Displaying publications 61 - 80 of 284 in total

  1. Zhong Z, Wang C, Zhang H, Mi J, Liang JB, Liao X, et al.
    Ecotoxicol Environ Saf, 2022 Feb 14;233:113299.
    PMID: 35176673 DOI: 10.1016/j.ecoenv.2022.113299
    Ammonia emission is an important problem that needs to be solved in laying hen industries. Sodium butyrate (SB) is considered to have potential for reducing ammonia production because of its ability to improve nitrogen metabolism. In this in vitro fermentation study, we presented a correlation analysis of the metatranscriptome and metaproteome of lay hen cecal microorganisms, in order to identify important proteins and pathways involved in ammonia production reduction due to sodium butyrate supplementation. The results showed that sodium butyrate supplement decreased the production of ammonia by 26.22% as compared with the non-sodium butyrate supplementation (CK) group. The SB group exhibited a lower concentration of ammonium nitrogen (NH4+-N) and a decreased pH. Sodium butyrate promoted the uric acid concentration and lowered the uricase activity in the fermentation broth of laying hens cecal content. Notably, the 'alanine, aspartate and glutamate metabolism' category was more abundant in the SB group. The addition of sodium butyrate increased the expression of glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) gene in cecal microbiota (e.g., Ruminococcus sp. and Bacteroides sp.) in vitro. The metaproteome analysis results showed that the expression of GDH with NADPH as coenzyme (NADPH-GDH) was up-regulated in cecal microbiota by sodium butyrate supplement. Our results indicate that sodium butyrate can affect glutamate metabolism through regulating the expression of glutamate dehydrogenase in cecal microorganisms, thereby reducing ammonia production. This study reveals that glutamate dehydrogenase-mediated glutamate metabolism play a key role in ammonia emission reduction in laying hen and provide theoretical basis for further developing ammonia production reduction approach.
  2. Zhang J, Li Y, Wu H, Wang C, Salleh KM, Li H, et al.
    Polymers (Basel), 2022 Oct 22;14(21).
    PMID: 36365467 DOI: 10.3390/polym14214473
    This study aimed to develop a safe and advanced antibacterial material of electrospun microfiber membranes (MFMs) for wound dressings. Combinations of several materials were investigated; thermal treatment and electrospinning techniques were used to form the best quality of MFMs to suit its end applications. By comparing the fiber morphology, diameter changes, and fracture strength, the suitable ratio of raw materials and thermal treatment were obtained before and after adding Trition X-100 as a surfactant for MFMs of sodium alginate/polyvinyl alcohol/polyethylene oxide (SA/PVA/PEO). The electrospinning solution was mixed with berberine as an antibacterial substance; meanwhile, calcium chloride (CaCl2) was used as the crosslinking agent. The antibacterial properties, water dissolution resistance, water content, and fracture strength were thoroughly investigated. The results showed that the antibacterial rates of MFMs with different mass fractions of berberine (0, 3, and 5 wt.%) to Escherichia coli (E. coli) were 14.7, 92.9, and 97.2%, respectively. The moisture content and fracture strength of MFMs containing 5 wt.% berberine were 72.0% and 7.8 MPa, respectively. In addition, the produced MFMs embodied great water dissolution resistance. Berberine-loaded SA/PVA/PEO MFMs could potentially serve as an antibacterial wound dressing substrate with low cost and small side effects.
  3. Wang C, Chen YC, Hsu HT, Tsao YF, Lin YC, Dee CF, et al.
    Materials (Basel), 2021 Nov 01;14(21).
    PMID: 34772078 DOI: 10.3390/ma14216558
    In this work, a low-power plasma oxidation surface treatment followed by Al2O3 gate dielectric deposition technique is adopted to improve device performance of the enhancement-mode (E-mode) AlGaN/GaN metal-oxide-semiconductor high-electron-mobility transistors (MOSHEMTs) intended for applications at millimeter-wave frequencies. The fabricated device exhibited a threshold voltage (Vth) of 0.13 V and a maximum transconductance (gm) of 484 (mS/mm). At 38 GHz, an output power density of 3.22 W/mm with a power-added efficiency (PAE) of 34.83% were achieved. Such superior performance was mainly attributed to the high-quality Al2O3 layer with a smooth surface which also suppressed the current collapse phenomenon.
