Displaying publications 41 - 60 of 171 in total

  1. Ahmad, Z., Rohana, H., Md Tahir, P.
    ASM Science Journal, 2013;7(1):37-58.
    This study investigated the thermal properties of three room temperature curing adhesives containing nano particles which were thixotropic and shear thinning which allowed injection into overhead holes when exposed to different environmental conditions. Viscosity and shear stress of the adhesives were measured as a function of shear rate. The thermal behaviour of the adhesives were measured using dynamic mechanical thermal anylisis following exposures to different temperatures and humidities which included temperatures of 20 degrees Celcius, 30 degrees Celcius and 50 degrees Celcius, relative humidities of 65% RH, 75% RH 95% RH soaked in water at 20 degrees Celcius and placed in the oven at 50 degrees Celcius. The dynamic thermal properties reported include storage and loss modulus, the loss tangent and the glass transition temperature ( Tg ). For nano- and micro-particles filled adhesives, the Tg increased with the temperature increase, even though the adhesives was subjected to high humidity and this was due to further cross-linking. The results showed that room temperature cured epoxies were only partially cured at room temperature.
    Matched MeSH terms: Stress, Mechanical
  2. Al-Fakih EA, Abu Osman NA, Mahmad Adikan FR
    Sensors (Basel), 2016 Jul 20;16(7).
    PMID: 27447646 DOI: 10.3390/s16071119
    The distribution of interface stresses between the residual limb and prosthetic socket of a transtibial amputee has been considered as a direct indicator of the socket quality fit and comfort. Therefore, researchers have been very interested in quantifying these interface stresses in order to evaluate the extent of any potential damage caused by the socket to the residual limb tissues. During the past 50 years a variety of measurement techniques have been employed in an effort to identify sites of excessive stresses which may lead to skin breakdown, compare stress distributions in various socket designs, and evaluate interface cushioning and suspension systems, among others. The outcomes of such measurement techniques have contributed to improving the design and fitting of transtibial sockets. This article aims to review the operating principles, advantages, and disadvantages of conventional and emerging techniques used for interface stress measurements inside transtibial sockets. It also reviews and discusses the evolution of different socket concepts and interface stress investigations conducted in the past five decades, providing valuable insights into the latest trends in socket designs and the crucial considerations for effective stress measurement tools that lead to a functional prosthetic socket.
    Matched MeSH terms: Stress, Mechanical
  3. Aman S, Khan I, Ismail Z, Salleh MZ, Al-Mdallal QM
    Sci Rep, 2017 05 26;7(1):2445.
    PMID: 28550289 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-017-01358-3
    This article investigates heat transfer enhancement in free convection flow of Maxwell nanofluids with carbon nanotubes (CNTs) over a vertically static plate with constant wall temperature. Two kinds of CNTs i.e. single walls carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) and multiple walls carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) are suspended in four different types of base liquids (Kerosene oil, Engine oil, water and ethylene glycol). Kerosene oil-based nanofluids are given a special consideration due to their higher thermal conductivities, unique properties and applications. The problem is modelled in terms of PDE's with initial and boundary conditions. Some relevant non-dimensional variables are inserted in order to transmute the governing problem into dimensionless form. The resulting problem is solved via Laplace transform technique and exact solutions for velocity, shear stress and temperature are acquired. These solutions are significantly controlled by the variations of parameters including the relaxation time, Prandtl number, Grashof number and nanoparticles volume fraction. Velocity and temperature increases with elevation in Grashof number while Shear stress minimizes with increasing Maxwell parameter. A comparison between SWCNTs and MWCNTs in each case is made. Moreover, a graph showing the comparison amongst four different types of nanofluids for both CNTs is also plotted.
    Matched MeSH terms: Stress, Mechanical
  4. Mehrabi MH, Suhatril M, Ibrahim Z, Ghodsi SS, Khatibi H
    PLoS One, 2017;12(6):e0176480.
    PMID: 28570657 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0176480
