Displaying publications 81 - 100 of 327 in total

  1. Wan Mahari WA, Waiho K, Azwar E, Fazhan H, Peng W, Ishak SD, et al.
    Chemosphere, 2022 Feb;288(Pt 2):132559.
    PMID: 34655643 DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2021.132559
    Global production of shellfish aquaculture is steadily increasing owing to the growing market demands for shellfish. The intensification of shellfish aquaculture to maximize production rate has led to increased generation of aquaculture waste streams, particularly the effluents and shellfish wastes. If not effectively managed, these wastes could pose serious threats to human health and the ecosystem while compromising the overall sustainability of the industry. The present work comprehensively reviews the source, composition, and environmental implications of shellfish wastes and aquaculture wastewater. Moreover, recent advancements in the valorization of shellfish wastes into value-added biochar via emerging thermochemical and modification techniques are scrutinized. The utilization of the produced biochar in removing emerging pollutants from aquaculture wastewater is also discussed. It was revealed that shellfish waste-derived biochar exhibits relatively higher adsorption capacities (300-1500 mg/g) compared to lignocellulose biochar (<200 mg/g). The shellfish waste-derived biochar can be effectively employed for the removal of various contaminants such as antibiotics, heavy metals, and excessive nutrients from aquaculture wastewater. Finally, future research priorities and challenges faced to improve the sustainability of the shellfish aquaculture industry to effectively support global food security are elaborated. This review envisages that future studies should focus on the biorefinery concept to extract more useful compounds (e.g., carotenoid, chitin) from shellfish wastes for promoting environmental-friendly aquaculture.
    Matched MeSH terms: Charcoal
  2. Law XN, Cheah WY, Chew KW, Ibrahim MF, Park YK, Ho SH, et al.
    Environ Res, 2022 03;204(Pt A):111966.
    PMID: 34450156 DOI: 10.1016/j.envres.2021.111966
    Microalgae are drawing attentions among researchers for their biorefinery use or value-added products. The high production rate of biomasses produced are attractive for conversion into volatile biochar. Torrefaction, pyrolysis and hydrothermal carbonization are the recommended thermochemical conversion techniques that could produce microalgal-based biochar with desirable physiochemical properties such as high surface area and pore volume, abundant surface functional groups, as well as functionality such as high adsorption capacity. The characterizations of the biochar significantly influence the mechanisms in adsorption of pollutants from wastewaters. Specific adsorption of the organic and inorganic pollutants from the effluent are reviewed to examine the adsorption capacity and efficiency of biochar derived from different microalgae species. Last but not least, future remarks over the challenges and improvements are discussed accordingly. Overall, this review would discuss the synthesis, characterization and application of the microalgal-based biochar in wastewater.
    Matched MeSH terms: Charcoal
  3. Feng Y, Feng Y, Liu Q, Chen S, Hou P, Poinern G, et al.
    Environ Pollut, 2022 Feb 01;294:118598.
    PMID: 34861331 DOI: 10.1016/j.envpol.2021.118598
    Biochar has been considered as a potential tool to mitigate soil ammonia (NH3) volatilization and greenhouse gases (GHGs) emissions in recent years. However, the aging effect of biochar on soils remains elusive, which introduces uncertainty on the effectiveness of biochar to mitigate global warming in a long term. Here, a meta-analysis of 22 published works of literature with 217 observations was conducted to systematically explore the aging effect of biochar on soil NH3 and GHGs emissions. The results show that, in comparison with the fresh biochar, the aging makes biochar more effective to decrease soil NH3 volatilization by 7% and less risk to contribute CH4 emissions by 11%. However, the mitigation effect of biochar on soil N2O emissions is decreased by 15% due to aging. Additionally, aging leads to a promotion effect on soil CO2 emissions by 25% than fresh biochar. Our findings suggest that along with aging, particularly the effect of artificial aging, biochar could further benefit the alleviation of soil NH3 volatilization, whereas its potential role to mitigate global warming may decrease. This study provides a systematic assessment of the aging effect of biochar to mitigate soil NH3 and GHGs, which can provide a scientific basis for the sustainable green development of biochar application.
