A 64-year-old lady presented with a brief history of abdominal pain associated with obstructive jaundice. Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreaticography (ERCP) revealed a short segment stricture with contact bleeding and the brush cytology confirmed presence atypical cells. Ca 19.9 levels were markedly elevated. She was planned for a Whipple’s procedure but was instead subjected to a total pancreatectomy based on intraoperative findings of a diffusely hard and nodular pancreas. Histopathological examination confirmed our diagnosis of diffuse pancreatic adenocarcinoma. This rare presentation of a locally contained and fully resectable diffuse pancreatic adenocarcinoma is being discussed.
Ectopic pregnancy in the interstitial part of the fallopian tube (cornual pregnancy) is a rare condition but can be fatal. Traditionally, the treatment had been cornual resection or hysterectomy. More conservative approaches had been advocated recently. There is no consensus on the dose or number of methotrexate injections that should be used in the treatment of interstitial pregnancies. Single dose intramuscular methotrexate is one of the treatment options. However, the failure rate is higher if the serum beta-hCG (beta-human chorionic gonadotrophin) level is more than 5000 IU/L. We report a case of cornual ectopic pregnancy with high initial serum beta-hCG level being successfully treated with multiple doses of systemic methotrexate. MRI was used to assess clinical resolution of cornual ectopic pregnancy.
Reflex epilepsy is usually induced by external stimulation, photosensitive epilepsy being the most common. Epilepsy induced by auditory stimulation is rarely studied. There are no currently published magnetoencephalographic (MEG) studies demonstrating the initiation of epileptic neuronal discharges by repeated auditory stimulations in temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) patients. We retrospectively studied one TLE patient who underwent a MEG study to localize her epileptic focus. Auditory, somatosensory, visual and motor evoked potential studies were performed during the MEG recording. A single dipole method calculated equivalent current dipoles to localize the epileptic source. The least-squares minimization method was used to obtain the optimal solution with goodness-of-fit of greater than 80%. Periodic lateralized epileptiform discharges (PLEDs) were recorded in the temporal region when repeated auditory stimulations were done. We postulated that neuronal cortical suppression occurred during repeated stimulations which provoked epileptiform discharges (PLEDs) without any physical symptoms or aura. It was concluded that repeated stimulations could facilitate epileptiform discharges in focal area/areas in certain subjects.
Inflammatory pseudotumour (IPT) is a rare benign solid tumor in adults and children. The prevalence, etiology and pathogenesis of this condition are still uncertain. Despite the use of modern laboratory techniques and imaging, it is often difficult to make the diagnosis of IPT. Besides, occasionally the nonspecific morphological appearance and clinical presentation of the mass may mimic other more common primary or secondary neoplasms. IPT is commonly encountered in the lung and mediastinum. Other sites include abdomen (liver, pancreas, stomach, omentum), retroperitoneum, pelvis (bladder) and extremities in children. We report a rare case of gastric inflammatory pseudotumour in a 65-year-old female patient. Clinical presentations and its management along with review of literatures are presented.
Introduction: Various initiatives and medications have been introduced to achieve better control of bronchial asthma. However total control according to Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA) remains elusive even at tertiary referral hospitals. Our study is to determine the level of asthma control (according to GINA 2009), Asthma Control Test (ACT) scores and the types of medications used among patients with bronchial asthma in a large tertiary hospital.
Methods: A cross-sectional study of all patients with bronchial asthma who attended the Chest Clinic at Hospital Tengku Ampuan Afzan (HTAA) from 2009 to 2011. Patient demographics, self-administered ACT scores, GINA-defined level of asthma control and medications were documented.
Results: 208 patients were recruited. There were 23.2%, 46.3% and 30.5% of patients with controlled, partly controlled and uncontrolled asthma respectively. The median ACT scores was 19 [inter quartile range (IQR) 6]. The most frequently used preventer therapy was inhaled long-acting β-agonist/corticosteroids (LABA/ICS) fixed-dose combination (61.7%), and 9.6% were not on preventer therapy. 75% of patients with controlled asthma were on LABA/ICS compared to 58.5% of the partly controlled and uncontrolled groups (p=0.039).