  4. Zahmatkesh S, Klemeš JJ, Bokhari A, Wang C, Sillanpaa M, Hasan M, et al.
    Chemosphere, 2022 Oct;305:135247.
    PMID: 35688196 DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2022.135247
    The significant issue affecting wastewater treatment is human faeces containing SARS-CoV-2. SARS-CoV-2, as a novel coronavirus, has expanded globally. While the current focus on the COVID-19 epidemic is rightly on preventing direct transmission, the risk of secondary transmission via wastewater should not be overlooked. Many researchers have demonstrated various methods and tools for preventing and declining this virus in wastewater treatment, especially for SARS-CoV-2 in human faeces. This research reports two people tested for 30 d, with written consent, at Mosa-Ebne-Jafar Hospital of Quchan, Iran, from September 1st to October 9th, 2021. The two people's conditions are the same. The Hyssop plant was used, which boosts the immune system's effectiveness and limonene, rosemary, caffeic acids and flavonoids, all biologically active compounds in this plant, cause improved breathing problems, colds, and especially for SARS-CoV-2. As a result, utilising the Hyssop plant can help in reducing SARS-CoV-2 in faeces. This plant's antioxidant properties effectively reduce SARS-CoV-2 in faeces by 30%; nevertheless, depending on the patient's condition. This plant is also beneficial for respiratory and digestive health.
  5. Yuan Y, Ji X, Yang X, Wang C, Samsudin S, Omar Dev RD
    Int J Environ Res Public Health, 2022 Sep 12;19(18).
    PMID: 36141724 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph191811451
    The effect of persistence of physical exercise on the psychological and emotional aspects of primary school students is studied to improve the comprehensive quality of current Chinese primary school students and explore the effect of physical exercise on students' emotions under the science, technology, engineering, art, mathematics (STEAM) education concept. First, students in a primary school in Nanchang are taken as the survey participants. Second, by formulating a physical exercise scale and a psychological and emotional scale, the current situation of physical exercise of primary school students is investigated by means of mathematical statistics. Finally, the current situation of physical exercise and the overall situation of positive psychological emotions of primary school students are analyzed, and the effect of physical exercise on the positive psychological emotions of primary school students is studied. The data show that there are significant differences in the amount of exercise and its three dimensions of intensity, time, and frequency, as well as the scores of positive emotions in the gender dimension, with the boys scoring higher than the girls. In terms of grades, students in grades 1, 2, and 6 are higher than students in grades 3, 4, and 5 on the level of a small amount of exercise, while students in grades 3, 4, and 5 are higher than the other three grades in terms of a moderate amount of exercise. Moreover, in the aspect of positive psychological emotions, the lower-grade students are obviously higher than the upper-grade students, and the second- and third-grade students present marginal significance, p = 0.058. The correlation and regression between physical exercise and positive psychological emotions are calculated and analyzed, and it is found that there is a significant positive correlation between physical exercise indicators and positive psychological emotions, with a correlation coefficient of 0.297. Physical exercise explains 8.8% of positive emotions. This research also makes relevant recommendations for students and schools and has played a role in strengthening the physical exercise and mental health of primary and secondary school students. Greater attention to the physical exercise of primary school students is recommended.
  6. Wang C, Omar Dev RD, Soh KG, Mohd Nasirudddin NJ, Yuan Y, Ji X
    Front Public Health, 2023;11:1073423.
