Displaying publications 81 - 100 of 159 in total

  1. Nurul Fazita MR, Jayaraman K, Bhattacharyya D, Mohamad Haafiz MK, Saurabh CK, Hussin MH, et al.
    Materials (Basel), 2016 Jun 01;9(6).
    PMID: 28773558 DOI: 10.3390/ma9060435
    Petroleum based thermoplastics are widely used in a range of applications, particularly in packaging. However, their usage has resulted in soaring pollutant emissions. Thus, researchers have been driven to seek environmentally friendly alternative packaging materials which are recyclable as well as biodegradable. Due to the excellent mechanical properties of natural fibres, they have been extensively used to reinforce biopolymers to produce biodegradable composites. A detailed understanding of the properties of such composite materials is vital for assessing their applicability to various products. The present review discusses several functional properties related to packaging applications in order to explore the potential of bamboo fibre fabric-poly (lactic) acid composites for packaging applications. Physical properties, heat deflection temperature, impact resistance, recyclability and biodegradability are important functional properties of packaging materials. In this review, we will also comprehensively discuss the chronological events and applications of natural fibre biopolymer composites.
    Matched MeSH terms: Recycling
  2. Ahmad A, Lajis MA, Yusuf NK
    Materials (Basel), 2017 Sep 19;10(9).
    PMID: 28925963 DOI: 10.3390/ma10091098
    Solid-state recycling, which involves the direct recycling of scrap metal into bulk material using severe plastic deformation, has emerged as a potential alternative to the conventional remelting and recycling techniques. Hot press forging has been identified as a sustainable direct recycling technique that has fewer steps and maintains excellent material performance. An experimental investigation was conducted to explore the hardness and density of a recycled aluminum-based metal matrix composite by varying operating temperature and holding time. A mixture of recycled aluminum, AA6061, and aluminum oxide were simultaneously heated to 430, 480, and 530 °C and forged for 60, 90, and 120 min. We found a positive increase in microhardness and density for all composites. The hardness increased approximately 33.85%, while density improved by about 15.25% whenever the temperature or the holding time were increased. Based on qualitative analysis, the composite endures substantial plastic deformation due to the presence of hardness properties due to the aluminum oxide embedded in the aluminum matrix. These increases were significantly affected by the operating temperature; the holding time also had a subordinate role in enhancing the metal matrix composite properties. Furthermore, in an effort to curb the shortage of primary resources, this study reviewed the promising performance of secondary resources produced by using recycled aluminum and aluminum oxide as the base matrix and reinforcement constituent, respectively. This study is an outline for machining practitioners and the manufacturing industry to help increase industry sustainability with the aim of preserving the Earth for our community in the future.
    Matched MeSH terms: Recycling
  3. Bourtsalas ACT, Yepes IM, Tian Y
    J Environ Manage, 2023 Oct 15;344:118604.
    PMID: 37459814 DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2023.118604
    This study analyzes the regional implications of China's 2017 import ban on plastic waste by examining U.S. census data. A statistically significant decrease in total U.S. plastic waste exports was found, dropping from about 1.4 million tons to 0.6 million tons in the post-ban period. California remained the top exporter, throughout both pre- and post-ban periods, while South Carolina exhibited the highest per capita exports. Malaysia emerged as the largest importer of U.S. plastic waste, followed by Vietnam, Indonesia, and Thailand. The ban also led to a change in the composition of the exported plastic waste. Ethylene polymers increased from 32.6% of total exports in the pre-ban period to 46.9% in the post-ban period. Other plastics (vinyl chloride polymers, styrene polymers, and for plastics not elsewhere specified or included) decreased from 67.4% of total exports in the pre-ban period to 53.1% in the post-ban period. Moreover, we found that exporting plastic waste has significant environmental and human health impacts. For example, the Global Warming Potential (GWP) decreased from 20 million tons CO2-eq in the scenario where 100% of plastics are exported, or 25 million tons exported from the U.S. since 2002, to -11.1 million tons CO2-eq in the scenario where 100% of plastics are treated domestically. Transportation exacerbates these impacts for exported waste scenarios, increasing to 5.4 million tons CO2-eq when plastics are exported by ship while decreasing to 0.9 million tons CO2-eq for domestic treatment. Although exporting plastic waste is initially cost-effective, our study highlights that investing in domestic waste management can yield significant long-term benefits, considering the environmental and public health impacts. Therefore, it is crucial to prioritize context-specific solutions to address the challenges of the evolving global plastic waste landscape.
