Displaying publications 641 - 660 of 782 in total

  1. New, C.Y., Kantilal, H.K., Tan, M.T.H., Nakaguchi, Y., Nishibuchi, M., Son, R.
    Vibrio parahaemolyticus is recognized as a frequent causal agent of human gastroenteritis due to the consumption of raw, undercooked or mishandled seafood in many Asian countries. The number of V. parahaemolyticus cases reported is on the rise, and this becomes a concern to the Asian countries as seafood is favoured by Asians. This study aimed to detect and quantify V. parahaemolyticus in raw oysters and to determine the risk associated with the consumption of raw oysters. A total of 30 oyster samples were collected and analysed in this study. MPN-PCR and MPN-Plating methods were employed and carried out concurrently to determine the prevalence of V. parahaemolyticus in raw oysters. The results showed that the prevalence of total V. parahaemolyticus in oysters was 50.00% (15/30) where the MPN/g range was < 3 – > 11000 MPN/g for MPN-PCR method, and 40.00% (12/30) where the MPN/g range was < 3 – 4300 MPN/g for MPN-Plating method. MPN-PCR method was able to estimate the level of virulence (tdh+ and trh+) V. parahaemolyticus in the raw oysters where 10.00% (3/30) of samples were identified to be in a range of 3 – 30 MPN/g. A microbial risk assessment was conducted based on the enumeration data obtained from MPN-PCR method using @risk. The probability of illness annually was 1.76 X 10-6 with a prediction of 31 cases to occur with respect to the exposed Malaysian population, while the rate per 100,000 people was estimated to be at 0.104. In addition, the antibiogram of V. parahaemolyticus was determined using Kirby Bauer Disk Diffusion Test and the results indicated that the isolates were highly resistant towards Bacitracin (100.00%), Vancomycin (100.00%) and were least resistant to Chloramphenicol (8.70%). The MAR index of the isolates ranged from 0.17 to 0.50. In accordance with the results from this study, the consumption of raw oysters is a risk factor for V. parahaemolyticus infection and proactive actions should be taken to reduce the risk of the pathogen in order to improve public health.
    Matched MeSH terms: Public Health
  2. Aklilu, E., Nurhardy, A.D., Mokhtar, A., Zahirul, I.K., Siti Rokiah, A.
    Multi-drug resistant staphylococci including methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus
    (MRSA) and Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus epidermidis (MRSE) are among the emerging
    pathogens and have become a threat to both human and animals. Foods of animal origin can
    easily be contaminated by these bacteria if handled unhygienically or exposed to contaminated
    environmental surfaces. The objective of this study was to investigate the occurrence of MRSA
    and MRSE in raw chicken meat sold at wet markets in Kota Bharu, Kelantan, Malaysia. One
    hundred fresh raw chicken meat samples were collected from three different wet markets in
    Kota Bharu, Kelantan. Routine isolation and identification, selective media (Brilliance MRSA2
    agar), antimicrobial sensitivity test (AST), minimum inhibitory concentration test (MIC), and
    polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification of nucA gene and the resistant gene, mecA
    were conducted. Based on bacteriology results and growth on selective media, MRSA and
    MRSE were detected in 43% (43/100) of the raw chicken meat samples. Using the PCR assay,
    77% (34/43) isolates were positive for nucA gene. The detection of these emerging multidrug
    resistant bacteria in chicken meat intended for human consumption implies the potential
    contamination of food items by the bacteria which in turn may pose risk to the public health.
    Matched MeSH terms: Public Health
  3. Kew ST, Loh KY
    Malays Fam Physician, 2006;1(1):8-10.
    Hepatitis B virus infection is a global public health problem. The prevalence of hepatitis B infection is higher in Asia. The rate of HBsAg carriage in the general population ranges from 2-20%. The WHO has recommended that by the end of 21st century hepatitis B vaccination should be incorporated into routine childhood immunisation programmes for all nations. Vaccination against hepatitis B remains the most important aspect of preventive care. Most importantly hepatitis B vaccination can protect individual from fulminant hepatitis, liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. Primary care physicians must be familiar with the pathology, epidemiological and clinical presentations of this disease and be able to refer patients for appropriate treatment at the tertiary centre.
