Displaying publications 361 - 380 of 479 in total

  1. Ariffin H, Abdullah WA, de Bruyne J, Lee CL, Peng LH
    J Trop Pediatr, 1997 12;43(6):375-6.
    PMID: 9476465 DOI: 10.1093/tropej/43.6.375
    Matched MeSH terms: Parents
  2. Norzila MZ, Azizi BH, Motilal R
    Med J Malaysia, 1997 Mar;52(1):60-3.
    PMID: 10968054
    This was a descriptive study to assess parents' knowledge of epilepsy in their children at the Klinik Pakar Pediatrik in Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia from 1.1.93-31.6.93. Factors that influence the level of knowledge were examined. Our hypothesis was that the level of knowledge was low and level of education and social factors were important. Fifty consecutive parents were interviewed during the clinic appointments. The questionnaire consisted of 25 questions which had been used in a survey on epilepsy in Australia. In order to cater for the local population the questions were modified by adding new questions pertaining to local situation. The results showed that 90% (45/50) of parents were unaware of the type of epilepsy their children were suffering from. 50% (25/50) of parents knew the underlying cause of epilepsy of which 32% (8/25) attributed it to brain disease, 8% (2/25) to birth defects and 10% (3/25) to fever. Factors such as duration of epilepsy, parental education and racial differences between Malay and other races (Chinese, Indians) did not reach any statistical significance (p > 0.05). 80% of patients (30/50) were on monotherapy. However, 90% (45/50) of parents were unaware of their children's medications. 82% of parents (31/50) knew that the anti-convulsants would only control their children's convulsions. Only 10% (8/50) of parents knew the acute management of seizures. Wrong practices such as inserting spoons (5/50) or massaging their limbs (17/50) during an acute attack were still common. 70% of parents (35/50) attended the follow-up clinics hoping that their children's epilepsy would be cured. Parents with low economic status and of children with duration of epilepsy of less than five years had been coming to the clinic regularly. (p = 0.01 and p = 0.02 respectively). In conclusion, the overall knowledge of these parents was poor. In order to improve the management of epilepsy, it is necessary to educate parents with reading materials and effective educational packages.
    Study site: Paediatric clinic, Institut Pediatrik, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
    Matched MeSH terms: Parents
  3. Hong LE, Ling FC
    J Singapore Paediatr Soc, 1992;34(1-2):34-8.
    PMID: 1303463
    A retrospective study on discharges of children from hospital against medical advice or at own risk (AOR) discharges was conducted at our department from March 1981 to February 1990. There were altogether 890 patients giving an average incidence of 2%/year. The racial composition comprised 62.5% Chinese, 28.5% Malay, 7.3% Indian and 1.7% others. The common reasons for AOR discharge includes: (a) Inconvenience of having the child hospitalised (18.4%). (b) Preference of being treated by the general practitioner (15%). (c) Parents think child is well (14%). (d) Preference of being treated by private specialist or other hospital (11.9%) etc. Neonate comprised 16.9%, infants (except neonates) 44%, children > 1-5 yrs 28.6%, > 5-10 yrs 7.7% and > 10 yr 1.9%. The common diagnoses of these children include gastroenteritis (13.9%), febrile fit (13%), upper respiratory tract infection (11.7%), neonatal jaundice (5.7%). In conclusion AOR discharges of children from hospital is not uncommon and more could be done to reduce the incidence.
    Matched MeSH terms: Parents
  4. Siti Hafsah Abdul Halim, Nor Afiah Mohamad Zulkefli
    ntroduction: The child health record book was long established in Malaysia, but no evaluation study on the util-isation of the book has ever been done. The objectives of the study were to determine the proportion of optimum record book use and the factors associated with it. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among 415 ran-domly selected parents of children aged below six years old attending government health clinics in Putrajaya using a self-administered questionnaire. Optimum use of child health record book was defined by respondents reading all the sections and recording comments in the book. Factors studied were sociodemographic characteristics; ante-natal and breastfeeding history; child’s health and immunisation status; perceptions and level of knowledge on the book and child health; and healthcare providers’ performance. Multiple logistic regression was used to identify the determinants of optimum use. Results: In total, 36.1% of respondents optimally used the record book. The five de-terminants of optimum use identified were mother’s age group between 35-39 years and ≥40 years old (AOR: 2.24, 95% CI 1.13-4.44; AOR: 3.36, 95% CI 1.24-9.07), a mother with a higher level of education (AOR: 2.67, 95% CI 1.43-5.00), delivered in a government hospital (AOR: 3.01, 95% CI 1.11-8.16), had good level of knowledge on the record book and on general child health (AOR: 3.69, 95% CI 2.08-6.56; AOR: 2.07, 95% CI 1.19-3.60). Conclusion: The proportion of optimum child health record book use is relatively low. Based on the findings, improving the par-ents’ knowledge on the child health record book utilisation is vital to increase the optimum usage particularly among mothers with low education level, aged less than 30 years old and those who delivered in non-government hospitals.
    Matched MeSH terms: Parents
  5. Ling MYJ, Lim KH, Hasani WSR, Rifin HM, Majid NLA, Lourdes TGR, et al.
    Tob Induc Dis, 2020;18:96.
    PMID: 33262682 DOI: 10.18332/tid/128622
    INTRODUCTION: Many studies have revealed that exposure to secondhand smoke (SHS) substantially increases the risk of smoking related diseases especially among the vulnerable groups, yet data on the location of SHS exposure among youth in Malaysia are still lacking. The study aims to describe the prevalence and factors associated with SHS exposure at home, outside the home, and inside the school among school-going adolescents in Malaysia.

