Displaying publications 81 - 100 of 4035 in total

  1. Jumaat AH, Hamid SA
    Trop Life Sci Res, 2021 Mar;32(1):91-105.
    PMID: 33936553 DOI: 10.21315/tlsr2021.32.1.6
    Abundance and distribution of aquatic insects respecting to several water chemical parameters from six rivers were studied in order to determine the performance of biological index in monitoring the water quality. A total of 960 individuals of aquatic insects from nine orders were recorded using kick and drag sampling techniques. Lubok Semilang had the greatest number of aquatic insects with 250 individuals, followed by Telaga Tujuh (181 individuals) and Sungai Durian Perangin (171 individuals). EPT (Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera) order were the most dominant order recorded in all six rivers. Lata Kekabu had more diverse and richer aquatic insect assemblages based on ecological indices compared to the other five rivers. In order to evaluate the water quality of recreational rivers in Malaysia, Family Biotic Index (FBI), Malaysian Family Biotic Index (MFBI) and Biological Monitoring Working Party (BMWP) were used and compared with Water Quality Index (WQI) to determine the water quality at the study areas. Results demonstrated that the biotic indices were more sensitive towards changes in water parameters than the WQI. Among all the biological indices, MFBI was the most suitable index to be adopted in Malaysian river water assessment as it is more reliable in assessing the status of water quality.
    Matched MeSH terms: Fresh Water; Water; Water Quality
  2. Khan MM, Asghar HMA, Saulat H, Chawla M, Rafiq S, Khan MM, et al.
    Water Environ Res, 2021 Sep;93(9):1554-1561.
    PMID: 33583113 DOI: 10.1002/wer.1537
    Hazardous industrial wastes negatively impact the environment by creating issues for aquatic as well as human's life. This study investigates the treatment of hazardous industrial wastewater using cost-effective graphite adsorbent along with electrochemical regeneration integrated with renewable solar energy. The synthetic industrial effluent containing crystal violet dye was treated using an adsorbent (Nyex™ 1000) having a surface area of 1.0 m2  g-1 . The efficiency of removing solute was found to be more than 90%. The adsorbent regeneration efficiency was achieved at 99.5% by passing a charge of 100 C g-1 at current density of 10 mA cm-2 for 1 h. Solar energy was integrated with electrochemical reactor for the regeneration of adsorbent to make the system cost-effective and self-sustainable. PRACTITIONER POINTS: Industrial hazardous wastewater treatment with a cost-effective graphite integrated adsorbent. Development of renewable solar energy-integrated with electrochemical system for regeneration. Regeneration efficiency of adsorbent Nyex™ 1000 was achieved around 99.5% with integrated system. Sustainable system was introduced to incorporate with renewable energy for waste water treatment.
    Matched MeSH terms: Water Purification*; Waste Water
  3. Chin JY, Teoh GH, Ahmad AL, Low SC
    Sci Total Environ, 2021 Nov 10;794:148657.
    PMID: 34198076 DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.148657
    Surging growth of aquaculture industry has alarmed the public when the wastewater discharged had an adverse effect on the environment. This current study is a pioneer in the use of membrane distillation (MD) to treat real aquaculture wastewater. In addition to excellent hydrophobicity, the slippery surface of membrane used for MD is another key factor that enhances the performance of MD. The slippery surface of the membrane was tuned by layering high-viscosity and low-viscosity polypropylene (PP) polymers on the electrospun membrane by solvent-exchanged method. While the high-viscosity PP coating (PP/HV) rendered the membrane surface slippery, the low-viscosity PP coating (PP/LV) caused the fish farm wastewater to have stick-slip movement on the membrane surface. In the long-term 70-hour direct contact membrane distillation (DCMD) separation, PP/HV and PP/LV membranes can perfectly eliminate the undesirable components in the fish farm wastewater. The PP/HV membrane has registered a flux of 19.1 kg/m2·h, while the flux of PP/LV membrane was only 7.3 kg/m2·h. The PP/HV membrane also showed excellent anti-scaling properties in relative to the PP/LV membrane. This is because the PP/HV membrane promotes effortless gliding of the feed water along the surface of the membrane, while the surface of the PP/LV membrane has a static water boundary. Therefore, it can be concluded that the application of MD using the membrane coated with high-viscosity PP polymer is a feasible technology for the treatment of aquaculture wastewater.
