Displaying publications 21 - 40 of 75 in total

  1. Ang CS, Lee KW, Voon SP, Ho MC, Tan CE, Ching SM, et al.
    Oman Med J, 2023 Jan;38(1):e456.
    PMID: 36937773 DOI: 10.5001/omj.2023.20
    OBJECTIVES: From early 2020, Malaysia had to implement nationwide lockdowns, quarantines, and other social distancing practices to contain the spread of COVID-19 virus, leading to symptoms of psychosocial burnout among the people. The aim of the present research is to develop and validate a Malay language version of the COVID-19 Burnout Scale (M-COVID-19-BS).

    METHODS: This three-phase study was conducted among Malaysian population. Phase 1 involved forward and backward translations of the Scale to Malay language by four professional bilingual translators. In Phase 2, the new M-COVID-19-BS instrument was piloted on 30 participants who suggested minor lexical modifications. Phase 3 consisted of online recruiting of Malaysian citizens to answer a composite questionnaire comprising the M-COVID-19-BS, Copenhagen Burnout Inventory (CBI), World Health Organization Quality of Life Scale Abbreviated Version (WHOQOL-BREF), and Fear of COVID-19 Scale (FCV-19S). Data were statistically analyzed.

    RESULTS: The composite four-part questionnaire in Malay was answered by N = 225 Malaysian citizens. The M-COVID-19-BS instrument demonstrated a good internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha = 0.926) and had a unidimensional factor structure. M-COVID-19-BS scores positively correlated with the three CBI subscales, showing evidence of convergent validity. Negative correlation was reported between M-COVID-19-BS and WHOQOL-BREF, achieving discriminant validity. M-COVID-19-BS also exhibited moderate positive correlations with the FCV-19S, thus supporting its concurrent validity.

    CONCLUSIONS: Results demonstrate that M-COVID-19-BS is a valid and reliable instrument to assess burnout symptoms related to COVID-19 among Malay-speaking populations either collectively or as a self-care tool to detect burnout symptoms without needing to further burden the already overwhelmed Malaysian healthcare system.

  2. Lee KW, Yap SF, Ong HT, Pheh KS, Lye MS
    Front Public Health, 2022;10:936486.
    PMID: 36276401 DOI: 10.3389/fpubh.2022.936486
    AIM: We examined the anxiety levels and coping strategies among staff and students of a tertiary educational institution during the COVID-19 pandemic and determined the association between anxiety level and coping strategies.

    METHOD: Through an online survey, we used Coronavirus Anxiety Scale (CAS) to measure the level of anxiety associated with the COVID-19 crisis and Brief Coping Orientation to Problems Experienced (COPE) to assess the coping responses adopted to handle stressful life events. Coping strategies were classified as adaptive and maladaptive, for which the aggregate sores were calculated. Multiple linear regression was used to determine the predictors of anxiety adjusted for potentially confounding variables. Results from 434 participants were available for analysis.

    RESULTS: The mean score (SD) of the CAS was 1.1 (1.8). The mean scores of adaptive and maladaptive coping strategies were 35.69 and 19.28, respectively. Multiple linear regression revealed that maladaptive coping [Adjusted B coefficient = 4.106, p-value < 0.001] and presence of comorbidities [Adjusted B coefficient = 1.376, p-value = 0.025] significantly predicted anxiety.

    CONCLUSION: Maladaptive coping and presence of comorbidities were the predictors of coronavirus anxiety. The apparent lack of anxiety in relation to COVID-19 and movement restriction is reflective of the reported high level of satisfaction with the support and services provided during the COVID-19 outbreak in Malaysia. Adaptive coping strategies were adopted more frequently than maladaptive. Nevertheless, public education on positive coping strategies and anxiety management may be still be relevant to provide mental health support to address the needs of the general population.

