Displaying publications 41 - 60 of 458 in total

  1. Sirunyan AM, Tumasyan A, Adam W, Ambrogi F, Asilar E, Bergauer T, et al.
    Phys Rev Lett, 2019 Apr 19;122(15):151802.
    PMID: 31050519 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.122.151802
    For the first time, a search for the rare decay of the W boson to three charged pions has been performed. Proton-proton collision data recorded by the CMS experiment at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 77.3  fb^{-1}, have been analyzed. No significant excess is observed above the background expectation. An upper limit of 1.01×10^{-6} is set at 95% confidence level on the branching fraction of the W boson to three charged pions. This provides a strong motivation for theoretical calculations of this branching fraction.
    Matched MeSH terms: Motivation
  2. Sirunyan AM, Tumasyan A, Adam W, Ambrogi F, Asilar E, Bergauer T, et al.
    Phys Rev Lett, 2019 Jan 11;122(1):011803.
    PMID: 31012697 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.122.011803
    A search is performed for dark matter particles produced in association with a top quark pair in proton-proton collisions at sqrt[s]=13  TeV. The data correspond to an integrated luminosity of 35.9  fb^{-1} recorded by the CMS detector at the LHC. No significant excess over the standard model expectation is observed. The results are interpreted using simplified models of dark matter production via spin-0 mediators that couple to dark matter particles and to standard model quarks, providing constraints on the coupling strength between the mediator and the quarks. These are the most stringent collider limits to date for scalar mediators, and the most stringent for pseudoscalar mediators at low masses.
    Matched MeSH terms: Motivation
  3. M. Kaviza
    Kajian tinjauan secara korelasi ini bertujuan untuk menentukan hubungan antara gaya pembelajaran dan motivasi intrinsik dalam mata pelajaran sejarah. Seramai 521 orang murid Tingkatan Empat dari sekolah menengah harian di sebuah negeri di utara Semenanjung Malaysia yang dipilih melalui teknik persampelan rawak mudah terlibat sebagai sampel kajian dalam kajian ini. Instrumen kajian ini merupakan soal selidik Perceptual Learning Style Preferences Questionnaire dan Instrinsic Motivation Inventory yang diadaptasi dan disahkan oleh pakar penilai serta mempunyai nilai kebolehpercayaan yang baik. Data kajian ini dianalisis secara statistik inferensi iaitu ujian korelasi Pearson. Dapatan kajian ini menunjukkan bahawa terdapat hubungan yang linear positif yang amat tinggi secara signifikan antara gaya pembelajaran dan motivasi intrinsik, di samping keenam-enam jenis gaya pembelajaran tersebut juga menunjukkan terdapat hubungan linear positif yang tinggi secara signifikan dengan motivasi intrinsik. Kajian ini memberi implikasi bahawa gaya pembelajaran dan motivasi intrinsik merupakan elemen penting yang perlu ditekankan dalam proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran sejarah.
    Matched MeSH terms: Motivation
  4. Yulita Y, Idris MA, Dollard MF
    Int J Occup Saf Ergon, 2020 Oct 15.
    PMID: 32912109 DOI: 10.1080/10803548.2020.1822054
    Objective. Our innovation was to propose a multilevel model to explain how an organizational factor, psychosocial safety climate (PSC) - the climate for worker psychological health - related to work investment (work engagement and workaholism) and, in turn, psychological distress. Methods. Longitudinal data were collected in Peninsular Malaysia across 26 police departments from 392 police personnel, matched across 4 months, and were tested using hierarchical linear modeling. Results. The analysis revealed between-group effects linking PSC to job resources, to work engagement and to workaholism. When PSC operated by improving job resources, aside from increased work engagement, it could unwittingly boost workaholism. However, this only existed under low PSC conditions. The secondary function of PSC buffered the impact of job resources on workaholism and psychological distress. When PSC was high, job resources reduced both workaholism and psychological distress, suggesting that PSC enabled resources to do their job of mitigating unfavorable conditions. Conclusions. Results support a multilevel PSC-extended job demands-resources motivational path with cross-links, and PSC's moderation function, as an explanation of worker psychological health. Confirming PSC as a leading indicator and the importance of a motivational path, this article presents new evidence in support of targeting PSC to improve worker psychological health.
