Displaying publications 81 - 100 of 813 in total

  1. Mardhati M, González LA, Thomson PC, Clark CEF, García SC
    J Dairy Sci, 2021 Jul;104(7):8202-8213.
    PMID: 33865596 DOI: 10.3168/jds.2020-19912
    Monitoring and detecting individual cows' liveweight (LW) and liveweight change (LWC) are important for estimation of nutritional requirements and health management, and could be useful to measure short-term feed intake, water consumption, defecation, and urination. Walk-over weighing (WOW) systems can facilitate measurements of LW for these purposes, providing automated LW recorded at different times of the day. We conducted a field study to (1) quantify the contribution of feed and water intake, as well as urine and feces excretions, to short-term LWC and (2) determine the feasibility of stationary and WOW scales to detect subtle changes in LW as a result of feed and water intake, urination, and defecation. In this experiment, 10 cows walked through a WOW system and then stood individually on a stationary scale collecting weights at 10 and 3.3 Hz, respectively. Cows were offered 4 kg of feed and 10 kg of water on the stationary scale. For each animal, LW before and after eating and drinking was then calculated using different approaches. Liveweight change was calculated as the difference between the initial and final LW before and after eating and drinking for each statistical measure. The weights of feed intake, water consumption, urination, and defecation were measured and used as predictors of LWC. Urine and feces were collected from individual cows while the cow was on the scale, using a container, and weighed separately. The agreement between LWC measured using either stationary or WOW scales was assessed to determine the sensitivity of the scales to detect subtle changes in LW using the coefficient of determination (R2), Lin's concordance correlation coefficient (CCC), and mean bias. The prediction model showed that most of the regression coefficients were not significantly different from +1.0 for feed and water, or -1.0 for urine and feces. The R2 and CCC values demonstrated a satisfactory agreement between calculated and stationary LWC and values ranged from 0.60 to 0.92 and 0.71 to 0.94, respectively. A moderate agreement was achieved between calculated and automated LWC with R2 and Lin's CCC values of 0.45 to 0.63 and 0.60 to 0.74, respectively. Therefore, results demonstrated that new algorithms and data processing methods need to be continuously explored and improved to obtain accurate measurements of LW to measure changes in LW, especially from WOW scales.
    Matched MeSH terms: Body Weight
  2. Khor GL, Noor Safiza MN, Jamalludin AB, Jamaiyah H, Geeta A, Kee CC, et al.
    Malays J Nutr, 2009 Sep;15(2):121-36.
    PMID: 22691811 MyJurnal
    The Third National Health and Morbidity Survey (NHMS III) was conducted in 2006 on a nationally representative sample of population in Malaysia. Over 21,000 children aged 0-17.9 years were measured for body weight and stature according to the protocol of the World Health Organization. This article describes the nutritional status of children aged 0-59.9 months. Mean z score for weightfor-age (WAZ), height-for-age (HAZ) and BMI-for-age were compared with the z-scores tables of the WHO standards. The overall prevalence of underweight and stunting of the children were 12.9% and 17.2% respectively. These levels included 2.4% severe underweight and 6.0% severe stunting. In terms of z scores, the age group of 0-5.9 months showed the best nutritional status with mean WAZ of -0.33 (95%CI: -0.52, 0.15) and -0.40 (-0.57, 0.24) for boys and girls respectively, while mean HAZ was 0.64 (0.38, 0.89) for boys and 0.76 (0.54, 0.98) for girls. Mean HAZ and WAZ status was least satisfactory after about 6 months, suggesting a faltering in growth rate at an age that coincides with dependence on complementary feeding. Prevalence of overweight based on BMI-for-age for the sexes combined was 6.4%, while that based on WAZ was 3.4%. The NHMS III results indicate that Malaysian children have better nutritional status compared to children under 5 years in neighbouring countries. In order to meet the targets set in the National Plan of Nutrition (2006-2015), more effective intervention programmes are needed to accelerate the reduction of underweight and stunting, and to arrest the rise of overweight in young children.
    Study name: National Health and Morbidity Survey (NHMS-2006)
    Matched MeSH terms: Body Weight
  3. Lee, Yi Yi, Narimah Samat, Wan Manan Wan Muda
    Malays J Nutr, 2017;23(3):397-408.
