Community-based health promotion requires effective participation and partnership of diverse and numerous stakeholders from community as well as external professional organizations. Although effective partnership of stakeholders is often the key for success of health promotion practice and research, but this has proved to be a complex and challenging task. This study is an exploratory study to identify professional stakeholder's perspectives and experiences toward the partner's engagement challenges in community-based participatory research conducted in Population Research Centers in Iran. A qualitative study design with in-depth semi-structured interviews as data collection method was chosen. Using purposeful sampling technique, policy-makers and managers (mainly academics) involved in community-based participatory research in these centers were invited to be interviewed. Data were collected to the point where no new information was forthcoming. All interviews were taped and transcribed. To provide answers for research questions, qualitative content analysis was employed to extract emerging main themes from numerous cods. Findings were categorized in three main themes as Partnership's relationship and trust issues, Partnership's individual issues and Partnership's system issues. Although community-based participatory research in Iran benefits from more than a decade history and some physical infrastructures, but it seems that public health experts and researchers and other partner organizations are lagging behind in terms of capacities and competencies required to effectively utilize the available structure and opportunities. Hence, capacity development, both among professional partners and community may be the main way forward to tackling the future challenges for strengthening community actions but should include both levels of individuals and systems.
Introduction: The Faculty of Medicine & health sciences, UMS has implemented a co-curricular programme which is aimed to be improving rural health and reducing inequalities of health in Sabah. Groups of medical students are formed and distributed in various areas of rural remote areas in Sabah. Based on the observation and interview find-ings, each student group conducted health promotion activities with the limited resources. Various health problems were explored in different areas and different ethnic groups of Sabah and students conducted their health promotion activities .There are some questions “Are they effective, how it works in implementation?” Poor implementation can lead to errors in outcome of the programmes. In this paper we focus on process evaluation for measuring the degree to which Health promotion programmes were implemented as designed by using determinant framework (active implementation framework) and process evaluation tools in yearly health promotion programmes from 2009-2018.Methods: The study measures the implementation of programmes with active implementation framework (Explo-ration, Installation, Initial implementation, Full implementation) and process evaluation tools such as validation of implementation integrity using specification of intervention areas, making guidelines and manual for intervention protocol, competency of students and supervisors and fidelity monitoring. We used 7 components of process eval-uation particularly in context( Environmental influences), reach (Target participation), dose delivered (Lectures), dose received (learned by students with assessment methods), fidelity (Adherence to intervention delivery protocol), implementation (rating of execution and receipt of intervention) and recruitment (participant engagement). Results:It was found that fidelity, implementation strategies and some lessons learned after outreach programmes are impor-tantly influence in implementing the programmes. Conclusion: The study shows process evaluation strategies is ideal tool for conducting the rural outreach health promotion programme to reduce the errors and obstacles in implement-ing the programmes to maintain the better quality of the projects.
Oral health diseases are common in all regions of the world and their impact on anatomical
and social functioning is widely acknowledged.Their distributions are unequal between and within countries, with the greatest burden falling on disadvantaged and socially marginalized populations. The risk factors and social determinants for oral diseases have been comprehensively documented, and the evidence base for their prevention is growing. However, decisions on health care are still often made without a solid grounding in research evidence. Translation of research into policy and practice should be a priority for all. Both community and individual interventions need tailoring to achieve a more equal and person-centered preventive focus and reduce any social gradient in health. The major challenges of the future will be to translate knowledge and experiences in oral disease prevention
and health promotion into action programmes.The international oral health research community needs to engage further in research capacity building and in strengthening the work so that research is recognized as the foundation of oral health policy at global level.
