Displaying publications 41 - 60 of 100 in total

  1. Mughrabi FF, Hashim H, Ameen M, Khaledi H, Ali HM, Ismail S
    Indian J Exp Biol, 2011 Jan;49(1):50-5.
    PMID: 21365996
    Effects of topical application of Bis[benzyl N'-(indol-3-ylmethylene)-hydrazinecarbodithioato]-zinc(II) (BHCZ) on wound healing and histology of healed wound were assessed. Sprague Dawley rats were experimentally induced wound in the posterior neck area. Tween 20 (0.2 ml of 10%) was applied to rats in Group 1 (negative control). Intrasite gel (0.2 ml) was applied topically to rats in Group 2 as reference. BHCZ at the concentrations 0.2 ml of 25, 50 and 100 mg/ml were applied to Group 3, 4 and 5, respectively. Wound dressed with BHCZ significantly healed earlier than those treated with 10% Tween 20. Also wound dressed with 100 mg/ml BHCZ accelerated the rate of wound healing compared to those dressed with intrasite gel and, 25 mg/ml and 50 mg/ml BHCZ. Histological analysis of healed wound with BHCZ showed comparatively less scar width at wound enclosure and the healed wound contained less macrophages and large amount of collagen with angiogenesis compared to wounds dressed with 10% Tween 20. Results of this study showed that wounds dressed with 100 mg/ml of BHCZ significantly enhanced acceleration of the rate of wound healing enclosure, and histology of healed wounds showed comparatively less macrophages and more collagen with angiogenesis.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cicatrix/pathology
  2. Hussein J, Tan TS, Chong AW, Narayanan P, Omar R
    Auris Nasus Larynx, 2013 Jun;40(3):323-6.
    PMID: 22652485 DOI: 10.1016/j.anl.2012.05.004
    Choanal stenosis is a well recognized late complication of radiotherapy for nasopharyngeal carcinoma. However velopharyngeal stenosis post radiotherapy for nasopharyngeal carcinoma is rare. We present here a case of bilateral choanal stenosis and velopharyngeal stenosis in a patient treated with radiotherapy for nasopharyngeal carcinoma. A 58-year-old woman presented to our otolaryngology clinic with a one year history of nasal obstruction. She was diagnosed to have nasopharyngeal carcinoma 12 years ago for which she received radiotherapy. Clinical examination revealed bilateral choanal stenosis and velopharyngeal stenosis. Treatment of choanal stenosis and velopharyngeal stenosis is challenging due to high incidence of recurrence and patients frequently require multiple procedures. The patient underwent a transnasal endoscopic excision of velopharyngeal scar tissue and widening of posterior choana using Surgitron®, mitomycin-C applied topically to the surgical wound and bilateral stenting under general anesthesia. The stents were kept for two weeks, and 3 years post operation velopharyngeal aperture and posterior choana remained patent. As illustrated in this case velopharyngeal stenosis can occur after radiotheraphy and should not be overlooked. Combine modality of transnasal endoscopic excision of velopharyngeal scar tissue, widening of choanal stenosis with Surgitron® followed by the application of mitomycin-C and stenting has been shown to be an effective option.
    Study site: ENT clinic, University Malaya Medical Centre (UMMC), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
    Matched MeSH terms: Cicatrix/physiopathology; Cicatrix/surgery
  3. Qi Qi C, Ajit Singh V
    BMJ Case Rep, 2012;2012.
    PMID: 22865804 DOI: 10.1136/bcr-2012-006401
    Marjolin's ulcers are malignancies that arise from previously traumatised, chronically inflamed or scarred skin. We present a case with childhood burns, who had repeated irritation of his forearm skin with palm oil thorns that eventually led to malignant change.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cicatrix/complications*; Cicatrix/etiology
  4. Lee SZ, Halim AS
    Burns, 2019 09;45(6):1386-1400.
    PMID: 31054957 DOI: 10.1016/j.burns.2019.04.011
    INTRODUCTION: Autologous skin grafting is the mainstay of treatment in burn patients. Extensive full thickness burns remains a challenge to the burns surgeon due to the lack of autologous skin donor sites. The conventional split thickness skin grafting (SSG) and the Meek micrografting (Meek) technique are part of the armamentarium of the burns surgeon to curtail the challenge of paucity of donor sites. With advances in burn care, mortality rates of burn patients have reduced. As a result, with more patients surviving acute burn, there is a paradigm shift of research towards assessment of functional outcomes and quality of life of the burn survivors. As there is lack of research regarding the functional outcome of the Meek technique, this study was designed to examine the long term functional outcome of the Meek technique and SSG in burns.

