Displaying publications 21 - 40 of 162 in total

  1. Aziz HA, Adlan MN, Zahari MS, Alias S
    Waste Manag Res, 2004 Oct;22(5):371-5.
    PMID: 15560441
    The presence of ammoniacal nitrogen (N-NH3) in leachate is one of the problems normally faced by landfill operators. Slow leaching of wastes producing nitrogen and no significant mechanism for transformation of N-NH3 in the landfills causes a high concentration of ammoniacal nitrogen in leachate over a long period of time. A literature review showed that the removal of ammoniacal nitrogen from leachate was not well documented and to date, there were limited studies in Malaysia on this aspect, especially in adsorption treatment. The main objective of the present study was to investigate the suitability of activated carbon, limestone and a mixture of both materials as a filtering medium, in combination with other treatments capable of attenuating ammoniacal nitrogen which is present in significant quantity (between 429 and 1909 mg L(-1)) in one of the landfill sites in Malaysia. The results of the study show that about 40% of ammoniacal nitrogen with concentration of more than 1000 mg L(-1) could be removed either by activated carbon or a mixture of carbon with limestone at mixture ratio of 5:35. This result shows that limestone is potentially useful as a cost-effective medium to replace activated carbon for ammoniacal nitrogen removal at a considerably lower cost.
    Matched MeSH terms: Ammonia/chemistry*
  2. Bah AR, Rahman ZA
    ScientificWorldJournal, 2001 Nov 22;1 Suppl 2:90-5.
    PMID: 12805783
    Use of cheap, N-rich, and environmentally benign legume green manures to correct N deficiency in infertile soils is a very attractive option in the humid tropics. Understanding the influence of management and climate on their effectiveness, and quantifying their contribution to crop productivity, is therefore crucial for technology adoption and adaptation. Mineral N buildup and the contribution to N uptake in maize were studied in an Ultisol amended with fresh Gliricidia leaves. Net mineral N accumulation was compared in mulched and incorporated treatments in a field incubation study. The 15 N isotope dilution technique was used to quantify N supplied to maize by Gliricidia leaves in an alley cropping. Mineral N accumulation was slow, but was much greater after incorporation than after mulching. Also, N buildup was always higher in the topsoil (0 to 10 cm) than in the subsoil (10 to 20 cm). More NO3-N was leached than NH4-N, and the effect was greater in the incorporated treatment. Surface-applied Gliricidia leaves significantly increased N uptake by maize, and supplied >30% of the total N in the stover and >20% of that in the corn grain, even in the presence of hedgerows. Thus Gliricidia leaf mulch has immense potential to improve productivity in tropical soils.
    Matched MeSH terms: Ammonia/analysis
  3. Hadi Hamli, Mohd Hanafi Idris, Amy Halimah Rajaee, Abu Hena Mustafa Kamal, Mohammad Nesarul Hoque
    Sains Malaysiana, 2017;46:545-551.
    Condition Index (CI) was used to estimate the reproductive biology cycle of the hard clam Meretrix lyrata based on dry
    body weight and shell weight. High CI value was observed due to the increase in the body weight of the hard clam that
    corresponding to the maturity stage and early spawning. The CI value of M. lyrata from Buntal Village, Kuching, Sarawak
    showed three highest peaks during the 12-month study on May and October 2013 and March 2014. The lowest CI values
    were obtained in September and November 2013 and April 2014. Ammonia nitrogen was the only water parameter that
    significantly correlated to the CI values. The CI application is important to estimate the maturity of hard clam gonad
    to facilitate conservation activity through the hard clam harvesting out of the gonad maturation and spawning period.
    Matched MeSH terms: Ammonia
  4. Kumar P, Lai SH, Mohd NS, Kamal MR, Afan HA, Ahmed AN, et al.
    PLoS One, 2020;15(9):e0239509.