    Matched MeSH terms: Recycling
  4. Tanveer M, Khan SAR, Umar M, Yu Z, Sajid MJ, Haq IU
    Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 2022 Nov;29(53):80161-80178.
    PMID: 36197607 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-022-23238-8
    The effective treatment of waste to be used as a resource in future has a major role in achieving environmental sustainability and moving towards circular economy. The current research is aimed to provide in-depth detail regarding prominent trends and research themes, evolution, future research orientation, main characteristics, and mapping of research publications on waste management, technological innovation in circular economy domain from the year 2000 to 2021. Different analyses including text mining and bibliometric and content analyses were applied to answer the research question and provide the details on aforementioned variables. From the bibliometric analyses, a total of 1118 articles were drawn out from the Scopus database to conceptualize the core body of research. As a result, the following themes were identified: electronic waste, circular economy transition, plastic waste, bio-based waste management, lifecycle assessment, and ecological impacts, and construction and demolition waste management. The highlighted features, future research orientation, and prominent research perspective can provide guideline for future research to enrich the literature through conducting studies on provided research directions and help lead waste management and technological innovation policymakers, professionals, and practitioners in moving towards circular transition.
    Matched MeSH terms: Recycling
  5. Yeap KS, Mohd Yaacob N, Rao SP, Hashim NR
    Waste Manag Res, 2012 Dec;30(12):1251-60.
    PMID: 23103414 DOI: 10.1177/0734242X12465459
    This article presents lessons learned from a design project that explored the possibility of incorporating waste into the design of a school prototype. The authors worked with professional architects, a waste artist, environmental scientists and local waste operators to uncover new uses and applications for discarded items. As a result, bottles, aluminium cans, reclaimed doors, crushed concrete and second-hand bricks, etc. were identified, explored and integrated into the architectural design. This article serves as a catalyst that advocates the use of reclaimed materials in the field of design and planning. In particular, it highlights the challenges and issues that need to be addressed in carrying out design work with waste. Designers and practitioners interested in minimizing waste generation by proposing the use of reclaimed materials will find this article useful.
    Matched MeSH terms: Recycling/methods*; Recycling/standards
  6. Mukherjee S, Mukhopadhyay S, Pariatamby A, Ali Hashim M, Sahu JN, Sen Gupta B
    J Environ Sci (China), 2014 Sep 1;26(9):1851-60.
    PMID: 25193834 DOI: 10.1016/j.jes.2014.06.029
    Recovery of cellulose fibres from paper mill effluent has been studied using common polysaccharides or biopolymers such as Guar gum, Xanthan gum and Locust bean gum as flocculent. Guar gum is commonly used in sizing paper and routinely used in paper making. The results have been compared with the performance of alum, which is a common coagulant and a key ingredient of the paper industry. Guar gum recovered about 3.86mg/L of fibre and was most effective among the biopolymers. Settling velocity distribution curves demonstrated that Guar gum was able to settle the fibres faster than the other biopolymers; however, alum displayed the highest particle removal rate than all the biopolymers at any of the settling velocities. Alum, Guar gum, Xanthan gum and Locust bean gum removed 97.46%, 94.68%, 92.39% and 92.46% turbidity of raw effluent at a settling velocity of 0.5cm/min, respectively. The conditions for obtaining the lowest sludge volume index such as pH, dose and mixing speed were optimised for guar gum which was the most effective among the biopolymers. Response surface methodology was used to design all experiments, and an optimum operational setting was proposed. The test results indicate similar performance of alum and Guar gum in terms of floc settling velocities and sludge volume index. Since Guar gum is a plant derived natural substance, it is environmentally benign and offers a green treatment option to the paper mills for pulp recycling.
