The present work deals with the production of paper materials from onion peels (Allium Cepa) fibers
as an alternative potential non-wood fiber. The onion peels were obtained from a local small and
medium food industry. The onion peels were cooked at 120, 150 and 180 minutes. The peels were
grinded and poured in a set of mould and deckle for the formation of a thin sheet of paper. The
physical, mechanical, morphological characteristics and water rise capillary values (KLEMM
Method) were evaluated to determine its suitability for a paper material. The results show that the
increase in cooking time from 120 to 180 minutes resulted in an increase in the tensile index from
32.28N*m/g to 42.13N*m/g and tear index from 9.80mN*m2
/g to 15.62mN*m2
/g. The bonding
strength increased due to higher number of fibers, finer fiber size, and increase in the fiber contact
area and fiber distribution. The high porosity area affects the performance of water rise capillary
values of the paper sheets. The onion peels fiber gave impressive handsheets characteristics when
compared with other sources of non-wood fibers.
Three primary schools with three different food service managements in Kuala Selangor were selected for this study. Food samples served for five school days were taken and analyzed for calories, protein, fat and carbohydrate. It was observed that most of the food served was rice-based such as nasi lemak, chicken rice, noodles and traditional cakes. The amount of calories and protein per serving ranged from 77-274 kcal and 0.9-3.6 g respectively. Food served under the Supplementary School Feeding Programme contained higher calories than those sold by these school canteens. However, the amounts of protein and calories were still short of the expected amounts recommended by the Ministry of Education, which according to menu should provide at least 10 g protein and 290-390 kcal. The percentage contributions of energy from protein in foods served at school canteens were also lower than the recommended.
This study was conducted to determine the proximate composition and energetic value of selected marine fish and shellfish from the West Coast of Peninsular Malaysia. This study has included 20 species of fish (10 pelagic fish and 10 demersal fish) and 4 species of shellfish. For pelagic fish, Longtail shad (terubuk) was found to contain significantly lower moisture (59.31+0.00%), but significantly higher fat content (23.15+0.00%) compared to other fish species. For demersal fish, moisture and ash contents ranged between 74-82%, and 0.9-2.1%, respectively. Long-tailed butterfly ray contained the highest protein (22.22+1.24%) compared to other fish studied. The highest fat content of demersal fish was in Moonfish at 6.89+2.76%. For shellfish, prawn contained the highest protein (19.12+1.44%). The fat content of shellfish ranged between 1-2%. Oyster contained significantly higher carbohydrate at 6.45+0.00%, compared to other shellfish. Longtail shad contained the highest energetic value of 13.34 kJ g-1 of all samples. These values are useful references for consumers in order to choose fish and shellfish based on their nutritional contents.
Mid-exponential phase Saccharomyces rouxii YSa40 cells subsequently stressed at low aw/pH in the 0.64 aw/pH 3.5 glycerol/CPB system became injured. Such injury was detected by the loss of ability of the
stressed population to form colonies on secondary-stress plating medium (glycerol/BM agar at 0.94 aw
/pH 3.5 (lactic acid)) while colony forming ability on secondary non-stress plating medium (sugars/BM agar at 0.94 aw/pH 3.5 (lactic) was unaffected. The injury was shown to be due to sensitivity to glycerol/lactic acid. Results of the present study will be useful for achieving complete decontamination of ‘Intermediate Moisture Foods’ against xerotolerant molds and yeast.
Pectin is a heterogeneous branched polysaccharide with complex structure. Microwave-assisted
extraction (MAE) is more efficient in extracting pectin compared to conventional method. The objective of this study was to compare the efficiency of microwave-assisted pectin extraction against conventional extraction method. This study was also to investigate the effect of power level on yield and quality of extracted pectin from jackfruit rinds. Water-based extraction method was performed with the extraction duration for conventional extraction and MAE were 1 h and 10 min, respectively. The temperature of conventional extraction was set at 90°C and the power levels of MAE were 450 W, 600 W and 800 W. High yield of pectin was obtained from conventional extraction (14.59%) and MAE (16.72-17.63%). All quality characteristics determined were found to be insignificant different for pectin extracted from both conventional extraction and MAE except moisture and ash content. Increase in microwave power did not affect yield and quality characteristics of pectin from jackfruit rinds significantly. In conclusion, MAE requires shorter time than conventional extraction in extracting comparable amount and quality of pectin from jackfruit rinds. Microwave-assisted extraction at 450 W was the most effective and economic extraction condition among the different power levels tested.