    Matched MeSH terms: Motivation
  5. A'qilah Ahmad Dahalan, Azali Saudi, Jumat Sulaiman
    Mobile robots often have to discover a path of collision-free towards a specific goal point in their environment. We are trying to resolve the mobile robot problem iteratively by means of numerical technique. It is built on a method of potential field that count on the use of Laplace’s equation in the mobile robot’s configuration space to constrain/which reduces the generation of a potential function over regions. This paper proposed an iterative approach in solving robot path finding problem known as Accelerated Over-Relaxation (AOR). The experiment shows that these suggested approach can establish a smooth path between the starting and goal points by engaging with a finite-difference technique. The simulation results also show that a more rapidly solution with smoother path than the previous work is achieved via this numerical approach.
    Matched MeSH terms: Motivation
  6. S. Kiumarsi, Jayaraman, K., Salmi Mohd Isa, Asra Varastegani
    Bakery products become a regular food in most part of the world and are essential commodities today. There is a high potential for business growth in selling bakery products. In the business world, Small-Medium Enterprises (SMEs) are primarily engaged in the bakery business, but cannot compete with the branded bakery Industry. The SMEs in Malaysia are striving hard to achieve growth in the business of bakery products. The present case study deals with the issues faced by SMEs and provided some valid recommendations to resolve the existing problems in the bakery business. The case analysis and its findings reveal that SMEs have unstructured marketing strategies and needs enhancements in the areas of packaging, value add to the bakery products, focus on promotion and appropriate advertising strategies. Further, the analysis reveals that more coverage of selling points for bakery products, the increased number of distribution centers and proper incentives to the agents may definitely improve the marketing of bakery products.
    Matched MeSH terms: Motivation
  7. Tan SY
    JUMMEC, 2010;13(2):70-71.
    The current issue of JUMMEC touches on many diverse topics and in many ways reflects the evolution of modern medicine from the practice of acupuncture to epidemics facilitated by modern travel to the subject of ethics including controversies surrounding financial incentives given in promoting organ donation.(Copied from article).
    Matched MeSH terms: Motivation
  8. Uddin J, Ghazali R, Deris MM
    PLoS One, 2017;12(1):e0164803.
    PMID: 28068344 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0164803
    Clustering a set of objects into homogeneous groups is a fundamental operation in data mining. Recently, many attentions have been put on categorical data clustering, where data objects are made up of non-numerical attributes. For categorical data clustering the rough set based approaches such as Maximum Dependency Attribute (MDA) and Maximum Significance Attribute (MSA) has outperformed their predecessor approaches like Bi-Clustering (BC), Total Roughness (TR) and Min-Min Roughness(MMR). This paper presents the limitations and issues of MDA and MSA techniques on special type of data sets where both techniques fails to select or faces difficulty in selecting their best clustering attribute. Therefore, this analysis motivates the need to come up with better and more generalize rough set theory approach that can cope the issues with MDA and MSA. Hence, an alternative technique named Maximum Indiscernible Attribute (MIA) for clustering categorical data using rough set indiscernible relations is proposed. The novelty of the proposed approach is that, unlike other rough set theory techniques, it uses the domain knowledge of the data set. It is based on the concept of indiscernibility relation combined with a number of clusters. To show the significance of proposed approach, the effect of number of clusters on rough accuracy, purity and entropy are described in the form of propositions. Moreover, ten different data sets from previously utilized research cases and UCI repository are used for experiments. The results produced in tabular and graphical forms shows that the proposed MIA technique provides better performance in selecting the clustering attribute in terms of purity, entropy, iterations, time, accuracy and rough accuracy.
