Displaying publications 81 - 100 of 1205 in total

  1. Khairiah J, Lim KH, Ahmad-Mahir R, Ismail BS
    Bull Environ Contam Toxicol, 2006 Oct;77(4):608-15.
    PMID: 17123022 DOI: 10.1007/s00128-006-1106-8
    Matched MeSH terms: Hydrogen-Ion Concentration
  2. Goh HF, Philip K
    PLoS One, 2015;10(10):e0140434.
    PMID: 26474074 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0140434
    A dramatic increase in bacterial resistance towards currently available antibiotics has raised worldwide concerns for public health. Therefore, antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) have emerged as a promisingly new group of therapeutic agents for managing infectious diseases. The present investigation focusses on the isolation and purification of a novel bacteriocin from an indigenous sample of cow milk and it's mode of action. The bacteriocin was isolated from Weissella confusa A3 that was isolated from the sample and was shown to have inhibitory activity towards pathogenic bacteria namely Bacillus cereus, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Micrococcus luteus. The bacteriocin was shown to be heat stable and functioned well at low pH (2 to 6). Reduction of activity was shown after treatment with proteinase K, trypsin and peptidase that confirmed the proteinaceous nature of the compound. MALDI-TOF analysis of the sample gave a mass approximating 2.7 kDa. The membrane of the bacteria was disrupted by the bacteriocin causing SYTOX® green dye to enter the cell and bind to the bacterial DNA giving fluorescence signal. Bacterial cell treated with the bacteriocin also showed significant morphological changes under transmission electron microscope. No virulence and disease related genes can be detected from the genome of the strain.
    Matched MeSH terms: Hydrogen-Ion Concentration
  3. Hilles AH, Abu Amr SS, Hussein RA, El-Sebaie OD, Arafa AI
    J Environ Manage, 2016 Jan 15;166:493-8.
    PMID: 26580899 DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2015.10.051
    A combination of persulfate and hydrogen peroxide (S2O8(2-)/H2O2) was used to oxidizelandfill leachate. The reaction was performed under varying S2O8(2-)/H2O2 ratio (g/g), S2O8(2-)/H2O2 dosages (g/g), pH, and reaction time (minutes), so as to determine the optimum operational conditions. Results indicated that under optimum operational conditions (i.e. 120 min of oxidation using a S2O8(2-)/H2O2 ratio of 1 g/1.47 g at a persulfate and hydrogen peroxide dosage of 5.88 g/50 ml and8.63 g/50 ml respectively, at pH 11) removal of 81% COD and 83% NH3-N was achieved. In addition, the biodegradability (BOD5/COD ratio) of the leachate was improved from 0.09 to 0.17. The results obtained from the combined use of (S2O8(2-)/H2O2) were compared with those obtained with sodium persulfate only, hydrogen peroxide only and sodium persulfate followed by hydrogen peroxide. The combined method (S2O8(2-)/H2O2) achieved higher removal efficiencies for COD and NH3-N compared with the other methods using a single oxidizing agent. Additionally, the study has proved that the combination of S2O8(2-)/H2O2 is more efficient than the sequential use of sodium persulfate followed by hydrogen peroxide in advanced oxidation processes aiming at treatingstabilizedlandfill leachate.
    Matched MeSH terms: Hydrogen-Ion Concentration
  4. Lam YF, Lee LY, Chua SJ, Lim SS, Gan S
    Ecotoxicol Environ Saf, 2016 May;127:61-70.
    PMID: 26802563 DOI: 10.1016/j.ecoenv.2016.01.003
    Lansium domesticum peel (LDP), a waste material generated from the fruit consumption, was evaluated as a biosorbent for nickel removal from aqueous media. The effects of dosage, contact time, initial pH, initial concentration and temperature on the biosorption process were investigated in batch experiments. Equilibrium data were fitted by the Langmuir, Freundlich, Temkin and Dubinin-Radushkevich models using nonlinear regression method with the best-fit model evaluated based on coefficient of determination (R(2)) and Chi-square (χ(2)). The best-fit isotherm was found to be the Langmuir model exhibiting R(2) very close to unity (0.997-0.999), smallest χ(2) (0.0138-0.0562) and largest biosorption capacity (10.1mg/g) at 30°C. Kinetic studies showed that the initial nickel removal was rapid with the equilibrium state established within 30min. Pseudo-second-order model was the best-fit kinetic model indicating the chemisorption nature of the biosorption process. Further data analysis by the intraparticle diffusion model revealed the involvement of several rate-controlling steps such as boundary layer and intraparticle diffusion. Thermodynamically, the process was exothermic, spontaneous and feasible. Regeneration studies indicated that LDP biosorbent could be regenerated using hydrochloric acid solution with up to 85% efficiency. The present investigation proved that LDP having no economic value can be used as an alternative eco-friendly biosorbent for remediation of nickel contaminated water.
