Displaying publications 41 - 60 of 87 in total

  1. Zaborowski MP, Cheah PS, Zhang X, Bushko I, Lee K, Sammarco A, et al.
    Sci Rep, 2019 Nov 22;9(1):17387.
    PMID: 31758005 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-019-53554-y
    Extracellular vesicles (EVs) released by cells play a role in intercellular communication. Reporter and targeting proteins can be modified and exposed on the surface of EVs to investigate their half-life and biodistribution. A characterization of membrane-bound Gaussia luciferase (mbGluc) revealed that its signal was detected also in a form smaller than common EVs (<70 nm). We demonstrated that mbGluc initially exposed on the surface of EVs, likely undergoes proteolytic cleavage and processed fragments of the protein are released into the extracellular space in active form. Based on this observation, we developed a new assay to quantitatively track shedding of membrane proteins from the surface of EVs. We used this assay to show that ectodomain shedding in EVs is continuous and is mediated by specific proteases, e.g. metalloproteinases. Here, we present a novel tool to study membrane protein cleavage and release using both in vitro and in vivo models.
    Matched MeSH terms: Mice, Nude
  2. Sulong AF, Hassan NH, Hwei NM, Lokanathan Y, Naicker AS, Abdullah S, et al.
    Adv Clin Exp Med, 2014 May-Jun;23(3):353-62.
    PMID: 24979505
    Autologous nerve grafts to bridge nerve gaps pose various drawbacks. Nerve tissue engineering to promote nerve regeneration using artificial neural conduits has emerged as a promising alternative.
    Matched MeSH terms: Mice, Nude
  3. Aisha AF, Abu-Salah KM, Ismail Z, Majid AM
    PMID: 22818000
    BACKGROUND: Xanthones are a group of oxygen-containing heterocyclic compounds with remarkable pharmacological effects such as anti-cancer, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial activities.
    METHODS: A xanthones extract (81% α-mangostin and 16% γ-mangostin), was prepared by crystallization of a toluene extract of G. mangostana fruit rinds and was analyzed by LC-MS. Anti-colon cancer effect was investigated on HCT 116 human colorectal carcinoma cells including cytotoxicity, apoptosis, anti-tumorigenicity, and effect on cell signalling pathways. The in vivo anti-colon cancer activity was also investigated on subcutaneous tumors established in nude mice.
    RESULTS: The extract showed potent cytotoxicity (median inhibitory concentration 6.5 ± 1.0 μg/ml), due to induction of the mitochondrial pathway of apoptosis. Three key steps in tumor metastasis including the cell migration, cell invasion and clonogenicity, were also inhibited. The extract and α-mangostin up-regulate the MAPK/ERK, c-Myc/Max, and p53 cell signalling pathways. The xanthones extract, when fed to nude mice, caused significant growth inhibition of the subcutaneous tumor of HCT 116 colorectal carcinoma cells.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our data suggest new mechanisms of action of α-mangostin and the G. mangostana xanthones, and suggest the xanthones extract of as a potential anti-colon cancer candidate.
    Matched MeSH terms: Mice, Nude
  4. Mok PL, Cheong SK, Leong CF, Chua KH, Ainoon O
    Tissue Cell, 2012 Aug;44(4):249-56.
    PMID: 22560724 DOI: 10.1016/j.tice.2012.04.002
    Mesenchymal stromal cells (MSC) are an attractive cell-targeting vehicle for gene delivery. MIDGE (an acronym for Minimalistic, Immunologically Defined Gene Expression) construct is relatively safer than the viral or plasmid expression system as the detrimental eukaryotic and prokaryotic gene and sequences have been eliminated. The objective of this study was to test the ability of the human MSC (hMSC) to deliver the erythropoietin (EPO) gene in a nude mice model following nucleofection using a MIDGE construct. hMSC nucleofected with MIDGE encoding the EPO gene was injected subcutaneously in Matrigel at the dorsal flank of nude mice. Subcutaneous implantation of nucleofected hMSC resulted in increased hemoglobin level with presence of human EPO in the peripheral blood of the injected nude mice in the first two weeks post-implantation compared with the control groups. The basal layer of the hair shaft in the dermal layer was found to be significantly positive for immunohistochemical staining of a human EPO antibody. However, only a few basal layers of the hair shaft were found to be positively stained for CD105. In conclusion, hMSC harboring MIDGE-EPO could deliver and transiently express the EPO gene in the nude mice model. These cells could be localized to the hair follicle and secreted EPO protein might have possible role in hair regeneration.