    METHOD: A cross-sectional study was conducted in Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia to assess patients with burns between 10 to 40% total body surface area (TBSA) and with at least one year after injury. The Burn Specific Health Score-brief (BSHS-B) was utilized to compare the functional outcome whilst the Vancouver Scar Scale (VSS) was used for comparison on the scar outcome of the two skin grafting techniques.

    RESULTS: Forty three patients (Meek,15; SSG,28) were included. The mean current age (years old) of Meek and SSG was 24.7 (range, 7-75) and 25.9 (range, 7-65) respectively. The mean TBSA (%) of the Meek group was 26.7 (range, 13-40) while that of the SSG group was 16.1 (range, 10-32). A simplified domain structure was used for the BSHS-B questionnaire. The work and sexuality subscale were analyzed separately due to missing data. There mean scores of affect and relations was higher in Meek compared to SSG (Meek, 3.86; SSG, 3.75; p > 0.05). Function domain was also better in Meek compared to SSG (Meek, 3.88; SSG, 3.73; p > 0.05). The Meek group displayed superior scar outcome compared to SSG as evidenced by the statistically significant difference in score for the pigmentation, pliability, height and total VSS score.

    CONCLUSION: The Meek group showed more favorable BSHS-B scores compared to the SSG group. The scar outcome of the Meek technique is significantly superior to SSG. Therefore, the Meek technique is superior in the management of burns because the long term scar and functional outcome of this technique is better compared to conventional SSG.

    Matched MeSH terms: Cicatrix/pathology; Cicatrix/physiopathology*
  5. Ngeow WC, Atkins S, Morgan CR, Metcalfe AD, Boissonade FM, Loescher AR, et al.
    Neuroscience, 2011 May 5;181:271-7.
    PMID: 21377512 DOI: 10.1016/j.neuroscience.2011.02.054
    We have investigated the effect of three potential scar-reducing agents applied at a sciatic nerve repair site in C57-black-6 mice. Under anaesthesia the nerve was transected, repaired using four epineurial sutures, and 100 μl of either triamcinolone acetonide (1 mg/100 μl), an interleukin-10 peptide fragment (125 ng/100 μl or 500 ng/100 μl) or mannose-6-phosphate (M6P, 200 mM or 600 mM) was injected into and around the nerve. After 6 weeks the extent of regeneration was assessed electrophysiologically by determining the ratio of the compound action potential (CAP) modulus evoked by electrical stimulation of the nerve 2 mm distal or proximal to the repair site. The conduction velocity of the fastest components in the CAP was also calculated. The percentage area of collagen staining (PAS) at the repair site was analysed using Picrosirius Red and image analysis. Comparisons were made with a placebo group (100 μl of phosphate buffered saline) and sham-operated controls. The median CAP modulus ratio in the 600 mM M6P group was 0.44, which was significantly higher than in the placebo group (0.24, P=0.012: Kruskal-Wallis test). Conduction velocities were also faster in the 600 mM M6P group (median 30 m s(-1)) than in the placebo group (median 27.8 m s(-1); P=0.0197: Kruskal-Wallis test). None of the other treated groups were significantly different from the placebo, and all had significantly lower CAP ratios than the sham controls (P<0.05). All repair groups had a significantly higher PAS for collagen than sham controls. We conclude that the administration of 600 mM mannose-6-phosphate to a nerve repair site enhances axonal regeneration.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cicatrix/drug therapy*; Cicatrix/physiopathology; Cicatrix/prevention & control
  6. Chin SP, Poey AC, Wong CY, Chang SK, Teh W, Mohr TJ, et al.
    Cytotherapy, 2010;12(1):31-7.
    PMID: 19878080 DOI: 10.3109/14653240903313966
    Bone marrow (BM) mesenchymal stromal cells (MSC) represent a novel therapy for severe heart failure with extensive myocardial scarring, especially when performed concurrently with conventional revascularization. However, stem cells are difficult to transport in culture media without risk of contamination, infection and reduced viability. We tested the feasibility and safety of off-site MSC culture and expansion with freeze-controlled cryopreservation and subsequent rapid thawing of cells immediately prior to implantation to treat severe dilated ischemic cardiomyopathy.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cicatrix/physiopathology; Cicatrix/prevention & control; Cicatrix/therapy
  7. Voon HY, Wong AT, Ting ML, Suharjono H
    Med J Malaysia, 2015 Aug;70(4):224-7.
    PMID: 26358018 MyJurnal
    BACKGROUND: The Cervical Ripening Balloon (CRB) is a novel mechanical method for induction of labour (IOL), reducing the risks of hyperstimulation associated with pharmacological methods. However, there remains a paucity of literature on its application in high risk mothers, who have an elevated risk of uterine rupture, namely those with previous scars and grandmultiparity.