  3. Lee KW, Yap SF, Ong HT, Oo M, Swe KMM
    Vaccines (Basel), 2023 Mar 13;11(3).
    PMID: 36992222 DOI: 10.3390/vaccines11030638
    Vaccination is a key public health strategy that is known to be effective in mitigating the risk of infection and severe disease. However, in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, the percentage (<50%) of Malaysians who have received a booster for the COVID-19 vaccine has remained stagnant over a year. This study aimed to determine the prevalence of and the factors associated with hesitancy toward the second dose of booster for the COVID-19 vaccine. A web-based cross-sectional study was conducted from August to November 2022. The Oxford Vaccine Hesitancy Scale was used to assess the hesitancy toward the second dose of booster for the COVID-19 vaccine. Simple and multiple factors logistic regressions were used to determine the predictors of hesitancy. A p-value less than 0.05 was considered to be statistically significant. Data from 798 respondents were included in the analysis. The prevalence of hesitancy toward the second booster of the COVID-19 vaccine was 26.7%. The predictors of second-booster hesitancy were older age (AOR = 1.040, 95 CI = 1.022, 1.058), having received the third dose (first booster) because of instruction by the government (AOR = 2.125, 95% CI = 1.380, 3.274), concern about serious long term side effects of the vaccine (AOR = 4.010, 95% CI = 2.218, 7.250), and opinions of close friends and immediate family members that the booster is harmful (AOR = 2.201, 95% CI = 1.280, 3.785). Conversely, factors that appear to reduce vaccine booster hesitancy were acceptance of the third dose due to the high number of cases and the increasing rate of infection (AOR = 0.548, 95% CI = 0.317, 0.947), the belief that the vaccine will decrease the risk of getting the infection (AOR = 0.491, 95% CI = 0.277, 0.870), and opinions of close friends and immediate family members that the booster is helpful (AOR = 0.479, 95% CI = 0.273, 0.840). In conclusion, more than one-fifth of Malaysians were hesitant to take the second booster of the COVID-19 vaccine. This suggests that appropriate steps that increase vaccine acceptance, taking into consideration the findings of the present study, are needed to address this issue and to foster more positive attitudes toward vaccination. The survey was available in three main languages but limited to people with internet access; hence, it would likely be biased toward younger adults and social media users and exclude those with limited or no internet access, in particular older people. Therefore, the results are not representative of the Malaysian population at large and caution should be exercised when interpreting the findings.
  4. Pheh KS, Tan CS, Lee KW, Tay KW, Ong HT, Yap SF
    PLoS One, 2023;18(5):e0285435.
    PMID: 37167230 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0285435
    Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is one of the most common mental disorders in Malaysia. Psychometrically sound measurements are urgently needed to assess anxiety symptoms. The extensively used Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7-item (GAD-7) is a promising candidate. However, studies on its factorial validity show mixed findings. While the one-factor solution has been replicated in different cultural contexts, some studies found different factorial structures instead. This study aimed to clarify the factorial validity of the English version of the GAD-7 in the Malaysian context. The responses collected from 1272 emerging to older adults in Malaysia were randomly divided into two halves and submitted to exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) respectively. Four acceptable models were explored in EFA ranging from unidimensional factor with 7 items to 3-factor models with 6 items. The four models revealed in EFA and the other competing models found in past studies were then examined and compared using CFA. The 6-item second-order model with a general factor of anxiety and three first-order factors with two items respectively (i.e., GAD-6) showed a more harmonic result and hence, is preferable. Moreover, the GAD-6 and its three subscales also showed satisfactory internal consistency and construct validity. This study uncovers a new and unique factorial structure of the GAD screening tool that fits in the Malaysian context. The scale may reveal GAD symptomatic dimensions that guide clinical interventions.
  5. Tan FH, Ng JF, Mohamed Alitheen NB, Muhamad A, Yong CY, Lee KW
    J Virol Methods, 2023 Sep;319:114771.
    PMID: 37437780 DOI: 10.1016/j.jviromet.2023.114771
    Virus-like particles (VLPs) is one of the most favourable subjects of study, especially in the field of nanobiotechnology and vaccine development because they possess good immunogenicity and self-adjuvant properties. Conventionally, VLPs can be tagged and purified using affinity chromatography or density gradient ultracentrifugation which is costly and time-consuming. Turnip yellow mosaic virus (TYMV) is a plant virus, where expression of the viral coat protein (TYMVc) in Escherichia coli (E. coli) has been shown to form VLP. In this study, we report a non-chromatographic method for VLP purification using C-terminally His-tagged TYMVc (TYMVcHis6) as a protein model. Firstly, the TYMVcHis6 was cloned and expressed in E. coli. Upon clarification of cell lysate, nickel (II) chloride [NiCl2; 15 µM or equivalent to 0.0000194% (w/v)] was added to precipitate TYMVcHis6. Following centrifugation, the pellet was resuspended in buffer containing 1 mM EDTA to chelate Ni2+, which is then removed via dialysis. A total of 50% of TYMVcHis6 was successfully recovered with purity above 0.90. Later, the purified TYMVcHis6 was analysed with sucrose density ultracentrifugation, dynamic light scattering (DLS), and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) to confirm VLP formation, which is comparable to TYMVcHis6 purified using the standard immobilized metal affinity chromatography (IMAC) column. As the current method omitted the need for IMAC column and beads while significantly reducing the time needed for column washing, nickel affinity precipitation represents a novel method for the purification of VLPs displaying poly-histidine tags (His-tags).
  6. Lee KW, Yap SF, Ong HT, Leong PP, Mohamad Hatta N, Lye MS
    Front Public Health, 2022;10:873022.
    PMID: 35480574 DOI: 10.3389/fpubh.2022.873022
    BACKGROUND: In Malaysia the COVID-19 disease (COVID-19) has continued to escalate since its first detection in late January 2020, despite widespread implementation of control measures. This study aims to determine the knowledge, perception and behaviors with respect to COVID-19 in the midst of the third wave of the infection.