    Matched MeSH terms: Charcoal
  4. Bong HK, Selvarajoo A, Arumugasamy SK
    Environ Monit Assess, 2022 Jan 07;194(2):70.
    PMID: 34994870 DOI: 10.1007/s10661-021-09691-x
    Biochar derived from banana peels can be used as an alternative nutrient in the soil that can promote crop growth while reducing fertiliser usage. Biochar stability has proportional relationship to biochar residence time in the soil and potassium is one of the vital nutrients needed for plant growth. This research aims at providing optimum pyrolysis operating conditions like temperature, residence time, and heating rate using banana peels as feedstock. An electrical tubular furnace was used to conduct the pyrolysis process to convert banana peels into biochar. The elemental compositions of biochar are potassium, oxygen (O), and carbon (C) content. The O:C ratio was used as the biochar stability indicator. Analysis of results showed that operating temperature has the most remarkable effect on biochar yield, biochar stability, and biochar's potassium content. In addition, a multilayer feedforward artificial neural network model was developed for the pyrolysis process. Eleven training algorithms were selected to model the multi-input multi-output neural network (MIMO). The most suitable training algorithm was identified through four performance criterions which are root mean square error (RMSE), mean absolute error (MSE), mean absolute percentage error (MAPE), and regression (R2). The results show that the Levenberg-Marquardt backpropagation training algorithm has the lowest error. From the chosen training algorithm, neural network was trained, and optimum operating parameters for banana peel were predicted at 490 °C, 110 min, and 11 °C/min with a high yield of 47.78%, O/C ratio of 0.2393, and 14.04 wt. % of potassium.
    Matched MeSH terms: Charcoal
  5. Chen WH, Ho KY, Lee KT, Ding L, Andrew Lin KY, Rajendran S, et al.
    Environ Res, 2022 Dec;215(Pt 1):114016.
    PMID: 35977586 DOI: 10.1016/j.envres.2022.114016
    Biochar is a carbon-neutral solid fuel and has emerged as a potential candidate to replace coal. Meanwhile, spent coffee grounds (SCGs) are an abundant and promising biomass waste that could be used for biochar production. This study develops a biochar valorization strategy by mixing SCGs with hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) at a weight ratio of 1:0.75 to upgrade SCG biochar. In this dual pretreatment method, the H2O2 oxidative ability at a pretreatment temperature of 105 °C contributes to an increase in the higher heating value (HHV) and carbon content of the SCG biochars. The HHV and carbon content of biochar increase by about 6.5% and 7.8%, respectively, when compared to the unpretreated one under the same conditions. Maximized biochar's HHV derived via the Taguchi method is 30.33 MJkg-1, a 46.9% increase compared to the raw SCG, and a 6.5% increase compared to the unpretreated SCG biochar. The H2O2 concentration is 18% for the maximized HHV. A quantitative identification index of intensity of difference (IOD) is adopted to evaluate the contributive level of H2O2 pretreatment in terms of the HHV and carbon content. IOD increases with increasing H2O2 pretreatment temperature. Before torrefaction, SCGs' IOD pretreated at 50 °C is 1.94%, while that pretreated at 105 °C is 8.06%. This is because, before torrefaction, H2O2 pretreatment sufficiently weakens SCGs' molecular structure, resulting in a higher IOD value. The IOD value of torrefied SCGs (TSCG) pretreated at 105 °C is 10.71%, accounting for a 4.59% increase compared to that pretreated at 50 °C. This implies that TSCG pretreated by H2O2 at 105 °C has better thermal stability. For every 1% increase in IOD of TSCG, the carbon content of the biochar increases 0.726%, and the HHV increases 0.529%. Overall, it is demonstrated that H2O2 is a green and promising pretreatment additive for upgrading SCG biochar's calorific value, and torrefied SCGs can be used as a potential solid fuel to approach carbon neutrality.
    Matched MeSH terms: Charcoal
  6. Tan S, Zhou G, Yang Q, Ge S, Liu J, Cheng YW, et al.
    Sci Total Environ, 2023 Mar 15;864:160990.
