Displaying publications 61 - 80 of 278 in total

  1. Thong MK, Tan JA, Tan KL, Yap SF
    J Trop Pediatr, 2005 Dec;51(6):328-33.
    PMID: 15967770 DOI: 10.1093/tropej/fmi052
    beta-thalassaemia major, an autosomal recessive hemoglobinopathy, is one of the most common single gene disorders in multi-racial Malaysia. The control of beta-thalassaemia major requires a multi-disciplinary approach that includes population screening, genetic counselling, prenatal diagnosis and the option of termination of affected pregnancies. To achieve this objective, the molecular characterisation of the spectrum of beta-globin gene mutations in each of the affected ethnic groups is required. We studied 88 consecutive unrelated individuals and their respective families with beta-thalassaemia (74 beta-thalassaemia major, 12 HbE-beta-thalassaemia, 2 with HbE homozygotes) and four individuals with beta-thalassaemia trait that contributed a total 180 alleles for study. Using a 2-step molecular diagnostic strategy consisting of amplification refractory mutation system (ARMS) to identify the 8 most common mutations followed by other DNA-based diagnostic techniques, a total of 177 (98.3 per cent) of the 180 beta-thalassaemia alleles were characterised. One out of 91 (1 per cent) of the Chinese alleles, one out of 46 (2.2 per cent) Malay alleles and one out of two Indian alleles remained unknown. A 100 per cent success rate was achieved in studying the Kadazandusun community in this study. A strategy to identify beta-globin gene mutations in Malaysians with beta-thalassaemia is proposed based on this outcome.
    Matched MeSH terms: beta-Thalassemia/diagnosis; beta-Thalassemia/ethnology; beta-Thalassemia/genetics*
  2. Ainoon O, Cheong SK
    Malays J Pathol, 1994 Jun;16(1):23-7.
    PMID: 16329572
    In Malaysia, alpha-thalassaemia, beta-thalassaemia, haemoglobin (Hb) E, deltabeta-thalassaemia and Hb Constant Spring are prevalent. It has been estimated that 1 in 4 persons carries one of the above genetic abnormalities. In clinical practice, the major problems are: Hb Bart's hydrops fetalis (homozygous alpha(o)thalassaemia), homozygous 3(o)-thalassaemia, E-alpha thalassaemia and HbH disease. The laboratory procedures for diagnosis are standardised and the molecular basis of most of these genetic abnormalities are characterised. Thus it is possible to formulate a strategy for the detection and prevention of these disorders. The steps include the setting-up of population screening and genetic counselling service for the affected individuals, Society of Thalassaemias for public education and group support, and prenatal diagnosis with selective abortion of affected pregnancies. We embarked on such a programme between 1988 and 1992 in Kuala Lumpur General Hospital and hope to kindle similar effort in other state hospitals.
    Matched MeSH terms: Thalassemia/genetics*; Thalassemia/epidemiology; Thalassemia/prevention & control*
  3. Tan JA, Tay SH, Kham KY, Wong HB
    Jpn. J. Hum. Genet., 1993 Sep;38(3):315-8.
    PMID: 7903173 DOI: 10.1007/BF01874141
    The distribution of restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) at the BamH1 site of the beta-globin gene was investigated in the Chinese, Indian, and Malay race in Singapore. The sample comprised of 183 normal individuals and 35 beta-thalassemia carriers in which 13 were couples with at least one beta-major child. The results from this study indicate that BamH1 polymorphism will be informative in 22% of pregnancies at risk for beta-thalassemia major in Chinese, 19% in Malays and 7% in Indians. In prenatal diagnosis using BamH1 polymorphism for one beta-major affected family, the fetus was diagnosed to be normal or beta-carrier. The validity of BamH1 polymorphism in the exclusion of beta-thalassemia major was subsequently confirmed at birth by globin chain biosynthesis.