    METHODOLOGY: A retrospective study on IOL using the CRB in women with previous caesarean section or grandmultiparity between January 2014 and March 2015. All cases were identified from the Sarawak General Hospital CRB request registry. Individual admission notes were traced and data extracted using a standardised proforma.

    RESULTS: The overall success rate of vaginal delivery after IOL was 50%, although this increases to about two-thirds when sub analysis was performed in women with previous tested scars and the unscarred, grandmultiparous woman. There was a significant change in Bishop score prior to insertion and after removal of the CRB. The Bishop score increased by a score of 3.2 (95% CI 2.8-3.6), which was statistically significant (p<0.01) and occurred across both subgroups, not limited to the grandmultipara. There were no cases of hyperstimulation but one case of intrapartum fever and scar dehiscence each (1.4%). Notably, there were two cases of change in lie/presentation after CRB insertion.

    CONCLUSION: CRB adds to the obstetricians' armamentarium and appears to provide a reasonable alternative for the IOL in women at high risk of uterine rupture. Rates of hyperstimulation, maternal infection and scar dehiscence are low and hence appeals to the user.

    Matched MeSH terms: Cicatrix
  8. Panickar R, Wo WK, Ali NM, Tang MM, Ramanathan GRL, Kamarulzaman A, et al.
    Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf, 2020 10;29(10):1254-1262.
    PMID: 33084196 DOI: 10.1002/pds.5033
    PURPOSE: To describe risk minimization measures (RMMs) implemented in Malaysia for allopurinol-induced severe cutaneous adverse drug reactions (SCARs) and examine their impact using real-world data on allopurinol usage and adverse drug reaction (ADR) reports associated with allopurinol.

    METHODS: Data on allopurinol ADR reports (2000-2018) were extracted from the Malaysian ADR database. We identified RMMs implemented between 2000 and 2018 from the minutes of relevant meetings and the national pharmacovigilance newsletter. We obtained allopurinol utilization data (2004-2018) from the Pharmaceutical Services Programme. To determine the impact of RMMs on ADR reporting, we considered ADR reports received within 1 year of RMM implementation. We used the Pearson χ2 test to examine the relation between the implementation of RMMs and allopurinol ADR reports.