    PMID: 36539095 DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.160990
    Traditional disposal of animal manures and lignocellulosic biomass is restricted by its inefficiency and sluggishness. To advance the carbon management and greenhouse gas mitigation, this review scrutinizes the effect of pyrolysis in promoting the sustainable biomass and manure disposal as well as stimulating the biochar industry development. This review has examined the advancement of pyrolysis of animal manure (AM) and lignocellulosic biomass (LB) in terms of efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and operability. In particular, the applicability of pyrolysis biochar in enhancing the crops yields via soil remediation is highlighted. Through pyrolysis, the heavy metals of animal manures are fixated in the biochar, thereby both soil contamination via leaching and heavy metal uptake by crops are minimized. Pyrolysis biochar is potentially use in soil remediation for agronomic and environmental co-benefits. Fast pyrolysis assures high bio-oil yield and revenue with better return on investment whereas slow pyrolysis has low revenue despite its minimum investment cost because of relatively low selling price of biochar. For future commercialization, both continuous reactors and catalysis can be integrated to pyrolysis to ameliorate the efficiency and economic value of pyrolysis biochar.
    Matched MeSH terms: Charcoal
  7. Chen WH, Lee KT, Ho KY, Culaba AB, Ashokkumar V, Juan CJ
    Bioresour Technol, 2023 Feb;370:128584.
    PMID: 36610482 DOI: 10.1016/j.biortech.2023.128584
    Many energy-intensive processes are employed to enhance biomass fuel properties to overcome the difficulties in utilizing biomass as fuel. Therefore, energy conservation during these processes is crucial for realizing a circular bioeconomy. This study develops a newly devised method to evaluate SCG biochars' higher heating value (HHV) and predict moisture content from power consumption. It is found that the increasing rates of HHV immediately follow decreases in power consumption, which could be used to determine the pretreatment time for energy conservation. The non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm II (NSGA-II) maximizes SCG biochar's HHV while minimizing energy consumption. The results show that producing SCG biochar with 23.98 MJ∙kg-1 HHV requires 20.042 MJ∙kg-1, using a torrefaction temperature of 244 °C and torrefaction time of 27 min and 43 sec. Every kilogram of biochar with an energy yield of 85.93 % is estimated to cost NT$ 12.21.
    Matched MeSH terms: Charcoal
  8. Abd AA, Othman MR, Kim J
    Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 2021 Aug;28(32):43329-43364.
    PMID: 34189695 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-021-15121-9
    The atmosphere security and regulation of climate change are being continuously highlighted as a pressing issue. The crisis of climate change owing to the anthropogenic carbon dioxide emission has led many governments at federal and provincial levels to promulgate policies to address this concern. Among them is regulating the carbon dioxide emission from major industrial sources such as power plants, petrochemical industries, cement plants, and other industries that depend on the combustion of fossil fuels for energy to operate. In view of this, various CO2 capture and sequestration technologies have been investigated and presented. From this review, adsorption of CO2 on porous solid materials has been gaining increasing attention due to its cost-effectiveness, ease of application, and comparably low energy demand. Despite the myriad of advanced materials such as zeolites, carbons-based, metal-organic frameworks, mesoporous silicas, and polymers being researched, research on activated carbons (ACs) continue to be in the mainstream. Therefore, this review is endeavored to elucidate the adsorption properties of CO2 on activated carbons derived from different sources. Selective adsorption based on pore size/shape and surface chemistry is investigated. Accordingly, the effect of surface modifications of the ACs with NH3, amines, and metal oxides on adsorption performance toward CO2 is evaluated. The adsorption performance of the activated carbons under humid conditions is also reviewed. Finally, activated carbon-based composite has been surveyed and recommended as a feasible strategy to improve AC adsorption properties toward CO2. The activated carbon surface in the graphical abstract is nitrogen rich modified using ammonia through thermal treatment. The values of CO2 emissions by sources are taken from (Yoro and Daramola 2020).
    Matched MeSH terms: Charcoal
  9. Pang YL, Law ZX, Lim S, Chan YY, Shuit SH, Chong WC, et al.
    Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 2021 Jun;28(21):27457-27473.