    Conventional seismic rehabilitation methods may not be suitable for some buildings owing to their high cost and time-consuming foundation work. In recent years, viscoelastic dampers (VEDs) have been widely used in many mid- and high-rise buildings. This study introduces a viscoelastic passive control system called rotary rubber braced damper (RRBD). The RRBD is an economical, lightweight, and easy-to-assemble device. A finite element model considering nonlinearity, large deformation, and material damage is developed to conduct a parametric study on different damper sizes under pushover cyclic loading. The fundamental characteristics of this VED system are clarified by analyzing building structures under cyclic loading. The result show excellent energy absorption and stable hysteresis loops in all specimens. Additionally, by using a sinusoidal shaking table test, the effectiveness of the RRBD to manage the response displacement and acceleration of steel frames is considered. The RRBD functioned at early stages of lateral displacement, indicating that the system is effective for all levels of vibration. Moreover, the proposed damper shows significantly better performance in terms of the column compression force resulting from the brace action compared to chevron bracing (CB).
    Matched MeSH terms: Stress, Mechanical
  5. Bayat M, Alarifi IM, Khalili AA, El-Bagory TMAA, Nguyen HM, Asadi A
    Sci Rep, 2019 Oct 25;9(1):15317.
    PMID: 31653877 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-019-51450-z
    A thermo-elastic contact problem of functionally graded materials (FGMs) rotating brake disk with different pure brake pad areas under temperature dependent material properties is solved by Finite Element Method (FEM). The properties of brake disk change gradually from metal to ceramic by power-law distribution along the radial direction from the inner to the outer surface. Areas of the pure pad are changing while the vertical force is constant. The ratio of brake pad thickness to FGMs brake disk thickness is assumed 0.66. Two sources of thermal loads are considered: (1) Heat generation between the pad and brake disk due to contact friction, and (2) External thermal load due to a constant temperature at inner and outer surfaces. Mechanical responses of FGMs disk are compared with several pad contact areas. The results for temperature-dependent and temperature-independent material properties are investigated and presented. The results show that the absolute value of the shear stress in temperature-dependent material can be greater than that for temperature-independent material. The radial stress for some specific grading index (n = 1.5) is compressive near the inner surface for double contact while it is tensile for a single contact. It is concluded that the radial strain for some specific value of grading index (n = 1) is lower than other FGMs and pure double side contact brake disks.
    Matched MeSH terms: Stress, Mechanical
  6. Abdul Wahab AH, Mohamad Azmi NA, Abdul Kadir MR, Md Saad AP
    Int J Artif Organs, 2022 Feb;45(2):200-206.
    PMID: 33645338 DOI: 10.1177/0391398821999391
    Glenoid conformity is one of the important aspects that could contribute to implant stability. However, the optimal conformity is still being debated among the researchers. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the stress distribution of the implant and cement in three types of conformity (conform, non-conform, and hybrid) in three load conditions (central, anterior, and posterior). Glenoid implant and cement were reconstructed using Solidwork software and a 3D model of scapula bone was done using MIMICS software. Constant load, 750 N, was applied at the central, anterior, and posterior region of the glenoid implant which represents average load for daily living activities for elder people, including, walking with a stick and standing up from a chair. The results showed that, during center load, an implant with dual conformity (hybrid) showed the best (Max Stress-3.93 MPa) and well-distributed stress as compared to other conformity (Non-conform-7.21 MPa, Conform-9.38 MPa). While, during eccentric load (anterior and posterior), high stress was located at the anterior and posterior region with respect to the load applied. Cement stress for non-conform and hybrid implant recorded less than 5 MPa, which indicates it had a very low risk to have cement microcracks, whilst, conform implant was exposed to microcrack of the cement. In conclusion, hybrid conformity showed a promising result that could compromise between conform and non-conform implant. However, further enhancement is required for hybrid implants when dealing with eccentric load (anterior and posterior).
    Matched MeSH terms: Stress, Mechanical
  7. Athani A, Ghazali NNN, Badruddin IA, Kamangar S, Anqi AE, Algahtani A
    Biomed Mater Eng, 2022;33(1):13-30.
    PMID: 34366314 DOI: 10.3233/BME-201171
    BACKGROUND: The blood flow in the human artery has been a subject of sincere interest due to its prime importance linked with human health. The hemodynamic study has revealed an essential aspect of blood flow that eventually proved to be paramount to make a correct decision to treat patients suffering from cardiac disease.

