Displaying publications 21 - 40 of 80 in total

  1. Lee CF, Abdullah MZ, Ahmad KA, Lutfi Shuaib I
    Comput Math Methods Med, 2013;2013:519071.
    PMID: 23840279 DOI: 10.1155/2013/519071
    This research focuses on creating a standardized nasal cavity model of adult Malaysian females. The methodology implemented in this research is a new approach compared to other methods used by previous researchers. This study involves 26 females who represent the test subjects for this preliminary study. Computational fluid dynamic (CFD) analysis was carried out to better understand the characteristics of the standardized model and to compare it to the available standardized Caucasian model. This comparison includes cross-sectional areas for both half-models as well as velocity contours along the nasal cavities. The Malaysian female standardized model is larger in cross-sectional area compared to the standardized Caucasian model thus leading to lower average velocity magnitudes. The standardized model was further evaluated with four more Malaysian female test subjects based on its cross-sectional areas and average velocity magnitudes along the nasal cavities. This evaluation shows that the generated model represents an averaged and standardized model of adult Malaysian females.
    Matched MeSH terms: Nasal Cavity/anatomy & histology*; Nasal Cavity/physiology*; Nasal Cavity/radiography
  2. Waran V, Menon R, Pancharatnam D, Rathinam AK, Balakrishnan YK, Tung TS, et al.
    Am J Rhinol Allergy, 2012 Sep-Oct;26(5):e132-6.
    PMID: 23168144 DOI: 10.2500/ajra.2012.26.3808
    Surgical navigation systems have been used increasingly in guiding complex ear, nose, and throat surgery. Although these are helpful, they are only beneficial intraoperatively; thus, the novice surgeon will not have the preoperative training or exposure that can be vital in complex procedures. In addition, there is a lack of reliable models to give surgeons hands-on training in performing such procedures.
    Matched MeSH terms: Nasal Cavity/anatomy & histology*; Nasal Cavity/radiography; Nasal Cavity/surgery*
  3. Ewe S, Dayana F, Fadzilah FM, Gendeh BS
    J Clin Diagn Res, 2015 Dec;9(12):MD03-5.
    PMID: 26816925 DOI: 10.7860/JCDR/2015/14921.6947
    Juvenile angiofibromas (JAs) are well-characterised in literature, arising typically in the posterolateral wall of the nasal cavity of young males. Numerous theories have been proposed to explain the occurrence of this unique and rare tumour. Angiofibromas originating in other sites within the head and neck have been described but this is exceedingly rare, constituting less than 2% of all diagnosed cases. Extranasopharyngeal angiofibroma is a rare lesion, and more importantly, controversial. It is not known whether it is actually a relative of the well-known JA that is seen exclusively in adolescent males. We present the case of a post-menopausal woman with unilateral nasal obstruction who was unexpectedly diagnosed as nasal septal angiofibroma.
    Matched MeSH terms: Nasal Cavity
  4. Hong CY
    Med J Malaysia, 1976 Mar;30(3):239-40.
    PMID: 958055
    Matched MeSH terms: Nasal Cavity
  5. Nadia Yaacob, Adil Hussein
    Sino-nasal osteoma is a common benign tumour of paranasal
    sinuses and usually asymptomatic. Here, we presented a case of a huge sinonasal osteoma. Despite the large size of the tumour, the only presentation
    was epiphora. There were no headache, facial pain or diplopia. Nasal
    obstruction only occurred after involvement of the nasal cavity. In diagnosing
    aetiology of the epiphora, sino-nasal pathology needed to be ruled out after
    excluding ocular causes. Multidisciplinary approach between otolaryngology
    (ORL) team and ophthalmology team was essential in managing the case.
    The tumour was successfully removed surgically via endoscopic approach;
    and dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR) was performed to alleviate the epiphora.
    Matched MeSH terms: Nasal Cavity
  6. Lim ZF, Rajendran P, Musa MY, Lee CF
    Vis Comput Ind Biomed Art, 2021 May 20;4(1):14.