    PMID: 32986717 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0239509
    In the past few decades, there has been a rapid growth in the concentration of nitrogenous compounds such as nitrate-nitrogen and ammonia-nitrogen in rivers, primarily due to increasing agricultural and industrial activities. These nitrogenous compounds are mainly responsible for eutrophication when present in river water, and for 'blue baby syndrome' when present in drinking water. High concentrations of these compounds in rivers may eventually lead to the closure of treatment plants. This study presents a training and a selection approach to develop an optimum artificial neural network model for predicting monthly average nitrate-N and monthly average ammonia-N. Several studies have predicted these compounds, but most of the proposed procedures do not involve testing various model architectures in order to achieve the optimum predicting model. Additionally, none of the models have been trained for hydrological conditions such as the case of Malaysia. This study presents models trained on the hydrological data from 1981 to 2017 for the Langat River in Selangor, Malaysia. The model architectures used for training are General Regression Neural Network (GRNN), Multilayer Neural Network and Radial Basis Function Neural Network (RBFNN). These models were trained for various combinations of internal parameters, input variables and model architectures. Post-training, the optimum performing model was selected based on the regression and error values and plot of predicted versus observed values. Optimum models provide promising results with a minimum overall regression value of 0.92.
    Matched MeSH terms: Ammonia
  5. Koyama M, Nagao N, Syukri F, Yusoff FM, Toda T, Quyen TNM, et al.
    Sci Total Environ, 2019 Jun 20;670:1133-1139.
    PMID: 31018429 DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.03.320
    The primary biological treatment method for organic sludge is composting and/or anaerobic digestion, but their product (compost or biogas) is of little economic benefit; therefore, an improved process to produce a high-value product is required to make sludge management more sustainable. Maximizing NH3 gas recovery during composting processes has the potential benefit of producing high-value microalgal biomass. However, the majority of produced ammonia does not evaporate as NH3 gas but retains as NH4+-N in the compost after fermentation. The present study investigates the effects of the timing of Ca(OH)2 dosing (on days 2, 5, and 9), and the Ca(OH)2 dose (1.1-2.6 mmol/batch), on lab-scale thermophilic composting of anaerobic sludge. The effects on NH3 recovery, organic matter degradability, and microbial activity are evaluated. Ca(OH)2 dosing immediately improved the emission of NH3, with yields 50-69% higher than those under control conditions. The timing of the dosing did not influence NH3 recovery or organic matter degradability. Higher Ca(OH)2 doses resulted in higher NH3 recovery, while microbial activity was temporarily and marginally inhibited. The pH of the compost reached 10-11.5 but quickly dropped to 8-8.5 within a day, probably because of neutralization of Ca(OH)2 by the emitted CO2 and release of NH3, which maintained the microbial activity. The present study indicated that Ca(OH)2 dosing would be useful to apply during thermophilic composting for NH3 recovery to cultivate high-value microalgal biomass, which enables this process to obtain a more economic benefit.
    Matched MeSH terms: Ammonia
  6. Sadaghiani MS, Arami-Niya A, Zhang D, Tsuji T, Tanaka Y, Seiki Y, et al.
    J Hazard Mater, 2021 04 05;407:124781.
    PMID: 33412363 DOI: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2020.124781
    Given the safety issues associated with flammability characteristics of alternative environmentally-friendly refrigerants, it is vital to establish measurement systems to accurately analyse the flammability of these mildly flammable refrigerants. In this study, we used a customised Hartmann bomb analogue to measure the minimum ignition energy (MIE) and laminar burning velocity (BV) for refrigerant/air mixtures of pure ammonia (R717), R32, R1234yf and mixtures of R32 and R1234yf with non-flammable refrigerants of R134a, R125 and carbon dioxide (R744). The MIEs of R717, R32, and R1234yf were measured at an ambient temperature of 24 °C to be (18.0 ± 1.4), (8.0 ± 1.5) and (510 ± 130) mJ at equivalence ratios of 0.9, 1.27 and 1.33, respectively. Adding the non-flammable refrigerants R134a, R125 and R744 along with R32 at volumetric concentrations of 5% each to R1234yf reduced the latter compound's flammability and increased its MIE by one order of magnitude. The laminar burning velocities of pure R717 and R32 were measured at an equivalence ratio of 1.1 using the flat flame method and found to be 8.4 and 7.4 cm/s, respectively. Adding 5% R1234yf to R32 decreased the laminar burning velocity by 11%, while a further 5% addition of R1234yf resulted in a decrease of over 30% in the laminar burning velocity.