    METHODS: We derived the data from the TECMA study, which used a cross-sectional study design and multi-stage sampling method to obtain a representative sample of school-going adolescents aged 11-19 years in Malaysia in 2016. Data were collected through a self-administered approach using a pre-validated standard questionnaire. Descriptive and multivariate analyses were used to analyze the data, and results are presented as adjusted odds ratio (AOR) with 95% confidence interval (95% CI).

    RESULTS: SHS exposure for the past seven days was higher outside the home (51.2%; 95% CI: 49.2-53.2) compared to at home (37.8%; 95% CI: 35.8-39.9) while 27.3% (95% CI: 25.1-29.5) of school-going adolescents reported exposure to SHS inside the school in the past one month. In the regression analyses, older adolescents, those of Malay and Bumiputra Sarawak ethnicities, adolescents from rural areas and current smokers had higher likelihood of exposure to SHS at home, outside home and inside the school. Our study also found that adolescents who were current smokers had higher odds of being exposed to SHS at home (AOR=2.87; 95% CI: 2.57-3.21), outside the home (AOR=3.46; 95% CI: 3.05-3.92) and in the school (AOR=2.25; 95% CI: 2.01-2.51).

    CONCLUSIONS: Health promotion measures should target parents/guardians and household members to reduce SHS exposure among adolescents. In addition, smoke-free regulation should be fully enforced in school. Furthermore, more public places should be designated non-smoking areas to reduce SHS exposure and denormalize smoking behavior.

    Matched MeSH terms: Parents
  6. Marchal JP, de Vries M, Conijn J, Rietman AB, IJsselstijn H, Tibboel D, et al.
    J Int Neuropsychol Soc, 2019 09;25(8):845-856.
    PMID: 31179957 DOI: 10.1017/S1355617719000572
    OBJECTIVE: With increasing numbers of children growing up with conditions that are associated with acquired brain injury, efficient neuropsychological screening for cognitive deficits is pivotal. Brief self-report measures concerning daily complaints can play an important role in such screening. We translated and adapted the pediatric perceived cognitive functioning (PedsPCF) self- and parent-report item bank to Dutch. This study presents (1) psychometric properties, (2) a new short form, and (3) normative data for the short form.

    METHODS: A general population sample of children and parents was recruited. Dimensionality of the PedsPCF was assessed using confirmatory factor analyses and exploratory bifactor analyses. Item response theory (IRT) modeling was used to evaluate model fit of the PedsPCF, to identify differential item functioning (DIF), and to select items for the short form. To select short-form items, we also considered the neuropsychological content of items.