    OBJECTIVE: The current study aims to elucidate the two-way fluid-structure interaction (FSI) analysis of the blood flow and the effect of stenosis on hemodynamic parameters.

    METHODS: A patient-specific 3D model of the left coronary artery was constructed based on computed tomography (CT) images. The blood is assumed to be incompressible, homogenous, and behaves as Non-Newtonian, while the artery is considered as a nonlinear elastic, anisotropic, and incompressible material. Pulsatile flow conditions were applied at the boundary. Two-way coupled FSI modeling approach was used between fluid and solid domain. The hemodynamic parameters such as the pressure, velocity streamline, and wall shear stress were analyzed in the fluid domain and the solid domain deformation.

    RESULTS: The simulated results reveal that pressure drop exists in the vicinity of stenosis and a recirculation region after the stenosis. It was noted that stenosis leads to high wall stress. The results also demonstrate an overestimation of wall shear stress and velocity in the rigid wall CFD model compared to the FSI model.

    Matched MeSH terms: Stress, Mechanical
  8. Athani A, Ghazali NNN, Anjum Badruddin I, Kamangar S, Salman Ahmed NJ, Honnutagi A
    Biomed Mater Eng, 2023;34(1):13-35.
    PMID: 36278331 DOI: 10.3233/BME-211333
    BACKGROUND: Coronary arteries disease has been reported as one of the principal roots of deaths worldwide.

    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study is to analyze the multiphase pulsatile blood flow in the left coronary artery tree with stenosis.

    METHODS: The 3D left coronary artery model was reconstructed using 2D computerized tomography (CT) scan images. The Red Blood Cell (RBC) and varying hemodynamic parameters for single and multiphase blood flow conditions were analyzed.

    RESULTS: Results asserted that the multiphase blood flow modeling has a maximum velocity of 1.017 m/s and1.339 m/s at the stenosed region during the systolic and diastolic phases respectively. The increase in Wall Shear Stress (WSS) observed at the stenosed region during the diastole phase as compared during the systolic phase. It was also observed that the highest Oscillatory Shear Index (OSI) regions are found in the downstream area of stenosis and across the bifurcations. The increase in RBCs velocity from 0.45 m/s to 0.6 m/s across the stenosis was also noticed.

    CONCLUSION: The computational multiphase blood flow analysis improves the understanding and accuracy of the complex flow conditions of blood elements (RBC and Plasma) and provides the progression of the disease development in the coronary arteries. This study helps to enhance the diagnosis of the blocked (stenosed) arteries more precisely compared to the single-phase blood flow modeling.