    PMID: 33507503 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-020-12251-4
    The conversion of carbon-rich biomass into valuable material is an environmental-friendly approach for its reutilization. In this study, coconut shell-derived biochar, graphitic carbon nitride (g-C3N4), g-C3N4/biochar, titanium dioxide (TiO2)/biochar, zinc oxide (ZnO)/biochar, and ferric oxide (Fe2O3)/biochar were synthesized and characterized by using scanning electron microscopy coupled with energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (SEM-EDX), X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), surface area analysis, UV-Vis diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (DRS), and zeta potential analysis. The g-C3N4 or metal oxide particles were found to be well-distributed on the coconut shell-derived biochar with the improvement in thermal stability and enlargement of specific surface area. A great reduction in band gap energy was observed in the composite materials after incorporating with the biochar. Among different biochar composites, g-C3N4/biochar was found to have the highest photocatalytic activity. The interactive effect of parameters such as catalyst dosage, peroxymonosulfate (PMS) oxidant dosage, and solution pH on the photocatalytic degradation of methyl orange was investigated using the response surface methodology (RSM). The highest photocatalytic degradation efficiency (96.63%) was achieved at catalyst dosage of 0.75 g/L, oxidant dosage of 0.6 mM, and solution pH 3 after 30 min.
    Matched MeSH terms: Charcoal
  10. Safaei Khorram M, Zhang G, Fatemi A, Kiefer R, Mahmood A, Jafarnia S, et al.
    Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 2020 May;27(15):18510-18520.
    PMID: 32198685 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-020-08335-w
    The introduction of biochar has been extensively tested under short-term greenhouse or field studies mainly in sandy or acidic soils, while its effects on soil properties, crop plants, and weed species especially in neutral or alkaline soils are still not well understood. Therefore, this study focused on relatively long effects of two walnut shell biochars (5 t ha-1) on soil nutrient dynamics, two crop plants (wheat and lentil) growth and developments, and weed growth dynamics over 4 years (2014-2017). Applied biochar added once at the beginning of the experiment while planted crops were supplied with macro-nutrients and sprayed with pesticides according to conventional requirements of the region. Biochars improved soil properties by 10-23% during the first and second years while positive effects of biochars on weed growth were drastically higher (60-78% higher weed density) during the whole period of this study most likely due to increase in bioavailability of nutrient shortly after biochar amendment and indirect positive effects of biochars on soil physical properties as well. Consequently, biochar macro- and micro-nutrient will be utilized by weed plants with higher efficacy compared with crop plants.
    Matched MeSH terms: Charcoal
  11. Foong SY, Cheong KY, Kong SH, Yiin CL, Yek PNY, Safdar R, et al.
    Bioresour Technol, 2023 Nov;387:129592.
    PMID: 37549710 DOI: 10.1016/j.biortech.2023.129592
    Over the past few decades, extensive research has been conducted to develop cost-effective and high-quality biochar for environmental biodegradation purposes. Pyrolysis has emerged as a promising method for recovering biochar from biomass and waste materials. This study provides an overview of the current state-of-the-art biochar production technology, including the advancements and biochar applications in organic pollutants remediation, particularly wastewater treatment. Substantial progress has been made in biochar production through advanced thermochemical technologies. Moreover, the review underscores the importance of understanding the kinetics of pollutant degradation using biochar to maximize its synergies for potential environmental biodegradation. Finally, the study identifies the technological gaps and outlines future research advancements in biochar production and its applications for environmental biodegradation.
    Matched MeSH terms: Charcoal
  12. Mohd Abdah MAA, Mohammad Azlan FN, Wong WP, Mustafa MN, Walvekar R, Khalid M
    Chemosphere, 2024 Feb;349:140973.