    PMID: 36969628 DOI: 10.3389/fpubh.2023.1073423
    This review aims to provide a detailed overview of the current status and development trends of blended learning in physical education by reviewing journal articles from the Web of Science (WOS) database. Several dimensions of blended learning were observed, including research trends, participants, online learning tools, theoretical frameworks, evaluation methods, application domains, Research Topics, and challenges. Following the guidelines of the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA), a total of 22 journal articles were included in the current review. The findings of this review reveal that the number of blended learning articles in physical education has increased since 2018, proving that the incorporation of online learning tools into physical education courses has grown in popularity. From the reviewed journal articles, most attention is given to undergraduates, emphasizing that attention in the future should be placed on K-12 students, teachers, and educational institutions. The theoretical framework applied by journal articles is also limited to a few articles and the assessment method is relatively homogeneous, consisting mostly of questionnaires. This review also discovers the trends in blended learning in physical education as most of the studies focus on the topic centered on dynamic physical education. In terms of Research Topics, most journal articles focus on perceptions, learning outcomes, satisfaction, and motivation, which are preliminary aspects of blended learning research. Although the benefits of blended learning are evident, this review identifies five challenges of blended learning: instructional design challenges, technological literacy and competency challenges, self-regulation challenges, alienation and isolation challenges, and belief challenges. Finally, a number of recommendations for future research are presented.
  7. Fu W, Wu S, Wang C, Thangalazhy-Gopakumar S, Kothari U, Shi S, et al.
    Bioengineering (Basel), 2023 Oct 14;10(10).
    PMID: 37892926 DOI: 10.3390/bioengineering10101197
    The prehydrolysate from dilute acid pretreatment of lignocellulosic feedstocks often contains inhibitory compounds that can seriously inhibit the subsequent enzymatic and fermentation processes. Acetic acid is one of the most representative toxic compounds. In this research, alkaline deacetylation of corn stover was carried out using sodium carbonate under mild conditions to selectively remove the acetyl groups of the biomass and reduce the toxicity of the prehydrolysate. The deacetylation process was optimized by adjusting factors such as temperature, treatment time, and sodium carbonate concentration. Sodium carbonate solutions (2~6 wt%) at 30~50 °C were used for the deacetylation step, followed by dilute acid pretreatment with 1.5% H2SO4 at 121 °C. Results showed that the acetyl content of the treated corn stover could be reduced up to 87%, while the hemicellulose loss remained low. The optimal deacetylation condition was found to be 40 °C, 6 h, and 4 wt% Na2CO3, resulting in a removal of 80.55% of the acetyl group in corn stover and a hemicellulose loss of 4.09%. The acetic acid concentration in the acid prehydrolysate decreased from 1.38 to 0.34 g/L. The enzymatic hydrolysis of solid corn stover and the whole slurry after pretreatment increased by 17% and 16%, respectively.
  8. Tsan SEH, Viknaswaran NL, Cheong CC, Cheah S, Ng KT, Mong SXY, et al.
    Anaesthesia, 2023 Sep;78(9):1153-1161.
    PMID: 37314744 DOI: 10.1111/anae.16058
    Tranexamic acid is an antifibrinolytic drug that is widely used during surgery, but there are concerns about its thromboembolic effects. We aimed to investigate the effect of prophylactic intravenous tranexamic acid on thromboembolic outcomes in patients undergoing non-cardiac surgery. The MEDLINE, EMBASE and Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials were searched. Randomised controlled trials comparing intravenous tranexamic acid with placebo or no treatment in patients undergoing non-cardiac surgery were included. The primary outcome was a composite of peri-operative cardiovascular thromboembolic events, defined as any deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, myocardial ischaemia/infarction or cerebral ischaemia/infarction. A total of 191 randomised controlled trials (40,621 patients) were included in the review. The primary outcome occurred in 4.5% of patients receiving intravenous tranexamic acid compared with 4.9% of patients in the control group. Our analysis showed that there was no difference between groups for composite cardiovascular thromboembolic events (risk ratio 1.02, 95%CI 0.94-1.11, p = 0.65, I2 0%, n = 37,512). This finding remained robust when sensitivity analysis was performed with continuity correction and in studies with a low risk of bias. However, in trial sequential analysis, our meta-analysis only achieved 64.6% of the required information size. There was no association between intravenous tranexamic acid and seizure rate or mortality rate within 30 days. Intravenous tranexamic acid was associated with a reduced blood transfusion rate compared with control (9.9% vs. 19.4%, risk ratio 0.46, 95%CI 0.41-0.51, p 
  9. Li C, Zhang Y, Wang C, Shen R, Gisen JIA, Mu J
    PMID: 37723386 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-023-29586-3
    In the context of global climate change and the influence of human activities, the concept of "sponge city" is put forward to realize the purification, collection, and reuse of rainwater. The effective evaluation of LID facilities in sponge cities is of great guiding significance for the promotion and construction of sponge cities. IFMS (Integrated Flood Modeling System) Urban was selected to construct the rainstorm simulation. LID parameters were added to simulate the improvement of urban waterlogging after the construction of sponge city. A reasonable disaster loss assessment method was used to calculate the disaster mitigation benefit brought by the construction of sponge city. Through the comparison of the inundation situation before and after LID facilities' construction, it can be concluded that the mitigation effect of LID facilities on the overall inundation area of the city decreases with the increase of rainfall recurrence period, with the maximum reduction rate reaching 13.63% in the 5-year recurrence period and the minimum reduction rate of 11.06% in the 50-year recurrence period. LID facilities have a better disaster reduction effect for rainfall events with a small recurrence period than for rainfall events with a large recurrence period.