    Matched MeSH terms: Public Health
  4. Rohana, D., Wan Norlida, W.l., Nor Azwany, Y., Mazlan, A., Zawiyah, D., Che Karrialudin, C.A., et al.
    Public health care programme evaluation includes determining the programme effectiveness (outcome assessment), efficiency (economic evaluation), accessibility (reachability of services) and equity (equal provision for equal needs). The purpose of this study was to make comparison on cost·( efficiency and costeffectiveness in managing type 2 diabetes between the Ministry of Health (MOH) health clinics with family medicine specialist (FMS) and health clinics without FMS. A costeffectiveness analysis was conducted alongside across-sectional study at two government health clinics in Machang, Kelantan, one with FMS and the other without FMS. A total of 300 patients, of which 155 from the health clinic without FMS and 145 from the other group were evaluated for sociodemographic and clinical characteristics from August 2005 to May 2006. HbA1c
    analysis was measured for each patient during the study period. Macrocosting and microcosting were used to determine costs. The provider cost for diabetic management ranged from RM270.56 to RM4533.04 per diabetic patient per year, withla mean cost of RM1127.91(t906.08) per diabetic patient per year in health clinic with FMS. In health clinic without FMS, the provider cost ranged from RM225.93 to RM4650.13, with a mean cost of RM802.15 (:626.26). Proportion ofgood HbA1c was 17.2% for health clinic with FMS and 10.3% for the health clinic without FMS. The annual mean provider cost per proportion of good HbA1c control (< 7%) (Costefkctiveness ratio/ CER) was RM6557.65.for health clinic with FMS and RM7787.88 for health clinic without FMS. This provider cost-epfectiveness ratio was not different statistically between the health clinic with FMS and health clinic without FMS (p=0.063). The cost of building, equipments, overheads, staff and consumables were higher for FMS group. Sensitivity analysis was performed for three discount rates (0, 5 and 7%). Relative cost-effectiveness of diabetes management in health clinic with FMS and health clinic without FMS was unchanged in all sensitivity scenarios. Even though, there was no significantly difference in provider CER in type 2 diabetes management at Malaysian MOH health clinics, but the provider CER in health clinic with FMS was lower compared to health clinic without FMS. Therefore, we can conclude that the presence of FMS in the health clinic will effectively improved the management of type 2 diabetes.
    Matched MeSH terms: Public Health
  5. Syed Mohamed Aljunid, Namaitijiang Maimaiti, Zafar Ahmed, Amrizal Muhammad Nur, Norashidah Mohamed Nor, Normazwana Ismail, et al.
    As the Malaysian population ages, the burden of age-related cognitive disorders such as dementia and Alzheimer’s disease will increase concomitantly. This is one of the sub-study under a research project titled by quantify the cost of age-related cognitive impairment in Malaysia, which was undertaken to develop a clinical pathway for Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) and Dementia. The clinical pathway (CP) will be used to support the costing studies of MCI and Dementia. An expert group discussion (EGD) was conducted among selected experts from six (6) government hospitals from different states of Malaysia, Ministry of Health, and United Nations University, International Institute for Global Health, UKM and UPM. The expert group includes psychiatrist specialists and public health medicine specialists. A total of 15 participants took part in the EGD. The group was presented with the different approach in managing MCI and Dementia. Finally, the group came to the consensus agreement on the most appropriate and efficient ways of managing the two conditions. In the EGD, an operational definition for MCI and Dementia was agreed upon and a pathway was developed for the usual practice in the Malaysian health system. A typical case used, as a reference is a 60-year-old patient referred to a memory clinic with complaint of “forgetfulness”. After three outpatient visits in the clinic, the diagnosis of MCI and Dementia could be clinically established. The clinical pathways covered all active clinical and non-clinical management of the patient over a period of one year. The experts identified the additional resources required to manage these patients for the whole spectrum of lifetime based on the expected life expectancy. The Clinical pathway (CP) for MCI and Dementia was successfully developed in EGD with strong support from practitioners in the health system. The findings will help the researchers to identify all-important clinical activities and interventions that will be included in the costing study.