    METHODS: A cross-sectional study was carried out among staffs and students of Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR). The survey consists of basic sociodemographic information, 22 items on knowledge on COVID-19, 3 items on perceived self-risk, 2 items on preparedness & perceived self-efficacy, 10 items on preventive (own) measures, 9 items assessing unwanted and desirable behaviors during the pandemic. Simple and multiple linear regression were performed to determine the factors associated with knowledge, preventive measures adopted, self-risk perception, preparedness & perceived self-efficacy, and behaviors.

    RESULTS: A total of 434 responded to the survey of whom the majority (85.1%) had high scores for knowledge (mean score of 18.72 out of 22). A significant positive association was found between knowledge and older age (adjusted B coefficient (SE) = 0.046 (0.022), p = 0.039), those from medical faculty (adjusted B coefficient (SE) = 0.870 (0.420), p = 0.039) and residence in high-risk areas (adjusted B coefficient (SE) = 0.831 (0.295), p = 0.005). Predictors for higher perception of COVID-19 risk included presence of COVID-19 cases among social contacts (adjusted B coefficient (SE) = 0.751 (0.308), p = 0.015) and living with elderly (adjusted B coefficient (SE) = 1.137 (0.296), p < 0.001), while that for perception of preparedness and self-efficacy were living with children (adjusted Beta coefficient (SE) = 0.440 (0.173), p = 0.011) and absence of positive cases among social contacts (adjusted B coefficient (SE) = 0.418 (0.183), p = 0.023). Good preventive measures among the respondents were positively associated with knowledge (adjusted B coefficient (SE) = 0.116 (0.025), p < 0.001), as well as with female gender (adjusted B coefficient (SE) = 0.348 (0.142), p = 0.014). Unwanted behavior was significantly associated with male gender (adjusted B coefficient (SE) = 0.664 (0.321), p = 0.039) and COVID-19 positive status (adjusted B coefficient (SE) = 9.736 (3.297), p = 0.003). Knowledge of COVID-19 (adjusted B coefficient (SE) = 0.069 (0.035), p = 0.048) and being married (adjusted B coefficient (SE) = 0.917 (0.462), p = 0.048) were the predictors of desirable behavior.

    CONCLUSION: Overall, the UTAR community had demonstrated a good level of knowledge and preventive behaviors, albeit with some areas for improvement.

