Students nowadays in Malaysia and globally, prefer to consume caffeinated energy drink to stay up late to finish their daily task especially during exams or finishing their coursework. Despite the rising trends and aggressive marketing strategies aimed toward college students, there has been little research done on college students’ intake of caffeinated energy drinks and their impact on sleep quality such as the daytime sleepiness. Bad sleep quality is also significantly found more commonly in those with psychological distress which will then consequently affect students’ academic performances. This research studies about universities student pattern of consumption of caffeinated energy drink and how it affects their level of daytime sleepiness and level of psychological distress. In this research, The Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS) was used to evaluate general level of daytime sleepiness and the capability to stay alert and awake during crucial moments of the day. While the level of psychological distress were measured using the 12-item General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12), a self-administered screening instrument designed to detect current diagnosable mental disturbances and disorders. Research findings showed that there are generally higher usage of caffeinated energy drink in male, between 20 to 22 years old and active in any physical activity, among participants whom does not consume caffeinated energy drink, majority score CGPA between 3.00 to 3.50. Also, there are significance between the psychological distress and consumption of caffeinated energy drink, 86.3% whom does not consume caffeinated energy drink does not have psychological distress and between daytime sleepiness and psychological distress, about 71.8% daytime sleepers have psychological distress (p
The use of honey as a therapeutic agent dates back at 8000 years and has markedly increased interest into its potential
health benefits. The by-products of the flower nectar have a complex chemical composition which promotes benefits in
underlying mechanism of human diseases. Malaysian Tualang Honey (MTH) is a multifloral jungle honey produced by
the rock bee (Apis dorsata). This review consolidates the results of carious studies involving biochemical assays of tissue
culture and animal trials of anti-cancer properties of MTH. Often studied in the context of breast cancer cell lines, MTH
has promising data for possible mechanisms in anti-cancer activity. These include apoptosis via depolarization of the
mitochondrial membrane, caspase-dependent apoptosis, reduction of angiogenesis and the promotion of cell cycle arrest
without posing cytotoxic effect on normal cell lines. Despite positive outcomes in tissue cultures, the oral administration
of MTH in breast cancer animal models showed slower tumour progression, reduction in tumour size and better grading
of histological features. The alleviation of breast carcinogenesis via modulation of hematologic, estrogenic and apoptotic
activities promotes MTH as a promising anticancer agent. With confidence in a conclusion that MTH is a useful treatment
for cancer, further experimental and clinical studies should be conducted.
In this paper, we develop algebraic order conditions for two-point block hybrid method up to order five using the approach
of B-series. Based on the order conditions, we derive fifth order two-point block explicit hybrid method for solving
special second order ordinary differential equations (ODEs), where the existing explicit hybrid method of order five is
used to be the method at the first point. The method is then trigonometrically fitted so that it can be suitable for solving
highly oscillatory problems arising from special second order ODEs. The new trigonometrically-fitted block method is
tested using a set of oscillatory problems over a very large interval. Numerical results clearly showed the superiority
of the method in terms of accuracy and execution time compared to other existing methods in the scientific literature.
Despite being effective in promoting healthy dietary behaviour, smartphone apps are scarcely available for our local communities and the majority of nutritional-related information is based on western food selections. Our new innovation aims to provide specific educational advice about recommended food intake, types, nutritional qualities and weight issues for cancer patients and survivors who suffer appetite problems and nutritional deficits. The Cancer Dietary (CanDiTM) app was developed as a convenient, flexible and attractively engaging smartphone app containing healthy tips which are uniquely tailored to the local food choices, preferences and ingredients. This helps customise users’ dietary needs besides permitting constant information up-dating. Features are broadly categorised into Healthy Eating Guide (advice from healthy eating to eating problems, weight loss prevention and increasing proteins and calories intake) and Malaysian Recipes For Cancer Patients (focusing on common Malaysian dishes, ingredients, treatment-based recipes and special diets). An additional Symptom Diary allows user’s personal profile to be recorded and stored virtually online. Its feasibility and acceptability were further tested among 30 cancer patients, family caregivers and dieticians recruited from a public hospital in Terengganu, Malaysia. Very good feasibility (> 80%) and excellent acceptability (> 90%) were reported regarding its ease of operation, suitability of language used, attractiveness, knowledge enhancement and perceived usefulness. With this scientific yet creative innovation, routine dietary habits related to cancer conditions could be easily facilitated for both patients/survivors as well as family caregivers for their independent and healthy living.