    Matched MeSH terms: Hydrogen-Ion Concentration
  5. Lin YK, Show PL, Yap YJ, Tan CP, Ng EP, Ariff AB, et al.
    J Biosci Bioeng, 2015 Dec;120(6):684-9.
    PMID: 26111602 DOI: 10.1016/j.jbiosc.2015.04.013
    Purification of cyclodextrin glycosyl transferase (CGTase) from Bacillus cereus using polyethylene glycol (PEG)-potassium phosphates aqueous two-phase flotation (ATPF) system was studied in this paper. The effects of varying PEG molecular weight, tie-line length (TLL) value, volume ratio (VR), pH value, crude concentration and gas nitrogen flotation time were investigated. The optimal condition for purification of CGTase was attained at 18.0% (w/w) PEG 8000, 7.0% (w/w) potassium phosphates, VR of 3.0, 20% (w/w) crude load at pH 7, and 80 min nitrogen flotation time at a flow rate of 5 L/min. With this optimal condition, purification factor (PFT) of 21.8 and a yield (YT) of 97.1% were attained. CGTase was successfully purified in a single downstream processing step using the ATPF.
    Matched MeSH terms: Hydrogen-Ion Concentration
  6. Thivya C, Chidambaram S, Keesari T, Prasanna MV, Thilagavathi R, Adithya VS, et al.
    Environ Geochem Health, 2016 Apr;38(2):497-509.
    PMID: 26104429 DOI: 10.1007/s10653-015-9735-7
    Uranium is a radioactive element normally present in hexavalent form as U(VI) in solution and elevated levels in drinking water cause health hazards. Representative groundwater samples were collected from different litho-units in this region and were analyzed for total U and major and minor ions. Results indicate that the highest U concentration (113 µg l(-1)) was found in granitic terrains of this region and about 10 % of the samples exceed the permissible limit for drinking water. Among different species of U in aqueous media, carbonate complexes [UO2(CO3)(2)(2-)] are found to be dominant. Groundwater with higher U has higher pCO2 values, indicating weathering by bicarbonate ions resulting in preferential mobilization of U in groundwater. The major minerals uraninite and coffinite were found to be supersaturated and are likely to control the distribution of U in the study area. Nature of U in groundwater, the effects of lithology on hydrochemistry and factors controlling its distribution in hard rock aquifers of Madurai district are highlighted in this paper.
    Matched MeSH terms: Hydrogen-Ion Concentration
  7. Amid M, Murshid FS, Manap MY, Islam Sarker Z
    Prep Biochem Biotechnol, 2016;46(1):91-9.
    PMID: 25844554 DOI: 10.1080/10826068.2015.1031396
    This study aimed to investigate the effects of the ultrasound-assisted extraction conditions on the yield, specific activity, temperature, and storage stability of the pectinase enzyme from guava peel. The ultrasound variables studied were sonication time (10-30 min), ultrasound temperature (30-50 °C), pH (2.0-8.0), and solvent-to-sample ratio (2:1 mL/g to 6:1 mL/g). The main goal was to optimize the ultrasound-assisted extraction conditions to maximize the recovery of pectinase from guava peel with the most desirable enzyme-specific activity and stability. Under the optimum conditions, a high yield (96.2%), good specific activity (18.2 U/mg), temperature stability (88.3%), and storage stability (90.3%) of the extracted enzyme were achieved. The optimal conditions were 20 min sonication time, 40 °C temperature, at pH 5.0, using a 4:1 mL/g solvent-to-sample ratio. The study demonstrated that optimization of ultrasound-assisted process conditions for the enzyme extraction could improve the enzymatic characteristics and yield of the enzyme.
    Matched MeSH terms: Hydrogen-Ion Concentration
  8. Jahadi M, Khosravi-Darani K, Ehsani MR, Mozafari MR, Saboury AA, Pourhosseini PS
    J Food Sci Technol, 2015 Apr;52(4):2063-72.