    Matched MeSH terms: Public Health
  6. Nik Nor Ronaidi, N.M., Mohd, N.S., Wan Mohammad, Z., Sharina, D., Nik Rosmawati, N.H.
    Treating tuberculosis (TB) remains a public health challenge in many developing countries. Treatment success rate in Malaysia is on declining pattern from 78% in 2000 to 48% in 2006. This study will determine factors associated with unsuccessful treatment among pulmonary TB patients. A retrospective cohort study was conducted on notified and treated pulmonary TB cases in Kota Bharu district Kelantan between January 2006 and December 2007. To identify the associated factors, univariate comparison and multiple logistic regressions were performed. Among the 765 patients identified, 472 (61.7%) cases fulfilled the criteria and were analyzed. There were 316 males and 156 females and their mean (SD) age was 45 (17.9) years. In univariable analysis, age, gender, educational level, employment status, family incomes as well as coexistence of extra-pulmonary TB, smoking, co-morbid disease (diabetes mellitus), HIV status, sputum cultures, chest X-ray findings and duration of delay for diagnosis were all found to have significant relationship with unsuccessful pulmonary TB treatment outcome. After adjusted for the confounders, the significant predictors for unsuccessful tuberculosis treatment were age (Adj. OR 1.09; 95% CI: 1.03-1.15), HIV positive (Adj. OR 23.04; 95% CI: 3.01-176.22) and advanced chest X-ray findings (Adj. OR 6.51; 95% CI: 1.50-28.23). A large proportion of unsuccessfully treated cases could be identified at entry
    by screening for age, chest X-rays and HIV status and specially targeted measures could be taken. The use of directly observed treatment short-course (DOTS) should be given more focus and priority among this high risk group of patients.
    Matched MeSH terms: Public Health
  7. Husna Maizura, A.M., Khebir, V., Chong, C.K., Azman Shah, A.M., Azri, A., Lokman Hakim S.
    In October 2011, the National International Health Regulations (IHR) 2005 Focal Point for Malaysia received notification from the United States’ Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) of a probable Sarcocystis outbreak amongst 23 travellers from six countries who had vacationed on Tioman Island between June and August 2011. The Ministry of Health, Malaysia (MOH) in collaboration with the Department of Veterinary Services, Malaysia (DVS) conducted a cross sectional study in November 2011 to determine the presence of Sarcocystosis among humans, animals and in the environment in Tioman Island. Epidemiological investigations conducted involved a community health survey of 44 residents in Kampung Salang, Tioman and review of outpatient attendance cards for suspected or confirmed cases of Sarcocystosis. Twenty-eight fresh stool samples were collected and sent to the National Public Health Laboratory (NPHL) for detection of Sarcocystis oocysts using fluorescence microscopy. Water samples taken from 27 water sampling points around the island were processed and analysed under the fluorescence microscope using ultraviolet (UV) light at the Institute for Medical Research (IMR) to detect the presence of Sarcocystis sporocyst. DVS collected 84 faecal samples from four types of domesticated animals and then analysed them at the Veterinary Services Centre in Tioman Island for Sarcocystis oocysts and other parasitic ova and cysts using qualitative Floatation Technique. The results showed that Sarcocystis was not present in humans, animals and in the environment in Tioman Island during the study period. Further surveillance among humans, wildlife and the environment is needed to determine Sarcocystis endemicity in Tioman Island.
