Displaying publications 21 - 40 of 420 in total

  1. Noor Wini Mazlan, Ikram M. Said
    Sains Malaysiana, 2011;40(9):1037-1041.
    The seeds of C. cleomifolia (locally known as kacang hantu) collected along Simpang Pulai - Berinchang Road, Cameron Highlands, was defatted with hexane and the resulting oil was analysed for their physico-chemical properties. The percentage yield of the oil was calculated as 5.3%. The acid value (1.2%), iodine value (85), peroxide value (0.6), saponification value (192.0) and unsaponifiable matter (2.3%) were determined to assess the quality of the oil. The physico-chemical characterisation showed that C. cleomifolia seeds oil is unsaturated semi-drying oil, with high saponifi cation and acidic values. The fatty acid composition of C. cleomifolia seed oil was determined by Gas Chromatography and Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (ToF). The seed oil of C. cleomifolia contained linoleic acid (57.59%) and palmitic acid (5.07%), the most abundant unsaturated and saturated fatty acids, respectively. The polyunsaturated triacylglycerol (TAG) in C. cleomifolia seed oil determined by reverse phase High performance Liquid Chromatography; contained as PLL (18.04%) followed by POL + SLL (11.92%), OOL (7.04%) and PLLn (6.31%). The melting and cooling point of the oil were 16.22°C and -33.54°C, respectively
  2. M. Nor-Fazilla, A. Samat, A.G. Mazlan
    Sains Malaysiana, 2013;42:737-742.
    Satu penyelidikan telah dijalankan untuk mengesan struktur halus organ deria-elektro (Ampullae of Lorenzini) pada Carcharhinus melanopterus, C. limbatus dan Chiloscyllium griseum. Organ ini amat peka terhadap beberapa bentuk rangsangan terutamanya untuk mengesan kedudukan mangsa, penentuan arah dan mengawan. Di dalam makmal, suatu bahagian organ deria ini dipisahkan daripada lapisan dermis kepala ikan yu. Pemerhatian dan pengambilan imej struktur organ deria telah dibuat menggunakan mikroskop elektron imbasan (SEM). Imej-imej yang diperoleh jelas menunjukkan organ deria pada Carcharhinus melanopterus, C. limbatus dan Chiloscyllium griseum berbentuk ampulari terkumpul di dalam kluster. Saluran-saluran deria yang menghubungkan ampula dengan pori didapati mempunyai orientasi panjang dan susunan yang berbeza-beza pada spesies yang berlainan.
  3. Lau, E.F., Mazlan, M., Shanmugam, H.
    JUMMEC, 2018;21(2):31-34.
    Phenytoin is commonly prescribed for the prophylaxis of seizures in neurosurgical patients. A phenytoininduced
    serious adverse effect of thrombocytopenia has been reported in the literature. The concurrent
    use of dexamethasone, another commonly prescribed drug in neurosurgical patients, has been reported to
    aggravate this adverse haematological effect. We present a report of phenytoin-induced thrombocytopenia
    in a patient concurrently prescribed with dexamethasone, after an intracerebral haemorrhage secondary to
    a rupture of an arteriovenous malformation. The thrombocytopenia was noted after two weeks of phenytoin
    medication. Phenytoin was immediately withheld, and seven units of random donor platelets were transfused.
    A gradual resolution of thrombocytopenia was observed within a week.
  4. Bajuri, F., Mazlan, N., Ishak, M.R.
    Kenaf natural fibre is used as a sustainable form of material to reinforce polymeric composite. However, natural fibres usually do not perform as well as synthetic fibres. Silica nanoparticle is a material with high surface area and its high interfacial interaction with the matrix results in its improvement. In this research, silica nanoparticles were introduced into epoxy resin as a filler material to improve the mechanical properties of the kenaf-reinforced epoxy. They were dispersed into the epoxy using a homogeniser at 3000 rpm for 10 minutes. The composites were fabricated by spreading the silica filled epoxy evenly onto the kenaf mat before hot pressing the resin wet kenaf mat. The results show for flexural properties, composites with higher fibre and silica volume content generally had better properties with specimen 601 (60 vol% kenaf and1 vol% silica) having the highest strength at 68.9 MPa. Compressive properties were erratic with specimen 201 (20 vol% kenaf and 1 vol% silica) having the highest strength at 53.6 MPa.
  5. Kamarudin KA, Ismail M
    Movement Health & Exercise, 2019;8(1):45-56.
    The purpose of this study is to look at the effects of music during physical activities towards the mood of primary school children. The results of this study show a result that found a positive mood effect during physical education activities by incorporating music elements in teaching and teaching sessions. The study was conducted for two weeks. A week-long three Physical Education subject sessions per session take about 30 minutes. This study was conducted on primary school pupils in Seremban which involves