    Matched MeSH terms: beta-Thalassemia/diagnosis*; beta-Thalassemia/ethnology; beta-Thalassemia/genetics
  4. Nazzlin Dizana Din
    Inherited thalassaemia disease is commonly found in many countries of the world. Care of the disease requires comprehensive management strategies comprising of clinical management of both transfusion dependant thalassaemia (TDT) and non-transfusion dependant thalassaemia (NTDT). It also includes preventive measures such as screening programmes and genetic counseling in order to contain the genetic transmission. At the moment, the only cure is through haematopoeitic stem cell transplant (HSCT). This report illustrates thalassaemia disease prevalence in the Terengganu state and the evolution of care since National Thalassaemia Programme was launched in 2009.
    Matched MeSH terms: Thalassemia
  5. Tan JA, Chin PS, Wong YC, Tan KL, Chan LL, George E
    Pathology, 2006 Oct;38(5):437-41.
    PMID: 17008283
    In Malaysia, about 4.5% of the Malay and Chinese populations are heterozygous carriers of beta-thalassaemia. The initial identification of rare beta-globin gene mutations by genomic sequencing will allow the development of simpler and cost-effective PCR-based techniques to complement the existing amplification refractory mutation system (ARMS) and gap-PCR used for the identification of beta-thalassaemia mutations.
    Matched MeSH terms: beta-Thalassemia/ethnology*; beta-Thalassemia/genetics*; beta-Thalassemia/pathology
  6. George E, Ferguson V, Yakas J, Kronenberg H, Trent RJ
    Pathology, 1989 Jan;21(1):27-30.
    PMID: 2762043
    The clinical spectrum of HbH disease varies from a benign disorder to a severe anemia which is blood-transfusion dependent. Heterogeneity at the clinical level is now being understood in terms of the underlying molecular defects. In this study a mild phenotype found in a group of patients with HbH disease is associated with two types of alpha-thalassemia. These are: alpha+-thalassemia (-alpha 3.7/) and alpha 0-thalassemia (--SEA/). In contrast, a second group with more severe HbH disease has a non-deletional alpha-thalassemia defect instead of alpha+-thalassemia (genotype alpha alpha T/--SEA). In the majority of cases, the basis for non-deletional alpha-thalassemia is Hb Constant Spring.
    Matched MeSH terms: Thalassemia/classification; Thalassemia/ethnology; Thalassemia/genetics*
  7. Nandakumal G, Ismail F, Mohamad NF, Lott PW, Chew KS, Ab Rahman S, et al.
    J Pediatr Hematol Oncol, 2021 04 01;43(3):101-103.
    PMID: 33560075 DOI: 10.1097/MPH.0000000000002077
    Hemolacria is a rare condition that causes a person to produce tears that are partially composed of blood. It can be a presenting feature of certain ocular and systemic conditions. Here, the authors describe an interesting case of a 12-year-old boy with an underlying beta-thalassemia trait, who presented with a 2-day history of bilateral blood-stained tears, and an episode of epistaxis. Ocular examination was normal, and syringing showed no nasolacrimal duct blockage. Systemic examination was unremarkable. Laboratory investigations confirmed type 2 von Willebrand disease. Management of hemolacria remains a clinical challenge given the rare occurrence of the disease. In this case report, the authors discuss the differential diagnosis and management approach to hemolacria.
    Matched MeSH terms: beta-Thalassemia/blood; beta-Thalassemia/complications; beta-Thalassemia/diagnosis
  8. Alauddin H, Langa M, Mohd Yusoff M, Raja Sabudin RZA, Ithnin A, Abdul Razak NF, et al.
    Malays J Pathol, 2017 Apr;39(1):17-23.
    PMID: 28413201 MyJurnal
    INTRODUCTION: Haemoglobin Bart's (Hb Bart's) level is associated with α-thalassaemia traits in neonates, enabling early diagnosis of α-thalassaemia. The study aimed to detect and quantify the Hb Bart's using Cord Blood (CB) and CE Neonat Fast Hb (NF) progammes on fresh and dried blood spot (DBS) specimen respectively by capillary electrophoresis (CE).