    RESULTS: In 1441 families, a parent and/or child participated (response rate 66% at family level). Assessed psychometric properties were satisfactory and the predominantly unidimensional factor structure of the PedsPCF allowed for IRT modeling using the graded response model. One item showed meaningful DIF. For the short form, 10 items were selected.

    CONCLUSIONS: In this first study of the PedsPCF outside the United States, studied psychometric properties of the translated PedsPCF were satisfactory, and allowed for IRT modeling. Based on the IRT analyses and the content of items, we proposed a new 10-item short form. Further research should determine the relation of PedsPCF outcomes with neurocognitive measures and its ability to facilitate neuropsychological screening in clinical practice.

    Matched MeSH terms: Parents
  7. Goh YY, Keshavarzi F, Chew YL
    Dermatitis, 2018 5 16;29(3):151-161.
    PMID: 29762208 DOI: 10.1097/DER.0000000000000376
    BACKGROUND: Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a chronic relapsing, noncontagious skin inflammation characterized by dry skin and itch. Mutation in filaggrin gene leads to defective skin barrier, allowing entry of allergen and eliciting immunological response.

    OBJECTIVES: The aims of this study were to investigate the prevalence of AD in Malaysian children and to understand the pattern of drug therapy. Such information could be useful to establish the relationship between ethnicity and family history of atopy and the development of associated signs and symptoms.

    METHODS: A cross-sectional survey was conducted among children attending kindergartens and nurseries. Standardized questionnaires were filled out by parents.

    RESULTS: Overall prevalence of AD was 13.4%. Of 384 participants recruited, the highest prevalence was observed in males, Malays, participants younger than 2 years, and those with atopic background such as asthma, hay fever, and family history of atopic diseases. Calamine and white soft paraffin were the preferred choice of nonprescription drugs, whereas topical hydrocortisone seemed to be the preferred choice of prescription drug in the management of AD.

    CONCLUSIONS: The overall prevalence is comparable to that reported in the International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood Phase One. There is an association between ethnicity and AD prevalence. Topical corticosteroids and emollients are the mainstay of AD management among Malaysians.

    Matched MeSH terms: Parents
  8. Cheah WL, Edmund Shin CV, Ayu Akida AR
    Malays Fam Physician, 2019;14(1):2-9.
    PMID: 31289625
    Introduction: This study aimed to determine the blood pressure profile for preschool children in Kuching Sarawak and its relationship with sociodemographic characteristics, nutritional status and parental hypertension.

    Methods: This was a cross sectional study conducted in a government preschool in Kuching district from January to June 2017. Data were collected using questionnaire as well as anthropometric and blood pressure measurements. Data were entered into and analyzed using SPSS Version 22.

    Results: A total of 229 preschool children participated in this study (response rate of 81%). About 9.7% of the respondents were at risk for hypertension. The mean systolic blood pressure was 95.6 mmHg (SD=8.36), and the mean diastolic blood pressure was 59.9 mmHg (SD=6.09). Ten percent of the children were overweight and 7.4% were obese. Binary logistics regression analysis indicated that gender (Male: OR = 3.085, p< 0.05), parent's education level (comparing primary education and below with secondary education: OR = 4.88, p<0.05; comparing primary education and below tertiary education: OR = 7.63, p<0.05) and ethnicity (comparing Malay with Chinese: OR = 0.10, p< 0.01) were significantly associated with being at risk for hypertension.

    Conclusion: The study showed that 9.7% of the children were at risk for hypertension and that 17.4% had abnormal body weights. Identifying and tackling the factors leading to these issues will help to improve and ensure a better quality of non-communicable disease programs offered in primary health clinics and school health programs.