    three (n = 3) schools, focusing on schools in rural areas only encompassing one hundred and eighty (n = 180) ie 90 pupils men and 90 girls. All nine-year study subjects were broken down into three groups ie control groups A, B, and C. The study was experimental. Group A follows the Three Year syllabus syllabus provided by the Curriculum Development Division of the Ministry of Education, which is applicable in primary schools in Malaysia. Group B runs free games that are not tied to curriculum syllabus and Group C similar
    to group A also follow the same syllabus of the Year Three syllabus but during the lesson the pupils are played with the background of music in each learning session. The findings show that the C group absorbed by the music element shows the tendency of a better and positive mood compared to other groups. The results of this study also attract the children to participate in the Physical Education class more actively and give positive impact to the individual in terms of the development of their gross motor and is a fun subject and lead to the formation of a balanced, physical, emotional, spiritual, and intellectuality.
    Keywords: Mood, music, physical education, gross motor
    Study site: Three primary schools (SK Mantin, SK Labu Batu 10, dan SK Desa Cempaka), Seremban, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia
  6. Zawani M, Fauzi MB
    Biomedicines, 2021 May 10;9(5).
    PMID: 34068490 DOI: 10.3390/biomedicines9050527
    Diabetic foot ulcers (DFU) are a predominant impediment among diabetic patients, increasing morbidity and wound care costs. There are various strategies including using biomaterials have been explored for the management of DFU. This paper will review the injectable hydrogel application as the most studied polymer-based hydrogel based on published journals and articles. The main key factors that will be discussed in chronic wounds focusing on diabetic ulcers include the socioeconomic burden of chronic wounds, biomaterials implicated by the government for DFU management, commercial hydrogel product, mechanism of injectable hydrogel, the current study of novel injectable hydrogel and the future perspectives of injectable hydrogel for the management of DFU.
  7. Zawani M, Fauzi MB
    Polymers (Basel), 2021 Oct 23;13(21).
    PMID: 34771213 DOI: 10.3390/polym13213656
    Immediate treatment for cutaneous injuries is a realistic approach to improve the healing rate and minimise the risk of complications. Multifunctional biomaterials have been proven to be a potential strategy for chronic skin wound management, especially for future advancements in precision medicine. Hence, antioxidant incorporated biomaterials play a vital role in the new era of tissue engineering. A bibliographic investigation was conducted on articles focusing on in vitro, in vivo, and clinical studies that evaluate the effect and the antioxidants mechanism exerted by epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) in wound healing and its ability to act as reactive oxygen species (ROS) scavengers. Over the years, EGCG has been proven to be a potent antioxidant efficient for wound healing purposes. Therefore, several novel studies were included in this article to shed light on EGCG incorporated biomaterials over five years of research. However, the related papers under this review's scope are limited in number. All the studies showed that biomaterials with scavenging ability have a great potential to combat chronic wounds and assist the wound healing process against oxidative damage. However, the promising concept has faced challenges extending beyond the trial phase, whereby the implementation of these biomaterials, when exposed to an oxidative stress environment, may disrupt cell proliferation and tissue regeneration after transplantation. Therefore, thorough research should be executed to ensure a successful therapy.
  8. Varuges JA, Mazlan M
    Med J Malaysia, 2023 Mar;78(2):190-196.
    PMID: 36988529
    INTRODUCTION: Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a major cause of disabilities among young adults worldwide. Although rehabilitation interventions were shown to reduce the extent of disabilities, there is limited data on the rehabilitation details of TBI patients in Malaysia. This current research is aimed at describing the rehabilitation characteristics of adults with TBI in UMMC, which include the characteristics of patients referred, the rehabilitation setting, intensity of therapy and duration of rehabilitation interventions. Secondly, it is aimed at examining the patients' outcomes at discharge and 1 year.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: This research is a retrospective review on 201 electronic medical records of TBI patients referred for the multidisciplinary acute rehabilitation. Data on socio-demographic, TBI-related characteristics, rehabilitation details and functional outcomes at admission, discharge and 1-year post-TBI were analysed.