    RESULTS: The 16 RMMs for allopurinol-related SCARs implemented in Malaysia involved nine risk communications, four prescriber or patient educational material, and three health system innovations. Allopurinol utilization decreased by 21.5% from 2004 to 2018. ADR reporting rates for all drugs (n = 144 507) and allopurinol (n = 1747) increased. ADR reports involving off-label use decreased by 6% from 2011. SCARs cases remained between 20% and 50%. RMMs implemented showed statistically significant reduction in ADR reports involving off-label use for August 2014 [χ2(1, N = 258) = 5.32, P = .021] and October 2016 [χ2(1, N = 349) = 3.85, P = .0499].

    CONCLUSIONS: RMMs to promote the appropriate use of allopurinol and prescriber education have a positive impact. We need further measures to reduce the incidence and severity of allopurinol-induced SCARs, such as patient education and more research into pharmacogenetic screening.

    Matched MeSH terms: Cicatrix
  9. Royan, Jeyarine, Teo, Khairy Shamel Sonny, Vengadasalam, Selva Raja
    To report on a rare case of an intralenticular foreign body which
    demonstrates that use of a spring-powered airsoft gun can result in a severe
    ocular injury. A 2-year-old male presented following a trauma to the left eye.
    The trauma was caused by a wooden matchstick from a spring-powered airsoft
    gun being shot into his eye. On examination, there was a shallow anterior
    chamber with a full thickness corneal laceration, with fragmented matchstick
    pieces embedded in the cornea and in the lens. The corneal foreign bodies
    were removed, corneal laceration wound sutured and lensectomy done. There
    were no post-operative complications, and the cornea wound healed with a
    scar. A few months later, he underwent a successful secondary intraocular lens
    implantation surgery with an iris claw lens. Airsoft guns are easily available to
    children who are unaware of its dangers. It can cause significant ocular
    morbidity despite successful surgical treatment of the injury.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cicatrix
  10. Nur Ain, J., Ainaa Diyana, S., Nur Hazirah, R., Nur Fathiah, A.S., Fairus, A., Teoh, S.l., et al.
    Medicine & Health, 2018;13(1):165-174.
    Piper betle (PB) leaves have been traditionally used in many Asian countries for the healing of wounds and other ailments. The aim of this study was to examine the wound healing effect of PB on skin injury-inflicted Sprague-Dawley rats. Eighteen male Sprague-Dawley rats were inflicted with wounds and then divided into three groups consisting of a control (normal wound healing without dressing), saline (wound healing aided by gauze soaked in saline) and PB (gauze impregnated with PB paste) dressings. Wounds were created on the back of rats with 6-mm sterilized punch biopsy needle. Wounds were examined on days 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 and 13 for dryness, exudation, and scar formation. Rats were sacrificed on day 14 and the granulation tissue formed on the wound was then excised for histological examination using Hematoxylin and Eosin staining. The formation of granulation tissue in rats treated with PB showed higher progress to wound closure with shorter days (on day 3) compared to the control and saline group (on day 5). PB dressing minimized the formation of scar tissue significantly (p
    Matched MeSH terms: Cicatrix
  11. Browne N, Braoun C, McIlwain J, Nagarajan R, Zinke J
    PeerJ, 2019;7:e7382.
    PMID: 31428541 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.7382
    For reefs in South East Asia the synergistic effects of rapid land development, insufficient environmental policies and a lack of enforcement has led to poor water quality and compromised coral health from increased sediment and pollution. Those inshore turbid coral reefs, subject to significant sediment inputs, may also inherit some resilience to the effects of thermal stress and coral bleaching. We studied the inshore turbid reefs near Miri, in northwest Borneo through a comprehensive assessment of coral cover and health in addition to quantifying sediment-related parameters. Although Miri's Reefs had comparatively low coral species diversity, dominated by massive and encrusting forms of Diploastrea, Porites, Montipora, Favites, Dipsastrea and Pachyseris, they were characterized by a healthy cover ranging from 22 to 39%. We found a strong inshore to offshore gradient in hard coral cover, diversity and community composition as a direct result of spatial differences in sediment at distances <10 km. As well as distance to shore, we included other environmental variables like reef depth and sediment trap accumulation and particle size that explained 62.5% of variation in benthic composition among sites. Miri's reefs showed little evidence of coral disease and relatively low prevalence of compromised