    Matched MeSH terms: Parents
  9. Murtaza SF, Gan WY, Sulaiman N, Mohd Shariff Z, Ismail SIF
    PLoS One, 2019;14(7):e0219841.
    PMID: 31306442 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0219841
    Children aged 2 to 6 years are in a crucial period of growth development, during which it is important for them to attain specific cognition related to concentration and attention so that they can perform well in school later in life. Various factors influence children's cognition during this crucial period. However, to date, only a limited number of studies have examined the cognitive performance of underprivileged children living in poverty, particularly indigenous children (also known as Orang Asli children in Malaysia). Therefore, this cross-sectional study aimed to determine the associations between sociodemographic factors, nutritional factors (body composition and hemoglobin), and environmental factors (home environment and parasitic infections) with cognitive performance among Orang Asli children in Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia. The participants were 269 children (51% boys, 49% girls) aged 2 to 6 years (M = 4.0, SD = 1.2 years) and their mothers, from 14 Orang Asli villages. Face-to-face interviews were conducted with the mothers, and the children's cognitive performance, operationalized as working memory index (WMI), processing speed index (PSI), and cognitive proficiency index (CPI), was assessed using the Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence, Fourth Edition (WPPSI-IV). The children's weight and height were measured, and their blood and stool samples were collected to assess hemoglobin level and parasitic infections, respectively. Multiple linear regression analysis showed that the father's years of education (β = 0.262-0.342, p < 0.05), availability of learning materials at home (β = 0.263-0.425, p < 0.05), and responsiveness of the parent to the child (β = 0.192-0.331, p < 0.05) were consistently associated with all three cognitive indices (WMI, PSI, and CPI). A holistic approach involving parents, communities, and government agencies should be established to improve the cognitive performance of these underprivileged children.
    Matched MeSH terms: Parents
  10. Darlan DM, Tala ZZ, Amanta C, Warli SM, Arrasyid NK
    Open Access Maced J Med Sci, 2017 Apr 15;5(2):142-146.
    PMID: 28507618 DOI: 10.3889/oamjms.2017.014
    BACKGROUND: Soil Transmitted Helminth infection is one of most prevalent health problems worldwide, especially in environments with poor sanitation. Based on World Health Organisation (WHO) data, more than 2 billion people, or 24% of the world's population, are infected with intestinal parasite. The highest prevalence is located in areas of poor sanitation and unsafe water supplies. In Indonesia, the prevalence of parasite infections is 15% of the entire population.

    AIM: The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between Soil Transmitted Helminth infection on levels of eosinophils among primary school children. In addition, this study also aimed to determine the prevalence of different types of worm infections and the levels of eosinophils in children infected with worms.

    MATERIAL AND METHODS: This study was analytic observational using a cross-sectional method. The sampling technique was consecutive and in total 132 samples was obtained. The study involved primary school children in Amplas Medan and Hamparan Perak, Deli Serdang through May to October 2016. Univariate analysis was performed to determine STH infection prevalence and bivariate analysis was used to find the correlation between STH infection and eosinophil levels through a Chi square (χ2) test.

    RESULTS: The results showed that the prevalence of Soil Transmitted Helminth was 7.6%. The most common types of STH infection were 3.8% with Trichuris trichiura and 3% with Ascaris lumbricoides. A significant correlation was found between Parasite infection and eosinophil levels (Contingency Coefficient (C) = 0.2, χ2 = 5.3, p = 0.021) and the risk of STH infection that caused eosinophilia or increased eosinophil levels in the children with a Prevalence Ratio (PR) of 1.56 (Confidence Interval (CI) 95%: 1.10-2.22).

    CONCLUSION: It is recommended that schools at similar risk improve and maintain hygiene and healthy behaviour in the school environment and that parents and teachers pay greater attention to the cleanliness of their children.

    Matched MeSH terms: Parents
  11. Yusof ZYM, Anwar NH, Mohd Nor NA, Nor MM, Mustafa SE
    Trials, 2021 Feb 22;22(1):156.
    PMID: 33618735 DOI: 10.1186/s13063-021-05111-0
    BACKGROUND: Despite the implementation of the preschool oral healthcare programme (POHP) for 5-6-year-old children over the past 3 decades in Malaysia, dental plaque and caries levels in this age group remain high. Among the child-level attributable factors are unhealthy self-care behaviours (poor oral hygiene and high sugary diet). In order to improve the children's oral health, an improved programme called the 'Senyuman Indah Milik Semua' Programme (SIMSP) or 'Beautiful Smile for All' programme is introduced. In this programme, a triad of dental hygienist-teacher-parent works together to improve children's oral hygiene levels compared with the existing POHP that involves dental hygienists only. The aim of this study is to compare the effect of the SIMSP versus the existing POHP on oral hygiene levels of 5-6-year-old children in the Kampar district, Perak state, Malaysia.

