The aim of the study was to determine the characteristics and pattern of the betel/tobacco quid chewing habit in the estate Indian community. The study was conducted in 6 randomly selected estates. It involved oral mucosal examination and an interview to solicit personal data as well as history and details of oral habits. Of a total of 618 subjects studied, 19.3 % (n= 119; 89 females and 30 males) were betel !tobacco quid chewers. The youngest age of onset of betel quid chewing is 10 years. The mean frequency of chewing quid is 4.3 times/day and the mean duration of chewing is 8.1 minutes. Initiation to the habit occur at a young age and a major role is played by family and friends in initiation to the habit. Practises of adding tobacco and lime appear to have adverse effects and are associated with higher occurrences of precancer lesions in this study (p
This paper represents a study of35casesofodontogenic keratocyst (OKC) diagnosed in a Malaysian population. The clinical, radiological and histopathological features, treatment modalities and recurrence of this lesion were analysed. There was a higher prevalence rate among Malaysian Chinese (51.42 percent), while the Malays and Indians accounted for22.86 percent and 25.72 percent respectively. The male to female ratio was 16 : 19.Age at presentation ranged from nine to 71 year,with about 70percent occurring between ages ten to 39 years. A total of40cysts were analysed. Of these, 67.5 percent occurred in the mandible and 32.5 percent in the maxilla. About 88percent of OKC presented as unilocular radiolucencies and 42.0 percent were associated with unerupted or impacted teeth. Histologically, the parakeratinized OKC was the predominant variant found (75.8 percent). The majority of caseswere treated by enucleation (85 percent), and a recurrence rate of20percent was recorded.
Kromium merupakan mineral yang penting dan kofaktor insulin yang memainkan peranan penting sebagai hormon yang membantu dalam regulasi gula dalam darah. Penduduk Kelantan sering dikaitkan dengan pengambilan makanan berasaskan gula. Petani merupakan golongan yang berisiko tinggi kerana pendedahan terhadap pestisid dan pengambilan makanan bergula boleh mempengaruhi paras kromium. Objektif kajian ini adalah untuk mengetahui status paras kromium dalam kalangan petani yang terdedah kepada pestisid dan baja kimia di Kelantan. Kajian ini adalah kajian keratan rentas yang dilakukan di Bachok dan Pasir Puteh, Kelantan. Responden adalah seramai 113 petani yang terdedah kepada pestisid atau baja kimia tidak kurang daripada satu tahun. Subjek ditemu bual menggunakan soal selidik pengetahuan, sikap dan amalan (KAP) yang telah divalidasi untuk informasi berkaitan data demografi k. Sampel kuku dan rambut telah dianalisia dengan menggunakan kaedah pencernaan asid dan Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectroscopy (ICPMS) untuk mendapatkan paras kromium. Hasil kajian menunjukkan 81.4% adalah petani lelaki dan 18.6% adalah perempuan. Paras kromium kuku (125.82 ± 47.81 μg/L) dan rambut (39.63 ± 5.70 μg/L) petani adalah lebih rendah berbanding julat piawai kuku (6200 μg/L) dan rambut (100-2500 μg/L). Tiada perbezaan paras kromium yang signifi kan (p > 0.05) menurut jantina, umur, glukosa darah, tempoh pendedahan pestisid dan pemakanan. Petani yang merokok menunjukkan paras kromium yang lebih rendah (p < 0.05) berbanding petani yang tidak merokok. Kesimpulannya, paras unsur kromium petani di Bachok dan Pasir Puteh adalah rendah berbanding julat normal dan petani harus berhenti merokok kerana merokok akan merendahkan paras kromium.
Traumatic hip dislocation in children is uncommon; when this condition is diagnosed in paediatric patients, it is most frequently seen as a unilateral posterior dislocation and is rarely associated with fracture. We report here a case involving a young girl who dislocated both hips in two separate incidents.
Introduction: Attitudes towards animal welfare are important in influencing how animals are treated. Studies of attitudes towards animal welfare in veterinary students are scarce. It is hope that the findings will enhace a diverse research in the future in order to explore variety of factors in relation to animal welfare since such study is currently limited.
Objective: The study is to determine the associations of gender,year of study and empathy level of undergraduate DVM students in UPM into their attitude towards animal welfare.
Method: Questionnaires were given to 440 Doctor of Veterinary Medicine undergraduate students in UPM to study the associations between gender,year of study and empathy level with attitudes towards animal welfare. Data were collected from respondents through two sets of self guided questionnaires. Interpersonal Reactivity Index (IRI) which assessed empathy level where only two sub-scales from the IRI were used. Empathic Concern (EC) and Perspective Taking (PT). Animal Attitude Scales (AAS) were used to assess attitudes towards animal welfare. Data collected were analysed using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 20.
Result: 367 (83.4%) out of 440 students participated in this study. Antu-animal welfare attitude (74.9%) was the highest compared to the pro-animal welfare attitude (25.1%). Analysis showed a significant difference (p0.005) between gender and attitudes towards animal welfare (p=0.057) as well as between empathy level and attitudes towards animal welfarefor empathic concern sub-scale (p=0.194) and perspective taking sub-scale (p=0.320).