    Matched MeSH terms: Recycling
  7. Sulaiman RNR, Jusoh N, Othman N, Noah NFM, Rosly MB, Rahman HA
    J Hazard Mater, 2019 12 15;380:120895.
    PMID: 31351388 DOI: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2019.120895
    A sustainable and stable supported liquid membrane (SLM) extraction of nickel was developed via impregnation of sustainable liquid membrane in the composite membrane support consisting of polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) and sulfonated poly (ether ether ketone) (SPEEK). Bis-2-ethylhexyl phosphate (D2EHPA), 1-octanol, refined palm oil and sulfuric acid were employed as extractant, synergist extractant, diluent and strippant, respectively. Variables studied including effect of refined palm oil compositions as well as the configurations and thicknesses of SPEEK. Lifespan of SLM was evaluated by recycling the composite membrane support. Results revealed that upon using 100% refined palm oil, about 100% of nickel was extracted and recovered in 10 and 14 h, respectively. Composite SPEEK/PVDF stabilized SLM by reducing liquid membrane loss from 47 to 23% upon applying SPEEK at the feed side of PVDF support. High permeability and flux values were obtained at 9.26 x 10-4 cms-1 and 6.48 x 10-7 molcm-2s-1 when increasing SPEEK thickness from 0.025 to 0.055 mm, respectively. The lifespan of SLM was extended up to ninth cycles with low weight loss percentage of the impregnated composite membrane (8%). In conclusion, the SPEEK/PVDF impregnated with refined palm oil has improved the stability of SLM extraction of nickel ions from industrial wastewater.
    Matched MeSH terms: Recycling
  8. Islam R, Nazifa TH, Yuniarto A, Shanawaz Uddin ASM, Salmiati S, Shahid S
    Waste Manag, 2019 Jul 15;95:10-21.
    PMID: 31351595 DOI: 10.1016/j.wasman.2019.05.049
    Associated with the continuing increase of construction activities such as infrastructure projects, commercial buildings and housing programs, Bangladesh has been experiencing a rapid increase of construction and demolition (C&D) waste. Till now, the generation rate of C&D waste has not been well understood or not explicitly documented in Bangladesh. This study aims to provide an approach to estimate C&D waste generation using waste generation rates (WGR) through regression analysis. Furthermore, analyses the economic benefit of recycling C&D waste. The results revealed that WGR 63.74 kg/m2 and 1615 kg/m2 for construction and demolition activities respectively. Approximately, in financial year (FY) 2016, 1.28 million tons (0.149 construction and 1.139 demolition) waste were generated in Dhaka city, of which the three largest proportions were concrete (60%), brick/block (21%) and mortar (9%). After collection they were dumped in either landfills or unauthorized places. Therefore, it can be summarized as: waste is a resource in wrong place. The results of this study indicate that rapid urbanization of Dhaka city would likely experience the peak in the generation of C&D waste. This paper thus designates that C&D waste recycling is an entrepreneurial activity worth venturing into and an opportunity for extracting economic and environmental benefits from waste. The research findings also show that recycling of concrete and brick waste can add economic value of around 44.96 million USD. In addition, recycling of C&D waste leads to important reductions in CO2 emissions, energy use, natural resources and illegal landfills. Therefore, the findings of WGR and economic values provide valuable quantitative information for the future C&D waste management exercises of various stakeholders such as government, industry and academy.
    Matched MeSH terms: Recycling
  9. M Mhaya A, Baghban MH, Faridmehr I, Huseien GF, Abidin ARZ, Ismail M
    Materials (Basel), 2021 Apr 11;14(8).