    Introduction: Physical activity has been shown to be beneficial for the prevention of
    obesity and non-communicable diseases. Our contemporary way of life that is technology
    dependent has significantly reduced physical activity. This study aimed to determine
    accelerometer-measured physical activity (moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA))
    among adults in high and low walkability neighbourhoods in Penang and Kota Bharu,

    Methods: Participants (n=490) were sampled using multistage sampling method
    from neighbourhoods with varied levels of walkability using Geographical Information
    System (GIS). Physical activity was measured objectively using Actigraph GT3X+
    accelerometers, worn by the participants on their waists for a period of 5 to 7 days.

    The participants had a mean of 13.5 min/day of MVPA. Total MVPA was significantly
    higher among participants in high walkability neighbourhoods (19.7 min/day vs. 9.1 min/
    day). Results from t-test showed that the time spent on MVPA per day was significantly
    lower among participants residing in low walkability neighbourhoods. The final model
    of the MIXED model statistical tests showed that total MVPA was significantly associated
    with BMI, but not with WC measurements, after adjusting for covariates.

    Conclusion: Most
    of the participants had very low MVPA and did not achieve the current physical activity
    recommendations, implying that Malaysian adults residing in these two cities were not
    physically active to achieve health benefits. Results are suggestive of the importance of the
    walkability concept in neighbourhoods in encouraging physical activity and healthy body
    weight among Malaysians.
    Matched MeSH terms: Body Weight
  4. Beoy LA, Woei WJ, Hay YK
    Trop Life Sci Res, 2010 Dec;21(2):91-9.
    PMID: 24575202 MyJurnal
    Studies have shown an association between oxidative stress and alopecia. Patients with alopecia generally exhibit lower levels of antioxidants in their scalp area as well as a higher lipid peroxidation index. Tocotrienols belong to the vitamin E family and are known to be potent antioxidants. Hence, a study was conducted to investigate the effect of tocotrienol supplementation on hair growth in volunteers suffering from hair loss. Twenty one volunteers were randomly assigned to orally receive 100 mg of mixed tocotrienols daily while 17 volunteers were assigned to receive placebo capsule orally. The volunteers were monitored for the number of hairs in a pre-determined scalp area as well as the weight of 20 strands of 1 cm length hair clippings at 0 (before supplementation), 4 and 8 months. The number of hairs of the volunteers in the tocotrienol supplementation group increased significantly as compared to the placebo group, with the former recording a 34.5% increase at the end of the 8-month supplementation as compared to a 0.1% decrease for the latter. Nevertheless, the cumulative weight of 20 strands of hair clippings did not differ much from the baseline for both supplementation groups at the end of the study period. In conclusion, this trial demonstrated that supplementation with tocotrienol capsules increases hair number in volunteers suffering from hair loss as compared to the placebo group. This observed effect was most likely to be due to the antioxidant activity of tocotrienols that helped to reduce lipid peroxidation and oxidative stress in the scalp, which are reported to be associated with alopecia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Body Weight
  5. Fadzly N, Adeeb S, Md Sah ASR
    Trop Life Sci Res, 2017 Jul;28(2):127-141.
    PMID: 28890766 MyJurnal DOI: 10.21315/tlsr2017.28.2.10
    In this paper, we studied some biological aspects of big eye scad (Selar crumenophthalmus) from Maldives. The fish sample was collected from the local fish market at Bangaa Faru, Male, Maldives. The length of the samples were ranged from 7.7 cm to 24.5 cm (mean value = 16.85 ± 2.82 cm) in fork length. Body weight ranged between 8 g to 255.6 g (mean value = 87.76 ± 40.41 g). The exponent values (b slope) of lengthweight relationship of S. crumenophthalmus are 2.9838 for females and 2.7687 for males; indicating negative allometric growth pattern for both sexes. Synchronous reproductive behaviour was observed in both sexes and a pronounced peak of Gonadosomatic index was observed in females in January 2013. It is estimated that length at first maturity (L50) for females is at 19.39 cm FL and for males at 21.76 cm FL. Our result also suggest that big eye scad have a reduced swimming capability, resulting the species to be easily caught. Careful planning and management should be implemented to prevent the big eye scad from being overfished.