    PMID: 34014417 DOI: 10.1186/s42492-021-00080-2
    A numerical simulation of a patient's nasal airflow was developed via computational fluid dynamics. Accordingly, computerized tomography scans of a patient with septal deviation and allergic rhinitis were obtained. The three-dimensional (3D) nasal model was designed using InVesalius 3.0, which was then imported to (computer aided 3D interactive application) CATIA V5 for modification, and finally to analysis system (ANSYS) flow oriented logistics upgrade for enterprise networks (FLUENT) to obtain the numerical solution. The velocity contours of the cross-sectional area were analyzed on four main surfaces: the vestibule, nasal valve, middle turbinate, and nasopharynx. The pressure and velocity characteristics were assessed at both laminar and turbulent mass flow rates for both the standardized and the patient's model nasal cavity. The developed model of the patient is approximately half the size of the standardized model; hence, its velocity was approximately two times more than that of the standardized model.
    Matched MeSH terms: Nasal Cavity
  7. Saifuddin MSAH, Ng CY, Abdullah MS
    Am J Case Rep, 2021 Jun 05;22:e930384.
    PMID: 34089579 DOI: 10.12659/AJCR.930384
    BACKGROUND Ewing sarcoma and primitive neuroectodermal tumor are rare tumors grouped under the spectrum of the Ewing sarcoma family of tumors. These highly malignant tumors involve the bones and commonly occur in children. Ewing sarcoma of the skull bone accounts for only 1% of all Ewing sarcomas, with primary skull base Ewing sarcoma occurring in less than 1% of cases. We present a case of skull base Ewing sarcoma with complete symptom recovery and near-total radiological resolution. CASE REPORT A 4-year-old girl initially presented with a 2-month history of vomiting, poor oral intake, weight loss, and gradual visual deterioration followed by acute symptoms of fever, breathing difficulties, and seizure. Initial computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging of the brain displayed a large sinonasal mass with extensive regional infiltration and bony destruction and no evidence of distant metastasis. A transnasal biopsy was taken. The histopathology result revealed features of skull base Ewing sarcoma. The child was given a combination of radiotherapy and chemotherapy, to which she responded well, with a minimal residual tumor. CONCLUSIONS Skull base Ewing sarcoma is a rare entity, presenting a challenge to the reporting radiologists. Differential diagnoses of esthesioneuroblastoma, olfactory neuroepithelioma, and, more commonly, sinonasal carcinoma can be misleading since they have similar radiological appearances to skull base Ewing sarcoma, which differs in treatment regimen and prognosis. Therefore, a combination of histopathological appearance, radiographic findings, and clinical correlation is important to determine the correct diagnosis, establish the appropriate treatment regime, and improve the patient's survival.
    Matched MeSH terms: Nasal Cavity
  8. Mohd Ramli SS, Husain S, Wong YP
    BMJ Case Rep, 2021 Jun 22;14(6).
    PMID: 34158320 DOI: 10.1136/bcr-2020-236436
    A 39-year-old man presented with bilateral nasal obstruction for 4 months and associated with hyposmia and foul-smelling nasal discharge. Nasal endoscopy showed irregular mucosa of the nasal cavity with easily bleeding. Nasal biopsy reported as extranodal Natural Killer/T cell lymphoma, nasal type. In-situ hybridisation for Epstein-Barr encoding region was positive. He was treated with six cycles of gemcitabine, oxaliplatin and L-asparaginase and peripheral blood stem cell transplant. After the treatment, he was asymptomatic until 9 months where he had splenic abscess and undergone splenectomy. He was asymptomatic of the disease for 2 years.
    Matched MeSH terms: Nasal Cavity
  9. Faizah, A.R., Mazita, A., Marina, M.B., Jeevanan, J., Isa, M.R.
    Medicine & Health, 2010;5(1):55-59.