  10. Li F, Omar Dev RD, Soh KG, Wang C, Yuan Y
    BMC Sports Sci Med Rehabil, 2024 Feb 22;16(1):55.
    PMID: 38388449 DOI: 10.1186/s13102-024-00843-3
    BACKGROUND: Pilates is becoming increasingly popular amongst a wide range of people and is gaining more attention. It is also an effective means of physical rehabilitation. The aim of this systematic review is to explore the effects of Pilates on spinal deformity and posture.

    METHOD: This systematic review was conducted using four recognised academic and scientific databases (Scopus, Web of Science, PubMed and Cochrane) to identify articles that met the inclusion criteria. The secondary search used the Google Scholar and the Science Direct search engines. The search for articles for this review began in July 06, 2023 and was concluded on February 01, 2024. The search process for this study was documented using the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA 2020). The PEDro scale was used to assess the internal validity and data statistics of the studies included in this systematic review and to evaluate the quality of the studies.

    RESULTS: The systematic review included nine studies that met the inclusion criteria from the 651 studies retrieved, involving a total of 643 participants. The PEDro scale scores of the studies included in this systematic review ranged from 3 to 8. The intervention was in the form of Pilates or Pilates combined exercises. The studies included in this review used outcome measures of Cobb angle, angle of trunk rotation (ATR), range of motion (ROM), chest expansion, Scoliosis Research Society Questionnaire (SRS-22r) and postural assessment. Research has shown that Pilates is effective in correcting spinal deformities and posture, as well as improving quality of life, pain relief, function and fitness.

    CONCLUSIONS: This systematic review provide substantial evidence that Pilates has a positive impact on improving spinal deformity and posture. However, more research is needed to validate whether Pilates can be used effectively as a physical therapy for spinal deformity rehabilitation. Pilates has considerable potential for public health interventions.

  11. Liang Z, Shi J, Wang C, Li J, Liang D, Yong EL, et al.
    Appl Environ Microbiol, 2020 11 10;86(23).
