Pencirian enzim ekstraselular protease daripada bakteria Alkalophilic Bacillus lehensis G1 dari Malaysia telah dikaji. Enzim protease yang dirembeskan diuji pada agar susu skim 2%. Keputusan menunjukkan protease ekstraselular mampu mengekalkan aktiviti sehingga suhu 60°C di dalam julat pH yang luas iaitu 3 hingga 11 dengan suhu optimum pada 40°C dan pH optimum pada 7.0. Aktiviti enzim juga diperhatikan akan meningkat dengan penambahan beberapa ion iaitu Mn2+, Fe2+, Cu2+, Mg2+ dan Co2+. Manakala aktiviti protease didapati sedikit direncat dengan kehadiran ion Ca2+, K+ dan Ni2+ dengan baki aktiviti sebanyak 85%, 81% dan 75%. Protease ekstraselular juga didapati serasi dengan beberapa cecair detergen komersial dari Malaysia, yang menunjukkan protease ini boleh dimanfaatkan sebagai pembersih kotoran pada pakaian. Selain itu, potensi kegunaan protease yang dihasilkan oleh B. lehensis G1 ke atas penguraian gelatin dari filem X-ray yang telah digunakan juga telah dilakukan di dalam kajian ini.
Introduction: Scarcity of fresh water is currently blighting the population of the least developed countries around the world. According to WHO, waterborne diseases accounts for 4.1% of total disability adjusted life years (DALYs) with a mortality rate of 1.8 million per year. Numerous pathogens and chemicals may be the potential sources of water contamination that leads to waterborne diseases in humans. Some pathogens are only active and express disease whilst within the host. The aim of this article is to identify the cause of water-borne diseases and how to control it from the Islamic perspective. Material and Methods: In this review we had compiled the latest scientific findings related to waterborne diseases and integrated them with Islamic approach of cleanliness. There are many Hadithsof the Prophet (peace be upon him) (PBUH) regarding methods of cleanliness with scientific background to control waterborne diseases. Water pollution may be a natural process, men made, intentional or accidental. More often than not, man are infected after accidently consuming or coming in contact with contaminated water Results: Scientific literature search reveals that individual hygiene and sanitation is the most prominent way to prevent waterborne diseases. In Islam, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) puts a great emphasize on purification in terms of personal cleanliness and made it mandatory to follow rule to remain pure both physically and spiritually. Conclusions: Sunnaticapproaches of cleanliness may hinder waterborne disease.
Purpose: The efficacy of SSGs has been difficult to assess as researchers have used a wide-ranging number of players, pitch dimensions and game rules, making comparisons complicated. Therefore, this study compared four SSG rules [one (SSG1T), two (SSG2T), three (SSG3T), and unlimited touches (SSGFT)] on time spent in different heart-rate (HR) intensity zones, frequency of technical actions and distance covered involving the starting 11 players and the reserve goalkeeper of a national soccer league team. Methods: The participants (age: 24.3±4.0 yr; height: 171.2±5.9 cm: weight: 61.9±7.4 kg) were measured for previously mentioned dependent variables during each SSG format. Results: Analysis found no significant difference among the four SSGs formats [F(3, 27) = 2.897, p = .053] for time spent in the low-intensity zone, but significant differences were observed for time spent in moderate [F(3, 27) = 13.642, p = .001] and high [F(3, 27) = 13.431, p = .001] intensity zones. Significantly more time was spent in the high intensity zone [F(3, 27) = 13.431, p = .001] when players performed SSG2T and SSGFT when compared SSG1T (p = .002 and p = .009) respectively. SSG1T induced most unsuccessful passing [F(3,27) = 500.498, p = .001] but no differences was observed among SSG2T, SSG3T and SSGFT. SSG2T, SSG3T and SSG3T obtained significantly more shots on goal shots on goal [F(3,27) = 25.398, p = .001], with SSGFT achieving higher numbers than the other three formats. There were no significant differences in goals scored (p = .537) and distance covered (p = 0.574) for all SSG formats. Conclusion: The main findings of this study revealed that all four SSG formats stimulated moderate to high heart rate intensities that could induce positive aerobic and anaerobic adaptations depending on frequency of technical actions and players’ skill level. Therefore, coaches could select specific SSG formats to help players achieved intended intensity and technical objectives programmed for different phases of periodized training.