    There are three types of papilloma which arises from the Schneiderian membrane namely inverted, fungiform and oncocytic. Oncocytic papilloma is the rarest type and occurs predominantly in the older age group. Clinically, its behaviour is similar to inverted papilloma in having both local recurrence and associated malignancy. We report a rare case of oncocytic papilloma arising from the maxillary sinus, extending into the nasal cavity and nasopharynx, in a 78-year-old lady. Despite the longstanding history there was no evidence of associated malignancy in this lesion. An endoscopic medial maxillectomy was successfully utilized for approach and complete tumour excision. In conclusion, oncocytic papilloma should be considered as a differential diagnosis in patients presenting with unilateral polypoid nasal lesions especially in the elderly. In addition, endoscopic medial maxillectomy can provide an adequate approach for complete tumour removal.
    Matched MeSH terms: Nasal Cavity
  10. Mansharan Kaur Chainchel Singh
    Solitary fibrous tumours (SFTs) are unusual mesenchymal tumours that were first described as primary spindle-cell neoplasms of the pleura. These tumours have been described in many other locations, including the urogenital system, orbit, mediastinum, and upper respiratory tract. These tumours are generally benign in nature, however some of them can be locally invasive and have the potential to be malignant. Although about 12%-15% of them occur in the head and neck area, SFT of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses are extremely rare. We present a case of a solitary fibrous tumour arising from the right maxillary sinus in a 50 year old Chinese man.
    Matched MeSH terms: Nasal Cavity
  11. El Rassi E, Adappa ND, Battaglia P, Castelnuovo P, Dallan I, Freitag SK, et al.
    Int Forum Allergy Rhinol, 2019 07;9(7):804-812.
    PMID: 30809970 DOI: 10.1002/alr.22316
    BACKGROUND: Orbital cavernous hemangiomas (OCH) are the most common adult orbital tumor and represent an ideal index lesion for endonasal orbital tumor surgery. In order to standardize outcomes reporting, an anatomic-based staging system was developed.

    METHODS: An international, multidisciplinary panel of 23 experts in orbital tumor surgery was formed. A modified Delphi method was used to develop the cavernous hemangioma exclusively endonasal resection (CHEER) staging system with a total of 2 rounds being completed.

    RESULTS: Tumors medial to a plane along the long axis of the optic nerve may be considered amenable for an exclusively endonasal resection. In select cases, tumors may extend inferolaterally if the tumor remains below a plane from the contralateral naris through the long axis of the optic nerve (ie, plane of resectability [POR]). This definition reached consensus with 91.3% of panelists in agreement. Five stages were designed based on increasing technical resection difficulty and potential for morbidity. Stages were based on the relationship of the tumor to the extraocular muscles, the inferomedial muscular trunk of the ophthalmic artery (IMT), and orbital foramina. Staging by anatomic location also reached consensus with 87.0% of panelists in agreement. Size was not included in the staging system due to the lack of agreement on the contribution of size to resection difficulty.

    CONCLUSION: Endoscopic orbital tumor surgery is a nascent field with a growing, yet heterogeneous, body of literature. The CHEER staging system is designed to facilitate international, high-quality, standardized studies establishing the safety, efficacy, and outcomes of endonasal resection of OCH.

    Matched MeSH terms: Nasal Cavity
  12. Prepageran N, Lingham OR
    PMID: 23120731 DOI: 10.1007/s12070-010-0090-9
    The advent of endoscopes has revolutionized rhinology and the traditional headlight based surgeries have largely been replaced by endoscopes. Septoplasty for deviated nasal septum or Sluder's neuralgia have been conventionally performed with the aid of headlight. This can be technically challenging as visualization of the nasal cavity, particularly the posterior portion is rather limited as the procedure is performed via the nostrils. In addition, with headlights for illumination, teaching this procedure can be difficult as only the surgeon who is wearing the headlights has direct vision of the surgical field.Endoscopic septoplasty is an accepted alternative to traditional headlight approach to septoplasty. This approach provides a direct-targeted route to the anatomic deformity, improved visualization, and magnification of the surgical field. Our experience in endoscopic septoplasty is highlighted in this paper, excluding septoplasties performed as part of exposure to the sinuses. We use the open book method that to best of our knowledge has not been described in literature before.