Thermal characterization of sugar palm fibre (SPF), reinforced high impact polystyrene (HIPS)
composites, was studied by means of thermogravimetric analysis. The effects of alkaline treatment and compatibilizing agent on the thermal stability of the composites were evaluated. Alkaline treatment was carried out by soaking the fibres in 4 and 6% of NaOH solution, while treatment with compatibilizing agent was employed by adding 2 and 3% maleic anhydride-graft-polystyrene (MA-g-PS) to the composites. Both the treatments were aimed to improve the mechanical performance of the composites. From the study, the thermal stability of the treated composites was found to be higher than that of untreated composites. It is shown that the incorporation of sugar palm fibre influences the degree of thermal stability of the composites. The treatments on composites also contributed to shifting the peak temperature of degradation of the composites. In other words, there are strong chemical reactions between the components of the treated composites. The thermal stability of the composites, with alkaline treatment and compatibilizing agent, was found to be better as compared to those of the untreated composites.
Chhana jalebi is a popular product in middle and northern parts of India and is prepared by frying of batter made from chhana, maida and water and finally soaking in sugar syrup. This chhana based fried sweet product is being prepared and sold by halwais in Indian sweet market. It has a coiled structure with syrupy interiors and chewy body. It has close resemblance to maida jalebi and khoa jalebi, but has firmer coils. The manufacturing procedure varies widely from manufacturer to manufacturer. There was no proper (standard) manufacturing method available for the preparation of chhana jalebi. Hence, a study was conducted to standardize a method for its manufacture consequently it will be helpful to produce the jalebi on a commercial scale. The chhana jalebi was standardized by various process parameters such as fat level in milk 3%, ratio of maida - chhana combination 1:1, water level in batter 45%, frying time and temperature 160-170°C, sugar syrup concentration 68°Brix and soaking time 2 min. Standardized product was analyzed by various physical, chemical, microbial, sensory and textural characteristics. The product had a light brown coloured coiled appearance, crispy body and texture. The nutritional composition percentage of chhana jalebi was protein 5.71±0.20, carbohydrate 67.11±0.19, fat 12.53±0.17 and moisture 20.23±0.25. The shelf life of the jalebi was found to be 5 days at 28°C. This was enhanced to 18 days by using potassium sorbate as preservative at the permitted levels. The optimized process and enhanced shelf life will pave way for commercialization and mechanization of chhana jalebi by food industry.
Xylitol can be obtained from lignocellulosic materials containing xylose. However, the fraction of lignocellulose converted through dilute acid hydrolysis contains compounds that inhibit the fermenting micro-organisms. These inhibitors can be removed from the hydrolysate by detoxification method, prior to fermentation. This study describes effectiveness of overliming process to reduce the toxicity of hydrolysates generated from pre-treatment of sago trunk for xylitol production. The overliming pH 9 and 10 was studied and the results showed that pH 9 was showed 20% of sugar loss, which is low compared to pH 10. Candida tropicalis strain was used to evaluate the fermentability of overlimed sago trunk hydrolysate at pH 9 and non-overlimed hydrolysate medium. Meanwhile, Xylitol accumulation and productivity in the overlimed medium was found to be higher than the non-treated medium. The maximum production of xylitol was increased up to 74% and converted within 76 h. The results obtained improved the fermentation process when compared with the nontreated medium.
An experimental study was performed to determine the drying characteristics of dried papaya using different drying methods. They were dried using several methods, such as sun drying, solar drying, oven drying, and microwave drying. The effects of different operating conditions on physical quality attributes were investigated. The papaya were cut into different thicknesses and cooked in sugar syrup with different sugar concentration for 24 hours. Three different temperature settings were used in oven and microwave drying. The drying curve and drying rate of each method, temperature, sample
thickness and sugar concentration were studied. The drying times were found as in 6-15 minutes, 5 to 11 h, 10 to 18 h, and 14 to 23 h for the microwave, oven, sun and solar drying, respectively. The drying time increased with the increase of sample thickness and sugar concentration, as well as with the decrease of the drying temperature. In this study, quality attributes like colours and textural property of dried papaya were explored. Among the various methods of the drying characteristics
of papaya halwa, oven drying was preferred with the optimum sample in 5 mm thickness and at the air temperature of 70ºC as it saved up to 40% of the drying time as compared to other methods, except microwave, and produced acceptable physical quality of product.