    PMID: 33920340 DOI: 10.3390/ma14081900
    Recycling of the waste rubber tire crumbs (WRTCs) for the concretes production generated renewed interest worldwide. The insertion of such waste as a substitute for the natural aggregates in the concretes is an emergent trend for sustainable development towards building materials. Meanwhile, the enhanced resistance of the concrete structures against aggressive environments is important for durability, cost-saving, and sustainability. In this view, this research evaluated the performance of several modified rubberized concretes by exposing them to aggressive environments i.e., acid, and sulphate attacks, elevated temperatures. These concrete (12 batches) were made by replacing the cement and natural aggregate with an appropriate amount of the granulated blast furnace slag (GBFS) and WRTCs, respectively. The proposed mix designs' performance was evaluated by several measures, including the residual compressive strength (CS), weight loss, ultrasonic pulse velocity (UPV), microstructures, etc. Besides, by using the available experimental test database, an optimized artificial neural network (ANN) combined with the particle swarm optimization (PSO) was developed to estimate the residual CS of modified rubberized concrete after immersion one year in MgSO4 and H2SO4 solutions. The results indicated that modified rubberized concrete prepared by 5 to 20% WRTCs as a substitute to natural aggregate, provided lower CS and weight lose expose to sulphate and acid attacks compared to control specimen prepared by ordinary Portland cement (OPC). Although the CS were slightly declined at the elevated temperature, these proposed mix designs have a high potential for a wide variety of concrete industrial applications, especially in acid and sulphate risk.
    Matched MeSH terms: Recycling
  10. Irfan M, Ahmad M, Fareed Z, Iqbal N, Sharif A, Wu H
    PMID: 33448868 DOI: 10.1080/09603123.2021.1874888
    The aim of this study is to identify and highlight the positive and negative indirect environmental impacts of COVID-19, with a particular focus on the most affected economies (USA, China, Spain, and Italy). In this respect, the empirical and theoretical dimensions of the contents of those impacts are analyzed. Research findings reveal a significant relationship between contingency actions and positive indirect impacts such as air quality improvements, clean beaches, and the decline in environmental noise. Besides, negative indirect impacts also exist, such as the rise in waste level and curtailment in recycling, further threatening the physical spaces (land and water), besides air. It is expected that global businesses will revive in the near future (though slowly), but the reduction in greenhouse gas emissions during this short time span is not a sustainable way of environmental mitigation. Thus, long-term mitigation policies should be strengthened to cope with the undesirable deterioration of the environment. Research findings provide an up-to-date glimpse of the pandemic from the perspectives of current and future indirect environmental impacts and the post-pandemic situation. Finally, it is suggested to invent and prepare action plans to induce a sustainable economic and environmental future in the post-pandemic world scenario.
    Matched MeSH terms: Recycling
  11. Mak TMW, Yu IKM, Xiong X, Zaman NQ, Yaacof N, Hsu SC, et al.
    Chemosphere, 2021 Jul;274:129750.
    PMID: 33549880 DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2021.129750
    To tackle the crisis associated with the rising commercial food waste generation, it is imperative to comprehend how corporates' recycling behaviour is influenced by different industry structures and economies. This study aims to fill in the information gap that various factors might be affecting corporates' recycling behaviour in two different economies due to environmental inequality by comparing upper-middle-income region (Malaysia) and high-income region (Hong Kong), respectively. A questionnaire survey regarding food waste management according to the Theory of Planned Behaviour was conducted with representatives coming from diverse industries of the hotel, food and beverage, and property management. The questionnaire responses were evaluated based on quantitative structural equation modelling and correlation analysis. The analysis results showed that the model fit the data well, explaining 78% of the variance in recycling behaviour. The findings demonstrated that the most substantial factor on individual's recycling intention by Malaysian commercial food waste generators was perceived behavioural control, and logistics and management incentives. Subjective norms demonstrated significant and adverse effects on the behaviour of food waste recycling. The variable of administrative incentives and corporate support presented strong positive correlations with moral attitudes as well as logistics and management incentives. Hotel industries from both Hong Kong and Malaysia have a higher acceptance level on human resources regarding food waste recycling. In comparison, food and beverage industries from both regions have a lower acceptance level. These findings could enrich our knowledge of the concerns in establishing regional policy strategies to encourage economic behavioural changes for sustainable development.