  7. Lee KW, Chien TW, Yeh YT, Chou W, Wang HY
    Medicine (Baltimore), 2021 Mar 12;100(10):e24749.
    PMID: 33725830 DOI: 10.1097/MD.0000000000024749
    BACKGROUND: During the COVID-19 pandemic, one of the frequently asked questions is which countries (or continents) are severely hit. Aside from using the number of confirmed cases and the fatality to measure the impact caused by COVID-19, few adopted the inflection point (IP) to represent the control capability of COVID-19. How to determine the IP days related to the capability is still unclear. This study aims to (i) build a predictive model based on item response theory (IRT) to determine the IP for countries, and (ii) compare which countries (or continents) are hit most.

    METHODS: We downloaded COVID-19 outbreak data of the number of confirmed cases in all countries as of October 19, 2020. The IRT-based predictive model was built to determine the pandemic IP for each country. A model building scheme was demonstrated to fit the number of cumulative infected cases. Model parameters were estimated using the Solver add-in tool in Microsoft Excel. The absolute advantage coefficient (AAC) was computed to track the IP at the minimum of incremental points on a given ogive curve. The time-to-event analysis (a.k.a. survival analysis) was performed to compare the difference in IPs among continents using the area under the curve (AUC) and the respective 95% confidence intervals (CIs). An online comparative dashboard was created on Google Maps to present the epidemic prediction for each country.

    RESULTS: The top 3 countries that were hit severely by COVID-19 were France, Malaysia, and Nepal, with IP days at 263, 262, and 262, respectively. The top 3 continents that were hit most based on IP days were Europe, South America, and North America, with their AUCs and 95% CIs at 0.73 (0.61-0.86), 0.58 (0.31-0.84), and 0.54 (0.44-0.64), respectively. An online time-event result was demonstrated and shown on Google Maps, comparing the IP probabilities across continents.

    CONCLUSION: An IRT modeling scheme fitting the epidemic data was used to predict the length of IP days. Europe, particularly France, was hit seriously by COVID-19 based on the IP days. The IRT model incorporated with AAC is recommended to determine the pandemic IP.

  8. Yew SM, Chan CL, Lee KW, Na SL, Tan R, Hoh CC, et al.
    PLoS One, 2014;9(8):e104352.
    PMID: 25098697 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0104352
    Dematiaceous fungi (black fungi) are a heterogeneous group of fungi present in diverse environments worldwide. Many species in this group are known to cause allergic reactions and potentially fatal diseases in humans and animals, especially in tropical and subtropical climates. This study represents the first survey of dematiaceous fungi in Malaysia and provides observations on their diversity as well as in vitro response to antifungal drugs. Seventy-five strains isolated from various clinical specimens were identified by morphology as well as an internal transcribed spacer (ITS)-based phylogenetic analysis. The combined molecular and conventional approach enabled the identification of three classes of the Ascomycota phylum and 16 genera, the most common being Cladosporium, Cochliobolus and Neoscytalidium. Several of the species identified have not been associated before with human infections. Among 8 antifungal agents tested, the azoles posaconazole (96%), voriconazole (90.7%), ketoconazole (86.7%) and itraconazole (85.3%) showed in vitro activity (MIC ≤ 1 µg/mL) to the largest number of strains, followed by anidulafungin (89.3%), caspofungin (74.7%) and amphotericin B (70.7%). Fluconazole appeared to be the least effective with only 10.7% of isolates showing in vitro susceptibility. Overall, almost half (45.3%) of the isolates showed reduced susceptibility (MIC >1 µg/mL) to at least one antifungal agent, and three strains (one Pyrenochaeta unguis-hominis and two Nigrospora oryzae) showed potential multidrug resistance.
  9. Chan CL, Yew SM, Na SL, Tan YC, Lee KW, Yee WY, et al.
    Genome Announc, 2014;2(2).
    PMID: 24744321 DOI: 10.1128/genomeA.00074-14
    Ochroconis constricta is a soilborne dematiaceous fungus that has never been reported to be associated with human infection. Here we report the first draft genome sequence of strain UM 578, isolated from human skin scraping. The genomic information revealed will contribute to a better understanding of this species.
  10. Chan CL, Yew SM, Ngeow YF, Na SL, Lee KW, Hoh CC, et al.
    BMC Genomics, 2015 Nov 18;16:966.
    PMID: 26581579 DOI: 10.1186/s12864-015-2200-2
    BACKGROUND: Daldinia eschscholtzii is a wood-inhabiting fungus that causes wood decay under certain conditions. It has a broad host range and produces a large repertoire of potentially bioactive compounds. However, there is no extensive genome analysis on this fungal species.