    METHODS: Capillarys Hemoglobin (E) Kit (for CB) and Capillarys Neonat Hb Kit (for NF) were used to detect and quantify Hb Bart's by CE in fresh cord blood and dried blood spot (DBS) specimens respectively. High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) using the β-Thal Short Programme was also performed concurrently with CE analysis. Confirmation was obtained by multiplex ARMS Gap PCR.

    RESULTS: This study was performed on 600 neonates. 32/600 (5.3%) samples showed presence of Hb Bart's peak using the NF programme while 33/600 (5.5%) were positive with CB programme and HPLC methods. The range of Hb Bart's using NF programme and CB programme were (0.5-4.1%) and (0.5-7.1%), respectively. Molecular analysis confirmed all positive samples possessed α-thalassaemia genetic mutations, with 23/33 cases being αα/--SEA, four -α3.7/-α3.7, two αα/-α3.7 and three αα/ααCS. Fifty Hb Bart's negative samples were randomly tested for α-genotypes, three were also found to be positive for α-globin gene mutations. Thus, resulting in sensitivity of 91.7% and 88.9% and specificity of 100% for the Capillarys Cord Blood programme and Capillarys Neonat Fast programme respectively.

    CONCLUSION: Both CE programmes using fresh or dried cord blood were useful as a screening tool for α-thalassaemia in newborns. All methods show the same specificity (100%) with variable, but acceptable sensitivities in the detection of Hb Bart.
    Matched MeSH terms: alpha-Thalassemia/diagnosis*; beta-Thalassemia/diagnosis
  9. George E, Faridah K
    Family Practitioner, 1988;11(1&2):37-39.
    The population of Malaysia is approximately 14 million and theoretically 1 in 2500 marriages are between heterozygotes for thalassaemia and 1 in 10,000 children can be expected to have thalassaemia major. Hypertransfusion is not possible because of insufficient blood supplies and each child requires an iron chelator, Desferal, at US$5800 a year for life: this high cost makes it sizeable proportion of the 'active reproductive' population. Abortion is not legal and antenatal diagnosis has not bee established. An approach to the prevention of this disease would be public education and identification of carriers. Numerous techniques have been utilised in population screening for traits of thalassaemia and haemoglobinopathy. These include osmotic fragility tests; blood smear examination for basophilia, microcytosis, and hypochromia; and genetic studies. Blood smear examinations are extremely subjective and interpretations depend upon the skills of a trained technologist. Osmotic fragility tests although cheap are cumbersome and require accurate preparations of saline solutions. Genetic studies are not available in the region. The medical examination for entrance to colleges and institutions includes investigative procedures such as chest x-ray and urine examinations. In addition a blood sample could be analysed for the red cell parameters. A similar study could be attempted for all secondary school leavers. The current estimated cost on the Coulter S as in this study was 80 cents (U.S.) in contrast to the prohibitive costs of managing a case of transfusion-dependent thalassaemia. These two groups would cover a sizeable proportion of the 'active reproductive' population. Analysis of the red cell parameters provides useful information for the identification of carriers of alpha-, beta-, delta-beta-thalassaemia and HbE. Additional studies which include haemoglobin analysis and serum ferritin would provide the necessary evidence for the confirmation of these findings.
    Matched MeSH terms: Thalassemia
  10. George E
    Family Practitioner, 1988;11:89-89.
    Hereditary haemolytic anaemias, in particular, thalassaemia and the haemoglobinopathies, have been found to be a significant cause of hereditary haemolytic disease in West Malaysia. Theoretically 1 in 2500 marriages are between heterozygotes for beta-thalassaemia and 1 in 10,000 children can be expected to have thalassaemia major. An approach to the prevention of this disease would be public education and identification of carriers: to develop some approach to the identification and genetic counselling of beta-thalassaemia trait.