    Matched MeSH terms: Water Purification*; Waste Water
  4. Jia Y, Zheng F, Zhang Q, Duan HF, Savic D, Kapelan Z
    Water Res, 2021 Oct 01;204:117594.
    PMID: 34474249 DOI: 10.1016/j.watres.2021.117594
    Hydraulic modeling of a foul sewer system (FSS) enables a better understanding of the behavior of the system and its effective management. However, there is generally a lack of sufficient field measurement data for FSS model development due to the low number of in-situ sensors for data collection. To this end, this study proposes a new method to develop FSS models based on geotagged information and water consumption data from smart water meters that are readily available. Within the proposed method, each sewer manhole is firstly associated with a particular population whose size is estimated from geotagged data. Subsequently, a two-stage optimization framework is developed to identify daily time-series inflows for each manhole based on physical connections between manholes and population as well as sewer sensor observations. Finally, a new uncertainty analysis method is developed by mapping the probability distributions of water consumption captured by smart meters to the stochastic variations of wastewater discharges. Two real-world FSSs are used to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method. Results show that the proposed method can significantly outperform the traditional FSS model development approach in accurately simulating the values and uncertainty ranges of FSS hydraulic variables (manhole water depths and sewer flows). The proposed method is promising due to the easy availability of geotagged information as well as water consumption data from smart water meters in near future.
    Matched MeSH terms: Water*; Waste Water
  5. Bello MO, Solarin SA, Yen YY
    J Environ Manage, 2018 Aug 01;219:218-230.
    PMID: 29747103 DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2018.04.101
    The primary objective of this paper is to investigate the isolated impacts of hydroelectricity consumption on the environment in Malaysia as an emerging economy. We use four different measures of environmental degradation including ecological footprint, carbon footprint, water footprint and CO2 emission as target variables, while controlling for GDP, GDP square and urbanization for the period 1971 to 2016. A recently introduced unit root test with breaks is utilized to examine the stationarity of the series and the bounds testing approach to cointegration is used to probe the long run relationships between the variables. VECM Granger causality technique is employed to examine the long-run causal dynamics between the variables. Sensitivity analysis is conducted by further including fossil fuels in the equations. The results show evidence of an inverted U-shaped relationship between environmental degradation and real GDP. Hydroelectricity is found to significantly reduce environmental degradation while urbanization is also not particularly harmful on the environment apart from its effect on air pollution. The VECM Granger causality results show evidence of unidirectional causality running from hydroelectricity and fossil fuels consumption to all measures of environmental degradation and real GDP per capita. There is evidence of feedback hypothesis between real GDP to all environmental degradation indices. The inclusion of fossil fuel did not change the behavior of hydroelectricity on the environment but fossil fuels significantly increase water footprint.
    Matched MeSH terms: Water; Water Supply*
  6. Mohammad H, Sharifuddin Mohd Zain, Rashid Atta Khan, Khalisanni Khalid
    Sains Malaysiana, 2014;43:1915-1925.
    Spillage of water polluting substances via industrial disaster may cause pollution to our environment. Thus, reversed-flow gas chromatography (RF-GC) technique, which applies flow perturbation gas chromatography, was used to investigate the evaporation and estimate the diffusion coefficients of liquid pollutants. Selected alcohols (99.9% purity) and its mixtures were used as samples. The evaporating liquids (stationary phase) were carried out by carrier gas-nitrogen, 99.9% purity (mobile phase) to the detector. The findings of this work showed the physicochemical measurements may vary depending on the composition of water and alcohol mixtures, temperature of the mixtures, as well as the types of alcohol used. This study implies that there is a variation in the results based on the concentration, types and temperature of the liquids that may contribute in the references for future research in the area of environmental pollution analysis.