    RESULTS: Two fungal isolates (UM 1400 and UM 1020) from human specimens were identified as Daldinia eschscholtzii by morphological features and ITS-based phylogenetic analysis. Both genomes were similar in size with 10,822 predicted genes in UM 1400 (35.8 Mb) and 11,120 predicted genes in UM 1020 (35.5 Mb). A total of 751 gene families were shared among both UM isolates, including gene families associated with fungus-host interactions. In the CAZyme comparative analysis, both genomes were found to contain arrays of CAZyme related to plant cell wall degradation. Genes encoding secreted peptidases were found in the genomes, which encode for the peptidases involved in the degradation of structural proteins in plant cell wall. In addition, arrays of secondary metabolite backbone genes were identified in both genomes, indicating of their potential to produce bioactive secondary metabolites. Both genomes also contained an abundance of gene encoding signaling components, with three proposed MAPK cascades involved in cell wall integrity, osmoregulation, and mating/filamentation. Besides genomic evidence for degrading capability, both isolates also harbored an array of genes encoding stress response proteins that are potentially significant for adaptation to living in the hostile environments.

    CONCLUSIONS: Our genomic studies provide further information for the biological understanding of the D. eschscholtzii and suggest that these wood-decaying fungi are also equipped for adaptation to adverse environments in the human host.

  11. Ooi EH, Lee KW, Yap S, Khattab MA, Liao IY, Ooi ET, et al.
    Comput Biol Med, 2019 03;106:12-23.
    PMID: 30665137 DOI: 10.1016/j.compbiomed.2019.01.003
    Effects of different boundary conditions prescribed across the boundaries of radiofrequency ablation (RFA) models of liver cancer are investigated for the case where the tumour is at the liver boundary. Ground and Robin-type conditions (electrical field) and body temperature and thermal insulation (thermal field) conditions are examined. 3D models of the human liver based on publicly-available CT images of the liver are developed. An artificial tumour is placed inside the liver at the boundary. Simulations are carried out using the finite element method. The numerical results indicated that different electrical and thermal boundary conditions led to different predictions of the electrical potential, temperature and thermal coagulation distributions. Ground and body temperature conditions presented an unnatural physical conditions around the ablation site, which results in more intense Joule heating and excessive heat loss from the tissue. This led to thermal damage volumes that are smaller than the cases when the Robin type or the thermal insulation conditions are prescribed. The present study suggests that RFA simulations in the future must take into consideration the choice of the type of electrical and thermal boundary conditions to be prescribed in the case where the tumour is located near to the liver boundary.
  12. Loh HC, Lim R, Lee KW, Ooi CY, Chuan DR, Looi I, et al.
    Stroke Vasc Neurol, 2021 Mar;6(1):109-120.
    PMID: 33109618 DOI: 10.1136/svn-2020-000519
    There are several previous studies on the association of vitamin E with prevention of stroke but the findings remain controversial. We have conducted a systematic review, meta-analysis together with trial sequential analysis of randomised controlled trials to evaluate the effect of vitamin E supplementation versus placebo/no vitamin E on the risk reduction of total, fatal, non-fatal, haemorrhagic and ischaemic stroke. Relevant studies were identified by searching online databases through Medline, PubMed and Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials. A total of 18 studies with 148 016 participants were included in the analysis. There was no significant difference in the prevention of total stroke (RR (relative risk)=0.98, 95% CI 0.92-1.04, p=0.57), fatal stroke (RR=0.96, 95% CI 0.77-1.20, p=0.73) and non-fatal stroke (RR=0.96, 95% CI 0.88-1.05, p=0.35). Subgroup analyses were performed under each category (total stroke, fatal stroke and non-fatal stroke) and included the following subgroups (types of prevention, source and dosage of vitamin E and vitamin E alone vs control). The findings in all subgroup analyses were statistically insignificant. In stroke subtypes analysis, vitamin E showed significant risk reduction in ischaemic stroke (RR=0.92, 95% CI 0.85-0.99, p=0.04) but not in haemorrhagic stroke (RR=1.17, 95% CI 0.98-1.39, p=0.08). However, the trial sequential analysis demonstrated that more studies were needed to control random errors. Limitations of this study include the following: trials design may not have provided sufficient power to detect a change in stroke outcomes, participants may have had different lifestyles or health issues, there were a limited number of studies available for subgroup analysis, studies were mostly done in developed countries, and the total sample size for all included studies was insufficient to obtain a meaningful result from meta-analysis. In conclusion, there is still a lack of statistically significant evidence of the effects of vitamin E on the risk reduction of stroke. Nevertheless, vitamin E may offer some benefits in the prevention of ischaemic stroke and additional well-designed randomised controlled trials are needed to arrive at a definitive finding. PROSPERO registration number: CRD42020167827.
  13. Tan KK, Tan YC, Chang LY, Lee KW, Nor'e SS, Yee WY, et al.
    J Infect Dev Ctries, 2017 Jun 01;11(5):420-425.
    PMID: 30943180 DOI: 10.3855/jidc.7598
    INTRODUCTION: Currently available tests have limitations for the identification of Brucella species and strains, and their genetic lineage. The genome sequence of the rpoB gene encoding the β-subunit of DNA-dependent RNA polymerase was investigated for its use in genotyping Brucella melitensis.