    Matched MeSH terms: Body Weight
  6. Yusuf SNA, Rahman AMA, Zakaria Z, Subbiah VK, Masnan MJ, Wahab Z
    Trop Life Sci Res, 2020 Jul;31(2):107-143.
    PMID: 32922671 DOI: 10.21315/tlsr2020.31.2.6
    Harumanis is one of the main signatures of Perlis with regards to its delightful taste, pleasant aroma and expensive price. Harumanis authenticity and productivity had become the remarks among the farmers, entrepreneurs, consumers and plant breeders due to the existence of morphological characteristics variation among the fruits and high production cost. Assessment of Harumanis morphological characteristics of natural population and different tree ages may represent a possible source of important characteristics for development and breeding purposes of Harumanis. The aim of this study is to evaluate the morphological variation of Harumanis collected from different location in Perlis and tree age. A total of 150 Harumanis fruits from 50 trees with three different stages of development (young, middle-aged and old) were characterised using 11 traits; 10 quantitative and one qualitative morphological trait. The ANOVA analyses in combination with Dunn's pairwise and Kruskal-Wallis multiple comparison test able to point out the existence of environmental factor and age influence towards the significant different of identified morphological traits except for Total Soluble Solid (TSS) and pulp percentage. Five clusters of 50 Harumanis accessions reflect a grouping pattern which not according to neither geographical region nor age. The result of Principal Component Analysis (PCA) using the first two principal components (PCs) provided a good approximation of the data explaining 84.09% of the total variance which majorly contributed by parameters of weight, fruit dimensional characteristics, peel percentage and hue angle, h. Preliminary screening of important morphological characteristics which contribute to the phenotypic diversity of Harumanis is successfully achieved. The findings can be employed by the plant breeders and farmers for the establishment of standard grading of Harumanis and advancement of breeding crop of Harumanis in future.
    Matched MeSH terms: Body Weight
  7. Alani, A.H., Abdul Aziz Abdul Razak
    Ann Dent, 1996;3(1):-.
    The canine teeth of the mature ferret have closed apices. They are easily accessible for operating purposes and are sufficiently large, allowing conventional cavity preparation techniques to be prepared using ordinary dental instruments. Handling of the ferret is relatively easy since it becomes quite tame after a period of time. The body weight in male is greater and the teeth larger than those of the female. The cost of purchase and maintenance of the ferret is also inexpensive. For all these reasons, the ferret male is animal of choice in dental experiments.
    Matched MeSH terms: Body Weight
  8. Talwar, P.
    Background: Self-esteem is a person’s appraisal of his own worth, significance, attractiveness, and competence. Low self-esteem could also lead to social, health and psychological problems including eating disorders. Eating disorder is when a person uses measures such as dieting, restricting intake of food or purging to control his or her body weight. Objective: The current study explores the relationship between self-esteem and anorectic eating concerns among female university students in Malaysia. Method: 217 female university students were studied, using Rosenberg’s Self Esteem Scale (SE-10) and Eating Attitude Test (EAT-40). Results: Students with low self esteem had higher anorectic eating concerns. Race of the student had no significance in predicting eating disorder. Age plays an important role in eating disorder. Young students with low self-esteem are more vulnerable to anorectic eating concerns than older students. Conclusion: It was found that there exists an inverse but low correlation between the two variables self esteem and anorectic eating concerns.