    Matched MeSH terms: Mice, Nude
  5. Munirah S, Kim SH, Ruszymah BH, Khang G
    Eur Cell Mater, 2008 Feb 21;15:41-52.
    PMID: 18288632
    Our preliminary results indicated that fibrin and poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) hybrid scaffold promoted early chondrogenesis of articular cartilage constructs in vitro. The aim of this study was to evaluate in vivo cartilaginous tissue formation by chondrocyte-seeded fibrin/PLGA hybrid scaffolds. PLGA scaffolds were soaked carefully, in chondrocyte-fibrin suspension, and polymerized by dropping thrombin-calcium chloride (CaCl2) solution. PLGA-seeded chondrocytes were used as a control. Resulting constructs were implanted subcutaneously, at the dorsum of nude mice, for 4 weeks. Macroscopic observation, histological evaluation, gene expression and sulphated-glycosaminoglycan (sGAG) analyses were performed at each time point of 1, 2 and 4 weeks post-implantation. Cartilaginous tissue formation in fibrin/PLGA hybrid construct was confirmed by the presence of lacunae and cartilage-isolated cells embedded within basophilic ground substance. Presence of proteoglycan and glycosaminoglycan (GAG) in fibrin/PLGA hybrid constructs was confirmed by positive Safranin O and Alcian Blue staining. Collagen type II exhibited intense immunopositivity at the pericellular matrices. Chondrogenic properties were further demonstrated by the expression of gene encoded cartilage-specific markers, collagen type II and aggrecan core protein. The sGAG production in fibrin/PLGA hybrid constructs was higher than in the PLGA group. In conclusion, fibrin/PLGA hybrid scaffold promotes cartilaginous tissue formation in vivo and may serve as a potential cell delivery vehicle and a structural basis for articular cartilage tissue-engineering.
    Matched MeSH terms: Mice, Nude
  6. Nesaretnam K, Ambra R, Selvaduray KR, Radhakrishnan A, Reimann K, Razak G, et al.
    Lipids, 2004 May;39(5):459-67.
    PMID: 15506241
    It has recently been shown that tocotrienols are the components of vitamin E responsible for inhibiting the growth of human breast cancer cells in vitro, through an estrogen-independent mechanism. Although tocotrienols act on cell proliferation in a dose-dependent manner and can induce programmed cell death, no specific gene regulation has yet been identified. To investigate the molecular basis of the effect of tocotrienols, we injected MCF-7 breast cancer cells into athymic nude mice. Mice were fed orally with 1 mg/d of tocotrienol-rich fraction (TRF) for 20 wk. At end of the 20 wk, there was a significant delay in the onset, incidence, and size of the tumors in nude mice supplemented with TRF compared with the controls. At autopsy, the tumor tissue was excised and analyzed for gene expression by means of a cDNA array technique. Thirty out of 1176 genes were significantly affected. Ten genes were downregulated and 20 genes up-regulated with respect to untreated animals, and some genes in particular were involved in regulating the immune system and its function. The expression of the interferon-inducible transmembrane protein-1 gene was significantly up-regulated in tumors excised from TRF-treated animals compared with control mice. Within the group of genes related to the immune system, we also found that the CD59 glycoprotein precursor gene was up-regulated. Among the functional class of intracellular transducers/effectors/modulators, the c-myc gene was significantly down-regulated in tumors by TRF treatment. Our observations indicate that TRF supplementation significantly and specifically affects MCF-7 cell response after tumor formation in vivo and therefore the host immune function. The observed effect on gene expression is possibly exerted independently from the antioxidant activity typical of this family of molecules.
    Matched MeSH terms: Mice, Nude
  7. Farah Wahida I, Aminuddin BS, Munirah S, Chua KH, Fuzina NH, Isa MR, et al.
    Med J Malaysia, 2004 May;59 Suppl B:190-1.
    PMID: 15468882
    This study was to assess collagen type II and collagen type I gene expression in tissue-engineered human auricular: cartilage formed via tissue engineering technique. Large-scale culture expansions were transformed into 3D in vitro construct and were implanted subcutaneously on the dorsal of athymic mice. After 8 weeks, explanted construct was processed in the same manner of native cartilage to facilitate cells for gene expression analysis. Isolated cells from in vivo construct demonstrated expression of type II collagen gene comparable to native cartilage. This study verified that tissue-engineered auricular cartilage expressed cartilage specific gene, collagen type II after in vivo maturation.