    Matched MeSH terms: Water; Water Pollutants; Water Pollution
  7. Nuzaima Che Mood, Faridah Othman, Noor Farahain Muhammad Amin, Md. Ibrahim Adham
    Sains Malaysiana, 2017;46:1221-1229.
    Surface water quality monitoring is an important tool for enhancing the water body management system. This study focuses on the water quality of a lake based on rehabilitation work completed in 2014. This lake suffers from eutrophication and water quality degradation due to the increase in pollution rates and water source scarcity. Nine points were selected to represent the water quality status for the study area. Two river tributaries that pass through the University Malaya (UM) campus have been considered due of its potential as a water source for the lake. Field and laboratory analysis were conducted to understand the transport of water quality parameters. The data variations were analyzed using a multivariate statistical method to determine the significant differences between the lake and river. Based on the Malaysian Water Quality Index (WQI) and cluster analysis, the results indicated that the lake and river have different physico-chemical characteristics and the lake water has a better quality than the river. Comparison of the concentration for BOD, TSS, PO43- and NO3- between year 2009 and current study proved that the water quality has improved by 99.8% proving that the lake remediation is effective.
    Matched MeSH terms: Body Water; Water; Water Quality
  8. Ng YS, Ragupathy S, Shau Hwai AT, Khoo KS, Chieh Chan DJ
    Chemosphere, 2023 Jan;310:136790.
    PMID: 36220430 DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2022.136790
    Membrane distillation (MD) is a thermally driven technology applied in desalination and water reuse with utilisation of sustainable energy. However, algal organic matter (AOM) could foul membrane critically and plague MD's long-term operational stability. In this study, the soluble extracellular polymeric substance (sEPS) and intracellular organic matter with bound extracellular polymeric substance (IOM + bEPS) of two algal species (Amphora coffeaeformis and Navicula incerta) were exposed to 60 °C, 70 °C and 80 °C for 8 h with polypropylene hydrophobic membrane, simulating heated AOMs contacted with membrane inside MD unit, to study the temperature effect on membrane fouling. The dissolved carbohydrate and protein in the sEPS and IOM + bEPS samples generally increased after being heated. Heating caused cell lysis and the release and dissolution of carbohydrate and protein from sEPS, IOM and bEPS into water. As heating temperature increased, the carbohydrate release from the AOM usually increased. The contact angle of membrane contacted with sEPS and IOM + bEPS reduced significantly after heat treatment. The reduction in IOM + bEPS was larger than sEPS, in line with SEM analysis, indicating membrane surfaces and pores with IOM + bEPS fouled more severely than sEPS. It is due to higher hydrophobicity in IOM + bEPS causing adherence to membrane and presence of amphiphiles. High protein, lipid, and saturated fats proportions also cause severe fouling. SEM-EDX analysis indicated presence of O, Na, Cl and Mg elements, pointing to carbohydrate and lipids, and salt trapped in foulants. AOM heating and composition had direct effect to the membrane integrity, dictating severity of fouling in MD operations.
    Matched MeSH terms: Water; Water Purification*
  9. Tangahu BV, Sheikh Abdullah SR, Basri H, Idris M, Anuar N, Mukhlisin M
    Chemosphere, 2022 Mar;291(Pt 3):132952.
    PMID: 34798103 DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2021.132952
    Lead (Pb) is one of the toxic heavy metals that pollute the environment as a result of industrial activities. This study aims to optimize Pb removal from water by using horizontal free surface flow constructed wetland (HFSFCW) planted with Scirpus grossus. Optimization was conducted using response surface methodology (RSM) under Box-Behnken design with the operational parameters of initial Pb concentration, retention time, and aeration. Optimization results showed that 37 mg/L of initial Pb concentration, 32 days of retention time, and no aeration were the optimum conditions for Pb removal by using the systems. Validation test was run under two different conditions, namely, non-bioaugmented and bioaugmented with rhizobacteria (Bacillus cereus, B. pumilus, B. subtilis, Brevibacillus choshinensis, and Rhodococcus rhodochrous). Results of the validation test showed that Pb removal in water achieved 99.99% efficiency with 0.2% error from the RSM prediction, while the adsorption of Pb by plants reached 5160.18 mg/kg with 10.6% error from the RSM prediction. The bioaugmentation of the five rhizobacterial species showed a slight improvement in Pb removal from water and Pb adsorption by plants. However, no significant improvement was achieved (p water.