    Matched MeSH terms: Recycling
  12. Ho KC, Teow YH, Sum JY, Ng ZJ, Mohammad AW
    Sci Total Environ, 2021 Mar 15;760:143966.
    PMID: 33341611 DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.143966
    Rapid urbanization and the rising global population have led to the generation of substantial volumes of laundry wastewater. Accordingly, treatment of laundry wastewater has been advocated to curb water pollution and achieve water sustainability. However, technological limitations in treating (specifically) laundry wastewater and the lack of regulations governing the levels of contaminants for such discharges have been perennial problems. This review bridges the knowledge gap by delineating the feasibility of current technologies in laundry wastewater treatment and the experiences of various countries in adopting different approaches. Besides, the feasible methods for collecting laundry wastewater are elaborated. The development of the treatment technologies is highlighted, in which the integrated-treatment processes (physicochemical, biological, and combination of both) are critically discussed based on their functions and methods. A judicious selection of the technologies not only improves the energy efficiency and quality of the treated wastewater, but also mitigates capitals and operational costs. This is projected to enhance public acceptance towards the reuse of laundry wastewater. Thus, the comprehensive assessment herein is envisioned to insightfully guide national policymakers in exploring the viability of the technologies and water-recycling projects. Future research should focus on the techno-economic aspects of the treatment processes, especially their industrial scale-up.
    Matched MeSH terms: Recycling
    This paper provides preliminary evidence ofthe need foraccounting for trash management in public organizations, in particular, UniversitiMalaysia Terengganu (UMT). It has two objectives: tosolicit opinions from students regarding their behaviorsand perceptions towards recycling habits,and to provide data on the extent of accounting for trash management at UMT. A survey among155 UMT students indicatedthat theyrecycled the trashandwereaware of environmental issues caused by the waste. However, they were not informed about the benefits of environmental management accounting practice particularly regardingtrash management. Interviewswith UMT management also revealed that while UMT supported recycling activities byfunding the projects and providing facilities, the data on the opportunity cost involved in the current practice was never integrated into UMT accounting system. As a result, the management hadno idea of how much was lost (or gained) during the process. Based on the findings,this study callsfor the implementation of accounting for trash management in a public university.
    Matched MeSH terms: Recycling
  14. Siti Roshayu Hassan, Nastaein Qamaruz Zaman, Irvan Dahlan
    The performance and operational characteristics of a laboratory scale modified anaerobic hybrid baffled (MAHB) reactor were studied using recycled paper mill effluent (RPME) wastewater. MAHB reactor was continuously operated at 35°C for 90 days with organic loading rate (OLR) increased from 0.14 to 0.57 g/L/dy. This present study demonstrated that the system was proficient in treating low strength RPME wastewater. Highest carbon oxygen demand (COD) removal were recorded up to 97% for an organic loading of 0.57 g /L/dy while effluent alkalinity assured that the system pH in the MAHB compartments were of great advantages to acidogens and methanogens respectively. Methane and biogas production rate shows increment as the load increases, which evidently indicated that the most significant approach to enhance gas production rates involves the increment of incoming substrate moderately. Variations of biogas and volatile fatty acid (VFA) in different compartments of MAHB reactor indicated the chronological degradation of substrate. The compartmental structure of MAHB reactor provided its strong ability to resist shock loads. From this present study, it shows the potential usage of MAHB reactor broadens the usage of multi-phase anaerobic technology for industrial wastewater treatment.