    RESULTS: From the study population, males and Malay ethnicity were predominant and the Mean (SD) age was 42 ± 19 years. About two-thirds had severe TBI (63%), with concomitant fractures (70%), and 43% were first referred for rehabilitation during post-traumatic amnesia (PTA) state. 63% of them were directly transferred to the inpatient rehabilitation ward with an average length of stay of 18.8 ± 18.3 days. Only 25% of the patients received the full multidisciplinary team input and interventions during the acute inpatient rehabilitation program. The average hours of therapy received during the acute rehabilitation was 7 hours in a 5 day-week, translating to about 1.5 hours per day. In the first-year post-injury, most patients only received outpatient therapy less than once a month after the rehabilitation discharges. Significant improvements were noted in the Modified Barthel Index, Montreal Cognitive Assessment, 6- Minute Walk Test and Westmead PTA scales from rehabilitation admission to discharge and at 1-year post-TBI (p<0.05).

    CONCLUSION: More than two-thirds of the TBI patients were transferred to the rehabilitation ward within the first three weeks of injury. Significant improvement in general function, cognition, physical mobility and endurance were reported at the rehabilitation discharge and 1 year. These improvements highlight the positive gains of acute rehabilitation interventions after TBI.

  9. Shahabi H, Hashim M
    Sci Rep, 2015 Apr 22;5:9899.
    PMID: 25898919 DOI: 10.1038/srep09899
    This research presents the results of the GIS-based statistical models for generation of landslide susceptibility mapping using geographic information system (GIS) and remote-sensing data for Cameron Highlands area in Malaysia. Ten factors including slope, aspect, soil, lithology, NDVI, land cover, distance to drainage, precipitation, distance to fault, and distance to road were extracted from SAR data, SPOT 5 and WorldView-1 images. The relationships between the detected landslide locations and these ten related factors were identified by using GIS-based statistical models including analytical hierarchy process (AHP), weighted linear combination (WLC) and spatial multi-criteria evaluation (SMCE) models. The landslide inventory map which has a total of 92 landslide locations was created based on numerous resources such as digital aerial photographs, AIRSAR data, WorldView-1 images, and field surveys. Then, 80% of the landslide inventory was used for training the statistical models and the remaining 20% was used for validation purpose. The validation results using the Relative landslide density index (R-index) and Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) demonstrated that the SMCE model (accuracy is 96%) is better in prediction than AHP (accuracy is 91%) and WLC (accuracy is 89%) models. These landslide susceptibility maps would be useful for hazard mitigation purpose and regional planning.
  10. Khairudin NB, Mazlan NS
    Bioinformation, 2013;9(16):813-7.
    PMID: 24143051 DOI: 10.6026/97320630009813