    Matched MeSH terms: Public Health
  8. Thant, Z., Than, Mt, Shamsul, B.S., Wai, P.W., Htun, H.N.
    With economic growth and significant technological advances in the health sector, many countries have developed aggregate outcomes in terms of both health services and individual well-being. Life expectancy has seen a remarkable increase of more than fifty per cent between 1950 and 2009. Achievement is uneven, however, and some groups are better able to access health services than others. In our review, we explore the need and how to maximize health equity, efficiency and effectiveness. Methodology is the review and web surfing on public health, social science, humanity and development literature. The increasing gap in health inequality, however, calls for further reform of the health system to achieve both equity and efficiency. Health is essential for survival and human capability. Good health enables people to participate in society. A new approach to efficient and cost-effective health service provision is community participation in health development. Participation can increase the skills and knowledge of local people, thus providing opportunities to improve their lives (empowerment). Analysis suggests four functional changes to achieve equity and efficiency in maximizing health outputs: reforms targeting universal coverage to achieve universal access to health; people-centred service delivery through concentrating on health services based on need; public policy change targeting integrated and multi-system health planning; and collective health system and community response to achieve health for all.
    Matched MeSH terms: Public Health
  9. Garba, J.A., Rampal, L., Hejar, A.R., Salmiah, M.S.
    Dietary pattern analysis has emerged as important instruments to identify modifiable dietary risk factors for non-communicable diseases. The aim of this study was to determine the major dietary patterns among adolescents in Petaling District, Selangor and their associations with socio-demographic characteristics and obesity. An analytic cross- sectional study design was conducted in selected secondary schools in Petaling District. Sampling with probability proportionate to size was used and five schools were selected. Self-administered semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire was used for data collection. Weight was measured with a digital bathroom scale (TANITA model) and height was measured using SECA body meter. Principal component factor analysis using varimax orthogonal transformation was used to identify the dietary patterns. Chi square was used to test for associations of dietary patterns with socio-demographic characteristics and obesity. Three major dietary patterns were identified: firstly, fruits and vegetables; secondly, sugar and fatand finally, meat and chicken which explained for 12.7%, 11.6% and 10.7% variation in food intake, respectively. There were significant associations between ethnicity, religion, family income, educational level of parents and the dietary patterns. However, there was no significant association between obesity and the dietary patterns. It may be more effective to describe a healthy diet using results of dietary pattern analysis in public health intervention, rather than describing single food items or nutrients. It is recommended that nutrition education programmes should be implemented in schools so as to prevent the development of obesity in the non-obese.
    Matched MeSH terms: Public Health
  10. Stephen Ambu, Stacey Foong Yee Yong, Yvonne Ai Lian Lim, Mak Joon Wah, Donald Koh Fook Chen, Soo Shen Ooi, et al.
    Background: The public health issue of consuming groundwater is a major concern because people often extract groundwater directly from the aquifers either through wells or boreholes without treating it with any form of filtration system or chlorine disinfection. Based on the Malaysian National Drinking Water guidelines the current study was designed to provide a better understanding on the variable factors that are influencing the quality of well-water in an urbanised village in Malaysia. Well water quality assessment of heavy metals, chemicals, microbial and physical parameters were carried out for Sungai Buloh Village in the Klang Valley to ensure it was safe for human consumption.

    Materials and Methods: Water samples were collected from wells at four sites (Sites A,B,C,D), a river and a tap inside a house in Sungai Buloh village. Soil was sampled from the riverbed and area surrounding the wells. Samples were collected every two months over a one year duration from all sites. The water samples were processed and examined for viruses, coliforms and protozoa as well as for heavy metal contaminants.