health signs including bleaching (6.7%), bioerosion (6.6%), pigmentation response (2.2%), scars (1.1%) and excessive mucus production (0.5%). Tagged colonies of Diploastrea and Pachyseris suffering partial bleaching in 2016 had fully (90-100%) recovered the following year. There were, however, seasonal differences in bioerosion rates, which increased five-fold after the 2017 wet season. Differences in measures of coral physiology, like that of symbiont density and chlorophyll a for Montipora, Pachyseris and Acropora, were not detected among sites. We conclude that Miri's reefs may be in a temporally stable state given minimal recently dead coral and a limited decline in coral cover over the last two decades. This study provides further evidence that turbid coral reefs exposed to seasonally elevated sediment loads can exhibit relatively high coral cover and be resilient to disease and elevated sea surface temperatures.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cicatrix
  12. Abdul-Salim I, Embong Z, Khairy-Shamel ST, Raja-Azmi MN
    Clin Ophthalmol, 2013;7:703-6.
    PMID: 23589678 DOI: 10.2147/OPTH.S42208
    Herein, we report our experience in treating extensive traumatic submacular hemorrhage with a single dose of intravitreal ranibizumab. A 23-year-old healthy Malay man presented with a progressive reduction of central vision in the left eye of 2 days' duration following a history of blunt trauma. Visual acuity was reduced to counting fingers. Examination revealed infero-temporal subconjunctival hemorrhage, traumatic anterior uveitis, and an extensive sub-macular hemorrhage with suspicion of a choroidal rupture in the affected eye. He was initially treated conservatively with topical prednisolone acetate 1%. The subconjunctival hemorrhage and anterior uveitis resolved but his vision remained poor with minimal resolution of the submacular hemorrhage at 1 week follow-up (day 12 post-trauma). In view of the poor resolution of submacular hemorrhage, he was treated with a single dose of 0.5 mg intravitreal ranibizumab at day 20 post-trauma. At 4 weeks post-intravitreal ranibizumab, there was an improvement in visual acuity (from counting fingers to 6/45) and complete resolution of the submacular hemorrhage with presence of a choroidal rupture scar temporal to the fovea, which was not seen clearly at presentation due to obscuration by blood. His visual acuity further improved to 6/18 at 3 months post-trauma. Although this single case had a favorable outcome, a large population cohort study is needed to establish the effectiveness of intravitreal ranibizumab in treating extensive traumatic submacular hemorrhage.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cicatrix
  13. Jan-Bond C, Norazah AR, Sree-Kumar P, Zunaina E, Fazilawati Q
    Clin Ophthalmol, 2015;9:721-4.
    PMID: 25945032 DOI: 10.2147/OPTH.S81158
    A 7-year-old boy had a case of congenital ptosis of the right eye and has undergone frontalis sling surgery using Gore-tex material. There was no intraoperative or immediate postoperative complication. However, the patient defaulted his follow-up and presented with right eye preseptal abscess secondary to infected surgical wound 1 month after surgery. He was treated with multiple antibiotics and underwent repeated incision and drainage procedures. However, there was still no resolution of the right eye preseptal abscess. The patient's condition subsequently improved after removal of the Gore-tex material and treatment with an antibiotic combination of ceftazidime and amikacin. Microbiological analysis finally isolated the multidrug resistant Acinetobacter species. At 6 months follow-up, his right upper eyelid was healed with scarring, but without ptosis.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cicatrix
  14. Ng JWS, Chew YK, Tan KL, Chong AW
    Malays Fam Physician, 2011;6(1):32-33.
    PMID: 25606218 MyJurnal
    An infected pre-auricular sinus presenting as a post-auricular swelling is commonly misdiagnosed as an infected dermoid or sebaceous cyst. It may even mimic a mastoid abscess leading to further unwarranted investigations and interventions. We present a case of a 25-year-old Malay man who was initially diagnosed with recurrent infected dermoid cyst. At presentation, a right post-auricular inflamed swelling was noted with an overlying old incision and drainage scar. An auricular pit was found at the crus of helix. Using a blunt probe inserted along the sinus tract pus was drained without the need for further surgical incision. Six weeks after the acute episode, patient underwent excision of the pre-auricular sinus with no evidence of recurrence at three months follow up. Awareness by the attending physician of this ‘variant type’ of pre-auricular sinus at patient’s first presentation may negate the need for unnecessary incision and drainage which may subsequently impact the outcome of surgical excision and reduce the risk of recurrence.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cicatrix