    Matched MeSH terms: Ammonia
  7. Teh AA, Ahmad R, Kara M, Rusop M, Awang Z
    J Nanosci Nanotechnol, 2012 Oct;12(10):8201-4.
    PMID: 23421197
    We report the use of a new precursor as active agents to promote the growth of carbon nanotubes (CNT) in methane ambient using a simple thermal chemical vapour deposition method. The agents consist of ammonia and methanol mixed at different ratios and was found to enhance the growth of CNTs. The optimum methanol to ammonia ratio was found to be 8 to 5, whereby longer and denser CNTs were produced compared to other ratios. The result was found otherwise when the experiment was done solely in methane ambient. In addition, CNT growth on substrates coated with double layer Ni catalyst was improved in terms of quality and density compared to a single coated substrates. This finding is supported by Raman spectrometry analysis.
    Matched MeSH terms: Ammonia
  8. Nur Aqilah Muhamad Darif, Nur Shakila Abdul Samad, Sazlina Salleh, Mahadi Mohammad, Noor Alia Ahmad Nordin, Aysha Mariam Mohamed Javeed, et al.
    Trop Life Sci Res, 2016;27(11):71-77.
    Benthic faunal communities are important components in the intertidal zones.
    The diversity and abundance of the benthic communities are subjected to different natural
    and anthropogenic disturbances. The study was conducted as one off sampling on 6th
    November 2013 (1) to investigate the abundance and distribution of soft sediment
    communities in relation to environmental variables and (2) investigate the changes of
    population structure and diversity using spatial scales of 1 m, 10 m, and 100 m. Results
    indicated a total of 110 individuals of macrobenthos consisting of 7 different groups
    (Annelida, Bivalvia, Crustacea, Gastropoda, Nematoda, Nemertea, Polychaeta) and 4
    different groups of meiobenthos (Copepoda, Nematoda, Ostracoda, Polychaeta)
    consisting 920 individuals were recorded. Dissolved oxygen played the most significant
    role in affecting the distribution of soft sediment communities while ammonia
    concentrations only affected marcobenthic organisms. However, sediment grain size did
    not show significant correlation (p>0.05) on soft sediment communities. Hence,
    understanding how different properties of benthos respond to changes in environmental
    variables is crucial in determining how the impacts on the sediment are tolerated by the
    benthic organisms.
    Matched MeSH terms: Ammonia
  9. Siti A'iasah Hashim, Khairul Zaman Mohd Dahlan, Khomsaton Abu Bakar, Ayub Muhamad
    A laboratory scale test rig to treat simulated flue gas using electron beam technology was installed at the Alurtron EB-Irradiation Center, MINT. The experiment test rig was proposed as a result of feasibility studies conducted jointly by IAEA, MINT and TNB Research in 1997. The test rig system consists of several components, among others, diesel generator sets, pipe ducts, spray cooler, ammonia dosage system, irradiation vessel, bag filter and gas analyzers. The installation was completed and commissioned in October 2001. Results from the commissioning test runs and subsequent experimental work showed that the efficiency of flue gas treatment is high. It was proven that electron beam technology might be applied in the treatment of air pollutants. This paper describes the design and work function of the individual major components as well as the full system function. Results from the initial experimental works are also presented.
    Matched MeSH terms: Ammonia
  10. Siti Nur Azella, Z., Noraini Muti, M.
    Malaysian Journal of Microscopy, 2015;11(1):115-120.
    Silicon dioxide (SiO2) has been extensively studied due to their unique properties that make it desirable for many applications ranging from electronic, catalysis, pigment as well as sensors. Multitude of methods and processes are established with the ability to manipulate and control the key properties that can cater for specific applications. Stober method is a very simple and easy for up-scale production of SiO2. This paper presents the experimental study on the effect of synthesis parameter on the morphology of SiO2 synthesized via Stober method. Three parameters were investigated such as concentration of catalyst, concentration of precursor and percentage of water content. The obtained samples were characterized using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analysis. The findings showed that the size of particles produced is dependent on the synthesis parameter. In this study, particles size ranging from 50 nm to >100 nm are easily produced. The sphere size of SiO2 can be increased by increasing the concentration of ammonia hydroxide catalyst, the concentration of TEOS, as well as the percentage of water content.