    Results: The turbidity and colour ranged in the average of 0.57-0.13 Nephelometric Turbidity (NTU) and 4.16-5.00 Total Conjunctive Use (TCU) respectively for all sites except Site C. At Site C the turbidity level was 2.56 ± 1.38 NTU. The well-water was polluted with coliforms (1.2 to 2.4 x 103 CFU/100 ml) in all sites, E. coli (0.12 - 4 x 102 CFU/100 ml CFU/ 100 ml) and Cryptosporidium oocysts (0.4 cysts/100 ml). All the heavy metals and chemical parameters were within the Malaysian Guidelines’ limits except manganese. The average pH ranged from 5.44 - 6.62 and the temperature was 28 ºC.

    Conclusion: In summary, the well water at Sungai Buloh is considered unsafe for consumption due to pollution. Therefore the major thrust will be to provide better quality of drinking water to the residents of the village.
    Matched MeSH terms: Public Health
  11. Baha Latif
    Medical Health Reviews, 2009;2009(2):27-46.
    This review places emphasis on the food and water borne protozoal diseases like, cryptosporidiosis, giardiasis, cyclosporiasis, and toxoplasmosis which are endemic in many parts of the world. The article addresses cryptosporidiosis, giardiasis, cyclosporiasis, and toxoplasmosis. Cryptosporidium and Giardia are widespread in the environment and major outbreaks have occurred as a result of contaminated drinking water. Cyclospora has significance in the preparation and consumption of fresh food that have not received heat treatment. Toxoplasma gondii, transmission occur through contaminated water, unpasteurised milk and also the consumption of raw meat, which has been regarded as a major route of transmission to humans .These parasitic protozoa do not multiply in foods, but they may survive in or on moist foods for months especially in cool and damp environment. Their ecology makes control of these parasites difficult. Transmission, clinical manifestations, outbreaks, public health surveillance and control measures that are used for those diseases will be reviewed in this article.
    Matched MeSH terms: Public Health Surveillance
  12. Esa, R., Razak, I.A.
    Ann Dent, 2001;8(1):-.
    Several national studies have been undertaken to assess the prevalence of fluorosis utilizing the Dean's Index. However, the latest national study undertaken in 1997 (1) had utilized the DDE Index and hence does not allow comparisons to be made with the earlier set of national data. This cross-sectional study was undertaken to evaluate the prevalence of dental fluorosis using the Dean's Index in a sample of 12-13 year-old schoolchildren and to assess the relationship between fluorosis and their caries status. The sampling procedure involved a multistage, clustered and stratified random sampling. The sample comprised of 1519 schoolchildren attending 20 secondary government and governmentaided schools in fluoridated urban and rural areas of Klang District in Peninsular Malaysia. There were 772 males and 747 females. Each subject was administered a questionnaire to elicit the demographic information. Intra-oral examination for dental fluorosis and caries was performed for each subject. The results demonstrated that more than half of the subjects (54 %) had no fluorosis, 13.2% had questionable fluorosis, 31.3% had very mild to mild fluorosis, 1.4% had moderate fluorosis and only 0.1 % exhibited severe fluorosis. The mouth prevalence was 32.8 %. The Community Fluorosis Index was 0.48 indicating a borderline score for public health significance. Fifty-two percent of the children were caries free. The mean DMFT for all subjects was 1.1, F(0.6) being the main component. Although girls had a higher mean DMFT score as compared to boys this difference was not significant. Significant differences in DMFT scores were observed by urbani rural distributions and ethnic groups (p < 0.01). No significant correlation was found between fluorosis and caries status. It is concluded that dental fluorosis does not appear to be a public health problem. Further coordinated in-depth research using similar criterias for assessing dental fluorosis is highly recommended.
    Matched MeSH terms: Public Health
  13. Pang T, Gubler D, Goh DYT, Ismail Z, Asia Dengue Vaccine Advocacy Group
    Lancet, 2018 02 17;391(10121):654.
    PMID: 29617262 DOI: 10.1016/S0140-6736(18)30245-9
    Matched MeSH terms: Public Health
  14. Tunbosun, Olawumi Edward, Rampal, Lekhraj, Hejar Abdul Rahman, Roslaini Abdul Majid
    Introduction: Worm infection is one of the major global public health problems especially among rural communities.
