We compared a newer serum specific IgE (SSIgE) test with skin prick testing (SPT) in the diagnosis of allergy in Malaysia. Ninety newly diagnosed allergic patients were enrolled for both tests. Using SPT as a clinical gold standard, the sensitivity, specificity, positive, and negative predictive values (PPV, NPV) were calculated for SSIgE for each of the common allergens tested. The highest positive results for both SPT and SSIgE were for house dust mite and cat. Compared to SPT, SSIgE showed better sensitivity but poorer specificity, low PPV and good NPV in all the allergens tested. Significant positive correlation was seen between the diameter of wheal and flare of SPT and the SSIgE results.
The present work deals with the production of paper materials from onion peels (Allium Cepa) fibers
as an alternative potential non-wood fiber. The onion peels were obtained from a local small and
medium food industry. The onion peels were cooked at 120, 150 and 180 minutes. The peels were
grinded and poured in a set of mould and deckle for the formation of a thin sheet of paper. The
physical, mechanical, morphological characteristics and water rise capillary values (KLEMM
Method) were evaluated to determine its suitability for a paper material. The results show that the
increase in cooking time from 120 to 180 minutes resulted in an increase in the tensile index from
32.28N*m/g to 42.13N*m/g and tear index from 9.80mN*m2
/g to 15.62mN*m2
/g. The bonding
strength increased due to higher number of fibers, finer fiber size, and increase in the fiber contact
area and fiber distribution. The high porosity area affects the performance of water rise capillary
values of the paper sheets. The onion peels fiber gave impressive handsheets characteristics when
compared with other sources of non-wood fibers.
Paddy is a crucial agroculture sector since rice is the staple food for the majority of the world's population. However, the production of paddy is slower and less productive since many factors have affected the growth of the paddy. The existence of disease in paddy component affects the quality of rice produced. Hence, the recognition of the disease at the beginning stage is crucial as the initial approach for prevention purposes. In this study, a system is developed to detect the paddy leaf disease such as bacterial leaf blight, brown spot and leaf smut. All the processes involved are implemented and compiled using MATLAB R2020a. A set of 105 image data with disease is converted to binary image using thresholding. 6 features from all the data are extracted and divided to testing and training set before the classification process. A cubic support vector machine is used for the classification process. Lastly, accuracy, precision, and misclassification for each disease are calculated for performance evaluation. Results show that the average performance of the diseases on accuracy, precision, and misclassification are 88.57%, 82.97%, and 11.43% respectively. The use of the processes act as assistance to the paddy farmer to identify the existence of the paddy leaf disease. This could improve the quality of the paddy produced by reducing the process of manual disease checking.
Grafting is regarded as an integral component of sustainable vegetable production. It is important in the management of soil-borne diseases, and reports suggest that grafting with viable rootstocks can enhance crop growth and yield. This research was conducted using splices and cleft grafting techniques to investigate graft compatibility among varieties of high yielding eggplant scion (MCV1, MCV2, CCV1, CCV2, CCV3, NCV, and TCV) grafted onto wild rootstocks (MWR, BWR, and TWR) to study their morphophysiological and yield characteristics. High yielding scions grafted onto wild relative rootstocks were compared with two controls including self-grafted and non-grafted. All the scion had a high rate of germination (≥95%) and remarkable graft success (100%) was recorded in MCV1, MCV2, and TCV using the cleft techniques. Generally, the use of rootstocks resulted in higher total and marketable fruit yield compared to the non-grafted and self-grafted scion plants, respectively. In particular, MWR and TWR rootstock conferred the highest vigour to the scion, resulting in the highest values recorded for total and marketable fruit yield, number of fruits per plant and average fruit weight. A similar result was obtained in fruit length and diameter, where long and wide fruits were observed in scions grafted onto MWR and TWR rootstocks, respectively. Grafting of high yielding eggplant scion onto resistant MWR, BWR and TWR eggplant rootstock was found to be beneficial for eggplant cultivation. The remarkable compatibility and vigour of the rootstock with scion led to the improvement in total and marketable yield of the fruits. As such, it can be concluded that the use of wild relative rootstocks of eggplant species can be a valuable method of improving eggplant production.