    Matched MeSH terms: Motivation
  9. Ng, Mei Foong, Ooi, Bee Yean, Siew, Wei Fern
    Background: In Malaysia the percentage of diploma registered nurses outnumber the percentage of degree registered nurses. Internationally, most registered nurses earn associate degrees or bachelor’s degrees in nursing. Malaysia is in the pipeline of ensuring that its registered nurses are professionally qualified with nursing degree by year 2020. Registered nurses with diploma qualification are feeling the pressure to upgrade their qualification to degree. There are concerns as to why these nurses are not pursuing their post registration nursing degree. Objective: To determine factors that are deterring the registered nurses of a private hospital in Penang from pursuing the post registered nursing degree. Methods: This descriptive study utilised a convenient sample of 150 registered nurses from Lam Wah Ee Hospital in Penang. The instrument of this study was developed based on literature search and the conceptual framework of Force Fields Analysis developed by Kurt Lewin in 1952. Results: The deterring factors for registered nurses not pursuing post registration nursing degree from this hospital were determined through negative mean score, which was valued at less than 2.5. The top 3 deterring factors identified were: high educational cost, with a score of 1.92; financial commitment, with a score of 2.22 and time constraints and high workload, with a score of 2.27. Conclusions: High educational cost, financial commitment, time constraint and high workload were the main factors deterring the registered nurses from this hospital from pursuing their post registration nursing degree. Thus it is timely for the organisational management to consider workable measures to assist and motivate their nurses to upgrade themselves with nursing degree in line with Malaysia’s vision to meet the increasing challenges and complex needs in the care of clients in health services.
    Matched MeSH terms: Motivation
  10. Noraishah, O., Mohd Arif, H., Fadil Ismail, Nurliyana Abdullah, Mior Ahmad Khusaini, Mohamad Rabaie, S., et al.
    The radiotracer injector is meant for transferring liquid radiotracer in the system for industrial radiotracer application with minimal radiation exposure to the operator. The motivation of its invention is coming from the experience of the workers who are very concern about the radiation safety while handling with the radioactive source. The idea ensuring the operation while handling the radioactive source is fast and safe without interrupting the efficiency and efficacy of the process. Thus, semi automated device assisting with pneumatic technology is applied for its invention.
    Matched MeSH terms: Motivation
  11. Nor Haliza Mat Baharin, Wan Nur Alwani Wan Abdul Aziz, Haslinda Ramli
    Integrated approach of naqli and aqli knowledge is applied in most educational
    activities conducted in Faculty of Dentistry, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM). Naqli is
    knowledge from al-Quran and as-Sunnah while aqli is rational knowledge or knowledge based on
    scientific evidence. Currently the integration of naqli and aqli knowledge in periodontology subject
    is at the initial stage of implementation. Motivational session for periodontitis patients is identified
    to be one of the educational activities that integrates the naqli and aqli knowledge. Therefore, this
    study is aimed to identify elements of naqli knowledge that can be included during motivational
    session in periodontal clinic. (Copied from article).
    Matched MeSH terms: Motivation
  12. Irwan, J.M., Teddy, T.
    Concrete durability determines service life of structures. It can though, be weakened by aggressive environmental conditions. For instance, bio-corrosion process is due to the presence and activity of microorganisms which produce sulphuric acid to form sulphate deterioration of concrete materials. The problems related to durability and repair systems are due to lack of suitable concrete materials. The use bacteria for concrete repairing and plugging of pores and cracking in concrete has been recently explored. Previous studies had proved the possibility of using specific bacteria via bio concrete as a sustainable method for improving concrete properties. Thus, lack of information on the application of bio concrete exposed to extreme condition was the motivation for this research.
    Matched MeSH terms: Motivation
  13. Ahmad, R., Virgiyanti, W., Mahmod, M., Habbal, A., Chit, S.C.
    Crowdsourcing introduces new perspectives in innovation, allowing for new products and services to shift away from the traditional manufacture-centric model to a more user-centric one. In order for businesses to reap the benefits of open innovation, it is necessary to understand the factors that motivate ideators to contribute valuable ideas. Equally, there is an urgency to identify the challenges faced by ideators in crowdsourcing for open innovation to retain the participants of crowdsourcing communities. This paper presents a structured review to address the aforementioned issues. Our findings reveal that the intrinsic factors that drive participation in open innovation are related to the learning experience that results from sharing ideas. Extrinsic factors like social motivation are frequently mentioned in different studies. This study also highlights the need for organisations to develop strategies for interacting with their contributors in order to sustain their participation and idea contribution. In conclusion, this paper can serve as a guideline for practitioners to improve crowdsourcing platforms with the inclusion of important motivational features. It can also serve as reference for organisations for formulating policies to regulate idea contribution.