Conclusion: The majority of the asthmatic patients attending the Chest Clinic at HTAA did not have GINA-defined controlled asthma. Patients with higher ACT scores had better control of asthma. There were more patients with controlled asthma who were on LABA/ICS combination.
KEYWORDS: Bronchial asthma, level of control, Asthma Control Test
Study site: Chest Clinic, Hospital Tengku Ampuan Afzan (HTAA), Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia
Device, Questionnaire & Scale: Asthma Control Test (ACT)
Introduction: The common cold is the commonest reason for primary care encounters worldwide. This paper aims to describe the reasons that influence patients to seek medical consultation for the common cold.
Methods: This was a cross-sectional survey conducted among adult patients of an urban teaching primary care clinic. An adapted bilingual survey form was administered by the researchers to obtain data regarding their decision to seek medical consultation for a cold and the reasons for their decision. Quantitative analyses were done to describe the close-ended responses. Open-ended responses were analysed using a qualitative approach and
the frequencies of the themes were reported. Results: A total of 320 respondents participated in this study, with a response rate of 91.4%. They were predominantly females (59.4%), Malay (70.9%), and had tertiary education (65.9%). More than half of the patients (52.5%) said they would seek consultation for cold symptoms. Fever was the commonest symptom (57-61%) which compelled them to seek consultation. The commonest reason for seeking consultation was to get medications (41.7%), whereas the commonest reason not to seek consultation was the practice of self-medication (44.2%). Ethnicity was found to be significantly associated with the decision to seek doctor’s consultation.
Conclusion: Colds are usually self-limiting and do not result in complications. Empowering
patients by providing appropriate self-care knowledge can help to reduce the burden of primary care services.
Patients should be taught about red flag symptoms as well as drug safety for medications commonly taken for
Keywords: Upper respiratory tract infections, patient acceptance of health care, primary health care.
Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) is a suite of laboratory techniques designed to rescue infertile phenotypes. While ART has led to the birth of 5 million ART babies worldwide, success rates rarely exceed 40%. One potential factor for this could be iatrogenic (‘clinician-induced’) damage to critical sperm proteins, such as phospholipase C zeta (PLCζ) and protamine, which are fundamental for oocyte activation and sperm DNA integrity, respectively. This report describes how we have begun to investigate the adverse effects of ART techniques upon these key sperm proteins. We also describe the pathway taken by Miss Suseela Yelumalai to acquire a scholarship from the Malaysian Government and her postgraduate experience at the University of Oxford. We introduce the facilities and learning opportunities available at the Institute of Reproductive Sciences (IRS) which houses Dr Kevin Coward’s research laboratory, and finally, highlight the potential for collaborative development between the Universities of Oxford and Malaya.
Introduction: This study examined a cognitive model of depression among undergraduate students of
medical and allied health sciences. Methods: Participants (N = 279) completed a series of questionnaires related to depression (Beck Depression Inventory-Malay), negative cognitions (Automatic Thoughts Questionnaire-Malay), dysfunctional attitude (Dysfunctional Attitude Scale-Malay), stressful life events (Life Events Survey), self-efficacy (General Self-Efficacy) and quality of life (WHO Quality of Life- BREF). Results: Results of descriptive analysis revealed a higher percentage of severe depression among males when compared to female students. Results of structural equation modeling indicated an adequate fit of the model ( 2= 21.29, df = 15, p > .13; GFI = 0.97; CFI = 0.97; RMSEA = .04).
Conclusion: The findings also indicated the potential roles of self-efficacy in mediating depression.
The results are discussed in terms of self-regulating strategies of managing depression and the roles that university authorities may play in helping students to regulate depression.
