sembilan and private healthcare institutions in Selangor and Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia.

    Methods: This cross-sectional study sampled patients with and without medication subsidies (self-paying patients). Only one of the patient's medications was re-packed into Medication Event Monitoring Systems (MEMS) bottles, which were returned after four weeks. Adherence was defined as the dose regimen being executed as prescribed on 80% or more of the days. The factors that may influence patients' adherence were modelled using binary logistic regression. Main outcome measure: Percentage of medication adherence.

    Results: A total of 97 patients, 50 subsidized and 47 self-paying, were included in the study. Medication adherence was observed in 50% of the subsidized patients and 63.8% of the self-paying patients (χ2=1.887, df=1, p=0.219). None of the evaluated variables had a significant influence on patients' medication adherence, with the exception of attending drug counselling. Patients who attended drug counselling were found to be 3.3 times more likely to adhere to medication than those who did not (adjusted odds ratio of 3.29, 95% CI was 1.42 to 7.62, p = 0.006).

    Conclusion: There is no significant difference in terms of medication adherence between subsidized and self-paying patients. Future studies may wish to consider evaluating modifiable risk factors in the examination of non-adherence among subsidized and self-paying patients in Malaysia.

    Matched MeSH terms: Government
  16. Ibrahim U, Wan-Puteh SE
    Pan Afr Med J, 2018;30:150.
    PMID: 30374396 DOI: 10.11604/pamj.2018.30.150.15851
    Introduction: This study sets out to assess the roles of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in post donor health project sustainability in Low and Middle Income Countries (LMICs), the case of the Bauchi State, Nigeria. This study equally investigated the CSOs strategies and roles in health project sustainability.

    Methods: For quantitative data collection, the random, purposive, and convenient sampling techniques were used and 156 respondents selected from relevant organizations operating in Bauchi state, Nigeria, and 15 respondents for Key Informant Interviews (KIIs). A Semi-structured questionnaire was the study instrument, and consent from the participants as well as ethical clearances were duly obtained.

    Results: The study revealed that 87.8% of the respondents indicate un-friendly operational policies, while 88.9% of them identified lack of resources (human, money and machineries) as impediments to project sustainability. Also, 74.3% of the respondents said partnership among key stakeholders and 86.6% of them affirmed that community participation and use of available (local) resources ensure health project sustainability. The study further revealed that CSOs fund health projects, support government efforts and encourage development of project sustainability road map in the state.

    Conclusion: Hence, health project sustainability plan should form part of a project right from inception through the donor period and thereafter. In addition to the above, internal income framework, community involvement, enabling policies and partnership among stakeholders, especially with the host government, should always guide project implementation, because without these in place, project sustainability will remain a mirage.

    Matched MeSH terms: Government
  17. Mohamad Noor Firdaus Sahul Hameed
    At present, social protection system is a requirement for those involved in all sectors of employment
    such as pensions to Government employees and Employees Provident Fund (EPF) to private sector
    workers. The primary basis of the system is to provide protection to address poverty, financial
    assistance and future guarantees. However, no structured social protection system was introduced to
    the informal sectors workers in Malaysia such as farmers and others. The purpose of this study is to
    examine the level of knowledge and acceptance of social protection systems among farmers in the
    Muda Agricultural Development Authority (MADA). This study involved 573 respondents covering 4
    regions within the MADA area. In conclusion, this study will examine the level of knowledge and
    acceptance of farmers on social protection systems in their communities.
    Matched MeSH terms: Government Employees
  18. Askiah Jamaluddin, Laily Paim, Ma'rof Redzuan, Husniyah Abd. Rahim
    The purpose of this paper is to identify the key domains of entrepreneurial behaviour among business
    owner in food processing industry. The study utilized a deductive research design and quantitative
    method. There are twenty-one statements about entrepreneurial behaviour to discover a core action
    associated with entrepreneurial behaviour. An entrepreneurial behaviour is defined as small family
    business strategic behaviour that captures specific entrepreneurial aspects (Walker and Brown, 2004).
    In additions, it is the actions taken by the small business owner to achieve business performance
    (Delmar, 1996). According to Kirkley (2015), entrepreneurial behaviour as self determined human
    action is based on a specific set of values which the individual uses to make decisions about how to
    behave in situations that a meaningful to their business. The questionnaires focused primarily on the
    meaning of entrepreneurial behaviour as self-determination to be succeed in business. There were 70
    respondents were selected by simple random sampling. The data were analysed by Exploratory Factor
    Analysis (EFA) and categorised into relevant domains. The result shows four specific domains of
    entrepreneurial behaviour business owner in food processing industry, namely, leadership, proactiveness,
    committed and risk taking. The finding items to each of these domains are consistent with
    the small family business perspective. The practical implication is the presence of the specific core
    action associated with entrepreneurial behaviour. The business owner should employ the four core
    action to sustain the business. The result of this study is importance to academician in small business
    area, business advisor from government and non government sectors, and small family business owner.
    Matched MeSH terms: Government
  19. Mohamed Nor N, Ross H, Thinng WBK, Abdul Ghani J, Hassan N, Baharom N
    Introduction: In respond to the World Health Assembly global NCD target of 30% reduction in the prevalence of adult tobacco use by 2025, Malaysian government called for lowering its smoking prevalence to 15% by 2025. In addition, moving towards the endgame target of less than 5% smoking prevalence in 2045. Methods: Malaysia Abridged SimSmoke model, a simulation model uses specific policy parameters, the most recent smoking prevalence, and population size for Malaysia is developed to estimates and access the impact of MPOWER policies in achieving the targets. Results: The 15% prevalence rate in 2025 can be achieved if the Malaysian government increase tobacco excise tax to 72% of the retail price, implement and enforce comprehensive smoke-free air policies, ban all forms of advertising/promotions and run intensive mass media campaigns. Such approach would reduce the number of smokers by about 2.6 million, averting almost 1.3 million premature deaths in the long term. The tobacco endgame target of less than 5% smoking prevalence by 2045 is achievable if the excise tax is further increased to 86.5% of the retail price while all other tobacco control policies are kept at the enhanced level. Conclusions: Both the targeted smoking prevalence are a realistic proposition if the proposed measures are fully implemented. It requires a whole government approach with the MOH as a leading agency driving the process. It is important to monitor both the compliance with the new measures and smoking prevalence to make sure that Malaysia is on track in achieving its targets.
    Matched MeSH terms: Government
  20. Khwairakpam G, Burry J
    Curr Opin HIV AIDS, 2019 01;14(1):1-6.
    PMID: 30480583 DOI: 10.1097/COH.0000000000000514
    PURPOSE OF REVIEW: With increasing availability of generic direct-acting antivirals (DAAs) and associated price reductions, various governments, multilateral institutions, and donors have started providing testing and treatment for hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection. More data on the quality of these generic medicines and on cost-effectiveness of their use are becoming widely available. This review seeks to describe some of the treatment programs for HCV that are evolving in Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, and Thailand.

    RECENT FINDINGS: The quality of multiple generic DAAs has been shown to be bioequivalent to innovator formulations, with generic versions achieving high cure rates in real-world settings. Although published materials are limited, there is expanding experience with local pilot and national treatment programs which are largely being funded by national governments and other institutions.

    SUMMARY: Countries and other public health stakeholders are recognizing the need to scale up HCV diagnosis and treatment programs using generic DAAs. However, local pilot or national treatment programs need to be massively expanded to eliminate HCV in high-burden areas.

    Matched MeSH terms: Federal Government
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