METHODS: Survey forms were sent to contact lens fitters around the world, every year for 20 consecutive years (2000 to 2019). Practitioners were asked to record data relating to the first 10 contact lens fits or refits performed after receiving the survey. Data were analysed for those countries reporting ≥ 1,000 contact lens fits during this period.
RESULTS: A total of 369,209 contact lens fits were recorded from 40 eligible countries, comprising 2,309 scleral lens fits and 366,900 other (non-scleral) lens fits. Overall scleral lenses represented 0.76 per cent of all contact lens fits with significant differences between countries (p
METHODS: This questionnaire-based, observational, multicentre, cross-sectional survey was carried out with 438 randomly selected physicians consulting COPD patients.
RESULTS: In the survey, 73.29% of the physicians consulted at least five COPD patients daily (all patients > 40 years of age). 31.14% of the COPD patients visiting their doctors were women. Among physicians, 95.12% reported that at least 70% of their patients were smokers. 34.18% of the physicians did not routinely use spirometry to diagnose COPD. Most physicians preferred a short-acting β2-agonist (SABA) (28.19%) in the Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD) Group-A and long-acting muscarinic receptor antagonist plus long-acting β2-agonist/inhaled corticosteroids (LAMA + LABA/ICS) in both the GOLD Group-C (39.86%) and Group-D (72.89%) patients. A significant number (40.67%) of physicians preferred LABA/LAMA for their GOLD Group-B patients. A pressurised metered dose inhaler (pMDI) with or without spacer was the most preferred device. Only 23.67% of the physicians believed that at least 70% of their patients had good adherence (> 80%) to therapy. Up to 54.42% of the physicians prescribed inhalation therapy to every COPD patient. Also, 39.95% of the physicians evaluated their patients' inhalation technique on every visit. Up to 52.67% of the physicians advised home nebulisation to > 10% of patients, with nebulised SABA/short-acting muscarinic receptor antagonist (SAMA) being the most preferred management choice. Most physicians offered smoking cessation advice (94.16%) and/or vaccinations (74.30%) as non-pharmacological management, whereas pulmonary rehabilitation was offered by a smaller number of physicians. Cost of therapy and poor technique were the most common reasons for non-adherence to COPD management therapy.
CONCLUSION: Awareness of spirometry can be increased to improve the diagnosis of COPD. Though physicians are following the GOLD strategy recommendations for the pharmacological and non-pharmacological management of COPD, awareness of spirometry could be increased to improve proper diagnosis. Regular device demonstration during each visit can improve the inhalation technique and can possibly increase adherence to treatment.
METHODS: We randomly sampled 351 people with localised melanoma [American Joint Cancer Committee (AJCC) substages 0 - II] who had not had recurrent or new primary melanoma diagnosed from a total of 902 people diagnosed and treated for localised melanoma at a specialist centre in 2014. We interviewed participants by telephone about their experience of follow-up in the past year, and documented the proportion of patients who were undertaking shared care follow-up with a GP. We also recorded the frequency and type of investigations during follow-up. We calculated weighted estimates that are representative of the full inception cohort.
RESULTS: Of the 351 people who were invited to participate, 230 (66%) people consented to the telephone interview. The majority undertook shared care follow-up with a GP (61%). People who choose to have shared care follow-up with a GP are more likely to be male (p = 0.006), have lower AJCC stage (p for trend = 0.02), reside in more remote areas (p for trend
METHODS: This cross-sectional study was conducted at a tertiary public hospital from July- December 2015 among 276 randomly selected doctors. Data was collected using a standardized and validated self-administered questionnaire intending to measure disclosure and attitudes/perceptions. The scale had four vignettes in total two medical and two surgical. Each vignette consisted of five questions and each question measured the disclosure. Disclosure was categorised as "No Disclosure", "Partial Disclosure" or "Full Disclosure". Data was keyed in and analysed using STATA v 13.0.
RESULTS: Only 10.1% (n = 28) intended to disclose medical errors. Most respondents felt that they possessed an attitude/perception of adequately disclosing errors to patients. There was a statistically significant difference (p
DESIGN: This was a qualitative study comprising semi-structured face-to-face interviews guided by 10 open-ended questions. Interviews were conducted until data saturation was achieved and no new ideas were formed. The interviews were audio-recorded, transcribed verbatim and analysed for themes. To derive themes, we employed directed content analysis of transcript data. Coding was completed using a combination of open, axial and selective coding.
SETTING: Four nursing homes in Singapore.
PARTICIPANTS: The study involved 17 participants (comprising 4 doctors, 4 pharmacists and 9 nurses).
RESULTS: Two key themes were identified, enablers and challenges. These were enablers and challenges faced by doctors, pharmacists and nurses towards deprescribing. The identified subthemes for enablers of deprescribing were: (1) awareness of medications that are unnecessary or could be targeted for deprescribing; (2) improving quality of life for patients with limited life expectancy; (3) improving communication between doctors, pharmacists and nurses; (4) systematic deprescribing practice and educational tools and (5) acknowledgement of possible benefits of deprescribing. The identified subthemes for challenges of deprescribing were: (1) symptoms not acknowledged as possibly drug-related; (2) lack of knowledge in patient's and family members' preferences; (3) lack of coordination between health professionals in hospitals and nursing homes and (4) limited tools for deprescribing. The development of a local guideline, mentoring nurses, case discussions, better shared decision-making and improving multidisciplinary communication, may help to support the process of deprescribing.
CONCLUSION: In conclusion, this study highlighted that deprescribing in the nursing homes is perceived by health professionals to be challenging and future research could assess how routine case studies, mentoring and better multidisciplinary communication could improve deprescribing knowledge and process in the nursing homes.