Conclusion: Majority of sudents were categorized as anti-animal welfareand the attitudes were significantly different among years of study. Female and malestudents have nomsignificant differences in their attitudes towards animal welfare. Students with ggod and poor empathy level also have no significant difference in their attitudes towards animal welfare.
Vulvo-vaginal haematomas are not an uncommon obstetric complication. Despite advances in obstetric care, practice and technique, vulvo-vaginal haematomas do occur especially in complicated vaginal deliveries. Various management options are available for vulvo-vaginal haematomas. We describe three cases of vulvo-vaginal haematomas with different severity and presentations which were managed in different manners i.e. local haemostasis control, laparotomy with hysterectomy, and transarterial embolisation. The choice of treatment options would mainly depend on the clinical presentations, availability of expertise as well as facilities. Early identification is crucial.
Syringomyelia is a rare neurological disease, which is characterized by the formation of a cyst in the spinal cord. The aetiology of the disease still remains controversial. The damage to the spinal cord results in headache, weakness, stiffness and numbness on both lower and upper limbs. Only few a cases of syringomyelia in pregnancy have been reported thus far. As such, there is no standard management of intrapartum care.1 We present a case of symptomatic syringomyelia in pregnancy, its management and literature review. The mode of delivery with risks for vaginal route is discussed.
Objective: This study investigates functional specialisation in, and effective connectivity between the
precentral gyrus (PCG) and supplementary motor area (SMA) in seven right handed female subjects.
Methods: Unimanual (UNIright and UNIleft) and bimanual (BIM) self-paced tapping of hand fingers were
performed by the subjects to activate PCG and SMA. Brain activations and effective connectivity were
analysed using statistical parametric mapping (SPM), dynamic causal modeling (DCM) and Bayesian
model selection (BMS) and were reported based on group fixed (FFX) and random (RFX) effects
analyses. Results: Group results showed that the observed brain activation for UNIright and UNIleft fulfill contralateral behavior of motor coordination with a larger activation area for UNIright. The activation for BIM occurs in both hemispheres with BIMright showing higher extent of activation as compared to BIMleft. Region of interest (ROI) analyses reveal that the number of activated voxel (NOV) and percentage of signal change (PSC) on average is higher in PCG than SMA for all tapping conditions. However, comparing between hemispheres for both UNI and BIM, higher PSC is observed in the right PCG and the left SMA. DCM and BMS results indicate that most subjects prefer PCG as the intrinsic input for UNIright and UNIleft. The input was later found to be bi-directionally connected to SMA for UNIright. The bi-directional model was then used for BIM in the left and right hemispheres. The model was in favour of six out of seven subjects. DCM results for BIM indicate the existence of interhemispheric connectivity between the right and left hemisphere PCG. Conclusion: The findings strongly support the existence of functional specialisation and integration i.e. effective connectivity in human brain during finger tapping and can be used as baselines in determining the probable motor coordination pathways and their connection strength in a population of subjects.
Mucoepidermoid carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma are tumors found predominantly in the elderly. Most of the cases reported were from patients of more than 50 years old. In our case, it affects a young patient, a 26 year old lady who has a history of a severely burnt and scarred face since childhood. She represents a rare case of a high grade aggressive tumor involving her right eyelid and right parotid gland.
Nurse education is undergoing a process of transition. Nurses worldwide are working towards
achievement of higher levels of education and training through an improved education system. Current trends and innovations in nursing education are emerging to prepare more nurses and to deliver education to students across geographical boundaries while taking into
consideration their work and family responsibilities. The current trends and innovations in nursing education range from full time face-to-face interactions to distance education programmes. Teaching approaches such as blended learning, online or e-Learning have provided nurses with an avenue for continuing education for development and progression in their career pathways. Every nurse aspires to reach her highest potential. While the current trends and innovations in nursing education provides the flexibility for nurses to continue learning and upgrade their professional qualifications, there are issues to be considered in catering to the needs of the bottom billion nurses. An exploration of related issues will include views from different perspectives, such as that of the institution/provider, instructor/facilitator and student/learner involved in the development and implementation of the related education programmes.
A 76 year-old lady with late-onset schizophrenia was admitted with hypoglycaemia. She was later found to have a pancreatic tail insulinoma, confirmed biochemically and radiologically. She is treated medically with Diazoxide while awating laparascopic enucleation of the pancreatic tumour. The question remains if neuroglycopenia aggravates co-existing schizophrenia or if insulinoma-induced neuroglycopenia had been misdiagnosed as schizophrenia.
Currently, paliperidone palmitate is not approved for the treatment of schizophrenia in adolescents. It is only indicated for treatment of schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder in adults. This case report highlights the successful treatment outcome with paliperidone palmitate in an adolescent with schizophrenia. Methods: We report a case of an adolescent who presented with psychotic symptoms and marked deterioration in functioning over a period of one year. Results: She showed significant improvement in functioning, and her psychotic symptoms gradually subsided with paliperidone palmitate. Conclusions: Paliperidone palmitate could be considered as an effective treatment modality in adolescents with schizophrenia.