Rapid Rural Appraisal (RRA) is a systematic, semi-structured activity carried out in the field by a multidisciplinary team that is designed to obtain new information and hypotheses about rural life. This article reports the results of an RRA conducted in Kampung Paris 1 (KGP1), Kinabatangan, Sabah under the Annual Health Promotion Program of the School of Medicine, Universiti Malaysia Sabah. A systematic random sampling was used to recruit the villagers and data was obtained through compilation of pre-existing data, field observation, structured interviews with key informants and villagers. Cardiorespiratory diseases were prevalent in KGP1. Common water sources such as rain water collected in dug wells in KGP1 were unhygienic. Dangerous toxic fumes were produced by the burning of municipal wastes nearby village houses. The villagers of KGP1 were exposed to various farm animals, which may harbor zoonoses. Health care services are limited in KGP1. Villagers who were not poor (>RM897) represented 48% of the population, followed by the poor (RM503-897), 20% and the hardcore poor (1.00 person per bedroom. Poor water hygiene, polluted air from open burning, exposure to farm animals, poverty, poor education, overcrowding and inadequate health care services were among the few possible factors affecting the health of villagers in KGP1. Formal rigorous research should be conducted in the future to facilitate specific health interventions in areas of need such as KGP1.
Objective : This scientific writing is meant for describing the problems faced by pharmacy staffs during heavy flood situations in Johore and the actions to be taken for solving these problems.
Methodology : This finding is in accordance to the observations, experiences and interview of staffs (through questionnaires), who are involved directly and indirectly in preparations of emergency during flood. Efficiency of pharmaceutical services provided during flood is evaluated.
Result : Several problems were identified when providing pharmaceutical services, such as purchasing and supplying of items, pre-packing, preparing drug charts, visit to relief centers, post-flood health campaign, and doctors from NGOs prescibing medicines out of MOH drug formulary. During the period of flood, usage of drug and non-drug items increases drastically resulting in the current stock in store were not sufficient to compensate for the high demand. Moreover, inaccessibility of certain roads in districts such as Segamat and Kota Tinggi, aggravated and worsen the problems of obtaining goods from suppliers. Workload of pharmacy staffs increased especially in activities such as pre-packing and preparing drug charts due to shortage of manpower.
Conclusion : Even though workload increased drastically during flood, pharmaceutical services provided by the state pharmacy are still able to maintain good quality services to cater for the need of healthcare professionals and patients. Throughout the flood period, all the difficulties and hurdles faced by us had been solved; due to the cooperation from other agencies. Besides, by writing this article, a disaster preparedness guideline is produced for the purpose of improving management of future disasters.
A cross sectional survey was conducted in Kampung Datuk Kerarnat, an urbanized residential area in Kuala Lumpur from August to November ZOO5 to assess knowledge, attitude and preventive practices on dengue among its residents. A two stage sampling strategy was used to select survey household. An adult aged at least 21 years old was identified from each selected household and interviewed using a standardized questionnaire. Data was collected on demographics, dengue related KAP and house-types. Knowledge, attitude and practice were assessed using a scoring system. Each appropriate answer was given a point and the points for each section of the questionnaire were totalled. Knowledge was assessed as ‘good' or ‘moderate to poor’ based on arbitrary cut-off point. Out of 133 respondents interviewed, 78.2% were able to identify at least one clinical sign of dengue, 73% knew that dengue fever was caused by the bite of dengue infected Aedes mosquitoes, 71 % correctly identified breeding sites, 69.2% correctly identified the Aedes mosquito and 42% correctly reported biting times ofthe mosquito vector. Overall, knowledge
was categorized as poor, attitude was good and dengue control and prevention practices was moderately poor. There was a weak but significant positive correlation between knowledge and practice (r=0.271, p=0.002) but there was no significant correlation between attitude with practice and between attitude with knowledge (p>0.05) . The results suggested that inspite of good attitude l
on dengue fever, it did not correlate with good practices and good knowledge in dengue prevention. We conclude that there is a need to increase health promotion activities to increase knowledge which forms the basis for preventive practices as part of the strategy to control dengue. Preventive strategies are the only means of controlling the disease.
This short report aims to describe the Circle of Care (COC) Project in Malaysia. This is an example of smart partnership between the Malaysian Psychiatric Association (MPA) and Johnson and Johnson which began in 2003. By means of philanthropic funds from an industrial company, many people have benefited in many different aspects through the project. It consists of three main psychosocial activities: education and support programme for carers and families of people with mental illness; psychosocial rehabilitation for patients with mental illness; and mass education for the people in promoting mental health and prevention of mental health problems and illness. To date, the project has either fully or partially funded hundreds of activities along the line of these three objectives. While there has been growth of psychosocial interventions in the country contributed by the project, it is faced with a few challenges which are becoming the next focus of actions of MPA.