    Matched MeSH terms: Water; Water Pollutants, Chemical*
  10. Ahmad A, Kurniawan SB, Abdullah SRS, Othman AR, Hasan HA
    Chemosphere, 2022 Mar;290:133319.
    PMID: 34922971 DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2021.133319
    The contamination of aquaculture products and effluents by contaminants of emerging concern (CECs) from the direct chemical use in aquaculture activities or surrounding industries is currently an issue of increasing concern as these CECs exert acute and chronic effects on living organisms. CECs have been detected in aquaculture water, sediment, and culture species, and antibiotics, antifoulants, and disinfectants are the commonly detected groups. Through accumulation, CECs can reside in the tissue of aquaculture products and eventually consumed by humans. Currently, effluents containing CECs are discharged to the surrounding environment while producing sediments that eventually contaminate rivers as receiving bodies. The rearing (grow-out) stages of aquaculture activities are issues regarding CECs-contamination in aquaculture covering water, sediment, and aquaculture products. Proper regulations should be imposed on all aquaculturists to control chemical usage and ensure compliance to guidelines for appropriate effluent treatment. Several techniques for treating aquaculture effluents contaminated by CECs have been explored, including adsorption, wetland construction, photocatalysis, filtration, sludge activation, and sedimentation. The challenges imposed by CECs on aquaculture activities are discussed for the purpose of obtaining insights into current issues and providing future approaches for resolving associated problems. Stakeholders, such as researchers focusing on environment and aquaculture, are expected to benefit from the presented results in this article. In addition, the results may be useful in establishing aquaculture-related CECs regulations, assessing toxicity to living biota, and preventing pollution.
    Matched MeSH terms: Water Purification*; Waste Water
  11. Khatoon H, Kok Leong L, Abdu Rahman N, Mian S, Begum H, Banerjee S, et al.
    Bioresour Technol, 2018 Feb;249:652-658.
    PMID: 29091850 DOI: 10.1016/j.biortech.2017.10.052
    The aim of this study was to determine the effect of different light sources and media (wastewater and BBM) on the growth of Pseudanabaena mucicola and its phycobiliprotein production. Results showed that P. mucicola grown in white light using wastewater as medium attributed higher biomass (0.55 g L-1) and when extracted with water, also showed significantly higher (P water can be food grade natural blue pigment. Moreover, cyanobacteria grown in wastewater could cut down the production cost of phycobiliprotein.
    Matched MeSH terms: Fresh Water*; Waste Water
  12. Manimegalai S, Vickram S, Deena SR, Rohini K, Thanigaivel S, Manikandan S, et al.
    Chemosphere, 2023 Jan;312(Pt 1):137319.
    PMID: 36410505 DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2022.137319
    Water treatment is a worldwide issue. This review aims to present current problems and future challenges in water treatments with the existing methodologies. Carbon nanotube production, characterization, and prospective uses have been the subject of considerable and rigorous research around the world. They have a large number of technical uses because of their distinct physical characteristics. Various catalyst materials are used to make carbon nanotubes. This review's primary focus is on integrated and single-treatment technologies for all kinds of drinking water resources, including ground and surface water. Inorganic non-metallic matter, heavy metals, natural organic matter, endocrine-disrupting chemicals, disinfection by-products and microbiological pollutants are among the contaminants that these treatment systems can remediate in polluted drinking water resources. Significant advances in the antibacterial and adsorption capabilities of carbon-based nanomaterials have opened up new options for excluding organic/inorganic and biological contaminants from drinking water in recent years. The advancements in multifunctional nanocomposites synthesis pave the possibility for their use in enhanced wastewater purification system design. The adsorptive and antibacterial characteristics of six main kinds of carbon nanomaterials are single-walled carbon nanotubes, multi-walled carbon nanotubes, graphene, graphene oxide, fullerene and single-walled carbon nanohorns. This review potentially addressed the essential metallic and polymeric nanocomposites, are described and compared. Barriers to use these nanoparticles in long-term water treatment are also discussed.