This paper reports on the preparation of magnetic lumen loaded handsheets from bleached and unbleached mixed tropical hardwood kraft pulps. The lumen coating technique is a physical approach whereby fillers were deposited inside the fibre lumen. In order to produce magnetically responsive fibres, magnetic fillers were loaded into the fibre lumen. The magnetic filler chosen was magnetite which is usually used to make mylar as found in a diskette. Low and high molecular weights of polyacrylamide (PAM) were used as retention aids. The effect of different molecular weight of PAM on filler content in the bleached and unbleached handsheets were studied. The results showed that the amount of fillers deposited in the pulp fibres increased with increasing molecular weight of PAM using both pulps. However the bleached pulps gave better lumen loading than the unbleached when using high molecular weight of PAM.
Oil is one of the major components of date seed alongside dietary fibre, carbohydrate, protein, moisture and ash. Therefore, the present work focused on the extraction of oil from five varieties of date seed using Soxhlet extraction method and subsequently characterised their physicochemical and antioxidant properties accordingly. Oil extracted from the seeds ranged between 8 to 9.8%, whereas the iodine values were between 48.7 to 55.5 g I2/100g. Furthermore, oleic and lauric acids were revealed as the main fatty acids present in the date seed oil, with LaOO (La: lauric acid; O: oleic acid) as the main triacylglycerol. The total phenolic content in the oil ranged from 7.96 to 17.72 mg GAE/g oil, while the antioxidant activity, expressed as EC50, ranged from 5.17 to 17.18 mg/mL. Additionally, the highest reducing activity was observed at 4mg/mL. Hence, oil characteristics are dependent on the type of date, thus indicating that different potential applications may be suggested.
Membrane distillation (MD) is a thermally driven technology applied in desalination and water reuse with utilisation of sustainable energy. However, algal organic matter (AOM) could foul membrane critically and plague MD's long-term operational stability. In this study, the soluble extracellular polymeric substance (sEPS) and intracellular organic matter with bound extracellular polymeric substance (IOM + bEPS) of two algal species (Amphora coffeaeformis and Navicula incerta) were exposed to 60 °C, 70 °C and 80 °C for 8 h with polypropylene hydrophobic membrane, simulating heated AOMs contacted with membrane inside MD unit, to study the temperature effect on membrane fouling. The dissolved carbohydrate and protein in the sEPS and IOM + bEPS samples generally increased after being heated. Heating caused cell lysis and the release and dissolution of carbohydrate and protein from sEPS, IOM and bEPS into water. As heating temperature increased, the carbohydrate release from the AOM usually increased. The contact angle of membrane contacted with sEPS and IOM + bEPS reduced significantly after heat treatment. The reduction in IOM + bEPS was larger than sEPS, in line with SEM analysis, indicating membrane surfaces and pores with IOM + bEPS fouled more severely than sEPS. It is due to higher hydrophobicity in IOM + bEPS causing adherence to membrane and presence of amphiphiles. High protein, lipid, and saturated fats proportions also cause severe fouling. SEM-EDX analysis indicated presence of O, Na, Cl and Mg elements, pointing to carbohydrate and lipids, and salt trapped in foulants. AOM heating and composition had direct effect to the membrane integrity, dictating severity of fouling in MD operations.
A 9-week study was conducted to compare dietary corn starch (CS) or tapioca starch (TS), with or without being pre-gelatinized (PG), on the growth, feeding efficiencies, plasma and muscle biochemistry, intestinal short chain fatty acids (SCFA), and liver glycogen of triplicate groups of 20 red hybrid tilapia (Orecohromis sp.). Various pellet characteristics were evaluated, along with their surface and cross sectional microstructure. The PG diets had significantly higher water stability, bulk density, and protein solubility, along with a smoother surface. Tilapia fed the TS diet had lower growth than had all other tilapia, but were significantly improved when diet was pre-gelatinized. In the PG treatments, intestinal SCFA significantly decreased while plasma glucose, cholesterol and triglycerides, as well as liver glycogen, significantly increased. Fish fed the CS diet had significantly more long chain polyunsaturated fatty acid than had those fed by other treatments. Pre-gelatinization may improve fish productivity and offer greater flexibility during aquafeed production.