Introduction: Early childhood caries (ECC) remains a major challenge among the 5-6 year olds in Malaysia
with a caries prevalence of 71.3% as indicated in the last survey of preschool children in 2015. Studies have
shown that behavior and income status can influence development of ECC. Objectives: The aim of this study
was to measure the caries prevalence among 2 – 5 years old preschool children and to study the association of
parents’ socio behavioral factors on ECC. Materials and methods: 140 preschool children participated in this
study. Parents were given a set of structured questionnaires and oral examination was conducted on their children
after receiving consent. Results: Findings showed prevalence of dental caries was 50.1% with mean dft score
of 2.51. There was significant association between dental caries and children drinking formula milk and sweet
drinks in their bottles: (p
Tocochromanols (tocopherols and tocotrienols) unitedly known as vitamin E, are the necessary antioxidant components of both human and animal diets. There is a considerable interest in plants with increased or customized vitamin E content, due to their potential health benefits. To quantify the tocochromanol content and determine the expression of a key tocotrienol biosynthesis gene among a set of contrasting red pericarp and light brown rice genotypes of advanced breeding lines together with their parents; expression pattern of homogentisate geranylgeranyl transferase (HGGT), the key gene was studied by semi-quantitative RT-PCR in milky and matured grain stages. Vitamin E analysis was carried out by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The chloroform-methanolic extracts prepared from red pericarp and light brown rice advanced breeding lines showed significant differences for vitamin E content. Averaged across all samples, the content of γ-tocotrienol > α-tocopherol > α-tocotrienol > γ-tocopherol > δ-tocotrienol, and total E vitamin content ranged from 10.30 to 31.65 µg/g. Genotype G37 (red pericarp) was found to have higher expression than G7 (light brown) and G33 (red pericarp) at both grain development stages but lower than both parents whereas their transcript levels were comparatively lower in mature grain, which indicates their possible regulation by plant growth stage. HPLC results of γ-tocotrienol content supported gene expression results with the exception of the recurrent parent MR219.
Athletes are a special group of consumers whose specific diet requirement is important during training and competition to ensure their success. As commercial foodservice establishments are increasing involved in providing foods to this group of consumers on one hand and the lack of research investigating the athletes’ dining satisfaction, especially meeting their diet requirement on the other hand, this study was conducted to investigate the influence of nutritional factors in athletes’ dining satisfaction and the acceptance of various foods provided in an international sporting event. Following a stratified random sampling, 700 athletes were selected from the entire population of 1330 participants. The final usable sample size was 450 (64.3% response rate). Regression analysis revealed that overall service, overall food quality, grooming of server, and nutritional information tag significantly influence the overall dining satisfaction among athletes. In addition, nutritional value, menu variety, fat content, freshness, and taste were found as the most important determinant in almost all food categories. It is intriguing that meeting diet requirement is not a significant factor but nutritional information tag is. Important implications were discussed. Nutrition education is recommended for foodservice operators especially when they are involved in providing food for sporting events. It is advisable that an appointed specialized sport dietitian or nutritionist to a sporting event works together with the foodservice operators to ensure that the menu meets the nutritional requirement of athletes.
A series of batch laboratory studies were conducted to investigate the suitability of activated carbon SA2 for the removal of cadmium ions and zinc ions from their aqueous solutions. The single component equilibrium data were analyzed using the Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms. Overall, the Langmuir isotherm showed a better fitting for all adsorptions under investigation in terms of correlation coefficient and error analysis (SSE only 18.2 for Cd2+ and 47.95 for Zn2+). As the binary adsorption is competitive, extended Langmuir models could not predict the binary component isotherm well. The modified extended Langmuir models were used to fit the binary system equilibrium data. The binary isotherm data could be described reasonably well by the modified
extended Langmuir model, as indicated in the error analysis.