    PMID: 38122940 DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2023.140973
    The increasing demand for high-performance lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) has emphasized the need for affordable and sustainable materials, prompting the exploration of waste upcycling to address global sustainability challenges. In this study, we efficiently converted polypropylene (PP) plastic waste from used centrifuge tubes into activated polypropylene carbon (APC) using microwave-assisted pyrolysis. The synthesis of APC was optimized using response surface methodology/central composite design (RSM/CCD). Based on the RSM results, the optimal conditions for PP plastic conversion into carbon were determined as follows: HNO3 concentration of 3.5 M, microwave temperature of 230 °C, and holding time of 25 min. Under these conditions, the obtained intensity ratio of Id/Ig in PP carbon was 0.681 ± 0.013, with an error of 6.81 ± 0.013 % between predicted and actual values. The physicochemical studies, including FESEM-EDX, XRD, and Raman spectroscopy, confirmed the successful synthesis of APC samples. The APC 800 material exhibited a well-organized three-dimensional structure characterized by large pores and mesopores, enabling fast ion transport in the electrode. As a result, the APC 800 electrode demonstrated an initial discharge capacity of 381.0 mAh/g, an improved initial coulombic efficiency of 85.1%, and excellent cycling stability after 100 cycles. Notably, the APC 800 electrode displayed remarkable rate performance, showing a reversible capacity of 355.1 mAh/g when the current density was reset to 0.2 A/g, highlighting its high electrochemical reversibility. The outstanding characteristics of APC 800 as an anode electrode material for high-performance lithium-ion batteries suggest a promising future for its application in the field.
    Matched MeSH terms: Charcoal
  13. Saharudin DM, Jeswani HK, Azapagic A
    Sci Total Environ, 2024 Apr 01;919:170266.
    PMID: 38253094 DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.170266
    Biochar used for soil amendment is considered a viable negative emissions technology as it can be produced easily from a wide range of biomass feedstocks, while offering numerous potential agricultural benefits. This research is the first to present a comprehensive sustainability assessment of large-scale biochar production and application in Malaysia. The five feedstocks considered comprise the country's most abundant agricultural wastes from palm oil (empty fruit bunches, fibres, palm fronds and shells) and rice (straw) plantations. Combined with process simulation, life cycle assessment and life cycle costing are used to assess the sustainability of biochar production via slow pyrolysis at different temperatures (300-600 °C), considering two functional units: i) production and application of 1 t of biochar; and ii) removal of 1 t of CO2from the atmosphere. The cradle-to-grave system boundary comprises all life cycle stages from biomass acquisition to biochar use for soil amendment. The positive impacts of the latter, such as carbon sequestration, fertiliser avoidance and reduction in soil N2O emissions, are also included. The global warming potential (GWP) is net-negative in all scenarios, ranging from -436 to -2,085 kg CO2 eq./t biochar and -660 to -933 kg CO2 eq./t CO2 removed. Per t of biochar, the systems with shells have the lowest GWP and those with straw the highest, all showing better performance if produced at higher pyrolysis temperatures. However, the temperature trend is opposite for all other 17 impacts considered, with fibres being the best option and fronds the worst for most categories. Per t CO2 removed, fronds have the highest impact in eight categories, including GWP, and shells the lowest in most categories. All impacts are lower for biochar production at higher temperatures. The main hotspot is the pyrolysis process, influencing the majority of impact categories and contributing 66-75 % to the life cycle costs. The costs range from US$116-197/t biochar and US$60-204/t CO2 removed. The least expensive systems per t biochar are those with straws and per t CO2 removed those with shells, while fronds are the worst option economically for both functional units. Utilising all available feedstocks could remove 6-12.4 Mt of CO2 annually, reducing the national emissions from the agricultural sector by up to 54 % and saving US$36.05 M annually on fertilisers imports. These results will be of interest to policy makers in Malaysia and other regions with abundant agricultural wastes.
    Matched MeSH terms: Charcoal
  14. Chu KH, Hashim MA
    Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 2024 Mar;31(14):21136-21143.