  15. Suzana M., Siti Azizah M. N., Devakie, M. N.
    This paper reports on a preliminary genetic investigation of two commercially cultured oyster species, white and black scar oysters, Crassostrea belcheri and C. iredalei, respectively. A total
    of 68 individuals from three different areas in Malaysia namely a C. belcheri sample from Semporna (Sabah) and two populations of C. iredalei from Trai (Sabah) and Setiu (Terengganu) were
    collected and analysed based on sequence analysis of cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI). Alignment of COI gene was done using Alignment Explorer/CLUSTAL in Mega4.1. Genetic distances
    within and between populations were calculated using Kimura 2-parameter. Phylogenetic dendograms were generated by Neighbour-Joining (NJ) and Maximum Parsimony (MP) methods.
    The ingroup taxa were divided into two main clusters separating C. iredalei and C. belcheri with 99% bootstrap value. The two C. iredalei populations were homogeneous suggesting high
    connectivity in the South China Sea for this species. The common central haplotype in the minimum spanning networks programme is believed to be the ancestral variant for the two species. The
    findings from this study provides important baseline data for the aquaculture, management and monitoring of cultured populations of the oyster species.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cicatrix
  16. Mazlim M, Muthupalaniappen L
    Malays Fam Physician, 2012;7(2-3):35-8.
    PMID: 25606254 MyJurnal
    Kerion is an inflammatory type of tinea capitis which can be mistaken for bacterial infection or folliculitis as both conditions display similar clinical features. It occurs most frequently in prepubescent children and rarely in adults. We report a 26-year-old woman who presented with multiple tender inflammed nodules on her scalp. Her condition was misdiagnosed as bacterial abscess and treated with multiple courses of antibiotics without improvement. Later, her condition was re-diagnosed as kerion based on clinical appearance, history of contact with infected animal and Wood's lamp examination. symptoms and lesions resolved completely with systemic antifungal treatment leaving residual scarring alopecia. The delay in the diagnosis and treatment of this patient resulted in permanent scarring alopecia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cicatrix
  17. Ravindran, T., Sara, T., Loh, Y.C.
    Malays Orthop J, 2009;3(1):46-52.
    To evaluate the functional outcome of patients who underwent endoscopic carpal tunnel release (ECTR). This was a prospective study in 24 patients with idiopathic carpal tunnel syndrome undergoing ECTR. Patient assessment entailing both subjective and objective tests at intervals of two and six weeks, three, six and nine months and finally at one year postoperatively. Our assessment results showed overall improvement in symptoms. As early as two weeks post-operatively, there was a low incidence of pillar pain and scar tenderness, allowing patients to return to work early. There were no serious complications. ECTR can be effectively performed with a low perioperative and late postoperative rate of complications. This minimally invasive method can be an option of surgical treatment for patients with carpal tunnel syndrome, who intend to return to work soon after surgery.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cicatrix
  18. Naidu, M., David, P.
    Injury to a peripheral nerve leads to degeneration of the segment distal to the site of lesion, a process referred to as Wallerian degeneration. During Wallerian degeneration, axons and myelin sheaths undergo degeneration and are phagocytosed by macrophages and Schwann cells. The Schwann cells proliferate and the endoneurial tubes persist, together the whole structure is known as the band of Büngner. Within few hours, the damaged axons in the proximal stump initiate a regeneration response, with formation of new growth cones. During Wallerian degeneration, neurotrophins, neural cell adhesion molecules, cytokines and other soluble factors are upregulated to facilitate regeneration. The recovery of the target in mammals is often variable, but almost never complete. In humans, scar tissue forms at the site of lesion and this often results in poor recovery of the target. The major events underlying this regenerative process is highlighted and discussed in this review.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cicatrix
  19. Yong, J.F., Zulkifli, H.I., Che' Zuraifah, A.Z.
    Background - Cardiac mumurs are common in childhood and are often innocent in nature. With careful examination, most innocent murmurs can be reliably diagnosed by a paediatric cardiologist, thus obviating the need for further investigations.