    Matched MeSH terms: Stress, Mechanical
  9. Low YJ, Kittur MI, Andriyana A, Ang BC, Zainal Abidin NI
    J Mech Behav Biomed Mater, 2023 Apr;140:105723.
    PMID: 36821908 DOI: 10.1016/j.jmbbm.2023.105723
    Poly(glycolide-co-caprolactone) (PGCL) has become a novice to the bioresorbable suture owing to the synergistic properties taken from the homo-polyglycolide (PGA) and polycaprolactone (PCL) such as excellent bioresorption and flexibility. In addition to under conventional monotonic loading, the understanding of mechanical responses of PGCL copolymers under complex loading conditions such as cyclic and stress relaxation is crucial for its application as a surgical suture. Consequently, the present work focuses on evaluating the mechanical responses of PGCL sutures under monotonic, cyclic, and stress relaxation loading conditions. Under monotonic loading, the stress-strain behavior of the PGCL suture was found to be non-linear with noticeable strain-rate dependence. Under cyclic loading, inelastic responses including stress-softening, hysteresis and permanent set were observed. During cyclic loading, both stress-softening and hysteresis were found to increase with the maximum strain. In multi-step stress relaxation, the PGCL sutures were observed to exhibit a strong viscoelastic response. In an attempt to describe the relationship between the stress-relaxation and strain-induced crystallization (SIC) occurring during the loading and relaxation processes, a schematic illustration of the conformational change of polymer chains in PGCL sutures was proposed in this work. Results showed that SIC was dependent on the strain level as well as the loading and relaxation durations. The inelastic phenomena observed in PGCL sutures can be thus correlated to the combined effect of stress relaxation and SIC.
    Matched MeSH terms: Stress, Mechanical
  10. Eshraghi A, Abu Osman NA, Gholizadeh H, Ali S, Abas WA
    Am J Phys Med Rehabil, 2015 Jan;94(1):1-10.
    PMID: 24919079 DOI: 10.1097/PHM.0000000000000134
    This study aimed to compare the effects of different suspension methods on the interface stress inside the prosthetic sockets of transtibial amputees when negotiating ramps and stairs.
    Matched MeSH terms: Stress, Mechanical*
  11. Ali N, Halim NS, Jusoh A, Endut A
    Bioresour Technol, 2010 Mar;101(5):1459-65.
    PMID: 19786347 DOI: 10.1016/j.biortech.2009.08.070
    The focus of this research is to study the potential of nanofiltration membrane technology in removing ammonia-nitrogen from the aquaculture system. One of the major fabrication parameters that directly affect the separation performance is shear rate or casting rate during membrane fabrication. In this study, asymmetric polyethersulfone (PES) nanofiltration membranes were prepared at five different shear rates within the range of 67-400 s(-1). Membrane productivity and separation performance were assessed via pure water, salt and ammonia-nitrogen permeation experiments, and their structural properties were determined by employing the combination of the irreversible thermodynamic (IT) model, solution diffusion model, steric hindrance pore (SHP) model and Teorell-Meyers (TMS) model. The study reveals that the alteration of shear rate enormously affects the membrane morphology and structural parameters, hence subsequently significantly influencing the membrane performance. It was found that, membrane produced at the shear rate 200 s(-1) or equivalent to 10s of casting speed during membrane fabrications managed to remove about 68% of ammonia-nitrogen, in which its separation performance is the most favourable by means of highest flux and rejection ability towards unwanted solutes. Besides, from the research findings, nano-membrane technology is a potential candidate for the treatment of aquaculture wastewater.
    Matched MeSH terms: Stress, Mechanical*
  12. Wahab AH, Kadir MR, Harun MN, Kamarul T, Syahrom A
    Med Biol Eng Comput, 2017 Mar;55(3):439-447.
    PMID: 27255451 DOI: 10.1007/s11517-016-1525-6