In vivo stability of biomaterial-based bone scaffolds often present a significant drawback in the development of materials
for tissue engineering purpose. Previously developed nanobiocomposite bone scaffold using alginate and nano cockle shell
powder has shown ideal characteristics. However, it showed high degradation rate and reduced stability in an in vivo
setting. In this study, we aim to observe the effect of cross-linking glutaraldehyde (GA) in three different concentrations
of 0.5%, 1% and 2% during the fabrication process as a potential factor in increasing scaffold stability. Microstructure
observations of scaffolds using scanning electron microscope (SEM) showed all scaffolds crossed linked with GA and
control had an ideal pore size ranging from 166.8-203.5 µm. Increase in porosity compared to the control scaffolds
was observed in scaffolds cross-linked with 2% GA which also presented better structural integrity as scored through
semi-quantitative methods. Tested pH values during the degradation period showed that scaffolds from all groups
remained within the range of 7.73-8.76. In vitro studies using osteoblast showed no significant changes in cell viability
but a significant increase in ALP enzyme levels in scaffold cross-linked with 2% GA. The calcium content released from
all scaffold showed significant differences within and between the groups. It can be concluded that the use of GA in the
preparation stage of the scaffold did not affect the growth and proliferation of osteoblast and use of 2% GA showed
improved scaffold structural integrity and porosity.
In this day and age, with the ever-growing population and energy demand, we should take the renewable option route in our energy source. We should also keep in mind that said energy should not cause any lasting environmental damage, one of the perfect example being solar energy. A country that is hot and sunny all year long is the perfect contributor to solar energy, case in point, Malaysia. With that in mind Solar Tree is designed and developed to facilitate consumers who need electric power at any place, anytime, anywhere. The objective of this study is to assess a mini project in the likes of Solar Tree that can generate electricity without harming the environment, despite the weather. Intended specifically to be a mini project, it is understandable that electricity generated is limited, with only up to 500W in total. As a trial, two electronic devices were tested, specifically a mobile phone and a laptop, as both devices are used almost every day. The data collected is then tabulated and analysed. It was concluded the solar tree developed proved efficient in charging both devices and will continue to do so given enough sunlight.
Nanosilver particles (NSPs) were produced by the reduction of silver nitrate using glucose as reducer, poly (vinyl pyrrolidone) as stabilizer and sodium hydroxide as reaction enhancer. Two parameters were investigated which are silver nitrate concentration (0.1 M, 0.5 M and 1.0 M) and reaction temperature (60°C and 80°C). Through spectral analysis using ultraviolet-visible spectrophotometer (UV-vis), all the samples recorded the maximum peak in the range of 384-411 nm which verified the formation of NSPs. TEM images showed the nanoparticles have spherical shape with the size range of 25-39 nm. Particle size and zeta potential analysis recorded the hydrodynamic size of nanoparticles in the range of 85-105 nm and the zeta potential ranging from -25 to -30 mV, under the pH value of 8. X-ray diffraction analysis showed that the NSPs have face center cubic (FCC) structure. All the produced NSPs surprisingly showed ferromagnetic-like behaviour based on the magnetization curves. FTIR result confirmed the presence of poly (vinyl pyrrolidone) on the NSPs surface. Furthermore, at the reaction temperature 60°C, the crystallite size, physical size as well as hydrodynamic size increased as the precursor concentration increased from 0.1 M to 0.5 M. However, as the precursor concentration further increases to 1.0 M, the size become smaller due to incomplete reduction process. In contrast, at 80°C, the sizes was gradually increased as the precursor concentration increases up to 1.0 M. In terms of controlled precursor concentration, the crystallite size and physical size become smaller as the temperature increases.
Introduction: Providing adequate and equal access to healthcare is a key goal towards achieving universal health coverage. However, social and demographic inequalities in accessing health care services exist in both developed and developing countries. This study examined the demographic and socio-economic factors associated with the lack of access to public clinics in the Greater Kuala Lumpur area.
Materials and Methods: The study employed a survey involving 1032 participants. Data were collected using self- administered questionnaires distributed between October and December 2015 in the Greater Kuala Lumpur area.