    METHODS: This study is a pragmatic, cluster-randomised, parallel-group, matched pair, controlled trial with blinded outcome assessment. Randomisation is performed using a computer-generated table with a 1:1 allocation comparing the SIMSP and the POHP involving 28 preschools in the Kampar district, Perak, Malaysia. The intervention consists of preschool visits by a group of dental therapists, in-class oral health lessons and daily toothbrushing conducted by class teacher, child home toothbrushing supervised by parents, and infographic oral health messages to parents. The control consists of the existing POHP that involves preschool visits by a group of dental therapists only. The trial lasts for 6 months. Primary outcome variable is the mean plaque score change after 6 months. To determine the feasibility of the SIMSP, a process evaluation will be conducted using the perspectives of dental therapists, teachers, and parents on the appropriateness, effectiveness, facilitators, and barriers to the SIMSP implementation as well as an audit trail to assess the trial intervention.

    DISCUSSION: Cluster randomisation may lead to a random effect and cluster selection bias. These factors will be accounted for when analysing the data and interpreting the outcomes. The effectiveness of the SIMSP will be evaluated by comparing the results with those of the POHP.

    TRIAL REGISTRATION: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT04339647 . Registered on 5 April 2020 - Retrospectively registered.

    Matched MeSH terms: Parents
  12. Nor Azee Azwa Kamarudin, Afifah Adilah Asshaari
    Q Bulletin, 2020;1(29):46-55.
    Preschool children are one of the major target groups of the Oral Health Program, Ministry of Health Malaysia. However, caries prevalence of preschool children due to unmet treatment needs remains high. Thus, it is imperative for preschool children to receive dental treatment to maintain or restore function and aesthetics, prevent premature tooth loss and improve their quality of life. We aimed to increase the percentage of preschool children receiving dental treatment at kindergartens from 9.8% to 30% in a year. A cross-sectional study was conducted in January 2015 to March 2015 to identify factors contributing to low percentage of preschool children receiving dental treatment using a structured questionnaire modified and adapted from literatures. Ten kindergartens in Machang District were randomly selected, and a total of 200 preschool children, 180 parents and 13 dental therapists in Machang District were recruited for this study. Remedial measures were implemented in April 2015 until September 2015, followed by a post-remedial evaluation in October 2015 to December 2019. The factors contributing to low percentage included inconvenient visit schedule, lack of monitoring system, preschool children at kindergartens refusing dental treatment, and lack of oral health knowledge and awareness among parents. A series of interventions were introduced including improvement of care process, systematic planned visits, and formation of a dedicated team for kindergartens. Oral Health Education and seminars were given to parents. Supportive environment and innovations were created, including colorful attire, cartoon accessories and Benzo Kids’ eye-wear tools. The Benzo Kids functioned as a smart phone holder for a child to watch their favourite video during treatment to divert the child’s attention and reduce anxiety. The percentage of preschool children receiving dental treatment at kindergartens increased from 9.8% (2014) to 55.9% (2019), which exceeded the initial target of 30%. This study has had a significant impact on the number of deciduous teeth with dental caries of these preschool children when they progress to primary one. The HMIS data showed a decreasing trend of dental caries per 100 children from 80(2013) to 58(2019).
    Matched MeSH terms: Parents
  13. Sahril N, Ahmad NA, Idris IB, Sooryanarayana R, Abd Razak MA
    Children (Basel), 2021 Feb 07;8(2).
    PMID: 33562212 DOI: 10.3390/children8020119
    Mental health problems are a major public health issue, particularly among children. They impair children's development, academic achievement, and ability to live a productive life. The present study aimed to determine the prevalence and factors associated with mental health problems among children aged 5 to 15 years old in Malaysia. Data from the National Health and Morbidity Survey (NHMS) 2015 were analyzed. A validated Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) was used. The overall prevalence of mental health problems among children in Malaysia was 11.1%. Multiple logistic regression analysis revealed that for every year increment in age, mental health problems decreased by 5%. Further analysis found that children who had fathers with a non-formal education and worked in the private sector, had parents who were widowed or divorced, and had either parent with mental health problems were more likely to have mental health problems themselves. Children from the lower socioeconomic group and who had either parent with mental health problems had higher odds of having mental health problems in Malaysia.