    Matched MeSH terms: Mice, Nude
  8. Ruszymah BH, Chua K, Latif MA, Hussein FN, Saim AB
    Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol, 2005 Nov;69(11):1489-95.
    PMID: 15941595
    Treatment and management of congenital as well as post-traumatic trachea stenosis remains a challenge in pediatric surgery. The aim of this study was to reconstruct a trachea with human nasal septum chondrocytes by using the combination of biodegradable hydrogel and non-biodegradable high-density polyethylene (HDP) as the internal predetermined shape scaffold.
    Matched MeSH terms: Mice, Nude
  9. Kamarulzaman EE, Gazzali AM, Acherar S, Frochot C, Barberi-Heyob M, Boura C, et al.
    Int J Mol Sci, 2015 Oct 12;16(10):24059-80.
    PMID: 26473840 DOI: 10.3390/ijms161024059
    Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is a cancer treatment modality that requires three components, namely light, dioxygen and a photosensitizing agent. After light excitation, the photosensitizer (PS) in its excited state transfers its energy to oxygen, which leads to photooxidation reactions. In order to improve the selectivity of the treatment, research has focused on the design of PS covalently attached to a tumor-targeting moiety. In this paper, we describe the synthesis and the physico-chemical and photophysical properties of six new peptide-conjugated photosensitizers designed for targeting the neuropilin-1 (NRP-1) receptor. We chose a TPC (5-(4-carboxyphenyl)-10,15, 20-triphenyl chlorine as photosensitizer, coupled via three different spacers (aminohexanoic acid, 1-amino-3,6-dioxaoctanoic acid, and 1-amino-9-aza-3,6,12,15-tetraoxa-10-on-heptadecanoic acid) to two different peptides (DKPPR and TKPRR). The affinity towards the NRP-1 receptor of the conjugated chlorins was evaluated along with in vitro and in vivo stability levels. The tissue concentration of the TPC-conjugates in animal model shows good distribution, especially for the DKPPR conjugates. The novel peptide-PS conjugates proposed in this study were proven to have potential to be further developed as future NRP-1 targeting photodynamic therapy agent.
    Matched MeSH terms: Mice, Nude
  10. Shintani T, Rosli SNZ, Takatsu F, Choon YF, Hayashido Y, Toratani S, et al.
    J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol, 2016 11;164:79-84.
    PMID: 26444325 DOI: 10.1016/j.jsbmb.2015.09.043
    We have previously reported that 1,25(OH)2D3 inhibits NF-κB activity and thus inhibits growth of OSCC cells in serum-free culture and down-regulates HBp17/FGFBP-1 expression, which is important for cancer cell growth and angiogenesis. Here, we have investigated the effects of ED-71, an analog of vitamin D3 (VD) on OSCC cell lines in serum-free culture. It is known that ED-71 has a stronger inhibitory effect on bone resorption compared to VD and other VD analogs. To the best of our knowledge, there was no report examining the potential of ED-71 as an anti-cancer agent for OSCC. We found that ED-71 is able to inhibit the growth of cancer cell lines at a concentration of hundred times lower than calcitriol. As Cyp24A1 was reportedly induced in cancer cells, we measured the expression of CYP24A1 in OSCC cell lines (NA and UE), A431 epidermoid carcinoma and normal fibroblast cell (gfi) in serum-free culture. As a result, CYP24A1 mRNA and the protein expression in the OSCC cells treated with ED-71 increased in a dose-dependent manner. However, in vivo experiment, in which the A431 cells were implanted in mice, tumor formation was reduced by the ED-71 treatment with no significant difference between Cyp24A1 expression in the tumors of ED-71-treated and control group, as analyzed by western blotting and immunohistochemistry. These results suggest that ED-71 is a potential anti-cancer agent for OSCC.
    Matched MeSH terms: Mice, Nude
  11. Wong CC, Lim SH, Sagineedu SR, Lajis NH, Stanslas J
    Pharmacol Res, 2016 05;107:66-78.