Eleven infants who were suspected clinically of having cows' milk protein sensitive enteropathy were fed with a protein hydrolysate formula for six to eight weeks, after which they had jejunal and rectal biopsies taken before and 24 hours after challenge with cows' milk protein. When challenged six infants (group 1) developed clinical symptoms and five did not (group 2). In group 1 the lesions developed in both the jejunal mucosa (four infants at 24 hours and one at three days), and the rectal mucosa, and the injury was associated with depletion of alkaline phosphatase activity. Infants in group 2 were normal. It seems that rectal injury that develops as a direct consequence of oral challenge with the protein in reactive infants may be used as one of the measurements to confirm the diagnosis of cows' milk protein sensitive enteropathy. Moreover, ingestion of such food proteins may injure the distal colonic mucosa without affecting the proximal small gut in some infants.
Seven pathotypes of Pyricularia oryzae were differentiated from blast disease samples collected from 2014–2016, using eight Malaysian differential rice varieties. Pathotype P7.0 is the dominant pathotype identified (33.9%) followed by P0.0, P1.0 and P9.0 which are currently become more abundant in the field with frequency of 20.0% for P0.0, and 15.4% for both P1.0 and P9. Pathotype P7.0 was mostly isolated from MR220CL2, MR263 and MR219 rice varieties which are popular variety planted by farmers in Peninsular Malaysia. Interestingly, new emergence of pathotype P0.2 has been identified, which was isolated from a new released variety, MR284 as well as blast isogenic line IRBL 20 carrying Pi5(t) blast resistance gene. Prolong planting of more than 20 planting seasons and large scale planting of MR219 and MR220 with current varietal coverage areas of more than 90% in Peninsular Malaysia are suspected as possible reason for P7.0 become dominant. Varietal coverage of MR220CL2 and MR263 has reached about 50% might be the cause of changes in blast pathogen pathotype dominancy to P0.0, P1.0 and P9.0.
A safety evaluation test on human for latex films made from Radiation Prevulcanized Natural Rubber Latex (RVNRL) with sulfur-containing antioxidant was studied. Sulfur test has confirmed that there was sulfur compound presence in RVNRL derived from antioxidant used in this study. Two types of safety evaluation test were being adopted which are Patch Test and Modified Draize-95 test and this test proved that there is no clinical evidence on the presence of sulfur compound in RVNRL that may induce Type IV allergy in the unsensitized general user population. Both clinical test shows that the highest score value produced by test subjects is 1 and not exceed the allowable limit.
The unilateral nasal symptom should trigger a treating physician to a certain diagnosis. The differential
diagnosis includes foreign body, rhinolith and tumour. The chronicity of symptom helps a lot with the diagnosis.
Foreign body for example, tends to present with positive history of insertion, mainly by children or the acute
symptom of local infection. In the presence of prolonged symptom, rhinolith should be suspected especially when
the patient presents with pathognomonic nasal obstruction with foul smelly discharge. A referral should be made
for a nasoendoscopy evaluation whenever a rhinitis-like symptoms remain after a period of medical treatment for
allergy. We share a case of a missed diagnosis of a rhinolith after six years of symptoms.
This research, compares the observed seismogram of the PNG earthquake, C051099C with its synthetics in UGM, Wanagama, Indonesia, PMG, Port Moresby, PNG and CHTO, Chiang May, Thailand. The synthetic seismogram is calculated using preliminary earth model, which are the IASPEI91 and the anisotropic version of PREM. The seismogram comparison is conducted after imposing a low pass filter whose corner frequency is fixed at 20 mHz. We have found a real discrepancy on the travel time and waveform of some wave phases, namely P, S and Rayleigh and Love surface waves, by seismogram comparison in time domain. To correct the discrepancies, we need to adjust the earth structures, which include the depth of the Moho reflector, the velocity gradient of bh, and the propagation velocity of the P and S waves. The correction has been conducted in the earth layering system from the upper mantle down to the CMB, so that the excellent seismogram fitting was obtained for nearly all phases of the targeted waves. The used wave length for analysing is about 150 km. It turns out that the waveform of the body and surface waves is sensitive to the change of velocity structure. The analysis of repetitive ScS depth phases at closer distance stations gives better opportunity to investigate the S velocity structure near the CMB, something not used by other seismologists.
In this study, solid coconut waste and CaO/PVA was used as raw material and catalyst respectively to produce biodiesel through in situ transesterification. Both, raw material and catalyst were packed in a packed bed reactor. The reaction was fixed for 3 h and the mixing was kept constant at 350 rpm. The highest biodiesel yield of 95% was obtained at reaction temperature of 61 °C with catalyst loading (CaO/PVA) of 2.29 wt% and methanol to solid ratio of 12:1. CaO-waste derived catalyst has been successfully proven to be utilized as heterogeneous base catalyst for the production of biodiesel from solid coconut waste.