    Objectives: to determine the prevalence of intestinal worm infection and factors associated among Semai Aboriginal
    children aged between 6 to 13 years in Tapah, Malaysia. Methods: A cross-sectional study design was used in this
    study. The estimated sample size was 508. Data was collected using a validated pretested questionnaire. Faecal
    samples were also examined. Data was analysed using SPSS version 22. Results: The response rate was 80.9%.
    The overall mean age of the 411 respondents was 10.1 years(95% CI = 9.89, 10.22). Majority (71.5%) were poor.
    Prevalence of intestinal worm infections was 60.8% and 57.2% had multiple infections. The multiple logistic
    regression analysis showed that those with poor hygiene practices were 2.18 times the odds of worm infection
    when compared with children with good hygiene practices (95% CI = 1.4, 3.4). Similarly, poor attitudes towards
    prevention of worm infection increased the odds of having worm infection by 1.62 times among Orang Asli children.
    Children living without toilets had 2.45 times higher odds as compared with those who had proper toilets. Absence
    of river near by these areas where there is no safe water supply also increases the risk of worm infection among
    children by 1.84 times among Orang Asli children. Conclusions: the prevalence of worm infection is still very
    high among rural Aboriginal community. Current control measures should be reassessed to enable introduction of
    effective measures to reduce the worm infection among Orang Asli children.
    Matched MeSH terms: Public Health
  15. Abba Y, Ilyasu YM, Noordin MM
    Microb Pathog, 2017 Jul;108:49-54.
    PMID: 28478198 DOI: 10.1016/j.micpath.2017.04.038
    AIM: Captivity of non-venomous snakes such as python and boa are common in zoos, aquariums and as pets in households. Poor captivity conditions expose these reptiles to numerous pathogens which may result in disease conditions. The purpose of this study was to investigate the common bacteria isolated from necropsied captive snakes in Malaysia over a five year period.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 27 snake carcasses presented for necropsy at the Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) were used in this survey. Samples were aseptically obtained at necropsy from different organs/tissues (lung, liver, heart, kindey, oesophagus, lymph node, stomach, spinal cord, spleen, intestine) and cultured onto 5% blood and McConkey agar, respectively. Gram staining, morphological evaluation and biochemical test such as oxidase, catalase and coagulase were used to tentatively identify the presumptive bacterial isolates.

    RESULTS: Pythons had the highest number of cases (81.3%) followed by anaconda (14.8%) and boa (3.7%). Mixed infection accounted for 81.5% in all snakes and was highest in pythons (63%). However, single infection was only observed in pythons (18.5%). A total of 82.7%, 95.4% and 100% of the bacterial isolates from python, anaconda and boa, respectively were gram negative. Aeromonas spp was the most frequently isolated bacteria in pythons and anaconda with incidences of 25 (18%) and 8 (36.6%) with no difference (p > 0.05) in incidence, respectively, while Salmonella spp was the most frequently isolated in boa and significantly higher (p public health importance and have been incriminated in human infections worldwide.

    Matched MeSH terms: Public Health
  16. Ganeshan M, Bujang MA, Soelar SA, Karalasingam SD, Suharjono H, Jeganathan R
    J Obstet Gynaecol India, 2018 Jun;68(3):173-178.
    PMID: 29895995 DOI: 10.1007/s13224-017-1000-9
    Aims: The aim of this study is to compare obstetric outcomes between overweight and class 1 obesity among pregnant women in their first pregnancy based on WHO's BMI cut-offs and the potential public health action points identified by WHO expert consultations specific for high-risk population such as Asians.

    Methods: This is a retrospective cohort review of data obtained from the Malaysian National Obstetrics and Gynaecology Registry between the year 2010 and year 2012. All women in their first pregnancy with a booking BMI in their first trimester were included in this study. The association between BMI classifications as defined by the WHO cut-offs and the potential public health action points identified by WHO expert consultations towards adverse obstetric outcomes was compared.