    Matched MeSH terms: Thalassemia
  11. George E, Wong HB, George R, Ariffin WA
    Singapore Med J, 1994 Feb;35(1):62-4.
    PMID: 8009283
    Patients on a moderate red cell transfusion programme have iron overload where the concentrations of the serum ferritin were inappropriate to increases in the transfusion load as a result of limitations of apoferritin synthesis and conversion of ferritin into haemosiderin. This study confirms the limitations for the use of estimations of the serum ferritin to evaluate the iron status in patients with expected high overload as would be seen in patients on many years of maintenance red cell transfusions in the absence of iron chelation therapy. Poor compliance, inadequate dosage of Desferal (deferoxamine), and the late initiation of iron chelation therapy were factors that were considered in the patients with failure of response to iron chelation.
    Matched MeSH terms: beta-Thalassemia/blood*; beta-Thalassemia/genetics; beta-Thalassemia/surgery
  12. Tan JA, Lee PC, Wee YC, Tan KL, Mahali NF, George E, et al.
    PMID: 20871816 DOI: 10.1155/2010/706872
    Thalassemia can lead to severe transfusion-dependent anemia, and it is the most common genetic disorder in Malaysia. This paper aims to determine the prevalence of thalassemia in the Kadazandusuns, the largest indigenous group in Sabah, East Malaysia. α- and β-thalassemia were confirmed in 33.6% and 12.8%, of the individuals studied respectively. The high prevalence of α- and β-thalassemia in the Kadazandusuns indicates that thalassemia screening, genetic counseling, and prenatal diagnosis should be included as part of their healthcare system. This preliminary paper serves as a baseline for further investigations into the health and genetic defects of the major indigenous population in Sabah, East Malaysia.
    Matched MeSH terms: alpha-Thalassemia/epidemiology*; beta-Thalassemia/epidemiology*
  13. Alauddin H, Jaapar NA, Azma RZ, Ithnin A, Razak NF, Loh CK, et al.
    Hemoglobin, 2014;38(4):277-81.
    PMID: 24829075 DOI: 10.3109/03630269.2014.916720
    Hb Adana [HBA2: c179G>A (or HBA1); p.Gly60Asp] is a rare hemoglobin (Hb) variant due to a mutation at codon 59 of the α2- or α1-globin gene resulting in a glycine to aspartic acid substitution. Two siblings with a unique coinheritance of Hb Adana and Hb Constant Spring (Hb CS, α142, Term→Gln, TAA>CAA; HBA2: c.427 T>C) (α(codon 59)α/α(CS)α), were compared phenotypically with another two siblings carrying the Hb Adana mutation and a 3.7 kb deletion (α(codon 59)α/-α(3.7)). Although they all had α-thalassemia intermedia (α-TI), the former were clinically more severe than the latter. The first pair of siblings presented at a much younger age than the second pair and showed lower Hb levels and significant extramedullay hemopoiesis. Another case of a hydropic fetus as a result of Hb H/Hb Adana is also described. Their clinical phenotypes and hematological parameters are all presented for comparison.