    Matched MeSH terms: Nasal Cavity
  13. Gendeh BS
    Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg, 2010 Sep;62(3):264-76.
    PMID: 23120724 DOI: 10.1007/s12070-010-0077-6
    Sinus surgery has the potential of allowing ENT surgeons to encroach the boundaries of our colleagues in ophthalmology and neurosurgery. The advent of nasal endoscope and lately powered instrumentation and computer-assisted navigational systems has avoided the use of the conventional and more radical approaches by the ENT surgeon for the treatment of inflammatory pathology or tumors of the orbit and skull base. As rhinologists have gained more experience in endoscopic surgery, more areas related to the orbit and the anterior skull base are accessible and surgery is safer.
    Matched MeSH terms: Nasal Cavity
  14. Abdullah B, Hassan S, Salim R
    Malays J Med Sci, 2006 Jul;13(2):61-3.
    PMID: 22589606
    Choana atresia is a congenital abnormality of the posterior nasal apertures affecting the newborn. The aetiology is considered to be a persistence of the embroyological bucconasal membrane which separates the nasal cavity from the stomatodeum until it breaks down at seventh week, allowing communication through the primitive posterior nares. Bilateral choanal atresia almost always present as a respiratory emergency because newborn babies are obligate nasal breathers. The definitive surgical treatment is repair under general anaesthesia. We report our experience in doing a new technique of transnasal endoscopic repair.
    Matched MeSH terms: Nasal Cavity
  15. Mohamed NA, Ramli S, Amin NN, Sulaiman WS, Isahak I, Jamaluddin TZ, et al.
    Med J Malaysia, 2016 04;71(2):62-5.
    PMID: 27326943 MyJurnal
    INTRODUCTION: Nasal colonisation of S. aureus in healthy children was 18% to 30%. One to three percent of them were colonised by Methicillin-resistant Staphlycoccus aureus (MRSA). Although MRSA infection has become increasingly reported, population-based S. aureus and MRSA colonisation estimates are lacking. The main objective of this study was to determine the prevalence of S. aureus carriage among children.

    METHODS: Nasal samples for S. aureus culture were obtained from 250 children from three kindergartens in the Klang Valley, after consent was obtained from the children and their parents. Swabs were transported in Stuart medium, and inoculated on mannitol-salt agar within four hours of collection. Identification and disk diffusion test were done according to guidelines. Polymerase chain reaction was done on MRSA isolates for the presence of mecA and lukS/FPV genes.

    RESULTS: Overall prevalence of S. aureus and MRSA carriage were 19.2% (48/250) and 1.6% (4/250) respectively. mecA gene was present in all isolates, 50% isolates carried Panton-Valentine leucocidin (PVL) gene. Sccmec type I was found in 2 isolates and the remaining isolates has Sccmec type V.

    CONCLUSION: The prevalence of S. aureus and MRSA carriage were similar to other studies. However, risk of contracting severe infection might be higher due to presence of PVL gene in half of the MRSA isolates.
    Matched MeSH terms: Nasal Cavity/microbiology*
  16. Ismail F, Peyman M, Waran V, Vasudevan S, Subrayan V
    Optom Vis Sci, 2015 Apr;92(4 Suppl 1):S33-5.
    PMID: 25730333 DOI: 10.1097/OPX.0000000000000528
    To report a rare case of nasal chondroma presenting as hypertelorism.
    Matched MeSH terms: Nasal Cavity/pathology
  17. Tan SH, Mun KS, Chandran PA, Manuel AM, Prepageran N, Waran V, et al.
    Childs Nerv Syst, 2015 Jul;31(7):1165-9.