    Beta-glucosidase ( plays an essential role in the removal of non-reducing terminal glucosyl residues from glycosides. Recently, beta-glucosidase has been of interest for biomass conversion that acts in synergy with two other enzymes, endoglucanase and exo-glucanase. However, there is not much information available on the catalytic interactions of beta-glucosidase with its substrates. Thus, this study reports on the binding modes between beta-glucosidase from glycoside hydrolase family 1 namely BglB with cellobiose, cellotetraose and cellotetriose via molecular docking simulation. From the results, the binding affinities of BglB-cellobiose, BglB-cellotetraose, and BglB-cellotetriose complexes were reported to be -6.2kJ/mol , -5.68 kJ/mol and -5.63 kJ/mol, respectively. The detail interactions were also been investigated that revealed the key residues involved in forming hydrogen bonds (h-bond) with the substrates. These findings may provide valuable insigths in designing beta-glucosidase with higher cellobiose-hydrolyzing efficiency.
  11. Bashir FA, Shuhaimi-Othman M, Mazlan AG
    J Environ Public Health, 2012;2012:352309.
    PMID: 22046193 DOI: 10.1155/2012/352309
    This study is focused on evaluating the trace metal levels in water and tissues of two commercial fish species Arius thalassinus and Pennahia anea that were collected from Kapar and Mersing coastal waters. The concentrations of Fe, Zn, Al, As, Cd and Pb in these coastal waters and muscle, liver and gills tissues of the fishes were quantified. The relationship among the metal concentrations and the height and weight of the two species were also examined. Generally, the iron has the highest concentrations in both water and the fish species. However, Cd in both coastal waters showed high levels exceeding the international standards. The metal level concentration in the sample fishes are in the descending order livers > gills > muscles. A positive association between the trace metal concentrations and weight and length of the sample fishes was investigated. Fortunately the level of these metal concentrations in fish has not exceeded the permitted level of Malaysian and international standards.
  12. Chawarski MC, Mazlan M, Schottenfeld RS
    Drug Alcohol Depend, 2006 Apr;82 Suppl 1:S39-42.
    PMID: 16769444
    BACKGROUND: Malaysia is experiencing severe problems with heroin dependence and HIV infection. This, study evaluated drug use and other HIV risk behaviors and their association with HIV and other infectious diseases in heroin-dependent subjects enrolled in a clinical trial of drug abuse treatment in Muar, Malaysia.

    METHODS: Baseline assessment of treatment-seeking subjects (n=177) included the Addiction Severity Index; AIDS Risk Inventory; serological tests for HIV, hepatitis B, and hepatitis C; and chest X-ray.

    RESULTS: All of the subjects were male; 67.8% were Malays, 28.8% Chinese, and 2.3%. Indian. Subjects had a mean (SD) age of 37.2 (9.1) years and 14.4 (8.5) years of using heroin; 76.3% reported lifetime injection drug use (IDU), and 41.5% reported current IDU; 30 of 156 (19.2%) tested HIV positive, 143 of 159 (89.9%) tested hepatitis C positive, and 25 of 159 (15.7%) had radiological evidence of pulmonary tuberbulosis. Malay subjects had a significantly higher prevalence of current IDU, needle sharing (p<0.01), and HIV infection (p<0.05) compared with Chinese subjects. Lifetime IDU, needle sharing, lack of consistent condom use, and Malay ethnicity were significantly associated with HIV infection.

    CONCLUSIONS: The high prevalence of HIV infection among heroin-dependent individuals, in Malaysia supports the important of interventions to reduce the major risk factors for HIV, including IDU, needle sharing, and unprotected sex.