    METHODOLOGY: Complete rpoB gene sequences of globally distributed Brucella melitensis strains were analyzed. Single nucleotides polymorphisms (SNPs) of the rpoB gene sequences were identified and used to type Brucella melitensis strains.

    RESULTS: Six DNA polymorphisms were identified, of which two (nucleotides 3201 and 558) were novel. Analysis of the geographical distribution of the strains revealed a spatial clustering pattern with rpoB type 1 representing European and American strains, rpoB type 2 representing European, African, and Asian strains, rpoB type 3 representing Mediterranean strains, and rpoB type 4 representing African (C3201T) and European (C3201T/T558A) strains.

    CONCLUSIONS: We report the discovery of two novel SNPs of rpoB gene that can serve as useful markers for epidemiology and geographical tracking of B. melitensis.

  14. Ching SM, Lee KW, Yee A, Sivaratnam D, Hoo FK, Wan Sulaiman WA, et al.
    Med J Malaysia, 2020 09;75(5):561-567.
    PMID: 32918427
    INTRODUCTION: This study aimed to validate the Malay version of the short form Smartphone Addiction Scale (SAS-M-SF) and to examine its psychometric properties in a cohort of pre-university adolescents.

    METHODS: We obtained the validity and reliability evidence for the SAS-M-SF using a group of 307 pre-university students in Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM), Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia with a mean age of 18.4±0.2 years (70.4% female and 29.6% male). A questionnaire containing the Malay version of Smartphone Addiction Scale (SAS-M), the Malay version of the short form Smartphone Addiction Scale (SAS-M-SF), and the Malay version of the Internet Addiction Test (IAT-M) was administered on the adolescents.

    RESULTS: The SAS-M-SF displayed good internal consistency (Cronbach's α=0.80). Using principle component analysis, we identified a 4-factor SAS-M-SF model. A significant correlation between the SAS-M-SF and the IAT-M was found, lending support for concurrent validity. The prevalence of smartphone addiction was 54.5% based on cut-off score of ≥36 with a sensitivity of 70.2% and a specificity of 72.5%.

    CONCLUSIONS: The 10-item SAS-M-SF is a valid and reliable screening tool for smartphone addiction among adolescents. The scale can help clinicians or educators design appropriate intervention and prevention programs targeting smartphone addiction in adolescents at clinical or school settings.