    Results: A total of 88,837 pregnant women were included in this study. We noted that the risk of adverse obstetric outcomes was significantly higher using the public health action points identified by WHO expert consultations even among the overweight group as the risk of stillbirths was (OR 1.2; 95% CI 1.0,1.4), shoulder dystocia (OR 1.9; 95% CI 1.2,2.9), foetal macrosomia (OR 1.8; 95% CI 1.6,2.0), caesarean section (OR 1.9; 95% CI 1.8,2.0) and assisted conception (OR 1.9; 95% CI 1.6,2.1).

    Conclusion: A specifically lower BMI references based on the potential public health action points for BMI classifications were a more sensitive predictor of adverse obstetric outcomes, and we recommend the use of these references in pregnancy especially among Asian population.

    Matched MeSH terms: Public Health
  17. Jajere SM, Atsanda NN, Bitrus AA, Hamisu TM, Goni MD
    Vet World, 2018 May;11(5):598-605.
    PMID: 29915497 DOI: 10.14202/vetworld.2018.598-605
    Background and Aim: Bovine tuberculosis (bTB) still remains a major zoonotic bacterial disease affecting livestock and humans worldwide. The disease remains a poorly managed tropical disease in most developing countries of the world; where in addition to productivity losses and significance in international trade, it posed a major public health threat to both humans and animals. A retrospective study was designed to investigate the occurrence of bTB lesions at Bauchi municipal abattoir.

    Materials and Methods: The study utilized abattoir records spanning a period of 10 years (2004-2013). The records indicated that a total of 1,08,638 heads of cattle comprising n = 56,070 males and n = 52,570 females were slaughtered at the municipal abattoir during the study period.

    Result: Of these heads, n = 1230 (1.13%) (95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.07, 1.19) had tuberculous lesions. The annual occurrence during the study period varied significantly (p<0.001) from 0.53% (95% CI: 0.40, 0.67) to 1.87% (95% CI: 1.66, 2.10) in 2010 and 2012, respectively. Females had a significantly higher (p<0.001) prevalence of 2.10% (95% CI: 1.98, 2.23) compared with the males 0.23% (95% CI: 0.19, 0.27). The distribution of suspected gross bTB lesions in different organs showed 11.87% in the lungs, 5.93% in the liver, 1.14% in the heart, and 0.49% accounted for generalized bTB. However, none was observed on the lymph nodes and intestines.

    Conclusion: It can be concluded that bTB persists in Bauchi State with annual variations during the study period. This study highlights the importance of meat inspection as an important tool for detecting the presence of bTB lesions.

    Matched MeSH terms: Public Health
  18. Ng, S.Y., Saleha, A.A, Bejo, S.K., Dhaliwal, G.K.
    Jurnal Veterinar Malaysia, 2016;28(2):12-16.
    Multidrug-resistant organisms (MDROs) such as multidrug-resistant (MDR) Acinetobacter baumannii and Escherichia coli are important pathogens associated with nosocomial infections in both human and animal health care facilities. Surfaces of inanimate objects in health care facilities can serve as sources of infection. However, studies on prevalence of these pathogens in veterinary settings are lacking in the country. Therefore, the objectives of this study were to determine the occurrence of A. baumannii and E. coli and the occurrence of MDR isolates on surfaces of inanimate objects in veterinary health care facilities in Klang Valley, Malaysia. In this study, swab samples were taken from 65 surfaces of inanimate objects that included door knobs, examination tables, labcoats, stethoscopes and weighing scales. The swab samples were cultured and all isolates were subjected to antibiotic susceptibility test. The study revealed that the occurrence of A. baumannii was 9.23% and 5 out of 6 (83.33%) A. baumannii isolates were classified as MDR. However, no E. coli was isolated. In conclusion, surfaces of inanimate objects can be a source of MDR A. baumannii in veterinary health care facilities that is of animal and public health concern.