    Matched MeSH terms: Drinking Water*; Waste Water
  13. Singh NK, Yadav M, Singh V, Padhiyar H, Kumar V, Bhatia SK, et al.
    Bioresour Technol, 2023 Feb;369:128486.
    PMID: 36528177 DOI: 10.1016/j.biortech.2022.128486
    Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are currently used in several areas. The applications of AI and ML based models are also reported for monitoring and design of biological wastewater treatment systems (WWTS). The available information is reviewed and presented in terms of bibliometric analysis, model's description, specific applications, and major findings for investigated WWTS. Among the applied models, artificial neural network (ANN), fuzzy logic (FL) algorithms, random forest (RF), and long short-term memory (LSTM) were predominantly used in the biological wastewater treatment. These models are tested by predictive control of effluent parameters such as biological oxygen demand (BOD), chemical oxygen demand (COD), nutrient parameters, solids, and metallic substances. Following model performance indicators were mainly used for the accuracy analysis in most of the studies: root mean squared error (RMSE), mean square error (MSE), and determination coefficient (DC). Besides, outcomes of various models are also summarized in this study.
    Matched MeSH terms: Water Purification*; Waste Water
  14. Nayeem A, Ali MF, Shariffuddin JH
    Environ Res, 2023 Jan 01;216(Pt 1):114306.
    PMID: 36191616 DOI: 10.1016/j.envres.2022.114306
    Inverse vulcanized polysulfides have been used as low-cost and effective adsorbents to remediate heavy metals in wastewater. Inverse vulcanization introduces sustainable polysulfide synthesis by solving the rapid desulfurization problem of unstable polysulfides, and provides superior performance compared to conventional commercial adsorbents. The review discussed the brief applications of the inverse vulcanized polysulfides to remove heavy metal wastewater and emphasized the modified synthesis processes for enhanced uptake ratios. The characteristics of polysulfide adsorbents, which play a vital role during the removal process are highlighted with a proper discussion of the interaction between metal ions and polysulfides. The review paper concludes with remarks on the future outlook of these low-cost adsorbents with high selectivity to heavy metals. These polysulfide adsorbents can be prepared using a wide variety of crosslinker monomers including organic hydrocarbons, cooking oils, and agro-based waste materials. They have shown good surface area and excellent metal-binding capabilities compared to the commercially available adsorbents. Proper postmodification processes have enabled the benefits of repetitive uses of the polysulfide adsorbents. The improved surface area obtained by appropriate choice of crosslinkers, modified synthesis techniques, and regeneration through post-modification has made inverse vulcanized polysulfides capable of removing.
    Matched MeSH terms: Water Pollutants, Chemical*; Waste Water
  15. Zhi Ling RL, Kong LK, Lim LH, Teo SS, Ng HS, Lan JC, et al.
    Environ Res, 2023 Feb 01;218:115013.
    PMID: 36495970 DOI: 10.1016/j.envres.2022.115013
    Food loss or waste is a far-reaching problem and has indeed become a worrying issue that is growing at an alarming rate. Fruits and vegetables are lost or wasted at the highest rate among the composition of food waste. Furthermore, the world is progressing toward sustainable development; hence, an efficient approach to valorise fruit and vegetable waste (FVW) is necessary. A simple phenotypic characterisation of microbiota isolated from the fermented FVW was conducted, and its effectiveness toward wastewater treatment was investigated. Presumptive identification suggested that yeast is dominant in this study, accounting for 85% of total isolates. At the genus level, the enriched medium's microbial community consists of Saccharomyces, Bacillus and Candida. Ammonium in the wastewater can enhance certain bacteria to grow, such as lactic acid bacteria, resulting in decreased NH4+ concentration at the end of the treatment to 0.5 mg/L. In addition, the fermented biowaste could reduce PO43- by 90% after the duration of treatment. Overall, FVW is a valuable microbial resource, and the microbial population enables a reduction in organic matter such as NH4+ and PO43-. This study helps explore the function and improve the effectiveness of utilising biowaste by understanding the microorganisms responsible for producing eco-enzyme.