    Study name: National Health and Morbidity Survey (NHMS-2015)
    Matched MeSH terms: Parents
  14. Noor Hamzani Farizan, Rosnah Sutan, Kulanthayan KC Mani
    Introduction: The magnitude of drowning as one of the leading causes of death among children in Malaysia may have been underestimated. Little is known on the level of awareness on water safety among parents as it might be associated with appropriateness and adequacy of the supervision. This study aims to describe perceptions of water safety among parents of primary school children. Methods: A cross-sectional survey with 719 respondent conduct- ed to obtain information on parents self-reported on their children’s water-involved activity and swimming ability, self-estimated ability to rescue their child and perceptions of the risk of drowning and water safety for their children. Results: The result revealed that about 21.6% of respondents did not perceive drowning as one of the unintentional injury leading causes of death among children. Parents reported that their children had experienced a near- drown- ing incident (16.1%), and only 12.2% of the child had attended a formal swimming lesson. Majority of the parents did not involve in any water safety program (98.7%), can’t swim (61.6%), not been certified in CPR (87.3%) and not confident (87.3%) to perform resuscitation (CPR). Respondents also perceived their children could swim (42.1%), and they felt confident when their child in the water (45.6%). There were statistical differences between parents who reported their child had a near-drowning experience with their perception of children’s swimming ability. Conclu- sion: An exploration of parent’s perception of water safety provided an overview of the need for promoting aware- ness on drowning risk and water safety education in this country.
    Matched MeSH terms: Parents
  15. Siew, Caroline Yin Eng, Vijayakulasingam, Thalitha, Hong, Boon Ng, Maryam Jamilah Surdi Roslan, Muhammad Zamakhshari Zainal Abidin, Lee, Ming Lee
    Background:Recent retrospective studies suggest irrelevance of urine screening for neonate with prolonged jaundice. We re-evaluated the incidence of urinary tract infection (UTI) among these infants, their renal outcome and evaluated the cost incurred. Methods: This is a prospective cohort study. Asymptomatic, prolonged jaundiced infants with unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia were screened for evidence of UTI as per local guidelines. Infants with pyuria would have urine sent for culture and sensitivity. Unit cost was referenced from hospital purchase. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS 24.0. Results:A total of 291 cases were analyzed. Majority were term infants (93.8%). The commonest cause of prolonged jaundice was breast milk jaundice, hence an incidence rate of 0.34%. Only one infant persistently showed single uropathogen on urinary culture with concurrent pyuria. Urinary structures were normal on ultrasonography and there was no evidence of renal cortical scarring. No recurrence of UTI documented in the first year of life. Each “clean-catch” urinalysis costed RM7. This unit cost escalated to RM37 for catheterized sample. A negative urine culture costed RM28 while a positive culture twice this price. The average cost effectiveness ratio (ACER) in this study was RM5856.56 per detection of case. Conclusion: Incidence of UTI is low. In our study, an undesirable outcome is negligible. Unnecessary parental anxiety from the potentially laborious procedure could be avoided. This study refutes previous literature to include such screening in prolonged jaundice as this may well be irrelevant.
    Matched MeSH terms: Parents
  16. Ariffin Nasir, Nor Fadhilah Zahari, Fahisham Taib, Norsarwany Mohamad
