Major depressive disorder is an important psychiatric illness that can be a life-threatening condition when it presents with suicidality. This case report describes an adolescent who presented with major depressive disorder but with an underlying undiagnosed attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD). The 17-year-old male adolescent presented with psychosomatic complaint of non-resolving left sided chest pain. He also had major depressive symptoms and suicidal ideation. His ADHD was being missed. This case highlights the difficulty of diagnosing ADHD during adolescence as the presentation may not be as typical as during early-childhood years.
The cyber world is actually an easy medium which does not need complicated procedures in order to
publish ones literary works. This has been the reason on why the young authors choose it as the best
medium to create more literary works actively. The works of the young authors will be published in the
cyber world especially in their own personal websites. However, this also has caused misunderstanding
between the scholars about the aesthetical and the quality that have always been focused on literary
works. Therefore, this study will find out and analyse the aesthetical value through the thoughts that are
found in cyber novel Kasih Darmia by Naniey TJ based on the application of Intergrated Aesthetic
theory. Cyber novel Kasih Darmia is the first cyber literary work of Naniey TJ which was written
somewhere in November 2011 in her personal blogsite. The study uses the Intergrated Aesthetic which
is introduced by Abdul Halim Ali based on the concept of beauty which is divided by the beauty of
thoughts and the religious messages from Al-Quran as the original text that represents the real beauty
and reflects the manifestation of literary text. Analysing the thoughts in cyber novel Kasih Darmia shows that the inside beauty actually answers the aesthetical problems in the literary works in the cyber
This study was to investigate the effects of wheat flour substitution with legume flour (mung bean and chick pea) in cookies in terms of the physicochemical and organoleptic properties. Three formulations of cookies were prepared from (a) Control (100% wheat flour), (b) Mung bean (50% wheat flour + 35% mung bean flour + 15% corn flour) and (c) Chickpea (50% wheat flour + 35% chickpea flour + 15% corn flour). The physicochemical and organoleptic attributes of the three types of cookie were evaluated. Results showed significant different (p
Seaweed industry is important in several countries including Malaysia, Japan, Indonesia, and the Philippines. The seaweed, Kappaphycus is widely used in a variety of food products as an excellent nutritional supplement. There are several stages in producing raw Kappaphycus for industry such as cultivation and harvest. Most of these steps follow a traditional way which has been practiced from one generation to another. As seaweed is part of the main ingredients in many final produce, its processing must incorporate cleanliness and quality aspect. Therefore, a focus on Halal is of utmost importance. Halal is a concept that stresses on shariah law and ensuring the utmost quality which benefits most producers especially in food and supplement products. However, the knowledge of Halal is still limited in marine production including seaweed. The seaweed process has gone through numerous stages yet none of them has been checked on its
Halalness aspect. This study is to deliberate on the aspect of Halalness for each stage involved, including cultivation and harvesting. To achieve this, observations and literature search were performed and findings showed that there is lack of hygienic practices in handling seaweed production. Therefore, conjoint initiatives among university-industry-government are needed to enhance the value proposition of the seaweed production as it complies with the concept of Halalness. This will contribute towards the development of Halal ecosystem from seed to harvest of quality seaweed production.
Kajian ini dijalankan untuk menentukan komposisi proksimat dan juga kandungan asid lemak durian kuning (Durio graveolens Becc.) Sabah. Kandungan lembapan, abu, protein kasar, lemak kasar, serat kasar, karbohidrat dan asid lemak telah ditentukan. Keputusan analisis proksimat menunjukkan durian kuning Sabah mempunyai kandungan lembapan sebanyak 66.5%, protein 3.1%, lemak 5.5%, abu 1.1%, serat kasar 3.7% dan 20.2% karbohidrat. Sebanyak 13 komponen asid lemak telah dikenal pasti dengan peratusan asid lemak tepu adalah lebih rendah (30.3%) berbanding asid lemak tidak tepu (69.7%). Peratusan asid lemak tepu yang paling tinggi adalah asid miristik (14.5%) manakala asid laurik adalah terendah (1.3%). Untuk asid lemak tidak tepu pula, asid oleik paling tinggi (22.2%) manakala asid lemak miristoleik paling rendah (1.9%).
