Displaying publications 61 - 80 of 437 in total

  1. du Preez LH, Lim LH
    Folia Parasitol., 2000;47(1):11-6.
    PMID: 10833010
    Neopolystoma liewi sp. n. is described from the conjunctival cavity of the Malayan box turtle Cuora amboinensis (Daudin, 1802), in Peninsular Malaysia. This is the first record of Neopolystoma in Malaysia and the fourth polystomatid species described from C. amboinensis. Of the 27 Malayan box turtles examined, 8 were found to be infected. A maximum of 2 parasites per eye and 4 individuals per host was recorded. N. liewi sp. n. differs from all other members of the genus by possessing few and short genital spines and small marginal hooks. The oncomiracidium has 64 ciliated cells arranged symmetrically about the sagittal axis.
    Matched MeSH terms: Eye/parasitology*
  2. Shriwas SR
    Trop Doct, 1993 Jul;23(3):140.
    PMID: 8356755
    Matched MeSH terms: Eye Injuries/etiology*
  3. Kuan BB, Lim TK
    Med J Malaysia, 1984 Dec;39(4):280-4.
    PMID: 6544933
    Ultrasound measurement of ocular dimension is the chosen method for assessing axial length when determining dioptric power for intraocular lens. From the current results of 30 cases studied, the mean axial length ranges from 22 to 23 mm. Despite the limitation of the accuracy of the ultrasonic measurements with the 7.5 mHz transducer, the power of intraocular lens can. be determined satisfactorily in accordance with the knowledge of keratometric reading. Hence, high refractive errors could be avoided post-operatively.
    Matched MeSH terms: Eye/anatomy & histology*
  4. Hong LC, Chong AB
    Med J Malaysia, 1977 Dec;32(2):165-7.
    PMID: 614486
    Matched MeSH terms: Eye Injuries/epidemiology*
  5. Tsubota K, Yokoi N, Watanabe H, Dogru M, Kojima T, Yamada M, et al.
    Eye Contact Lens, 2020 Jan;46 Suppl 1:S2-S13.
    PMID: 31425351 DOI: 10.1097/ICL.0000000000000643
    The 2017 consensus report of the Asia Dry Eye Society (ADES) on the definition and diagnosis of dry eyes described dry eye disease as "Dry eye is a multifactorial disease characterized by unstable tear film causing a variety of symptoms and/or visual impairment, potentially accompanied by ocular surface damage." The report emphasized the instability of tear film and the importance of visual dysfunction in association with dry eyes, highlighting the importance of the evaluation of tear film stability. This report also discussed the concept of tear film-oriented therapy, which stemmed from the definition, and which is centered on provision of insufficient components in each tear film layer and ocular surface epithelium. The current ADES report proposes a simple classification of dry eyes based on the concept of tear film-oriented diagnosis and suggests that there are three types of dry eye: aqueous-deficient, decreased wettability, and increased evaporation. It is suggested that these three types respectively coincide with the problems of each layer: aqueous, membrane-associated mucins, and lipid/secretory mucin. Although each component cannot be quantitatively evaluated with the current technology, a practical diagnosis based on the patterns of fluorescein breakup is recommended. The Asia Dry Eye Society classification report suggests that for a practical use of the definition, diagnostic criteria and classification system should be integrated and be simple to use. The classification system proposed by ADES is a straightforward tool and simple to use, only through use of fluorescein, which is available even to non-dry eye specialists, and which is believed to contribute to an effective diagnosis and treatment of dry eyes.
    Matched MeSH terms: Eye; Dry Eye Syndromes
  6. Saad AZM, Nordin NR, Sulaiman WAW, Jamayet N, Johar SFNM, Hussein A
    Arch Plast Surg, 2021 Jan;48(1):80-83.
    PMID: 33503749 DOI: 10.5999/aps.2020.00206
    Eye socket contracture is a well-known late complication of enucleation surgery, and the additional insult of radiotherapy at an early age causes even further fibrosis and scarring of the socket. Management of the contracted socket is challenging, and several methods have been proposed. We report a case of eye socket contracture after enucleation and radiotherapy in which multiple reconstructive procedures failed. The recurrent contracture caused difficulty in housing and retaining the eye prosthesis. We reconstructed the lower eyelid with a facial artery myomucosal flap and nasolabial flap, and the upper eyelid with a Fricke flap following reconstruction of the orbital rims (supraorbital and infraorbital rims with a calvarial bone graft, and further augmentation of the infraorbital rim with a rib bone graft). Cosmesis post-reconstruction was acceptable and the prosthesis was retained very well.