    PMID: 25829586 DOI: 10.1007/s13197-013-1243-0
    The main objective of this study was to use heating method (HM) to prepare liposome without employing any chemical solvent or detergent. Plackett-Burman design (PBD) was applied for the screening of significant process variables including the lecithin proportion, the cholesterol/lecithin ratio, the pH of solution for liposome preparation, the enzyme/lecithin ratio, the stirring time, the process temperature, the speed of stirrer, the ratio of stirrer to the tank diameter, the application of homogenization, the method of adding enzyme and centrifugation conditions on the encapsulation efficiency (EE %) of liposome and the activity of liposomal Flavourzyme (LAPU(-1)) (P 
    Matched MeSH terms: Hydrogen-Ion Concentration
  9. Boyero L, Pearson RG, Hui C, Gessner MO, Pérez J, Alexandrou MA, et al.
    Proc Biol Sci, 2016 Apr 27;283(1829).
    PMID: 27122551 DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2015.2664
    Plant litter breakdown is a key ecological process in terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems. Streams and rivers, in particular, contribute substantially to global carbon fluxes. However, there is little information available on the relative roles of different drivers of plant litter breakdown in fresh waters, particularly at large scales. We present a global-scale study of litter breakdown in streams to compare the roles of biotic, climatic and other environmental factors on breakdown rates. We conducted an experiment in 24 streams encompassing latitudes from 47.8° N to 42.8° S, using litter mixtures of local species differing in quality and phylogenetic diversity (PD), and alder (Alnus glutinosa) to control for variation in litter traits. Our models revealed that breakdown of alder was driven by climate, with some influence of pH, whereas variation in breakdown of litter mixtures was explained mainly by litter quality and PD. Effects of litter quality and PD and stream pH were more positive at higher temperatures, indicating that different mechanisms may operate at different latitudes. These results reflect global variability caused by multiple factors, but unexplained variance points to the need for expanded global-scale comparisons.
    Matched MeSH terms: Hydrogen-Ion Concentration
  10. Hosen, Md Sabuj, Mariatul Fadzillah Mansor, Ainoor Mariana Mohd Ali, Alam, Md. Zahangir
    Increasing population, urbanization and industrial activities have increased the amount of solid waste worldwide. Food waste (FW) and sewage sludge (SS) are some of the solid wastes. Co-digesting of both substrates may improve process stabilization to increase biogas production and overcome the nutrients imbalance. Thus, anaerobic co-digestion has been recognized as a technology that could provide a clean renewable energy source and help reducing the landfill problem. In this study, the interaction between FW and SS as co-substrates in anaerobic digestion was studied under mesophilic temperature 36C (± 0.5). The experiments were conducted using five batch reactors with different ratios of substrates. There are four different analyses used to identify the characteristics of FW and SS, which are pH, reducing sugar (RS), total solid (TS), and total carbohydrate (TC). Water displacement method was used to record biogas yield. The experimental results showed that the highest biogas yield was from the composition of 50:50 (FW: SS) with a biogas volume of 1150.14 mL, while the least was the composition of 0:100 (FW: SS) with 170.47 mL biogas produced. The results for substrate degradation showed that the composition of 100:0 (FW: SS) has the highest percentage degradation for reducing sugar with the percentage of 56%, while the minimum was 0:100 (FW: SS) with a percentage of 35%. Besides, for TC, the highest percentage of degradation was the composition 50:50 (FW: SS) with 84%, and the least was 0:100 (FW: SS) with 44%. This study proves that using FW and SS enhanced biogas production as well as reducing the current issues of waste disposal.
    Matched MeSH terms: Hydrogen-Ion Concentration
  11. Payus CM, Jikilim C, Sentian J
    Heliyon, 2020 Sep;6(9):e04997.
    PMID: 33005801 DOI: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2020.e04997
    The purposes of this research were to study the characteristics chemistry of pH, anions and cations in rainwater, and to identify the possible sources that contributing to the acid precipitation during southwest monsoon season with occurrence of extreme drought event. During the southwest monsoon season, it normally occurs along with haze phenomenon that every year will hit Southeast Asia. This condition will aggravate with high acidic particles in the atmosphere due to the prolonged drought. The analysed parameters which involved pH, anions (NO3-, SO42- and Cl-) and cations (Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+ and K+) were analysed using pH meter, Hach DR 2800, argentometric method and ICP-OES. From the findings, it showed that acid rain occurred during the southwest monsoon season with the range of pH values from 4.95 ± 0.13 to 6.40 ± 0.03 and the total average of pH 5.71 ± 0.32. Anions NO3-, SO42- and Cl- were found to be the dominant compositions of the acid rain occurrences with higher concentrations detected. In overall, rural area recorded with higher acidity of precipitation at total average of pH 5.54 ± 0.39 compared to urban area at pH 5.77 ± 0.26. Rural area surprisingly recorded higher frequency occurrences of acid rain with pH lesser than 5.6 and below compared to urban area. As for public health and safety, all rainwater samples during the acid rain event were found exceeded the allowable limits of NWQS and WHO standards, that shown not suitable for skin contact, recreational purposes even for drinking purposes.