    Matched MeSH terms: Body Weight
  9. Kotnala, Savita, Dhar, Puspita, Chatterji, Anil, Das, Partha
    The growth performance of Indian major carp (Catla catla, Ham.) was assessed over a period of six months through formulated feeds consisting of three seaweeds, namely Chlorodesmis fastigiata, Padina tetrastomatica and Stoechospermum marginatum. A relatively slow average growth rate (6.48 g/month) in fishes was observed in the control group. Meanwhile, the maximum and rapid growth rate (13.38 g/month) was observed with Feed-A supplemented with C. fastigiata. Similarly, a comparable growth rate was also observed with Feed-B (11.56 g/month) with P. tetrastomatica. However, the growth rate in fishes was relatively lower (9.05 g/month) with Feed-C containing seaweed S.marginatum. The growth rate in each month was also compared. The maximum attainable growth rate was found to be 12 g in the control group, whereas this was 30 g with Feed-A. The attainable growth was 20 g and 15 g with Feed-B and Feed-C, respectively. In the control group, the maximum increments in weight was recorded in the third (September) and fifth (November) months of rearing, and the increment was considerably reduced after that. The maximum increment in weight was in the second month (August) with Feed-A, and this was followed by a considerable decrease in subsequent months. A similar trend was observed with Feed-B and Feed-C. The biochemical composition of all the four feeds used in the present study showed approximately the same protein (0.45-0.50 mg/ ml) and lipid contents (0.6 mg/ml). Carbohydrate was the only parameter which showed a relatively significant effect (p
    Matched MeSH terms: Body Weight
  10. Mohd Adzim Khalili, R., Norhayati, A.H, Rokiah, M.Y., Asmah, R., Siti Muskinah, M., Abdul Manaf, A.
    This study was carried out to evaluate the total phenolic content and anti-oxidant activity of methanolic extract of red pitaya, and hypocholesterolemic effect of red pitaya (Hylocereus sp.) on lipid profiles status on hypercholesterolemia induced rats. From the analysis, total phenolic content in red pitaya is 46.06 ± 1.77 mg GAE/100 g fresh weight and antioxidant activity is 76.10% using FTC method. TBA analysis also showed red pitaya extract had high antioxidant effect (72.90%). An in-vivo study also showed red pitaya has hypocholesterolemic effect on induced hypercholesterolemia rats. After 11 weeks of study, total blood cholesterol significant decrease (p
    Matched MeSH terms: Body Weight
  11. Nur Zakiah Mohd Saat, Ismarulyusda Ishak, Syarif Husin Lubis, See, Huong Wen, Siti Nor Lily Suriyanee Mohd, Norul Sahira Zakaria, et al.
    ASEAN Journal of Psychiatry, 2010;11(2):190-197.
    Objective: The objective of this study was to assess the relationship between stress score and body mass index (BMI) of students of Science in Kuala Lumpur. Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out among 126 students. Data about stress score were collected using a questionnaire, the Student-Life Stress Inventory (SLSI) Data about BMI were calculated from height and weight of the respondents. Results: A total of 117 (92.85%) out of 126 students had responded. The mean difference of stress score among first, second and third year students were 87.6 ± 17.0, 83.4 ± 16.9 and 86.7 ± 15.4 respectively. The mean difference of stress scores between the Bumiputra and non-Bumiputra students were 87.9 ± 16.5 and 83.2 ± 15.9 .The mean of body mass Index(BMI) between first, second and third year students were 21.0 ± 3.5, 20.3 ± 2.7 and 21.8 ± 4.3 respectively. Conclusions: This study showed that the stress level is higher in first year, female and bumiputra student. There was no significant relationship between stress score and BMI.
    Matched MeSH terms: Body Weight
  12. Babji, A.S., Fatimah, S., Abolhassani, Y.
    Protein efficiency ratio (PER) and protein digestibility are important parameters used in protein quality determination. Protein nutritive values of selected protein sources: buffalo meat, casein, soy protein isolate, and tempeh, with sodium caseinate as a reference formulation, were evaluated. Determination of proximate analysis, protein quality and protein digestibility were monitored. Procedures for evaluation of protein quality and digestibility included PER using the rat bioassay and in vivo Apparent Protein Digestibility (APD). The rats fed with buffalo meat had the highest mean increase in body weight (102.73g±8.95) while rats fed with tempeh had the lowest mean for increase in body weight (16.34g±9.11). Although the mean for body weight gained showed significant differences between all treatments (P0.05) found between casein and soy protein isolate for total food intake. For the PER value, buffalo meat had the highest value (2.99), followed by sodium caseinate (2.41), casein (1.93), soy protein isolate (1.52) and tempeh (1.10). The PER value for buffalo meat (2.99) was higher than sodium caseinate (2.41) while the rest of the treatment were comparatively lower than sodium caseinate. For the in vivo apparent protein digestibility, tempeh had the highest value (91.41%±3.76), followed by casein (91.34%±3.15), buffalo meat (90.79%±1.44), soy protein isolate (89.52%±2.96) and sodium caseinate (89.47%±2.31).