    PMID: 32948522 DOI: 10.1128/AEM.01920-20
    Pretreatment of waste-activated sludge (WAS) is an effective way to destabilize sludge floc structure and release organic matter for improving sludge digestion efficiency. Nonetheless, information on the impact of WAS pretreatment on digestion sludge microbiomes, as well as mechanistic insights into how sludge pretreatment improves digestion performance, remains elusive. In this study, a genome-centric metagenomic approach was employed to investigate the digestion sludge microbiome in four sludge digesters with different types of feeding sludge: WAS pretreated with 0.25 mol/liter alkaline/acid (APAD), WAS pretreated with 0.8 mol/liter alkaline/acid (HS-APAD), thermally pretreated WAS (thermal-AD), and fresh WAS (control-AD). We retrieved 254 metagenome-assembled genomes (MAGs) to identify the key functional populations involved in the methanogenic digestion process. These MAGs span 28 phyla, including 69 yet-to-be-cultivated lineages, and 30 novel lineages were characterized with metabolic potential associated with hydrolysis and fermentation. Interestingly, functional populations involving carbohydrate digestion were enriched in APAD and HS-APAD, while lineages related to protein and lipid fermentation were enriched in thermal-AD, corroborating the idea that different substrates are released from alkaline/acid and thermal pretreatments. Among the major functional populations (i.e., fermenters, syntrophic acetogens, and methanogens), significant correlations between genome sizes and abundance of the fermenters were observed, particularly in APAD and HS-APAD, which had improved digestion performance.IMPORTANCE Wastewater treatment generates large amounts of waste-activated sludge (WAS), which consists mainly of recalcitrant microbial cells and particulate organic matter. Though WAS pretreatment is an effective way to release sludge organic matter for subsequent digestion, detailed information on the impact of the sludge pretreatment on the digestion sludge microbiome remains scarce. Our study provides unprecedented genome-centric metagenomic insights into how WAS pretreatments change the digestion sludge microbiomes, as well as their metabolic networks. Moreover, digestion sludge microbiomes could be a unique source for exploring microbial dark matter. These results may inform future optimization of methanogenic sludge digestion and resource recovery.
  12. You W, Wang C, Zhang J, Ru X, Xu F, Wu Z, et al.
    Food Chem, 2024 Jul 15;446:138866.
    PMID: 38430769 DOI: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2024.138866
    Fresh-cut potatoes are prone to surface browning and physiological degradation. Chlorogenic acid (CGA), a natural phenolic antioxidant, has demonstrated preservative properties in various postharvest products. However, the underlying mechanisms of its application on maintaining quality remain unclear. Therefore, the effect of exogenous CGA treatment on quality deterioration of potato slices and the mechanisms involved were investigated. Results revealed CGA treatment retarded the browning coloration, suppressed microbial growth and inhibited the declines in starch, and ascorbic acid contents in potato slices. Meanwhile, the treatment activated the phenylpropanoid pathway but decreased the activities of phenolic decomposition-related enzymes such as polyphenol oxidase (PPO) and tyrosinase and downregulated StPPO expression. Moreover, the treated slices exhibited reduced accumulation of reactive oxygen species and increased activity of antioxidant enzymes. Additionally, they displayed enhanced 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl radicals scavenging capacity and higher ATP levels. Therefore, these findings indicated that CGA treatment was effective for quality maintenance and antioxidant capacity enhancement in fresh-cut potatoes, thereby providing potential strategies for the preservation and processing of fresh-cut produce.
  13. Pang T, Wong JHD, Ng WL, Chan CS, Wang C, Zhou X, et al.
    Phys Med Biol, 2024 Feb 19.
    PMID: 38373345 DOI: 10.1088/1361-6560/ad2a95
    OBJECTIVE: Generally, due to a lack of explainability, radiomics based on deep learning has been perceived as a black-box solution for radiologists. Automatic generation of diagnostic reports is a semantic approach to enhance the explanation of deep learning radiomics (DLR).

    APPROACH: In this paper, we propose a novel model called radiomics-reporting network (Radioport), which incorporates text attention. This model aims to improve the interpretability of deep learning radiomics in mammographic calcification diagnosis. Firstly, it employs convolutional neural networks (CNN) to extract visual features as radiomics for multi-category classification based on Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System (BI-RADS). Then, it builds a mapping between these visual features and textual features to generate diagnostic reports, incorporating an attention module for improved clarity.

    MAIN RESULTS: To demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed model, we conducted experiments on a breast calcification dataset comprising mammograms and diagnostic reports. The results demonstrate that our model can: (i) semantically enhance the interpretability of deep learning radiomics; and, (ii) improve the readability of generated medical reports.

    SIGNIFICANCE: Our interpretable textual model can explicitly simulate the mammographic calcification diagnosis process.