    The present study was conducted to compare the stability of four commercially available implants by investigating the focal stress distributions and relative micromotion using finite element analysis. Variations in the numbers of pegs between the implant designs were tested. A load of 750 N was applied at three different glenoid positions (SA: superior-anterior; SP: superior-posterior; C: central) to mimic off-center and central loadings during activities of daily living. Focal stress distributions and relative micromotion were measured using Marc Mentat software. The results demonstrated that by increasing the number of pegs from two to five, the total focal stress volumes exceeding 5 MPa, reflecting the stress critical volume (SCV) as the threshold for occurrence of cement microfractures, decreased from 8.41 to 5.21 % in the SA position and from 9.59 to 6.69 % in the SP position. However, in the C position, this change in peg number increased the SCV from 1.37 to 5.86 %. Meanwhile, micromotion appeared to remain within 19-25 µm irrespective of the number of pegs used. In conclusion, four-peg glenoid implants provide the best configuration because they had lower SCV values compared with lesser-peg implants, preserved more bone stock, and reduced PMMA cement usage compared with five-peg implants.
    Matched MeSH terms: Stress, Mechanical*
  13. Yong KW, Li Y, Huang G, Lu TJ, Safwani WK, Pingguan-Murphy B, et al.
    Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol, 2015 Aug 15;309(4):H532-42.
    PMID: 26092987 DOI: 10.1152/ajpheart.00299.2015
    Cardiac myofibroblast differentiation, as one of the most important cellular responses to heart injury, plays a critical role in cardiac remodeling and failure. While biochemical cues for this have been extensively investigated, the role of mechanical cues, e.g., extracellular matrix stiffness and mechanical strain, has also been found to mediate cardiac myofibroblast differentiation. Cardiac fibroblasts in vivo are typically subjected to a specific spatiotemporally changed mechanical microenvironment. When exposed to abnormal mechanical conditions (e.g., increased extracellular matrix stiffness or strain), cardiac fibroblasts can undergo myofibroblast differentiation. To date, the impact of mechanical cues on cardiac myofibroblast differentiation has been studied both in vitro and in vivo. Most of the related in vitro research into this has been mainly undertaken in two-dimensional cell culture systems, although a few three-dimensional studies that exist revealed an important role of dimensionality. However, despite remarkable advances, the comprehensive mechanisms for mechanoregulation of cardiac myofibroblast differentiation remain elusive. In this review, we introduce important parameters for evaluating cardiac myofibroblast differentiation and then discuss the development of both in vitro (two and three dimensional) and in vivo studies on mechanoregulation of cardiac myofibroblast differentiation. An understanding of the development of cardiac myofibroblast differentiation in response to changing mechanical microenvironment will underlie potential targets for future therapy of cardiac fibrosis and failure.
    Matched MeSH terms: Stress, Mechanical*
  14. Wahab AHA, Saad APM, Syahrom A, Kadir MRA
    Comput Methods Biomech Biomed Engin, 2020 Apr;23(5):182-190.
    PMID: 31910663 DOI: 10.1080/10255842.2019.1709828
    Glenoid perforation is not the intended consequence of the surgery and must be avoided. The analysis on biomechanical aspect of glenoid vault perforation remains unknown. The purpose of this study is to determine the impact of glenoid perforation towards stress distribution and micromotion at the interfaces. Eight glenoid implant models had been constructed with various size, number and type of fixation. A load of 750 N was applied to centre, superior-anterior and superior-posterior area. Implant perforation had minimal impact on stress distribution and micromotion at the interfaces. However, cement survival rate for implant without perforation was the highest with a difference of up to 37% compared to other perforated models. Besides that, implant fixation and high stresses at the implant had more of an impact on implant instability than implant perforation. As a conclusion, glenoid perforation did not influence the stress distribution and micromotion, but, it reduced cement survival rate and increase the stress critical volume.
    Matched MeSH terms: Stress, Mechanical*
  15. Jamal J, Roebuck MM, Lee SY, Frostick SP, Abbas AA, Merican AM, et al.
    Int J Biochem Cell Biol, 2020 09;126:105800.
    PMID: 32673644 DOI: 10.1016/j.biocel.2020.105800
    OBJECTIVES: To compare mechanobiological response of synovial fibroblasts (SFb) from OA patient cohorts under mechanical load and inflammatory stressors for better understanding of SFb homeostatic functions.