  13. Mazlan M, Schottenfeld RS, Chawarski MC
    Drug Alcohol Rev, 2006 Sep;25(5):473-8.
    PMID: 16939945
    Until recently, Malaysia has lagged behind in the treatment of drug addiction and related disorders, despite experiencing severe drug problems. By the end of 2004, 234,000 heroin users or heroin-dependent individuals had been registered in the official government registry, but other estimates exceed 500,000 for heroin abusers in the country. Amphetamine-type stimulant abuse is also increasing and of considerable public and government concern. Among the population of drug users, HIV and other infectious diseases rates are very high. In the Western Pacific regions, Malaysia has the second highest HIV prevalence (after Vietnam) among adult populations (0.62%) and the highest proportion of HIV cases resulting from injection drug use (76.3%). Drug use and related disorders exert a heavy burden on the country's health care and legal systems. Historically, drug abusers were rehabilitated involuntarily in correctional, rather than health-care, facilities. This primarily criminal treatment approach had limited effectiveness which led to widespread public dissatisfaction and the recent introduction of medical treatments for addiction. Naltrexone was introduced in 1999; buprenorphine was introduced in 2001 and methadone in 2003. Agonist maintenance programmes were embraced rapidly by the medical community in Malaysia. Currently, over 30,000 opiate-dependent patients are treated with agonist maintenance treatments by more than 500 medical practitioners in Malaysia. Despite these recent advances, treatments for amphetamine-type stimulant abuse or dependence are underdeveloped, and diversion of agonist medications is an emerging concern.
  14. Salihah N, Mazlan N, Lua PL
    J Multidiscip Healthc, 2016;9:145-51.
    PMID: 27110121 DOI: 10.2147/JMDH.S97695
    This study aimed to explore the subjective experience of nausea and vomiting during chemotherapy treatment among breast cancer patients and the impacts on their daily lives.
  15. Mazlan NS, Ahmad Khairudin NB
    J Biomol Struct Dyn, 2016 Jul;34(7):1486-94.
    PMID: 26261863 DOI: 10.1080/07391102.2015.1081570
    Paenibacillus polymyxa β-glucosidase B (BglB), belongs to a GH family 1, is a monomeric enzyme that acts as an exo-β-glucosidase hydrolysing cellobiose and cellodextrins of higher degree of polymerization using retaining mechanism. A molecular dynamics (MD) simulation was performed at 300 K under periodic boundary condition for 5 ns using the complexes structure obtained from previous docking study, namely BglB-Beta-d-glucose and BglB-Cellobiose. From the root-mean-square deviation analysis, both enzyme complexes were reported to deviate from the initial structure in the early part of the simulation but it was stable afterwards. The root-mean-square fluctuation analysis revealed that the most flexible regions comprised of the residues from 26 to 29, 43 to 53, 272 to 276, 306 to 325 and 364 to 367. The radius of gyration analysis had shown the structure of BglB without substrate became more compact towards the end of the simulation compare to other two complexes. The residues His122 and Trp410 were observed to form stable hydrogen bond with occupancy higher than 10%. In conclusion, the behaviour of BglB enzyme towards the substrate binding was successfully explored via MD simulation approaches.
  16. Ruzmi R, Ahmad-Hamdani MS, Mazlan N
    PLoS One, 2020;15(9):e0227397.
    PMID: 32925921 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0227397
    The continuous and sole dependence on imidazolinone (IMI) herbicides for weedy rice control has led to the evolution of herbicide resistance in weedy rice populations across various countries growing IMI herbicide-resistant rice (IMI-rice), including Malaysia. A comprehensive study was conducted to elucidate occurrence, level, and mechanisms endowing resistance to IMI herbicides in putative resistant (R) weedy rice populations collected from three local Malaysian IMI-rice fields. Seed bioassay and whole-plant dose-response experiments were conducted using commercial IMI herbicides. Based on the resistance index (RI) quantification in both experiments, the cross-resistance pattern of R and susceptible (S) weedy rice populations and control rice varieties (IMI-rice variety MR220CL2 and non-IMI-rice variety MR219) to imazapic and imazapyr was determined. A molecular investigation was carried out by comparing the acetohydroxyacid synthase (AHAS) gene sequences of the R and S populations and the MR220CL2 and