    Aim - To look at the prevalence of cardiac murmurs amongst standard one schoolchildren in an urban setting, and calculate the sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values of clinical diagnosis in differentiating innocent from pathological murmurs.

    Methods - One thousand three hundred and fourteen students from 7 primary schools in the district of Gombak were examined during a routine school health examination. Those who were found to have murmurs were referred for echocardiography. A diagnosis was made at the time of clinical examination and following echocardiography. Children with median sternotomy, lateral or posterior thoracotomy scars or those with previously diagnosed cardiac lesions were excludedfrom the study.

    Results - Thirty six children were referred for echocardiography out of which 2 were confirmed to have underlying cardiac disease on echocardiography. The prevalence of previously undiagnosed cardiac mumurs in this study was 3%. The sensitivity of clinical examination in diagnosing pathological murmurs was 100% while the specificity was 75%. Positive predictive value was 25% and negative predictive value was 100%. Forty three percent of the students who underwent echocardiography were found to have trivial pulmonary regurgitatibn on Doppler echocardiography.

    Conclusion - The prevalence of previously undiagnosed cardiac murmurs is low in this study. This may be due to the fact that they are detected and treated at an earlier age. There is need to conduct a similar study in a rural setting to compare the results.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cicatrix
  20. Ahmad Kamil MA, Mohd Affandi A
    Dermatol Res Pract, 2018;2018:2017959.
    PMID: 29951091 DOI: 10.1155/2018/2017959
    Introduction: Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS) is a chronic inflammatory skin condition characterized by inflamed nodules, abscesses, sinus tracts, and scarring, which can occur in any skin containing folliculopilosebaceous units. We aim to identify the demographic and clinical characteristics and treatment modalities in patients with HS.

    Methods: A retrospective analysis involving records of patients diagnosed with HS in Hospital Kuala Lumpur from July 2009 to June 2016.

    Results: Sixty-two patients were identified, with equal cases involving males and females. Majority of patients were Malays (41.9%), followed by Indians (35.5%), Chinese (17.7%), and other ethnicities (4.8%). Median age at diagnosis was 25 (IQR: 14) years. There is a delay in diagnosis with a median of 24 (IQR: 52) months. Most of the patients had lesions on the axilla (85.5%), followed by groin (33.9%) and gluteal region (29%). Gluteal lesions were more common in males. Nodules (67.7%), sinuses (56.5%), and abscesses (33.9%) were the main clinical features, with 43.5% classified under Hurley stage 2. There was no difference in terms of symptoms and types of lesions among different ethnicities and genders. Majority received systemic antibiotics, more than half had retinoid, and third of the patients had surgical intervention.

    Conclusions: A prompt recognition of HS is imperative, to screen for comorbidities and to initiate early treatment to reduce physical and psychological complications.

    Matched MeSH terms: Cicatrix
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