OBJECTIVE: Our main objective is to study the pre-effects and posteffects of the Personalized Mobile Mental Health Intervention (PMMH-I) for workplace cyberbullying in public and private hospitals in Malaysia.
METHODS: A hospital-based multimethod multi-analytic evidential approach is proposed, involving social and psychological health informatics. The project has been subdivided into 3 stages, starting with Phase 1, a prevalence study, followed by exploratory studies. Phase 2 consists of a quasi-experimental design, whereas the development of a prototype and their testing will be proposed in Phase 3. Each stage includes the use of quantitative and qualitative methods (mixed-method program), using SPSS (version 26.0; IBM Corp) and Stata (version 16.1; StataCorp) as tools for quantitative research, and NVivo (version 1.0; QSR International) and Atlas.ti (version 9.0.16; ATLAS.ti Scientific Software Development GmbH) for qualitative research.
RESULTS: The results of this study will determine the pre- and posteffectiveness of an integrated PMMH-I for health care professionals. The prototype system platform will be developed and implemented in a public and private hospital. Results from Phase 1 will be published in 2021, followed by the implementation of Phase 2 in subsequent years.
CONCLUSIONS: This study will provide evidence and guidance regarding the implementation of a personalized mobile mental health intervention for health care professionals into routine public and private hospitals to enhance communication and resolve conflicts.
Methods: Participants were selected via stratified sampling. Participants completed an online questionnaire comprising demographic details and the Health Professional Stress Inventory. Scores on each domain and the aggregate scores were compared between physicians in public and private hospitals using a univariate analysis adjusted for potential confounders.
Results: The overall stress level between physicians in public and private hospitals was similar. However, physicians in private hospitals experienced a higher stress level related to patient care responsibilities and professional uncertainty as compared to those in public hospitals.
Conclusion: Physicians from private hospitals experience stress in different aspects of their profession as compared to physicians in public hospitals, especially with reference to patient care and career uncertainty. Measures should be taken to relieve the stress of physicians and thus improve their wellbeing.
CASE PRESENTATION: We present a case of a 61-year-old lady with mitral valve prolapse (MVP) who underwent TOE with subsequent presentation of odynophagia with left neck swelling. An upper endoscopy examination was inconclusive; however, a contrasted computed tomography of the neck showed evidence of cervical oesophageal perforation. She was managed conservatively and discharged well.
DISCUSSION: The trauma caused by TOE probe insertion and manipulation accounts for most of the upper gastrointestinal complications. Mortality of patients associated with oesophageal perforation can be up to 20% and doubled if the treatment is delayed for more than 24 h. Mechanism of injury from TOE probe is likely multifactorial. Predisposing factors that increase the risk of tissue disruption include the presence of unknown structural pathology. Imaging studies and an upper endoscopy examination may aid in the diagnosis of oesophageal perforation.
CONCLUSION: A high index of suspicion, coupled with a tailored, multidisciplinary approach, is essential to achieve the best possible outcome. Conservative management may be worthwhile in a stable patient despite delayed presentation. Although TOE is considered a safe procedure, physicians should be made aware of such a dreaded complication.
METHODS: Qualitative study using six focus groups and 14 semi-structured interviews with doctors responsible for dengue management at a large tertiary hospital in Malaysia.
RESULTS: Dengue was recognised as difficult to diagnose and manage. Wide awareness and use of both WHO and Ministry of Health guidelines was reported, but several limitations noted in their coverage of particular patient groups. However, the phrase 'guidelines' also referred to local algorithms for fluid management, which were less clinically evidence-based. Where Medical Officers were well trained in the appropriate use of evidence-based guidelines, barriers to use included: the potential for 'following the algorithm' to undermine junior clinicians' claims to clinical expertise; inability to recognise the pattern of clinical progress; and lack of clinical experience. Other reported barriers to improved case management were resource constraints, poor referral practices, and insufficient awareness of the need for timely help seeking.
CONCLUSIONS: Awareness of clinical practice guidelines is a necessary, but not sufficient, condition for optimal dengue management. In high prevalence settings, all clinical staff would benefit from regular dengue management training which should include diagnosis, practice in monitoring disease progression and the use of clinical practice guidelines in a range of clinical contexts.
METHOD: Twenty terminally ill patients were interviewed with semi-structured questions. The results were thematically analyzed.
RESULTS: Eight themes were generated: the meaning of happiness, connections, mindset, pleasure, health, faith, wealth, and work. Our results showed that happiness is possible at the end of life. Happiness can coexist with pain and suffering. Social connections were the most important element of happiness at the end of life. Wealth and work were given the least emphasis. From the descriptions of our patients, we recognized a tendency for the degree of importance to shift from the hedonic happiness to eudaimonic happiness as patients experienced a terminal illness.
SIGNIFICANCE OF RESULTS: To increase the happiness of palliative care patients, it is crucial to assess the meaning of happiness for each patient and the degree of importance for each happiness domain to allow targeted interventions.
Aim: To consolidate the literature regarding the barriers faced by primary care physicians in making house calls.
Design of the study: Literature review.
Method: Studies were sourced from PubMed and Embase.
Results: 7 studies were selected to be in the literature review. Barriers to making house calls by primary care physicians include inadequate remuneration, lack of time and training, unconducive home environment, concerns with professional liability and safety, and perceived low value-added in the patient's quality of care.
Conclusion: While primary care physicians do recognize the value of house calls in patient care, the perceived limited standard of care that can be achieved in the home setting, busy clinic practice (large patient loads), coupled with inadequate remuneration make house calls unrealistic for many doctors. These barriers must be addressed to ensure accessibility to primary health care services for the immobile, frail, and sick is not being compromised. One of the solutions may be to expose medical students and residents to house calls early through mentorship.