This study was designed to determine the physicochemical, antioxidant and microbial properties of fresh sugarcane juice
with calamansi juice addition. The sugarcane that was used in the experiments was the black cane variety (Saccharum
officinarum). Sugarcane pressed with and without their peel was juiced and added with calamansi juice before analysis
was carried out. Standard method was used to analyse physicochemical properties such as pH, total soluble solids,
acidity and colour of sugarcane juice. Total phenolic content (TPC), DPPH and FRAP assay were conducted for antioxidant
properties. Total plate count and yeast and mould count were carried out for the microbiological analyses. Two way
analysis of variance (ANOVA) shows significant (p<0.05) difference on colour of sugarcane juiced after extraction with and
without peel. There were no significant (p>0.05) difference shown for pH, acidity and total soluble solids of sugarcane
juice pressed with and without peel. Sugarcane juice pressed with peel produced higher antioxidant value compared
to sugarcane pressed without peel. However, sugarcane juice pressed without peeled showed a lower microbial count
compared to sugarcane juice pressed with peel. The addition of calamansi juice proved to have significant (p<0.05)
effect on colour, antioxidant and microbial count of the sugarcane juices.
Introduction: The interpretations of printed panoramic radiographs film frequently depend on personal judgements analysis by observers. The findings correlations between more than two observers must consider statistical tool which can determine that sometimes the observers will agree or disagree merely by chance. Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC) generally measures the degree of similarity among individuals within a cluster. Kappa statistic is the most frequently applied statistical analysis for this reason. This study aims to determine the validity of utilising printed panoramic radiographs for assessing dental anomalies and inter-examiner reliability in detecting dental anomalies observed within the panoramic radiographs. Methods: Twenty samples of printed versions of orthopantomogram (OPG) were arbitrarily selected from the AMDI Dental Clinic. Radiographic analyses were conducted twice, Trial 1 and Trial 2, with two-week intervals in between. Ten (10) printed OPG films were used in each session. During both assessments, incidence of dental anomalies was determined. All twenty OPGs were examined and analysed by the principal investigator and two independent examiners according to the inclusion and exclusion criterias. The data analysis was carried out using SPSS version 23. Results: The results of ICC for Trials 1 and 2 were 0.961 and 0.984, respectively. Conclusion: The outcomes demonstrated that the printed OPG films can be used to detect dental anomalies and inter-examiner dependability was in very good assertion for both trials, hence printed OPG films that satisfy the inclusion and exclusion criterias can be utilised for assessing dental anomalies as shown by the reliable ICC values in this study.
Dimensionality reduction plays a pivotal role in preparing high-dimensional data for classification and discrimination tasks by eliminating redundant features and enhancing the efficiency of classifiers. The effectiveness of a dimensionality reduction algorithm hinges on its numerical stability. When data projections are numerically stable, they lead to enhanced class separability in the lower-dimensional embedding, consequently yielding higher classification accuracy. This paper investigates the numerical attributes of dimensionality reduction and discriminant subspace learning, with a specific focus on Locality-Preserving Partial Least Squares Discriminant Analysis (LPPLS-DA). High-dimensional data frequently introduce singularity in the scatter matrices, posing a significant challenge. To tackle this issue, the paper explores two robust implementations of LPPLS-DA. These approaches not only optimize data projections but also capture more discriminative features, resulting in a marked improvement in classification accuracy. Empirical evidence supports these findings through numerical experiments conducted on synthetic and spectral datasets. The results demonstrate the superior performance of the proposed methods when compared to several state-of-the-art dimensionality reduction techniques in terms of both classification accuracy and dimension reduction.
This paper describes maslahah, a fundamental concept in Islam and its application in deliberating permissibility of human germline gene editing from an Islamic perspective. This paper refers to He Jiankui's research that led to the birth of the world's first gene edited babies, who were edited to be protected from HIV. The objective, procedure, and output of the research were assessed against the conditions of maslahah. It can be concluded that the experiment did not meet the conditions; it is inconsistent with the objectives of shariah (maqasid al-shariah) and some fundamental Islamic teachings that it did not preserve greater benefit, hence it could be considered impermissible.
Using pulmonary tuberculosis (pTB) as an example of a vaccine-preventable disease (VPD), we aimed to gather evidence on the economic impact of treating a case or managing an outbreak of a VPD. A scoping review was con- ducted. Online databases (MEDLINE and Google Scholar) were used to collate published studies from the year 2015 to 2019 on the management cost of one case or an outbreak of pTB. Keywords used were cost, treatment, outbreak, pulmonary tuberculosis, tuberculosis, economic, economic evaluation. A total of 29 studies were analysed. The costs of pTB treatment for individual patient were higher in high-income countries compared to middle-income and low-income countries. A case of pTB can result in household catastrophic health expenditure; while an outbreak can overwhelm the health system’s capacity, and disrupts the economy of a country. Therefore, accessibility of vaccines especially in low-income countries must be ensured. Also, vaccine-hesitant individuals must reconsider their stance on vaccination.