  15. Toh YF, Yew SM, Chan CL, Na SL, Lee KW, Hoh CC, et al.
    PLoS One, 2016;11(9):e0162095.
    PMID: 27626635 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0162095
    Pyrenochaeta unguis-hominis is a rare human pathogen that causes infection in human skin and nail. P. unguis-hominis has received little attention, and thus, the basic biology and pathogenicity of this fungus is not fully understood. In this study, we performed in-depth analysis of the P. unguis-hominis UM 256 genome that was isolated from the skin scraping of a dermatitis patient. The isolate was identified to species level using a comprehensive multilocus phylogenetic analysis of the genus Pyrenochaeta. The assembled UM 256 genome has a size of 35.5 Mb and encodes 12,545 putative genes, and 0.34% of the assembled genome is predicted transposable elements. Its genomic features propose that the fungus is a heterothallic fungus that encodes a wide array of plant cell wall degrading enzymes, peptidases, and secondary metabolite biosynthetic enzymes. Antifungal drug resistance genes including MDR, CDR, and ERG11/CYP51 were identified in P. unguis-hominis UM 256, which may confer resistance to this fungus. The genome analysis of P. unguis-hominis provides an insight into molecular and genetic basis of the fungal lifestyles, understanding the unrevealed biology of antifungal resistance in this fungus.
  16. Tan AH, Toh TH, Low SC, Fong SL, Chong KK, Lee KW, et al.
    J Mov Disord, 2018 Sep;11(3):149-151.
    PMID: 30086616 DOI: 10.14802/jmd.18017
  17. Lee KW, Ching SM, Hoo FK, Ramachandran V, Chong SC, Tusimin M, et al.
    Qual Life Res, 2020 Oct;29(10):2725-2736.
    PMID: 32430781 DOI: 10.1007/s11136-020-02532-3
    PURPOSE: This study aimed to identify factors associated with poor-to-moderate quality of life (QOL) among women with gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) in two tertiary hospitals in Malaysia.

    METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted among 526 pregnant women with GDM in two tertiary hospitals in Malaysia. Diabetes-related QOL was assessed using the Asian Diabetes Quality of Life Scale (AsianDQoL). Socio-demographic characteristics, glucose monitoring treatments for GDM, past obstetric history, concurrent medical problems and a family history of diseases were captured from patient records. A multiple logistic regression was used for analysis.

    RESULTS: A total of 526 respondents with GDM entered the analysis. The median age of the respondents was 32 (interquartile range = 7) while 82.3% were Malay women. More than half of the respondents (69.5%) received an oral hypoglycaemic agent (OHA), and/or diet modification in controlling their GDM. The study reported that 23.2% of the respondents had poor-to-moderate QOL. Those with a family history of depression and/or anxiety (adjusted Odds ratio [AOR] 6.934, 95% confidence interval [CI] 2.280-21.081), and a family history of GDM (AOR 1.814, 95% CI 1.185-2.778) were at higher odds of suffering from poor-to-moderate QOL compared to those without a family history. Similarly, those who received insulin, with or without OHA, and/or are on diet modification (AOR 1.955, 95% CI 1.243-3.074) were at higher odds of suffering from poor-to-moderate QOL compared to those receiving OHA and/or diet modification.

    CONCLUSION: Nearly one-quarter of Malaysian women with GDM have poor-to-moderate QOL. GDM women with a family history of depression and/or anxiety, family history of GDM, and those who received insulin, with or without OHA, and/or are on diet modification were associated with poor-to-moderate QOL.

    TRIAL REGISTRATION: NMRR-17-2264-37814.

  18. Chan NN, Ong KW, Siau CS, Lee KW, Peh SC, Yacob S, et al.
    BMC Public Health, 2022 02 14;22(1):296.
    PMID: 35164734 DOI: 10.1186/s12889-022-12632-z
    BACKGROUND: The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in a global health emergency and lock-down measures to curb the uncontrolled transmission chain. Vaccination is an effective measure against COVID-19 infections. In Malaysia amidst the national immunisation programme (NIP) which started in February 2021, there were rising concerns regarding the prevalence of vaccine hesitancy and refusal, and therefore, vaccine uptake among Malaysians. Although there are many quantitative studies on COVID-19 vaccination, the subjective experience of individuals was understudied. This study aims to explore the lived experiences of Malaysians regarding vaccine hesitancy and refusal, and facilitating factors that could enhance vaccine acceptance and uptake.