The objective of this study is to evaluate the depression and coping strategies used by postnatal mothers during the postpartum period.This study used cross-sectional design and was conducted at the University Malaya Medical Centre from November 2013 to January 2014. This study involved 150 respondents (postnatal mothers) and used instrumentation adopted from the Malay version of Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) and the Malay version of Brief COPE. The results showed 32 (21.3%) postnatal mothers have had severe depression. Emotional coping strategies were reported to be the most used by postnatal mothers (mean = 4.77 ± 0.70). There was a significant association between problem-focused coping strategies and race (p=0.045) where it was mostly used by Malay participants (mean = 3.39±0.46). There was a mild negative relation between EPDS and problem focus (r=-0.168, p=0.04). On the other hand, there was a mild positive relation between depression level and avoidant emotion (r= 0.162, p= 0.047). The psychological support from nurses and family was needed to improve depression and coping strategies used so that it can improve health outcome among postnatal mothers.
Objective: To evaluate the health-related quality of life (HRQOL) of patients with chronic depression. Methods: The study involved patients with chronic depression being followed-up at an outpatient clinic at a local hospital in Malaysia. HRQOL was assessed using the Sheehan Disability Scale (SDS); while symptom severity was assessed using the Montgomery-Asberg Depression Rating Scale (MADRS). Results: 104 patients of Malay, Chinese and Indian ethnic groups met the selection criteria. Mean total SDS and MADRS scores was 9.36 ± 7.92 and 13.99 ± 11.58 respectively. There were no significant differences of HRQOL scores between the different ethnicities and between males and females. Symptom severity significantly influenced total and component HRQOL scores. Conclusions: The HRQOL of patients with chronic depression was found to be significantly influenced by symptom severity. Data obtained in this study can be used in the design and implementation of therapeutic and preventive interventions.
Swyer syndrome or pure 46, XY gonadal dysgenesis is a condition in which the individuals have female appearance. They classically present as sexually infantile phenotypic females with primary amenorrhoea. People with this disorder have female external genitalia but the uterus and fallopian tubes are underdeveloped. However, they do not have functional gonads (ovaries or testes). Instead, they have streak gonads. We are reporting a case of Swyer syndrome with partially developed breasts, hypoplastic uterus, and absent streak gonads. The patient was treated with hormonal therapy and few years after her presentation, breast and uterine development were noted. In view that the patient is already married, the option of fertility was discussed with her. This case illustrates a rare case of gonadal dysgenesis and demonstrates the importance of counseling on the options of treatment, especially regarding fertility.
Bisphosphonates are pyrophosphate analogues, with a strong affinity for bones. They inhibit bone resorption and are currently the first choice of treatment for osteoporosis. Bisphosphonates should be taken in a specific manner and for at least one year to be effective in the maintenance and improvement of bone mineral density (BMD), as well as for protection against fractures. We report a case of a postmenospausal osteoporotic woman who lost BMD despite being on bisphosphonate therapy for eight years, highlighting issues that a primary care doctor needs to address before deciding on the next best option.
Learning disability occurs in 10-15% of children. It is manifested by an imperfect ability to listen, think, speak, read, write, spell, calculate or interact. It may be specific as in dyslexia, dyscalculia, dysgraphia or nonspecific learning disability. In the latter group, there may be under-achievement despite average or above-average-intelligence, slow learners and mental retardation. Factors that may cause learning disability include genetic abnormalities, antenatal and perinatal insults, abnormal growth and malnutrition in early childhood, parental mode of upbringing, poor opportunity for learning, physical illness and emotional and social problems. Meticulous history taking and physical examination is important to arrive at a proper diagnosis so that the most appropriate management is given, often involving professionals working as a team.
This case report highlights the success of community services and supported employment program that may be of help to a woman with chronic inhalant use to achieve a complete abstinence. Methods: We report the case of a 45 year old lady who chronically abused glue, presented after 10 years with substance induced psychosis and comorbid mood disorder. Results: Abstinent from inhalant dependence was achieved after series of home treatment services and supported employment program. Conclusion: Provision of acute community service and incorporating this patient in supported employment program contribute to her successful journey in achieving abstinence from inhalant dependence.