Globally, the health of the indigenous people is lagging behind as compared to the mainstream population in countries in which they live. Despite improved overall prosperity and population longevity, social and health inequalities seem to persist in this underprivileged community. Failure in delivering effective health promotion toward the indigenous community is determined by a range of factors. This includes the absence of culturally sensitive awareness among the healthcare workers, ineffective communication of the healthcare providers, poor access to health service, lack of culturally specific health promotional materials, lack of involvement by indigenous healthcare workers, lack of community based programs and inefficiency of indigenous health data collection. Effective interventions for indigenous health require a trans-disciplinary and holistic approach that incorporates indigenous health beliefs and engages with the social and cultural drivers of health.Such culturally congruent health promotion strategies are hoped to narrow down the existing wide gap of health outcomes that contribute to inequalities between indigenous communities and the mainstream population.
Aim: This study analyses factors affecting SP compliance among doctors and nurses in all areas of hospital settings worldwide.
Methods: The PICO guide helped put focus on this meta-analysis. Of the 100 studies published from search engines and/or databases from 2009 to 2014, only four were selected. A PRISMA guideline was also used to eliminate other studies. Critique framework helped in analysing the studies selected.
Outcomes: Four significant factors affected doctors’ and nurses’ compliance with the practice of SPs - health threats, behaviour modifications, systems controls and educations, and health promotions. Of the 33 doctors in the Obstetrics and Gynaecologic department, 30% complied; of the 120 doctors - 60% interns, 34.2% residents and 5.8% consultants - complied by proper hand gloving (56.7%), hand hygiene (39.3%) and wearing aprons (58.3%); of the 32 hospital nurses, 100% complied; and of the 1,444 clinical nurses in the hospital, there is a p
Needle Stick Injury is injuries caused by suture needle and hollow bore needle and does not include injuries via scalpel blades, lancet and glass pieces or by other means for the purpose of this training program. This problem needs to be prevented or minimized by embarking on an effective training program. The applicability of this program will be determined by the response of the participants to the contents and teaching methods which will in future effect the long term out come and the success of the Needle Stick Injury prevention and Universal Precautions training program. This Health Education program was designed to be used for the induction training of new workers as well as those already in service and is applicable to all levels of Health Care Workers especially those directly dealing with or handling syringes and needles. This Needle Stick Injury and Universal Precautions Training Program was carried out in one of the health facility under the Ministry of Health in Sabah and the outcome evaluation and analysis using paired t-test has shown a significant difference in their effectiveness in increasing the knowledge of the Health Care Workers after being exposed to the program (p < 0.01). The process evaluation was able to show that this approach was instrumental in creating awareness among the Health Care Workers who had attended this program. From the study, 98% (49) had not attended any formal training since joining the service, followed by 90% who had given a good overall rating for the program. For the lecture and its relevance, 90% and 74% for the hands–on training. About 77% of the participant was satisfied with the discussion. The program can be developed further and with it a comprehensive training module can be produced. The long-term benefits of such a training program will need to be evaluated in a future study.
Introduction : Despite the number of information generated by researchers, cardiovascular diseases problem has not clearly declined and perhaps in certain situation it is gradually increasing, affecting people who are previously at low risk. There is a tendency to believe that favourable outcomes can always be expected once intervention activities, like exercise promotion, are carried out, but practical experience gives rise to serious doubt.
Methods : A greater understanding of the socialization mechanisms operating in the adoption of physical activity in CVD control and allow specific exercise prescriptions for communitybased prevention and control is important. This paper highlighted the author’s feeling about controlling chronic diseases by mean of community intervention.
Results : This analysis has strongly believed that the important impetus of any community intervention approach should be oriented in the form of “from people to people”.
Conclusion : More emphasis needs to be placed on effective management and parameters for assessment of its management success.