Red coloured rice, has been shown to contain high levels of bioactive properties. The aim of this study was to quantify the major antioxidant compounds in the whole grain of two new red rice transgressive variants together with their parents which was determined by the oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC) method, measured in methanol extract. A Thailand commercial red rice was used as a control. Although, the ORAC values for some red rice samples were similar, they were higher than light brown rice control, MR219. The antioxidant capacity was also evaluated by ferric-reducing antioxidant power assay. FRAP result was well correlated with ORAC (r = 0.94).
The interest in dietary antioxidants which are mainly found in fruits, has prompted research in
the field of commercial high antioxidant juice for healthy purposes. Fruits also are rich with antioxidants that help in reducing of degenerative diseases such as cancer, arthritis, cardiovascular
disease and inflammation. Based on the health claims from the natural antioxidants, a new healthy juice called Mixed Fruit Juice (MFJ) has been developed by using three combinations of local fruits (soursop, mango and kasturi lime). In order to promote the commercial use of this product, the safety evaluation is needed to be carried out. The 28-days repeated toxicity test has been conducted in female and male rats for pre-clinical safety assessment prior to human study. There was no mortality observed when varying doses of the MFJ (5, 10 and 20%) administered to all rats. Hematological analysis showed no significant differences in most parameters examined. There were no significant changes observed in the liver and kidney functions tests of all treated-rats as compared to control normal rats. Furthermore, lipid profiles and blood glucose level were also within the normal range as noted in control rats. The present data demonstrate that the supplementation of MFJ did not produce adverse effects on the body system of experimental rats. This is the first documented report on the safety assessment of
MFJ in rats.
Phorid flies play an important role in forensic cases and can cause myiasis in humans. Studies on phorid flies species diversity are still limited in Malaysia. This research was carried out to collect information about species and frequency distribution of phorid flies as to provide more information on their roles in forensic and medical entomology. Bait trap was used with 100 g beef liver as baits. The species of the flies were identified using identification keys from Disney as well as Brown and Oliver. There were 449 phorid flies found in Kepong, Kuala Lumpur including Megaselia scalaris, Megaselia spiracularis, Megaselia sp. and phorid flies of genus X. Female phorid flies (98.89%) were found more prone to be trapped compared to male phorid flies (1.11%). Most phorid flies trapped in Kepong, Kuala Lumpur were from genus Megaselia and consisted of female flies. A total of five species of phorid flies probably new to science were also discovered. This study showed that Megaselia flies were found indoors rather than in open spaces. This was corresponding to their discoveries among the decomposing corpse found inside premises.
Solvent-extracted Moringa oleifera seed oil was transesterified using immobilized lipase (Lipozyme IM 60) (Novozymes Bagsvaerd Denmark) at 1% (w/w) concentration, shaken at 60oC and 200 rpm for up to 24h. After transesterification, the oil was fractionated with acetone at -18oC and without acetone at 10oC to obtain two fractions, stearin and olein fractions. Incubation of the transesterified oil at 10oC for 24 h resulted in the formation of fat crystals, which settled at the bottom of the flask in sample transesterified for 24 h, while the control (0 h) sample became rather viscous with fat crystals in suspension. Transesterification resulted in a change in the triacylglycerol (TAG) profile of the oil, which in turn affected its solid fat content (SFC) and thermal behavior. The SFC value at 0oC after 24 h of reaction was 10.35% and significantly (P
Agriculture is one of the latest industries that uses robotic technologies. Cultivation of crops
with high yield and quality can be enhanced when technological sustenance is involved. Pests are
nuisance and cannot be completely eliminated, but with effective control and management. damages
caused by pests could be minimized below economic threshold. Automation in agriculture is stable and
accurate and is mainly incorporated in mechanized farming system. However its numerous application in
different agricultural practices is not well noticed. Hence this paper attempts to provide profound
awareness on robotic technology in agriculture. Robots could have a specific or multiple functions and,
most commonly, they are made up of five basic components; sensors, effectors, actuators, controller and
arms. Use of automation in weeding, weed mapping, micro spraying, seeding, irrigation and harvesting
are progressions which promote sustainable agriculture and food security. In future, solar robots with
battery inverter may be invented.