    Matched MeSH terms: Ammonia
  11. Koyama M, Nagao N, Syukri F, Rahim AA, Kamarudin MS, Toda T, et al.
    Bioresour Technol, 2018 Oct;265:207-213.
    PMID: 29902653 DOI: 10.1016/j.biortech.2018.05.109
    Development of thermophilic composting for maximizing NH3 gas recovery would enable the production of a nitrogen source which is free from pathogen/heavy metal, for the cultivation of high-value microalgae. The present study examined the effect of NH3 recovery, nitrogen mass balance, and microbial community dynamics on thermophilic composting of shrimp aquaculture sludge. The emission of NH3 gas at 60 and 70 °C was 14.7% and 15.6%, respectively, which was higher than that at 50 °C (9.0%). The nitrogen mass balance analysis revealed that higher temperatures enhanced the solubilization of non-dissolved nitrogen and liberation of NH3 gas from the produced NH4+-N. High-throughput microbial community analysis revealed the shift of the dominant bacterial group from Bacillus to Geobacillus with the rise of composting temperature. In conclusion, thermophilic composting of shrimp aquaculture sludge at 60-70 °C was the most favorable condition for enhancing NH3 gas recovery.
    Matched MeSH terms: Ammonia
  12. Feng S, S. Xia ZS, Zhang Z, Rahman M, Rajkumar M
    Sains Malaysiana, 2015;44:537-543.
    The effects of dietary protein level on the growth performance and ammonia excretion of the leopard coral grouper,
    Plectropomus leopardus were investigated for eight weeks. Fish were fed diets with 40, 45, 50, 55 and 60% crude protein
    levels in separate recirculating systems. Fish fed with the 50% crude protein containing diet showed the best ingestion
    rate, which was significantly higher than that found in the other groups. As the dietary protein level increased, the
    specific growth rate increased significantly and it reached the highest level at 50% crude protein containing diet. Based
    on the results of all measured parameters 50% protein containing diet was the best among all test diets. The regression
    equation for dietary protein level versus ammonia excretion indicated that the optimal dietary protein level with the
    least ammonia excretion was 53.14%. More research is still needed to elucidate the effects of 53.14% crude protein
    containing diet on the specific growth rate, feed conversion ratio, protein efficiency ratio and ingestion rate of leopard
    coral grouper before recommending this level. Until then, 50% protein containing diet can be recommended for leopard
    coral grouper culture in the recirculation system.
    Matched MeSH terms: Ammonia
  13. Hasnida Harun, Aznah Nor-Anuar, Zaini Ujang, Inawati Othman, Nor Hasyimah Rosman
    Sains Malaysiana, 2014;43:1485-1490.
    The present study investigated the efficiency of aerobic granular sludge (AGS) technology in treating effluent from soy sauce industry which is categorized as a high strength wastewater. The combination of anaerobic and aerobic granulation technology in SBR system was used in this study which was efficiently treated COD from the soy sauce wastewater where 87% of removal was achieved. Ammonia and colour was removed at a maximum of 87 and 76%, respectively, in the SBR system. Matured, dense and compact granules with 2.5 mm in diameters were developed with a good settling velocity (45 m/h) and 28 mL/gSS of sludge volume index (SVI). Hence, AGS technology was proven as an excellent treatment for soy sauce wastewater for being discharge into the environment, as the effluent was treated in one biological reactor with high hydraulic and organic loadings besides less production of sludge. In this study, the capabilities of AGS technology in treating relatively higher concentration of organic impurities present in the soy sauce wastewater were demonstrated.
    Matched MeSH terms: Ammonia
  14. Wan Razarinah W, Zalina MN, Noorlidah Abdullah
    Sains Malaysiana, 2015;44:309-316.
    The study monitored the characteristics of the leachate collected from ten different landfills and presented the experimental work for the treatment of leachate by immobilized Trametes menziesii. Variation in biological oxygen demand (BOD), chemical oxygen demand (COD) and ammoniacal nitrogen (NH3-N) showed that the age of the leachate has a significant effect on its characteristics and composition. The BOD5/COD ratio tends to decrease as the age of leachate increases, varying from 0.71 for a relatively 'fresh' leachate to 0.62 for an older (more stabilized) one. Variations in the characteristics of the leachate suggested that these leachates are difficult to treat. The principal pollutants in the leachate samples were organic and ammonia loads. Treatment of leachate using immobilized Trametes menziesii achieved 89.14 and 2.11% removals for leachate BOD5 and COD, respectively. These findings suggested that using immobilized Trametes menziesii can remove promising percentage of BOD and COD leachate.