The study aimed to explore the perceptions towards health promotion activities among population of Penang Island,
Malaysia. The study was designed as a questionnaire based cross sectional analysis. General public from the district of
Jelutong, located in the state of Penang, Malaysia was conveniently approached for the study. Descriptive statistics
were used to ascertain demographic characteristics where as inferential statistics were employed to measure the
extent of association among study variables. Out of 480 respondents, a response rate of 82.7% was achieved. The study
cohort was dominated by females (63.0%) and majority of the participants belonged to Malay ethnicity (88.1%). One
hundred and seventy two (43.3%) never attended a health promotional campaign and mentioned lack of time and
transport as potential barriers. Among those who attended such activities, one third was satisfied with the benefits of
health campaigns. Approximately 90% of the participants demanded accessible locations, common language as mode of
communication and complete medical checkups with professional advice at health promotional campaigns. General
public can encouraged to participate in the health promotion activities by considering their priorities before designing
a health promotion program. This will help in targeting and achieving the goal “health for all”.
Surprisingly little was known about the importance of touch in life which was placed at a lower emphasis than the rest-namely visual, auditory, olfactory sense and etc. This writing aimed to decipher the significances of interpersonal touch, its culture, practices, barriers and challenges, which were then conveyed to the public as a form of health promotion. Methodology includes narrative review where the suitable literatures used were searched using ScienceDirect database under the keywords of “Interpersonal Touch”, “Oxytocin” and “Touch”. In this review, we have highlighted some of the most critical points which should have been promoted to the public. For example, touch satisfies individual psychosomatic and psychosocial needs. It forms a non-verbal communication culture which interacts about emotions, trust, compliance and more. Furthermore, it has been linked to the secretion of multifunctional bioactive chemical-oxytocin which was well-known in its therapeutic advantages for a wide range of commonest chronic diseases and social ills. Although some dysfunctional consequences may be resulted, incorporating genuine interpersonal touch into today’s efforts is undeniably viewed as a good option in solving many social problems.
Identifying physiotherapy stakeholders for program evaluation. The Health Professional Education plays a pivotal role in providing quality health work force thus improved care in health service to the public in our country. As such all Allied Health Programs conducted by Higher Education Providers (HEP) should keep close surveillance of the quality of Allied Health Programs to mould health professional graduates to deliver quality healthcare service through proper competency measures. Stakeholders have been defined as on-campus and off campus group for the sake of identifying respective views in institutional effectiveness. Allied health programs are emerging enormously in our country and this revolution is creating major crustal deformation, forming folds and faults towards its profession as many educational institutions in the country is with the enterprising objectives of running such programs and not for the benefits of the society.
Health promotion (HP) is the process of enabling people to increase control over the determinants of health and thereby improve their health. It is the corner stone in prevention of diseases and shifting the responsibilities of health care from health care provider into the community where the patient centered approach is an appropriate setting by offering continuous, coordinated and comprehensive care throughout the patient’s family and community. The Faculty of Medicine, University technology MARA has adopted dynamic approach in designing the curriculum to respond to the needs of this rapidly changing socioeconomic paradigm of the country, so that the graduates will be able to address the needs of their country and communities. Population health and preventive medicine component was included in the newly designed problem based curriculum, in which the student is introduced to the concepts of epidemiology, disease prevention, statistical analysis and community research. Health promotion program is part and parcel of population health and preventive medicine; it is incorporated with community health research in a course of four weeks of Year Four Medical Curriculum. The aim of this paper is to describe the rationales of health promotion program in medical curriculum, and critically review the components and methods of implementation.
There is a high prevalence of chronic diseases in the community. Promoting health at the workplace is an effective measure to manage such diseases. This study shares the findings of country-wide company health screening program. The prevalence of high cholesterol among participants was 29 %, high blood pressure was 8% and high blood sugar was 3%. The prevalence of high cholesterol from workplace screening was higher than the community prevalence but the prevalence of high blood pressure and high blood sugar was lower than the community prevalence. The various factors influencing these findings are discussed.