Results: Of the 1032 participants, 535 were public clinic users. A quarter (25.8%) of the users stated that they did not have access to public clinics in their residential area. A multiple logistic analysis showed that the elderly, the women, those from ethnic minority groups, those of lower family income, and the private sector workers were more likely not to have access to public clinics than their counterparts.
Conclusions: The existing level of accessibility to public clinics could be improved by increasing the number of clinics. Clinics should be established to focus more on reaching the elderly, the women, the ethnic minority groups, the poorer families, and the private sector employees.
Pressurized water reactor (PWR) type AP1000 is a third generation of a nuclear
power plant. The primary system of PWR using uranium dioxide to generate heat energy
via fission process. The process influences temperature, pressure and pH value of water
chemistry of the PWR. The aim of this paper is to transform the primary system of PWR
using fuzzy autocatalytic set (FACS). In this work, the background of primary system
of PWR and the properties of the model are provided. The simulation result, namely
dynamic concentration of PWR is verified against published data.
Tourists visiting destination in warm climate countries such as Malaysia might easily be affected with dehydration problem. Places like the Zoo requires tourist to walk intensively inside the Zoo area may cause dehydration if they do not consume enough plain water. This ZIBMAP innovative product intends to benefit the tourist wellness who visits the National Zoo, comes with an informative map and attractive infographic habitat, which can be kept as a souvenir. This innovative product is designed based on environmental-friendly features that support the implementation of environmental sustainability. A feasibility survey on dehydration risk awareness and the potential of the product acceptance for commercialization was carried out using a quantitative method. A convenience sampling technique was used to identify 300 tourists visiting the National Zoo as respondents for this survey. Descriptive analysis results indicated that majority of respondents aware of the dehydration risk and supported the used of the ZIBMAP innovative product. The outcome of the study highlighted the potential of this product to be commercialized and contribute to tourists’ wellness.
Introduction: Adolescent aggression is an important public health concern with escalating prevalence of juvenile cases and violence among these age groups including robbery, homicide, and gang fights. The objectives of this study protocol are to determine the biopsychosocial predictors and explore the contextual factors of adolescent ag- gression among secondary school students in Hulu Langat. Methods: Explanatory mixed method study design will be used, consist of quantitative cross-sectional study followed by basic qualitative study. Proportionate population sampling among Form 4 secondary school students from selected public secondary schools in Hulu Langat will be executed. Questionnaires will be distributed to 481 students on aggression as the dependent variable, and several independent variables: demographic (ethnicity, family income), biological (sex, head injury, nutritional deficiency, breakfast skipping), psychological (attitude and normative beliefs, personality trait, emotional intelligence), and so- cial factors (family environment, single parent status, domestic violence, peer deviant affiliation, alcohol, smoking, substance abuse). Subsequently, participants with moderate to high aggression scores will be further explored on the contextual factors of adolescent aggression by in-depth interview. Multiple linear regression will be executed using SPSS to determine significant predictors whereas thematic analysis will be applied for qualitative data analysis on the context of adolescent aggression. Both findings will be further integrated and discussed to give comprehensive description on the phenomena. Conclusion: Better knowledge and understanding on adolescent aggression may generate new framework to drive more effective preventive strategies and unravel adolescent aggressive related Pub- lic Health problems.
In the current study, a total of 86 soccer’s players with mean age of 14 years drawn from Terengganu soccer academy were tested in performing 10 parameters aiming at determining the performance of those players based on assessing the contribution of each activity and its corresponding significant level. The 10 performance related parameters involved anthropometry (BMI), fitness test (agility, coordination, muscular endurance (push and sit up), power, YoYo level), and football skill test (dribbling with ball, dribbling without ball and juggling). All the parameters testing is carried out based on international standard and performed by well-trained staff. The Pearson correlation analysis was used to achieve the objective in this study. Result shows a positive correlation between the two types of muscular parameters; the power is influenced by BMI and coordination; the specific football tests are highly impacted by the power and agility. The coefficient of determination R^2 and the significance level p-values show that the parameters that can be significantly considered are the anthropometric BMI (0.020), agility (0.025), muscular endurance (0.039 and 0.043), power (0.039), special football test without the ball (0.041), and juggling (0.046). The coordination, YoYo, football special test with the ball were not found to be significantly accounted for preparing the young players to achieve the required performance. Based on the results of the coefficient of determination and the significance p-values of the parameters, a model was proposed to determine the highest and lowest parameters that play important roles in the selection of young players.