    Matched MeSH terms: Public Health
  19. Hamidah Othman, Noor Azizah Mohd Ali
    HIV/AIDS is a matter of concern and has become a pandemic disease that threatens the world population. It
    has remained one of the priorities in global public health challenges. Caring for people with HIV/AIDS
    requires clinical expertise as well as high-quality skills for health care providers. The purpose of the study was
    to examine knowledge and attitude on HIV/AIDS patients among nursing students. A cross-sectional study
    was conducted in Public University at Wast Cost Malaysia. The 126 respondents of nursing students agreed to
    participate in the study using a self-administered questionnaire that was designed and modied after reading
    and referring to articles, books, and journals. The results of the research revealed that nursing students, in
    general, have a satisfactory knowledge (mean score 30.71), but had a moderate attitude toward HIV/AIDS
    patient with total mean score 2.34. Most of the students (89.3%) get the knowledge regarding HIV/AIDS
    through the internet. The majority of the students knew that blood transfusion (99.4%) and sharing
    needles/syringe (99%) were the higher sources HIV/AIDS modes of transmission. Most of the students agreed
    that peoples with HIV/AIDS should be treated in society with support from the community (97.0%). Although
    the knowledge level of nursing students seems to be satisfactory, but they still showed the moderate attitude
    towards HIV/AIDS patients. Thus, structured education programmes should be conducted by nursing faculty
    to ensure that nursing students gain the necessary accurate knowledge and an appropriate attitude towards the
    care of HIV/AIDS patients.
    Matched MeSH terms: Public Health
  20. Choudhry FR, Khan TM, Park MS, Golden KJ
    Front Public Health, 2018;6:187.
    PMID: 30065918 DOI: 10.3389/fpubh.2018.00187
    The Kalasha are a religious, ethnic, and linguistic minority community in Pakistan. They are indigenous people living in remote valleys of the Hindu Kush Mountains in northern Pakistan, neighboring Afghanistan. The Kalasha are pastoral, as well as agricultural people to some extent, although they are increasingly facing pressures from globalization and social change, which may be influencing youth and community development. Their traditional world view dichotomizes and emphasizes on the division of the pure (Onjeshta) and the impure (Pragata). There remains a scarcity of literature on mental health and resilience of indigenous communities in South Asia and Pakistan generally, and the polytheistic Kalasha community specifically. Thus, the current study was conducted with the aim to explore the cultural protective factors (resilience) of the Kalasha youth (adolescents and emerging adults) and to explore their perceived etiological understandings and preferred interventions for mental health support systems. The theoretical framework of Bronfenbrenner's (1, 2) ecological systems model was used. Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) was conducted, considering the advantage of its idiographic approach and the "double hermeneutic" analytic process. This methodology was consistent with the aim to understand and make sense of mental health and resilience from the Kalasha indigenous perspective. A total of 12 in-depth interviews were conducted with adolescents and emerging adults (5 males, 7 females), along with ethnographic observations. The analysis revealed 3 superordinate themes of mental health perceptions and interventions, each with more specific emergent themes: (1) Psychological Resilience/Cultural Protective Factors Buffering Against Mental Health Problems (Intra-Communal Bonding & Sharing; Kalasha Festivals & Traditions; Purity Concept; Behavioral Practice of Happiness and Cognitive Patterns); (2) Perceived Causes of Mental Health Issues (Biological & Psychosocial; Supernatural & Spiritual; Environmental); and (3) Preferred Interventions [Shamanic Treatment; Ta'awiz (Amulets); Communal Sharing & Problem Solving; Medical Treatment; Herbal Methods]. The overall findings point to the need for developing culturally-sensitive and indigenous measures and therapeutic interventions. The findings highlighted the Kalasha cultural practices which may promote resilience. The findings also call for indigenous sources of knowledge to be considered when collaboratively designing public health programs.
    Matched MeSH terms: Public Health
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