Acetoin is used in the biochemical, chemical and pharmaceutical industries. Several effective methods for acetoin production from petroleum-based substrates have been developed, but they all have an environmental impact and do not meet sustainability criteria. Here we describe a simple and efficient method for acetoin production from oil palm mesocarp fiber hydrolysate using engineered Escherichia coli. An optimization of culture conditions for acetoin production was carried out using reagent-grade chemicals. The final concentration reached 29.9gL(-1) with a theoretical yield of 79%. The optimal pretreatment conditions for preparing hydrolysate with higher sugar yields were then determined. When acetoin was produced using hydrolysate fortified with yeast extract, the theoretical yield reached 97% with an acetoin concentration of 15.5gL(-1). The acetoin productivity was 10-fold higher than that obtained using reagent-grade sugars. This approach makes use of a compromise strategy for effective utilization of oil palm biomass towards industrial application.
Extraction of lignin via green methods is a crucial step in promoting the bioconversion of lignocellulosic biomasses. In the present study, utilisation of natural deep eutectic solvent for the pretreatment of kenaf fibres biomass is performed. Furthermore, extracted lignin from natural deep eutectic solvent pretreated kenaf biomass was carried out and its comparative study with commercial lignin was studied. The extracted lignin was characterized and investigated through Infrared Fourier transform spectroscopy, X-ray Diffraction, thermogravimetric analysis, UV-Vis spectroscopy, and scanning electron microscopy. FTIR Spectra shows that all samples have almost same set of absorption bands with slight difference in frequencies. CHNS analysis of natural deep eutectic solvent pretreated kenaf fibre showed a slight increase in carbon % from 42.36 to 43.17% and an increase in nitrogen % from - 0.0939 to - 0.1377%. Morphological analysis of commercial lignin shows irregular/uneven surfaces whereas natural deep eutectic solvent extracted lignin shows smooth and wavy surface. EDX analysis indicated noticeable peaks for oxygen and carbon elements which are present in lignocellulosic biomass. Thermal properties showed that lignin is constant at higher temperatures due to more branching and production of extremely condensed aromatic structures. In UV-VIS spectroscopy, commercial lignin shows slightly broad peak between 300 and 400 nm due to presence of carbonyl bond whereas, natural deep eutectic solvent extracted lignin does not show up any peak in this range. XRD results showed that the crystallinity index percentage for kenaf and natural deep eutectic solvent treated kenaf was 70.33 and 69.5% respectively. Therefore, these innovative solvents will undoubtedly have significant impact on the development of clean, green, and sustainable products for biocatalysts, extraction, electrochemistry, adsorption applications.
Durian peel, an abundant waste in Malaysia could be a potential substrate for fermentable sugar recovery for value-added biochemical production. Common pretreatment such as acid or alkaline pretreatment resulted in the need for extensive solid washing which generated wastewater. Herein, this study aims to introduce sonication on top of chemical pretreatment to destruct lignin and reduce the chemical usage during the durian peel pretreatment process. In this study, the morphology and the chemical composition of the pretreated durian peels were studied. The sugar yield produced from the chemical pretreatment and the combined ultrasound and chemical pretreatment were compared. The morphology and chemical structure of durian peels were investigated by Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) analysis and X-ray diffraction (XRD). The SEM images showed that the structural change became more significant when sonication was introduced. Second, XRD profile indicated a relatively higher crystallinity index and FTIR spectra displayed a lower intensity of lignin and hemicellulose for ultrasound plus alkaline (UB) pretreatment as compared to acid, alkaline and ultrasound plus acid (UA) pretreatment. UB and UA pretreatment portrayed higher yield (376.60 ± 12.14 and 237.38 ± 3.96 mg reducing sugar/g dry biomass, respectively) than their controls without the application of ultrasound. Therefore, it could be concluded that ultrasound was able to intensify the fermentable sugar recovery from durian peel by inducing physical and chemical effect of cavitation to alter the morphology of durian peel. Fermentation of UB treated durian peel resulted in 2.68 mol hydrogen/mol consumed sugar and 131.56 mL/Lmedium/h of hydrogen productivity. This study is important because it will shed light on a way to handle durian waste disposal problems and generate fermentable sugars for the production of high value-added products.