Chlorhexidine is a common antiseptic and disinfectant used in the medical field. Allergy to chlorhexidine has been reported in the literature but life-threatening anaphylactic shock is rare. We present a case of severe anaphylactic shock due to chlorhexidine occurring during surgery. Literatures suggest that profound anaphylactic shock to chlorhexidine is commonly preceded by milder, non-specific reactions. These mild symptoms are often dismissed by both the patient and physicians alike. Direct questioning of these symptoms is necessary as a part of the pre-operative assessment and the patient should be referred for further immunology testing if indicated.
The anti-allergic cromones were originally synthesized in the 1960s by Fisons Plc, and the first drug to emerge from this program, disodium cromoglycate was subsequently marketed for the treatment of asthma and other allergic conditions. Whilst early studies demonstrated that the ability of the cromones to prevent allergic reactions was due to their 'mast cell stabilizing' properties, the exact pharmacological mechanism by which this occurred, remained a mystery. Here, we briefly review the history of these drugs, recount some aspects of their pharmacology, and discuss two new explanations for their unique actions. We further suggest how these findings could be used to predict further uses for the cromones.
To systematically review evidence on genetic risk factors for carbamazepine (CBZ)-induced hypersensitivity reactions (HSRs) and provide practice recommendations addressing the key questions: (1) Should genetic testing for HLA-B*15:02 and HLA-A*31:01 be performed in patients with an indication for CBZ therapy to reduce the occurrence of CBZ-induced HSRs? (2) Are there subgroups of patients who may benefit more from genetic testing for HLA-B*15:02 or HLA-A*31:01 compared to others? (3) How should patients with an indication for CBZ therapy be managed based on their genetic test results?
Matched MeSH terms: Drug Hypersensitivity/diagnosis; Drug Hypersensitivity/genetics*
Seafood is common item in the world diet; Asian countries have the highest rates of fish consumption in the world, which is higher than world average. Several studies have been conducted on the epidemiology and clinical characteristics of seafood allergy in different countries, and some of the fish and seafood allergens unique to those regions have been characterized. Review on published data showed that seafood allergy is very ubiquitous in some regions of the world. Fish and shellfish are the most common seafood that cause adverse allergic reactions among nations; the symptoms ranged from oral allergy syndromes to urticaria and anaphylaxis. The major identified allergens are parvalbumin in fish and tropomyosin in shellfish. Nevertheless, such studies are lacking from some regions with high fish and seafood consumption. Furthermore, the published data are mostly from small groups of populations, which large-scale epidemiological studies need to be performed.
The purpose of this study was to characterize major allergens of Indian scad (Decapterus russelli) which is among the most commonly consumed fish in Malaysia. Raw and cooked extracts of the fish were prepared. Protein profiles and IgE binding patterns were produced by sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and immunoblotting using sera from subjects with fish allergy. The major allergens of the fish were then identified by two-dimensional electrophoresis (2-DE), followed by mass spectrometry of the peptide digests. The SDS-PAGE of the raw extract revealed 27 protein fractions over a wide molecular weight range, while the cooked extract demonstrated only six protein fractions. The 1-DE immunoblotting detected 14 IgE-binding proteins, with a molecular weight range from 90 to < 6.5 kDa. Three protein fractions with molecular weights of approximately 51, 46 and 12 kDa were identified as the major allergens of this fish. The approximately 12 kDa band was a heat-resistant protein while the approximately 51 and 46 kDa proteins were sensitive to heat. The 2-DE gel profile of the raw extract demonstrated > 100 distinct protein spots and immunoblotting detected at least 10 different major IgE reactive spots with molecular masses as expected and isoelectric point (pI) values ranging from 4.0 to 7.0. A comparison of the major allergenic spot sequences of the 12 kDa proteins with known protein sequences in databases revealed extensive similarity with fish parvalbumin. In conclusion, this study demonstrated that a parvalbumin which is similar to Gad c 1 is the major allergen of Indian scad. Interestingly, we also detected heat-sensitive proteins as major allergenic components in our fish allergy patients.