    Matched MeSH terms: Ammonia
  15. Wan Mohd Razi Idris, Sahibin Abdul Rahim, Mohd Talib Latif, Zulfahmi Ali Rahman, Tukimat Lihan, Low YC, et al.
    Kajian yang dijalankan ini bertujuan untuk menilai indeks kualiti air di sekitar kawasan lombong di Sungai Pelepah Kanan, Kota Tinggi, Johor. Sebanyak enam stesen pensampelan telah dipilih dari bahagian hulu ke hilir sungai ini untuk menilai indeks kualiti air di sepanjang sungai tersebut. Tiga replikasi sampel telah diambil daripada setiap stesen pensampelan. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan pada dua musim yang berbeza iaitu musim kering (Julai) dan musim hujan (Disember) 2007. Parameter in-situ yang ditentukan dalam kajian ini ialah suhu, pH, oksigen terlarut (DO) dan konduktiviti. Parameter ex-situ yang dianalisis dalam makmal ialah turbiditi air, jumlah pepejal terampai (TSS), keperluan oksigen biokimia (BOD), keperluan oksigen kimia (COD) dan ammonia nitrogen (NH3-N). Berdasarkan Piawaian Interim Kualiti Air Kebangsaan Malaysia (INWQS) hasil kajian yang diperolehi menunjukkan semua stesen pensampelan di Sungai Pelepah Kanan pada bulan Julai berada dalam kelas I kecuali oksigen terlarut dan pH berada dalam kelas II. Selain itu, hasil kajian pada bulan Disember juga menunjukkan semua parameter fiziko-kimia berada dalam kelas I-II kecuali pH berada dalam kelas III. Ujian korelasi menunjukkan terdapat hubungan bererti antara parameter-parameter fiziko-kimia yang di tertentukan. Analisis Indeks Kualiti Air (IKA) menunjukkan nilai purata IKA pada bulan Julai adalah 96.88 (kelas I) manakala pada bulan Disember telah merosot ke 84.03 (kelas II). Berdasarkan kepada nilai IKA dan perbandingan dengan INWQS, indeks kualiti air Sungai Pelepah Kanan adalah berada pada tahap yang bersih dan kurang mengalami pencemaran yang serius daripada aktiviti antropogenik mahupun pencemaran secara semula jadi.
    Matched MeSH terms: Ammonia
  16. Ling Ty, Lee Nyanti, Theresa Muan, Jongkar Grinang, Siong-fong Sim, Aazani Mujahid
    Sains Malaysiana, 2016;45:157-166.
    Determining the water quality of Bakun Reservoir 13 months after it operates at full supply level is crucial for better understanding of changes in the physicochemical parameters, which may enable the prediction of its effects on the survival of aquatic life in the reservoir. This study determined 13 physicochemical parameters at six stations within the reservoir at fixed depths. The results showed that the minimum 5 mg/L of dissolved oxygen (DO) required for sensitive aquatic organisms was recorded at 6 m depth. However, DO was not detectable at depths exceeding 7 m. The water was acidic at depths of more than 10 m. Turbidity and total suspended solids increased corresponding with depth. Inorganic nitrogen were predominantly in the form of ammonia-nitrogen, creating an unhealthy environment for aquatic life. Concentration of Chl-a was significantly higher at the subsurface water than 30 m depth in four out of six stations. The present study shows changes in water quality as compared to the pre-impounded period and 15 months after the filling phase, in particular, stratification of dissolved oxygen, thermocline conditions and alkalinity. The changes varied according to the distance from the dam and may have been influenced by existing land developments within the area such as the construction of the Murum Hydroelectric Dam, oil palm plantations and timber concessionares. Though the water quality might have deteriorated, further study is needed to determine if this condition will prolong.