    Matched MeSH terms: Eye, Artificial; Eye Enucleation
  7. Chiang JCB, Zahari I, Markoulli M, Krishnan AV, Park SB, Semmler A, et al.
    Ocul Surf, 2020 07;18(3):403-417.
    PMID: 32344148 DOI: 10.1016/j.jtos.2020.03.008
    Cancer is a global health problem and is one of the leading causes of death worldwide. Pleasingly, the rate of survival has improved and continues in an upward trend mainly due to better diagnosis and treatment modalities. In particular, the development of anticancer drugs including cytotoxic chemotherapy, hormonal agents and targeted therapies have provided the most effective treatment options in combatting cancerous cells. However, the antineoplastic mechanisms of these drugs can also lead to undesirable systemic and ocular side effects resulting from cytotoxicity, inflammation and neurotoxicity. While survival rates are projected to increase with time, the number of patients presenting with these side effects that can substantially impact quality of life will also rise. The current paper reviews the ocular surface and adnexal side effects of anticancer drugs, the appropriate management and possible interactions between drugs for ocular surface pathology treatment and the anticancer drugs.
    Matched MeSH terms: Eye*
  8. Rose L
    Med J Malaya, 1965 Sep;20(1):65-7.
    PMID: 4221425
    Matched MeSH terms: Eye Diseases/complications*
  9. Norhani Mohidin, Chia, Jho Yan, Mohd Norhafizun Mohd Saman, Nazeem Desai
    Patients who lost their eyes as results of accidents or diseases (e.g. retinoblastoma) usually underwent enucleation or evisceration. They were then fi tted with ocular prosthesis to prevent collapse of the globe and also for cosmetic effects. Custom made ocular prosthesis is almost unheard of in this country for most hospitals supply ready-made (stock) prosthesis. The cosmetic results of stock prosthesis are often unsatisfactory. Besides being uncomfortable, stock prosthesis may also induce allergic reaction that may lead to papillary conjunctivitis. The Optometry Clinic at UKM started its custom made prosthetic service in 2010. We described here two cases of patients who complained of discomfort with their old stock prosthesis and re-fitted with custom made prosthesis. We also highlight the importance of proper hygiene and maintenance so that ocular prosthesis can be used for as long as possible. This article aims to create awareness among eye care practitioners and showcase the cosmetic benefi ts of custom made ocular prosthesis.
    Study site: Optometry clinic, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

    Matched MeSH terms: Eye; Eye, Artificial
  10. Maimunah Abdul Muna’aim, Yee, Tey Yin, Alya Az-Zahra Mohamad Zafarullah, Rafidah Md Saleh, Nazri Omar
    Introduction: Dry eye is a common but under-diagnosed problem in the general population. Lack of standardised diagnostic protocol causes prevalence of dry eye varied widely in different populations. Nevertheless, effective management rests largely on the accurate diagnosis and identification of the contributing risk factors.
    Methods: In a cross sectional study, socio-demographic, lifestyle and medical history data were collected from 157 respondents. A validated six-item questionnaire was used to determine the dry eye symptoms. Dry eye was determined by using Schirmer’s test. Fluorescein staining test and tear break up time (TBUT) test were performed to characterise the dry eye.
    Results: Using the Schirmer’s test, 33.8% of respondents had dry eyes. The likelihood of dry eye increased among Malay females in the seventh decade. The most frequently reported symptom was sensation of dryness of the eye. Although only 22.6% of dry eye cases were symptomatic, up to 47.2% of them may developed surface changes detectable by fluorescein dye test. Ethnicity (p=0.019) and diabetes mellitus (p=0.049) were significantly associated with dry eye.
    Conclusion: Dry eye could be subclinical but clinical tests in potential risk groups can lead to better detection of this condition and allow prescription of appropriate treatment for affected patients.