The purpose of this study is to explore and understand the exercise maintenance in women with breast cancer survivors adopting Guolin Qigong using the Social Cognitive Theory related constructs. A qualitative approach using in-depth interviews were employed in this study. 22 participants of the Malaysia Guolin Qigong Association from five regions in Peninsular Malaysia were purposely selected to participate in this study. Data was collected through a series of audiotapes during the interview sessions. They were asked on how do they maintain in their Guolin Qigong exercise. Three themes related to the Social Cognitive Theory constructs emerged from the data collected. (i) Personal Factors; (ii) Environmental Factors and (iii) Tailored Program. The belief in Guolin Qigong or in an exercise program is crucial in helping one to maintain with the exercise program and this findings is consistent with literature that those responded favourably to an exercise will have greater positive attitudes to exercise maintenance. To keep these women maintain the exercise it is important that these women have friends who understand them better to share their experiences related to their disease. It has been suggested that connecting to other survivors contributes to the survivors' positive well-being and to deal with their everyday living. Lastly, the type of exercise should be tailored to the physical condition of these women to keep them sustain the exercise. This theory can be used by the health practitioners to develop more effective interventions for increasing exercise maintenance in sedentary cancer survivors by taking into special attention personal factors particularly one's beliefs and inner motivation. Having to embark and engage into an exercise program of their preferred choice will help one to maintain an exercise program.
Participation in contact sports has been shown to carry a considerable risk of sustaining dental injuries. It is important for athletes to use available preventive gear to protect themselves from these injuries. Aim of the study: To assess the knowledge, habit and preferences of using mouthguards among university athletes. Materials and Method: Self-administered questionnaires, consisting of Part A - Age, gender, type of sporting activities, total hours dedicated to sports training, level of sports representation; Part B - Awareness of risk of dental injuries, knowledge on mouthguards such as definition of a mouthguard, role of mouthguard, use of mouthguards and reasons for not wearing mouthguards; and Part C — Experience of sustaining dental injuries during sports activities, were distributed. Athletes who were university students over 18 years and under 30 years of age and athletes who claimed to know about mouthguards were included in the study. Results: Data of a total of 225 respondents were analysed, consisting of 68% (n=154) male and 32% female (n=71) with the mean age of 21 years old. Only 46% (n=104) knew exactly about mouthguards and its role in the prevention of dental injuries during sports. Thirty seven percent of them (n=84) have used mouthguards and they were mostly in the martial arts group. The mouthguards were usually provided by the management team (62%). Forty percent of the respondents (n=91) claimed to have sustained dental injuries while playing sports and the injuries occurred more frequently in hockey (65.3%), basketball (60%) and soccer (45.2%). Conclusions: The incidence of dental trauma in contact sports shows that the awareness and use of mouthguards must be intensified. Awareness campaigns focusing on dental trauma should be organized to improve the knowledge of athletes.
The purpose of this article is to demonstrate the appearance of active TB lymphadenitis using multimodality imaging apparatus. Multi-modality diagnostic imaging tools, including chest radiograph, Ultrasound (US), Computed Tomographic Scan (CT), Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), and integrated 18F-FDG Positron Emission Tomography/CT examination, were performed to demonstrate TB lymphadenitis in the neck and superior mediastinum of a 26 year old female patient. There was widening of superior mediastinum on chest radiograph. Meanwhile, the ultrasound carried out detected superficial cystic lesions in the cervical region. The MRI found multiple gadolinium enhanced cervical and mediastinal lymphadenophaties. Contrast enhanced CT found heterogeneous enhancing lymphadenopathies in the same anatomical region. FDG PET/CT demonstrated a high metabolic activity in all lesions, as demonstrated by conventional imaging
modalities. Mycobacterium tuberculosis was isolated from 1ml aspirate using US guidance. Post treatment FDG PET CT scan demonstrated a complete metabolic remission of active lesions FDG PET CT can be used to demonstrate metabolic activity of active TB lesions in addition to guide clinicians in treating TB lesions.