Changes in molecular structure configuration during strain induced crystallisation of an amorphous Poly(Lactic Acid) (PLA 4032D) polymer was monitored in-situ by simultaneously recording the wide angle x-ray scattering (WAXS) and small angle x-ray scattering (SAXS) patterns together with polymer deformation images and force data. The amorphous chain orientation from the beginning of deformation until the onset of crystallisation was studied from the WAXS patterns. The true mechanical behaviour described by the true stress-true strain curve related to an amorphous chain orientation exhibited a linear behaviour. Approaching critical amorphous orientation, the true stress-true strain curve deviated from linear into non-linear behaviour. After the onset of crystallization, when the deformed polymer became a semicrystalline state, the true mechanical behaviour exhibited true strain hardening which greatly affected by the formation of the morphology. The gradual true strain hardening was associated with the formation of micro-fibrillar structure containing thin crystallite morphology whilst sharp increased in true strain hardening was associated with the formation of stacked lamellar morphology in the form of macro-lattice structure. The study was accomplished by the application of high brilliance synchrotron radiation at beamline ID2 of ESRF, Grenoble in France and the usage of the high contrast resolution of WAXS and SAXS charge-couple device (CCD) camera as well as 40 milliseconds temporal resolution of data acquisition system.
We attempted to investigate possible hepatoprotective effect of Eurycoma longifolia jack (ELJ) using carbon tetrachloride-induced (CC14) acute hepatotoxicity model in rats. Hepatotoxicity was induced by oral administration of 4.0mg/kg of CCI4 in corn oil (1:1) once to one experimental group of 5 rats and, in three other similar groups, challenged doses (300, 750 and 1500 mg/kg respectively) of ELJ were given one day before and one hour after 4.0 mg/kg CC14 and then once daily for three consecutive days. Three other groups of 5 rats each serving as controls were administered with distilled water, corn oil and ELJ (750mg/kg) only respectively. Rats were sacrificed on day three (corn oil & CC14 treated groups) and on day 4 (Distilled water, ELJ alone and CC14 with graded doses of ELJ treated groups) and samples of blood and liver tissue were taken for biochemical (serum) and histopathological examinations to assess hepatoprotection of ELJ against CC14-induced hepatotoxicity. In the low (300mg/kg) and medium (750 mg/kg) dose ELJ treated groups, CCI4 induced moderate inflammation, fatty acid change and necrosis of hepatocytes while in the high (1500mg/kg) dose ELJ, CC14 induced severe inflammation, fatty acid change and necrosis of hepatocytes. Biochemical measurements of ALT and ALP shows a moderate and insignificant reduction of serum levels in the low dose ELJ group but a more significant reduction in the medium and high dose ELJ groups when compared with the CC14 only group. The increase in serum total bilirubin caused by CC14 was non-significantly reduced by all the doses of ELJ. Animals treated with CC14 alone and in groups treated with both CC14 and graded doses of ELJ had a reduction in body weight, food and water intake but in ELJ (750mg/kg) only treated group, no such reduction in body weight, food and water intake was observed. This observation suggest that ELJ administered alone did not cause any toxic effect to the liver but in combination with CCI4, appeared to synergize the CC14-induced hepatotoxicity which increases as the dose of ELJ is increased. The anorexic, hypodypsic and reduced body weight evident in the CC14 alone and in ELJ plus CC14 treated groups but not in animals treated with ELJ alone, suggests that ELJ alone does not induce anorexia, hypodypsia or loss of weight. In conclusion, the results of our study suggest that ELJ is not hepatotoxic when given alone and appeared to have some degree of protective effects in rats against CC14-induced hepatotoxicity.