    Study site: Ophthalmology clinic, hospital, Malaysia
    Matched MeSH terms: Dry Eye Syndromes*
  11. Ong, Wu Zhuan, Jamalia Rahmat, Ramasamy, Sunder, Amir Samsudin
    Retinoblastoma is a rare intraocular malignant tumour more commonly seen in children below five years of age. We presented a rare case of retinoblastoma in an older child. A nine-year-old girl noticed that she had loss of vision OS following a fall at home. Her vision was 6/6 OD and only light perception OS. Examination of the left eye revealed an extensive exudative retinal detachment. Her right eye examination was unremarkable. CT scan showed a left eye intraocular mass with calcification. EUA revealed a mixed endophytic and exophytic mass with extensive exudative retinal detachment. Family members consented to left eye enucleation and histopathological report confirmed the diagnosis of retinoblastoma. Post enucleation, patient is doing well with a prosthetic eye. In conclusion, any unexplained visual loss in children regardless of age warrants a full ophthalmological examination as the possibility of retinoblastoma cannot be ruled out.
    Matched MeSH terms: Eye, Artificial; Eye Enucleation
  12. Mishra D, Gade S, Glover K, Sheshala R, Singh TRR
    Curr Eye Res, 2023 Feb;48(2):208-218.
    PMID: 36036478 DOI: 10.1080/02713683.2022.2119254
    Purpose: Intravitreal administration of drug molecules is one of the most common routes for treating posterior segment eye diseases. However, the properties of vitreous humour changes with the time. A number of ocular complications such as liquefaction of the vitreous humour, solidification of the vitreous humour in the central vitreous cavity and detachment of the limiting membrane due to the shrinking of vitreous humour are some of the factors that can drastically affect the efficacy of therapeutics delivered via intravitreal route. Although significant research has been conducted for studying the properties of vitreous humour and its changes during the ageing process, there have been limited work to understand the effect of these changes on therapeutic efficacy of intravitreal drug delivery systems. Therefore, in this review we discussed both the coomposition and characteristics of the vitreous humour, and their subsequent influence on intravitreal drug delivery.Methods: Articles were searched on Scopus, PubMed and Web of Science up to March 2022.Results: In this review, we discussed the biological composition and biomechanical properties of vitreous humour, methods to study the properties of vitreous humour and the changes in these properties and their relevance in ocular drug delivery field, with the aim to provide a useful insight into these aspects which can aid the process of development of novel intravitreal drug delivery systems.Conclusions: The composition and characteristics of the vitreous humour, and how these change during natural aging processes, directly influence intravitreal drug delivery. This review therefore highlights the importance of understanding the properties of the vitreous and identifies the need to achieve greater understanding of how changing properties of the vitreous affect the therapeutic efficacy of drugs administered for the treatment of posterior eye diseases.
    Matched MeSH terms: Eye Diseases*
  13. Lau LL, Lung CK, Ahmad SS
    Indian J Ophthalmol, 2015 Nov;63(11):856-8.
    PMID: 26669339 DOI: 10.4103/0301-4738.171969
    A 34-year-old patient with a swelling over the upper eyelid for nearly 1 year was seen in our clinic. The history, examination and investigations were suggestive of a benign lacrimal gland tumor. The tumor and lacrimal gland were resected. Subsequent histopathological examination revealed the tumor was a primary ductal adenocarcinoma of the lacrimal gland. This is a very rare tumor with less than half a dozen cases reported so far. This case report is being presented to highlight an unusual presentation of this rare malignancy.
    Matched MeSH terms: Eye Neoplasms
  14. Tan AK, Mallika PS, Asokumaran T, Mohamad Aziz S, Intan G
    Malays Fam Physician, 2011;6(2-3):68-71.
    PMID: 25606227 MyJurnal
    To evaluate the demography, aetiology, type and outcome of paediatric ocular trauma in tertiary centre in Malaysia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Eye Injuries
  15. Goh PP, Elias H, Norfariza N, Mariam I, National Eye Database Steering Committee
    Med J Malaysia, 2008 Sep;63 Suppl C:20-3.