    Matched MeSH terms: Hydrogen-Ion Concentration
  12. Dorairaj D, Suradi MF, Mansor NS, Osman N
    PeerJ, 2020;8:e9595.
    PMID: 32904129 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.9595
    Globally, there has been an increase in the frequency of landslides which is the result of slope failures. The combination of high intensity rainfall and high temperature resulted in the formation of acidic soil which is detrimental to the healthy growth of plants. Proper plant coverage on slopes is a prerequisite to mitigate and rehabilitate the soil. However, not all plant species are able to grow in marginal land. Thus, this study was undertaken to find a suitable slope plant species. We aimed to evaluate the effect of different soil pH on root profiles and growth of three different potential slope plant species namely, Melastoma malabathricum, Hibiscus rosa-sinensis and Syzygium campanulatum. M. malabathricum showed the highest tolerance to acidic soil as it recorded the highest plant height and photosynthetic rate. The root systems of M. malabathricum, H. rosa-sinensis and S. campanulatum were identified as M, VH- and R-types, respectively. The study proposed M. malabathricum which possessed dense and shallow roots to be planted at the toe or top of the slope while H. rosa-sinensis and S. campanulatum to be planted in the middle of a slope. S. campanulatum consistently recorded high root length and root length density across all three types of soil pH while M. malabathricum showed progressive increase in length as the soil pH increased. The root average diameter and root volume of M. malabathricum outperformed the other two plant species irrespective of soil pH. In terms of biomass, M. malabathricum exhibited the highest root and shoot dry weights followed by S. campanulatum. Thus, we propose M. malabathricum to be planted on slopes as a form of soil rehabilitation. The plant species displayed denser rooting, hence a stronger root anchorage that can hold the soil particles together which will be beneficial for slope stabilization.
    Matched MeSH terms: Hydrogen-Ion Concentration
  13. Shehab ZN, Jamil NR, Aris AZ
    Sci Rep, 2020 11 23;10(1):20360.
    PMID: 33230250 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-77454-8
    Phase distribution of emerging organic contaminants is highly influential in their presence, fate and transport in surface water. Therefore, it is crucial to determine their state, partitioning behaviour and tendencies in water environments. In this study, Bisphenol A was investigated in both colloidal and soluble phases in water. BPA concentrations ranged between 1.13 and 5.52 ng L-1 in the soluble phase and n.d-2.06 ng L-1 in the colloidal phase, respectively. BPA was dominant in the soluble phase, however, the colloidal contribution ranged between 0 and 24% which implied that colloids can play a significant role in controlling BPA's transportation in water. Urban and industrial areas were the main sources of BPA while forest areas displayed lower levels outside the populated domains. pH levels were between 6.3 and 7.4 which might have affected BPA's solubility in water to some extent. The particle size distribution showed that the majority of the particles in river samples were smaller than 1.8 µm in diameter with a small presence of nanoparticles. Zeta potential varied between - 25 and - 18 mV, and these negative values suggested instability of particles. Furthermore, BPA was positively correlated with BOD, COD and NH3-N which might indicate that these organic compounds were released concurrently with BPA. RQ assessment showed low levels of risk towards algae and fish in the study area.
    Matched MeSH terms: Hydrogen-Ion Concentration
  14. Tarmizi R, Keng Chee Y, Sipangkui S, Zainuddin ZZ, Fitri WN
    Animals (Basel), 2020 Oct 23;10(11).