Globally, 998 million tonnes of agricultural waste is produced per year and in Malaysia, 1.2 million tonnes of agricultural waste is disposed of into landfills annually. Concurrently, increasing demands of concrete leads to vary of research conducted on improving cement production methods and formulating reduction or eliminate CO2 emissions.
Low Grade Papillary Nasopharyngeal Adenocarcinoma (LGPAC) is a very rare tumour of mucosal origin compared to a higher incidence of well differentiated keratinized/non-keratinized nasopharyngeal carcinoma. It is an epithelial tumour with glandular differentiation. Its papillary figure seen histologically, is also seen in metastatic papillary thyroid carcinoma. This has caused a significant challenge to the Pathologist to differentiate primary papillary nasopharyngeal adenocarcinoma and metastatic tumour. Thyroid Transcription Factor-1 (TTF-1) is also expressed in subsets of papillary nasopharyngeal adenocarcinoma, which is valuable as a diagnostic tool. LGPAC is a benign-like malignant neoplasm. An early diagnosis with a complete tumour removal via conventional excision or endoscopic approach has offered a good prognosis with low risk of recurrence.
Fogging activity has become one of the important methods in tackling dengue outbreaks nowadays. Despite this, it is an occupation that has known hazards namely noise and pesticides which can affect the body organs. Based on this knowledge, a cross sectional study was conducted to determine the association between hearing impairment and serum cholinesterase level among foggers from five randomly selected Health District Offices in Selangor. A total of 200 workers comprising of 100 workers exposed to fogging activity and another 100 workers not exposed were randomly selected for this study. Data was obtained through self administered questionnaire, audiometric testing and serum cholinesterase level measurement. The overall prevalence of hearing impairment was 16% with foggers having significant higher prevalence (24%) compared to the non foggers (8%) (χ2=9.52, p=0.002). Measurement of serum cholinesterase showed that exposed workers had lower level compared to the non exposed group. Similarly, those who have hearing impairment had also lower serum cholinesterase level although it was not statistically different. Among all studied factors, age and duration of exposure to fogging activities were statistically different with hearing impairment (p
Background: A cross-sectional study on work-related stressors among nurses in a public teaching hospital had also attempted to explore functions of coping strategies in determining stress.
Materials and Methods: A structured bilingual questionnaire (English-Malay) on symptoms and sources of stress, and coping style measure was disseminated to medical and surgical nurses working in a teaching hospital in Kuala Lumpur. Socio demographic information and stress management methods were inquired. Frequency in workplace stressors were assessed using Nursing Stress Scale. Stress symptoms and home-life stressors were evaluated using Personal Stress Inventory. Measurement of coping strategies was performed using Coping Orientation for Problems Experienced questionnaire.
Results: A total of 181 questionnaires were disseminated and 151 (83.4%) were satisfactorily completed by nurses. It was found that the prevalence of work-related stress among medical and surgical nurses was 49.3% (N=74/150). Analysis of dichotomized outcome (between Stress and No stress group) illustrated high workload (t-value=4.122; p
Evaluation on the physicochemical and sensory properties of wheat flour doughnuts substituted with banana flour (BF) was investigated. Wheat flour was substituted with green banana (Musa paradisiaca var. Awak) flour at 0% (control), 10%, 20% and 30% levels in yeast-raised doughnut prepared by the straight dough method. Chemical (moisture, fat, protein, ash, carbohydrate, crude fibre, total dietary fibre and caloric content), physical (volume, specific volume and colour) and sensory evaluation were conducted on all samples. Chemical analyses result indicated a higher percentage of total dietary fibre and caloric content in doughnut substituted with BF than the control. Colour evaluation showed that the dough, crust and crumb of doughnut with BF ranged from 68.97 ± 0.59 – 84.78 ± 0.16 (red – yellow quadrant). The change from light to darker colour correlated with the amount of BF added. Results also showed that the volume and specific volume was significantly affected (p < 0.05) by levels of BF substituted. Doughnut substituted with 20% BF showed the highest score in overall acceptability (6.71 ± 1.40).