    PMID: 19227672
    National Eye Database (www.acrm.org.my/ned) is a web based surveillance system which collects data on eye diseases and clinical performance in ophthalmology service. It is a prospective study with online data collection, concurrent descriptive data analysis and real time report. It includes cataract surgery registry, diabetic eye registry, glaucoma registry, contact lens related corneal ulcer surveillance and monthly ophthalmology service census. This article presents the methodology and some registries reports. The web based surveillance system has made dissemination of report prompt, easy and without barrier.
    Matched MeSH terms: Eye*; Eye Diseases/epidemiology*
  16. Soong T, Soong V, Salvi SM, Raynor M, Mudhar H, Goel S, et al.
    Cornea, 2008 Dec;27(10):1186-8.
    PMID: 19034139 DOI: 10.1097/ICO.0b013e31817a5d0b
    Primary corneal myxoma is extremely rare. It has only been reported on 2 previous occasions. Secondary corneal myxomas are more common, arising from corneal diseases such as infective keratitis, keratoconus, and bullous keratopathy. Myxomas occur commonly in other soft tissues such as the heart, paranasal sinuses, and muscles but can rarely present in periocular structures including the conjunctiva, orbit, and eyelid. Ours is only the third case of primary corneal myxoma reported in the literature and illustrates several unusual features. These include an inferonasal location between the corneal epithelium and Bowman layer and with no relationship to the corneal stroma, rapid tumor growth over a 3-month period, and no previous ocular trauma or conjunctival pathology. The histology of this lesion has an important part to play in the management of this condition as it determines the cellular origin, establishes a benign or malignant state, and helps with treatment and prognosis. One reported case of primary corneal myxoma recurred within 2 months after local resection. This was treated with bandage soft contact lens, and no recurrence had been reported since. Our case is now 12 months post op and has had no recurrence.
    Matched MeSH terms: Eye Neoplasms/pathology*; Eye Neoplasms/surgery*; Eye Neoplasms/ultrasonography
  17. Loh KY, Reddy SC
    Malays Fam Physician, 2008;3(3):128-30.
    PMID: 25606136 MyJurnal
    The invention of computer and advancement in information technology has revolutionized and benefited the society but at the same time has caused symptoms related to its usage such as ocular sprain, irritation, redness, dryness, blurred vision and double vision. This cluster of symptoms is known as computer vision syndrome which is characterized by the visual symptoms which result from interaction with computer display or its environment. Three major mechanisms that lead to computer vision syndrome are extraocular mechanism, accommodative mechanism and ocular surface mechanism. The visual effects of the computer such as brightness, resolution, glare and quality all are known factors that contribute to computer vision syndrome. Prevention is the most important strategy in managing computer vision syndrome. Modification in the ergonomics of the working environment, patient education and proper eye care are crucial in managing computer vision syndrome.
    Matched MeSH terms: Eye
  18. Tajunisah I, Reddy SC
    Ann Ophthalmol (Skokie), 2007;39(1):57-62.
    PMID: 17914207
    We report a case of unilateral acute retinal necrosis (ARN) with marked vitritis and retinal necrosis leading to retinal breaks following chicken pox successfully treated with intravenous acyclovir followed by oral acyclovir, orbital floor triamcinolone injections to contain the inflammation, and barrier laser therapy to secure the retinal breaks with good visual outcome. This case is unusual in its severity and the novel use orbital floor triamcinolone therapy to contain ARN inflammation.
    Matched MeSH terms: Eye Infections, Viral/diagnosis; Eye Infections, Viral/etiology; Eye Infections, Viral/virology
  19. Vijayananthan A, Nawawi O
    Biomed Imaging Interv J, 2008 Jan;4(1):e5.
    PMID: 21614316 MyJurnal DOI: 10.2349/biij.4.1.e5
    Good Clinical Practice (GCP) is an international ethical and scientific quality standard for the design, conduct, performance, monitoring, auditing, recording, analyses and reporting of clinical trials. It also serves to protect the rights, integrity and confidentiality of trial subjects. It is very important to understand the background of the formation of the ICH-GCP guidelines as this, in itself, explains the reasons and the need for doing so. In this paper, we address the historical background and the events that led up to the formation of these guidelines. Today, the ICH-GCP guidelines are used in clinical trials throughout the globe with the main aim of protecting and preserving human rights.
    Matched MeSH terms: Eye
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