Hypertension is a condition associated with adverse vascular complications. Its
prevalence is on the increase globally and same is true for Nigeria. Very few studies
have assessed the prevalence, awareness, treatment and blood pressure control
among hypertensive patients in Nigeria. The few available studies generally show
figures less than 50% for all the three indicators of success with regards to
hypertension. These studies are however deficient in their coverage, country
representativeness and methodology, and as such, they fail to provide the evidence
for which conclusions can be drawn. There is need to intensify blood pressure
screening at both hospital and community levels. More comprehensive research with
wider coverage and sound methodologies are also needed to determine those
associated factors and to discover better treatment options for hypertension in
Nigeria. These findings would guide health promotion activities and policy making.
Dengue incidence has grown dramatically in recent decades and become a global incidence especially in the
urban area. Ministry of Health (MOH) Malaysia reported that the number of dengue cases since January
2014 until June 2014 was 38. 411 cases which was higher compared to the number reported in year 2013 (10,
910 cases). The objective of the study was to determine the knowledge and preventive practices of dengue
among residents in Flat Pandan Indah, Ampang Selangor. A cross sectional study design with convenience
sampling method was adopted in this study. A total of 298 respondents living in Flat Pandan Indah were
recruited based on the inclusion criteria. A validated questionnaire that measures knowledge and preventive
practices of dengue was completed by respondents. More than half of the respondents had scored 61.7%
with good knowledge regarding dengue. However, 50.3% of the respondents had a limited extent of dengue
practice. Almost all of the respondents (95.6%) reported that television or radio as the main source for
information on dengue. The common preventive measures used by the respondents were cleaning the
house (n=148, 49.7%), eliminating standing water around the house (n=123, 41.3%) and covering water
containers in the home (n=120, 40.a3%). There was no correlation between dengue knowledge and
preventive practice score (p = 0.109). The study revealed that majority of the respondents had good
knowledge regarding dengue but the practices to prevent dengue are poor. Thus, health education program
focusing on dengue prevention practices should be done on the community members in the future.
This paper examines the influence of maternal education on the acceptance of tetanus toxoid vaccine, using data from two villages in rural Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Maternal education results in increased tetanus toxoid uptake. Irrespective of the level of formal education, correct knowledge of the function of tetanus toxoid is positively associated with the probability of using the vaccine. It is therefore recommended that health education campaign be run to provide correct information on the importance of tetanus toxoid. This study can be used as a model for health programmes in other population with low levels of women education.
Key words: Neonatal tetanus, maternal education, tetanus toxoid, binomial logistic regression, multinomial logistic regression.
Kertas ini mengkaji pengaruh pendidikan ibu ke atas penerimaan vaksin tetanus toxoid, dengan menggunakan data daripada dua buah kampung di pendalaman Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Kajian ini mendapati pendidikan ibu dapat meningkatkan kadar pengambilan tetanus toxiod. Pengetahuan yang tepat tentang kepentingan vaksin tersebut didapati mempunyai hubungan yang positif dengan pengambilannya, tanpa mengira tahap pendidikan wanita. Dengan itu dicadangkan agar kempen pendidikan kesihatan dijalankan untuk menyebarkan maklumat yang jelas ten tang kepentingan tetanus toxoid. Kajian ini boleh dijadikan model bagi program kesihatan untuk populasi lain yang mempunyai tahap pendidikan wanita yang rendah.
Kata kunci: Tetanus neonatal, pendidikan ibu, tetanus toxoid, regresi logistik binomial, regresi logistik multinomial.
Past research on healthy lifestyle behaviours has been primarily conducted within Western or Judeo-Christian contexts, while non-Western or Muslim contexts remain under-represented. This study examined predictors of healthy lifestyle behaviours (religiosity, goal-setting, impulse control, and subjective well-being) in Malaysian Muslims and explored the mechanisms underlying the relationship between religiosity and healthy lifestyle behaviours. Self-report survey responses from 183 healthy adults (M age = 28.63 years, 18-50 years) were analysed using regression and multiple mediation analyses. The results indicated that subjective well-being emerged as the strongest predictor, followed by goal-setting. Furthermore, subjective well-being and goal-setting mediated the religiosity-healthy lifestyle behaviour relationship. The findings provide guidance for future health-promoting interventions.