The tone of peking 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 1’ was investigated using time-frequency analysis (TFA). The frequencies were measured using PicoScope oscilloscope, Melda analyzer in Cubase version 9 and Adobe version 3. Three different approaches for time-frequency analysis were used: Fourier spectra (using PicoScope), spectromorphology (using Melda analyzer) and spectrograms (using Adobe). Fourier spectra only identify intensity-frequency within entire signals, while spectromorphology identify the changes of intensity-frequency spectrum at fixed time and Adobe spectrograms identify the frequency with time. PicoScope reading produces the spectra of the fundamental and overtone frequencies in the entire sound. These overtones are non-harmonic since they are non-integral multiples of the fundamental. The fundamental frequencies of peking 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 were 1066Hz (C6), 1178Hz (D6), 1342Hz (E6), 1599Hz (G6) and 1793Hz (A6) respectively while peking 1’was 2123Hz (C7) i.e. one octave higher than peking 1. Melda analyzer reading proved that all peking sustained the initial fundamental frequency and overtone at t=0 until 2s. TFA from Adobe reading provides a description of the sound in the time-frequency plane. From TFA, peking 1, 2 and 6 exhibited a much gentler attack and more rapid decay than peking 3, 5 and 1’.
Gamelan in general is categorized as a group of gongs. This traditional Malay gamelan ensemble is in a slendro scale i.e. five notes per octave. The rhythms, pitch, duration and loudness classify the various groups of gongs such as bonang, kenong, gender, peking and gambang. The cast bronze peking, kenong and bonang were chosen from a range of Malay gamelan ensemble from Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS), Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) and Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM). The sounds were recorded by PicoScope Oscilloscope. The PicoScope software displays waveform and spectrum in time and frequency domain respectively. The peking lowest and highest frequencies from UiTM were 293 Hz and 1867 Hz, from UPM were 644 Hz and 1369 Hz, from UKM were 1064 Hz and 2131 Hz and from UNIMAS were 1072 Hz and 2105 Hz respectively. The kenong lowest and highest frequencies from UiTM were 259 Hz and 463 Hz, from UPM were 294 Hz and 543 Hz, from UKM were 300 Hz and 540 Hz and from UNIMAS were 293 Hz and 519 Hz respectively. The fundamental frequencies of bonang from UPM were higher than that of UKM, UiTM and UNIMAS. The harmonics were not successive but interrupted by another frequency. The harmonics of each bonang was similar except for gamelan from UKM.
Safety and feasibility of transoral robotic surgery (TORS) in adults for otolaryngology surgery,
mainly in the treatment of oropharyngeal carcinoma and obstructive sleep apnoea has already
been established several years ago. However, less is known with respect to the role and safety
of TORS for otolaryngology surgery in the paediatric age group and its description in the
literature is currently insufficient. As paediatric patients are unique in their anatomy, physiology
and pharmacological kinetic, special attention and consideration has to be applied when using
TORS, hence this increases the perioperative challenges. Herewith we present our experience
in anaesthetising a paediatric patient for TORS adenotonsillectomy which is the first not only
in our centre but in Malaysia. Our major obstacle was the limited airway access as the area of
concern was shared by the anaesthesiologist, surgeon and also the robotic system.
Haemodynamic stabilisation was a challenge compared to the conventional method as the
operative time increased due to robot docking time and the new surgical learning process. In
our opinion, the key point for the success of TORS adenotonsillectomy in paediatric patients is
good communication and teamwork between all personnel involved in the surgery.
Introduction: Lean healthcare outcome is usually measured with multiple key performance metrics but there is a lack of tools that enabled efficiency assessment. This research aimed to assess the efficiency among lean public emergen- cy departments (ED) through Slack-Based Measure Data Envelopment Analysis (SBM-DEA) and evaluate the impact of lean on the efficiency in public emergency departments. Methods: A retrospective observational study design using data on the number of support staff, number of doctors, number of discharge, arrival to consultant and length of stay. Efficiency scores of 20 Malaysian public EDs were computed using SBM-DEA modelling and compared be- tween before and after lean implementation. Results: A total of 13 out of 20 public EDs exhibited improvement in ar- rival to consultant and length of stay upon lean implementation. However, only 9 out of the 13 public EDs have had an improvement in efficiency score. Conclusion: Lean healthcare demonstrated a positive impact on the efficiency level of some public EDs. The SBM-DEA model offers the benchmarking capability and slack elimination information that may complement the lean continuous improvement philosophy.