    PMID: 38386161 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-024-32450-7
    The Yoon-Nelson model serves as a widely used tool for describing the breakthrough behavior of organic micropollutants within fixed bed adsorbers. This study aims to augment its modeling efficacy through two proposed refinements found in the literature: a logarithmic transformation and the incorporation of steric hindrance effects. We systematically evaluated the original Yoon-Nelson model alongside the modified versions, using breakthrough data associated with micropollutant adsorption on solid materials. Three distinct cases were scrutinized: (1) caffeine adsorption on activated carbon; (2) tetracycline adsorption on hierarchical porous carbon; and (3) diclofenac adsorption on organoclay. While all three models demonstrated comparable performance with highly symmetric breakthrough data in case 1, their efficacy diverged significantly when confronted with strongly asymmetric breakthrough data in cases 2 and 3. The original Yoon-Nelson model and the logarithmically modified version fell short in accurately representing these intricate breakthrough curves. In contrast, the version incorporating steric hindrance effects showcased substantial accuracy, outperforming other models in capturing the complexities of asymmetric breakthrough data. This advancement markedly enhances the modeling accuracy and versatility of the Yoon-Nelson model, particularly in assessing the dynamic behavior of organic micropollutants within fixed bed adsorbers.
    Matched MeSH terms: Charcoal
  15. Shah I, Adnan R, Ngah WS, Mohamed N, Taufiq-Yap YH
    Bioresour Technol, 2014 May;160:52-6.
    PMID: 24630369 DOI: 10.1016/j.biortech.2014.02.047
    To enhance the potential of activated carbon (AC), iron incorporation into the AC surface was examined in the present investigations. Iron doped activated carbon (FeAC) material was synthesized and characterized by using surface area analysis, energy dispersive X-ray (EDX), temperature programmed reduction (TPR) and temperature programmed desorption (TPD). The surface area of FeAC (543 m(2)/g) was found to be lower than AC (1043 m(2)/g) as a result of the pores widening due to diffusion of iron particles into the porous AC. Iron uploading on AC surface was confirmed through EDX analysis, showing up to 13.75 wt.% iron on FeAC surface. TPR and TPD profiles revealed the presence of more active sites on FeAC surface. FeAC have shown up to 98% methylene blue (MB) removal from the aqueous media. Thermodynamic parameters indicated the spontaneous and exothermic nature of the sorption processes.
    Matched MeSH terms: Charcoal/chemistry*
  16. Herawan SG, Ahmad MA, Putra A, Yusof AA
    ScientificWorldJournal, 2013;2013:545948.
    PMID: 24027443 DOI: 10.1155/2013/545948
    Activated carbons are regularly used the treatment of dye wastewater. They can be produced from various organics materials having high level of carbon content. In this study, a novel Pinang frond activated carbon (PFAC) was produced at various CO₂ flow rates in the range of 150-600 mL/min at activation temperature of 800°C for 3 hours. The optimum PFAC sample is found on CO₂ flow rate of 300 mL/min which gives the highest BET surface area and pore volume of 958 m²/g and 0.5469 mL/g, respectively. This sample shows well-developed pore structure with high fixed carbon content of 79.74%. The removal of methylene blue (MB) by 95.8% for initial MB concentration of 50 mg/L and 72.6% for 500 mg/L is achieved via this sample. The PFAC is thus identified to be a suitable adsorbent for removing MB from aqueous solution.
    Matched MeSH terms: Charcoal/chemistry*
  17. Ng CA, Sun D, Bashir MJ, Wai SH, Wong LY, Nisar H, et al.
    Bioresour Technol, 2013 Jun;138:38-47.
    PMID: 23612160 DOI: 10.1016/j.biortech.2013.03.129
    It was found that with replenishment, powdered activated carbon (PAC) in the membrane bioreactor (MBR) would develop biologically activated carbon (BAC) which could enhance filtration performance of a conventional MBR. This paper addresses two issues (i) effect of PAC size on MBR (BAC) performance; and (ii) effect of sludge retention time (SRT) on the MBR performance with and without PAC. To interpret the trends, particle/floc size, concentration of mixed liquor suspended solid (MLSS), total organic carbon (TOC), short-term filtration properties and transmembrane pressure (TMP) versus time are measured. The results showed improved fouling control with fine, rather than coarse, PAC provided the flux did not exceed the deposition flux for the fine PAC. Without PAC, the longer SRT operation gave lower fouling at modest fluxes. With PAC addition, the shorter SRT gave better fouling control, possibly due to greater replenishment of the fresh PAC.