    Matched MeSH terms: Ammonia
  17. Ip YK, Leong MW, Sim MY, Goh GS, Wong WP, Chew SF
    J Exp Biol, 2005 May;208(Pt 10):1993-2004.
    PMID: 15879078
    The objective of this study was to elucidate if chronic and acute ammonia intoxication in mudskippers, Periophthalmodon schlosseri and Boleophthalmus boddaerti, were associated with high levels of ammonia and/or glutamine in their brains, and if acute ammonia intoxication could be prevented by the administration of methionine sulfoximine [MSO; an inhibitor of glutamine synthetase (GS)] or MK801 [an antagonist of N-methyl D-aspartate type glutamate (NMDA) receptors]. For P. schlosseri and B. boddaerti exposed to sublethal concentrations (100 and 8 mmol l(-1) NH4Cl, respectively, at pH 7.0) of environmental ammonia for 4 days, brain ammonia contents increased drastically during the first 24 h, and they reached 18 and 14.5 micromol g(-1), respectively, at hour 96. Simultaneously, there were increases in brain glutamine contents, but brain glutamate contents were unchanged. Because glutamine accumulated to exceptionally high levels in brains of P. schlosseri (29.8 micromol g(-1)) and B. boddaerti (12.1 micromol g(-1)) without causing death, it can be concluded that these two mudskippers could ameliorate those problems associated with glutamine synthesis and accumulation as observed in patients suffering from hyperammonemia. P. schlosseri and B. boddaerti could tolerate high doses of ammonium acetate (CH3COONH4) injected into their peritoneal cavities, with 24 h LC50 of 15.6 and 12.3 micromol g(-1) fish, respectively. After the injection with a sublethal dose of CH3COONH4 (8 micromol g(-1) fish), there were significant increases in ammonia (5.11 and 8.36 micromol g(-1), respectively) and glutamine (4.22 and 3.54 micromol g(-1), respectively) levels in their brains at hour 0.5, but these levels returned to normal at hour 24. By contrast, for P. schlosseri and B. boddaerti that succumbed within 15-50 min to a dose of CH3COONH4 (15 and 12 micromol g(-1) fish, respectively) close to the LC50 values, the ammonia contents in the brains reached much higher levels (12.8 and 14.9 micromol g(-1), respectively), while the glutamine level remained relatively low (3.93 and 2.67 micromol g(-1), respectively). Thus, glutamine synthesis and accumulation in the brain was not the major cause of death in these two mudskippers confronted with acute ammonia toxicity. Indeed, MSO, at a dosage (100 microg g(-1) fish) protective for rats, did not protect B. boddaerti against acute ammonia toxicity, although it was an inhibitor of GS activities from the brains of both mudskippers. In the case of P. schlosseri, MSO only prolonged the time to death but did not reduce the mortality rate (100%). In addition, MK801 (2 microg g(-1) fish) had no protective effect on P. schlosseri and B. boddaerti injected with a lethal dose of CH3COONH4, indicating that activation of NMDA receptors was not the major cause of death during acute ammonia intoxication. Thus, it can be concluded that there are major differences in mechanisms of chronic and acute ammonia toxicity between brains of these two mudskippers and mammalian brains.
    Matched MeSH terms: Ammonia/metabolism*; Glutamate-Ammonia Ligase/antagonists & inhibitors
  18. Ishaq A, Said MIM, Azman SB, Abdulwahab MF, Jagun ZT
    Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 2023 Aug;30(36):86498-86519.
    PMID: 37454007 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-023-28580-z
    Untreated landfill leachate can harm the environment and human health due to its organic debris, heavy metals, and nitrogen molecules like ammonia. Microbial fuel cells (MFCs) have emerged as a promising technology for treating landfill leachate and generating energy. However, high concentrations of total ammonia-nitrogen (TAN), which includes both ammonia and the ammonium ion, can impede MFC performance. Therefore, maintaining an adequate TAN concentration is crucial, as both excess and insufficient levels can reduce power generation. To evaluate the worldwide research on MFCs using landfill leachate as a substrate, bibliometric analysis was conducted to assess publication output, author-country co-authorship, and author keyword co-occurrence. Scopus and Web of Science retrieved 98 journal articles on this topic during 2011-2022; 18 were specifically evaluated and analysed for MFC ammonia inhibition. The results showed that research on MFC using landfill leachate as a substrate began in 2011, and the number of related papers has consistently increased every 2 years, totaling 4060 references. China, India, and the USA accounted for approximately 60% of all global publications, while the remaining 40% was contributed by 70 other countries/territories. Chongqing University emerged as one of the top contributors among this subject's ten most productive universities. Most studies found that maintaining TAN concentrations in the 400-800 mg L-1 in MFC operation produced good power density, pollution elimination, and microbial acclimatization. However, the database has few articles on MFC and landfill leachate; MFC ammonia inhibition remains the main factor impacting system performance. This bibliographic analysis provides excellent references and future research directions, highlighting the current limitations of MFC research in this area.