    Matched MeSH terms: Water Purification*; Waste Water
  16. Jatoi AS, Akhter F, Mazari SA, Sabzoi N, Aziz S, Soomro SA, et al.
    Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 2021 Feb;28(5):5005-5019.
    PMID: 33241504 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-020-11691-2
    Petroleum, coal, and natural gas reservoir were depleting continuously due to an increase in industrialization, which enforced study to identify alternative sources. The next option is the renewable resources which are most important for energy purpose coupled with environmental problem reduction. Microbial fuel cells (MFCs) have become a promising approach to generate cleaner and more sustainable electrical energy. The involvement of various disciplines had been contributing to enhancing the performance of the MFCs. This review covers the performance of MFC along with different wastewater as a substrate in terms of treatment efficiencies as well as for energy generation. Apart from this, effect of various parameters and use of different nanomaterials for performance of MFC were also studied. From the current study, it proves that the use of microbial fuel cell along with the use of nanomaterials could be the waste and energy-related problem-solving approach. MFC could be better in performances based on optimized process parameters for handling any wastewater from industrial process.
    Matched MeSH terms: Water Purification*; Waste Water
  17. Naderipour A, Nowdeh SA, Babanezhad M, Najmi ES, Kamyab H, Abdul-Malek Z
    Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 2023 Jun;30(28):71754-71765.
    PMID: 34499303 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-021-16342-8
    In this paper, the technical-economic framework for designing of water pumping system based on photovoltaic clean energy with water tank storage is presented to supply drinking water of customers for remote areas. The objective function is to minimize the net present cost (NPC) (as economic index) including initial investment costs, maintenance, and replacement costs, and reliability constraint is defined as customer's water not supplied probability (CWNSP) as technical index. A meta-heuristic intelligent water drops algorithm (IWDA) is proposed to optimize the solar water pumping system considering NPC and CWNSP with high accuracy and speed of optimization in achieving the global solution. The simulation results show that the proposed method is capable of responding to customer's water demand by optimally sizing components and water storage tank based on IWDA which is inspired based on flowing the water drops in rivers by achieving the lowest cost with optimal reliability. The NPC of the system with CWNSP equal to 3.17 % is obtained 0.24 M$ for 6-m-high water extraction. The results showed that with increasing the water extraction height, the NPC increased, and the reliability also weakened. Moreover, the superiority of the IWDA is confirmed compared with particle swarm optimization (PSO) in designing a water pumping system with the lowest NPC.
    Matched MeSH terms: Water Supply; Drinking Water*
  18. Mehmood A, Khan FSA, Mubarak NM, Tan YH, Karri RR, Khalid M, et al.
    Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 2021 Apr;28(16):19563-19588.