    METHODS: Primary SFb isolated from knee synovium of OA obese (OA-ob:SFb), OA-pre-obese (OA-Pob:SFb), non-OA arthroscopic (scope:SFb), and non-OA arthroscopic with cartilage damage (scope-CD:SFb) were exposed to OA-conditioned media (OACM), derived from OA obese (OA-ob:CM), OA-pre-obese (OA-Pob:CM), and mechanical stretch at either 0 %, 6 % or 10 % for 24 h. Differences in the mRNA levels of genes involved in extracellular matrix production, inflammation and secretory activity were measured.

    RESULTS: Despite the significant BMI differences between the OA-ob and OA-Pob groups, OA-Pob has more patients with underlying dyslipidaemia, and low-grade synovitis with higher levels of secreted proteins, CXCL8, COL4A1, CCL4, SPARC and FGF2 in OA-Pob:CM. All primary SFb exhibited anti-proliferative activity with both OA-CM. Mechanical stretch stimulated lubricin production in scope:SFb, higher TGFβ1 and COL1A1 expressions in scope-CD:SFb. OA-Pob:CM stimulated greater detrimental effects than the OA-ob:CM, with higher pro-inflammatory cytokines, IL1β, IL6, COX2 and proteases such as aggrecanases, ADAMTS4 and ADAMTS5, and lower ECM matrix, COL1A1 expressions in all SFb. OA-ob:SFb were unresponsive but expressed higher pro-inflammatory cytokines under OA-Pob:CM treatment.

    CONCLUSION: Both mechanical and inflammatory stressors regulate SFb molecular functions with heterogeneity in responses that are dependent on their pathological tissue of origins. While mechanical stretch promotes a favorable effect with enhanced lubricin production in scope:SFb and TGFβ1 and COL1A1 in scope-CD:SFb, the presence of excessively high OA-associated inflammatory mediators in OA-Pob:CM, predominantly SPARC, CXCL8 and FGF2 drive all SFb regardless of pathology, towards greater pro-inflammatory activities.