The aim of this study was to establish an improved pretreatment and fermentation method i.e. immobilized cells for high recovery of fermentable sugars from palm kernel cake (PKC) and its effects on fermentability performance by Actinobacillus succinogenes 130Z in the conversion of the fermentable sugar to lactic acid. The effects of oxalic acid concentrations (1-6% w/v) and residence times (1-5 h) on the sugar recovery were initially investigated and it was found that the highest mannose concentration was 25.1 g/L at the optimum hydrolysis conditions of 4 h and 3% (w/v) oxalic acid. The subsequent enzymatic saccharification of the pretreated PKC afforded the highest enzymatic digestibility with the recovered sugars amounting to 25.18 g/L and 9.14 g/L of mannose and glucose, respectively. Subsequently, the fermentability performance of PKC hydrolysate was evaluated and compared in terms of cultivation phases (i.e. mono and dual-phases), carbonate loadings (i.e. magnesium and sodium carbonates), and types of sugars (i.e. glucose and mannose). The highest titer of 19.4 g/L lactic acid was obtained from the fermentation involving A. succinogenes 130Z in dual-phase cultivation supplemented with 30 g/L of magnesium carbonate. Lactic acid production was further enhanced by using immobilized cells with coconut shell-activated carbon (CSAC) of different sizes (A, B, C, and D) in the repeated batch cultivation of dual-phase fermentation producing 31.64 g/L of lactic acid. This work sheds light on the possibilities to enhance the utilization of PKC for lactic acid production via immobilized A. succinogenes 130Z.
Silage produced in tropical countries is prone to spoilage because of high humidity and temperature. Therefore, determining indigenous bacteria as potential inoculants is important to improve silage quality. This study aimed to determine bacterial community and functional changes associated with ensiling using amplicon metagenomics and to predict potential bacterial additives associated with silage quality in the Malaysian climate. Silages of two forage crops (sweet corn and Napier) were prepared, and their fermentation properties and functional bacterial communities were analysed. After ensiling, both silages were predominated by lactic acid bacteria (LAB), and they exhibited good silage quality with significant increment in lactic acid, reductions in pH and water-soluble carbohydrates, low level of acetic acid and the absence of propionic and butyric acid. LAB consortia consisting of homolactic and heterolactic species were proposed to be the potential bacterial additives for sweet corn and Napier silage fermentation. Tax4fun functional prediction revealed metabolic pathways related to fermentation activities (bacterial division, carbohydrate transport and catabolism, and secondary metabolite production) were enriched in ensiled crops (p
Eight Moroccan avocado varieties were analyzed for their nutritional composition and physicochemical properties. The nutritional contents of the sample were determined through the evaluation of the moisture, oil, ash, protein, and carbohydrate contents, and energy value calculation. Additionally, macroelements (Ca, Mg, and Na) and microelements (Fe, Zn, Cu, and Mn) were determined in the mineral profile. Oils were examined also for their fatty acid, phytosterol, and tocopherol profiles. As a result of the study, the avocado presents significant differences between the eight studied varieties (p
This paper outlines the methodology to add glycaemic index (GI) and glycaemic load (GL) functionality to food DietPLUS, a Microsoft Excel-based Malaysian food composition database and diet intake calculator. Locally determined GI values and published international GI databases were used as the source of GI values. Previously published methodology for GI value assignment was modified to add GI and GL calculators to the database. Two popular local low GI foods were added to the DietPLUS database, bringing up the total number of foods in the database to 838 foods. Overall, in relation to the 539 major carbohydrate foods in the Malaysian Food Composition Database, 243 (45%) food items had local Malaysian values or were directly matched to International GI database and another 180 (33%) of the foods were linked to closely-related foods in the GI databases used. The mean ± SD dietary GI and GL of the dietary intake of 63 women with previous gestational diabetes mellitus, calculated using DietPLUS version3 were, 62 ± 6 and 142 ± 45, respectively. These values were comparable to those reported from other local studies. DietPLUS version3, a simple Microsoft Excel-based programme aids calculation of diet GI and GL for Malaysian diets based on food records.