    PMID: 25712744 DOI: 10.1007/s00381-015-2667-9
    This paper reports an unusual case of a transsphenoidal encephalocele and discusses our experience with a minimally invasive management. To the best of our knowledge, we present the first case of a combined endoscopic transnasal and transoral approach to a transsphenoidal encephalocele in an infant.
    Matched MeSH terms: Nasal Cavity/surgery*
  18. Penjor D, Khizuan AK, Chong AW, Wong KT
    J Laryngol Otol, 2014 Dec;128(12):1117-9.
    PMID: 25382114 DOI: 10.1017/S0022215114002655
    Chromoblastomycosis is a chronic fungal infection of the skin and subcutaneous tissue that most commonly affects the feet and lower limbs. It is rare for this infection to occur on the face, and it is exceptionally rare for it to involve the nose and sinuses. This paper reports a rare case of nasal chromoblastomycosis in a 50-year-old Malaysian male.
    Matched MeSH terms: Nasal Cavity/pathology*
  19. Chisholm LA, Whittington ID
    Syst Parasitol, 2012 Jun;82(2):167-76.
    PMID: 22581252 DOI: 10.1007/s11230-012-9358-7
    Three new species of Merizocotyle Cerfontaine, 1894 (Monogenea: Monocotylidae) are described from the nasal tissues of stingrays collected off Borneo. Merizocotyle macrostrobus n. sp. is described from the dwarf whipray Himantura walga (Müller & Henle) collected in shallow waters off Sematan, Sarawak, Malaysia. This species can be distinguished from the other members of the genus by the morphology of the sclerotised male copulatory organ, which is long with many twists and loops. The vaginae of this species are also long and looped. Merizocotyle papillae n. sp. is described from the roughnose stingray Pastinachus solocirostris Last, Manjaji & Yearsley collected off Sematan and Mukah, Sarawak, Malaysia. It is distinguished from the other species of Merizocotyle by the morphology of the male copulatory organ, which is a sclerotised tube that expands slightly and then tapers at the distal end, and by the presence of papillae on the dorsal edge of the haptor. Merizocotyle rhadinopeos n. sp. is described from the whitenose whip ray Himantura uarnacoides (Bleeker) collected off Manggar, East Kalimantan, Indonesia. It can be differentiated by the male copulatory organ, which is a short, narrow, curved, sclerotised tube tapering distally, and the path of the ovary, which runs anteriorly to the base of the oötype. We also provide details of new host and/or locality records for M. australensis (Beverley-Burton & Williams, 1989) Chisholm, Wheeler & Beverley-Burton, 1995, M. icopae Beverley-Burton & Williams, 1989 and M. pseudodasybatis (Hargis, 1955) Chisholm, Wheeler & Beverley-Burton, 1995.
    Matched MeSH terms: Nasal Cavity/parasitology
  20. Lai YH
    J Psycholinguist Res, 2012 Aug;41(4):237-52.
    PMID: 22089521 DOI: 10.1007/s10936-011-9190-2
    Nasals are cross-linguistically susceptible to change, especially in the syllable final position. Acoustic reports on Mandarin nasal production have recently shown that the syllable-final distinction is frequently dropped. Few studies, however, have addressed the issue of perceptual processing in Mandarin nasals for L1 and L2 speakers of Mandarin Chinese. The current paper addressed to what extent and in what directions L1 and L2 speakers of Mandarin differed in perceiving Mandarin nasals. Possible variables, including the linguistic backgrounds (i.e. L1 vs. L2 speakers of Mandarin Chinese), the vocalic contexts (i.e. [i, ə, a, y, ua, uə, ia]) and the phonetic settings (i.e. syllable-initial vs. syllable-final), were discussed. Asymmetrical findings in the current investigation indicated limitations of speech learning theories developed from European languages in the context of Mandarin nasals. A tri-dimensional model was thus suggested for interpreting the cognitive mechanism in Mandarin nasal perception.
    Matched MeSH terms: Nasal Cavity/physiology
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