  14. Fu X, Song X, Li X, Wong KK, Li J, Zhang F, et al.
    PMID: 28191021 DOI: 10.1155/2017/4365715
    Traditional Chinese Marine Medicine (TCMM) represents one of the medicinal resources for research and development of novel anticancer drugs. In this study, to investigate the presence of anticancer activity (AA) displayed by cold or hot nature of TCMM, we analyzed the association relationship and the distribution regularity of TCMMs with different nature (613 TCMMs originated from 1,091 species of marine organisms) via association rules mining and phylogenetic tree analysis. The screened association rules were collected from three taxonomy groups: (1) Bacteria superkingdom, Phaeophyceae class, Fucales order, Sargassaceae family, and Sargassum genus; (2) Viridiplantae kingdom, Streptophyta phylum, Malpighiales class, and Rhizophoraceae family; (3) Holothuroidea class, Aspidochirotida order, and Holothuria genus. Our analyses showed that TCMMs with closer taxonomic relationship were more likely to possess anticancer bioactivity. We found that the cluster pattern of marine organisms with reported AA tended to cluster with cold nature TCMMs. Moreover, TCMMs with salty-cold nature demonstrated properties for softening hard mass and removing stasis to treat cancers, and species within Metazoa or Viridiplantae kingdom of cold nature were more likely to contain AA properties. We propose that TCMMs from these marine groups may enable focused bioprospecting for discovery of novel anticancer drugs derived from marine bioresources.
  15. Xu J, Cheng KK, Yang Z, Wang C, Shen G, Wang Y, et al.
    PMID: 26170882 DOI: 10.1155/2015/801691
    Gastric mucosal lesion (GML) is a common gastrointestinal disorder with multiple pathogenic mechanisms in clinical practice. In traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), electroacupuncture (EA) treatment has been proven as an effective therapy for GML, although the underlying healing mechanism is not yet clear. Here, we used proton nuclear magnetic resonance- ((1)H NMR-) based metabolomic method to investigate the metabolic perturbation induced by GML and the therapeutic effect of EA treatment on stomach meridian (SM) acupoints. Clear metabolic differences were observed between GML and control groups, and related metabolic pathways were discussed by means of online metabolic network analysis toolbox. By comparing the endogenous metabolites from GML and GML-SM groups, the disturbed pathways were partly recovered towards healthy state via EA treated on SM acupoints. Further comparison of the metabolic variations induced by EA stimulated on SM and the control gallbladder meridian (GM) acupoints showed a quite similar metabolite composition except for increased phenylacetylglycine, 3,4-dihydroxymandelate, and meta-hydroxyphenylacetate and decreased N-methylnicotinamide in urine from rats with EA treated on SM acupoints. The current study showed the potential application of metabolomics in providing further insight into the molecular mechanism of acupuncture.
  16. Yang C, Li X, Wang C, Fu S, Li H, Guo Z, et al.
    J Mol Histol, 2016 Dec;47(6):541-554.
    PMID: 27650519
    N-cadherin is a calcium-sensitive cell adhesion molecule that plays an important role in the formation of the neural circuit and the development of the nervous system. In the present study, we investigated the function of N-cadherin in cell-cell connection in vitro with HEK293T cells, and in commissural axon projections in the developing chicken spinal cord using in ovo electroporation. Cell-cell connections increased with N-cadherin overexpression in HEK293T cells, while cell contacts disappeared after co-transfection with an N-cadherin-shRNA plasmid. The knockdown of N-cadherin caused the accumulation of β-catenin in the nucleus, supporting the notion that N-cadherin regulates β-catenin signaling in vitro. Furthermore, N-cadherin misexpression perturbed commissural axon projections in the spinal cord. The overexpression of N-cadherin reduced the number of axons that projected alongside the contralateral margin of the floor plate, and formed intermediate longitudinal commissural axons. In contrast, the knockdown of N-cadherin perturbed commissural axon projections significantly, affecting the projections alongside the contralateral margin of the floor plate, but did not affect intermediate longitudinal commissural axons. Taken together, these findings suggest that N-cadherin regulates commissural axon projections in the developing chicken spinal cord.
  17. Wu B, Zhai B, Mu H, Peng X, Wang C, Patwary AK
    Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 2022 Feb;29(10):15144-15158.