Introduction: Chronic musculoskeletal pain is a common disabling condition among older adults with the major- ity, remain undertreated. This study aimed to determine the uptake of non-pharmacological treatment for chronic musculoskeletal pain among older adults and the associated factors. Methods: A stratified sampling proportionate to size with individual clinics as the strata were used to recruit 276 respondents from six public health clinics in Petaling district, one of the most aged districts in the state of Selangor, Malaysia. Based on the proportion calculat- ed, eligible older adults were selected by systematic random sampling from the registration list. Data was collected using a pre-tested and validated questionnaire through a face-to-face interview with respondents. The questionnaire comprised of seven sections, namely, socio-demographic, comorbidity, depression, pain severity, treatment options, attitude towards chronic pain and chronic musculoskeletal pain. Inferential analysis was conducted using Chi- Square (X2) and Fisher’s Exact Tests. The P value of < 0.05 regarded as statistically significant. Results: A total of 242 (87.7%) of the respondents had chronic musculoskeletal pain, in which 235 (85.1%) were treated with non-pharma- cological treatments. The commonly used non-pharmacological treatments were exercise (67.8%), biological-based therapies (40.9%) and massage (33.7%). The uptake of non-pharmacological treatment for chronic musculoskeletal pain among older adults was significantly associated with the presence of diabetes. Conclusion: The findings re- vealed the remarkably high uptake of non-pharmacological treatment among older adults who experienced chronic musculoskeletal pain which was significantly associated with diabetes and the presence of other diseases like high blood pressure, osteoarthritis, back pain and rheumatic arthritis.
Head and neck cancer (HNC) is among the common cancer in Malaysia. Depending on the location of the cancer in head and neck region, each type of HNC has its own characteristics and prevalence to specific gender and ethnicity. The remote and inaccessible location of the cancer also cause the difficulty to detect the cancer. This make the cancer usually diagnosed at late stage and make the treatment very challenges and ended with low survival rate of post-treatment among HNC patients. In fact, the detection of HNC at early stage could promise high successful recovery rate. This situation demand lots of studies to explore the carcinogenesis of HNC and searching for robust diagnostic, prognostic and therapeutic biomarkers. MicroRNA (miRNA) is a class of non-coding RNA that regulate cellular physiology at post-transcriptional level. miRNAs expression has
been found to deregulate in various disease state, including cancer. A few studies revealed that miRNAs can behave as oncogenic and tumour suppressor in HNC. Even HNC is common in Malaysia, the studies of miRNA in HNC are still scarce. In this review article, we highlight the studies of miRNA in HNC that have been published by Malaysian researchers with aim to call more Malaysian researchers to focus on miRNA researches in HNC.
The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of different inter-stimulus intervals to the Cortical Auditory Evoked Potential (CAEP) findings in adult participants. Nineteen normal hearing individuals aged between 20 and 24 years old participated in this study. CAEP were measured by presenting 1000 Hz tone burst stimulus at 70dBnHL at three different inter-stimulus intervals (ISI)s of 2000, 909 and 555 ms in randomized order. Results revealed significant changes in the CAEP’s amplitude as a function of ISI with a reduction of P1-N1 amplitude of up to 50%. N2 peak was absent in some subjects using short ISI (555 ms). This study concluded that the use of very short ISI (e.g. 555 ms) may not be appropriate clinically because it can reduce the CAEP wave amplitude
and can cause an absence of peak N2. In contrast, the use of short ISI may be useful for other clinical applications that may benefit from neural habituation and refractoriness, for example to predict the potential future outcome of speech and mental disorders.
This study was designed to examine the relationship between attitude, subjective norms and perceived behavioral control towards parents’ intention in sending their child to the audiologist. A sample of 76 parents with hearing impaired child all over the Peninsular of Malaysia was involved in this research. A set of questionnaires was used for data collection. The theory of planned behavioral (TPB) was able to explain the link between human intention and their behavior. In this study, the researcher looked at parents’ behavior in bringing their child to Audiologist. In order to achieve this a set of questionnaires was adapted from Jusoh (2011) and was administered to a group of parents with hearing loss (HL) children. The result showed that there were correlations between attitude, subjective norms as well as perceived behavioral control and parents’ intention in sending their child to the audiologist. However, there was no correlation between intentions and behavior towards the same intention.