    Matched MeSH terms: Ammonia
  19. Ip YK, Lim CK, Lee SL, Wong WP, Chew SF
    J Exp Biol, 2004 Aug;207(Pt 17):3015-23.
    PMID: 15277556
    The objective of this study was to determine the effects of feeding on the excretory nitrogen (N) metabolism of the giant mudskipper, Periophthalmodon schlosseri, with special emphasis on the role of urea synthesis in ammonia detoxification. The ammonia and urea excretion rates of P. schlosseri increased 1.70- and 1.92-fold, respectively, within the first 3 h after feeding on guppies. Simultaneously, there were significant decreases in ammonia levels in the plasma and the brain, and in urea contents in the muscle and liver, of P. schlosseri at 3 h post-feeding. Thus, it can be concluded that P. schlosseri was capable of unloading ammonia originally present in some of its tissues in anticipation of ammonia released from the catabolism of excess amino acids after feeding. Subsequently, there were significant increases in urea content in the muscle, liver and plasma (1.39-, 2.17- and 1.62-fold, respectively) at 6 h post-feeding, and the rate of urea synthesis apparently increased 5.8-fold between 3 h and 6 h. Increased urea synthesis might have occurred in the liver of P. schlosseri because the greatest increase in urea content was observed therein. The excess urea accumulated in the body at 6 h was completely excreted between 6 and 12 h, and the percentage of waste-N excreted as urea-N increased significantly to 26% during this period, but never exceeded 50%, the criterion for ureotely, meaning that P. schlosseri remained ammonotelic after feeding. By 24 h, 62.7% of the N ingested by P. schlosseri was excreted, out of which 22.6% was excreted as urea-N. This is the first report on the involvement of increased urea synthesis and excretion in defense against ammonia toxicity in the giant mudskipper, and our results suggest that an ample supply of energy resources, e.g. after feeding, is a prerequisite for the induction of urea synthesis. Together, increases in nitrogenous excretion and urea synthesis after feeding effectively prevented a postprandial surge of ammonia in the plasma of P. schlosseri as reported previously for other fish species. Consequently, contrary to previous reports, there were significant decreases in the ammonia content of the brain of P. schlosseri throughout the 24 h period post-feeding, accompanied by a significant decrease in brain glutamine content between 12 h and 24 h.
    Matched MeSH terms: Ammonia/blood; Ammonia/metabolism*
  20. Moradihamedani P, Abdullah AH
    Water Sci Technol, 2018 Jan;77(1-2):346-354.
    PMID: 29377819 DOI: 10.2166/wst.2017.545
    Removal of low-concentration ammonia (1-10 ppm) from aquaculture wastewater was investigated via polysulfone (PSf)/zeolite mixed matrix membrane. PSf/zeolite mixed matrix membranes with different weight ratios (90/10, 80/20, 70/30 and 60/40 wt.%) were prepared and characterized. Results indicate that PSf/zeolite (80/20) was the most efficient membrane for removal of low-concentration ammonia. The ammonia elimination by PSf/zeolite (80/20) from aqueous solution for 10, 7, 5, 3 and 1 ppm of ammonia was 100%, 99%, 98.8%, 96% and 95% respectively. The recorded results revealed that pure water flux declined in higher loading of zeolite in the membrane matrix due to surface pore blockage caused by zeolite particles. On the other hand, ammonia elimination from water was decreased in higher contents of zeolite because of formation of cavities and macrovoids in the membrane substructure.
    Matched MeSH terms: Ammonia/analysis*; Ammonia/chemistry
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