A study was carried out on 79 female telephone operators working in a Telecommunication Centre in Kuala Lumpur to determine the prevalence of Work Related Upper Limb Disorders (WRULD) and its risk factors. Data collection for this study was done between December 2000 and May 2001. The presence of WRULD was determined based on a guided questionnaire and physical examination. The response rate for this study was 94.9% (n= 75) and results showed that the prevalence of WRULD among the female telephone operators was 48.0%: Stage 1= 38.9%, Stage 2= 19.4%, Stage 3= 38.9%, Stage 4= 0% and Stage 5= 2.8%. In the telecommunication centre, it was found that those with WRULD had a mean of 11.59±9.09 years of employment duration whereas those without WRULD had a mean of 9.89 ± 8.48 years of employment duration. None of the factors studied such as Body Mass Index, age, ethnicity, menstrual cycle, hormone replacement therapy, overtime work, duration of employment in the present unit and in the telecommunication center differ in distribution between subjects with and without WRULD. This could be contributed by factors such as small number of subjects or the common healthy worker effect found in occupational health research. The findings studied of this study show that almost 40.0% of the workers experienced pain and neurological symptoms. Since none of the factors was found to be associated with WRULD, an elaborate study with a case-control design is needed in order to match cases and enable researchers to control the effect of confounding factors. This will ensure risk factors pertinent to WRULD in the Malaysian setting to be identified.
The objectives of this study is to evaluate subjective symptoms and neurobehavioral performances among workers exposed to lead and its relation with blood lead levels. The methodology of this study was restricted to 141 Malaysian battery manufacturing factories male workers with mean (SD) age of 35.2 (9.6) years, years of employment 9.1 (7.1), current blood lead concentration 40.5 (16.8) μg/dl were given WHO neurobehavioral core test battery. Results showed that highly exposed group blood lead level (high ≥ 40 μg/dl) performed less well in 4 of 13 responses reported higher subjective symptoms of weakness of lower limbs and anorexia. Significant correlation was found between blood lead and Digit Symbol, Digit Forward, Digit Backward, Aiming Pursuit Test and Trail B. Regression analysis showed reduction in cognitive, memory and concentration functions at ≤ 30 μg/dl blood lead levels with maximum lead effect at Digit symbol’s score at 40 μg/dl. In conclusion, this study is consistent with the larger body of neurobehavioral tests in lead exposure and has proven the ability of these tests in detecting low level of lead toxicity.
There is an increasing demand for fibre rich food and food ingredients. In this study, pumpkin pulp, unripe banana pulp, unripe mango pulp and peel which are high in dietary fibre were processed into flour and substituted at 5% level for wheat flour in a composite flour crackers formulation. The control crackers comprised of 100% wheat flour. Sensory evaluation was conducted using a 9-point hedonic scale with 31 panelists evaluating the crackers based on colour, crrispiness, taste and overall acceptance. Different types of composite flour crackers were not significantly different (p≤0.05) in term of crispiness. For colour, taste and overall acceptance, the pumpkin, banana and control crackers differ significantly (p≤0.05) with the mango pulp and mango peel crackers.
At present, social protection system is a requirement for those involved in all sectors of employment
such as pensions to Government employees and Employees Provident Fund (EPF) to private sector
workers. The primary basis of the system is to provide protection to address poverty, financial
assistance and future guarantees. However, no structured social protection system was introduced to
the informal sectors workers in Malaysia such as farmers and others. The purpose of this study is to
examine the level of knowledge and acceptance of social protection systems among farmers in the
Muda Agricultural Development Authority (MADA). This study involved 573 respondents covering 4
regions within the MADA area. In conclusion, this study will examine the level of knowledge and
acceptance of farmers on social protection systems in their communities.
A good adhesive is an important factor to consider in orthodontic bonding. Frequent bracket failure prolongs treatment duration and causes inconvenience to patient and operator. This study aimed to compare the effectiveness of two bonding agents, i.e. the self etching primer (SEP) and the conventional etch and bond (CEB) by monitoring the incidence, time and
sites of bracket failure. Eighty orthodontic patients were recruited after informed consent were obtained. A randomized split mouth technique was used where one side was bonded with CEB agent, while the other side was bonded using SEP agent. All bonded brackets were examined every 4 weeks for 20 months. Incidence of bracket failure was noted and
comparison between the two groups was done using paired t-test. Time and frequent site of failure were also assessed. Out of 1314 brackets, only 33 brackets were debonded with 16 from SEP group and 17 from CEB group which statistically insignificant (p>0.05). Almost 55% of bracket failure occurred during the first 3 months after bonding for both adhesives
with lower premolars was most the frequent site to fail in both adhesives (39.4%). Bracket bonded on the left side failed significantly compared to the right side. In conclusion, both self-etching primer and conventional acid-etch bonding agents are equally effective in retaining brackets clinically. Bracket failure mostly occurres during the first 3 months after bonding. The premolar brackets and the left side are mostly debonded when compared to other sites.