    Matched MeSH terms: Motivation
  14. Sirunyan AM, Tumasyan A, Adam W, Ambrogi F, Asilar E, Bergauer T, et al.
    Phys Rev Lett, 2018 Jun 15;120(24):241801.
    PMID: 29956995 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.120.241801
    A search for physics beyond the standard model in events with one or more high-momentum Higgs bosons, H, decaying to pairs of b quarks in association with missing transverse momentum is presented. The data, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 35.9  fb^{-1}, were collected with the CMS detector at the LHC in proton-proton collisions at the center-of-mass energy sqrt[s]=13  TeV. The analysis utilizes a new b quark tagging technique based on jet substructure to identify jets from H→bb[over ¯]. Events are categorized by the multiplicity of H-tagged jets, jet mass, and the missing transverse momentum. No significant deviation from standard model expectations is observed. In the context of supersymmetry (SUSY), limits on the cross sections of pair-produced gluinos are set, assuming that gluinos decay to quark pairs, H (or Z), and the lightest SUSY particle, LSP, through an intermediate next-to-lightest SUSY particle, NLSP. With large mass splitting between the NLSP and LSP, and 100% NLSP branching fraction to H, the lower limit on the gluino mass is found to be 2010 GeV.
    Matched MeSH terms: Motivation
  15. Mahmod, M., Na’in, N., Ahmad, R., Chit, S.C., Habbal, A.
    Crowdsourcing is an initiative implemented by the Malaysian government to support its National Key Result Area (NKRA) agenda to improve the lives of citizens with low household income in the B40 group. Crowdsourcing activities are done on mobile crowdsourcing platforms that enable workers to perform micro tasks at any time for a fixed payment. However, without active and constant participation from the crowd, this initiative might not be successful. This paper describes a preliminary study in identifying motivation factors for participating in mobile crowdsourcing platforms. This study identified intrinsic and extrinsic motivation factors that can attract crowds to participate in mobile crowdsourcing platforms. Technology efficacy factors that interlink with motivation factors were also identified in this study. The preliminary study employed the qualitative method where in-depth interviews were conducted among 30 crowdsourcing participants in Peninsular Malaysia. The findings of this study are the basis for a motivation model that can attract crowdworkers from among the B40 group of household-income earners to participate in crowdsourcing to procure and perform available micro-tasks. The findings will also help improvise mobile platforms for crowdsourcing.
    Matched MeSH terms: Motivation
  16. Victoria Jonathan
    Small accommodation providers are challenged to grow their business due to their limited resources. Although social networking is suggested to assist organization growth, few studies have focused on how owner-managers in the Malaysian hospi-tality industry network and the value they attach to it. This paper presents findings of 10 in-depth interviews of social networking motivation and barrier of owner-managers of small accommodation in Kuching, Malaysia. The findings show that the owner-managers were motivated by the perceived organizational and personal bene-fits of networking with others. However, issues such as social competence and busi-ness concerns were identified as barriers that may limit their participation in network-ing. To overcome these issues, it is suggested that educators, policymakers, and trade associations work together with the owner-managers to address their specific devel-opment and resource needs.
    Matched MeSH terms: Motivation
  17. Jawad HM, Nordin R, Gharghan SK, Jawad AM, Ismail M, Abu-AlShaeer MJ
    Sensors (Basel), 2018 Oct 13;18(10).