    PMID: 26940565 DOI: 10.1016/j.phrs.2016.02.024
    SRJ09 (3,19-(2-bromobenzylidene)andrographolide), a semisynthetic andrographolide (AGP) derivative, was shown to induce G1 cell cycle arrest and eventually apoptosis in breast and colon cancer cell lines. The present investigation was carried out to elucidate the mechanisms cell cycle arrest and apoptosis and evaluate the in vivo antitumor activity of SRJ09. The in vitro growth inhibitory properties of compounds were assessed in colon (HCT-116) and breast (MCF-7) cancer cell lines. Immunoblotting was utilized to quantitate the protein levels in cells. The gene expressions were determined using reverse transcriptase PCR (RT-PCR). Pharmacokinetic investigation was carried out by determining SRJ09 levels in plasma of Balb/C mice using HPLC. In vivo antitumor activity was evaluated in athymic mice carrying HCT-116 colon tumor xenografts. SRJ09 displayed improved in vitro activity when compared with AGP by producing rapid cell killing effect in vitro. Its activity was not compromised in MES-SA/Dx5 multidrug resistant (MDR) cells expressing p-glycoprotein. Cells treated with SRJ09 (0.1-10μM) displayed increased p21 protein level, which corresponded with gene expression. Whereas CDK4 protein level and gene expression was suppressed. The treatment did not affect cyclin D1. Changes of these proteins paralleled G1 cell cycle arrest in both cell lines as determined by flow cytometry. Induction of apoptosis by SRJ09 in HCT-116 cells which occurred independent of p53 and bcl-2 was inhibited in the presence of caspase 8 inhibitor, implicating the extrinsic apoptotic pathway. A single dose (100mg/kg, i.p) of SRJ09 produced a plasma concentration range of 12-30.4μM. At 400mg/kg (q4dX3), it significantly retarded growth of tumor xenografts. The antitumor activity of SRJ09 is suggested mediated via the induction of p21 expression and suppression of CDK-4 expression without affecting cyclin D1 to trigger G1 arrest leading to apoptosis.
    Matched MeSH terms: Mice, Nude
  12. Asif M, Yehya AHS, Dahham SS, Mohamed SK, Shafaei A, Ezzat MO, et al.
    Biomed Pharmacother, 2019 Jan;109:1620-1629.
    PMID: 30551416 DOI: 10.1016/j.biopha.2018.10.127
    Proven the great potential of essential oils as anticancer agents, the current study intended to explore molecular mechanisms responsible for in vitro and in vivo anti-colon cancer efficacy of essential oil containing oleo-gum resin extract (RH) of Mesua ferrea. MTT cell viability studies showed that RH had broad spectrum cytotoxic activities. However, it induced more profound growth inhibitory effects towards two human colon cancer cell lines i.e., HCT 116 and LIM1215 with an IC50 values of 17.38 ± 0.92 and 18.86 ± 0.80 μg/mL respectively. RH induced relatively less toxicity in normal human colon fibroblasts i.e., CCD-18co. Cell death studies conducted, revealed that RH induced characteristic morphological and biochemical changes in HCT 116. At protein level it down-regulated expression of multiple pro-survival proteins i.e., survivin, xIAP, HSP27, HSP60 and HSP70 and up-regulated expression of ROS, caspase-3/7 and TRAIL-R2 in HCT 116. Furthermore, significant reduction in invasion, migration and colony formation potential was observed in HCT 116 treated with RH. Chemical characterization by GC-MS and HPLC methods revealed isoledene and elemene as one the major compounds. RH showed potent antitumor activity in xenograft model. Overall, these findings suggest that RH holds a promise to be further studied for cheap anti-colon cancer naturaceutical development.
    Matched MeSH terms: Mice, Nude
  13. Ibrahim K, Abdul Murad NA, Harun R, Jamal R
    Int J Mol Med, 2020 Aug;46(2):685-699.