IgA deficiency is the most common primary immunoglobulin deficiency. The prevalence in Caucasians is around one in 500, whereas in some Asian populations it is very uncommon. Most individuals with IgA deficiency are clinically asymptomatic. Those with symptoms of immunodeficiency have predominantly sinopulmonary or gastrointestinal infections, which are more severe when associated with IgG2, IgG4 or specific antibody deficiency. IgA deficiency is believed to be one end of a spectrum of immunodeficiency with common variable immunodeficiency at the most severe end. Although primary IgA deficiency is the most commonly encountered form, secondary deficiencies due to drugs or viral infections are recognized. IgA deficiencies can be partial or transient. Primary IgA deficiency is caused by a defect of terminal lymphocyte differentiation, which leads to underproduction of serum and mucosal IgA; affected individuals have normal IgA genes. A number of non-immunoglobulin genes have been implicated in IgA deficiency. There have been many diseases reported in association with IgA deficiency, particularly autoimmune diseases. The most common association is with coeliac disease (CD), which has special significance since CD is usually diagnosed by detection of specific IgA antibodies that are obviously lacking in IgA deficiency. There is no specific treatment for patients with symptomatic IgA deficiency. Antibiotics are prescribed in those with acute infections. A significant proportion of IgA-deficient individuals are reported to have anti-IgA antibodies in their serum. Although blood or blood products given to IgA-deficient individuals can lead to severe, even fatal, transfusion reactions, such reactions are rare.
72 subjects reporting symptoms indicating Type I hypersensitivity reactions to natural rubber latex (NRL) gloves were included in this study. 44 of them had a positive prick test to NRL. They underwent wearing tests using 2 types of NRL gloves with high (n=63) and low (n=70) allergen contents. Unigloves Malaysia with a high allergen content caused positive skin reactions in 47% of SPT-positive and no IgE-negative subjects. After application of Hand Sense skin protection cream, the frequency of positive skin responses in wearing tests decreased to 30% in prick-test-positive subjects. The Biogel Diagnostic gloves with low allergen caused hypersensitivity with and without Hand Sense in 2 cases (5%) of the prick-test-positive. 60% of all test participants had a positive prick test to NRL. No prick-test-negative subjects showed any urticaria during the glove-wearing test. Our study demonstrates that high allergen contents in latex gloves frequently elicit skin responses in NRL-sensitized subjects. Since other skin protection creams have shown to increase allergic symptoms, it is encouraging to report that Hand Sense skin cream may hamper the uptake of allergens from gloves, thus decreasing allergic reactions.
Deficiency of surfactant in alveoli leads to increased resistance to breathing. Histamine is a mediator in allergic respiratory diseases. Though the bronchoconstrictor effect of histamine is well recognised, histamine may have additional actions that contribute to pathogenesis in these diseases. The present study aimed to observe the effect of histamine on lecithin, a major component of alveolar surfactant. Lecithin content in broncho-alveolar lavage (BAL) fluid of healthy adult male rats was estimated by enzymatic method using Boehringer-Mannheim kits. Lecithin content in these control animals was compared with that in three groups of healthy adult male rats following subcutaneous administration of 0.06 mg of histamine diphosphate at 10 minutes, 30 minutes and 60 minutes intervals, respectively. A significant reduction in lecithin levels in BAL fluid was observed up to one hour after administration of histamine. The results indicate a possible additional action of histamine in the pathogenesis of allergic respiratory diseases.
This study was conducted to determine the seasonal prevalence of allergies to house dust, D. pteronyssinus, D. farinae, cat fur, dog hair, mixed moulds, mixed grass pollens and American cockroach. A total of 314 patients with clinically suspected allergic rhinitis was examined by prick test using commercial preparations of the above allergens. Total serum IgE of the patients was determined by a Sandwich ELISA. Ninety-six percent of the patients tested positive to more than one allergen. Most were positive to a combination of 4 allergens. More than 70% of the patients were positive to house dust, D. pteronyssinus, D. farinae and cat fur. Analysis indicates that for an individual who tests positive for house dust, there is a very high risk of the person being allergic to the dust mites and cat fur too. Most of the allergens had 2 peak period of high positive PT rates; mixed moulds and mixed grass pollens had 3 peaks. There was significant positive correlation between the monthly positive PT rates against mixed moulds and mixed grass pollens with maximum daily mean temperature and mean temperature at 14.00 hours.
The MAST CLA system was evaluated against skin prick test (SPT) for diagnosis of allergies to house dust mites (Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus, Dermatophagoides farinae) and cats. Forty three asthmatic children were examined by SPT and MAST CLA. Chi-square analysis indicated significant association between SPT and MAST CLA results for the house dust mites but not for cats. The sensitivities of MAST CLA for house dust mites and cats were 100 and 25% respectively; specificities were all less than 50%. The efficiency of MAST CLA for detection of allergy to the house dust mites was 88% and 44% for cats. A significant linear correlation was found between SPT wheal size and MAST CLA grade for D. farinae but not for D. pteronyssinus and cats. It is concluded that the MAST CLA allergy system can be used to supplement SPT for diagnosis of allergies to house dust mites but not to cats.