    PMID: 33113883 DOI: 10.3390/ani10111948
    This article describes the semen characteristics from different collection methods between captive and confiscated Malayan pangolins, Manis javanica. Semen was collected from 15 pangolins; two captive and 13 confiscated individuals at the mean weight of 9.36 ± 1.94 kg. The three semen collection methods employed were electroejaculation, rectal massage and a combination of both techniques. The semen characteristics (mean ± standard deviation) of the Malayan pangolin are volume (73.75 ± 144.57 µL), pH (7.63 ± 0.53), spermatozoa concentration (997.19 ± 728.98 × 106 /mL), total motility (59.60% ± 30.00%), progressive motility (48.95% ± 30.93%), mass motility (3.50 ± 1.50) and live spermatozoa (80.25% ± 13.45%). There was no significant difference in semen characteristics between the three collection methods. The percentages of live spermatozoa were significantly different, suggesting better samples from captive compared to confiscated animals. However, there was no significant difference in spermatozoa kinetics between the captive and confiscated samples, suggesting the potential of utilizing confiscated individuals for gamete recovery to conserve the genetic pool of pangolins. All three methods of semen collection were successfully performed in pangolins and should be considered; however, electroejaculation remains the most consistent method of obtaining semen from the species.
    Matched MeSH terms: Hydrogen-Ion Concentration
  15. Chan ES, Lee PP, Ravindra P, Krishnaiah K, Voo WP
    Appl Microbiol Biotechnol, 2010 Mar;86(1):385-91.
    PMID: 20033402 DOI: 10.1007/s00253-009-2384-y
    The aim of this work was to develop a standard quantitative method to measure the acid tolerance of probiotic cells when exposed to a simulated gastric fluid. Three model strains of different cell concentrations were exposed to a standard simulated gastric fluid of fixed volume. The fluid pH ranged from pH 1.5 to 2.5. In general, the death kinetics followed an exponential trend. The overall death constant, k (d), for all strains was found to be in a power relationship with the pH value and the initial cell concentration, and it can be expressed as k(d)=k(AII) (pH(-9.0)N(0)(-0.19)) where k (AII) is defined as the acid intolerance indicator and N (0) is the initial cell concentration (CFU/ml). This equation was validated with the experimental data with an average R (2) of 0.98. The acid intolerance of cells can be quantitatively expressed by the k (AII) values, where higher value indicates higher intolerance. In conclusion, a standard quantitative method has been developed to measure the acid tolerance of probiotic cells. This could facilitate the selection of probiotic strains and processing technologies.
    Matched MeSH terms: Hydrogen-Ion Concentration
  16. Alkarkhi AFM, Amr SSA, Alqaraghuli WAA, Özdemir Y, Zulkifli M, Mahmud MN
    Data Brief, 2021 Feb;34:106685.
    PMID: 33409347 DOI: 10.1016/j.dib.2020.106685
    This article provides data regarding the performance of zinc sulphate as a coagulant for treating rubber industry wastewater. The effect of four factors on removal efficiency of nine parameters is investigated, namely: pH, mixing speed, dosage of coagulant (zinc sulphate) and retention time. Response surface methodology was used to investigate the effect of selected variables. The data obtained from face centered composite design (FCCD) were analyzed by using analysis of variance (ANOVA) and regression model to find the optimum operating conditions for the selected factors.
    Matched MeSH terms: Hydrogen-Ion Concentration
  17. Teh SS, Lau HLN, Mah SH
    J Oleo Sci, 2019 Aug 01;68(8):803-808.
    PMID: 31292345 DOI: 10.5650/jos.ess19098
    Refined palm-pressed mesocarp fibre oil (PPFO), which can be obtained from one of the by-products of palm oil milling, palm-pressed mesocarp fibre, is categorized as palm sludge oil. So far, it has been given less attention and underutilized until some recent scientific reports revealing its high content of phytonutrients, carotenoids and vitamin E, which have been proven scientifically to possess anti-oxidant activity. The study evaluated the stability of PPFO as a carrier for plant-based emulsion. PPFO was extracted and examined for its positional distribution of fatty acids, saturation levels and iodine value (IV) using NMR spectroscopy. The PPFO-based emulsion was then prepared and subjected to stability tests, including temperature variation, centrifuge test, cycle test, pH and slip melting point for 28 days. Phase separation was observed from PPFO-based emulsion stored at 40℃ from day-21 onwards while no creaming found in all the palm olein-based emulsions stored at the three storage temperatures. Nevertheless, results indicated that the PPFO-based emulsion passed all the tests above showing insignificant phase separation (p > 0.05) compared with those of palm olein commonly used in emulsion preparation. The findings suggested that PPFO enriched with valuable phytonutrients could be used as an alternative carrier oil in emulsion formulation, which is an important component in personal care products.