    Introduction: Acute leukaemia in children accounts for 25-30% of malignant diagnosis. Survival from acute leukaemia continue to improve. Treatment outcome depends on factors like gender, age at diagnosis, parental education, the initial total white cell count (TWC), cerebrospinal fluids (CSF) infiltration, immunophenotype and treatment response. Objectives: The objectives were to evaluate the survival of children with acute leukaemia who received chemotherapy and identify relevant factors. Methodology: The study was a retrospective record review at the Paediatric Oncology Unit, Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia (Hospital USM). The data collected depending on pre-set research proforma from the year 1990 to 2010. Survival analysis of each type of leukaemia was completed using multiple Cox regression model. Results: A total of 334 cases were identified, only 283 patients received treatment at Hospital USM. There were 224 patients with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL) and 59 with acute myeloid leukaemia (AML). Overall survival (OS) rate at 3 months for ALL and AML were 89.3% and 72.9% respectively. The event-free survival (EFS) rate for ALL at 1, 3, and 5 years were 69.6%, 54.1% and 47.8% respectively. For AML, the EFS rate at 1, 3, and 5 years were 52.0%, 42.4% and 38.1% respectively. Multiple Cox regression model showed children’s age at diagnosis and early response to steroid therapy were the most significant prognostic factors for ALL survival, whereas the spleen size and treatment protocol were the most significant prognostic factors for AML. Conclusion: Survival rate in this study was comparable to developing countries. ALL had better outcome compared to AML.
    Matched MeSH terms: Parents
  17. Vard B, Adham A, Riahi R, Karimi G, Esmail Motlagh M, Heshmat R, et al.
    Health Promot Perspect, 2020;10(4):349-358.
    PMID: 33312930 DOI: 10.34172/hpp.2020.53
    Background: This study aimed to investigate the association between prenatal/infancy factors and lipid profile in children and adolescents. Methods: This multicentric national study was conducted in 30 provinces in Iran. It comprised 4200 participants, aged 7-18 years, from the fifth survey of a national surveillance program. History regarding birth weight, as well as the type of consumed milk and food during infancy was obtained from parents. In addition to physical examinations, fasting blood samples were obtained to assess the lipid profile of these students. Results: Data from 3844 participants were available (91.5% participation rate), 52.4 % of students were boys. Mean (SD) age of participants was 12.3(3.2) years. Consuming cow milk in the first two years significantly increased the risk of high triglycerides (TG) (odds ratio [OR]:2.77, 95% CI: 1.32-5.85, P: 0.01), elevated low-density lipoprotein (LDL) (P<0.05) and low high-density lipoprotein (HDL) (P <0.05). Students who had consumed commercially made food as complementary feeding were 93% more likely to have high LDL (OR: 1.93, 95% CI=1.19-3.13, P: 0.01) and 90% more likely to have high TG than students who had consumed homemade food (OR: 1.90, 95% CI: 1.15-3.12, P: 0.01). The aforementioned figures were not significantly associated with an elevated total cholesterol (TC) level. Conclusion: Our findings revealed that the history of using human milk and home-made food as complementary feeding was associated with better lipid profile in childhood and early adolescence. Increasing public knowledge in this regard might be useful for encouragement of healthier life prevention of chronic diseases.
    Matched MeSH terms: Parents
  18. Tengku Jamaluddin TZM, Mohamed NA, Mohd Rani MD, Ismail Z, Ramli S, Faroque H, et al.
    Glob Pediatr Health, 2020;7:2333794X20976369.
    PMID: 33335950 DOI: 10.1177/2333794X20976369
    Background. Pre-school children are at a higher risk to acquire infectious diseases such as hand, foot and mouth disease due to their immature immune system. Good hand hygiene prevents transmission of infectious diseases. This study aimed to determine the knowledge and practices of hand hygiene among pre-schoolers. Methods. In this prospective, multi-center study, the pre-schools were selected according to the selection criteria. A questionnaire consisting of socio-demographics, knowledge and practices of hand hygiene were administered via face-to-face interview during the pre- and post-intervention period. A total of 435 pre-schoolers aged 5 and 6 years old from 2 pre-schools within Klang Valley, School P (test group) and School C (control group) were involved in this study. The test group was provided with comprehensive hand hygiene education including video on proper handwashing technique during the 2 months intervention period, whereas the control group did not receive any form of intervention. The data were statistically analyzed using descriptive analysis and independent t-test. Results. Majority of pre-schoolers gained knowledge of handwashing from their parents. However, only 63% demonstrated good handwashing technique. Test group were significantly better (P 
    Matched MeSH terms: Parents
  19. Ranjit, S., Carol, P., Kellie, C., Pauline, M., Renuka, S.