    Matched MeSH terms: alpha-Thalassemia/blood; alpha-Thalassemia/diagnosis; alpha-Thalassemia/genetics*
  14. Hamidah A, Rahmah R, Azmi T, Aziz J, Jamal R
    PMID: 11944728
    One of the major complications in patients with transfusion dependent thalassemia is growth impairment secondary to iron overload. We studied the growth status in 66 patients with beta-thalassemia major and HbE-beta thalassemia who were transfusion dependent, aged from 2 to 24 years, and 66 controls matched for sex and age. The prevalence of short stature in transfusion-dependent thalassemics was 54.5% compared to 4.5% in control group (p<0.001). Short stature was more prevalent in those above the age of 10 years in this study group (83.3% vs 16.7%). Transfusion dependent thalassemics with short stature were found to have significantly lower mean standing height standard deviation scores (SDS), sitting height SDS and subischial leg length SDS values (p<0.001). There was also a significant difference between the mean sitting height SDS and the mean subischial leg length SDS in our thalassemics with short stature, suggesting that the short stature was due to disproportionate truncal shortening. Serum ferritin levels were significantly higher in transfusion dependent thalassemics who were short compared to those who were of normal height (p = 0.002). However, the mean pre-transfusion hemoglobin levels did not differ significantly between patients with short stature and those with normal height (p = 0.216). The prevalence of short stature also did not differ significantly between those with beta-thalassemia major and those with HbE-beta thalassemia (p = 0.32). This study highlighted the importance of providing optimal treatment in these patients, including monitoring of growth parameters and optimizing iron chelation therapy.
    Matched MeSH terms: Thalassemia/epidemiology; Thalassemia/physiopathology*; Thalassemia/therapy
  15. Rosline H, Roshan TM, Ahmed SA, Ilunihayati I
    PMID: 17877232
    Thalassemia is a common public health problem among Malays. Hemoglobin C (Hb C) is a hemoglobin beta variant resulting from a single base mutation at the 6th position of the beta-globin gene leading to the substitution of glycine for glutamic acid. Hb C is commonly detected in West Africans and in African American but has not been reported in Malaysia. It can be falsely diagnosed as HbE trait in the Malaysian Thalassemia Screening Program which utilizes cellulose acetate hemoglobin electrophoresis. This is the first reported case of Hb AC heterozygote status in a Malay family, with unusual splenomegaly in one of the family members.
    Matched MeSH terms: Thalassemia/blood; Thalassemia/diagnosis; Thalassemia/genetics
  16. Ngim CF, Ibrahim H, Lai NM, Ng CS
    Prenat Diagn, 2015 Jan;35(1):51-9.
    PMID: 25156332 DOI: 10.1002/pd.4484
    We aimed to identify factors contributing to ineffective prevention of thalassaemia in Malaysia by studying events leading to the births of children with transfusion-dependent thalassaemia (TDT) including their parents' reproductive choices.
    Matched MeSH terms: Thalassemia/diagnosis*; Thalassemia/genetics; Thalassemia/epidemiology*; Thalassemia/therapy*
  17. George E, Wong HB
    Singapore Med J, 1993 Dec;34(6):500-3.
    PMID: 8153710
    Patients with the Hb beta + [IVS 1-5 (G-->C)] clinically presented as beta-thalassaemia intermedia and remained asymptomatic in the absence of blood transfusions. With or without blood transfusions the patients were short and had moderate to marked thalassaemia facies. Children who received blood transfusions showed progressive iron loading with age. The serum ferritin and serum alanine transaminase levels were significantly raised in the patients who were given blood transfusions. In the presence of blood transfusions, and absence of adequate iron chelation therapy, splenectomy became an inevitable event at some stage of the disease because of increasing transfusing requirements.
    Matched MeSH terms: beta-Thalassemia/blood; beta-Thalassemia/drug therapy; beta-Thalassemia/genetics*; beta-Thalassemia/surgery; beta-Thalassemia/therapy*
  18. Ahmad R, Saleem M, Aloysious NS, Yelumalai P, Mohamed N, Hassan S
    Int J Mol Sci, 2013;14(9):18599-614.