    PMID: 32468002 DOI: 10.3892/ijmm.2020.4619
    Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is an aggressive type of brain tumour that commonly exhibits resistance to treatment. The tumour is highly heterogenous and complex kinomic alterations have been reported leading to dysregulation of signalling pathways. The present study aimed to investigate the novel kinome pathways and to identify potential therapeutic targets in GBM. Meta‑analysis using Oncomine identified 113 upregulated kinases in GBM. RNAi screening was performed on identified kinases using ON‑TARGETplus siRNA library on LN18 and U87MG. Tousled‑like kinase 1 (TLK1), which is a serine/threonine kinase was identified as a potential hit. In vitro functional validation was performed as the role of TLK1 in GBM is unknown. TLK1 knockdown in GBM cells significantly decreased cell viability, clonogenicity, proliferation and induced apoptosis. TLK1 knockdown also chemosensitised the GBM cells to the sublethal dose of temozolomide. The downstream pathways of TLK1 were examined using microarray analysis, which identified the involvement of DNA replication, cell cycle and focal adhesion signalling pathways. In vivo validation of the subcutaneous xenografts of stably transfected sh‑TLK1 U87MG cells demonstrated significantly decreased tumour growth in female BALB/c nude mice. Together, these results suggested that TLK1 may serve a role in GBM survival and may serve as a potential target for glioma.
    Matched MeSH terms: Mice, Nude
  14. Jafari SF, Al-Suede FSR, Yehya AHS, Ahamed MBK, Shafaei A, Asif M, et al.
    Biomed Pharmacother, 2020 Oct;130:110602.
    PMID: 32771894 DOI: 10.1016/j.biopha.2020.110602
    PURPOSE: Koetjapic acid is an active compound of a traditional medicinal plant, Sandoricum koetjape. Although koetjapic acid has a promising anticancer potential, yet it is highly insoluble in aqueous solutions. To increase aqueous solubility of koetjapic acid, we have previously reported a chemical modification of koetjapic acid to potassium koetjapate (KKA). However, pharmacokinetics of KKA has not been studied. In this study, pharmacokinetics and antiangiogenic efficacy of KKA are investigated.

    METHODS: Pharmacokinetics of KKA was studied after intravenous and oral administration in SD rats using HPLC. Anti-angiogenic efficacy of KKA was investigated in rat aorta, human endothelial cells (EA.hy926) and nude mice implanted with matrigel.

    RESULTS: Pharmacokinetic study revealed that KKA was readily absorbed into blood and stayed for a long time in the body with Tmax 2.89 ± 0.12 h, Cmax 7.24 ± 0.36 μg/mL and T1/2 1.46 ± 0.03 h. The pharmacological results showed that KKA significantly suppressed sprouting of microvessels in rat aorta with IC50 18.4 ± 4.2 μM and demonstrated remarkable inhibition of major endothelial functions such as migration, differentiation and VEGF expression in endothelial cells. Further, KKA significantly inhibited vascularization in matrigel plugs implanted in nude mice.

    CONCLUSIONS: The results indicate that bioabsorption of KKA from oral route was considerably efficient with longer retention in body than compared to that of the intravenous route. Further, improved antiangiogenic activity of KKA was recorded which could probably be due to its increased solubility and bioavailability. The results revealed that KKA inhibits angiogenesis by suppressing endothelial functions and expression of VEGF.

    Matched MeSH terms: Mice, Nude
  15. Al-Masawa ME, Wan Kamarul Zaman WS, Chua KH
    Sci Rep, 2020 12 09;10(1):21583.
    PMID: 33299022 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-78395-y
    The scarcity of chondrocytes is a major challenge for cartilage tissue engineering. Monolayer expansion is necessary to amplify the limited number of chondrocytes needed for clinical application. Growth factors are often added to improve monolayer culture conditions, promoting proliferation, and enhancing chondrogenesis. Limited knowledge on the biosafety of the cell products manipulated with growth factors in culture has driven this study to evaluate the impact of growth factor cocktail supplements in chondrocyte culture medium on chondrocyte genetic stability and tumorigenicity. The growth factors were basic fibroblast growth factor (b-FGF), transforming growth factor β2 (TGF β2), insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1), insulin-transferrin-selenium (ITS), and platelet-derived growth factor (PD-GF). Nasal septal chondrocytes cultured in growth factor cocktail exhibited a significantly high proliferative capacity. Comet assay revealed no significant DNA damage. Flow cytometry showed chondrocytes were mostly at G0-G1 phase, exhibiting normal cell cycle profile with no aneuploidy. We observed a decreased tumour suppressor genes' expression (p53, p21, pRB) and no TP53 mutations or tumour formation after 6 months of implantation in nude mice. Our data suggest growth factor cocktail has a low risk of inducing genotoxic and tumorigenic effects on chondrocytes up to passage 6 with 16.6 population doublings. This preclinical tumorigenicity and genetic instability evaluation is crucial for further clinical works.