    Objective: The aim of this study is to evaluate the outcome of pregnancy in prenatal and postnatal period of pregnancy complicated with thick nuchal translucency but normal karyotype. Methods: This is a retrospective study of 119 singleton pregnancies with increased NT (NT > 2.5mm) but a normal karyotype over a 3 year period. The records of ultrasound at 18-20 and 25-26 weeks’, antenatal and postnatal details were reviewed. The developmental and health outcomes of the surviving children were obtained through telephone conversation with the family. Adverse outcome such as miscarriages, termination of pregnancy, intrauterine death, structural anomalies and neurodevelopment delay were analysed. Results: Out of 119 foetuses with increased NT but normal karyotype, 11.8% of pregnancies ended with miscarriages, termination of pregnancy and intrauterine death. 89.9% foetuses were structurally normal. 12.9% presented with structural anomalies in the second-trimester ultrasound scan. 81.8% showed major malformations, out of which 44% consisted of heart defects. 1% of foetuses were syndromic and 1.9% had developmental delay. 96.8% of foetuses with NT equal to or greater than the 95th percentile (3.4mm) and 80% with NT equal to or greater than the 99 percentile (5.5mm) had a normal outcome. 50% of foetuses with thickened nuchal fold had a poor outcome. Postnatal follow-up was established for all infants and toddlers, and abnormalities were observed in 5.6% of them. Chances of having a live and healthy infant decreases with increased NT, corresponding to 80% for NT equal to or greater than 5.5mm. Conclusion: We have provided data that may help in the counselling of parents and increasing their confidence on a favourable pregnancy outcome. In cases with increased nuchal translucency but normal karyotype, the chances of normal pregnancy success rate is 89.9%. Parents can be reassured that thickened nuchal translucency with a normal karyotype and normal targeted ultrasound between 20-22 weeks gestation, the risk of adverse perinatal outcome and postnatal developmental delay is not increased in comparison with that of the general population. This seems to be the case for all degrees of increased nuchal translucency.
    Matched MeSH terms: Parents
  20. Zainuddin AA, Grover SR, Soon CH, Nur Azurah AG, Mahdy ZA, Wu LL, et al.
    Front Pediatr, 2019;7:144.
    PMID: 31058121 DOI: 10.3389/fped.2019.00144
    Background: Girls born with congenital adrenal hyperplasia have virilized external genitalia. There is considerable debate regarding both the outcomes of feminizing genitoplasty and timing of the surgery in this population. Objective: To investigate outcomes of females 46,XX individuals with CAH in Malaysia, the surgical outcomes of feminizing genitoplasty (FG) and their attitudes toward surgery. Study Design: This is a cross-sectional study involving the two main tertiary centers in Malaysia. All 46,XX patients with CAH and raised female, who had undergone FG were identified and invited to participate. Data on socio-demographic, medical profiles, and attitudes toward surgery were collected. A standardized evaluation of the external genitalia was undertaken including the anatomic and cosmetic evaluation by independent gynecologists. Results: Of 61 individuals identified, 59 participated-consisting of children (n = 12), adolescents (n = 29) and adults (n = 18). All but one had classical CAH (98.3%) and had undergone FG (n = 55, 93.2%) with surgery mostly undertaken by pediatric surgeons trained in DSD work (n = 44, 74.6%). Complications overall were low (20.3%), with repeat surgery rate of 9.1%. External genital examination was performed in 38 participants. Overall 36.8% had absent clitoral glands and 39.5% had a persistent urogenital sinus and in 10.5%, no vaginal orifices were seen. Poor cosmetic outcomes were present in 42.1% with 55.3% recommended for further assessment under general anesthetic. Almost half participants did not venture an opinion on FG, those who did varied from having a positive attitude toward it (18 participants) to 3 opining that it should not be done, or avoided or delayed. From the participants, 35.5% preferred FG to be done early in life compared to 44.0% of the parents. Conclusions: The reoperation rates of the feminizing genitoplasty surgeries were low however due to the anatomic and cosmetic outcomes, reassessment of the external genitalia of these CAH patients may be required once they consider becoming sexually active as they may require further treatment. Many factors such as cultural sensitivities and access to medical treatment and late diagnoses have an impact on attitudes toward FG.
    Matched MeSH terms: Parents
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