    PMID: 24025420 DOI: 10.3390/ijms140918599
    Alpha thalassaemia is highly prevalent in the plural society of Malaysia and is a public health problem. Haematological and molecular data from 5016 unrelated patients referred from various hospitals to the Institute for Medical Research for α thalassaemia screening from 2007 to 2010 were retrieved. The aims of this retrospective analysis were to describe the distribution of various alpha thalassaemia alleles in different ethnic groups, along with their genotypic interactions, and to illustrate the haematological changes associated with each phenotype. Amongst the patients, 51.2% (n = 2567) were diagnosed with α thalassaemia. Of the 13 α thalassaemia determinants screened, eight different deletions and mutations were demonstrated: three double gene deletions, --(SEA), --(THAI), --(FIL); two single-gene deletions, α-³·⁷ and -α⁴·²; and three non-deletion mutations, Cd59G > A (haemoglobin [Hb] Adana), Cd125T > C (Hb Quong Sze) and Cd142 (Hb Constant Spring). A high incidence of α-³·⁷ deletion was observed in Malays, Indians, Sabahans, Sarawakians and Orang Asli people. However, the --SEA deletion was the most common cause of alpha thalassaemia in Chinese, followed by the α-³·⁷ deletion. As many as 27 genotypic interactions showed 1023 α thalassaemia silent carriers, 196 homozygous α⁺ thalassaemia traits, 973 heterozygous α⁰ thalassaemia carriers and 375 patients with Hb H disease. Statistical analysis showed a significant difference in the distribution of α thalassaemia determinants amongst the various ethnic groups. Hence, the heterogeneous distribution of common determinants indicated that the introduction of an ethnicity-targeted hierarchical α thalassaemia screening approach in this multi-ethnic Malaysian population would be effective.
    Matched MeSH terms: alpha-Thalassemia/genetics*
  19. Rahimah AN, Nisha S, Safiah B, Roshida H, Punithawathy Y, Nurul H, et al.
    Med J Malaysia, 2012 Dec;67(6):565-70.
    PMID: 23770946 MyJurnal
    OBJECTIVES: Alpha thalassaemia is wide spread in Malaysia and is a public health problem. This study aimed to describe the carrier frequencies of α‒thalassaemia and its distribution among major ethnic groups in three states of Malaysia.

    METHODS: Educational forums were organised and study was explained to students from three schools. Students were invited to take part in the screening with parent consent. A total of 8420 adolescent students aged 16 years volunteered to participate in the study. Peripheral blood samples were analysed for complete blood counts, haemoglobin quantification and typing, and serum ferritin levels. Genomic DNA was used for screening alpha thalassaemia alleles by PCR based molecular methods.

    RESULTS: We identified seven α‒globin gene defects in 341 (4.08%) students: amongst them α(+)‒ and α(0)‒thalassaemias were detected in 232 (2.77%) and 107 (1.28%) students respectively. Genotype ‒α(3.7)/αα was the most prevalent among sub-populations of Malay, indigenous communities of Sahab and Indian, while ‒‒(SEA)/αα deletion is more prevalent in Malaysian Chinese. It is estimated that 63 pregnancies annually are at risk of Hb Bart's hydrops fetalis.

    CONCLUSIONS: We have demonstrated the prevalence and mutation patterns of α‒thalassaemia in the 16 year olds in three states of Malaysia. High α(0)‒thalassaemia deletions amongst the study subjects place these carriers at an increased risk of conceiving fetuses with HbH disease and Hb Bart's hydrops fetalis should they choose another heterozygous partner. It is therefore highly recommended to institute community screening programmes and provide prospective carriers with genetic counselling to help them make informed choices.
    Matched MeSH terms: alpha-Thalassemia*
  20. Azma RZ, Ainoon O, Azlin I, Hamenuddin H, Hadi NA, Tatt WK, et al.
    Clin Ter, 2012 Jul;163(4):287-91.
    PMID: 23007811
    Anaemia is a global health problem including Malaysia. In adults, anaemia may affect work productivity. Iron deficiency anaemia and thalassaemia are common causes of anaemia in Malaysia. However, there is scarcity of data on national prevalence of iron deficiency anaemia and thalassaemia, especially in young adults. This cross sectional study was performed to determine the prevalence of iron deficiency anaemia and thalassaemia among medical students of Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Centre (UKMMC).
    Matched MeSH terms: Thalassemia/epidemiology*
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