    Matched MeSH terms: Body Weight
  13. Faez Sharif, Muhajir Hamid, Amin Ismail, Zainah Adam
    Hypoglycaemic and antihyperglycemic activity of oil palm Elaeis guineensis fruit extract on normal and Streptozotocininduced
    diabetic rats was studied. The oil palm fruit extract (OPF) were administered orally at different concentrations (100,
    200 and 500 mg kg-1 b.w.) in fasting and post-prandial rats. Hypoglycaemia was not observed in the group of normal rats
    treated with OPF. In fasting rats, OPF (500 mg kg-1 b.w.) has caused the blood glucose level (BGL) to reduce significantly.
    For post-prandial diabetic rats, the antihyperglycemic activity was observed after OPF treatment at concentrations 200
    and 500 mg kg-1. Chronic OPF treatments (for 28 days) had increased the diabetic rat’s body weight and reduced BGL as
    well as improved plasma insulin secretion. The result of this study suggests E. guineensis palm fruit extract show evidence
    of antihyperglycemic properties from the reduction of the BGL in diabetic rats.
    Matched MeSH terms: Body Weight
  14. Jamilah, B., Shu, C. E., Kharidah, M., Dzulkifly, M. A., Noranizan, A.
    Pitaya peel (Hylocereus polyrhizus), which consists approximately 22% of the whole fruit weight, is discarded during processing. Physico-chemical properties of the discarded pitaya peel were determined in
    order to evaluate its potential for recovery of any value-added materials. The moisture content of the peel was approximately 92.7% and it was low in total soluble solids, protein, ash and fat content. Betacyanin pigment (150.46 ± 2.19 mg/100 g) and pectin (10.8%) were high in the peel. Glucose, maltose and fructose were detected in the peel but not sucrose and galactose. The peel also had very high insoluble and soluble dietary fibre which had exhibited a good ratio of insoluble dietary fibre to soluble dietary fibre (3.8: 1.0).
    Matched MeSH terms: Body Weight
  15. Syahida, M., Maskat, M. Y., Suri, R., Mamot, S., Hadijah, H.
    This study was aimed to evaluate the effect of soursop (Annona muricata L.) extract on Sprague-Dawley rats subjected to in vivo 28-day repeated doses. The extract was given to the study group via force feeding. In the 28-day study, Annona muricata L. extract was dosed at 0 (CD, control dose), 0.5 (LD, low dose), 1.0 (MD, medium dose), 2.0g/kg (HD, high dose) body weight. For control group, distilled water was given to the animals. Administration of Annona muricata L. extract did not cause negative effect in blood hematology even though a statistically significant (p
    Matched MeSH terms: Body Weight
  16. Rosnah, S., Wong, W.K., Noraziah, M., Osman, H.
    Changes in physical properties (weight, size, colour and weight loss) and chemical properties (proximate analysis, TSS, pH, freezing point, total acidity and sugar content) of two water apple (Syzgium samaragense) cultivars, Semarang Rose and Kristal Taiwan were evaluated during ripening at 10°C and 50% RH. The results showed that the Kristal Taiwan cultivar was larger in size and weight but smaller in length compared to Semarang Rose. The Semarang Rose cultivar was sweeter than Kristal Taiwan. In this study, data obtained suggests that the water apple fruit can be stored at cold storage until 19 days.
    Matched MeSH terms: Body Weight
  17. Hisham A, Abd Latib M, Basiron N
    Case Rep Surg, 2017;2017:3491012.