    Matched MeSH terms: Stress, Mechanical*
  16. Tan WT, Liew YM, Mohamed Mokhtarudin MJ, Pirola S, Wan Ab Naim WN, Amry Hashim S, et al.
    J Biomech Eng, 2021 Aug 01;143(8).
    PMID: 33764388 DOI: 10.1115/1.4050642
    A computational approach is used to investigate potential risk factors for distal stent graft-induced new entry (dSINE) in aortic dissection (AD) patients. Patient-specific simulations were performed based on computed tomography images acquired from six AD patients (three dSINE and three non-dSINE) to analyze the correlation between anatomical characteristics and stress/strain distributions. Sensitivity analysis was carried out using idealized models to independently assess the effect of stent graft length, stent tortuosity and wedge apposition angle at the landing zone on key biomechanical variables. Mismatch of biomechanical properties between the stented and nonstented regions led to high stress at the distal stent graft-vessel interface in all patients, as well as shear strain in the neighboring region, which coincides with the location of tear formation. Stress was observed to increase with the increase of stent tortuosity (from 263 kPa at a tortuosity angle of 50 deg to 313 kPa at 30 deg). It was further amplified by stent graft landing at the inflection point of a curve. Malapposition of the stent graft led to an asymmetrical segment within the aorta, therefore changing the location and magnitude of the maximum von Mises stress substantially (up to +25.9% with a +25 deg change in the distal wedge apposition angle). In conclusion, stent tortuosity and wedge apposition angle serve as important risk predictors for dSINE formation in AD patients.
    Matched MeSH terms: Stress, Mechanical*
  17. Oshkour AA, Talebi H, Seyed Shirazi SF, Yau YH, Tarlochan F, Abu Osman NA
    Artif Organs, 2015 Feb;39(2):156-64.
    PMID: 24841371 DOI: 10.1111/aor.12315
    This study aimed to assess the performance of different longitudinal functionally graded femoral prostheses. This study was also designed to develop an appropriate prosthetic geometric design for longitudinal functionally graded materials. Three-dimensional models of the femur and prostheses were developed and analyzed. The elastic modulus of these prostheses in the sagittal plane was adjusted along a gradient direction from the distal end to the proximal end. Furthermore, these prostheses were composed of titanium alloy and hydroxyapatite. Results revealed that strain energy, interface stress, and developed stress in the femoral prosthesis and the bone were influenced by prosthetic geometry and gradient index. In all of the prostheses with different geometries, strain energy increased as gradient index increased. Interface stress and developed stress decreased. The minimum principal stress and the maximum principal stress of the bone slightly increased as gradient index increased. Hence, the combination of the femoral prosthetic geometry and functionally graded materials can be employed to decrease stress shielding. Such a combination can also be utilized to achieve equilibrium in terms of the stress applied on the implanted femur constituents; thus, the lifespan of total hip replacement can be prolonged.
    Matched MeSH terms: Stress, Mechanical
  18. Kam CZ, Kueh AB
    ScientificWorldJournal, 2013;2013:350890.
    PMID: 24319360 DOI: 10.1155/2013/350890
    A laminated composite plate element with an interface description is developed using the finite element approach to investigate the bending performance of two-layer cross-ply laminated composite plates in presence of a diagonally perturbed localized interfacial degeneration between laminae. The stiffness of the laminate is expressed through the assembly of the stiffnesses of lamina sub-elements and interface element, the latter of which is formulated adopting the well-defined virtually zero-thickness concept. To account for the extent of both shear and axial weak bonding, a degeneration ratio is introduced in the interface formulation. The model has the advantage of simulating a localized weak bonding at arbitrary locations, with various degeneration areas and intensities, under the influence of numerous boundary conditions since the interfacial description is expressed discretely. Numerical results show that the bending behavior of laminate is significantly affected by the aforementioned parameters, the greatest effect of which is experienced by those with a localized total interface degeneration, representing the case of local delamination.
    Matched MeSH terms: Stress, Mechanical
  19. Khari M, Kassim KA, Adnan A
    ScientificWorldJournal, 2013;2013:734292.
    PMID: 24453900 DOI: 10.1155/2013/734292
    Grouped and single pile behavior differs owing to the impacts of the pile-to-pile interaction. Ultimate lateral resistance and lateral subgrade modulus within a pile group are known as the key parameters in the soil-pile interaction phenomenon. In this study, a series of experimental investigation was carried out on single and group pile subjected to monotonic lateral loadings. Experimental investigations were conducted on twelve model pile groups of configurations 1 × 2, 1 × 3, 2 × 2, 3 × 3, and 3 × 2 for embedded length-to-diameter ratio l/d = 32 into loose and dense sand, spacing from 3 to 6 pile diameter, in parallel and series arrangement. The tests were performed in dry sand from Johor Bahru, Malaysia. To reconstruct the sand samples, the new designed apparatus, Mobile Pluviator, was adopted. The ultimate lateral load is increased 53% in increasing of s/d from 3 to 6 owing to effects of sand relative density. An increasing of the number of piles in-group decreases the group efficiency owing to the increasing of overlapped stress zones and active wedges. A ratio of s/d more than 6d is large enough to eliminate the pile-to-pile interaction and the group effects. It may be more in the loose sand.
    Matched MeSH terms: Stress, Mechanical
  20. Baharuddin MY, Salleh ShH, Suhasril AA, Zulkifly AH, Lee MH, Omar MA, et al.
    Artif Organs, 2014 Jul;38(7):603-8.
    PMID: 24404766 DOI: 10.1111/aor.12222
    Total hip arthroplasty is a flourishing orthopedic surgery, generating billions of dollars of revenue. The cost associated with the fabrication of implants has been increasing year by year, and this phenomenon has burdened the patient with extra charges. Consequently, this study will focus on designing an accurate implant via implementing the reverse engineering of three-dimensional morphological study based on a particular population. By using finite element analysis, this study will assist to predict the outcome and could become a useful tool for preclinical testing of newly designed implants. A prototype is then fabricated using 316L stainless steel by applying investment casting techniques that reduce manufacturing cost without jeopardizing implant quality. The finite element analysis showed that the maximum von Mises stress was 66.88 MPa proximally with a safety factor of 2.39 against endosteal fracture, and micromotion was 4.73 μm, which promotes osseointegration. This method offers a fabrication process of cementless femoral stems with lower cost, subsequently helping patients, particularly those from nondeveloped countries.
    Matched MeSH terms: Stress, Mechanical
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