    Matched MeSH terms: Mice, Nude
  16. Wong CY, Cheong SK, Mok PL, Leong CF
    Pathology, 2008 Jan;40(1):52-7.
    PMID: 18038316
    AIMS: Adult human bone marrow contains a population of mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) that contributes to the regeneration of tissues such as bone, cartilage, muscle, tendon, and fat. In recent years, it has been shown that functional stem cells exist in the adult bone marrow, and they can contribute to renal remodelling or reconstitution of injured renal glomeruli, especially mesangial cells. The purpose of this study is to examine the ability of MSC isolated from human bone marrow to differentiate into mesangial cells in glomerular injured athymic mice.

    METHODS: MSC were isolated from human bone marrow mononuclear cells based on plastic adherent properties and expanded in vitro in the culture medium. Human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSC) were characterised using microscopy, immunophenotyping, and their ability to differentiate into adipocytes, chondrocytes, and osteocytes. hMSC were then injected into athymic mice, which had induced glomerulonephropathy (GN).

    RESULTS: Test mice (induced GN and infused hMSC) were shown to have anti-human CD105(+) cells present in the kidneys and were also positive to anti-human desmin, a marker for mesangial cells. Furthermore, immunofluorescence assays also demonstrated that anti-human desmin(+) cells in the glomeruli of these test mice were in the proliferation stage, being positive to anti-human Ki-67.

    CONCLUSIONS: These findings indicate that hMSC found in renal glomeruli differentiated into mesangial cells in vivo after glomerular injury occurred.

    Matched MeSH terms: Mice, Nude
  17. Nordin N, Yeap SK, Rahman HS, Zamberi NR, Mohamad NE, Abu N, et al.
    Molecules, 2020 Jun 09;25(11).
    PMID: 32526880 DOI: 10.3390/molecules25112670
    Cancer nano-therapy has been progressing rapidly with the introduction of many novel drug delivery systems. The previous study has reported on the in vitro cytotoxicity of citral-loaded nanostructured lipid carrier (NLC-Citral) on MDA-MB-231 cells and some preliminary in vivo antitumor effects on 4T1 breast cancer cells challenged mice. However, the in vivo apoptosis induction and anti-metastatic effects of NLC-Citral have yet to be reported. In this study, the in vitro cytotoxic, anti-migration, and anti-invasion effects of NLC-Citral were tested on 4T1 breast cancer cells. In addition, the in vivo antitumor effects of oral delivery of NLC-Citral was also evaluated on BALB/c mice induced with 4T1 cells. In vitro cytotoxicity results showed that NLC-Citral and citral gave similar IC50 values on 4T1 cells. However, wound healing, migration, and invasion assays reflected better in vitro anti-metastasis potential for NLC-Citral than citral alone. Results from the in vivo study indicated that both NLC-Citral and citral have anti-tumor and anti-metastasis effects, whereby the NLC-Citral showed better efficacy than citral in all experiments. Also, the delay of tumor progression was through the suppression of the c-myc gene expression and induction of apoptosis in the tumor. In addition, the inhibition of metastasis of 4T1 cells to lung and bone marrow by the NLC-Citral and citral treatments was correlated with the downregulation of metastasis-related genes expression including MMP-9, ICAM, iNOS, and NF-kB and the angiogenesis-related proteins including G-CSF alpha, Eotaxin, bFGF, VEGF, IL-1alpha, and M-CSF in the tumor. Moreover, NLC-Citral showed greater downregulation of MMP-9, iNOS, ICAM, Eotaxin, bFGF, VEGF, and M-CSF than citral treatment in the 4T1-challenged mice, which may contribute to the better anti-metastatic effect of the encapsulated citral. This study suggests that NLC is a potential and effective delivery system for citral to target triple-negative breast cancer.
    Matched MeSH terms: Mice, Nude
  18. Zhou X, Li Y, Wang W, Wang S, Hou J, Zhang A, et al.
    Theranostics, 2020;10(21):9443-9457.