    Matched MeSH terms: Hydrogen-Ion Concentration
  18. Sherlala AIA, Raman AAA, Bello MM, Buthiyappan A
    J Environ Manage, 2019 Sep 15;246:547-556.
    PMID: 31202019 DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2019.05.117
    Chitosan-magnetic-graphene oxide (CMGO) nanocomposite was prepared for arsenic adsorption. The nanocomposite was characterized through BET, FTIR, FESEM, EDX, and VSM analyses. These characterizations confirmed the formation of CMGO nanocomposites with high specific surface area (152.38 m2/g) and excellent saturation magnetization (49.30 emu/g). Batch adsorption experiments were conducted to evaluate the performance of the nanocomposite in the adsorption of arsenic from aqueous solution. The effects of operational parameters, adsorption kinetic, equilibrium isotherm and thermodynamics were evaluated. The removal efficiency of arsenic increased with increasing adsorbent dosage and contact time. However, the effect of pH followed a different pattern, with the removal efficiency increasing from acidic to neutral pH, and then decreasing at alkaline conditions. The highest adsorption capacity (45 mg/g) and removal efficiency (61%) were obtained at pH 7.3. The adsorption kinetic followed a pseudo-second-order kinetic model. The analysis of adsorption isotherm shows that the adsorption data fitted well to Langmuir isotherm model, indicating a homogeneous process. Thermodynamic analysis shows that the adsorption of As(III) is exothermic and spontaneous. The superparamagnetic properties of the nanocomposite enabled the separation and recovery of the nanoparticles using an external magnetic field. Thus, the developed nanocomposite has a potential for arsenic remediation.
    Matched MeSH terms: Hydrogen-Ion Concentration
  19. Juanssilfero AB, Kahar P, Amza RL, Yopi, Sudesh K, Ogino C, et al.
    J Biosci Bioeng, 2019 Jun;127(6):726-731.
    PMID: 30642786 DOI: 10.1016/j.jbiosc.2018.12.002
    The ability of oleaginous yeast Lipomyces starkeyi to efficiently produce lipids when cultivated on sap extracted from felled oil palm trunk (OPT) as a novel inexpensive renewable carbon source was evaluated. OPT sap was found to contain approximately 98 g/L glucose and 32 g/L fructose. Batch fermentations were performed using three different OPT sap medium conditions: regular sap, enriched sap, and enriched sap at pH 5.0. Under all sap medium conditions, the cell biomass and lipid production achieved were approximately 30 g/L and 60% (w/w), respectively. L. starkeyi tolerated acidified medium (initial pH ≈ 3) and produced considerable amounts of ethanol as well as xylitol as by-products. The fatty acid profile of L. starkeyi was remarkably similar to that of palm oil, one of the most common vegetable oil feedstock used in biodiesel production with oleic acid as the major fatty acid followed by palmitic, stearic and linoleic acids.
    Matched MeSH terms: Hydrogen-Ion Concentration
  20. Lin TY, Chai WS, Chen SJ, Shih JY, Koyande AK, Liu BL, et al.
    Chemosphere, 2021 May;270:128615.
    PMID: 33077189 DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2020.128615
    This work studied the potential of using eggshell (ES) (200-300 μm) waste as adsorbent for sequential removal of heavy metals, soluble microbial products, and dye wastes. In this study, among soluble microbial products, chicken egg white (CEW) proteins were selected as simulated contaminants. ES was applied to capture heavy metal ions (e.g., Cu2+ and Zn2+) and the formed eggshell metal (ES-M) complex was use to absorb soluble microbial products (e.g., soluble proteins), followed by subsequent removal of dyes from aqueous solutions using ES-M-CEW adsorbent. The experimental conditions for the adsorption of CEW proteins by ES-M include shaking rate, adsorption pH, isothermal and kinetic studies. The maximum protein adsorption by ES-Zn and ES-Cu were 175.67 and 153.65 mg/g, respectively. Optimal removal efficiencies of the ES-M-CEW particles for Acid Orange (AO7) and Toluidine blue (TBO) dyes were at pH 2 and 12, respectively, achieving performance of 75.38 and 114.18 mg/g, respectively. The removal of TBO dye by ES-M-CEW adsorbent was equilibrated at 5 min. The results showed that low cost and simple preparation of the modified ES particles are feasible for treating various wastewaters.
    Matched MeSH terms: Hydrogen-Ion Concentration
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