    PMID: 30322176 DOI: 10.3390/s18103450
    The use of wireless sensor networks (WSNs) in modern precision agriculture to monitor climate conditions and to provide agriculturalists with a considerable amount of useful information is currently being widely considered. However, WSNs exhibit several limitations when deployed in real-world applications. One of the challenges faced by WSNs is prolonging the life of sensor nodes. This challenge is the primary motivation for this work, in which we aim to further minimize the energy consumption of a wireless agriculture system (WAS), which includes air temperature, air humidity, and soil moisture. Two power reduction schemes are proposed to decrease the power consumption of the sensor and router nodes. First, a sleep/wake scheme based on duty cycling is presented. Second, the sleep/wake scheme is merged with redundant data about soil moisture, thereby resulting in a new algorithm called sleep/wake on redundant data (SWORD). SWORD can minimize the power consumption and data communication of the sensor node. A 12 V/5 W solar cell is embedded into the WAS to sustain its operation. Results show that the power consumption of the sensor and router nodes is minimized and power savings are improved by the sleep/wake scheme. The power consumption of the sensor and router nodes is improved by 99.48% relative to that in traditional operation when the SWORD algorithm is applied. In addition, data communication in the SWORD algorithm is minimized by 86.45% relative to that in the sleep/wake scheme. The comparison results indicate that the proposed algorithms outperform power reduction techniques proposed in other studies. The average current consumptions of the sensor nodes in the sleep/wake scheme and the SWORD algorithm are 0.731 mA and 0.1 mA, respectively.
    Matched MeSH terms: Motivation
  18. Sirunyan AM, Tumasyan A, Adam W, Ambrogi F, Asilar E, Bergauer T, et al.
    Phys Rev Lett, 2018 Sep 21;121(12):121801.
    PMID: 30296133 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.121.121801
    The observation of the standard model (SM) Higgs boson decay to a pair of bottom quarks is presented. The main contribution to this result is from processes in which Higgs bosons are produced in association with a W or Z boson (VH), and are searched for in final states including 0, 1, or 2 charged leptons and two identified bottom quark jets. The results from the measurement of these processes in a data sample recorded by the CMS experiment in 2017, comprising 41.3  fb^{-1} of proton-proton collisions at sqrt[s]=13  TeV, are described. When combined with previous VH measurements using data collected at sqrt[s]=7, 8, and 13 TeV, an excess of events is observed at m_{H}=125  GeV with a significance of 4.8 standard deviations, where the expectation for the SM Higgs boson is 4.9. The corresponding measured signal strength is 1.01±0.22. The combination of this result with searches by the CMS experiment for H→bb[over ¯] in other production processes yields an observed (expected) significance of 5.6 (5.5) standard deviations and a signal strength of 1.04±0.20.
    Matched MeSH terms: Motivation
  19. Mohamed Fajil Abdul Batau, Ahmad Shah Pakeer Mohamed
    This study examines the factors that influence organizational commitment among public employees in
    residential colleges in the University of Malaya. A total of 100 employees representing 12 colleges
    responded to the questionnaires that were designed to measure their motivation and level of
    commitment. The data obtained were analyzed using correlation, analysis of variance and regression
    analysis were used in order to achieve the objectives of the study. The findings of this study indicated
    that there are significant and positive relationships between all factors (employment compensation,
    training and development, career development and management support) with organization
    commitment. Furthermore, the findings also showed a directional relationship between independent
    and dependent variables by which the public employees at the colleges have positive commitment to
    the organization when the management provides attractive training and development, career
    development and good management support. In addition, the findings indicated that career
    development was the most dominant factor influencing organizational commitment followed by
    training development and job compensation. However, management support factor does not affect the
    organizational commitment among public employees compared to the other factors.
    Matched MeSH terms: Motivation
  20. Wan Baharudin Wan Mahmood, Khairuddin Idris, Bahaman Abu Samah, Zoharah Omar
    Employees support during the implementation of organizational changes is important to ensure
    successful change. Thus, identifying factors that motivate individuals to support organizational change
    is of vital interest for the successful management of changes. Previous studies have confirmed a
    number of factors that can affect individual behavior to support the change. However, there are only
    few studies that have identified the potential factors to form a framework that is based on theory, in
    particular using the theory of planned behavior. Therefore, this study explores how perceived benefits
    of change, supervisor support and change self-efficacy affects behavioural support for change.
    Furthermore, this review offers propositions based on current literature for further in-depth empirical
    investigations to find out the effects of these factors towards behavioural support for change that can be
    used as a guide in the academic field as well as practical.
    Matched MeSH terms: Motivation
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