    Matched MeSH terms: Recycling
  15. Mazliah, M., Noraiham, M., Anisah, A.L., Azrul, Y., Hairul, E.A.M., Jeefferie, A.R., et al.
    Incineration and disposal of carbon fiber waste from the aircraft industry lead to serious energy consumption and environmental pollution. The use of this waste as reinforcement is a wise approach to appreciate the high performance of the carbon fiber. This study is part of our effort to develop new green rubber foam from recycled carbon fiber prepreg (rCFP) reinforced natural rubber via internal mixer. It is focusing on the effect of different rCFP loading at 1, 3, 5, and 7 parts per hundred rubbers (phr) as reinforcement. The samples were prepared by melt compounding using an internal mixer and expanded via two step heat transfer foaming process. The physical properties of the green rubber foam were characterized and the results were observed to systematically correlate with the impact properties of the foam. The absorbed energy of the foam increases up to 0.3 joules with increasing relative foam density of 0.81 which is associated with the formation of smaller foam cells ~0.68mm and more spherical shape pores.
    Matched MeSH terms: Recycling
  16. Mensah EE, Abbas Z, Azis RS, Khamis AM
    Materials (Basel), 2019 May 24;12(10).
    PMID: 31137736 DOI: 10.3390/ma12101696
    The purpose of this study was to synthesize high-quality recycled α-Fe2O3 to improve its complex permittivity properties by reducing the particles to nanosize through high energy ball milling. Complex permittivity and permeability characterizations of the particles were performed using open-ended coaxial and rectangular waveguide techniques and a vector network analyzer. The attenuation characteristics of the particles were analyzed with finite element method (FEM) simulations of the transmission coefficients and electric field distributions using microstrip model geometry. All measurements and simulations were conducted in the 8-12 GHz range. The average nanoparticle sizes obtained after 8, 10 and 12 h of milling were 21.5, 18, and 16.2 nm, respectively, from an initial particle size of 1.73 µm. The real and imaginary parts of permittivity increased with reduced particle size and reached maximum values of 12.111 and 0.467 at 8 GHz, from initial values of 7.617 and 0.175, respectively, when the particle sizes were reduced from 1.73 µm to 16.2 nm. Complex permeability increased with reduced particle size while the enhanced absorption properties exhibited by the nanoparticles in the simulations confirmed their ability to attenuate microwaves in the X-band frequency range.
    Matched MeSH terms: Recycling
  17. Chee GN, Sumiani Yusoff
    Sains Malaysiana, 2015;44:187-192.
    In Malaysia, the greenhouse gases (GHGs) emissions reduction via composting of source-separated organic waste (SOW) in municipal solid waste (MSW) has not been assessed. Assessment of GHG emissions reduction via composting of SOW is important as environmental impacts from waste management are waste-specific and local-specific. The study presents the case study for potential carbon reduction via composting of SOW in University of Malaya (UM). In this study, a series of calculations were used to evaluate the GHG emission of different SOW management scenarios. The calculations based on IPCC calculation methods (AM0025) include GHGs emissions from landfilling, fuel consumption in transportation and SOW composting activity. The methods were applied to assess the GHG emissions from five alternative SOW management scenarios in UM. From the baseline scenario (S0), a total of 1,636.18 tCO2e was generated. In conjunction with target of 22% recycling rate, as shown in S1, 14% reduction in potential GHG emission can be achieved. The carbon reduction can be further enhanced by increasing the SOW composting capacity. The net GHG emission for S1, S2, S3 and S4 were 1,399.52, 1,161.29, 857.70 and 1,060.48 tCO2e, respectively. In general, waste diversion for composting proved a significant net GHG emission reduction as shown in S3 (47%), S4 (35%) and S2 (29%). Despite the emission due to direct on-site activity, the significant reduction in methane generation at landfill has reduced the net GHG emission. The emission source of each scenario was studied and analysed.