    Matched MeSH terms: Charcoal/chemistry*
  18. Osman WH, Abdullah SR, Mohamad AB, Kadhum AA, Rahman RA
    J Environ Manage, 2013 May 30;121:80-6.
    PMID: 23524399 DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2013.02.005
    A lab-scale granular activated carbon sequencing batch biofilm reactor (GAC-SBBR), a combined adsorption and biological process, was developed to treat real wastewater from a recycled paper mill. In this study, one-consortia of mixed culture (4000-5000 mg/L) originating from recycled paper mill activated sludge from Kajang, Malaysia was acclimatized. The GAC-SBBR was fed with real wastewater taken from the same recycled paper mill, which had a high concentration of chemical oxygen demand (COD) and adsorbable organic halides (AOX). The operational duration of the GAC-SBBR was adjusted from 48 h to 24, 12 and finally 8 h to evaluate the effect of the hydraulic retention time (HRT) on the simultaneous removal of COD and AOX. The COD and AOX removals were in the range of 53-92% and 26-99%, respectively. From this study, it was observed that the longest HRT (48 h) yielded a high removal of COD and AOX, at 92% and 99%, respectively.
    Matched MeSH terms: Charcoal/chemistry
  19. Muhamad MH, Sheikh Abdullah SR, Mohamad AB, Rahman RA, Kadhum AA
    Environ Technol, 2012 Apr-May;33(7-9):915-26.
    PMID: 22720416
    A pilot scale granular activated carbon-sequencing batch biofilm reactor with a capacity of 2.2 m3 was operated for over three months to evaluate its performance treating real recycled paper industry wastewater under different operational conditions. In this study, dissolved air floatation (DAF) and clarifier effluents were used as influent sources of the pilot plant. During the course of the study, the reactor was able to biodegrade the contaminants in the incoming recycled paper mill wastewater in terms of chemical oxygen demand (COD), adsorbable organic halides (AOX; specifically 2,4-dichlorophenol (2,4-DCP)) and ammoniacal nitrogen (NH3-N) removal efficiencies at varying hydraulic retention times (HRTs) of 1-3 days, aeration rates (ARs) of 2.1-3.4 m3/min and influent feed concentration of 40-950 mg COD/l. Percentages of COD, 2,4-DCP and NH3-N removals increased with increasing HRT, resulting in more than 90% COD, 2,4-DCP and NH3-N removals at HRT values above two days. Degradation of COD, 2,4-DCP and NH3-N were seriously affected by variation of ARs, which resulted in significant decrease of COD, 2,4-DCP and NH3-N removals by decreasing ARs from 3.4 m3/min to 2.1 m3/min, varying in the ranges of 24-80%, 6-96% and 5-42%, respectively. In comparison to the clarifier effluent, the treatment performance of DAF effluent, containing high COD concentration, resulted in a higher COD removal of 82%. The use of diluted DAF effluent did not improve significantly the COD removal. Higher NH3-N removal efficiency of almost 100% was observed during operation after maintenance shutdown compared to normal operation, even at the same HRT of one day due to the higher dissolved oxygen concentrations (1-7 mg/l), while no significant difference in COD removal efficiency was observed.
    Matched MeSH terms: Charcoal*
  20. Wan Z, Hameed BH
    Bioresour Technol, 2011 Feb;102(3):2659-64.
    PMID: 21109428 DOI: 10.1016/j.biortech.2010.10.119
    In this study, methyl ester (ME) was produced by transesterification of palm oil (CPO) (cooking grade) using activated carbon supported calcium oxide as a solid base catalyst (CaO/AC). Response surface methodology (RSM) based on central composite design (CCD) was used to optimize the effect of reaction time, molar ratio of methanol to oil, reaction temperature and catalyst amount on the transesterification process. The optimum condition for CPO transesterification to methyl ester was obtained at 5.5 wt.% catalyst amount, 190°C temperature, 15:1 methanol to oil molar ratio and 1 h 21 min reaction time. At the optimum condition, the ME content was 80.98%, which is well within the predicted value of the model. Catalyst regeneration studies indicate that the catalyst performance is sustained after two cycles.
    Matched MeSH terms: Charcoal/chemistry*
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