Exposure to traffic air pollutant have shown a significant health effect on respiratory systems and decreased in lung function among traffic policemen. The main objective of this study was to determine the relationships between personal exposure levels to PM2.5 and respiratory health among traffic policemen working at Traffic Police Station in Kuala Lumpur and general duty policemen attached to Police Headquarters, Bukit Aman. A cross sectional comparative study was conducted among 50 traffic policemen from Traffic Police Station Kuala Lumpur and 50 general duty policemen from Police Headquarters Bukit Aman as comparative group. A purposive sampling method was used to select the respondents based on inclusive criteria such as age between 25 to 60 years, no history of respiratory disease and working not less than 3 years as traffic policemen. Questionnaire based on ATS (1978) was used to collect information on socio-demographic and respiratory symptoms. Spirometer (Spirolab II Model) was used to perform lung function tests. Personal Air Sampling Pump (Aircheck 52) was used to measure personal exposure level to PM2.5. The mean exposure level of PM2.5 among the traffic policemen was 22.33 ± 8.54μg/m³ compared to only 5.60 ± 4.29μg/m³ for comparative group. There was a significant difference in all lung function parameters between the exposed group and comparative group.From the finding, it shows that there was significant relationship between working duration (years) and lung function parameters among both exposed and comparative group. The result from this research shows that traffic policemen were determined as having lower lung function parameters due to their nature of work and the environment. Also, there was a significant association between exposure to fine particle (PM2.5) and lung function among the exposed group. Finding from this study indicated that exposure to elevated concentration level to traffic related air pollutant was the risk factors in the development of respiratory diseases as shown by the higher prevalence of respiratory symptoms and the reduction in lung function among traffic policemen.
Substance misuse, in particular heroin addiction contributes to health and social problems. Although effective medical treatment was available, earlier efforts confined the treatment of heroin addicts to in-house rehabilitation which required them to be estranged from the community and their families for 2 years. The in-house rehabilitative programme, implemented for at least three decades has produced low abstinence rates. On the other hand, being ‘away’ meant that many heroin addicts faced employment problems and family relationship difficulties upon completing the in-house rehabilitation. However, recently, the concerted efforts by various government and non-government organisations, and the acknowledgement that heroin addiction is a medical illness has resulted in a revamp to approaching treatment of heroin addiction. At present, methadone substitution programmes have been offered as part of treatment programme for heroin addicts in Malaysia. This new programme has been shown to be effective in treating heroin addiction and would need support and cooperation from all groups involved.
A study was conducted to evaluate the extent of sleep problems among children aged between 6 to 15 years old who were followed up at Penang Hospital Paediatric Clinic for various neurological disorders and compared to those with other paediatric illnesses and their healthy siblings. A parental questionnaire was used to assess sleep problems in 48 children with neurological disorders and compared to 46 of their healthy siblings, 59 children with non-neurological paediatric illnesses and 67 of their healthy siblings. Sleep problems were clustered into five subscales: bedtime difficulties, parental involvement at time of sleep, sleep fragmentation, parasomnias and daytime drowsiness. Children with neurological disorders had significantly more sleep problems than did their siblings, those with non-neurological paediatric illnesses and their healthy siblings (p < 0.001). This was particularly so in areas of bedtime difficulties (p>0.001), the amount of parental involvement (p
Substance abuse is one of the leading and most complicated health and social problems faced by our country. Unfortunately, after three decades of managing these problems, outcomes are unpromising and poor.(Copied from the article).
The effect of loud noise to the army personnel is often identified when hearing loss had already developed. Acoustic trauma during shooting training can also lead to acute changes in the ear which is shown on otoscopic examination. This study was undertaken to determine the effectiveness of hearing protective device (earplug) on the prevalence of external ear changes amongst military personnel during shooting. This is a prospective cross sectional study that was conducted among 76 military personnel, who were divided into two groups: those with and without earplugs during shooting. Each participant underwent 3 otoscopic examinations: (a) pre-shooting, (b) immediate post-shooting (within 48 hours) and (c) 2 weeks after shooting. A total of 78 army personnel who were scheduled to undergo shooting training were otoscopically examined. Eighty three percent of them did not wear earplugs before. The percentage of inflammation of external auditory canal and tympanic membrane dullness increased tremendously among subjects from non–earplug group less than 48 hours post-shooting. Assessment after 2 weeks showed improvement in around 30% of the subjects. Loud noise has become an occupational hazard not only to the inner ear but it also predisposes the external and middle ear structures to some form of injury. Although improvement is seen after some period, a protective device such as an earplug should be recommended and the usage should be reinforced among the army personnel involved in shooting.