    METHODS: This qualitative study employed the hermeneutic phenomenological study design. Purposive sampling strategies were used to recruit Malaysians that had direct experiences with friends, family members and their community who were hesitating or refusing to accept the COVID-19 vaccines. A semi-structured interview guide was developed based on the expert knowledge of the investigators and existing literature on the topic. A series of focus group interviews (FGIs) was conducted online facilitated by a multidisciplinary team of experts. The group interviews were transcribed verbatim and analysed.

    RESULTS: Fifty-nine participants took part in seven FGIs. We found that "incongruence" was the overall thematic meaning that connected all the 3 main themes. These themes comprise firstly, the incongruence between the aims and implementation of the National Immunization Program which highlighted the gap between realities and needs on the ground. Secondly, the incongruence between Trust and Mistrust revealed a trust deficit in the government, COVID-19 news, and younger people's preference to follow the examples of local vaccination "heroes". Thirdly, the incongruence in communication showed the populace's mixed views regarding official media and local social media.

    CONCLUSIONS: This study provided rich details on the complex picture of the COVID-19 immunization program in Malaysia and its impact on vaccine hesitancy and refusal. The inter-related and incongruent factors explained the operational difficulty and complexity of the NIP and the design of an effective health communication campaign. Identified gaps such as logistical implementation and communication strategies should be noted by policymakers in implementing mitigation plans.

  19. Seow WL, Md Ariffin UK, Lim SY, Mohamed NA, Lee KW, Devaraj NK, et al.
    Foods, 2022 Jan 03;11(1).
    PMID: 35010241 DOI: 10.3390/foods11010115
    Food safety is an important indicator of public health, as foodborne illnesses continue to cause productivity and economic loss. In recent years, web-based applications have been extensively used by the online users' population. Almost one third (28.3%) of online users found web-based application to be a notable source of food safety information. The objective of the current review is to determine the effectiveness of a web-based application systems as a health promotion tool for consumers to increase their knowledge and awareness of food safety. A systematic literature review was conducted by analyzing 11 selected web-based food safety education-related articles. The studies were categorized into several themes: (1) web-based applications used in accessing food safety information; (2) food safety evaluation and perception among consumers; (3) beliefs and level of knowledge, attitude and practices (KAP) of consumers; and (4) impact and contribution of social media use. A diverse number of online applications have been utilized to promote food safety education among consumers, yet these web-based applications need to be improved with regards to social connection and integration among consumers. KAP surveys were conducted on the majority of the respondents with a particular focus on their knowledge level. Findings show that web-based applications may act as an alternative to the traditional media in enhancing food safety education among consumers, especially youths who are tech-savvy.
  20. Latif AA, Lee KW, Phang K, Rashid AA, Chan NN, Peh SC, et al.
    Tzu Chi Med J, 2022;34(4):473-484.
    PMID: 36578649 DOI: 10.4103/tcmj.tcmj_212_21
    OBJECTIVES: This systematic review aims to identify influencing factors of medication adherence behavior in patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD), with a special interest in patient-related factors based on the World Health Organization adherence model.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: Primary electronic databases comprising PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, Embase and Cochrane Library, as well as ProQuest (Health and Medical), ProQuest (Psychology), and EBSCOHost (APA PsychARTICLES) were used to search for literature on patient-related factors in medication adherence, from inception till August 31, 2021.

    RESULTS: 479 articles were identified and six articles meeting eligibility criteria were reviewed and remained in this systematic review. The present review found that despite different tools being used to measure ESRD's perception of medication's necessity and beliefs, there was a profound association between perception and beliefs with medication adherence behavior. There is a positive relationship between knowledge, belief, educational level, ethnicity, female, and medication adherence behavior. Mixed finding was reported between perception, age, and medication adherence behavior. However, there were no studies on patients' attitudes and medication adherence behavior as suggested in the WHO adherence model.

    CONCLUSION: Only a limited number of patient-related factors were available for evaluation in the current systematic review. Additional research is needed to advance the understanding of medication adherence behavior affected by patient-related factors on the medication and illness. However, the findings must be taken with caution because of the limited studies included in this review.

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