    PMID: 32863938 DOI: 10.7150/thno.46078
    Objective: Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC) is one of the most commonly diagnosed cancer types in China. Recent genomic sequencing analysis indicated the over-activation of Hippo/YAP signaling might play important roles for the carcinogenic process and progression for ESCC patients. However, little is known about the molecular mechanisms that controls Hippo signaling activity in ESCC. Our previous studies indicated that PLCE1-an important risk factor for ESCC-linked to ESCC progression through snail signaling, during this period, we found PARK2 was an important downstream target of PLCE1-snail axis. PARK2 was decreased in ESCC human samples, and correlated with good prognosis in ESCC patients. Further research showed that PARK2 could inhibit YAP, which functions as key downstream effectors of the Hippo pathway. Here, we aim to reveal the molecular mechanisms of PARK2 modulated Hippo pathway in ESCC. Methods: To evaluate the function of PARK2 in ESCC, we used a tissue microarray (TMA) of 223 human ESCC patients and immunohistochemistry to analyze the correlation between PARK2 expression and clinicopathologic variables. Depletion of endogenous PARK2 and YAP from ESCC cells using CRISPR/Cas9 technologies. Flow cytometry and EdU cell proliferation assay were used to detect proliferation of ESCC cells. Nude mice subcutaneous injection and Ki-67 staining were used to evaluate tumor growth in vivo. Migration and invasion assays were performed. In addition, lung metastasis models in mice were used to validate the function of PARK2 in vivo. Identification of PARK2 involved in hippo pathway was achieved by expression microarray screening, double immunofluorescence staining and co-immunoprecipitation assays. The RNA-seq analysis results were validated through quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR) analysis. The protein half-life of YAP was analyzed by Cycloheximide assay, and the TEAD activity was detected by Luciferase reporter assays. Results: Clinical sample of ESCC revealed that low PARK2 expression correlated with late tumor stage (P < 0.001), poor differentiation (P < 0.04), lymph node (P < 0.001) and distant metastasis (P = 0.0087). Multivariate Cox proportional regression analysis further revealed that PARK2 expression (P = 0.032) is an independent prognostic factor for the overall survival of ESCC patients. Besides, the immunohistochemistry results showed that PARK2 negatively correlated with YAP protein level (P < 0.001). PARK2 depletion promotes ESCC progression both through Hippo/YAP axis, while PARK2 overexpression suppresses ESCC tumor progression by Hippo signaling. Co-IP and ubiquitination assays revealed that PARK2 could interact with YAP in the cytosol and promotes YAP K48-linked ubiquitination at K90 sites. Conclusion: Clinical sample analysis and mechanistic study have validated PARK2 as a tumor suppressor for ESCC. Multivariate Cox proportional regression analysis further revealed that PARK2 is an independent prognostic factor for the overall survival of ESCC patients. Cellular and molecular mechanisms in this study showed that PARK2 associated with YAP protein in the cytosol, promoted YAP ubiquitination and proteasome-dependent degradation in ESCC cells. Therefore, as a novel modulator for Hippo signaling, modulation of PARK2 activity or gene expression level could be an appealing strategy to treat esophageal.
    Matched MeSH terms: Mice, Nude
  19. Dahham SS, Hassan LE, Ahamed MB, Majid AS, Majid AM, Zulkepli NN
    BMC Complement Altern Med, 2016 Jul 22;16:236.
    PMID: 27450078 DOI: 10.1186/s12906-016-1210-1
    Aquilaria crassna has been used in traditional Asian medicine to treat vomiting, rheumatism, asthma, and cough. Furthermore, earlier studies from our laboratory have revealed that the essential oil extract from agarwood inhibited colorectal carcinoma cells. Despite of the wide range of ethno-pharmacological uses of agarwood, its toxicity has not been previously evaluated through systematic toxicological studies. Therefore, the potential safety of essential oil extract and its in vivo anti-tumor activity had been investigated.
    Matched MeSH terms: Mice, Nude
  20. Hassan LE, Dahham SS, Saghir SA, Mohammed AM, Eltayeb NM, Majid AM, et al.
    BMC Complement Altern Med, 2016 Oct 19;16(1):396.
    PMID: 27760539
    Balanite aegyptiaca (L.) Delile, is a plant with extensive medicinal properties. Its stem bark is traditionally known for its spasmolytic and antiepileptic properties and used to treat yellow fever, jaundice and syphilis. Angiogenesis (sprouting of new blood vessels) is crucial for tumor growth and metastasis. The goal of this study is investigate the antiangiogenic, cytotoxicity and antioxidant activity as well as antitumor in vivo properties of B. aegyptiaca stem bark extracts.
    Matched MeSH terms: Mice, Nude
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