    PMID: 34628612 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-021-16770-6
    Energy security and environmental measurements are incomplete without renewable energy; therefore, there is a dire need to explore new energy sources. Hence, this study aimed to measure the wind power potential to generate renewable hydrogen (H2), including its production and supply cost. This study used first-order engineering model and net present value to measure the levelized cost of wind-generated renewable hydrogen by using the data source of the Pakistan Meteorological Department and State Bank of Pakistan. Results showed that the use of surplus wind and renewable hydrogen energy for green economic production is suggested as an innovative project option for large-scale hydrogen use. The key annual running expenses for hydrogen are electricity and storage costs, which have a significant impact on the costs of renewable hydrogen. The results also indicated that the project can potentially cut carbon dioxide (CO2) pollution by 139 million metric tons and raise revenue for wind power plants by US$2998.52 million. The renewable electrolyzer plants avoided CO2 at a rate of US$24.9-36.9/ton under baseload service, relative to US$44.3/ton for the benchmark. However, in the more practical mid-load situation, these plants have significant benefits. Further, the wind-generated renewable hydrogen delivers 6-11% larger annual rate of return than the standard CO2 catch plant due to their capacity to remain running and supply hydrogen to the consumer through periods of plentiful wind and heat. Also, the measured levelized output cost of hydrogen (LCOH) was US$6.22/kgH2, and for the PEC system, it was US$8.43/kgH2. Finally, it is a mutually agreed consensus among environmental scientists that the integration of renewable energy is the way forward to increase energy security and environmental performance by ensuring uninterrupted clean and green energy. This application has the potential to address Pakistan's urgent issues of large-scale surplus wind- and solar-generated energy, as well as rising energy demand.
  18. Zhang G, Roslan SNAB, Shafri HZM, Zhao Y, Wang C, Quan L
    Sci Rep, 2024 Jul 13;14(1):16212.
    PMID: 39003342 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-024-67109-3
    To obtain seasonable and precise crop yield information with fine resolution is very important for ensuring the food security. However, the quantity and quality of available images and the selection of prediction variables often limit the performance of yield prediction. In our study, the synthesized images of Landsat and MODIS were used to provide remote sensing (RS) variables, which can fill the missing values of Landsat images well and cover the study area completely. The deep learning (DL) was used to combine different vegetation index (VI) with climate data to build wheat yield prediction model in Hebei Province (HB). The results showed that kernel NDVI (kNDVI) and near-infrared reflectance (NIRv) slightly outperform normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) in yield prediction. And the regression algorithm had a more prominent effect on yield prediction, while the yield prediction model using Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) outperformed the yield prediction model using Light Gradient Boosting Machine (LGBM). The model combining LSTM algorithm and NIRv had the best prediction effect and relatively stable performance in single year. The optimal model was then used to generate 30 m resolution wheat yield maps in the past 20 years, with higher overall accuracy. In addition, we can define the optimum prediction time at April, which can consider simultaneously the performance and lead time. In general, we expect that this prediction model can provide important information to understand and ensure food security.
  19. Zhu ZY, Wang CM, Lo LC, Lin G, Feng F, Tan J, et al.
    Anim. Genet., 2010 Apr;41(2):208-12.
    PMID: 19793264 DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2052.2009.01973.x
    Microsatellites are the most popular markers for parentage assignment and population genetic studies. To meet the demand for international comparability for genetic studies of Asian seabass, a standard panel of 28 microsatellites has been selected and characterized using the DNA of 24 individuals from Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia and Australia. The average allele number of these markers was 10.82 +/- 0.71 (range: 6-19), and the expected heterozygosity averaged 0.76 +/- 0.02 (range: 0.63-1.00). All microsatellites showed Mendelian inheritance. In addition, eight standard size controls have been developed by cloning a set of microsatellite alleles into a pGEM-T vector to calibrate allele sizes determined by different laboratories, and are available upon request. Seven multiplex PCRs, each amplifying 3-5 markers, were optimized to accurately and rapidly genotype microsatellites. Parentage assignment using 10 microsatellites in two crosses (10 x 10 and 20 x 20) demonstrated a high power of these markers for revealing parent-sibling connections. This standard set of microsatellites will standardize genetic diversity studies of Asian seabass, and the multiplex PCR sets will facilitate parentage assignment.
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