MR219 varieties. The AHAS gene sequences of R weedy rice were identical to those of MR220CL2, exhibiting a Ser-653-Asn substitution, which was absent in MR219 and S plants. In vitro assays were conducted using analytical grade IMI herbicides of imazapic (99.3%) and imazapyr (99.6%) at seven different concentrations. The results demonstrated that the AHAS enzyme extracted from the R populations and MR220CL2 was less sensitive to IMI herbicides than that from S and MR219, further supporting that IMI herbicide resistance was conferred by target-site mutation. In conclusion, IMI resistance in the selected populations of Malaysian weedy rice could be attributed to a Ser-653-Asn mutation that reduced the sensitivity of the target site to IMI herbicides. To our knowledge, this study is the first to show the resistance mechanism in weedy rice from Malaysian rice fields.
  17. Ruzmi R, Ahmad-Hamdani MS, Mazlan N
    PLoS One, 2020;15(12):e0244686.
    PMID: 33351858 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0244686
    [This corrects the article DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0227397.].
  18. Nazri A, Mazlan N, Muharam F
    PLoS One, 2018;13(12):e0208501.
    PMID: 30571683 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0208501
    Rice is a staple food in Asia and it contributes significantly to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Malaysia and other developing countries. Brown Planthopper (BPH) causes high levels of economic loss in Malaysia. Identification of BPH presence and monitoring of its abundance has been conducted manually by experts and is time-consuming, fatiguing and tedious. Automated detection of BPH has been proposed by many studies to overcome human fallibility. However, all studies regarding automated recognition of BPH are investigated based on intact specimen although most of the specimens are imperfect, with missing parts have distorted shapes. The automated recognition of an imperfect insect image is more difficult than recognition of the intact specimen. This study proposes an automated, deep-learning-based detection pipeline, PENYEK, to identify BPH pest in images taken from a readily available sticky pad, constructed by clipping plastic sheets onto steel plates and spraying with glue. This study explores the effectiveness of a convolutional neural network (CNN) architecture, VGG16, in classifying insects as BPH or benign based on grayscale images constructed from Euclidean Distance Maps (EDM). The pipeline identified imperfect images of BPH with an accuracy of 95% using deep-learning's hyperparameters: softmax, a mini-batch of 30 and an initial learning rate of 0.0001.
  19. Wali HA, Mazlan R, Kei J
    Ear Hear, 2019 2 27;40(5):1233-1241.
    PMID: 30807541 DOI: 10.1097/AUD.0000000000000707
    OBJECTIVES: Wideband absorbance (WBA) is an emerging technology to evaluate the conductive pathway (outer and middle ear) in young infants. While a wealth of research has been devoted to measuring WBA at ambient pressure, few studies have investigated the use of pressurized WBA with this population. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of age on WBA measured under pressurized conditions in healthy infants from 0 to 6 months of age.

    DESIGN: Forty-four full-term healthy neonates (17 males and 27 females) participated in a longitudinal study. The neonates were assessed at 1-month intervals from 0 to 6 months of age using high-frequency tympanometry, acoustic stapedial reflex, distortion product otoacoustic emissions, and pressurized WBA. The values of WBA at tympanometric peak pressure (TPP) and 0 daPa across the frequencies from 0.25 to 8 kHz were analyzed as a function of age.

    RESULTS: A linear mixed model analysis, applied to the data, revealed significantly different WBA patterns among the age groups. In general, WBA measured at TPP and 0 daPa decreased at low frequencies (<0.4 kHz) and increased at high frequencies (2 to 5and 8 kHz) with age. Specifically, WBA measured at TPP and 0 daPa in 3- to 6-month-olds was significantly different from that of 0- to 2-month-olds at low (0.25 to 0.31 kHz) and high (2 to 5 and 8 kHz) frequencies. However, there were no significant differences between WBA measured at TPP and 0 daPa for infants from 3 to 6 months of age.

    CONCLUSIONS: The present study provided clear evidence of maturation of the outer and middle ear system in healthy infants from birth to 6 months. Therefore, age-specific normative data of pressurized WBA are warranted.

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