    Matched MeSH terms: Recycling
  18. Moetaz Elsergany, Amimul Ahsan, Md. Maniruzzaman A. Aziz
    Sains Malaysiana, 2015;44:101-106.
    The paper making industry is characterized by high rate of water consumption and hence high rate of wastewater generation. The purpose of this research was to assess and optimize the existing complete mix activate sludge treatment plant that is used to treat the high strength paper mill effluent with the highest possible efficiency at a reasonable cost. The collected paper mill wastewater is equalized in an equalization tank before being pumped to the treatment plant. The treatment plant includes chemical treatment unit, complete mix activated sludge and granular media filtration unit. The results showed that effluent of a chemical treatment unit was found to be relatively similar to the laboratory simulated plain sedimentation unit. It can be concluded that addition of chemical coagulant can be eliminated with an overall saving of chemical addition costs. The complete mixing activated sludge achieved good removal of biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) and chemical oxygen demand (COD). Furthermore, the results showed that the plant is operated under low BOD:P ratio. The treatment efficiency of the plant can be improved by increasing the phosphorous dose to the plant to have BOD:P ratio of 100:0.5 to 100:1. It was found that 50% of the treated effluent is recycled to the manufacturing process, however this percentage can be increased through proper plant optimization and control of nutrient addition to the activated sludge unit.
    Matched MeSH terms: Recycling
  19. Samadi M, Shah KW, Huseien GF, Lim NHAS
    Nanomaterials (Basel), 2020 Feb 14;10(2).
    PMID: 32075038 DOI: 10.3390/nano10020324
    The recycling of millions of tons of glass bottle waste produced each year is far from optimal. In the present work, ground blast furnace slag (GBFS) was substituted in fly ash-based alkali-activated mortars (AAMs) for the purpose of preparing glass bottle waste nano-powder (BGWNP). The AAMs mixed with BGWNP were subsequently subjected to assessment in terms of their energy consumption, economic viability, and mechanical and chemical qualities. Besides affording AAMs better mechanical qualities and making them more durable, waste recycling was also observed to diminish the emissions of carbon dioxide. A more than 6% decrease in carbon dioxide emissions, an over 16% increase in compressive strength, better durability and lower water absorption were demonstrated by AAM consisting of 5% BGWNP as a GBFS substitute. By contrast, lower strength was exhibited by AAM comprising 10% BGWNP. The conclusion reached was that the AAMs produced with BGWNP attenuated the effects of global warming and thus were environmentally advantageous. This could mean that glass waste, inadequate for reuse in glass manufacturing, could be given a second life rather than being disposed of in landfills, which is significant as concrete remains the most commonplace synthetic material throughout the world.
    Matched MeSH terms: Recycling
  20. Labib OA, Manaf L, Sharaai AH, Zaid SSM
    PMID: 34574604 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph18189685
    The acceleration of growth in the population in Saudi Arabia and the increase in municipal solid waste generation have caused a problem in Dammam city: an increase in solid waste production. Therefore, solid waste sorting is an important practice of municipal solid waste management. The main objectives in this research are understanding the effect of internal and external factors on household willingness in sorting waste in Dammam city and studying the attempts to construct a theoretical research model by adding market incentives, government facilitators, and awareness into the popular planned behaviour theory to explain residents' waste sorting intentions. The data collection and analysis are based on the questionnaire study, which is based on the questionnaire survey data from 450 households in Dammam. This study revealed that social influence significantly predicts households' willingness to sort and recycle, that is, to promote recycling. Additionally, the variable social influence has a significant but low influence on households' willingness to sort and recycle. The result of the structural equation model shows that perceived behavioural control significantly predicts households' willingness to sort and recycle waste. This finding is consistent with the theoretical expectation. Therefore, this research shows that attitude, social influence, perceived behavioural control, market incentives, government facilitators and awareness positively and significantly affect residents' waste sorting intentions. Additionally, this research corroborates the discrepancy between internal and external variables.
    Matched MeSH terms: Recycling
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