    PMID: 33651297 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-021-12589-3
    Numerous contaminants in huge amounts are discharged to the environment from various anthropogenic activities. Waterbodies are one of the major receivers of these contaminants. The contaminated water can pose serious threats to humans and animals, by distrubing the ecosystem. In treating the contaminated water, adsorption processes have attained significant maturity due to lower cost, easy operation and environmental friendliness. The adsorption process uses various adsorbent materials and some of emerging adsorbent materials include carbon- and polymer-based magnetic nanocomposites. These hybrid magnetic nanocomposites have attained extensive applications in water treatment technologies due to their magnetic properties as well as combination of unique characteristics of organic and inorganic elements. Carbon- and polymer-related magnetic nanocomposites are more adapted materials for the removal of various kinds of contaminants from waterbodies. These nanocomposites can be produced via different approaches such as filling, pulse-laser irradiation, ball milling, and electro-spinning. This comprehensive review is compiled by reviewing published work of last the latest recent 3 years. The review article extensively focuses on different approaches for producing various carbon- and polymer-based magnetic nanocomposites, their merits and demerits and applications for sustainable water purification. More specifically, use of carbon- and polymer-based magnetic nanocomposites for removal of heavy metal ions and dyes is discussed in detail, critically analyzed and compared with other technologies. In addition, commercial viability in terms of regeneration of adsorbents is also reviewed. Furthermore, the future challenges and prospects in employing magnetic nanocomposites for contaminant removal from various water sources are presented.
    Matched MeSH terms: Water; Water Purification*
  19. Islam A, Teo SH, Ahmed MT, Khandaker S, Ibrahim ML, Vo DN, et al.
    Chemosphere, 2021 Jun;272:129653.
    PMID: 33486455 DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2021.129653
    The contamination of groundwater by arsenic (As) in Bangladesh is the biggest impairing of a population, with a large number of peoples affected. Specifically, groundwater of Gangetic Delta is alarmingly contaminated with arsenic. Similar, perilous circumstances exist in many other countries and consequently, there is a dire need to develop cost-effective decentralized filtration unit utilizing low-cost adsorbents for eliminating arsenic from water. Morphological synthesis of carbon with unique spherical, nanorod, and massive nanostructures were achieved by solvothermal method. Owing to their intrinsic adsorption properties and different nanostructures, these nanostructures were employed as adsorption of arsenic in aqueous solution, with the purpose to better understanding the morphological effect in adsorption. It clearly demonstrated that carbon with nanorods morphology exhibited an excellent adsorption activity of arsenite (about 82%) at pH 3, remarkably superior to the two with solid sphere and massive microstructures, because of its larger specific surface area, enhanced acid strength and improved adsorption capacity. Furthermore, we discovered that iron hydroxide radicals and energy-induced contact point formation in nanorods are the responsible for the high adsorption of As in aqueous solution. Thus, our work provides insides into the microstructure-dependent capability of different carbon for As adsorption applications.
    Matched MeSH terms: Water Purification*; Waste Water
  20. Rozaini MNH, Khoo KS, Abdah MAAM, Ethiraj B, Alam MM, Anwar AF, et al.
    Environ Geochem Health, 2024 Mar 11;46(3):111.
    PMID: 38466501 DOI: 10.1007/s10653-024-01917-4
    With the advancement of technologies and growth of the economy, it is inevitable that more complex processes are deployed, producing more heterogeneous wastewater that comes from biomedical, biochemical and various biotechnological industries. While the conventional way of wastewater treatment could effectively reduce the chemical oxygen demand, pH and turbidity of wastewater, trace pollutants, specifically the endocrine disruptor compounds (EDCs) that exist in µg L-1 or ng L-1 have further hardened the detection and removal of these biochemical pollutants. Even in small amounts, EDC could interfere human's hormone, causing severe implications on human body. Hence, this review elucidates the recent insights regarding the effectiveness of an advanced 2D material based on titanium carbide (Ti3C2Tx), also known as MXene, in detecting and removing EDCs. MXene's highly tunable feature also allows its surface chemistry to be adjusted by adding chemicals with different functional groups to adsorb different kinds of EDCs for biochemical pollution mitigation. At the same time, the incorporation of MXene into sample matrices also further eases the analysis of trace pollutants down to ng L-1 levels, thereby making way for a more cleaner and comprehensive wastewater treatment. In that sense, this review also highlights the progress in synthesizing MXene from the conventional method to the more modern approaches, together with their respective key parameters. To further understand and attest to the efficacy of MXene, the limitations and current gaps of this potential agent are also accentuated, targeting to seek resolutions for a more sustainable application.
    Matched MeSH terms: Water/analysis; Waste Water
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