    PMID: 28255494 DOI: 10.1155/2017/3491012
    Juvenile hypertrophy of the breast (JHB) is a rare and relentless disease affecting women in the peripubertal period. We present a 13-year-old girl with massive bilateral JHB, successfully treated with a breast reduction and free nipple graft technique. A total of 7300 grams of breast tissue had been removed, accounting for 14.9% of the patient's total body weight. Prophylactic hormonal therapy was not commenced. During the 5-year follow-up period, there was no recurrence and the patient remains satisfied with the aesthetic outcome. A recent meta-analysis study indicates that subcutaneous mastectomy is associated with reduced risk of recurrence, but it is more deforming and the aesthetic result is inferior to a reduction mammaplasty. In patients treated with the latter technique, some evidence exists suggesting that the use of a free nipple graft is associated with a less frequent risk of recurrence than a pedicle technique. This present case is unique as it demonstrates the clinical course of this patient at a considerably longer follow-up period than most reported studies. We adhered to the limited available evidence and highlight the long-term reliability of breast reduction with free nipple grafting as the first line surgical option in JHB, eliminating the need for repeated surgeries.
    Matched MeSH terms: Body Weight
  18. Marhani Midin, Nik Ruzyanei Nik Jaafar, Ruzanna Zam Zam, Che Khatijjah Bee Mohd Ali
    Objective: To describe the setting up of a pilot project on weight management programme for patients with severe mental illness (SMI) in a general hospital setting, the effectiveness of the programme on 5 patients and the feasibility of such programme to be developed in our local setting. Methods: Key staff members from relevant disciplines were involved through out the programme, which was based on dietary education, exercise and behavioural techniques. It was conducted weekly for physical exercise and biweekly for topic discussion with a total duration of 16 weeks. Results: Patients achieved means (SDs) weight loss of 1.78 (2.83) kg; BMI reduction of 0.92 (1.41) kg/m2; and reduction of waist circumference of 6.8 (4.97) cm. Factors associated with positive health outcome were high baseline BMI, high educational level and committed family members. Conclusion: The programme appears to be effective for patients and is feasible to be developed in Malaysian hospitals.
    Matched MeSH terms: Body Weight
  19. Yusof Abdullah, Abdul Razak Daud, Mohd Harun, Roslinda Shamsudin
    Al-Si/SiC composites with the fraction of 5 and 15 wt. % fine SiC particles were fabricated using stir casting process by which SiC powders were poured into aluminium melt and cast in a stainless steel mould to form ingot. Characterization by X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis showed the presence of constituent and intermetallic materials in the composites. Microstructure study revealed that both fine and course particles scattered in the Al-Si matrix. The characterization of thermal properties showed that the thermal conductivity and coefficient of thermal expansion decreased with the increase in SiC content. The conductivity and expansion behavior is correlated to the microstructure and weight fraction of the SiC particles. Meanwhile, the hardness of the composite increased with the increasing of SiC particles in the composites.
    Matched MeSH terms: Body Weight
  20. Nor Azlin M. N., Asfarina, Z., Wan Chee, L.
    Introduction: Schoolbag weight across different types of school and schoolbag content has not been
    studied in Malaysia. This cross sectional survey determines the weight of schoolbags, its content and
    occurrence of back pain among primary school children in different medium primary school in Kuala
    Lumpur. Methods: Students’ body weight, and schoolbags weight were measured using a calibrated
    scale. Schoolbag content was examined, and weighed according to necessary learning materials
    or unnecessary materials. Back pain in the past one week was assessed using a self-administered
    questionnaire, adapted from previous studies. Results: A total of 358 students (167 male, 191 female)
    were enrolled, of which 119 were from National School (NS), 122 from Chinese Medium School (CMS)
    and 117 from Tamil Medium School (TMS). The mean schoolbag weight was 4.55±1.62kg for NS,
    8.53±1.94kg for CMS and 6.06±2.09kg for TMS, which was 11.7%, 22.0% and 16.6% of body weight,
    respectively. The mean weight of unnecessary schoolbag content was 0.64(0.91)kg for NS, 2.18(1.49)kg for CMS and 1.96(1.56) for TMS students. Back pain was detected in 87.0% NS students, 68.0% CMS students and 66.7% TMS students. Significant association was found between occurrence of back pain and types of school ( 2=16.64,p=0.00). Conclusions: Students from all the three mediums primary school, in particular Chinese medium school carry school bag heavier than that generally recommended, with unnecessary materials weigh up to 2kg. The occurrence of back pain is high and this is associated with the types of school.
    Matched MeSH terms: Body Weight
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